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MARCH 2025

EXCLUSIVE: Appeal And Detailed Story Of Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh, US Fighter Captured In DPR

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US citizen Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh was born in California on February 17, 1995. He is ethnic Vietnamese. In 2014, he graduated from college in California with a degree in management.

From 2014 to 2018, Andy did active military service under contract with the 1345th US Marine Corps. According to Andy’s claims, he served as a heavy equipment operator, worked on a military pay loader. During his service, he was promoted to US Army corporal; his salary allegedly amounted to $ 1,500. Andy claims that in the last years of service he did not use firearms. However, he also said that he had passed 3-month training courses to use the M24 sniper rifle and M240 machine gun. For a long time, Andy Huynh served at the US Navy base on the island of Okinawa in Japan, where he suffered a barotrauma of his right ear. He also mastered his hand-to-hand combat skills. In 2018, he decided to retire from military service because he was no longer satisfied with the internal service schedule in his unit. After his discharge, Andy lived off his pension and worked as a courier driver.

Since 2014, Andy has been interested in the situation in Ukraine. He said that he saw a lot of pathetic American news about the events on the Maidan. In February-March 2022, being allegedly influenced by the US media, which reported on the criminal actions of Russian soldiers against civilians in Ukraine, he decided to take part in the military conflict on the side of Kiev.

He repeated almost the same claims as his military partner Alexander Drueke, another US citizen who was captured together with Andy, did. At the same time, their explanations seem implausible. In general, Americans are known for having little interest in the international agenda. According to these claims, the professional military men suddenly decided to go far away to fight for the independence of a country where they have never been and which they have nothing to do with only after watching several television stories in February 2022. Moreover, they both demonstrate in every possible way that monetary remuneration from Ukraine was not the main motive for their actions.

It is more likely that Andy, Alexander and other former US Army servicemen were sent to Ukraine by one of the American PMCs as part of a covert contract with the US Department of Defense or the CIA. This version is supported by the fact that they both arrived on the territory of Ukraine already provided with expensive military equipment, in particular sets of body armor, helmets, tactical boots, and first aid kits.

Andy claims that he filled out an e-form on the website of the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States in order to join the military formation of Ukraine called the Foreign Legion. It didn’t take long before he was contacted by an English-speaking man who introduced himself as Tim, official representative of the humanitarian mission from the state of Alabama. Recall that Alexander Drueke, Andy’s partner, is also from Alabama. Tim said that if Andy wants to join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, he had to arrive in Krakow and contact Alexander, representative of the humanitarian mission that is based in Lithuania. Andy was informed that his enlistment into the Foreign Legion will be covered by a legend of the activities of the humanitarian mission in Eastern Europe.

On March 31, 2022, Andy arrived in Krakow and contacted Alexander who turned out to be a priest of St. Martin’s Church in Krakow. Alexander settled Andy in a hotel nearby, where he stayed for 3-4 days. Probably, he stayed at Royal hotel where the cost of accommodation starts from $ 75 per day. The Order of Malta actively helps the Church of St. Martin in Krakow to work with Ukrainians through the Lutheran World Aid organisation with headquarters in Baltimore, USA. The main partners of this organization are also USAID, UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, OSPREY Foundation, etc.

Andy was further enrolled in a humanitarian convoy group consisting of 9 people. As part of this group, Andy crossed the Ukrainian border and arrived in Lviv. One of the group members told Andy to check in the Premier Hotel and wait for further instructions. The cost of a room in this hotel is about $ 78 per day.

On April 5, Andy was informed that he had to arrive at the Yavorov military training ground near Lviv to join the Foreign Legion. Upon his arrival, Andy found himself in a group of about 30 foreign fighters, including citizens of Great Britain, the USA, France and Poland. Later that day, he was enlisted to the tactical group to undergo combat coordination with 2 other US citizens and 2 French citizens. Andy got the call sign “Hate”. Over the next 3 days, they conducted joint combat training under the guidance of English-speaking instructors from Canada and the United States. They practiced combat interaction, moving on the battlefield, deployment of combat formations, shooting.

Once the foreigners’ military skills were established, they were sent to another base of the Foreign Legion in Rivne, where Andy signed a contract. The mercenaries were offered a payment of 1,500 euros in case of service outside the combat zone and 3,000 euros for service in the combat zone.

At the base in Rivne, Andy struck up a friendship with 3 other US citizens, including Alexander Drueke (call sign “Bama”).

Andy says that after arriving at the military base in Rivne, no one really dealt with them. The mercenaries were given personal weapons, AK-74 assault rifles, 5.45 caliber, and they were left to themselves. For several days, no units were formed and no commander was appointed. That’s why Andy and his friends decided to break their contracts and leave the base.

For about a month, they moved around the territory of Ukraine in order to find a paramilitary unit worthy in their opinion to participate in hostilities against Russia. Andy confirmed that one of the reasons for the search for a new division was to get “normal funding for their activities.” That is, the Americans were not satisfied with the compensation offered to them by the Ukrainian Foreign Legion.

EXCLUSIVE: Appeal And Detailed Story Of Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh, US Fighter Captured In DPR

Task Force Group Baguette

At the beginning of June 2022, they managed to reach the commander of the unofficial military formation in Ukraine, who said that he was ready to meet the requests of the Americans. It turned out to be a group of 12 foreign mercenaries under the command of an officer with a Russian name, who spoke fluently Ukrainian, Russian, English and French. Probably, he was an active or former member of the French Foreign Legion. The unit called itself Task Force “Baguette”. You may find their accounts on social networks (LINK).

The Americans decided to sign contracts with this unit. On the night of June 6-7, they arrived in Kharkiv, where they were met by 3 men who showed their warrant cards of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). US citizens were taken to a half-constructed civilian building where the group was located.When they arrived, they were met by a German and a French national. The Frenchman introduced himself as the group’s deputy commander. They also met several citizens of the United States and France. At the same time, French citizens said they were acting servicemen of the French Armed Forces or the French Foreign Legion.

On June 7, Andy and other Americans were given their personal weapons, CZ-807 assault automatic rifles with 7 magazines of 30 rounds and three boxes of 20 rounds. In the evening of the same day, Andy was informed that he had been appointed to the position of an anti-tank rocket launcher operator, and Alexander Drueke (“Bama”) was his assistant. Andy was given an RPG-7 grenade launcher and one grenade, and Alexander was given two more grenades. Andy says that during his stay with the Foreign Legion in Rivne, the Ukrainian military taught him how to handle the RPG-7. He fired 2 shots when training. After becoming member of the Baguette group, he was also given the opportunity to train with this weapon.

This information is doubtful, since video materials from social networks indicate that the fighters of the Baguette group used RPGs produced by NATO countries, and not Soviet RPG-7s. Most likely Andy used NLAW or another similar NATO anti-tank system.

On June 8, the commander of the unit set the task to move out on a combat mission. The group arrived on dirt roads on 3 cross-country vehicles to a clearing in the forest area. The members of the group were informed that amid the retreat of the AFU units in this area, their task was to cover the retreating Ukrainian forces.

Andy and Alexander took their position. Observing the area, they saw retreating Ukrainian soldiers followed by Russian infantry fighting vehicles. The Americans were ordered to move closer to the dirt road along which the enemy’s military equipment pursued the Ukrainians. After a while, Andy saw the tank tracks protruding from behind the embankment. He fired his grenade launcher. He claims that the target was not hit. Then, changing their positions, the group moved to the place where they left their cars. There they found only one abandoned vehicle out of 3. By this time, the rest of the mercenaries had left the battlefield. Andy’s partner reported that at that moment the car was already being inspected by Russian servicemen. Intense small arms fire and fire from armored vehicles were heard all around.

Andy and Alexander decided to hide their grenade launcher and the remaining grenades and hide in the area and wait for the end of the battle. After the shooting subsided, they went in the direction from where they thought they had arrived. After wandering about 40 kilometers, the Americans came to a settlement where they were captured by Russian servicemen.

In general, the revealed information about the adventures of Andy and Alexander in Ukraine raise a lot of doubts. The prisoners seek to whitewash themselves assuring they were victims of American propaganda who did not have time to cause any damage to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the DPR or the LPR. The available videos demonstrate that the foreign mercenaries were not beaten, tortured or psychological pressured. They are kept in much better conditions than even residents of the DPR convicted of crimes.


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These guys are turd farmers, bury them.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Assad Defeated Zionists

There’s a bunch of assholes who’ve developed a morbid superiority complex from killing hundreds of thousands of foreign civilians in banana republics around the world, but once they go against peer powers they get their ass kicked and cry like little girls.


On Instagram and facebook they played tough guys, hungry to ‘kill Ruskis’. And, well, now it’s “-I am a peaceful person, I love Russia. War? What is it?”

Last edited 2 years ago by Max

He does not looks like Vietnamese. He made his choice, he thought he is going to Hollywood make war movies. Unfortunately, he made mistake, and have to pay price. US government has no mercy for others, so should not have DPR or Russia mercy for him. He went to UA to kill people for money.

Max Schmidt

For the Nazis of the Schutzstaffel Kraken, Azov and Right Sector this Vietnamese is nothing more than a Untermensch, but at least a useful idiot, who will be executed for the sake of the Racist Ukros who hate Asians like him.


Seems to me this was a group of saboteurs behind enemy lines and the mission gone wrong

Kill Putin

We will avenge our fallen comrades, your sacrifices will not be forgotten, we will chop of the Heads of Captured Russian Soilders and send them back home to their family members! No mercy for the Baby Killers, No Mercy for the Human Cockroach Putin! Glory to Ukraine!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Kill Putin

They will be forgotten, like a turd you flush down the toilet LOL Slava Rossiya

mummy was for profit

cia upvote LGBT in langley


Oh, btw, wtf is a Ukraine?? LOL!! The Nazi shithole is gone TROLOLOLO

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Ukraine is 100% screwed and so is the JewSA and for the same reason, the Jews!

Putin is laughing at you



Because the Google apps built into SF have been hacked and Jscript virus implanted – outwardly website tests “clean ” but Google is controlling posters posts.


Tried to give a POSITIVE vote it changed it to a NEGATIVE vote –SF please attend to this.


Yeah, I’ve had some mild ones removed too, wierd


Jensi and Hansi are manipulating the likes here, wow, just like little kids playing in the yard. Get a life.

biden is pedo peter

too boo coo


If only that pow got shot instead. https://odysee.com/@natall:0/william-pierce-understanding-enemies:5

jens holm

He is verry sexxy and handsome. Wee need more like him in Denmark.


You can have his body and share it with Jens Stoltenberg.

me sawyer tranny

other 3 braincell robot in nebraska like to put our sperm in your rectum

Seymour Undies

Don’t believe for one minute that this merc was such a low paid, innocent, unskilled soldier seduced by propaganda. He was in it for the money. He likely had the skills to run the Himars and was there to operate technical equipment that Ukrainians are not up to snuff to operate. So hang the POS.


Yes, but now the fun is over for this scumbag. He now has to pay, perhaps with is miserable life. Nobody’s gonna miss this bastard.


He is not authentic. Give him a sight test.

hunter bidé lab pork !

so….he saw stupid disney gay propaganda and joined the clowns !!

Natalie Biden was 13

British mercenary sentenced to death in the Donetsk People’s Republic Aidan Aslin recently sang the Russian anthem. Now, for Andy I have also a suggestion, you can sing this very good song here: youtube.com/watch?v=rtZFtzXA0fQ


He is making it glaringly obvious that he is reading this. To me, it looks like he is ACTING as if he is under constraints in this video. This guy has fallen out with integrity. Give him a sight test as he is finding ist SO hard to read his own writing.

Kill Putin

Just Know Brother You Will Never Be Forgotten, We Will Avenge All Of Our Comrades, And For Every One of Our Captured Soilders Killed, We Will Chop of Ten Heads of Captured Russian Soilders and send them back Home To Their Families, No Mercy for The Baby Killers, No Mercy For The Human Cockroach Putin!

V. V. P.

Boring! Ukropnazistan is gone. Forever. You will do nothing.


Notice PRO Russia supporters get marked down and cant be changed -its getting a farce now.


Emailed SF Team about takeover by US/UK bots.

The Trump News Network

How’s the weather in Israel?

The Trump News Network

First he wanted to kill people now he wants to go home … boo hoo. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Execute him. No mercy. I bet he was a cook or a mechanic huh?


Definetaly no competent highly skilled mechanic (not intelligent nor tough enough) its a poof,FIXED!


Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh.

Proof that after America destroyed his parents home and made his family refugees… like Korean “Americans”… like Japanese “Americans”… like German “Americans”… Iraqi “Americans”… Afghan “Ameircans”… They all wind up drinking the same Kool-Aid as the rest of U.$ putting money as the most prized sacred idol at the expense of everything else their parents and grandparents didn’t value!…

And the worst part of your ignorance Andy “Tai” is that $USD you worship isn’t even worth anything ANYMORE!…

A better use of your formative education served in the U.S. military after high school was to get reacquainted with your relatives in Vietnam and start a new life and career “there” instead!….

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Just another MSM-inspired valiant mercenary fallen prey victimised by western propaganda drowned in toxic delusion.


You’re right. And too many video games to go with those movies…

And not enough “Newton’s Third Law of Motion” study that should have kept him from a military career when he was in high school right around 2007!?…

Probably flunked high school physics!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

For sure,not just his relatives right across the board anddumb neo libby braindead punk! Fair trial if guilty pay for crimes.


He wasn’t deluded. I think he just wanted to be a killer, as the Marine Corps trained him.

The Crunge

I’m in shock! They got Andy Tai Ngoc!


They’ve got it wrong, poor Andy was just a guy selling Vietnamese Street food in the azoville.


Banh Mi sandwiches are made with baguettes, so it makes sense.


+7 (corrected)

The Crunge

My oh my! They got Andy Tai!



AM Hants

So he is an US Marine, who became interested in Ukraine, following the Maidan, back in 2014. He came out of the Marines, back in 2018, just 4 years ago. Yep, can believe that he was on a Gap year in Ukraine, minding his own business and just happened to stumble into the Russians. Also believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, or am I being cynical? Didn’t his mate have a chemical weapons division badge, on his uniform when caught?


He’s one of the toxic elements of the satanic American scheme.


Yes, his buddy’s MOS was Chemical Weapons Expert… they were just cooks honest… not a false flag team trying to stir shite up.


This guy is a Psycho. He loves war, because, he can kill legally and even get stars and rewards for it. Look at his rap sheet and the one of his friend. Jail bait and soon to be execution court bait.


Nothing for you BUT A BULLET FROM A FIRING SQUAD wish i was there to see this NAZI DIE. =Z=

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