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Fa Ithbatu Chief Commander Arrested By Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham In Recent Raid On Arab Said

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On June 28, a large strike force of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) stormed the town of Arab Said, a stronghold of the Fa Ithbatu Operations Room.

The force, backed by armored vehicles, surrounded the town then arrested a chief commander of the operations room, known as Abu Omar Manhaj. Some sources said that Manhaj was a senior figure in Horas al-Din, while others claimed that he was linked to Ansar al-Din.

According to the available information, Abu Omar will be taken to a Sharia [Islamic] court of the Turkistan Islamic Party. This measure will be taken in accordance with a recent agreement reached by HTS and Fa Ithbatu on June 26.

Manhaj was reportedly responsible for the recent attacks on HTS positions in western Idlib. The attacks were launched from Arab Said.

The arrest of Abu Omar Manhaj coincided with another operation in the city of Jisr al-Shughur. HTS forces stormed the city and raided positions and headquarters of Fa Ithbatu. The operation was also in line with the recent agreement.

HTS is now openly working to neutralize the Fa Ithbatu Operations Room, which lost most of its assets in the in the recent clashes. The day before, HTS banned the establishment of any new operations room or factions in Greater Idlib. The decision is is intended to strengthen the HTS’ grip over the Syrian region.


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Brother Ma

Why hasn’t weak-arsed China sent in commandos to kill these Chinese Turkestanis like it said it would? All hot air and no action. Big mistake.

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