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Far Right In Europe, Will Brussels Choose The Path Of Repression?

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Far Right In Europe, Will Brussels Choose The Path Of Repression?

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Written by Piero Messina

The Great Old Europe slides more and more to the far right. It is an extreme right that sometimes takes on the role of those who govern, sometimes floods the squares with demonstrations, strikes and protests.

It is a political tide that no longer arises as a response from the frightened bourgeoisie in the face of the advance of communism, as in the 1920s and 1930s. The new movements of the European far right are something different from fascist and neo-fascist parties. Children of contemporary society and its problems, they express intolerance and hostility towards certain aspects of modernity, from the spread of an exasperated libertarian morality, from the uncontrolled entry of foreigners within national borders. The far-right movements gather transversal consensus, even among the working classes, because they give answers in terms of values ​​and identity rather than interests, denouncing a strong cultural disorientation in the face of the changes and hardships deriving from more insecure, complex and diversified.

Thus, we find ourselves faced with a paradox: the governing right winks at NATO and Europe, while the most extreme fringes of that same political identity take to the streets against the pro-Ukrainian policies of European governments and against the policies of the European Union, deemed anti-libertarian, oppressive and aimed exclusively at the enrichment of international financial groups. Thus, if on the one hand right-wing parties are gathering more and more consensus, on the other they must take into account mass protest which often risks resulting in violent acts.

Far Right In Europe, Will Brussels Choose The Path Of Repression?

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The wind of right-wing government is blowing in almost all European countries: in the Netherlands, right-wing leader Geert Wilders obtained almost 24% in last November’s general elections. In France, Marine Le Pen, according to the latest poll, is credited with her Rassemblement national at 28%, while Alternative fur Deutschland (Germany) is estimated at over 20%, in Poland the most voted party in the policies of a month ago is it was the Pis with 35.3%. And again, last April in Bulgaria the centre-right party “Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria” (GERB) of the former prime minister Bojko Borisov won, with 26.49%, in Austria, when there are only a few months to the political elections, the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party (Fpo) is in first place, in Ireland the right-wing that will present itself at the polls in 2025 led by the Sinn Feiin movement is already firmly in the lead, in Spain Vox in July collected on 12.4. And then there is Italy, with the first female Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, heir to the post-fascist tradition with her “Brothers of Italy” party, which today has a consensus of almost 30 percent.

At the beginning of the summer we will vote for the renewal of the European Parliament. It is reasonable to imagine that the black wave will also reach Brussels. With what political consequences? Probably none: the power of the European Parliament is practically zero and everything is decided by the Commission, a body formally appointed by national governments, but whose leadership is always entrusted to figures from the globalist establishment and high finance.

All this only partially explains the tension occurred in European countries. Perhaps there is a further reason: the people of the far right no longer feel represented by those leaders they once praised. Having come to power, even the leaders of the right went from conservative to moderate, bowing to the pro-European and Atlanticist dogma. The Right of protest thus becomes the Right of government. And people feel betrayed.



The case of Giorgia Meloni is exemplary: just reread her statements on the situation in Ukraine a few years ago to realize how she has changed her perspective on foreign policy by 180 degrees. She bowed to Washington. Giorgia Meloni, in reality no longer represents the Italian far right. Today, that political fringe that commemorates the fallen of the 1978 massacre in Acca Laurenta in Rome is politically managed by marginal movements such as Casa Pound and Forza Nuova. Even these movements do not seem entirely spontaneous. At the helm of Forza Nuova, practically always, there is Roberto Fiore. His name appears in the documents of the Parliamentary Commission on Massacres as an “infiltrator” of the British secret service MI6. It is not an isolated case: the risk that street movements will be directed by provocateurs is very high.

Far Right In Europe, Will Brussels Choose The Path Of Repression?

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Even more complicated is the French case, where the far right presents itself in a fragmented way. In addition to Marine Le Pen, French revanchism is embodied by Eric Zemmour, defined by some media as a far-right politician, he considers himself a Gaullist-Bonapartist.

Zemmour’s battles are aimed against immigration, multiculturalism and the globalization of French society. For the French writer and politician, the anti-racist and multicultural ideology of globalization will be for the twenty-first century what nationalism was for the nineteenth and totalitarianism for the twentieth: a messianic and warmongering faith in progress, which transforms conflict between nations into a conflict within nations. Zemmour may not be a prophet, but his vision is already materializing in the French suburbs. Last summer the suburbs of the main French cities were turned upside down first by immigrant demonstrations, and then by groups of far-right youth who set the suburbs on fire.

Far Right In Europe, Will Brussels Choose The Path Of Repression?

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Germany is also starting to experience the presence of far-right groups in demonstrations which in recent days have farmers against the government in the front row. In addition to the flags of Alternative fur Duetchland, the symbols of the Reichsburger Movement appeared again. Born in the 1980s and strengthened since the 2010s, according to estimates by the German secret services, the number of members of the Reichsbürger movement would be approximately 21,000 people. In 2022, the German authorities ordered the search and investigation of 52 members, of which 25 arrested, of the terrorist organization Patriotische Union, led by Heinrich Reuss, attributable to the Reichsbürger, on charges of planning an attack on the Bundestag, the German federal parliament and other subversive actions.

So where is Europe going? The discontent of the population is justified by an overall lowering of the level and quality of life in practically every nation of the Union. The stringent constraint of European fiscal policy forces ever more significant cuts in public spending, with a consequent lowering of the quality of the services provided. The rules of Brussels, then, have a devastating impact on the life of every European citizen, with regulations, rules and quibbles for every small activity. Brussels also claims to determine identities, culture, opinions, erasing every form of dissent in the name of an absurd and anti-historical “political correctness”. It is a political model that has the characteristics of certainly appearing prodromal of increasingly exasperated forms of social control. Is this perhaps the secret ambition of the “Good Monster of Brussels”? We don’t know, but probably the growing wave of protests and anger could provide a convenient assist to introduce methodologies and systems of repression, an echo of that Brave New World dreamed of and painted by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.


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what is now described as “right wing ” in western europe is the actual left wing


you dont get it.. its about class fight, right left paradigm is trick to confuse people. the parasites at the top are allied with parasites at the bottom against working class on the left and right. degaule was supposed to be a conservative leader but he was allied with communists in france.


everything in amerika is fascist—-we submissively erat burger have purple hair and go to taliban therapist to address our insecurities


they are supporting nazis in ukraine in the name of democracy and harrass native europeans who refuse to bé flooded with migrants labelling them “nazis”. it’s because there is no democracy… it’s all théâtre. there is no left or right, it’s globalists vs nationalists.

Satanism 1.2

the eu concept was always to gather european nations into states under authority of the eu then controlled by a common curency and the unseen hands of the nwo. as rothschild would say give me control of your money and the rest is easy.

Cuckoo 40

this will not end well for the citizens of europe and britain, we have been played again by the worst bastards on this planet.


the proposed uk rolling ban on anyone born after 2008 buying cigarettes (already in effect in nz) is certainly in line with adolf hitler’s ideals.


grow your own…. and the black market will decide, not the gubermint


article could have been titled “europe: a path to peace or a path to pieces?”

sadly sf no pay paycheck, me quiet…


“in ireland the right-wing that will present itself at the polls in 2025 led by the sinn feiin movement is already firmly in the lead”

calling sinn féin “right wing” is spot on target, though absolutely forbidden in our post-republican fascist dictatorship;

see full piece at http://www.omn.ie

jens holm

my repression is sexual—i beg for attention sublimate my desire by chasing $$$ and seek therapy for my senility from lgbt astrologer

jens holm

neble writ ebonsex–ony wit rubber duck

jens holm

i wait approval for membership in dump mark toilet scrubber party


diamonds and all the mineral resources which flow from namibia,botswana and south africa to brussel and israel controbutes to blood flow of non nato countries syrians and palestinians.seven rich industrial nations of nato uses african resources and diamonds generated money for killing innocent civilians and starving weaker countries.african resources have become blood resources plan by nato and ochestrated by nato.

cosmic dwarf

ah yes, the “far right”. anything that the tree-hugging rapefugee-loving laptop class in the west dislikes is “far right”. farmers rising up against green policies? “far right”. guy with a national flag on the street? “far right”. actual swastika-waving nazis? “far right”.

get outta here with that bs.

Last edited 1 year ago by cosmic dwarf

swastika waving nazi is a “moderate ukraine supporter” :) farmers, conservatives, patriots and middle class criticizing migrants, green policies and woke are not only “far right”, but “extremists”, “supremacists”, “terrorists”, “criminals” and “racists”, especially white males born in their own country, which is a crime :) using labels like “far right” is mainstream idea to confuse and degrade people. let’s talk about illegal migrants and the ruling class who let them into eu.


“the great old europe slides to the far right.” not true. firstly great old europe died around 1990. the wealth concentrated for hundred years was destroyed in less then 4 decades. secondly, europe didn’t slide to the right, only media labelled conservatives as “far right”. this term doesn’t mean anything except you don’t like useless migrants and green experiments and war adventures. china and russia are more conservative then liberal leftists in eu. it will end up with civil war.

Florian Geyer

very well said, jull.

civil wars all over europe are the only cure for those who wish to enslave us a all.


right vs left is fallacy created to hide the actual political fight which is parasites (rentier/oligarky) vs productives (left and right)


the eussr is doomed as is its capo de capos in washing town. after the rout of natostan in rump ukraine nothing can hold the evil eussr together…nothing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo

coudenhove kalergi, the mixed mutt basturd that raped urupp is the father of the evil eussr. it is no surprise that he like onkel adolf were both spawned in rothschild’s vienna in the 1920’s.


europe is already following a corporate statist totalitarian path! note that eu agreement is a treaty that doesn’t require referendums. what this establishment calls right wing is actual nationalism, which goes against the eu plan of erasing borders, nationalities and nation state sovereignty. their plan also includes the great replacement of national identities!


its not about right wing, its about chosing leaders who protect their people rather than serve the oligarchical class. this been said, zemour is controlled opposition and lepen is convictionless carrier politician. meloni not better seems to be.


right wing left wing retardedness. the eu is antiquated, self-enamored, does not really listen to the public, wants to pass more taxes and assert more authority and control and envelop more countries, and probably the only way to really fix it is for more countries to follow uk’s lead and exit.

jens holm

eu make me lick amerikan peniz

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