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MARCH 2025

Ex-Russian President Medvedev On The West: Behold A Pale Horse

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Ex-Russian President Medvedev On The West: Behold A Pale Horse

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Written by Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, former President of the Russian Federation

The plight of the Western political class is sometimes sad, often hilarious, and, on occasion, sinister.

Soap opera clowns, completely uninterested in genuine public service, control the lives of millions of unfortunates, including the soldiers they send to a certain death.

A group of clueless freaks, the latest iteration of their fascist forebearers, sit in the Reichstag. They demand that long-range missiles be sent to their neo-Nazi offspring, thereby inviting even longer-range missiles to fall on their heads.

Doddery political has-beens shuffle on and off stage, shake hands with ghosts and embrace greedy whores in the guise of widows of deceased intelligence assets.

Anniversaries of the SWO are marked by Western prostitutes jetting in and out of Kiev, in futile attempts to distract electorates from their burgeoning poverty. The leaders of the free world eagerly lick the dirty boots of their American master, in an ecstasy of servility.

The petty and tragic heirs of Bonaparte, donning the golden epaulettes torn off two hundred years ago, are eager for revenge. With faux Napoleonic grandeur, they make empty threats about punishing Russia, and sending non-existent NATO armies to rescue their Ukrainian lackies.

The stench of the decayed brains of Western politicians is more noxious every day. And so the pale horse and his ghostly rider approaches….

Dixi et animam levavi…


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jens holm

amerikunt clown show–12 cia bases in ukraine and the clowns continue to lose

Paul Citro

russians know that there are no responsible leaders in the west, only the foolish and the greedy. no cooperation is possible, only defensive measures.


russia has done something strange. they could have controlled the whole of donetsk luhansk without a single bullet, but they refused. they recognized the referendum in crimea, but they did not recognized donetsk, luhansk, and waited bloody 8 years for ukraine to be militarized. war is a good business in russia as well. weapon testing, having fun. the elites are of the same kind on both sides. there are not good guys in russia in military and politics.


and medvedev is an idiot, nothing else.


your bias is tripping up your bigotry. if you look at putin, he didn’t want a special military operation against his slavic brothers. that war was instigated by american banks and military complex, and there puppets your senators, they pick finance and offer you for candidates at your free elections. but even that’s not working, the different franchise of extremists are cooking elections to further foreign bankers and oligarchs with……


no. he’sright.


the reason behind the russian sanctions and to the ukrainian conflict is the same as in the destruction of libya. for destroying currencies that threaten the dollar. libya was overthrown because the countries of the middle east planned a gold-linked currency that would have weakened the dollar. the purpose of the sanctions was to topple the brics; russia and china. the fear of brics overrunning the dollar and the dollar’s ability to blackmail developing countries with economic sanctions


i have to remember that 2014 cannot be compared to today’s information. in the meantime, agreements had been signed, which of course the west broke. russia even aspired to become a member of nato. the situation changed over the years. hindsight is the best wisdom…

Warrior Nation

that’s because you are fucktarded fucktard!


i am sure that you are much much more idiotic than him

Florian Geyer

your infantile western trolling is on a par with the real gens holme.

Johan P

yes, the russians made a mistake there; they thought the west would keep it’s side of the bargain. and don’t forget that while those 8 years were used by the west to pump ukraine full of arms and train ukrainian troops, russia also used those years to make it’s economy more robust and modernize their army.


in year 2014 they saw the problem but needed to prepare.


another moron amerikan hillbilly

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

putin admits that he was fooled by thinking too highly of western values and leadership. being a decent and responsible leader, he made a big mistake. that won’t happen again by anyone in authority in the russian federation, or anywhere else in the world if the’ve been paying attention. the west has raided their kid’s piggybank and eaten far too much of their seed corn- the dye is cast…


everybody in the west will tell you that russian nuclear threats are bluff until they are reality. that’s the rothsch.’s script prepared for the “subhumans”. we even don’t have nuclear shelters. these from the 1st cold war are all abandoned and destroyed. “scientists”,”experts” and “tv whores” assure public that “tactical” nuclear exchange is quite cool thing.


you have to close your windows for three or fourth days to let the dust to settle down and then everything back to normal. i’m not kidding. that’s exactly what they say.


when they can be spraying the skies nonstop in grid patterns with new clouds that look very different, make people cough, make it more humid, and colder or warmer and snowing when it shouldn’t, then there isn’t a whole lot left to save anyway, imho. the snow looks different, acts different. these people are braindead and being full blown cannibal zombies isn’t far off.


nicely said!

Last edited 1 year ago by SkyBeam

i’d rather he equipped his tanks with jammers so that they are safe from drone strikes instead of type useless bullshit online.


facts are not bullshit. no need to be triggered.


medwedew sagt es ganz deutlich, der westen ist das moderne babylon

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

grande ex-presidente medvedev! glória, honra e poder a medvedev!


as the antichrist zionists ride the red horse of war it is fitting for the pale horse to follow.


russia is part of it.


medvedev has no place to speak. he has accepted the mark of the beast too.

R. ambrose Raven

presumably russia’s oligarchs, eager profiteers from capitalist restoration, are to be excluded from that group with whom they too have soooo much in common.




well said!

Erik 1953

this is a clear warning of an attack on all nazi politicians, and those that control them. na=national socialistic. zi=zionist. well that would be something different, an attack on only politicians and a coffee miss.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik 1953

unfortunately that’s exactly what it is. from brazil

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

wow! medvedev even outdoes the north koreans for creative putdowns worthy of the world stage! bravo, and keep them coming, gozpodin medvedev.


too much war retoric. what we need is negotiations to.solve this conflict in a diplomatic manner. zelensky even won the ukranian.elections on this promise he would avoid war with russia and negotiate honor the minsk agreememt. after he took office the hawks in washington and neo nazis jn his country put pressure on him to shift his policy. both the biden admin and the neonazis inside ukraine who recieve us funding are the reason this war drags on for as long as it dous


this heartland theory and zbignew brezinski and kissinger doctrine that drags us into a war by playing us off against eachoter has to stop. hopefully a full blown confrontation can be avoided until there are new elections in the states. biden can cheat and use every trick to fraud them. but people had enough and if trump wins negotations and a peace agreement is more possible

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace

i hope we see a trump election victory and a shift in us foreign policy. a restoration of peace is needed now more them ever. all these foreign wars were from us deepstate making from bush to arab spring under obama the united states deep state.plays very dirty games and it has to change.

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