The fighting in Ukraine is accompanied by a fierce information war. Both sides of the conflict seek to embellish their successes and attribute defeats to their enemy. This is done by various means, up to the production of fakes and staged videos, which is mainly done by the Ukrainian side. In turn, the Russian side is trying to embellish its successes by choosing the needed shoots from fragments of video recordings.
In the video, the soldiers of the special forces of the DPR described the real situation in Mariupol, criticizing the hooray-patriotic approach of many Russian and local journalists. He notes that there is a hard war going on, when the real victory may be achieved only on the battlefield, and not on the screens. He emphasizes that the approaches used by Ukrainian propagandists should be avoided, and it is necessary to provide the audience with the real image of the ongoing developments, as in a war, the one who tells the truth always wins.

This map clearly demonstrates the real military developments in Mariupol and places where indeed the clashes continue
Dear Friends, South Front strives and will strive to provide an objective picture of the developments taking place on the frontlines in Ukraine. We are publishing materials that are trustworthy, like this interview.
1. High-rising buildings: bring them on their footprints like Israel did in Gaza: by means of precision bombing of their carrying pillars. 2. Inside Azovstal: 2.1 Use military-robots like Russia has been demonstrating for years now. 2.2 Napalm (Fire bombs) wouldn’t melt the cast-Iron facilities, but will kill the Nazis. (NOT thermobaric).
3. Fire Shoygu, hire John Deer
Did it sound to you like these DPR guys have military robots? They don’t even have adequate coms.
DPR don’t have shit. When they started out 8 years ago they didn’t even have rusty AKs. Which is why it’s weird that don’t want the help of the 16000 pro Assad Syrian volunteers. Furthermore, they should launch a donation program. Ukrops are being funded by various terrorist organizations, not the least of which NATO and they still beg for MORE money. Why don’t the DPR accept some help. Everyone who hates the NWO and NATO’s hypocrisies, would send them something. If they want thermal optics, all they need to do is ask. Ill send em 4 pairs of top of the line stuff.
I can’t speak for what they have or don’t have, but the refusing help is just silly. How long have they been hung up in Maryinka, Prospana, Sevorodonetsk? It is obvious they need help. No shame in admitting that.
Yup. I saw pictures of DPR militia armed with hunting rifles…. Shame, they are brave people. True victims and true heroes of this war.
thats a ongoing fail and shame. millions of ak47/74, svd, rpk, pkm….and thousands of tonns of ammo in russian stocks and depots rust away, but brave fighting dpr militias still poor armed and equiped. 750 billion usd in foreign currencies and thousand tonns of gold in the russian central bank, but the most russian soldiers in ukraine have no red dot scope on their gun and no night or thermal vision on their gun or helmet, no modern, tap proof and jam safe comminication? and after 5 weeks still many reports of hungry russian and dpr forces and many short on ammo, because of ongoing massive supply problems. why? who is responsible for that? the fish stinks from the head.
Some had to use their own clothes and shoes because there wasnt any uniforms. Others had to make bow and arrows just to have some defence because the riffles were delayed, and they had to shoot frogs and birds to get food because the officers have stolen all the supplies for themselves. This is the true story about DPR in Mariupol!
This is insane. If Russia has an arms shortage, it can get deliveries from Iran or China..
howwill you send it by pigeon mail?how do you know they wont accept syrian help?
And the civilians?
No modern steel buildings are constructed in Castiron these days and have not been for at least 70 years. Steel construction is easily warped by extreme heat.
Ever heard of UGV/Unmanned ground vehicles? Apparently not.
You’re not just clueless you are stupid as shit. And you stink as much.
Russia may be able to produce state of the art weapons and equipment. But not in the numbers needed for such a war.
And thus they use post WW2 equipment vs high tech on most fronts, especially this militia will be on the last ranks in terms of priority for rare equipment. While NATO did not cheap up on Ukraine.
The DPR and LPR probably have not a single military-robot in their inventory and of course not enough to cleanse large city areas. Send them state of the art radios at least, thus they can reduce their losses by running unwarned into enemy fire positions.
Combine this with long time fortificated positions then you see, why even with all the artillery Russia is loosing as many or even more men and expensive equipment as the Ukrainians.
Also the chaos logistics from start have not helped.
You must see, that this inhabitant of the Donbass region is motivated and knows what to fight for.
But I really doubt, that normal army soldiers with bad equipment and logistics would feel the same, if pinned in costly city battles.
If this is true, they need more than radios. We are talking HUGE supply need. This is a recipe for disaster.
If the Ukrainians opposed the Russians with their own means and their own power, this horrible war would not have happened. Look at Finland during cold war? The Russians were much more powerful. But the Finns were ready to incur expense on Russians so the Russians had to pay respect to Finnish wishes. And since Russia was so much more powerful and because Finland had been part of Russia, the Finns had to pay a lot of respect to Russian needs and wishes. That is what peace looks like. Being armed and financed and coordinated by the far away US Empire is not how peace is made, it is a horrible thing to do.
Opposing Russia as the cannonfodder of the US Empire is a very bad idea and the wrong thing to do.
Interesting that you advocate for the world being at the mercy of the degenerate and Satanic U.S.A.
your logic is very stupid: there you have a wannabe powerhouse “backed up” and armed by Nato powers, cubbed to death while their “allies” watch the horrible beating behind the fence
When the enemy is dispersed throughout the location of the very same population you’re trying to liberate it makes isolating and diminishing them extremly difficult. The US and NATO forces never gave a shit for civilian populations of invaded countries hence the round the clock carpet bombing of resistance areas for weeks on end before the boots went in. The Russians can’t do that hence their heavy casualty list.
Thx South Front for the dubb-over (from a Dub I believe maybe Tallaght or Clondalkin)
Liberate lol, mor like liberation of their fridges and carpets LOL
The USA is no model and anyhow this is more similar to the liberation of Paris than to carpet-bombing Dresden, with the difference that these nazis are willing to destroy the city on their wake, so maybe it’s more akin to Stalingrad (Paris was declared “open city” so it suffered no damage).
How many Germans lived in Stalingrad? Paris was bombed in 1943. not extensively but some other French cities were destroyed, especially in Normandy and the Atlantic coast (for example Saint-Nazaire was literally obliterated)
us never liberates paris,general leclerc did it
Actually the first troops to enter Paris were Spanish exile, which made up the backbone of the ill-named “French” Resistance (the Spaniards, who ammounted maybe to a million people, were in the situation of being deported to death camps or going clandestine 100%, a situation that French did not face, Jews and communists excepted).
In fact the first vehicle to enter Paris was a small tank named “Guernica” and manned by Basques.
Regardless, my point was that Paris was declared “open city”, something that Nazi Ukraine is not doing with any of their own cities, willing to use its own population, especially Russian-speaking ones, as human shields, what is all kinds of despicable.
And Russia kept the bulk of Axis forces engaged and exhausted to help orchestrate D-Day glory and success. 28 million Russian casualties did an enormous amt. of the heaviest lifting to stave off the enemy’s firepower
I wonder if this site is actually CIA? That would explain some of their rather dubious articles here, plus tolerating sick SBU trolls.
yep they like to whine how everyone is incompetent, especially the Russian government yet SF is so incompetent they can’t remove 1 or 2 mentally sick ukrobots and that nazi lunatic posting hitler’s porn and cartoons
its almost like they have a shoe string budget or something
Ask your Russian Government why they have mobile crematorium and ask Russian soliders who were in Ukraine what is happening to dead Russian soliders and they will tell you the truth Just ask that from soliders wich are in hospital and you will find the truth. And ask them why are they using Metal melting ovens to throw in Dead Russian soliders to hide the truth about casualties in Ukraine. Thank you May God help the people of Ukraine and hope the Russian will find out the truth.
I think the Russians need god help more, to extract them from this war, and remove a tyrannical leader who’s own advisors are afraid of him.
Don’t talk that way about Zelenskey.
Russia just wants comedy movie tickets acted by Zelenskyy.
If only Westerners could see they have no Nation at this point unless they want that hidden group too despicable to come forward. The weird stance tells u everything one needs to know about these barbarians. They have learned to and plan in the bowels of hell, then get natives around the world to fight to death by programming them for the same goal, but for diffent reasons. As Marx eventually learned, non-elites won’t fight for profit, but for the nation. The Empire doesn’t fight, it just pays others to do it for them in order to control worldwide natural resources.
quoting ukro trash what you see theit tele pretty much
What movie have you been watching?
Why would they need Crematoriums if there’s a record of casualties anyways? Oh wait ukrop propaganda, it doesn’t have to make sense.
the only thing worse than a stupid joke is when a stupid moron repeats it twice…
I don’t get why Russian strategic bombers don’t just carpet bomb the Azovstal facility if it was turned into a “fortress”. It has no civilians in it, just bring it down, there is no need to storm it.
You are to stupid to understand. Even Russia dosent want Mariupol now. They left for separatists to get killed
They don’t need to use bombers. There’s a powerful Thermobaric mlrs TOS-A
8 dead Russian generals, great brainpower Russia has 😂😭
Indeed, and they all have 9 lives like a cat for after they are declared dead why they just pop right back into life some 60 miles down the road.Lol stupid people.!!
They want to preserve the city and its economic infrastructure as well as possible. This is no enemy city, it’s own (DPR) city conquered by the enemy. They same may apply to most cities in East and South Ukraine but very clearly to Mariupol, which was almost 100% favorable to DPR.
of course
Too much modern equipment in it which they don’t wish to destroy, for after the war is over they will put that complex back into operation, and it is a very, very large complex.
How can Russian be sure that the Azov nazi don’t blow the plant themselves? If their fate is already sealed then they will surely take the plant with them.
Anyway Ukraine side don’t have new supply and what they have will run out especially ammunitions and foods.
Remember something Ukraine army is fighting on their lands and they will never go hungry or cold or without ammunition
No. In Mariupol and other cities they are fighting in enemy (pro-Russian) lands. That’s why they keep the civilian population hostage as human shields. Ukraine is not an ethnically homogeneous country and whatever unity they had the Maidan nazi putsch destroyed it altogether in a matter of weeks.
hungry not so fast, because ukraine is a rich agroculture country. but arms, ammo, schells, grenades and rockets dont grow on trees or like potatos 1 feet under, so if russia can block the military supplies from poland and romania, the war will be over soon.
They keep killing Russians. The city is literally packed with weapons. They can hold on for months. Mariupol is a modern Stalingrad
The Russian army has suffered a complete collapse in the east of Kiev – The Ukrainian military went deep into the rear of the Russian army. the 2nd All-Army and the 1st Panzer Army were almost completely destroyed. Few solider are alive from the entire division. May God have mercy on them because they died only for Putin war. Those who have friends or know someone in this army please inform their family
You get your information where? Kiev Today?
urkos wet dreams even pentagon isn’t bying that
Lol RF Army lost the famous 1st Panzer Army of the Werhmacht This must be some foked up copy/paste of some newspaper published 80 years ago 🥴
LoL. Kiev got smoked last night. The only thing that can save them now is a false flag which is why Russia has withdrawn some. Meanwhile, Ukraine has pretty much caved on all of Russia’s demands. The troops in the Donbass are trapped. It is Debaltsalve all over again.
1st Panzer Army?! Oh Mein Gott!
Russian 1st Panzer Army ??? What are you smoking ???
“ as in a war, the one who tells the truth always wins.” Lol well there it is I guess Putin loses
I am not personally interested in information warfare. I’m not really interested in “we destroyed dozens of tanks” kind of information either. It seems to me that spending time on information warfare must be poorly accomplished in the field, or so it seems to me.
When will you occupy Odessa? What time do you occupy Dnipro? What time do you occupy Kharkov? What time will you occupy Kiev? I want to see simple obvious results.
Who the fuck are you to make demands?
Drop a thermobaric bomb on the steel plant. Problem solved. The Ukrops and NATO would do it to you in a second. Why waste good Russian lives? You will get no bonus points here in the imprisoned West no matter what you do – that’s a guarantee.
Good Russian lives 🤣.
And destroy DPR’s economic infrastructure (and possibly kill many human shields)? It’s not the idea at all, really.
Basically, the Russian military has to go in heavy on the remaining holdouts. Just bomb the crap out of them from the air then go in later to mop up what’s left.
Civilians!!! You speak like crazy murderous Gringo, really. :(
Excuse me, this man is a 5-star General in the Armchair Forces. Show some respect for his learned insights and military genius!
I don’t think DPR has to show anything about the situation, let the Azov rats sort it out while being starved and killed.
It is important for moral
Elimov Alexey Mikhailovich 12/15/1985 foreman of the 331st Guards Airborne Regiment military unit 71211 Liquidated May God have mercy on his soul. He died for the wrong cause and only for Putin
Same dude?
Rumours says DPR and Lugansk were a bunch of thugs and Russia cleaned some of those out so those in charge today have membership cards to political party in Russia.
That’s what my first gut reaction was!!
Don’t cry for me, Ucronazi U.S.A. Is never left you All through your wild days in Mauripol, Your mad existence in Dombass, NATO kept his promise Don’t keep your distance
And as for fortune And as for fame and glory of democracy But, all you have to do Ucronazi Is look at me to know That every word Know, Ucarina in UE Is true!
NATO= Narcissistic Actors Titillating Oligarchs
Enough is enough and is time to SNUFF the whole bunch with Fentanyl Gas….. Then they go in to clear / burn the Ukro-Nazi Corpses.
Keep typing tough behind your computer fat shit
Keep stinking in your cesspool basement stinky turd
DPR amateurs fighting against fanatically determined state of the art equipped Azov warriors. I bet DPR is cursing the day they ever pledged allegiance to Russia. Now they’re being used as cannon fodder
What counts is what happens in the end and with the DPR winning and the holdouts losing. Actually pretty impressed with common folk fighting as well as they do against the NATO muppets. Everyone here on this board trying to out do one another, do you really think Russia is going to give up any of this territory? Ukraine’s future is a terrorist filled, proxy fighters heaven in the middle of Europe. The US has used you and kicked you to the curb like one of Hunter Biden’s crack whores. Keep typing all you want and wishing a different outcome, IT’S OVER!
Ukraine is a failed state. DPR was kicking their arse very badly in 2015 when the Minsk truce was enforced by foreign powers (Russia, Germany and France). As Napoleon said: truces are a bad idea when you’re winning.
That was such a bad move. Not intervening during Maidan was another bad move. Not intervening immediately after Maidan was yet another bad move. This war is 6-8 years too late.
If only the resistance forces (Donbass in essence) would have been allowed to continue their successes… maybe there would have been no need to intervene directly after all. Minsk was the worst deal ever, really.
Russia is failing States. This is beyond doubt that Russia will become North Korea
Thucydides’s explained 2500 years ago how the maintain statehood. 1.–You must stive to objectively evaluate ur military strength. #2. Position your state to that objective advantage. #3. The goal of the state has to realistically defend an attainable goal for citizens of the state. When Athens approach the small island between the warring powers of Sparta and Athens. Melos said they wanted no big Brother in proximity to them. Unfortunately, the state was wiped away long before the 30 year war ended. Know thyself and especially the enemy. Tzn Szu understood “friends are just enemies who’ve learned ur weaknesses”.
Those are not “friends”, maybe “masters” is a better word?
I also don’t recall that quote from The Art of War, which is rather focused on strictly military issues, on how to win battles and wars.
Armed neutrality is a thing, not necessarily an easy one but a thing nevertheless.
Just as Azov are also cheap cannon fodder for their globalist masters.
How is this guy a special forces soldier? He looks like a utter joke
So they haven’t even tried taking the Azovstal steel plant yet. All the fighting remains on the outskirts of Mariupol. Finally some concrete operational update from Southfront. And not a good one. It will likely take weeks before the Putin faggots can even think about capturing the steel plant. Mariupol doesn’t seem like it’s going to fall for another month at the least.
you moron nazis in arkansas need more lgbt reality therapy—unfortunately they cannot treat advanced senility
Are you a gay in hiding? Let it come boy, there is nothing more frustrating and sickening as hiding your real nature. It is clear every ten words your are talking of lgbt, this is more as a Freudians slip, this is the real thing. People still will love you, ok your family will still love you. Nothing wrong with a **ick up your *ss, you will love it and it suits your personality as a glove.
Commander of the 1st Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 394th Motorized Rifle Regiment, 127th Motorized Rifle Division, Captain Hasanov Fakhretdin I got lost in the “training” but returned home correctly. Glory of the Nation Death to enemies Liquidated
+500 of dead Ukros. Choke on dogs dick and drown in your blood, and join them in hell you moronic pile of shit. Nazis from “Azov” LIQUIDATED
Alexander Skvoznyakov Knyaginino, Nizhny Novgorod region Liquidated
by ghost of kiev
+500 of dead Ukros every day. Join them soon in hell when you die from tumor in your shitty wheel cheer while spamming crap you miserable, sick pile of dog shit.
arkansas hillbilly nazi sodomized by taliban now dominated by Russia—is their lgbt psychotherapy near your trailer park?
A..hole Putin, where is your support for your own troops?????!!!!!!!!!
Basically he says at the end strategic bombers are going to have to be used and thermobaric rockets to minimize their own sides casualties.
My friend talked to his Kiev acquaintance today. Direct speech: – At the end of the Istanbul negotiations, an hour and a half later, they began to impose on Kyiv. Didn’t sleep all night. Those sausages flew. Fully calibrated. And today the whole day continued again twice as strong. Never mind the regrouping of troops! – Work brothers!