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F-16 To Finally Enter Real Battles In Ukraine?

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F-16 To Finally Enter Real Battles In Ukraine?

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Adventures of F-16 fighters continue in Ukraine. Despite Kiev’s aspirations, the aircraft did not become the game changer in the conflict, like the previously supplied foreign MLRS, tanks, UAVs etc.

The Ukrainian military complains that Ukrainian F-16s cannot “compete in air battles with high-tech Russian aircraft.”  Head of the Communications Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine demands “more powerful modifications with more powerful radars and long-range missiles, because it is quite difficult to compete in air battles with Russian technological aircraft alone.”

The precious F-16s are yet to enter the air battles but Ukraine has already suffered losses. Denmark and the Netherlands were the first countries to transfer the US-made F-16 fighter jets to the Air Force of Ukraine. The obsolete aircraft purchased in the 1980s had already been decommissioned as both countries acquired modern F-35A fighter jets to replace them. First delivered on August 1, the Ukrainian Air Force lost its first fighter on August 26. Loss of several more aircraft was reported. LINK, LINK

Russian missiles are hunting not only for aircraft but also for the NATO military personnel that supports their operations in Ukraine. The Danish pilot and instructor of F-16 fighter jets, Jeppe Hansen was killed in one of Russian precision strikes on a military training center in Krivy Rih in January.



The aircraft are used to support the air defense as interceptors of Russian cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. So far, the use of F-16s for strikes is yet to be certainly confirmed. The fighters are regularly spotted operating in Western Ukraine, occasionally flying into the area of Mirgorod city in the Poltava region.

Last week F-16s surprisingly flew to the Eastern regions of Ukraine. At least two flights of F-16 fighter jets were recorded in the Zaporizhia region. The aircraft approached the Pologovsky district, turned away and flew back. The monitoring sources did not reveal their entire flight path. Most likely they took off in Poland and landed on Western Ukrainian airfields in Ivano-Frankivsk or Lutsk before their flight towards the Eastern frontlines. The fighters could also move to Ozerny airfield in the Zhytomyr region or Vasilkov in the Kiev region, from where, they could safely fly to the Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions to check the safe flight routes and practice the possible strikes on the Russian territory.

Earlier in mid-January, the Air Force of Ukraine also launched a series of training flights of Ukrainian Su-24M, cruise missile carriers, in the rear Western regions. On January 11 and 12, six Ukrainian carriers of Strom Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles took from the Starokonstantinov airfield and flew over he territories of the Khmelnitsky and Vinnytsia regions. The aircraft took off, practiced conditional launches, circled and returned back to the airfield.

In addition, Russian military reporters spotted several flights of Ukrainian AN-26 cargo aircraft from the Rzeszow airfield to the airfields of Ivano-Frankivsk, Uman and Ozerny. The Ukrainian military prepared these airfields to welcome F-16s and now the Su-27 and MiG-29 are deployed there. Thus, AN-26 could transfer missiles there before the strikes.

Since then, Ukrainian forces attempted several strikes with NATO missiles on the Russian territory on January 14 and 17. The attacks were repelled but in response Russian forces launched devastating strikes on targets throughout Ukraine. LINK, LINK, LINK

Judging by the operations of F-16 in Eastern Ukraine, test flights of Ukrainian pilots, flights of US reconnaissance aircraft in the Eastern waters of the Black Sea LINK and the ongoing drone strikes in different Russian regions aimed to reveal positions of Russian air defense, more large-scaled attacks by NATO and Ukraine should be expected. In their turn, Russian forces continue strikes on Ukrainian military airfields across the country. LINK


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the f16 fleet wont make a significant difference. these planes can at best improve the air to ground capabilities some what and maybe the munitions are of a better grade and have more accuracy then their ru ssian counterparts. yes rus sian planes are behind somewhat in electronics and their capabilities yet they are more nummerous. and even they are unable to use them as much these days because of aa capabilities and sams. same for ukraine with f16

Niccolo Machiavelli

when a mig-25 pilot defected to the west decades ago, us engineers laughed at the radar still using vacuum tubes. until they realized that unlike the existing western solid-state systems it was 100 percent emp-proof…..


you sir are correct, russian planes are way…way…way better. american planes only perform well against gazans fighting back with their sharpened tea spoons…


in their day they were great attack aircraft but not now , america wont give zelensky upgraded versions as if russia captures one then they will get the latest modifications .talk of getting f35,s is stupid they have proved to be inferior in one to one combat with russian jets they are “stand off” aircraft and the americans admit it .


they are upgraded versions they have the latest package denmark and the netherlands operated them on. downgrading them just for ukraine is nonsense and a waste of money and time. they are the same as they were operated under these militaries.


then you don’t keep up to date with american government policy-general dynamics sold the f16 as a stripped down version using the old f4 ge engine instead of the pratt and whitney engines f100 turbofans – thats direct from an american military website also electronics weren’t to top specifications .


read the obey amendment to the 1998 dept.of defense appropriations act that says it all.

Casual observer

whi makes “american “policy ? how many times do you need to be told the facts??? the pentagon is run by england through thd special operations branch .office .” america is our barracks ” churchill and they didn’t ever give that up they off shored their military industrialists to america to minimise delivery costs thars all it’s all the uk. imo allegedly .

Allegedly a Casual Observer

all of the above was allegedly said by me while i was pumped with lsd by the cia, not for any particular reason other than to entertain them.


its obvious you don’t know the facts both the american government and uk government are run from tel aviv the american media is run by zionism its now about 5 giant american conglomerates running it.churchill ??? i would not trust him as far as i could throw him.


the jewsa always scams its client states. its comparable to the t72m1 in ruuusia you also have generals who name export versions monkey models. saddam for example had monkey model t72m1 from poland rebuild with knockdown kits and lacking infrared ans laser range finders. instead the lion of babylong tank was a downgrade from a downgrade with t72m with just a normal light search light. and obsolete trainer munition instead of real apfds.

Casual observer

whi cares it’s just turnover for the profits. grow up . you express the opinions of school.boys who actually think.its all real .


i express the facts as laid down in american legislation if america wants to act like a world mafia then they are not a legitimate country and many countries no longer trust the american government.


i enter gay bar with will we exchange fist game

Casual observer

pagans have the morality of satanists. imo


yeah, better to keep it far from the frontlines, away from battles. and for the upgrade: not gonna happen. nobody wants to take the risk to upgrade an f16 just for the pilot to turn it into russian hands for 5m ruble the day after


a few f16s are enough to spread immense panic among the russian nazis, it’s so funny 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

War of the Worlds

agreed, all fighting over each other about who gets to collect the bounties.

Casual observer

they don’t have a clue what they’re doing really no idea at all .

Allegedly a Casual Observer

no one does but zorro, which is who i am but don’t tell anyone.


really? is this why the russians in panic run westwards pushing every day also the front in this direction? hahahahaaaaaa stfu du saudummes dreckiges hurenkind.

Just me

lodge brother putin and the rest of the freemason presidential actors in the world are laughing at our team crap….. team russia against team nato/ukraine and the lodge brothers are winning, making profits and living in palaces. i will not choose a side and will pointlessly try to push “my team” to victory

Casual observer

the jesuits run the lodges really .imo .spain’s jesuits the pope by papal bull has given them half the world. centuries ago. they want it imo it’s theirs by rule of law .


f16 enter sawyer anuz

Conan M

the latest headline spells out loud and clear that the new boss is the old boss – “settle now, and stop this ridiculous war!”: trump threatens tariffs as russia sees ‘small’ window for deal on ukraine”… but what will poor pootie-poot do when his money is tied to those western institution(s)?… he already capitulated on syria… “whither” the last ‘red-line” for monsieur “pootie-poot”?…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

the war in ukraine is a bit like germany v brazil semi final 2014. russia’s 5 nil up and you know there’s only going to be one winner and you hope ukraine has some dignity left at the final whistle but you fear it can get much worse unless the russian team eases off the peddle.

Casual observer

more fake names


the “ghost of kiev” just soiled his pants! :)

Casual observer

more fake names from the same troll with the hole

Last edited 2 months ago by Casual observer
Casual observer

it hasn’t even started you fool .

Homer taco simpson

stinky turd annon now casual

Allegedly a Casual Observer

i’m starting it now but have no idea how to stop it. please don’t blame me for the aftermath.

Conan M

in my hillbilly amerikunt village i worship money sniff glue in mulatto gay bar

Bos Dragon

just as yesterday a danish fool died in one of those.

Allegedly a Casual Observer

the danes said he died while snowboarding in greenland.

Shlomo's little weenie

was that on trump’s prospective new ski resort site or on that little section left that he hasn’t claimed with his big bullshitting mouth ?


surprised they are in place – i woulda thought he sold them down the river long ago !


since the arrival of the f-16s, russian gliding bombs have hardly been seen, so don’t lie to us. although peter, catherine and stalin were great, there is a dwarf in moscow eager to hear what trump proposes.

Last edited 2 months ago by Tadeus

yes ru ssia makes alot of propaganda. like the t14 armata were is it and why wasnt it produced. the plan was 2300 along side the t15 armored personel carrier platform. instead nothing new has been made only a hand made prototype batch no serial production line was ever set up. its a fine propaganda piece just like the terminater tank which turned out easy target practice for javelin and nlaws they take out the weapon pod and its over.

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjew
Moshe Dayan

all tanks are obsolete in modern battle in case you haven’t been watching the past 4 years.


they arent obsolete but they are less effective without a more advanced active protection system. what they need is a hardkill ability to destroy munitions mid air and better anti drone and top attack protection.

and its true the r ussians achieved most of their recent victories with motorcycle units fast soft units who storm trenches and ambush enemy positions.

they achieved more then all the armor.

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjew
Homer taco simpson

a flying burger designed to bomb stupo von burrito gay bar

Moshe Dayan

one thing is certain: the fugly pig must really know how to suckle a good wanker because the ancient wankers of eu love his fat butt.

Last edited 2 months ago by Moshe Dayan
Donald Moore

well we will see how the f-16 does fighting in a real war. i expect to see them burn like the western tanks but i know the us will spin the reason why!


they arent in high enough numbers to win the war as you can see. they might allow longer range storm shadow missile strikes or attacks on rear areas maybe bettsr aa capability against somw r ussian targets. its not something that outright wins the war, the reason they had so much success in other conflicts was because their opponent didnt have modern anti air defenses. taliban isis iraq syria and yugoslavia didnt have the same grade anti air defenses.


f-16 can’t match su34s or better, standoff use only, prolly hiding at foggiest airbase in ukraine, ivano-frankivsk most likely, lots of western expats there to help hide the pilots in residential homes, less underground support there as well to help locate them. russian recon drone operators will obviously have better information, we’ll find out soon enough.

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