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MARCH 2025

Fate Of Ukrainian Militants Who Surrendered In Azovstal

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Fate Of Ukrainian Militants Who Surrendered In Azovstal

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The ongoing surrender of the Azovstal garrison is of key importance for the further development of military operations in Eastern Ukraine. The Russian side stated that members of the nationalist formations, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard surrendered unconditionally. In turn, the Ukrainian side continues an active information campaign, promoting the narrative that a certain special operation is carried out under the auspices of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine on the “extraction” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the Azov regiment militants, to the territory controlled by Kiev. It is stated that this will be done through the procedure of exchange of prisoners of war.

The actual events, as well as the available footage from the spot demonstrate that the process of withdrawal of the AFU servicemen from the territory of Azovstal does not resemble evacuation, but rather a surrender. The prisoners who needed urgent treatment were sent in the hospital of Novoazovsk, the others were sent to the camp in the village of Elenovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic.


Today, the main questions are whether there will be a prisoner exchange at all? Will the Azov regiment fighters who committed crimes against civilians and prisoners of war be exchanged? Will there be a public trial of the militants of the Azov regiment? Where will the trial take place on the territory of the Russian Federation or the DPR?

If the Russian side agrees to Kiev’s conditions and transfers the Azov regiment fighters to Ukraine without a trial and any verdict, it will mean a critical blow to the entire information base of the special military operation that was claimed by the Kremlin.

That’s not going to happen. Measures are already being taken to filter prisoners of war and identify among them militants of the Azov regiment and other persons involved in the commission of war crimes.

The filtration procedure will take up to a week. After that, the identified persons will be charged according to the established episodes of their criminal activity. The initial procedural actions are likely to take place on the territory of the DPR. However, the trial itself and further detention will take place on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The trial will be lengthy. The Russian side has repeatedly stated that it already has numerous proofs of the atrocities of the Ukrainian nationalists of the Azov regiment. There is a possibility that after the verdict, some Azov militants may be exchanged for Russian prisoners of war. At the same time, those convicted of murder and torture will not be subject to exchange. In turn, the servicemen of the National Guard, the Border Guard Service and regular units of the AFU, who would not be accused of war crimes, are considered ordinary prisoners of war. Accordingly, their exchange is possible.

In the near future, prisoners of war from Azovstal will be moved to the territory of the Russian Federation. Prisons on the territory of the DPR and LPR are already overflowing with Ukrainian prisoners of war. Some sources report that on May 20, their number exceeds 3,000.


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The Saint

Whoever wrote that should not refer to “Kiev’s conditions”. It has been made clear that the surrender was made without condition.


The comedian expressing his wish and dreaming away from his lala land, the world’s laughing at the Kiev’s bubble of absurdity.

Muhammad your Prophet

The certain operation is that the Red Cross is tracking the movement of every single one of those prisoners and if something happens to them it will be yet another war crime of the entire list of atrocities that Putin the terrorist cockroach has committed. So you’re right about that. Ukraine owns the narrative.


Choke on your own vomit u fuckin degenerate ukrotard

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Last edited 2 years ago by Lisa
Michel LeBlanc

Thats all.ukraine “owns”. A fake narrative. They dont own their country, thats for sure.

They will be far better off under russia. Otherwise the parasites like you will keep coming back..

Muhammad your Prophet

Ukraine owns the narrative because the Russian narrative of the special moronic operation to stop the Nazis in Ukraine is so idiotic that even the Russian soldiers on the ground think it’s the most moronic thing they ever heard.

johnn nudo


So, these guys are not Nazis? Stop posting and get an education.

Muhammad your Prophet

I saw all the pictures from the inept FSB idiots Putin is still trying to isolate online. There are neo nazis in every country in Europe. Go invade them as well, you fucking moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Difference is you moron in Ukraine they are part of the official bloody army.

Anne-Marie Suckling

Shame the Red Cross are not keeping checks on the Russian Prisoner’s of War, or what is left of them. How does that work with the Geneva Convention?


The Ukes are so stupid they commit war crimes and film them and put them online. No wonder why they’re losing.


Very well said, AM. As always.


Here look!! Look, the Chechens captured from them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URxsTfYSe10


You are delusional and have mental health issues because of that fact,let alone the rest of your posts.


Only dummies believe any war crimes were handed down from the Russian high command. Sure some lower soldiers, unwatched and drunk, might have committed atrocities, but they’ll be dealt with on both sides. Ukraine however is another matter since they have the western media to whine and howl for them. Their war criminals will be protected, and their highest war criminals like Zelensky will be given Nobel peace prizes, the same way American war criminals Bush, Obama, and Hillary Clinton are lauded.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul
Muhammad your Prophet

Sure, maybe you’re right. Starting with Putin the terrorist cockroach himself. Who’s going to deal with that lunatic?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Russia is winning on all levels, u mad?

The world will be feeding from Putins hand by Red October, when much like the Red October of 1917 the average citizen will rise up and violently protest against their governments. At that point, no one will care about Ukraine.


Piss off !


halt die fresse muhammad der kinderficker falscher prophet.


You disgusting Islamic goat shagger, FOAD!

stephan williams

He’s no muslim, Machi. He’s a mentally ill hasbarabot weasel stabbing furiously at his keyboard in Mommie’s Tel Aviv basement.

Be the good.

He’s not, believe me. He just use the islamic label.


Do you think it might be possible that for just once you maybe able to put together a comment that we could imagine you to be something more than a total imbecile??

Muhammad your Prophet

Do you think it’s possible that just for once you can finally admit that Ukranian forces crushed the shitty Russian army in kiev and Kharkiv?


Simply not achievable by that loser who has nothing better to do than troll Southfront. If we wanted western and jewish propaganda, there are plenty of sites to find it.

Muhammad your Prophet

Simply not achievable at Southfront’s paradise for morons where they can’t even figure out how holding off Mariupol for three months led directly to Russia’s humiliating defeat in kiev by Ukranian forces. Not even basic kindergarden math can be used to explain it to these idiots.

stephan williams

I have to admit that you’re certainly persistent in your ineffectual ankle biting, MyP. Of course that doesn’t cancel the nasty effects of your obvious stupidity but it at least it proves you’re good at something – even if it is LYING.

Your drivel reminded me an observation made about oily creeps like you by a man legendarily respected for his intelligence and perception…

“The more I argued with them, the more I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes, which if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know what you were talking about.

Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Ch 3.

Muhammad your Prophet

I got to admit you’re the biggest fucking moron of all. The one who loves to masturbate to Adolf Hitler’s black and white pictures every night. Filthy to the bone and loving it.


How does Red Cross track ‘every single’ one of them? Once they are on a bus and enters a Russian detention facility, does Red cross go with them? Thanks.

johnn nudo

Why do you post so much that is incorrect?


We wanted to shit on your red cross!! Do you even know what they do there? Here look!! Look, the Chechens captured from them!!! The thieves!




They own nothing,they have been owned.


Russia does not work according to international laws, they can not determine if someone has done a crime.

Russia kidnap a lot of civilians and try to get their soldiers liberated in exhances. Russia lies an betray always.

Anne-Marie Suckling



See a doctor quick,you have mental health issues so if you don’t you will surely suffer consequences:


‘Free to generate disinformation’ should be your id


Free to be a moron


Thank The Lord that Russia does not work according to Western International law. They would be the Asov if they did.


Not every single one of these merits execution, so they will be very useful for exchanging. The tortured, harmed and injured Russians could be exchanged for one fifth of a combatant. This would mean that exchanging one for one is applicable when the Russian who has been taken prisoner is WELL Treated. The poor treatment of Russians taken captive should not be rewarded with the exchange of healthy, well cared for POWS. Perhaps the Russians could at least think of some punishment against their POW being maltreated?


Russia should only exchange the innocent lower echelon soldiers, and severely wounded on a one to one basis. The rest, especially war criminals and foreign mercs should be sent to Siberia for hard labor.


Siberia is too good for them, there is Far East and Far North (polar region) with the cold pole of northern hemisphere in Verhoyansk (-78C). They could be cleaning land here from snow. From all snow.


Speedy trial that ends with hanging of these Ukro-Nazi war criminals would be prefferable.

Pay per view of the live hanging event would likely generate billions of dollars in revenues.

I would gladly pay a premium to see these pieces of shit extinguished one by one.


Hanging of nazi collaborators in Kiev, 1945. There was another trial in Har’kov in 1945 or 46.



And that’s the way the nuland cookie crumbled to the ground,Very solid humanity Russian Effort there. Any poof whom complains has no basis to complain about surrender (period) RUSSIA STOCKS URRP!

Karl Pomeroy

The best synopsis I’ve read of the whole Russian military operation in Ukraine, and how it relates to the global powers that be, can be found in this interview with Russell “Texas” Bentley, an American who has lived in the DPR for 8 years and now has citizenship. See:

strategic-culture dot org/news/2022/05/18/us-nato-waging-war-with-russia-in-ukraine-but-russia-assured-victory-russell-bentley/

Really worth the read. Putin is brilliant.


Thank you Karl. Russell Bentley a courageous and honest man.

I would say the same now : “Really worth the read. Putin is brilliant”.


(This link is more accurate.)


There is nothing wrong to keep these POW as slave labor for next 15 years. Working hard will perhaps kill their Bandera faith. Perhaps they will be later good socialists?


The fukkin MSM remains adamant inspite of the actual video footage of the SURRENDER of the azovNazis army, insisting that it was a successful ‘evacuation’ ‘extraction’ ‘rescue’ operation carried out by “Ukrainian operatives”. I would not be surprised if they will create a story of how the heroic nazis has pulled a daring daylight escape who bolted out of the catacombs and launched a surprise counterattack which defeated the DPR forces with bare hands. LOLOLOL.


I think right now the fate of Azov needn’t be discussed and effort wasted. After the operation there will be ample time to sort out this problem. During war focus must remain on the objectives and diplomacy shall take a guiding seat. Thanks


Put them in body bags and ship to the US


Now is well documented that the Capitulation was arranged between DPR / Russian Command and Azov in Azovstal Command. Azov in Azovstal gave up with Kiev last Sunday May 15. The “decision” by Kiev to allow Surrendering was a mere coping tactic to insinuate they were in contact with Azov in Azovstal when in fact they had hung the phone to the “bitching nazis”

Lazy Gamer

Those that can be prosecuted will be prosecuted as Putin NEEDS to show the world his Nazi concerns are true.




look at em, like animals LOL


Maybe they should have all been shot point-blank through the kneecaps as they exited one by one ..same treatment as was afforded by the Azov to their captives

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