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Explosions Rock Positions Of Iranian Allies In Iraq. US Fiercely Denies Its Involvement

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Explosions Rock Positions Of Iranian Allies In Iraq. US Fiercely Denies Its Involvement


Last night a series of explosions rocked positions of Iranian allies from the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) of the Iraqi Armed Forces southwest of Baghdad in what was described by local sources as US-Israeli strikes.

The PMU is a coalition of paramilitary group, many of them linked with Iran, that payed a key role in the war on ISIS on the territory of Iraq and in fact rescued the country, when US-backed government forces collapsed under the pressure of the terrorist group. The United States claims that the PMU is ‘Iranian proxies’ and ‘terrorists’, while in fact Washington was directly coordinating its ‘campaign against ISIS’ in Iraq with the PMU because without this force it was not possible to defeat ISIS.

The last night strikes targetd PMU positions near Jurf al-Sakhr, and were promoted by pro-Israeli and pro-US sources as a response to regular attacks of local Iraqi resistance groups on US forces and facilities in the country. The tensions between US forces and locals are especially high since the assassination of Iraian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and several prominent PMU officers in a US strike on Baghdad in January 2019.

Despite reports about US F-16 jets participating in the attack, the US CENTCOM denied its involvement.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi military reported that there were no strikes on PMU positions. Instead, Baghdad reported explosions on power transmission line poles, which were allegedly conducted by militants (ISIS).

There are also some photos of the targeted transmission lines. Despite this, pro-PMU sources continue to claim that the PMU positions were targeted by strikes.

The incident took place as US supply convoys continued suffering from IED attacks across the country. Most recently the attacks took place in the areas of Naseriyah, Diwaniyah and Samawah.

  • On January 18, a logistical convoy of the U.S military was targeted by an IED attack in the Naseriyah area;
  • On January 18, a logistical convoy of the U.S military was targeted by an IED attack in the Diwaniyah area;
  • On January 18, a logistical convoy of the U.S military was targeted by an IED attack in the Samawah area.
Explosions Rock Positions Of Iranian Allies In Iraq. US Fiercely Denies Its Involvement

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Zionism = EVIL

As I have described in detail, the Zionist scum are using Saudi airbases to attack Iraq with unmarked F-16 in the desperate attempt to get the scared shitless Americunt arseholes into a war in the region and create life hell for Biden. The Zionists are petrified that Iran will hit them soon, so they will now redouble their efforts to goad the stupid Americunts into a very costly defeat. Killing Iraqi military personnel will only bring Iraq firmly into the Axis of Resistance. Stay tuned kids, the Zionists worst nightmare is coming true.

Arch Bungle

Saudi Arabia is a complete fabrication invented from whole cloth by the British. It is a great mirage’ that has appeared in the desert.

The House of Saud are pet natives shaped into a fictional ‘Royal Family’ by Lawrence of Arabia and his merry band of British agents.

This abomination which has stood for barely 100 years, invented out of thin air, like ‘israel’ needs to be dissolved back into the sands of Arabia.


Iraq was involved in ALL the Arab/Israeli wars and has NEVER signed a Peace Treaty … they are the enemy

Stay tuned kids …

the Future is About to Land …


and this is precisely why the jews in palestine must be evicted pronto from the face of earth. there are no excuses available to the jewish scum any longer, the two state solution is dead and the only viable way forward is the palestinian one state solution and the scum jews evicted the hard final way. they, the jews, have forfeited the right to be part of mankind and mankind will be in a happier place once it is rid of the jews. and this includes the jews that are embedded and entrenched in western world countries and there acting as quislings for and on behalf of the jews in palestine, the jews sure as a clucking bell have studied hitler and copied his map for progress into the future but as mankind managed to stop hitler so will the non-jewish part of mankind stop the jews, the jewish war crimes and the repeated crimes against humanity, the ethnic cleansing and thievery of land and chattel which is an integral part of the jewish identity.

Just Me

Trump has left the building and the Zionist mutts are desperate.

Concrete Mike

Zionist are still well in control in the west, dont get distracted by the smoke and mirrors, that product is meant for our local consumption.

Zionism = EVIL

That is quite true and now with geriatric killer Pfizer shots they will even mutate the western sheeple’s dumbed down DNA.



Let’s hope … YOU die from the Sputnik jab


Rational …

‘our’ local consumption? lol

Zionism = EVIL

US military Apache helicopter goes down in Syria’s Hasakah: Reportedly hit by ground fire and casualties reported.


Great news.


See above … scumbag


Your nazi grandma told you stories of ‘da voar’ ? pmsl

It still ends in nazis dying / dead / starving … and the Jews rising from the dead … eh?

Whose YOUR daddy? pmsl

Ya … f/kn nazi lowlife


On his last days, Trump ordered Pentagon to include and integrate Israel into CENTCOM terror force. They bring it on themselves deliberately.

One other interesting food for thought: Remember a few days ago Sheldon Adelson died? Turned out he wasn’t alone, there were at least 2 more billionaire “deaths”, all 3 supported and donated heavily to GOP and Occupying regime:

Sheldon Adelson – age 87 – Jan 11th Benjamin deRothschild – age 57 – Jan 15th Donald G Tober – age 89 – Jan 15th. Cause of death? Suicide by jumping down his tall building!! at 89!!

Either something fishy is going on or I’m too paranoid.

Captain Freedom

Maybe a part of the coming anti-Trump purge? I thought they will target his supporters first and foremost, but looks like they want to first erase every trace of the Trump presidency, GOP is weak af anyway. I dont believe in the two-party illusion, but neither do I believe in coincidence… could it be a turf war inside the zionist billionaire club?

Lets take a bet on who’ll be next… Soreass or Kissinger?


I doubt if this is related to Trump or GOP. They wouldn’t eliminate 3 major Zionist billionaires for the sake of one man whose luck is already dried up and everybody left him like a plague. These people change colour and friendship in a heartbeat, Adelson used to fund Democrats before. In addition, their loyalty lies within Zionism, not the US nor Israel, certainly not Trump.

It should be much bigger if those deaths aren’t natural (which don’t seem to be). More investigation is needed and I’m not the right one to do it. One important field would be (as there’s really no future for Israel) to see if they wanted to move their capital (Adelson heavily invested in Israel, the profit from his casinos and prostitution industry all went there, so did the other 2) and if yes, where? Adelson’s assets are now controlled by his Israeli wife, I don’t know who’s the heir to the other two.

I just hope a real investigative journalist picks the scent.


Paranoia strikes deep Into your mind it will creep It starts when you’re always afraid Step out of line the men come to take you away

Stephen Stills

You’re a poster child … eh?



Elohim adirim, ate sotemet leefe ‘amim et hapeh? Tkhaffef atah, bevakashah… One dollar W#ore, next, next, next!


Speak English … ya filthy scumbag


And you were impersonating to be an Israeli all this time, while you think Hebrew is gibberish. You anti-Semite! Idiot thought nobody would notice, probably a Wahhabi dog.

Captain Freedom

Yep the Israel project has failed… once Uncle Shmuel is gone no one will protect them. But their capital was and still is the financial district known as the City of London Corporation! One of the 3 city states, the others are Vatican and DC. With or without Isn’treal, they will continue to subvert and infiltrate

Tommy Jensen

Maybe its more simple. Jezebels Sisters, another secret society. The wives colluding. I mean, we men know women dont we?


Must be the turf war … eh? ???

Arch Bungle

I saw that trifecta. My theory is that someone though it was time to close “The Archives” …


“The Archives” …. ? pmsl


I responded above … ya f/kn slug

“Either something fishy is going on or I’m too paranoid”

Diagnosis complete … ROTFLMAO



Oshatah rotesh shidepok otekha, tiztiz?

cechas vodobenikov

ditzy from oral childlike backward trailer park culture—infant needs more soap in mouth

Ivan Freely

No. You’re NOT paranoid. Heart attacks and suicides are the go-to methods now. Tober’s death is far too suspicious.

Tommy Jensen

Actually its quite normal 89 years old people jump out from 12’th floor. Depression. Last desperate attempt to get attention from their surroundings.


Sheldon Adelson died at 87 … In failing health … especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Donald G. Toner died at 89 … committing suicide due to onset of further effects of debilitating Parkinson’s Disease

Benjamin de Rothschild died at 57 … from a heart attack

EVERYONE’S rant was based on Garga’s garbage … lol

A load of trash …


they’re gone and that is the main point at this time and that many more of that ilk (jews that is) will follow shortly!


They’re gone … so what?

Their money stays … Adelson’s wife is pro-Zionist …

Jews are born in Israel daily … 3+ children per woman


Habibi, hal jarahtok? Ana asefaton, hal anta mut’allim?


Speak English …


No Arabic either?


No …


Time to give those US bases another headache.

cechas vodobenikov

when amerikans murder 1.5 million in Iraq they describe this as dimocracy

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