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Exclusive: Russian Officer On Situation Near Energodar As It Is

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What is the mood of the fighters now? How is the special operation going? Is there desperate resistance from the enemy forces?

“The mood of the personnel is upbeat now: many people have received letters from home, the people of Ossetia, Ingushetia and Dagestan have handed over humanitarian aid.
The enemy does not put up any desperate resistance, they are conducting a guerilla war mainly by using civilians, whom we do not touch. They live a peaceful life, but in every way assist the AFU and the territorial defense troops. So we have to work on two fronts, and our vigilance has to be increased twofold.

They are behind the civilians?

“The armed forces are not hiding behind civilians, but they prefer to go into populated areas at night, knowing that we are not firing on populated areas. In the morning they come out to firing positions and try to hit us with artillery from far away”.

They found trophies here: American weapons, NATO weapons. So they’re getting supplies from the NATO bloc?

“Yes, the use of Javelin anti-tank missiles is very active, very serious damage to us in the initial stage, but now they have learned how to deal with them. Tankers are not allowed close to them: they work at long ranges under the cover of infantry. Basically these weapons do not do that much damage now.

What about mines?

“Active mining was at the initial stage. Now we just don’t let them do that. We conduct systematic shooting, we inflict fire on them, we conduct reconnaissance. However, such facts do occur. They are recorded by fanatical neo-Nazis, of whom there are quite a few here.

You mean units of Azov and other battalions?

“No, there are no Right Sector units here. But there are civilians who are well ‘brainwashed,’ who are radicalized against the Russian Federation and try in every way to prevent the advance of our units.”

Thank you very much.


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It doesn’t exactly take brainwashing to be opposed to the people invading your land and trying to enslave you and take away your freedom. This guy sounds like a dumbass if he thinks they are neo-nazis because they are engaged in self-defense.




Freedom is not imposing a single language on everyone, much less openly allowing Nazism in the State


He is calling the people defending their homes and trying to prevent the advance of invaders neo-nazis for their responding to violence with violence.

It is like calling the goalie a cheater for blocking your shot in a hockey match. False accusations to try to dehumanize Ukrainian people for logical, proportionate, and reciprocal defensive actions makes any claims against legit extremists weaker. Sometimes if you get outmatched whether in sport or in battle, you need to accept it.


hillbilly in alabama—too much crack cocaine


How’s this for outmatch? Russia’s got exterminate all of those Ukies in Mariopal.


Irrelevant to this guy’s story. He is calling the civilians that engaged in self-defense of their homes nazis for returning fire. He isn’t in Mariupol and neither are the people that he is accusing of being nazis.


I’m sure that’s what the people thought as they were being burnt alive in the trade building in Odessa, and if they escaped that were being beaten to death with baseball bats, or the one’s going back to the Crimea only to have their buses stopped and many beaten with clubs and baseball bats causing a number of deaths by the far right and neo-Nazis, its strange how you twist things around to suit your own propaganda but then again perhaps it’s not so strange for many sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver.


These people didn’t do any of that and this person isn’t claiming any of those things as reasons why the people that he is calling nazis are nazis. He is calling them nazis for trying to protect themselves and their families. That is a natural human response, “Fight or Flight,” he is trying to kill them and they respond by trying to kill him too.


No, they have been brainwashed by their soros backed media ,to hate Russia, Russians and everything that is Russian 8 years of extreme propaganda did their job, everyone who was against is either killed or jailed, sbu jailes are full with those people, alternative viewpoint is not allowed there, all alternative media is closed, Russian language is forbidden on tv , all other political parties are forbidden, they brainwashed

Fred Dozer

The truth can be found Oliver Stone from the West ” Ukraine on Fire” video is out online and made years ago.


No, they are not defending their homes: they are West Ukrainians, Galitzians mobilized and armed to defend the dotted line of the alleged border of Ukraine, which the nazi putsch of Maidan forfeited with their heinous crimes. They are fighting in other people’s homes, using other people’s children as human shields and all to not allow those other people, Eastern Ukrainians of largely Russian native language to speak their own language and rule their own homes.

John Adamd

You are the dumb ass victim of the wests propaganda. You don’t see the details and how sinister US and NATO are. The US did a coup in 2014 overthrowing the elected gov, installed the puppet Zelensky, and for the past 8 yrs NATO and US has been arming UKRAINE with weapons and endangering Russia at her borders and slaughtering ethnic Russians in Donbass and Lutdansk . Ukraine was a hot bed of NAZI groups since WWII. These groups are satanic. Jews like Zelenaky want a jewish homeland in Odessa. Russia had warned the West to stop arming the hostile Nazi government and stop killing Russian speaking citizens in the east. NOT to mention 30 US funded bio weapon labs that were doing research on the most nasty biological materials known to man right on Russias doorstep. Russia warned the western installed government to stop. They didn’t listen. Putin attacked to protect Russia from Ukraine murder and the weapons build up that posed a clear and present danger to Russian people.


Did you read the article?

—- What about mines?

“Active mining was at the initial stage. Now we just don’t let them do that. We conduct systematic shooting, we inflict fire on them, we conduct reconnaissance. However, such facts do occur. They are recorded by fanatical neo-Nazis, of whom there are quite a few here.

You mean units of Azov and other battalions?

“No, there are no Right Sector units here. But there are civilians who are well ‘brainwashed,’ who are radicalized against the Russian Federation and try in every way to prevent the advance of our units.” —

The evidence of their nazi-ism is that they are defending themselves from this guy’s forces who are systematically shooting and inflicting fire upon them. He admits that they are not Azov or Right Sector, they are CIVILIANS and they are TRYING TO PREVENT THE ADVANCE OF SOLIDERS WHO ARE SHOOTING THEM. He is not calling the government, the leader, or anyone other than the people (civilians) who are returning fire and acting in self-defense of their homes nazis for trying to protect themselves.

If you think that makes them nazis, you should reflect upon who is truly brainwashed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike

No, the evidence of their Nazism is their support for Banderpite policies. Brainwashing is what makes them Nazis.


Did he say that he interrogated them on their political views? No.

He conducted “systematic shooting” upon them. They defended themselves. No one has no right to call them nazis for doing what is rational and justifiable self-defense.


He doesn’t have to question him, he knows what kind of propaganda there was on tv, they show torturing of Russian troops on tv , they say to castrate Russian pow, they have brainwashed them 8 years long to hate Russians, visceral hatred , they are brainwashed


stupid hillbilly–“amerikans are yet they do not think…the amerikan mind puerile primitive lacks characteristic form…” Julius Evola “amerikants cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality…” Paul Fussell


They are brainwashed, don’t try to debate a selected piece fucko

John Titor

Morons try to do moronic things, especially when encouraged by some clowns on TV

Tommy Jensen

Its an 8 year old story where everybody have seen and admit Ukraine have a major nazi problem. British reports have been made, EU have been notified again and again about their attitude toward Ukraine’s nazi problem. But cowardly nobody reacted because US was feeding them. You cant use a single episode here to anything.

Martin Rapavý

Are you so brainwashed, to, or merely mentally challenged, perhaps in need to be shot at?

These brainwashed “civilians” are laying mines, which are indiscriminate weapons and civilian casualties, especially children, comprise about 4/5 of the total casualties.

That makes them lose their civilian status and they become combatants and lawful targets, as are those that supply or otherwise help the combatants in every which way.

Thus, the Russian soldiers are right in targeting them and shooting them. If the “brainwashed civilians” were not laying the mines, which pose danger especially to civilians, they would not be targeted and shot at.


you are as ignorant, brainwashed and dumb as it gets.


hillbilly nazi in alabama as stupis as jens


I wish you would leave Alabama out of it. There’s a poll taken that shows that +34% of people that are fully va☠️ed are willing to go to nuclear war with Russia over ukraine. The people that are unva☠️ed are a -12% unwilling to go to nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine. If you want to use the hill billy adage use NYC or any city in Washington Oregon or California…I have it from a good source that only 7 people in Alabama have taken the va☠️ so they aren’t wanting nukes to fly.


Lmao the polls? Like the ones that give zekenski 91% approval? Or Biden 34% give me a break. I took a poll, 85% of libtards are mentally challenged and the other 15 % have sex with their mothers.


You must be talking about the Donbas section of what use to be Ukraine as the neo-Nazis’s tried to take away their freedom, but the master chess player said “not yet” and blew them out of the water.


Dude. Get. Off. The. Meth…


well the russisan speaking people of ukraine are understanding of russias actions. the neo nazi leaning ones are not so there IS a difference of mentality


Self defense of the most diabolical regime the world has ever seen. I would rather cut off my own head than defend the regime that has been shelling its own civilians for 8 years and is the #1 exporter of child porn in the world lmao. It doesn’t matter though, Zelensky and his insane puppeteers are on borrowed time. Russia is once again pulling through for the rest of the world. Once the dust has settled I expect people worldwide will acknowledge how Russia fought against the entire Satanic conglomerate(NATO and the like).

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

Self defense of their hometown. This seems like it is quite far away from Crimea or Donbas. Protecting yourself from someone who is trying to kill you is hardly an endorsement of the central government, it isn’t even really an endorsement of the local government.

It could be viewed as a rebuke and rejection of Russian government though, but that doesn’t make someone a nazi.



Welcome to Hell hohol Orcs

You start to realize now how people in Donbass felt for 8years. What goes around cones around. Keep crying.


I haven’t seen the Ukrainians calling civilians of Donbas nazis for trying to protect themselves. While it is tragic, a civil war is a completely different animal than a war against another country that is invading.


Western backed ultranationalist grabbed power back in 2014 and have created with western backing a western proxy with visceral hatred toward everything that is Russian, they are brainwashed


Looks like its not just the western media parroting the western narrative.


They are essentially foreigners in Eastern Ukraine. Maybe calling them “neo-nazis” is a stretch, although I’m sure they are fine with Svoboda and Pravy Sektor, which are true nazis, but call them Galitzians and you’ll be almost certainly nailing it, because Galitzia was the only region where the Maidanists had strong support before the putsch, almost the last region incorporated to Ukraine and “thanks” to Stalin’s shadowy deals with Hitler only, and yet they prefer to be oppressed by Poland or Nazi Germany and hail Bandera, Hitler’s colonial puppet, as their alleged “savior”.

You know: fascism, when victorious, always incorporates all the mainstream right wing (with very few honorable exceptions maybe), that happened in Italy under Mussolini, in Germany under Hitler and definitely in Spain under Franco, where fascism was ridiculously weak yet all the core right wing party, the CEDA, was reogranized under the banner of fascism (and then again into “democrats” after Franco’s death).

In Ukraine that role was that of Julia Timoshenko’s party (Blavatshkina or something like that) but now it’s Zelensky’s ad-hoc party, which was elected on the pretext of being “not Maidan” and yet is now more Maidanist and thus more nazi than the Maidanists themselves if that’s even possible.


The war started in 2014. The UA started heavy mortar fire on the Donbass on Feb 17th 2022, hence breaking the Minsk 2 agreement and starting hostilities again. What was Russia suppose to do? Allow the Ukrainians to kill off the people of Donbass? 14000+ civilians were already killed since 2014.


Stupid, he didn’t say they were neo-Nazis, he said they were radical.


These “enslaved” of yours have been destroying the population of Donbass for 8 years, beating, torturing, raping, killing civilians and prisoners of war.


They are brainwash by Zelenskyy propaganda.the same as western peoples who brainwash Taliban can’t win inAfganistan

cheryl Sanchez

what self defense?


Russian Peacekeepers helping free the Ukrainian People from US backed Genocide. Well done Mr. Putin!


A complete and unbiased view. You would not get this from his Ukrainian equivalent, for sure.


The entire “plan” for the Ukrainian defence was a disinformation campaign. The goal was pressure on the Russian state from both internal and external forces that would result in the long-desired “regime change”. The desperate, relentless, and absurd trolling from Ukrotards is pretty much all they have left. Considering the length of time the Azov super-kooks were in Mariupol, and the resources devoted to them by their NATO owners, Mariupol seems likely to be a one-off in terms of the death-cult rat-hole “defence”, but no Ukrainian can deviate from their narrative, although it’s totally schizo. “We’re destroying the Russians, they can’t fight, their leaders are dead, they’re running away, they’re killing their officers, their equipment doesn’t work, they abandoned their equipment, they have no fuel, they have no food, their air force is grounded, their tanks can’t operate in the face of NATO ATGMs,” etc. And at the same time, “We need help from the US empire, we’re just a tiny, peaceful, neutral little country attacked by this Russian monstrosity, we’re reduced to old women and teenagers attacking Russian tanks with Molotov cocktails”.

Very unfortunate for Ukrotards.


Wolves pretending to be Sheep

Pamfil Military Academy

Ukraine is a den of LGBTQ US neo-liberal experiment, a nest of drugs, guns and human traffickers, the ukrainian mob in EU is well known, no. 1 in West prostitution, and its peoples are hoarding by millions into EU pledging for miserable jobs, previously occupied by romanians and bulgarians. I have many relatives working in EU, Italy, Germany, Spain and now they are speaking about how they are going to seek another jobs because of the invasion of the ukrainians who are ready to work for less money; taking into consideration that our romanians already are the lowest payed immigrants. One tell me that he is going in another EU country because an ukrainian take his job of 1000 Euro for 700 Euro… What a fucking nazi idiots killing own nation !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

A well-worn trope in the dogshit US film industry is “Russian Mafia”. The Americans, in their infinite ignorance, can’t figure out who actually set up in “Little Odessa” in the seventies.


Yes the chechens are in a bunch of movies. My favorite was with Tom Hardy. But you’ll notice, we love that stuff. Italian mafia especially. It’s actually not the diss you think it is. We glorify organized crime and romanticize it.

Bushy Scrotum

Me likey godfather movies.

Miki Miric

Ukrajinci su kurve koje već 30 godina kurvaju se sa svojim suverenitetom


Understand that Mariople.. was a russian speaking and leaning city, they put the Neonazis in there to bolster defencees and have basically ocupied it since 2014


This video points to what I’ve been saying about Russian High Command and MISCALCULATION about Ukrainian “nationalism” and Pan-Slavism

The idea that the people within the Ukraine have a “natural affinity”toward Russia.


OK, I have a serious question. Libtards and the new York times are claiming Russia is offline. No internet for anyone. Are any of you in Russia posting online?


I’m not but I’m pretty sure that’s false. Haven’t read it anywhere: not in Russian media, not in Western media either.


Mike, you have to go deeper into it and learn a bit about history, geo-politics and geography. Those, Eastern parts of Ukraine are mainly inhabited by Russian population if you look back at history. How would you call for instance Americans who are anti American. Would they would be brainwashed? Hypothetically speaking but be honest

Death analysis

I promise you that no Russian will ever be safe in Ukraine. And if you think that Ukraine will not bomb Russia in the future to take revenge you are so wrong.

Here’s a video to make you understand the hate wich people have for Russia now


Slava Ukraine

Tommy Jensen

Where were your crocodile tears and revenge when Serbia, Jugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan were invaded and bombed without a single shred of evidence and reason??? Tell us. Russia has proven and very good reasons behind their act. Difference!

supratim barman


The Welshman Who Founded Donetsk, Ukraine


Shame on SouthFront to put there rubbish like this


The Gentleman’s War will go down as the greatest blunder in human history.


Always the Russians are the ones left to do the dirty work and erase the anglozionazi filth that has turned Urupp aka the EUSSR Natostan sewer in Brussels into a dystopian amerikan toilet. Now finally we see the end of the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and gimp basturd €urodollah getting flushed from the global ponzi shitter and with it all of USSA’S judaic wars of expansion. The Wall St sewer will implode and with it the coming war in Slumville, USSA. Get ready for the end of all things USSAN and its global gencodie on “credit” with its worthless dollah.

Adios to Brussels and the collap$€ of Natostan

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