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MARCH 2025

Face Of European “Democracy”: Spainish Police Brutally Opressing Supporters Of Catlan Independence (Videos)

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Face Of European "Democracy": Spainish Police Brutally Opressing Supporters Of Catlan Independence (Videos)

A screenshot from the video

This is how “democracy” looks in the European Union.

Spanish police are rubber bullets at paceful Catlan protesters and beating supporters of independence in the day of an independence referendum in Catalonia.

Catalan emergency services report that at least 38 people were inuured by police, according to Reuters. However, the real number of injured protesters will likely grow dramatically soon as the videos below show.

At the same time, the Spanish Interior Ministry argues that 11 security forces officers have been also injured.

Police units are cracking down the Catlan self-administration’s efforts to conduct the referendum that the Spanish government has declared illegal.

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Tomáš Bouzek

Looks like EU democracy….


Which bears a big resemblance to US ‘democracy’…wonder if these troops are trained in Israel as well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All the separatists broke into schools and camped in them a prepared to block the no voters after they voted this is how they play their game in politics these are the true fascist activities. Their vote counts and others whom they see as traitors don’t but you will always hear about them cry about their rights being violated.

Tommy Jensen

16 spanish police officers wounded, photo of burning police after a fire bomb thrown by “peaceful innocent protesters”. The Jewish Kagan/Soros gang at it again. Last time in Ukraine, this time in Spain. Look up for US Embassy cookies and unknown snipers killing police officers.


this did not happen in scotland

Solomon Krupacek

quite another issue. the english crown inherited scotchs. after that they made union of two independent land: the united kingdom. they have rigt cut this personal union any time and rturn back to souvereignity.


i say any group of people that wants to have a referendum should have that right

Solomon Krupacek



yes, in my opinion yes

Allan Campbell

not yet!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Mi6 is better able to pull strings in a more professional manor. Cyber manipulation, a few random accidents to key low profile people, money manipulation and so on. Mi6 is a master and deceiving people. In order to become SAS or Mi6, one must devote the rest of their life to become a habitual liar and being able to believe ones own lies. http://ihr.org/


well, mayebe the scotts just voted no to independence, mister japethite

Zainab Ali

who are the zios siding?

Simon Gould

Look for whoever is dispensing disproportionate violence – the zios will be behind it

Kawa Asinger

Exactly just like in Kurdistan, all its neighbours want declare war on it and commit genocide. The same thing is happening in Kurdistan right now, but with sanctions and collective punishment.

Free Catalonia! Free Kurdistan!


Kawa Asinger

The Spanish should have used that same force against the rapefugees. ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This time they did most of all their terrorist violence already and made arrangements for antifascists to support the Fascist criminals in separating. This way it’s easier to exact their vengeance on Europe and we will soon see more ISIS attacks in the near future.


Probably both sides as usual .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Separatists who else would they side with they want to destroy Europe and bring more ISIS fighters there eventually gangs are there already becoming a ripe environment.

Ice Icegold



Protesters push back against Police during Catalan Referendum, Spain 10/1/17: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1pM7Jjdxao

Petrus Levelleri

You have it all wrong, ignora(n)ts: the EU (as the globalist entity it is) works everyday to destroy the nation-state. The more fragmented the power is within the EU, the more power the EU Commission has. Now, the fact that some bigots in Russia and the US find interesting this developments only reflects their sheer ignorance in this subject.

Solomon Krupacek

… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee3272d8135922831170efc3d3bedf9877f2c47e3ca1269f55246ab2f7d0551d.jpg

Petrus Levelleri

Now they start censoring in this site as well. Really pathetic approach of SF on this matter.

Solomon Krupacek

already longer time. almost every day i see such things


Dear friend, 1) In general, SF avoids deleting comments if this is not a hard-core hate speech or trolling. Your comment has not been deleted by moderator. If you are really “censored” here, you will not be able to comment further from your account/IP. 2) We want to ask you to use carefully the word propaganda. You should understand the difference between propaganda and an opinion of the author. SouthFront has been repeatedly blamed for being pro-Russian propaganda, anti-Erdogan propaganda, pro-Trump propaganda, anti-Russian propaganda, pro-Iranian propaganda etc. Now, you say that SouthFront “censoring” something in the comments. In reality, SouthFront provides real facts and points of view of the project’s participants. Sincerely yours, SF Team

Petrus Levelleri

Dear SF, I did not use the word “propaganda” in the comment aforementioned. Therefore I perceived the deletion of my comment as censorship. I might have been wrong. Now, I will reproduce my original comment without the expression “pro-Russian media” if that is what causes you trouble, hoping that it’s not deleted again. Sincerely yours, Petrus


Dear Petrus, you got a detailed answer to your comment and the comment above that you had liked (it includes the word “propaganda”). We once again recall that SF does not delete comments if they don’t include not a hard-core hate speech or trolling. Furthermore, SF does not use an automatic system that censor some words etc. If you face some problems, this could be related to the general rules of Disqus (our comment hosting service). In this case, we can recommend you to check this: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/1753105-basic-rules-for-disqus-powered-profiles-and-discussions Sincerely yours, SF Team

Gonçalo Pena

SF guys. Do not play devil’s lawyer. To separate a nation state is not due only to the will of the locals (and Catalans (not Catlans), are divided). It is a whole spanish issue (as Syria and Iraq will be, I hope). And Spain had its deal of civil war. They do not want another.


Agree. I wonder how our Russian and Slavic brothers here would have accepted a Crimean vote not in their favor. Blame the CIA and push for suppression of those people’s.

Nothing new here. Countries maintaining their integrity. If you got to bust some heads, that’s the way it goes.


I agree that Catalan should not be independent because it would create chaos as such however, why would you bring Russian into this? Do you really want to know how Russians would feel like if this happened to them? Take a look at the Soviet Union back then and compare it to now! They lost more territory and land because of these things and they did not create chaos or obliterate them but they accepted the results. That’s how a real government acts.


Despite what happens in Chechenia, no?

Tudor Miron

Mr. hhabana, let me suggest that you learn some hystory. There was no such state as Ukraine on the map of this planet before collapse of CCCP. If you advocate countries maintaining integrity than Crimea returning home should make you happy. As for Spain and Catalonians – thats their internal deal and hopefuly they find a peacful way of coexisting. Important is that people on the streets on both sides should be aware – are they serving their own interests or they are mere instruments in someone’s game?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Crimeans have been trying to rejoin RF since 1991, when USSR disbanded. I bet they don’t tell you that in the NED funded school system!

Kawa Asinger

Crimea belongs to Russia! A people have the democratic right to express their voice!

Russia was only protecting its people.

Respect ✊ from Kurdistan.

Free Kurdistan!! ✊️

Kawa Asinger


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Ukraine was a Soviet republic of Nations why do you think it was a country it was called the Soviet Republic of Ukraine, my Great grandfather as he was born in the Russian Empire considered an insult to be called Ukrainian as many of his relatives later died in that backwards Soviet republic.

They never would have voted in remaining as they had already voted to separate on times before that, no chance for remaining with the CIA since they staged the coup in their country.


Imposing a blockade or sanctioning the region would be the most humane thing to do! This is insane! Hitting a 80+ year old woman because of what? It’s the Catalan government that’s to blame, not the voters!! Dividing us not the answer but demolishing is surely not the appropriate way to deal with it. I know many officers are doing their job but this reasonable. If you payed close attention into European countries, you would see that France and Germany did the exact same thing when demonstrators took it to the street to protest against Labour laws.

They hit and arrested many of them. Even though the demonstrators had a permission, which contrary to Russia where the demonstrators didn’t have a permission and when they were arrested without violence as Russian patrol officers that handles rallies are not allowed to wield “weapons”, not even rubber bullets, the EU condemned Russia for arresting them. The European Union is a disgrace to the world who has not only stolen the wealth of others, but imposed their way of life on other countries while they create their own spectrum of living where no laws or order exists.

Kawa Asinger

No need for a blockade! That’s collective punishment. Come to the negotiating table and talk it out, find a peaceful solution. Beating people up is not the way I agree with you, but neither is a blockade. A person forced against their will is of the same opinion still. You can’t force people to do things it always ends in futility.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Spanish democracy died today. Shame on the Police thugs. Very very disgusting. Just one step away from pure barbarism. Watch out for the bullets like the Maidan in Kiev. Did they catch that lot? What if the same perps go to stir things up in Catalonia?

Kawa Asinger

The whole world looks to the west as an examplor of democracy and human rights. I feel sad about this, there is a more humane way to deal with it. It’s called dialogue and negotiations. ?

jklahsd32 laksd13

so then why use brutal force to stop a peaceful referendum? kurds, are a different issue as they have to convince iran, turkey, syria, and iraq to get their one country which is i think a challenge.

Kawa Asinger

Yes the Kurds have to broker a deal with these countries. And yes it is very tough to do so, when they keep refusing dialogue and negotiation. But I think eventually Iraq will come to the table. By the way It’s Iraq. Has nothing to do with Iran or Turkey. It’s Iraqi internal matters. Turkey and Iran are just spreading Kurdophobia. The referendum took place in Southern Kurdistan, not greater Kurdistan.

Free Catalonia! Free Kurdistan!


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Problem is Kurds refused dialogue in the first place and if they make any declaration as they have been doing of late it will destroy any chance of dialogue.

Tony "Melinda" Stark

Hang On.

What Europeans have lately (latest 5 years) lamented, is the loss of sovereign power. Since no one made a referendum and asked us: do you want your country to join EU? to have a common currency? a common monetary policy? and all of these points have been proven setbacks since the strongest state order what others must do (supported by the worst academics ever seen on earth) can’t that be seen as a sign of people re-vanquishing their own sovereignty instead of being a coloured revolution? Think: the elite might also let you believe that they are behind the catatonian revolts, in order to have you supporting the central gov who allowed to enter in the EU…


Rioters attacking police with steel barricades today in Spain: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3b4855c8175d235c012350164ca48131f8bdc59becf7a375fb57173816516c7.png in Spain today:

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It is never a good idea to stop democracy in action. I guess “modern and democratic” Spain is learning fast from its friends in the Banderized Ukraine’s “revolution of dignity”. I bet Franco would be proud of these Police thugs in action. Gee, don’t we all love “European values” at the ballot box???

Kawa Asinger

It’s fucking sad to see people being suppressed because they voice their opinion. I guess democracy doesn’t mean shit these days.

Free Catalonia! Free Kurdistan!


Tommy Jensen

Free Ukraine from Russia´s influence. Free Crimea to Pentagon. Free Syria for the Syrian people´s slave nature votes for Assad. Free Libya for their wealth giving them by the dictator Gaddafi. Free Chechnya from their prosperous and peaceful society under Kadyrov. Free Israel from Palestine.


Looks like a Maidan, Spanish style.


Yes, attacking police with metal objects like in Ukraine: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/02/article-2516473-19C28F8E00000578-73_964x566.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

in russia would be dead all organisators already months ago.

vivat democracy!

Tudor Miron

What planet are you from? Western 5th column is feeling freely here. A bit too much to my liking but that’s OK when majority of population supports proper vector of development – they are harder to full into stupid selfdestroying moves.

Solomon Krupacek

i remeber the dozens of dead journalists, activists. polonium tee…

forbidden VPN, Tor ….


Relax Tudor. We all know this is a shill. He now has company too. New shills showed up on SouthFront yesterday and no one wanted to listen to their crap, but they persisted. Now, today SF is down. Co-incidence?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

AMN has been down since the 29th of September and they are going after all media sources that oppose their view as they are fast becoming the most hated fascists in the world.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Have you heard of the US/EU/NATO gulag, aka Gitmo? Watch out, they could be after you soon!

Solomon Krupacek


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You will not be laughing when you are wearing orange in Gitmo. Make sure to please your new US masters, or else. Lick, lick , lick!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FghancKP8BM

Tommy Jensen

Looks better than my place. They are lucky to have beds and toilets and roof when it rains, and a table where they can eat their free of charge dinner while we have to work 12 hours a day to get something once a day to our stomach to just stay alive. Not that we are complaining, we are happy for what we have.

jklahsd32 laksd13

well don’t compare to russia

Solomon Krupacek

here russians attack the EU. therefore i show only mirror ;)

Kawa Asinger

Don’t think so. Russia (as in today) wouldn’t resort to such measures. Because Russia is always in line with International law. At least it seems that way to me.

Solomon Krupacek

some local oligarchs want this separation. catalonia: 16% of citizesns of spain, 18.5% of GDP. if would be independentz state, these +2.5% became swiftly in negative value – to organize state is costly thing. and PLUS automatically out from EU, no euro. only own currency will be big lost. lot of forms will leave catalonia. so, for the normal people it is loss. only those oligarchs can easier steal…


Antifa in the US: http://allnewspipeline.com/images/AntifaThugspa1.jpg


Antifa violence in the US: https://libertarianheathendotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/antifa-polizei.jpg?w=748


You’re on a wrong topic. And idk what arguments you are trying to make with these unrelated pictures that are void of context.


What’s off topic about it? http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170926141319-donald-trump-september-26-2017-04-large-169.jpg

Tommy Jensen

You got everything wrong. The Soros/Kagan gang with unknown snipers killing police officers are the peaceful ones. Its the police who asked the crowd to stay calm in an aggressive tone who are violent……LOL.


I sympathize with these people. Leave the monarchy, leave NATO, leave EU!


agreed, except the eu

Solomon Krupacek

catalonia automatically falls out from EU. and also must have own currency


they could join the EU

Solomon Krupacek

in years. also the greeks di not choice drachma instead of euro. which currency has catalonia? :P if catalonia will be independent. lot of firms will move in spain. you dont realize, catalonia is only the 4th rich region in spain. and because of the rest of spain are they rich. the next day after independence the catalan products can not be sold in spain. this destroy the half of catalonian economy.

Solomon Krupacek

i would like see cgecgnya and tatarstan in same way. do you agree?

Petrus Levelleri

Tomorrow the citizens of Tula Region, which have they own culture and dialect, will hold a vote on whether to stay or leave the Russian Federation… What would SF say? What would you say? And more specifically, what would you say when Law Enforcement offficers start acting to preserve the legal order? Dont wish for others what you don’t want for yourself, tovarich.

Harry Smith

Petrus, let me say my opinion as a Russian. First of all you are harvesting the gains of your support for Kosovo “independence”. Second, Russia survived after USSR collapse by implementing the federation model. Do not understand why your govt did not proposed the same model as they did with basks. Third, in accordance with the polls made a week before, more than 50% of Catalonians were against the independence. Why you did not let them to vote? Like London did in Scotland? Now your govt opened the Pandora box.

Petrus Levelleri

I agree with some of your points, let me explain: First, Spain has not and will probably never recognised the independence of Kosovo. Second, Spain is already a “de-facto” federation (asymetrical) with devolved competencies to the regions (some have more and some have less prerogatives). Third, the Spanish govt did many things wrong and its image has been damaged today, but in legal terms it has just enforced the legal order: autonomous regions cannot legally hold any kind of referenda.

Harry Smith

Petrus, please pardon my mistake. Spain never recognized Kosovo. As for the legal order: it is a very complicated question. Literally civil guard followed their orders, but in the reality your govt drastically lost the support of the loyal locals. This is the main mistake. It is very sad what is happening now and the most of the responsibility is on your govt. Hope you will find a peaceful solution, but my logic says it is impossible right now. I think it will be a long story, after first rubber bullet was fired.

Petrus Levelleri

It a very complex issue that I cannot develop here, but the Spanish govt has made many mistake for too long (decades). I hope everthing goes fine and there is a political solution through dialogue because, in the end it’s just a minority of people both in Spain and Catalonia that want the separation of this region. Moreover, the creation of an independent state would weaken a big nation-state within the EU and would reinforce the power of the EUcrats. That is not in Spain’s interest, nor in the interest of any other EU state, and even less so in the interest of EU competitors (USA, Russia, China). It’s only in the interest of the EU and the globalist behind the whole project.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Federations are really simple, you know. I don’t know what Madrid’s violent game is all about. If they are that confused and blinded why not just ask their US masters? Or their fellow NATO stooges in Canada and Germany? Do the Catalans have the same state rights as Texas, Quebec and Bavaria? Spain has only a few days to get this right or it will go the same way as Banderized Ukraine over the Donbass. Meanwhile, what will happen in the Basque country?

Petrus Levelleri

Spain is officially a unitary state, but it works as a de-facto asymetrically regionalised state (meaning that some regions have more attributions than others). This is done in a top-down fashion, the power of the autonomous regions is given by the central state, by the sovereign, which is the Spanish people. That’s why regions cannot hold independence referenda, it’s just beyond their attributions… Only a Spain-wide referendum would be valid, that is all Spaniards voting on a given subject. Germany, Canada and the US are young states, they aren’t an example to follow, as they’re formally federations, unlike Spain.

Spain will not go down the path of Banderite Ukraine for many reasons: geopolitical, political, historical and economical ones. The Ukraine was (and what is left is) a fake state formed in 1918 with patches from here and there. It imploded for various reasons, but essentially because it was recent and artificial. I don’t think the comparison is good with Spain and Catalonia.

The Basque, since the end of terrorism, have become more pragmatic and they surely know that under their the same EU master it’s not worth anymore to waste energy in futile struggles that lead nowhere (no sovereignty, no independence). That’s what the Catalans should also know, but someone in the EU and the globalist clique has been pushing for this non-sense. We’ll see what happens. I just hope there is no more violence than necessary.

Harry Smith

Petrus, all so named revolution are made by USA in the same algorithm. You’ve entered in the phase 1 of unconventional warfare. If you want to learn more – find TC 18-01 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare handbook, published by USA Department of the Army Headquarters. BTW, when I spoke with ukrainians, after the maidan was started, and made some parallels with Egypt and Syria riots, all the ukrainians, in one voice, said it is impossible to implement such a scenario in the European country. Well, they were wrong. PS. Von Bismark said: it is bad to be Anglo-Saxons enemy, but is much worse to be their friend. Want to say nothing, but the active stage started after mr. Rajoy visited mr. Trump.

Harry Smith

I hope you will find a political solution too. ASAP

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The Spanish authorities have made themselves to be asses today and violent ones at that. They could have simply ignored the vote. What would have happened? Now we know that Franco has returned. I am truly shocked at Spain. It is just one bullet away from a Banderized Ukrainian style Maidan. Spain is on life support today. What a disaster that can only get worse if the violent idiots in Madrid continue this behaviour.


Do not have an opinion about spanish monarchy.

I have one on ours.

85% of Dutch like/love our monarchy.

The king (and his mother, grandmother before) is so popular that monarchy has not been an issue for many decades and even then only among small fringe groups.

If he wasn’t king, he would be elected as President.

So there are popular monarchies.


Thats spanish democracy. Asking for democracy in Syria, Russia, Venezuela and Iran but acting in their country like that with peaceful protesters. Welcome to Spanishtan! ????

Petrus Levelleri

Gudari (basque “warrior”, aka ETA terrorist) you lost your terrorist bid against the Spanish Democracy. Your friends killed kids, elder and civil servants with indiscriminate car bombing for more than 50 years. Really, you should STFU. Look, Spanish democracy is flawed, we can agree on that, but it guarantees freedoms and rights that you wouldn’t have in many many parts of the globe. So don’t spit on your soup gudari txiki. Agur


Petrus shut up if you dont know a shit about an issue, really. “Gudari” means a warrior, like the SAA or Hezbollah fighting against the OTAN islamo-fascist terrorists. The basque gudaris were the ones that fought against the Franco dictator in spanish civil war. Its a shame that you are supporting a dictator and the spanish banana kingdom full of corruption and violence, not far away from Turkey for example. Agur my friend!

Petrus Levelleri

Gudari, txiki, I support the SAA and its allies. Relaxatu mutil. The heroic Basque gudaris surrendered to the Spanish nationalists in 1937, end of story. The Spanish Republic lost the war because of this, among other things, so be quite, ok? The next time the gudaris showed up was to set bombs in shopping malls and kill politicians and other civil servant with a bullet in the back of the neck. And this shit went on during 50+ years, under the dictatorship (18 years)…. and under the democracy (36 years). So no lessons of democracy or whatever, ok gudari? Spain is a country full of problems, but it’s still one of the best places on Earth, and you should be aware and thankful for that. Agur yogur!


Democracy little boy? Is it democracy to bury people alive in lime? Is it democracy to shoot dead in a peaceful riot? Is it democracy to have political prisioners? SPANISHTAN IS SHIT. Labbaik Ya Hezbollah, SAA and resistance axis!

Solomon Krupacek

go to madgascar


Go to hell sionist

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Gudari’s became Terrorists because it was run by criminals what do you expect from lowlifes they become terrorists nothing romantic about them.


Terrorism… ok. What about state terrorism? Well known spanish state terrorism for example. Banana monarchy. ???

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Still talking about shit and trying to explain it away , most politics is bananas and mockery of society but Europeans are all fascist left or right both use fascism tactics, the hold over from cultural marxists.


The only thing I know is that even in ID card puts that we are spanish… we are not, and never would be. They conquer us some years ago… its true. Ok, we lost the match but they wont conquer our souls or thoughts. Fucking NATO, EU, Spain, Israhell and Saudistan. To hell all!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This how they defeat you by destroying your only leverage , they take every thing when you are weaker making you beholding to them while they eat your food this is how NATO really operates. They have done this to every country and will continue to do it until they are finished, think they are brilliant tacticians they play divide and conquer well.

Kawa Asinger

Look mah a mongoloid! ? Let’s throw some peanuts at it! ?

Turkey ? for thanksgiving! ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The real Mongoloid telling someone else they are a mongoloid how rich can you get from a Comar!

Kawa Asinger

Man, you need immediate medical attention. You suffer from dementia, you seem to have forgotten your own ancestors, fucking …mongoloids. I didn’t know Europeans have names such Davutoglu! HAHAHA, But Mongols do. such as this last name: Otgonbayar! HAHAHAHAHA! ??????????????????

John Whitehot

wonderful country, an unique place on all Earth.

Solomon Krupacek

i know

Petrus Levelleri

Let’s all remember what we said when the 20 Feb 2014 Putsch took place in Kiev: “It’s ilegal”, “it’s funded by Soros”, “the US and the EU support the putschists, etc. Now that something similar happens in the West (in an ancient nation, not like the Ukraine) many of us from the US, Russia and elsewhere start to write shit about the EU and Spain (which are two *very* different things). First, the EU is a globalist political entity with no popular, national source of legitimacy; Second, Spain is a nation-state where the sovereign is the people of Spain; Third, the EU Commission and the globalist forces behind it work day and night, all the time, for many decades now, to weaken and, eventually, dismember the nation-states that originally created the EEC, then the EU; Fourth, this process only strengthens the EU’s illegitimate power, and more general, the power of globalist, within and beyond the EU itself. Hope you ALL understand something now… Yanukovich should’ve acted to stop the Putsch on Feb 20, the Spanish govt is acting to stop the Putsch on Oct 1. Bonus: Spain never recognized independent Kosovo, just so you know. VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH THOSE WHO TURN THEIR JACKETS TODAY!!!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Free the indigenous ethnic-Catlan natives in their ancestral home lands. No one has the right to live in or dictate anything to the indigenous persons. Just as England has no right to colonize Irish home lands, and Africans have no right to do so to the Indigenous-Italians or ethnic-Greeks! http://ihr.org/

Solomon Krupacek

all of us came from africa

you are also immigrant

jklahsd32 laksd13

ancient Italians (Romans) were pretty damn genocidle, alot of indigenous people don’t exist thanks to them. until the became victims to germanic, gothic etc invaders themselves.

Kawa Asinger

Free Kurdistan, and its indigenous people!

Free Catalonia!! Free Kurdistan!!



Spain acted stupidly.

Instead of forbidding the referendum, they could have set reasonable conditions.

As the issue is divisive, even within Catalonia, they could have said fi that of all eligible voters 50% should be voting for or not be accepted.

So in case 70% votes, and 90% votes Yes, that counts as 63% and it will pass.

If 70% vote and 60% say yes, then it is only 42%, so not accepted. Or something like that.

The images of people being beaten is disgracful.

Kawa Asinger

I agree. But Spain stood against the Kurdish referendum and called it illegitimate. Even ~93% voted yes. And it was transparent, free and also had international observers. Unfortunately, Iraq is suppressing the Kurds through collective punishment. Because the Kurdish regions are rich in Natural resources, likewise Catalonia is a rich region of Spain, so Spain doesn’t want to lose the wealth.

jklahsd32 laksd13

This is so much like Ukraine!! persecution and oppression of minorties is a thing of spain, i mean they are after all the same country that genocided all the jews/muslims in southern spain, and alot of the natives in central/south america, also persecuted the dutch heavily, the only reason why Catalonia culture managed to survive is because they were catholics.


The Catalonians have one of the highest occurrences of the rhesus negative gene. Just saying.


I wonder if USA-Israel will organize a change of regime due to this brutal repression of own people. Maybe they can transfer ISIS-Daesh-Nustra to Spain and call them the opposition fighters. Then they can start bombing Spain to remove the brutal regime.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x