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MARCH 2025

FBI Declares Manhunt For Two Young Middle-East Hackers

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The U.S. has indicted two alleged computer hackers on charges of damaging several American websites in response for the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassim Soleimani earlier this year.

In a statement released on September 15, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in District of Massachusetts identified the alleged hackers as 19-year old Iranian national Behzad Mohammadzadeh, aka “Mrb3hz4d,” and 25-year old Palestinian national Marwan Abusrour, aka “Mrwn007.”

Mohammadzadeh defaced more than 1,100 websites around the world with pro-Iranian and pro-hacker messages, while Abusrour hacked at least 337 website worldwide.

“The hackers victimized innocent third parties in a campaign to retaliate for the military action that killed Soleimani, a man behind countless acts of terror against Americans and others that the Iranian regime opposed,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers. “Their misguided, illegal actions in support of a rogue, destabilizing regime will come back to haunt them, as they are now fugitives from justice.”

The two hackers allegedly started working together in December 2019. Abusrour reportedly provided Mahammadzadeh with access to a number of compromised websites.

“These hackers are accused of orchestrating a brazen cyber-assault that defaced scores of websites across the country as a way of protesting and retaliating against the United States for killing the leader of a foreign terrorist organization. Now, they are wanted by the FBI and are no longer free to travel outside Iran or Palestine without risk of arrest,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Boston Division. “Today’s indictment should send a powerful message that we will not hesitate to go after anyone who commits malicious cyber intrusions against innocent Americans in order to cause chaos, fear, and economic harm.”

Following the January 3 U.S. drone strike that killed Soleimani and Iraqi commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Mohammadzadeh and Abusrour launched a cyber-attack on U.S.-hosted websites.

According to the indictment, two men hacked 51 websites, and replaced their content with pictures of the late commander Soleimani against a background of the Iranian flag along with the message, in English, “Down with America”.

On September 16, the U.S. indicted two other Iranian hackers Mehdi Farhadi and Hooman Heidarian. The two allegedly stole hundreds of terabytes of valuable data.

On September 17, the Treasury Department sanctioned the Iran-linked group Advanced Persistent Threat 39 (APT39) along with 45 “associated individuals” and a front group called Rana Intelligence Computing Co.

On September 18, three other hackers Said Pourkarim Arabi, Mohammad Reza Espargham and Mohammad Bayati were indicated by the U.S.

The charges against Iranian hackers as well as the sanctions on APT-39 are most likely a part of the U.S. maximum pressure campaign against Iran. The campaign has been so far a total failure.


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Well people, never under estimate the Persians and the axis of resistance. They know how to play these games very well. They know when, where and how to hit really well.. Patients is their slogan!

Jens Holm

Yrrrh, even microdwarfs becomes big in a microskope.

John Wallace

What happened , change of shift , new bum on seat. Pound away.

Luke Hemmming

And it has taken the FBI this long to investigate this? Now? As the daily barrage of anti-iranian propaganda in western media continues to brain wash the masses that Iran is a bad bad nation. The narrative has almost reached a high point as the election nears as the BS stories of Iranian the bogeyman continues to gather pace. Add this one to your “US/Israel’s BS fairy tales” collection along with The wonderful tale of “Iran has nuclear weapons” written by Nuttyyahoo. Or the exceptionally profound short story “Iran will assasinate US diplomat”. Who can forget the beautiful BS fairy tale “Iran agents blow up oil tankers”. Next week’s BS fairy tale addition “Iran has dirty bomb in US city”.

Jens Holm

They took it from an old phonebook from Craigs list yesterday.

About Iran its a relative to me if writings are propaganda or facts. I see a lot of facts and some propaganda too.

I also notice that Rhouhani Parlavi bring a lot of propganda againt us to keep Iran as one country in fear united. Even asked in by the Bagdad Goverment, we as NATO was bombarded with ballistics in Iraq. Denmark is not in war with Iran.

But know how to think about Iran instead of only a “I dont care”.

John Wallace

Tomorrow the FBI will identify those Iranian government employees that provided the bullets used by Police too shoot unarmed Blacks thus causing multiple riots and massive damage in the many millions of dollars. They will demand the extradition of all employees of the Iranian government to face charges not yet thought of and will also demand that Iran pays for all costs associated with those peaceful riots expected to be in the billions. Investigations into the Iranian connections in the sinking of the Maine in Havana that soured US Cuban relations , the Gulf of Tonkin attacks that lead to the unnecessary escalation of the Vietnam war, the attacks on civilians in train stations and airport terminals in Italy under the guise of Operation Gladio , the assassination of JFK and saying nasty things about Megan Sparkle the first true American princess are almost at the indictable stage. Any information that anyone can think of that will help with convictions will be paid for and credibility is not an issue..

John Wallace

Thanks Jens for the downvote on something that you are incapable of understanding so it is of no relevance , a little like you. I have noticed that your English has improved dramatically which is impossible for you too attain in many years of learning. That leaves one option. You have been substituted / replaced by another troll whose command of the English language is far superior too the old Jens. Regardless you are just a troll here to take a contrary position and stir the shit. Knowing that then one shouldn’t wonder why your comments and votes are totally superflous and of no importance. Despite your improved English you still lack the comprehensive ability pertaining to my tongue in cheek comment.


And I wondered who is this “1 Guest Vote” downvoting you?

After so many years of resisting, I put an empty box on Jens and a brick on box, hid it and won’t be bothered anymore… People kept telling me to block it but I stubbornly refused….Should’ve done it years ago…


There is actually “2 Guest Vote” also…This is not joke.

And it can down vote you with 2 votes. I saw it once and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I know it sounds crazy like exaggeration but that is what has happened…

John Wallace

I don’t know how that works not that it matters much. Maybe someone just signs up for ability to comment on one article and downvote or upvote as the case may be. Is it then possible it is two guests making votes. Is it someone already signed on uses another ID to be able to vote without showing who it is ? . I have no idea and not really bothered by it. All I care about is that Assad and the people of Syria have peace without subjugation by others .

John Wallace

I don’t know , I can’t see it , not that it matters much . The only one I can see is Jens. Some people agree with what I say and some don’t , that’s life , doesn’t bother me. I do try and ignore the troll but he takes that as a victory just as he takes it as a victory on any reply no matter how abusive. I don’t believe blocking someone achieves anything so just put up with others although at times they may have something interesting to say. Because there isn’t much going on in Syria at the moment I mostly just skim through and leave it. I noticed on some threads the clown made adversarial comments on every persons comments , not only this site but others. Just shows sole purpose is to stir shit but for some reason we are not allowed to just shoot these people.. I suppose there is a reason for it but it eludes me.. Would be nice if people could get along with each other but I guess Jens will get a brain before that happens.

chris chuba

And we aren’t bombing Tehran for the barbaric act of defacing U.S. websites for what must have been hours?

Jens Holm

Yes, but according to Your traditons, You should expect aqnd accept things are comming back as revenge.

And thats in all levels.

Jens Holm

I wish safety at the internet could be improved. Even simple protections is forgotten even You can get it for free.



John Wallace

Can we do that with Jens. Click , poof , gone..

Jens Holm

Here is a free try: Use Antivir and Malwarefighter. Dont use CCleaner of Ypu want to stay alive. It removes trash.

They are all in free versions

Make my day. :) https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download


Appears an earth quake has just rocked my chair 2 minutes ago. Maybe under 5.0 and short duration.

Jens Holm

I hope it will remain as a single surprice only.

Jens Holm

We have forrest here. When its stormy I sometimes wear a scooter helmet and a thick coat and dont care what others might think.

Daily Beatings

No thanks, all my computers run Linux. I wouldn’t suggest it for you because it takes actual skill and intelligence to use.

Jens Holm

As long as Your are protected its fine with me. Its both ways.

Today I have 2 Win 7 to Win 10 upgrades, but soon they will not update my office 10 programs.

So next it might be a try for Linux. I have tryed to have two systems at a computer some years ago. Those were seperated very much from each other, but I could tranfer anything by “maps”

John Wallace

You really need to use a surge protector when you connect your head to the mains

Jens Holm

I have connections. My mother died several years ago. I ask everytime I rent her out to Necrophiles…

John Wallace

That second one was the original back in the 90’s.

Daily Beatings

Did you notice the keyboard wasn’t connected?

John Wallace

No I didn’t. Probably the cause of his frustrations. :-))


Very early model of wireless, invented by that guy… It was Tesla first… than him…

He should have patented it and become rich….instead he decided to get upset :)

Jens Holm

Haha. Number 1 is number 1 :)


Line up the fuckers, and spray them with a machine gun. No need to keep them alive, a waste is a waste.

Daily Beatings

“Line up the fuckers, and spray them with a machine gun.”

Especially the women and children. Got to keep the Israeli tradition going.


Especially. More complaints?


But the second pix looks like your brother. Are you in lock down again? So sad :(


Not at all, I have an Arab origin and me and my brothers still look better than those 2 bums.


No, I believe it when I see it. Show us how purty you are my dear. I’m not interested in your brothers, mind you. ;)

All talk talk talk. Not to mention the reboot after each night sleep.


Not a reboot at all, your regime is now working to hurt other countries via cyber ways (Israel included as you tried to hurt our water systems) so ofcourse I will be against you anytime you do it. And don’t worry about me, I have an Iraqi blood (which might have some Persian DNA in it too) but I hardly look like you or share your terroristic agenda.


Bla bla bla…. Because some idiots in the US or Bibi say so, doesn’t make it truth. I doubt those two if were such a good hackers, A) get caught B) Do their hacking like idiots from the US soil on US websites.

Your regime always attack its neighbours, have some capacity for retaliation. Sheesh!


It has nothing to do with Bibi in that specific incident, only to your regime that seeks to hurt us anyway they can. You tried to poison our waters, I don’t want to imagine what could have happened if you succeeded.

https://www.dw.com/en/israel-thwarted-attack-on-water-systems-cyber-chief/a-53596796 https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-cyberattack-on-israels-water-supply-could-have-sickened-hundreds-report/

I hope one day you’d wake up from the illusion that the mullah regime is good for you, atleast I acknowledge that Bibi is bad for us.


Poisoning a water supply is something Iran never does. Doesn’t matter how many times you repeat a lie, it’s still a lie. If we wanted to use poison, we used it on Saddam’s forces who used chemical weapons on us. We do not cross our own moral red lines. You and your disgusting media can lie as much as you want.

I too acknowledge that Bibi is bad for you. That’s the reason I do whatever I can to help him remian your PM.


Your own regime lies to you, it’s very hard to hide something like this here. Iran tried to cyber hack our systems and failed, we sent you a warning not to hurt civilian infrastructures again. I hope your mullahs got the message.


Actions speak louder than words. I have my own beef with my government, but the same government that didn’t use poisons and chemical weapons when based on every treaty had the right to do so, will not poison anybody else. Especially civilian population. Grow up a little and do not accept all the lies that come out of your leadership holes in order to scare you and keep you in check.

Americans used and use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons against civilians, using chemicals and poisons on defenceless civilians (to force them to leave and steal their lands) is what Zionists and your murderous regime do, with full support from people like you. Stop projecting your own deeds on others.

So far your regime didn’t attack Iran despite barking close to 20 years, so we have no need to retaliate. Do it and no amount of Jericho missiles and whatnot cannot save you from this stupidity.


So far it’s your regime that has been trying to hurt us, and exactly what you wrote – we haven’t done any military action against Iran in the past 20 years (except for attacking your proxies in Syria and Lebanon). But you however, actually send your forces here and aim to hurt our civilians with cyber attacks. I respect you Garga, but this time you crossed the line and poisoning our water could have sparked a harsh retaliation and I’m happy you failed for the sake of the region. We are not targeting your population, don’t do it to us. I know Bibi is lying most of the time and I criticize him alot, but in this case it wasn’t him.

Raptar Driver

It is the FBI that needs hunting down. They are criminals and murderers.


They don’t need to be hunted down. We know where they are, having lunch with equally corrupt prosecutors, who would rather commit suicide than prosecute them. Fosterism is about to become rampant.

Raptar Driver

On this we can agree. Cheers!

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