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MARCH 2025

Facebook, Instagram To Allow Calls For Violence Against Russians Over Ukraine Invasion

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Facebook, Instagram To Allow Calls For Violence Against Russians Over Ukraine Invasion

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

Two weeks after Facebook users were given the green light to praise Ukraine’s openly neo-nazi military unit, the Azov Batallion, the Meta formerly known as Facebook will allow posts on Facebook and Instagram, from a handful of countries, calling for violence against ‘Russians and Russian soldiers’ when discussing the Ukraine invasion, according to Reuters, citing internal emails that someone felt strongly enough about to leak to the media.

In a temporary change to its hate speech policy, the social media company will also allow people who live in Russia, Ukraine and Poland to call for the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, according to emails sent to the company’s content moderators.

These calls for the leaders’ deaths will be allowed unless they contain other targets or have two indicators of credibility, such as the location or method, one email said, in a recent change to the company’s rules on violence and incitement.

The emails said calls for violence against Russians are allowed when the post is clearly talking about the invasion of Ukraine. They said the calls for violence against Russian soldiers were allowed because this was being used as a proxy for the Russian military, and said it would not apply to prisoners of war. -Reuters

The temporary change to its hate speech policy applies to users living in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine and Russia, although that may be moot since Facebook is now banned in Russia after accusing the platform of censoring Russian media. The move came amid a spate of similar restrictions among large social media firms, including Twitter. Affected outlets include RT and Sputnik in Europe.

Last month The Intercept reported that Facebook reversed a ‘Dangerous Individuals and Organizations’ ban on Ukraine’s Azov Batallion – Ukraine’s neo-nazi military unit.

Facebook, Instagram To Allow Calls For Violence Against Russians Over Ukraine Invasion

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According to the report, the Azov regiment – which functions as an armed wing of the broader Ukrainian white nationalist Azov movement – is classified as a “Tier 1” dangerous organization under FB policy, alongside the likes of ISIS and the KKK. It began as a volunteer anti-Russia militia before officially joining the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014, and is known for its hardcore ultranationalist views and neo-Nazi ideology.

The group was formally banned by Facebook in 2019, and designated (along with several individuals) under the company’s prohibition against hate groups – subject to their harshest “Tier 1” restrictions that ban users from “praise, support, or representation” of blacklisted groups across all company-owned platforms.

It is unclear what liability Facebook will face if as a result of its hate speech policy changes, other Russians besides the “targeted” ones, end up killed.


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Let's go Brandon


Pedo Andy

Fc uk book and Pistagram are Jew owned terrorist platforms and now openly advocating violence. Russia needs to act more aggressively and start arming Iran and other allies to bog the NATO terrorists down all over the region and change the global power balance.


They allow calls of violence against all White peoples.


Russia should have banned them long, long time ago, along with CNN, BBC, DW and other dirty NATO propaganda outlets, plus all NATO funded NGOs


Agrred but not enough.

Dirty Mark

don’t you mean Faecesbook


Russians are looters and murders.. https://www.telegraaf.nl/e/828717938/


Decent, honorable people should not be using corrupt social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and so on. All political social media is suspect including the so-called conservative ones but FB et alia are truly wicked and should be avoided like the plague!


agree 100%

Trevor Lorenz

Facebook news feed feeds you more articles like you and your friends read, it’s a close loop feed back algorithm.

So if you don’t like your Facebook news feed be more careful what you read, and who you associate with.


VT is available in English

concrete mike

Nazis being nazis, are we surprised?


Facebook is owned by the jew Zuckerberg. So stop your nonsense “Nazi,nazi- screaming”. It is really astonishing how pathetic and stupid one can be.

It is no secret that Zuckerberg is the owner of Facebook and that he is jewish. But still some maximum braindead people try to bring their “Nazi-bashing” forward, even though there is clearly no national socialist owning that company (Facebook).

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Right up there with “I have black friends, so I’m not racist.”. Jews aren’t the opposite of nazi.


Jews are the opposite of the opposite of Nazis. Half of the world jewish population is Israeli. Even Christians aren’t 50% Nazis, aren’t most of them in Africa and non-US America?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Jews are the worst nazis Just look in the mirror Shlomo.

Porc halal

Yeah?! And why is that the jew platform aka Meta/facebook is backing neo-nazi groups calling for hatred / violence towards russian people…isn’t this similar to “anti-semitism”??


Hey you stupid fuck, do you ever knew that in ww2 jewish bankers from New York funded both sides, allies and hitlerist one, motha fucker ?

Martin Rapavý

Surprise, surprise, some of the Zionist policies implemented in Jewish-occupied Palestine do remind one of Nazi policies.

Timmy Temperance

I have pictures on Instagram, as you know. That is it. Facebook is pure evil. The suggestions and so on are designed to break your brain and make you a jibbering brain-washed moron.

Timmy Temperance

Zuckerberg is the product of weak spermatozoa and the spawn of a second-rate demon, which makes him vengeful and jealous of Satan. That is why Zuckerberg strives to wreak maximum havoc on mankind in order to usurp Satan, but people are beginning to see through his angel of light disguise.


Such fuking low-lifes. Who uses Meta (FB) anymore? And yeah Instagram is owned by fuking FB.

Oh, which bitch here was saying most of Ukraine coming to the EU borders weren’t men and they can’t fight and whatnot, have another look you ape. 2 million Ukrainians are okay, but the EU better kill that 3k Kurds…fuking hell. Also, no those young men are smart and they have the right to not fight a stupid fuking war.

Cyric Vigilius

Facebook employees lives just got a lot more precarious. Does Zuckerberg not imagine that the Russians do not have his address?


Pues habrá que hacer algo con ese tarado de Sucker-berg. Llevarlo a un tribunal tipo Nuremberg sería lo mas apropiado, porque bajo las órdenes de la yyegua del apocalipsis Vicky Nula, se conviertio en un criminal de guerra.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

So much for the argument that jews cant be nazis. In fact jews are the worst Nazis ever. Soros… Nuland… Blinken… Zuckerfukker…. All hardcore nazis. Let that sunk in for a moment.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Left out nuttybubu and mossad and co. Same tactics as the Gesthapo and waffen ss.


All, and again ALL mass-media of ALL sort in US is owned by ashkenazi khazarian not avraamic so-called israeli peoples. Real sephardic, avraamic jews did not consider them as jews, but globally they are a tiny 20% minority. And in Israel it is not ALLOWED to speak such a subject with the risk to be made dissapeared. In fact US is no more an independent state from about 200 years or so….

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Facefook… Instafakk…. Metafak… Zuckerfakker….

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Boycott Facefakk and Metafak products.


Haven’t used zuckbot-book for ages, my brain revolts at the mindless garbage, and then there are the censorship angles, always globalist, always rotten to the core.

Pedo Andy

Fc uk book and Pistagram are Jew owned terrorist platforms and now openly advocating violence against the legitimate government of a superpower. This open terrorism against Russia has also exposed low the Zionists and their Nazi allies can sink. Russia is dealing with some of the worst scum on earth and needs to adopt a scorched earth policy on the Kiev terrorist Nazis. Slava Rossiya!


so a Jewish social media is support neo-nazis now . well well mister thing turn around


In ww2 the jew bankers from New York funded both sides of war: the allies and the hitlerists. It’s a fact.


I confirm. Many TV channels here allow openly and plainly all sorts of sorosist NGO’s so-called moderators and ‘anal-lists’ to spread hate against ALL russian ethnicity. Which is absolutely unimaginable in a so-called modern ‘demo(no)cratic EU country. For example, the massive rhetoric about the ww2 soviet crimes of war when liberating half the Europe is hugely exacerbated and mostly faked, when the hitlerist genocide is almost ZERO mentioned….I don’t know how the russian will deal with this abominable globalist american deep state propaganda


Is it jealousy for their fighting skills, 80year old fanatism for what is no more or just fear? Churchill was correct: The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.’ Фашисты будущего будут называть себя антифашистами.

Peter Jennings

I saw a collection bin for Ukraine in my local shop. It was empty. Not that people do not care, they just know better.

This US junta in Kiev isn’t doing anyone, but themselves, any favours.

Carl Johnson

In Russia, this is perceived as the return and promotion of Nazism


Biden (Bidet) says Russia will pay a high price if Rusky uses chemical weapons. It simply means: my fellow Ukrobots will lauch a Chemical staged provocation against Russia, so stay allert.


Even though I’m not a novarussian, I will never bow to local naz is!

Vlad from Romania

Why do they wear masks? Because they are proud of their choice? SS at least showed their faces.

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