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F-22 Stealth Fighter Ends Up Nose Down On Runway At Eglin Air Force Base (Photos)

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F-22 Stealth Fighter Ends Up Nose Down On Runway At Eglin Air Force Base (Photos)

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On March 15, an F-22 stealth fighter assigned to the 325th Fighter Wing of the US Air Force March 15 at ended up nose down on the runway at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.

According to the official statement on the incident, the pilot was transported to the base’s flight medicine clinic for an evaluation. However, it seems that he has received no serious injures.

Less than a year ago, on May 15, 2020, an F-22 from the wing’s 43rd Fighter Squadron crashed north of the same base.

F-22 Stealth Fighter Ends Up Nose Down On Runway At Eglin Air Force Base (Photos)

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F-22 Stealth Fighter Ends Up Nose Down On Runway At Eglin Air Force Base (Photos)

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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Structural failure.


Like the US banana republic.


Not a fan of Israel

That banana is the 51st State innit?


Costa Rica. There is a reason why US got Costa Rica….

Not a fan of Israel

….to feed the monkeys?

I look at the US and think, “Not my Circus, not my monkeys”. Since I don’t live there, it helps. LOL.

Ivan Freely

So that makes this number 7? Leaving only 180 left.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

What about the ones destroyed in the hurricane. They will be lucky to have 75 – 100 in total available by now. Less than the number of Su-35S in Russian air force service.

Ivan Freely

According to Kyle Mizokami of Popular Mechanics, all those planes survived, repaired and operational.


Dick Von Dast'Ard

I speculate that they (USAF) don’t actually have the parts to keep the full F-22 fleet operational (hence the really low availability rates) and that they are cannibalizing broken aircraft to keep what they have, in the air.


I agree! Even when they had 187 not all jets were full combat ready! Some of those were used for training pilots only. after so much time it is logical that they might use few of them to “cannibalize” their parts. P.S. For one week of flight they need 7 weeks of maintenance!


In my view the F22 and F35 are pritty damn good aircraft unmatched by any other.. i bet Lockheed has available parts in inventory..only issue is corporate greed.


Yes, only about 120 something of them are actually combat capable. The rest are just used for training and other non combat roles.

This was in America so it was likely a training aircraft, as the combat versions would more likely be overseas.

Potato Man

I wouldn’t take their words buddy. I mean just read the name of the magazine “popular mechanics”…they also get paid for some of their shit. We never know for sure, maybe they are right maybe they talking out of their asses.

Popular Mechanics is a magazine of popular science and technology, featuring automotive, home, outdoor, electronics, science, do-it-yourself, and technology topics. Military topics, aviation and transportation of all types, space, tools and gadgets are commonly featured.


Potato Man

Also, LMFAO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/63084c3cd2b834e3a6b8154fe54f1e36e91e9b805acd5e6e1d6abeb8812237b4.png


“Badass” plane. Either bad or ass is enough for F-35.


Frankly, US junk weaponry is a microcosm of rotting America. The Hollywood hype has surely worn off.

Not a fan of Israel

Yep Junk Technology. Thaad is just a cardboard cut-out. LOL.

Not a fan of Israel

North Korea sent a missile over Japan. Japan had THAAD installations. None fired. I wonder why? LOL.

Answer: cos they are “just fer show”. Couldn’t hit the side of a barn at 20 paces.

Assad must stay

definitely, not a single decent hollywood movie has been released in years and i dont expect it to change

Peter Moy

The Air Force should just admit it, George W. Bush (the famous Texas Air National Guard fighter jockey and former US El Presidente) was at the controls. Don’t worry taxpayers, he’ll cover all repair costs. This just proves that even a gazillion dollar plane can’t land with only two wheels.


One wheel on my wagon song :)


erwin vercauteren

the Russians have used a special trained postal service pigeon equipped with an electronic warfare and jamming device triggered by Putin while he was playing a little chess against the Rocket Man Kim jong ung in His underground bunker

Joao Alfaiate

The pilot is likely to be disabled by the huge amount of paperwork he’ll be completing over the next six months or so….

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’ll still be applying toilet paper to his rear at the thought of flying another 1990 piece of junk, lol.

Not a fan of Israel

LOL. Pmsl.


Im sure Putin or Šojgu have been seen on the runway digging holes :)


Very advanced aircraft – but the existing fleet is aging without any air-frames being cycled out with new replacements. Because in 2009 US Defense Secretary Robert Gates decided to shut down and moth ball Lockheed’s Georgia F-22 production line. Last F-22 order was completed on that production line in 2011. So, a decade later, as normal wear and tear occurs on elements like front suspension geometry, the replacement parts inventory is limited. There is small number of F-22’s retired into storage as their air-frame life – metal fatigued – is up, perhaps these are being used as parts hacks. The F-22 inventory of air-frames and parts are finite at this point. The reason, of course, is the F-35 was supposed to be the Swiss-Army-knife answer to all US military service’s aviation needs – but it isn’t – and so, in 2020 the USAF started ordering and acquiring Boeing F-15’s again, for first time in 16 years, to shore up their fighter fleet.

Lone Ranger

Another proof the Flop-35 is toast.

Blue In Green

It’s simply way too expensive to produce, fly and maintain. The thing is practically meant to bankrupt the country that uses it.

What a joke of an air-craft….


That’s the irony, US Defense ceased F-22 production due to the excessively high production costs – and went forward with the ‘universal’ F-35 program – which was pitched as bringing economies of scale (reduced cost efficiencies) by being used across multiple services – yet then promptly turned into the most expensive weapons systems project in history – $1.5 trillion was last estimate – and it’s yet to do the job of actually replacing the thoroughbred F-22, or the workhorse F-15! Surely the F-35 rates as the greatest military boondoggle project of all time…? Yikes.

Evan Vokes

The red flag exercises confirm that you would brown your shorts once the missile is detected right before you explode there is no other plane that can fly against f22 and f35 in no holds barred aggressor role the euro-fighter is OK at visual range both nothing else and would cease to exist before the range was closed. the french will not expose the rafel to a competition

the f22 f35 only competition is each other

Lone Ranger

Lay down the LSD, its bad for you… Flop-35s and Craptors failed over Syria even Against Su-27M… Evem the Rafale and Eurofighter can beat those Lockheed tincans. Case closed. Bye🐈


A sizable amount of F-18s are scrapped and used for spare parts. We were told that was the way the Soviets operated. New planes were delivered and older planes were canibalized to keep them running. Compare and contrast to the Russian planes in Syria that have maintained an incredible pace of combat missions. Somehow the script has flipped with the USSA taking the place of the Soviet empire.

Simon Ndiritu

If this is their best aircraft, how are the rest??

Raptar Driver

As president of the United States I will bring Lockheed martin to heel. They will stop being a money pit and produce proper war planes that will benefit the American defense.

Simon Ndiritu

The pilot was practicing ramming of adversaries’ strategic infrastructure

Lone Ranger

If they keep that up they will go below a 100 soon.

Assad must stay



Nose down and tail up, just like the pilot.


Now only errant Ukrainian pilot driving personal vehicle on Eglin AFB required.

cechas vodobenikov

pilot observed rat on airfield –became terrified


Mighty US military: transgender soldiers, female generals, all commanded by senile old pedophile Biden….

Monte George

Nose down = stealth mode! Just trying to sneak in under the radar.

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