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MARCH 2025

F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Attack Aircraft (Infographics)

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F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Attack Aircraft (Infographics)

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The F-117 Nighthawk is a US single-seat, twin-engine stealth attack aircraft. It was developed by Lockheed’s secretive Skunk Works division and operated by the United States Air Force in the period from 1983 to 2008.


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Still looks better than the F35.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

a biplane from ww1 looks better


With stats like that, to take it out of production was madness. Mass production could have dropped the price, and America would have still ruled the air.

Harry Smith

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_F-117A_shootdown But anyway, this bird has awesome look.


F35 got taken out by a Syrian pigeon..

Simon Bernstein

Yes these things happen. Birds fly very high and can disable an engine No S200 came close (not even close) to hurting the IAF F-35


If the Serbians could detect it with their Cold War relics, then so could the Russians, Chinese and the Iranians. Apparently all it took was for someone with decent equipment and the smarts to figure it out. Which any of those countries could. Which meant that the F-117 had become obsolete and without stealth it was just a slow moving bomb truck with very little payload.

If there is a lesson here to be learned is what will happen to America’s stealth aircraft fleet once one of the US adversaries takes one of them down. The myth of stealth will be negated and all that you’re left with are a large collection of overpriced aircraft with air to air and air to ground capabilities no bigger or better then the old Cold War legacy aircraft had. Still better then what the F-117 had without stealth, both the F-22 and the F-35 have similar performance and capabilities then the F-15 and F-16 they replaced. But certainly no longer worth their money as you could have gotten more F-15’s/F-16’s for that kind of money.

Alberto Garza

stealth is not a myth its a tactic when used correctly it works look at the f-35 of israel they even conducted bombing raids inside iraq .


inside iraq.. rofl.. yea the height of showing your superiority is bombing militia positions without even hand held air defenses…


Low bandwidth radars can detect any ‘stealth’ aircraft at very long distances but can’t say precisely where it is. But a well trained and talented officer can take a guess so that happened, he reduced the radar bandwidth at maximum that he was able to detect the airplane take-off from Italy base and approximated how long it will take until it will reach the range of his AA missiles, which use infrared sensors so the stealth was useless when the missiles localized the heat. That was the only airplane downed in that war. F-117 shootdown was an without doubt embarrassing but not a prove that lower-observable technology is useless. Russia and China still hardly try to catch them out.


OK, know your right, I confess, I’m just in love with its looks.

Robert Ferrin

Indeed and pigs fly.!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Obviously not much of a stealth as the Serbs shot down this Americunt hyped up junk with a Soviet era SA-2 Guideline in 1999.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

using a late 1960’s era P-18 radar. and then you have rocket nose and his retard gang being like “oMg s400 can only detect stealth at 10 feet away haha muh invisibility”


Another retard that confuses ‘detect’ with ‘localize’

Jacob Wohl's Nose

nice insult, except you took mine. Go back to sped class and put on your helmet :D


Which insult did I take from you? Do you own the word ‘retard’?

Jacob Wohl's Nose

you own the word ‘retard’ in every way XD


Ohh my, nice come back!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

I bet your northrop gruman stock wont be coming back after that MQ-4 shootdown last month


I sold everything after the accident, I buy Russian from now

Simon Bernstein

oh boy, how could you ever recover from that one!


Traveling to the South pole to apply some ice on this burn


There were so many strikes per night that if that wasn’t pure luck, there were more of those downed. The Serbian anti-aircraft officer met recently with the American pilot and sharked hands. He admitted it was a very lucky shot. The radar can detect the plane but can’t say precisely where it is.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

muh internal weapon bay doors!


Could be, why not?

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

There are many stories how we done it and I believe non. Simply, all stories seem too naive to me. From “old soviet radar tech” to “pure luck”. We can’t expect that public will ever learn what really happen that night (btw. I sow the hit – i.e. I sow missile going from ground to the sky, and sow a fireball falling down — as it was the only shutdown reported that night, and as I was ~20 km from village Budjanovci where the crash was reported, so, I have to assume that it was “that hit”) because no party involved (NATO, US, the Russians, our military) have any reason to tell the truth. Could be some stupid mistake of the pilot, some error on the plane, or some experimental weapon we, officially, never had… I have no idea, actually. Yet both “old soviet radar tech that Lockeed never thought about” and “pure luck” narratives are very, very, bs – to be taken into serious consideration.


That was the official story the officer who shot down the plane told, if it sounds bs to you but you prefer to believe it was some secret weapon okay…

Raptar Driver

From what I have heard the operator guessed as to the location of the jet using common sense and lessons learned. The bombing runs came in V formations with the stealth aircraft falling back a bit from the formation and not seen by radar. The operator targeted the side that was short hoping to find a target and he did, it was all his figuring and had nothing to do with seeing it.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Technically its not an attack aircraft, its a bomber. And that “Stealth” means invisible on radar is a myth invented by the western propaganda machine, the correct term is “Low Observable”

Anyway, it have a mythical and iconic shape, in its own way its beautifull


Could be the F was meant to be misleading during development. A-117 ?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Most likely yes.

Take a look at the A-10, that is a attack aircraft from the ground up, they are build with two completely different mindsets and philosophies.

The F-117 is a true first strike/H-hour bomber.

Simon Bernstein

only reason it was detected and shot down by the Serbian S-125 radar/missile is because the F-117 pilot opened his bomb-bay doors for too long. This compromised the 0.003 meters squared radar cross section. originally the P18 radar can only detect the F-117 in stealth mode from 100km away

Zionism = EVIL

Elvis has left the building, it is time you hooked nosed vermin left the planet too.

Semen Sh!tstain


Semen Sh!tstain

wait what? so you admit the p-18 can detect stealth planes at long distances? haha retard zionist


Yes it can detect it, idiot. Detect =/= Localize. There were 2 lucky guess in the dark shots with infrared missiles, one of them happened to find the heat. There were many planes downed if that wasn’t pure luck.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

It wasn’t long distance at all. I sow the hit. The missile started directly from below the hit (ok, at least, from viewpoint I had, it looked as the missile had direct vertical path)

Semen Sh!tstain

but according to zionist neocons, stealth planes are impossible to detect at low altitude!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i remember reading somewhere that the pointy blocky shape of it was due to the limited processing power of computers back then to create a stealthy design

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Other than the pilot (manned) difference, the Russian heavy UCAV Okhotnik (Su-70) appears to have similar payload, but improved performance at a significantly lower unit cost.


The CIA is the military arm of the IMF… That is their ONLY function. SOF is the CIA’s heavy hitters.

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