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Explosion At Ukraine’s Main Gas Pipeline, Authorities Claim It Might Be Sabotage

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Explosion At Ukraine's Main Gas Pipeline, Authorities Claim It Might Be Sabotage

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On January 9th, an explosion occurred at a section of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline in the Poltava region, the Ukrainian Gas Transportation System Operator said.

The explosion took place near the village of Kalaydintsy in the Poltava region, the press service of the Lubnigaz company reported.

 “We received operational information that an explosion occurred on the main gas pipeline, which is serviced by the Ukrainian GTS Operator at a site near the village of Kalaydintsy. Emergency gas shutdowns are possible,” the company said in a statement.

The report also said that the incident affected the Novichki and Vishnevy gas distribution stations. The list of settlements that were left without gas is being specified.

It is reportedly around 15. The list of settlements left without gas as a result of the explosion was published by the Lubnigaz company on its Facebook page.

Thus, the situation affected the houses of residents of the Orzhitsky district connected to the Kuibyshevo gas distribution station: the villages of Lazorki, Novoorzhitskoye, Tarasenkovo, Vishnevoe, Yablonevo, Voronintsy, Raiozero, Cherevki, Khoroshki, Novoye, Zagrebeli, Timki, Pilipovichi, Neseno-Irzhavets and.

The statement said that “there are no victims or injured as a result of the accident.”

There is also no threat to residents of nearby settlements. The accident did not affect the transportation of gas to Europe.

The reasons for the explosion have not yet been clarified.

The National Police, the State Service for Emergency Situations (GSChS) and the Security Service of Ukraine were informed about the incident.

“The investigation will establish the probable causes of the emergency, including the possibility of sabotage,” the message from the Ukrainian GTS Operator said.

Separately, on January 8th, a large-scale fire and explosion on the territory of a tank farm in Gorokhovka near Nikolaev took place.

The explosion was caused a fire broke out in Gorokhovka near Nikolaev on the territory of the enterprise, where fuels and lubricants are stored and processed.

The enterprise distills fuel oil using the most primitive technology, not provided for by any safety standards, getting low-grade diesel fuel.

Therefore, fires occur with regularity. This is the second fire within 12 months. The cause of fires is gross violations of fire safety standards. However, for unknown reasons, the enterprise gets away with everything and their dangerous activities continue.

In September 2020, a gas pipeline explosion occurred in the Kiev region near the village of Chabany. There was a breakthrough of a gas pipe with a diameter of 1.5 m, which pumps gas to Europe. No data on casualties were reported.

If this is deemed to be a result of sabotage, it could be that the Donetsk and/or Luhansk People’s Republics could be blamed, essentially using it as a justification for some further aggression in Eastern Ukraine.


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ukiestan: fires occur with regularity. This is the second fire within 12 months. The cause of fires is gross violations of fire safety standards.


Ruskies know the cause immediately.

Zionism = EVIL

It is good to see that you are still kissing Americunt arse on a full time basis. MAGA, lol


How is the wrestlers hanging going on?

Zionism = EVIL

I saw midget hairy female wrestlers in Armenia, I kid you not.



Looks like the team that assasinated the nuclear scientist. These small people know how to hide very well.

Zionism = EVIL

That sure worked out well since Iran has tripled its nuclear processing to closer to 90% however all is well.



Just stay away from the blowing parts.

Zionism = EVIL

Can’t wait till the 17th Jan, when the rednecks with guns are supposed to show up in DC, but considering the Americunts are cowards, it is unlikely. Trump is headed to jail though.

Lone Ranger

I heard Trumpstein is gearing up for the second American Revolution at a secret military base…lolz, grabbing popcorn…

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunts are cowardly though and it is a fascist police state, so I don’t think the lardass will do anything. They have already locked down the airports. The dotard will go to Mar a Lago and play more golf, wonder what kind of golf it is as his lardarse keeps getting bigger.


Jim Allen

There are no more cowards in the population of “Americunt’s,” than there are in the populations of any given country, yours as example. The cowards are our beloved Government, it’s their arrogant sociopathic, lunacy, and of course servitude to their Zionist Khazar master’s causing the problems both foreign, and domestic. I can’t control the urge to make the observation, your ad hominem towards the people displays behavior that mirrors what you claim we poor misunderstood sheople’s are. Please carry on…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Is that secret military base Brasilia?

Lone Ranger

I think they said Colorado or was it Texas… I didn’t pay too much attention.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They also said Idaho, but really, Donnie sleeps with the fishes.


Wishful thinking again :)

Jim Allen

To a whopping 20% enrichment. Just 70% to go. Iran states it’s not interested in constructing nuclear weapons. Purely civilian use. Without Plutonium it apparently won’t produce the desired bang. A fission reactor is required for that. Iran is more believable, and a history of credibility. In contrast to it’s detractors, with their endless history as deliberate pathological liars.


Just think of the BS Lies Netanyahu peddled for a decade or so with his propaganda + gaslighting power-point presentations or pre-school sketches, again + again, of mossad recycled+debunked fabricated/manufactured phony ‘proofs’ with their ‘Narrative’ Iran is weeks/month or days away from a functional nuke – how funny and all this w/o an nuklear ‘Weapons Program’ as the IAEO and even the CIA admitted – Simply Clownish.

Black Waters

We don’t know if they are gonna start a propaganda stunt pulling bullshit out of it, wait a day, then we will know.


I understand a brown bear was seen in the area by a member of Asov:)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Bear was wearing a mask and keeping social distance though.


Aha, its a crafty bear then. Must be Russian. :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

A Bear was also seen entering the Capitol Hill area on the 6th, Russian sources have said it is highly likely that was Yogi Bear having a picnic.


Was the bear carrying Trump branded golf clubs?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

According to trusted members of the intel community, probably highly likely.


Who is your unknown source :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The husband of a maintenence worker, who works with the wife of a Kremlin cleaner, was telling me. Allegedly, lol.


It must be true then. Bloody hell, the Ruskies are everywhere these days.

Zionism = EVIL

Ukis are dumber than ice blocks, I recently talked to one in Georgia. The Jews have crawled up their arse and ripping them off in earnest. Biden’s son has made millions on crooked deals, the average Uki is literally for sale. Over half the university girls are hookers and sent overseas. The Americunt and Canadians who occupy the shithole are pimping the hapless Ukis for the Jews. Ukraine is now the deluded “frontline” against Russia. Poland and Romania are also prostituting big time.



Zionism = EVIL

Nah, Uki theft is petty as they are controlled by greedy Jews and the corruption is in millions. Every deal attracts 10% baksheesh. Bilderberg are making billions though off the poor impoverished Ukis. The Turks are selling any trash they can find. Turkish white goods are in every store in Kiev.

Black Waters

The Neo-Nazi regime supported by the U.S gestapo inciting chaos into Europe, as their madhouse (USA)are slowly imploding, they have to distract the hungry masses from their failures.

Now they gonna start a goebbels propaganda stunt, in coordination with their vassal blaming Russia )which it doesn’t make any sense) but people is that stupid that they follow their narrative, without knowing that Europe will cease to exist in such case, invaders don’t understand by words, but a nation like Russia that was invaded so many times by many psychopaths in the past centuries won’t take any future enemies with the same passive and weak approachment, terraformation will become a reality. Stupid people needs to be educated, whether they like it or not, otherwise they will cease to exist, by their own stupidity.


What i find sad and frightening is how millions of people could be brainwashed the same as they were in Nazis Germany,Goebbels said give me control of the media and i will turn the people of any Country into a herd of pigs,at times it feels like we are living in one big piggery.


Billions of people past and present have been brainwashed by the religions and the psuedo religions they worship.

Brainwashing is the easy part, the hard part for any cult elite is to ‘pluck the goose without it hissing too much’.

Jim Allen

Can’t fix stupid. Duct tape does muffle the sound, though….


I wouldn’t call them ‘Neo’ because they are defacto full blown ‘NAZI’ criminals terrorist ect , you name it.

Al Balog

No wonder why EU countries today want to get gas through NordStream and TurkStream.

Zionism = EVIL

Yep in Disneyworld for sure. Just wait till China’s One Belt really starts to take over Europe. The Stans and even Turkey is so corrupt, dumb and hopeless that they can’t even find a hooker in whorehouse. I have heard all these “streams” for years now, but the fact is that Russian gas is indispensable. The Ukis are deadbeats anyway.


But what about Tommy’s claim that Putin will pump Novichok through NS2….poisoning all of Evropa?

Concrete Mike

Hahah good one!


If ‘Putin’ got his Novichok from ‘Porton Down Nerve Agents Inc’, it will be as deadly as man flu. :)


And the combined western Fake-News/Propaganda/Deep-State MSM always peddle the fantasy ‘How’ ultra deadly that ‘infamos’ neuro toxin is and a drop could wipe out a bunch of people in a jiffy…..but oh surprise Nobody dies but has some discomfrt for a while – Pathetic even with their fabricated/manufactured Lies even shitty HollyShit ‘C’ Movies have a better script.


Even the crap Hollywood B movies :)


That’s what I’m saying everything below ‘B’ is intellectual superior. What you expect? The Brit Fucktards who came up with this shit are the morons from the UK-Deep-State off-shoots ‘Integrity Initiative’ + ‘Institute for Statecraft’ not only the breeder of the Skripal + Navalny Hoaxes also homebase of Christopher Steele the serial BS’er + Gaslighter and ‘Author’ of the phony/fake brainfart AKA ‘Russiagate’ dosier. BTW as well parttime employer of the corrupt phony propaganda disinformation BS’er + Gaslighter and pathological liar w/o any sort of credibility: BellingCrap + SOHR….the circle closes I think.


There is a real possibility now that Fire and Fury will erupt around the globe and result in the death of the global control systems.

Whether some survive in bunkers is a moot point, BUT life in a concrete bunker is de facto imprisonment and the outside world would be in a nuclear winter.

The super rich are not best equipt to have to wipe their own arses :)


Frankly, Ukraine is a blast !

Zionism = EVIL

Things in the energy theft sector are not looking very bright. Yesterday, the Americunt Turkish oil thieves lost over 20 trucks and now the dumb Ukis will have a cold chicken Kiev winter. Literally, running in empty.


Wishful thinking.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes dear, have you ever thought of joining midget trapeze artists…


cechas vodobenikov

bacon wishes she could think


Checha wishes unlimited vodka

Lone Ranger

Like it or not, Russia wont let ukrops freeze to death. If they would they wouldnt be better than cia and Kievnazis.


The sabotage claims are ‘Highly Likely’ just a scapegoat, as a matter of fact their pipeline network [GTS] is ancient from soviet times decaying and accidents + failure are happen frequently. Their decaying GTS network was a constant issue the Ukros had with Gazprom, they tried to blackmail the Russians and demanded they had to fix modernize or rebuild the GTS at ‘their’ expense, of course the Russians didn’t fall for this crap because for decades the Ukros taken the transit fees invested nothing in their network instead the fees mainly got stolen embezzled vanished in some shady pockets or some off-shore accounts abroad.

cechas vodobenikov

probably some villagers attempting a free sashlik—the occupy bacon caught fire


Just kids messing about https://media1.giphy.com/media/AznzPzrJY7s9W/giphy.gif

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