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Fake News: Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria’s Al-Bukamal

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Fake News: Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria’s Al-Bukamal

Illustrative: An Israeli Air Force F-35 Lightning II fighter jet takes part in a graduation ceremony for IAF pilots at the Hatzerim base in Israel’s Negev desert on December 26, 2018. (Jack Guez/AFP)

On November 21, several outlets, including international news agencies, reported that Israeli warplanes had carried out airstrikes on Syrian and Iranian military positions near the city of al-Bukamal in southern Deir Ezzor.

The news of Israeli airstrikes was first promoted by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The monitoring group said warplanes “thought to be Israeli” targeted positions near al-Bukamal.

The SOHR went on to claim that fifteen Iranian-backed fighters, all non-Syrians, were killed in the mysterious airstrikes on al-Bukamal.

The report was quickly picked up by many TV channels and news agencies, including the France-Press Agency, AFP, that declined to confirm the SOHR’s information.

The news was denied late on November 21 by a Syrian military source, who told the Beirut-based al-Mayadeen TV that all reports of Israeli airstrikes on al-Bukamal were “untrue.”

“Syrian army units as well as the allied and auxiliary forces are well prepared to face any terrorist attack and any aggression,” the source said.

In the last two years, the SOHR and other pro-opposition sources promoted false reports of Israeli airstrikes on Syrian and Iranian forces in Deir Ezzor on several occasions.

In some cases, explosions during clashes with ISIS were mistaken for airstrikes. In others, there was nothing to justify these false reports, which were likely just a propaganda stunt.


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SOHR is a one-man front for a complicated psyop, NOT a monitoring group. The dude just publishes anything that her majesty’s foreign intelligence tells him to. The guy is like Colonel Turki-something-or-other of the Saudi terror coalition against Yemen. You know he is lying when his mouth moves.

Let it be a lesson for future to never republish anything this liar (by order of his handlers) spreads. Just pretend it doesn’t exist, is it that hard?


It’s a corrupt Fake-News Propaganda Desinformation Outfit funded payed sponsored by the usual Cabal from ‘Atlantic Council’ ‘NED’ ‘Open Society’ ‘US + UK Deep-States’ ect, exactly like BellingCrap.

Jens Holm

Very good with corrections. SOHR normally are one of the most reliable sources in Syria.

The deep state is You. You dont chenck up facts and by that actually dont know if SOHR is correct or not.

People in the old days probatly invented contraseption because of someone like You.

Porc Halal

Hi Jens! …how are things going on planet Mars?


How can it be reliable when its a bloke in a semi detached house in Coventry,the moron has not been in Syria for over twenty years,behave yourself.


Except that gimp never represents the queen,like most of them other gimps serving eu-epp!

Jens Holm

The days before SOHR reached England as political refugees is well descriebed as well as SOHR.

Jens Holm

SOHR has very good connections to many parts of Syria and is highly relæiable comparfed to others.

Making it into one person is not correct. Most things also are verified well by other sources, which often gives much more biased version. But those sources as a minimum says, that the SOHR ones exist.

You are stilll in the old days, where You write a letter, put a stamp on and Your bring it to a postoffice.

But many parts of Syria is not like that anymore and have not been for many years. As a minimum You can send mails with all the text, You can write.

Anybody should go on reading and writing in the SOHR text and even small minus ones like GARGA should be seen, so we can see, which one systematicly are bringing stones to the bread, when You are not carefull.




That wank living at some mosshole in shtsville,no wonder uks gone all fkd up de ass,lies,lies,lies! Truth assasins:

Jens Holm

They have exact the same connection to informations in Syria as You do and also can see a lot of TV and listen to the Radio.

And You should wonder why muslims prefare to go to Europe and USA and live among christians and infiels instead of Your kind.


Defending your cousins … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

Jens Holm

You are defending Your illiterate stupidity very well.


STFU … ya sh Xt head


The only people that bastard is in touch with in Syria is the HTS press room.


but even so, behind these apparently untrue newsflashes, you will find the jews in palestine, who feel the need to market lies like this one, in true jewish fashion, to keep the jewish lie alive in the west so that money and other stuff keeps coming. it’s a carefully nurtured lie the jews are pandering to the west and as with anything jewish, it must be kept cooking or suddenly no one wants to spend his last dollar on the war criminals in palestine.

Jens Holm

Maybee. Many can make fake news. Iran can say they are very neededin Syria – as an example.


Always ready with the KNIFE in the BACK … verner …

ya f/kn anti-Judaism HATER … lol


I’m happy the day they are driven away from palestine, a land they never had any rights to. the quicker the better. let’s see if they can find anyone preparedto offer them a pace to stay, once they are kicked out of the ME. anyway twat, that s the entire gist of it.


YOU’LL be watching the Jews/Zionists/Israelis grow in strength year by year … ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE … I’m comforted by that thought


itibi ra

Time to wake up from your wet dream, shlomo. Have your meds stopped working? Or should i call you, “Shlomo in Palestine”? (soon to be kicked out of Palestine along with all of his inbred cousins)


Can you do 15 minutes of standup on Zoom?

Then …. STFU

johnny rotten

I have tried several times to point out that the Coventry source is 100% unreliable, so I have stopped reading every time an article is published from that source, because it is not serious to give it any credit.


Staying in your echo chamber ?

“Cause he’s better than the rest And his own sweat smells the best And he hopes to grab his fathers loot When pater passes on” Ray Davies

itibi ra

“tsatz!” – is that the sound your head makes when you stick your tongue into the wall socket?


Very informative …

Jens Holm

To me its higly reliable most of the time and by that more reliable then many others.

Jens Holm

You are under Your bed blanket donated by UN having a 7 armed candelabre in oe hand and matches in the other not daring tomake light. It smells too, and You dont know why. Even flies are not there.

Free man

I believe SOHR much more than I believe the mullahs regime who lies systematically. And from past experience, it is clear that Israel is attacking Iran / Iranian forces all the time without any reports of it, in most cases.

Servet Köseoğlu

Exactly and since South-front star bucks resistance join the resistance go on autopilot without moral evaluation now ı believe Sohr more than ever..

Rhodium 10

You believe SOHR?…they told tan thousands of HTS( Al Qaeda) recruited by Turkish army in Idlib had been sent to NK to fight Armenians….and Turkish and AZ president denied it…

Jens Holm

This is not about if Muhammed is from Alabama or not.

Raq facts during many years says its a higly reliable source, so people like You cant lie uncommented and hide Your dirt.

Rhodium 10

jajaja!…what about SOHR when told that Russian PMC killed by USA was a Fake because USA propagande add to 20-30 SAA killed by USA in Conoco oil fields the 13 Russian PMC killed during operation vs ISIS in East Eufrates close to Al Bukamal days before…or when SOHR told that at least 65 cruise missile were shot down by Syrian air defense and the main target was Al Dumayr airbase and NOT the research center in Barzeh…..then all pro western trolls like you kept silence and only trusted what US sorces told!

Servet Köseoğlu

I get to use free choice of believing Sohr or not and experience the consequences that come from it.


Turkey’s LYING … hello?

Rhodium 10

Israel only attack SAA troops and warehouses while propagande tell that they attacks Iranians or Hezbollah because terrorist dont fear SAA ground forces…only fear IRGC&Hezbollah ground forces!….the purpose of Israel is to destroy SAA and support terrorist…the same path as Turkish are doing in Idlib!…Iran have retaliated when 7 IRGC were killed in T-4…launched 55 rockets vs IDF Golan Base!..Iran dont fear Israel..they have smashed 2 US bases in Iraq with accurate missile…they have destroyed Aramco refinery with drones and cruise missile… and Israel know it!

Jens Holm

Most of that as most of Your plastering og Yours here biased or fake,


give them, the Iranians, time and they’ll squash the jews in palestine in a way resembling squeezing an orange.


How many of those ‘rockets’ hit the Golan?

What damage to Israel or it’s troops did they cause?

Israel turned around and slapped the IRGC and Assad silly after that ‘attack’ … eh?

The upshot?

No retaliation since then against Israel … full stop

The Paper Tiger is AFRAID of the IDF/IAF … eh?


Rhodium 10

Do you think that Israel always say the truth….2 days ago told that palestinian rockets were intercepted by ID…later that rockets fell in open space…and suddenly after a photo was posted…IDF told that rockets hits an Industrial complex and damage a factory….I remember that one time told that 2 Irani rockets were intercepted in Golan…but a video posted weeks after showed an explosion of a rocket that hit a radar station in Mount Hermon..


Laughable … Israel has a FREE PRESS … full stop

Sure there are reasons to suppress some CLASSIFIED or ISSUES RELATING WAR … hello?

BUT … Israel reported the strike on the factory in Ashkelon themselves

Israel is a free open society with a VERY FREE PRESS

The Iranians have threatened to retaliate against Israel should there be another air strike in Syria against the IRGC / Shia Brigades / Hezbollah

Let’s see … eh?





ya vol … ya f/kn troll


HasbaRat ZioNAZI Scumbag.

Zionism = EVIL

ZionistCUNTS are running scared and making up horseshit as their dumbass Americunt standover thugs have turned into a real banana republic and Iranian influence in the region is paramount.



A vile Mullah Police State promoter … lol

YOUR heroes are gonna die in large numbers …



Fake news?

15 DEAD Iraqi/Afghani Terrorist proxies allied to Iran were ‘blown up real good’ by missiles fired from the air … eh?

Who could it be now?



Well … anyone? lol

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