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MARCH 2025

Fall Of Buddhism Rising Star In Taiwan: 200GB Of Home Porn And Bottle Of “Holy Water” Filled With Lube

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Fall Of Buddhism Rising Star In Taiwan: 200GB Of Home Porn And Bottle Of “Holy Water” Filled With Lube

A screenshot from the video

On November 21st, the head of a Buddhist youth organization in Taiwan was expelled from his temple and arrested, after he was involved in a sex and drugs scandal, Taiwan’s Mirror Media initially reported.

Footage of Kai Hong, secretary general of the Chinese Young Buddhist Association in Taiwan, showed him partake in carnal pleasures with another man, whom he referred to as “husband,” while smoking methamphetamine.

The report on the arrest did not say where or when the film was shot but quoted an unnamed source as saying Kai was a long-time drug user who held “sex parties” with other Buddhists at Tongshan Temple, where he was based.

Authorities at the temple, in the Gongguan township on Taiwan’s northwest coast, said the 29-year-old was expelled on November 13 for “religious discipline problems.”

The report also claimed that two months before being expelled, Kai relocated to the Miaoli Chongfo Temple in the nearby Miaoli county with “dozens of believers.”

He was considered a rising star in Buddhism in Taiwan. He was an influential figure among younger devotees and frequently gave lectures at summer camps.

During the search of his quarters, the police found 19 grams of amphetamine, smoking pipes, condoms, anal relaxants, erection medication, and a bottle of “holy water” filled with lube. They also discovered two USB drives containing over 200GB of porn, which includes homosexual intercourse videos starring the monk himself. In the available videos and related activities, almost a couple of dozen people were engaged, including other inhabitants of the temple complex.

Presumably, the abbot of the monastery knew about what was happening and deliberately covered up this activity, hoping to cast the misfortune into another holy place.

Kai denied any wrongdoing and said the footage was released as part of a smear campaign. Kai claimed that a fellow monk, who was one of his former lovers, leaked the videos to tarnish his reputation. He also told the police that his ex-lover downloaded the 200GB of porn then sent three pornographic clips to temple authorities.

The 29-year-old monk admitted to using drugs and filming sex acts but denied distributing drugs. He was charged with violating the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act, however, he was released on bail.

The Venerable Jing Yao, chairman of the Buddhist Association of China in Taiwan, confirmed in a statement that Kai had been disciplined, but added that his behaviour was in no way linked to himself, the temple or the governing body.

In August 2018, the former chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, the Venerable Xuecheng was accused of sexually assaulting female monks at Longquan Temple in Beijing. China’s highest-ranking Buddhist, was forced to resign as head abbot of the temple and investigated by police.

As blogger Mikaprok recalls, over the past 5 years there had been a couple of dozen incidents involving Buddhists, creating a clear causal link can be traced. Since, reportedly the USA constantly supports Buddhist movement, especially in mainland China. Amid all the reports of Catholic pedophiles, satanists and witches, conduct by groups that are in US and mainstream media’s good sights seem to fall through the cracks.

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jade villaceran

Why does sf include this kind of news?

Ishyrion Av

Why not? Religion is one of the main geopolitical vectors and buddhism is almost worshiped in the west. A part of the campaign which tries to destroy the Christian roots of Europe and US and replace them with all kinds of exotic religions – buddihsm, islam and so on. For sure is better to know the truth behind buddihsm too.


Christian priests do the same shit over and over again. This separate event does not say anything about Buddhism. It tells something about one particular person who happens to be a Buddhist.

Ishyrion Av

It says about buddihst temples. Covering the shit. And that person was a high profile buddihst. Not anyone. And when you talk about Christianity, first try not to put everything in one basket (it shows you don’t know too much). And second, hitting the Christianity is the purpose of the new world order. Like I said.


It says nothing about Buddhism just as pedophile priests don’t describe Cristianity. It’s about people who aren’t true to their religion and to the norms of most of us. What you wrote is true: don’t put all eggs in one basket. If you have one or one hunderd idiotic buddhists it doesn’t mean that the religion itself is rotten. The same goes with Cristianity. Pedophile priests have nothing to do with the core values of their religion. It’s just that simple.

Jens Holm

Thats right. And some forget, that its often not religion against religion but fx for me, I have been 99% sekular by all the religios garbage I read fx here every day.

By that “We can hit back” and dont have to find reasons for Jesus, Muhammed and others are Mr Nice Guy or not. Same goes for Hindus along Bramaputra.

Jens Holm

Yes, Buddisme is wide.


actually if the US and Europe became Buddhist it would truly usher in an era of peace and a more elevated society.

Albert Pike

Really – NXIVM gives a different impression:



I know because I come from a secular buddhist society. Buddhism is not like islam. People dont keep going on about gods and prayer, most buddhist societies are indistinguishable from developed christian societies.

Jens Holm

Some has taken their country.

Albert Pike

Yes to take Tibet was a bad thing…

Jens Holm

I see no destrution of religion in this. We have some 2.000 years old religion and try to kepp the good parts even as sekulars and some also partly replace it with small corners of other things.

Its not only religion. We use many philosofers as You too, but also make new ones.

And why worry for our collaps as Christians. What did Islam do to us – replaced and destroyed -And why – because it for a period was much better in and around the ,muslims world.

And no, its not important to back to some “truth” behind fx Buddism. You dont need to know about producing rubber or making crude oil to diesel to drive a car. Do You.

And what do we meet right here in Denmark. Some muslims wont shake hands because of gender or they can get bad spirits from us by that. Typically thats the ones, we feed, are unimpoyed and also give free school and medical care for their children as well.

Things like that should replaces. Those are the dirty ones to me.

Ishyrion Av

I have a different vision. Mankind cannot remove religion from itself (forget about star trek movies) because aspiration to God is inside every human being. Some search God in Christianity, some in other religions, some are so disappointed of not finding any truth around them and become atheists. But people who practice their religion (no matter what religion) distinguish themselves of the atheists. Is the difference between having a certitude about this life and the other life and not having anything. Atheists are, in the end, trees without roots. Eventually, any religious invasion will put them down. Western Europe will be conquered by islam for two good reasons: first, the European rulers are implementing this muslim invasion (for some sick reasons), second because the population is atheist and cannot withstand the religios impact of the fervent muslim worshipers. And let’s be frank, islam gives you anything you can dream about on this life and in the next one. Plus a merciless god who will kill (by your hand) any opposition. On the arid soul of atheists (or philosophers) this comes like a heavy rain. But you see, because you believe is not important the truth or the lie behind a religion, you have no strong point to resist to what is about to come. If there is a Truth, then there are many Lies. That is logical for everyone who doesn’t replace the logic with an ideology. One religion must be true, the other ones must be lies. God cannot be Christian (sending His Son to become man and take our sins and die and resurrect, giving freedom to anyone to accept or to reject) and Muslim (God speaks through a prophet who wants to be put above all the Israeli prophets but was acting like a pedophile and a murderer, according with the official islamic teaching) and Buddhist (God is NOT a person, but something indefinite, like the force in star wars) IN THE SAME TIME. Obviously. But I spoke too much.


Buddhism is traditionally practiced in Asia including China, it is new to the west. That there is interest in it, does not mean it is apart of some campaign to destroy Christianity. Not to suggest that the accused monk is innocent, deviant behavior is world wide, but Taiwan just voted to not allow same sex marriage, my guess this is some part of that political drama. LGBTZ group is not happy, smear the conservatives.



It shows that our world is FULL OF BULLSHIT LIES……

Open your fuckin eyes and ears….. and here to the BS syria conflict

Like i wrote a hundred ti,mes here already .. ITS A SCAM!!!!! ALL NATIONS THAT RECOGNIZE THE ILLEGAL SATANIC EVIL ENTITY NAMED ISRAEL ARE PART OF THE AGENDA., including russia,usa,uk,eu,china etc..


So keep on writing about good russia or bad russia or good usa or bad usa or good uk or bad uk…its all scam..a theatre play for us 99% of monkeys…..


You do a lot of complaining, what are your solutions to these problems?

Jens Holm

We finally agree in something. He is chinese to me :)

Jens Holm

Often big letters only use more ink:)


taiwan-china situation

Promitheas Apollonious

So ……. what a monk does has to do with taiwan – china situation now? Get serious.

You can call me Al

What ? – Taiwan is China.

Promitheas Apollonious

I mean what we care if a monk is a pervert in taiwan does with his ass. This is news for gossip sites. we are here supporting this site for its war reports. If we wanted to read what perverts monks and priests are doing with their asses we be someplace else an not here.

Yes I know taiwan is china.

You can call me Al

Your view, I agree actually. Cheers.

Albert Pike

‘The report also claimed that two months before being expelled, Kai relocated to the Miaoli Chongfo Temple in the nearby Miaoli county with “dozens of believers.”’

Buddist Sabbatai Zevi or the END of Asian culture?

Jens Holm

Of course not. If I had a once murder or thief in my street, it doesnt say we all are.

A minimum to hope and expect for is changes for that part of that.

You can call me Al

or the NWO ridding religion from the World.


This type of thing is one of the reasons that I got away from the Catholic church.

Jens Holm

I agree. have the same feeling for mulim traditions, where You start with a wall around You family instead op openess.

Any crime becomes easier and 2/3 of all crime are among family and close related.

Promitheas Apollonious

when you manage to get away from the mentality of all religions you may consider yourself a free spirit that has is own free will and mind.


I agree 100%.

Religions are ALL cults that feed off those who ‘need to belong’ to something. Religions are a type of acceptable gang and we can add to that melange the Political Cults.

All such cults seek to profit from the control of their followers. In fairness cults have from time to time helped people in need but the dark side of cults results in vicious wars. Within and without the cults themselves.

To put it into a more concise form of English ,’ All Cults, Political and Gang Leaders seek power, wealth or both at the expense of others’.

Its just the way of things. God knows what the answer is :) :) :)

Perhaps you have an answer Promitheas :)

Promitheas Apollonious

I think you said it all my friend.

You can call me Al

Nope, sorry on this one, I do not agree with you. Who has the best interest in the destruction of religion ?, you can see at least the decimation happening now in the Ukraine…..


I agree with Al. Watch an interview with Jimmy Boots about paedo rings, and you’ll see how they were infiltrated into the catholic church by the international mafia, for a variety of reasons. Of course the church had to be corrupt for that to be able to happen. It seems a similar operation here. Every religion must be co-opted.


The people that I have heard complaining the most about the constrictions of a belief system are the ones that want to be free to victimize other with their freedom.

At the same time, I completely agree with those who see the blatant corruption that worms it’s way into the religions whose sole purpose is to pray upon the weak.

In both cases the solution is a shallow grave for those who take advantage of others.

You can call me Al

I repeat “Who has the best interest in the destruction of religion ?”…. look up Agenda 30.


I must have misunderstood something.

My understanding about Agenda 30, is that it is the big brother of Agenda 21, and that they are about sustainable development.

You can call me Al

You could be right and I am confusing the two, in fact I think Iam; apologies.




No worries. :-)

I have a pile of stuff (my own clever mental filing system) that I consider to be “Globalist Agenda Crap and Bother” I toss things into it like Agenda 21, Agenda 30, carbon taxes/credits and the Paris accord.

I hope to see the end of the globalists and their agenda in my lifetime. My only concerns is with what replaces it. It is hard to imagine that what is new could be worse than the current maniacal leaders, but I have been wrong before.


I’m not all knowing and omnipotent. If I didn’t think that Christianity had value and that I could learn from it. I wouldn’t have spent 13 years K through 12 attending catechism instruction.

The Plejaren will tell you if you want to understand creation, then study nature.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8de267c8f7c15569a4fb69ef9f9eec766ab1dcace0da7794c9321cbad11635e1.jpg catechism instruction.

It looks to me like the Egyptians figured out what is probably the ET/ED source of a lot of religion before any of the current ones even existed.


My current perspective is that bigfoots may be an ET/ED segregated, managed and protected human species here for our mutual learning process as well as for ET/ED genetic development work. The weather will be good this week and I’m going to make an attempt to reach a geographical formation with almost no homo sapien presence that may be suitable for use as a natural spaceport. If I encounter bigfoot again on this op, I’m going to attempt to meet and get to know them, rather than avoiding them like my last encounter.

I took the attached pictures at the Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland and on the Giza plateau in Egypt on the 2012 winter solstice during the 26,000 year precession of the equinoxes galactic alignment.


” but added that his behaviour was in no way linked to himself, the temple or the governing body “, so what the Russians did it ?


Lmao.. Not shocking if you think USA would use these kind of people as agitators against the People’s Republic of China.


The CIA would bribe him with massive amounts of lube.

You can call me Al

That is, if you believe it.

John Whitehot

the delegetimization and demonization of figures from non-jewish religions is a distinct tract of zionist media. antizionists should be treading very carefully in these subjects, as the risk of singing the cabals tune is high.

Lazy Gamer

Heretics! He was clearly engaged in dual cultivation. The drug would clear his mind and theyd both be chanting om om om with every thrust. He is more one than anyone now.

No matter what system we have catholic, muslim, buddhist, scientist, etc. there will always be that sexually abusive person. lol

H Eccles

“200GB Of Home Porn And Bottle Of “Holy Water” Filled With Lube”

geez.. I see that buddhism is really working… from genocide in Myanmar to sodomy in Taiwan.



He got expelled as per the first training rule for monks: https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-bu-vb-pj1/en/brahmali

As it should be.


“smear” campaign heh




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