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FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To “Crush” Casedemic

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID “Case” or not.

This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the ‘fake rescue’ plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that ‘conspiracy’, we need a little background on how the world got here…

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

We have detailed the controversy surrounding America’s COVID “casedemic” and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, “cycle thresholds” (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:

1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude:“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus.”

2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “

3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.

4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test “positives” are not “cases” since the virus cannot be cultured, it’s dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.

5. PCR is not testing for disease, it’s testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really “positives” in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick

So, in summary, with regard to our current “casedemic”, positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide…

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

In October we first exposed how PCR Tests have misled officials worldwide into insanely authoritative reactions.

As PJMedia’s Stacey Lennox wrote, the “casedemic” is the elevated number of cases we see nationwide because of a flaw in the PCR test. The number of times the sample is amplified, also called the cycle threshold (Ct), is too high.

It identifies people who do not have a viral load capable of making them ill or transmitting the disease to someone else as positive for COVID-19.

The New York Times reported this flaw on August 29 and said that in the samples they reviewed from three states where labs use a Ct of 37-40, up to 90% of tests are essentially false positives. The experts in that article said a Ct of around 30 would be more appropriate for indicating that someone could be contagious – those for whom contact tracing would make sense.

Just a few days earlier, the CDC had updated its guidelines to discourage testing for asymptomatic individuals. It can only be assumed that the rationale for this was that some honest bureaucrat figured out the testing was needlessly sensitive. He or she has probably been demoted.

This change was preceded by a July update that discouraged retesting for recovered patients. The rationale for the update was that viral debris could be detected using the PCR test for 90 days after recovery. The same would be true for some period of time if an individual had an effective immune response and never got sick. Existing immunity from exposure to other coronaviruses has been well documented. These are many of your “asymptomatic” cases.

However, due to political pressure and corporate media tantrums, the new guidance on testing was scrapped, and testing for asymptomatic individuals is now recommended again. Doctors do not receive the Ct information from the labs to make a diagnostic judgment. Neither the CDC nor the FDA has put out guidelines for an accurate Ct to diagnose a contagious illness accurately.

Hence, our current “casedemic.” Positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports.

A month later, Dr. Pascal Sacré, explained in great detail how all current propaganda on the COVID-19 pandemic is based on an assumption that is considered obvious, true and no longer questioned: Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID.

This assumption is misleading.  Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works.

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

In mid-November, none other than he who should not be questioned – Dr. Anthony Fauci – admitted that the PCR Test’s high Ct is misleading:

“What is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard,” Fauci said, is that “if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more … the chances of it being replication-confident are minuscule.”

“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians,” he continued, when “somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR, and it’s like [a] 37 cycle threshold, but you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle.”

So, I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just dead nucleotides, period.”

So, if anyone raises this discussion as a “conspiracy”, refer them to Dr.Fauci.

In response to this and the actual “science”, Florida’s Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida’s Republican Governor Ron deSantis), decided that for the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

All of which leads us to today’s announcement from The FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting patients and health care providers of the risk of false results… with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 test.

And why does this matter?

Well it’s simple – this is how the establishment can show Joe Biden’s plan is miraculously rescue the world.

We explained the “fake rescue” plan in October.

The Fake Rescue

Biden will issue national standards, like the plexiglass barriers in restaurants he spoke about during the debate, and pressure governors to implement mask mandates using the federal government’s financial leverage (NOTE: his 100-day mask-wearing ‘mandate’ is already in play).

Some hack at the CDC or FDA will issue new guidance lowering the Ct the labs use, and cases will magically start to fall.

In reality, the change will only eliminate false positives, but most Americans won’t know that.

Good old Uncle Joe will be the hero, even though it is Deep-State actors in the health bureaucracies who won’t solve a problem with testing they have been aware of for months. TDS is a heck of a drug.

So, there you have it folks… First Fauci, then WHO, now FDA all admit there is malarkey in the PCR Tests, but have – until now, done nothing about it… allowing the daily fearmongering of soaring “cases” to enable their most twisted 1984-esque controls.

All that’s needed now is for one of these estemeed groups to decide to cut the Ct for a “positive” PCR Test to say 15x or 20x and suddenly, we are rescued from the “Dark Winter” as Biden’s plan slashes the positive case count dramatically… we are saved.

As an aside, this also clearly explains the disappearance of the “flu” during this season as the plethora of high Ct PCR Tests supposedly pointing to a surge in COVID are nothing of the sort.

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

As Stephen Lendman noted previously, claiming “lockdowns stopped flu in its tracks, (outbreaks) plummet(ting) by 98% in the United States” ignored that what’s called COVID is merely seasonal influenza combined with false positives (extremely high Ct) from PCR-Tests.

And for that reason, the great 2020 disappearing flu passes largely under the mass media’s radar. Media proliferated mass deception and power of repetition get most people to believe and having successfully “killed the flu”, they will now do the same with COVID… and, if allowed by our betters, we will all return to the new normal they desire.


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Damien C

ZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzz zz z

360,000 dead Americans from Sars-Covid2 it’ll be 500,000 before they get a handle on it and the author is more concerned about the new President getting praise in the media!

Please feel free to take a wire brush and some caustic soda to the back of your balls man


Not “from Sars-Covid2” but with Sars-Covid2. There is no proof the virus was the cause, and they did everything possible to hide the cause.


And there’s even no proof of the actual existance of the virus as there isn’t aswell for measels virus and HIV. It’s not me who says so about the later, it’s the German Supreme Court of Justice

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Great article. So, what is correct (fair) CT number? I have heard, that at high amplification numbers unspecific reactions can occur. Simmilar as raising background noise over treshold level? And as mentioned in Drosten review high concentrations of reagents additionaly complicate the mess. PCR specialists?

cechas vodobenikov

a good start when does US military admit they possess inferior 3rd world weapons? when does CIA admit their agents are not intelligent? when does rotting US empire stench cause amerikans to comprehend they live in 4th world s-hole nation?

Todd Allen

All of which leads us to today’s announcement from The FDA…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting patients and health care providers of the risk of false results… with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 test.

But if you read the FDA announcement it is warning of false negative results not false positives…

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Thank you!

Fog of War

The false positives or negatives are just randomly generated BS. The true purpose of Covid ” testing ” is to gather everyone’s DNA information.

catalin zt

People of the World must unite to remove their vassal capitalist-fascist “government” ruled by Cabal axis Washington-Tel Aviv(the anglo khazarian MAFIA) take control of their Nations armed forces and give an ultimate military BLOW to this MAGGOTS who are feeding themselves on the flesh of Humanity!!! Finish the anglo-jewish SCUM races from the face of Earth and we will all live Prosperity, Friendship and Heaven here on our beautiful Planet ! This two PLAQUES on Earth must be clear TOTALLY,from the baby future PAEDOPHILE,genocidal,criminal,fascist,capitalist to the adult MORON they absolutely ALL ARE!!!! AMEN! And by the way,the Galactic Federation composed by at least 5 alien races and lead by Archangel Michael are protecting Humanity and soon will give the ULTIMATE Blow to the anglo-jewish capitalist-fascist World MAFIA who is working closely and hard with the Reptilians-Draco-Greys alliance ! Veeeeeery soon this two SATANIC races will be GONE forever from here from baby MONSTER to adult MONSTER! AMEN and FREEDOM for Humanity from the anglo-jewish SATANIC empire ! Amen!


“PCR Tests have misled officials worldwide into insanely authoritative reactions.”

Sorry Charlie.Those officials are not being misled.This is a full blown conspiracy. This information about the PCR has been out since April 2020,,,almost 9 months ago. By saying they’re being mislead you are giving the tyrants a pass they do not deserve. The longer they get passes,,, the longer this crap continues.

The PCR cannot determine viral load nor can it determine if you have a disease as per the inventor. This PCR is not looking for the alleged virus itself, only a rna sequence. So even the cycle count does not matter. It can light up at any count and for any virus. The whole shebang is a con implemented by the Climate Change Cult.


NEW INFO: All mask wearers, who have been vaccinated will have a high chance to mutate the coronavirus received with the vaccine – in their bodies using their own bodies as a chemical Mutation Cooking lab – into the BLACK PLAGUE by constantly re-breathing their exhaled air and the Pfizer-Moderna-AstraZeneca mRNA vaccine will have a high chance to ACTIVATE AGAIN pieces of the Black Plague virus that most of us have inside of us PRESERVED in our DNA since the 14th century and back (2000 years). To be reassembled-mutated again into the BLACK PLAGUE. Making all ‘Mask Wearer Vaccine Receivers’ potential sources of the massively deadly Black Plague = Yersinia pestis bacteria. ——- ———– ———- ——— I was saying for a year now that the Black Plague = Yersinia class viruses will be back. Now you will be able to see it Up Close In Your Face. The Russian Sputnik V is NOT an mRNA vaccine, therefore it doesn’t cause the DNA-recombining changes so it won’t have the **chance** to re-create the Black Plague virus in the newly vaccinated. Just as easily as in the last 2000 years, you will be able to contract The Black Plague. There is nothing to protect you, except maintaining a healthy MEAT+FAT Heavy diet: + SMOKING!!..

“During the 1665 Great Plague in London It was believed at the time that the bubonic plague was airborne and so many people, including children, began smoking tobacco to keep the pestilence away.”

——- ———– ———- ——— If you study history, statistics show that the Black Death possibly helped to crush, but was definitely present in the Holy Roman Empire causing massive deaths – since the soldiers and people were addicted to the deadly GRAIN BASED DIET (breads, pastas, etc.. just as how BiG Food currently loves you to be) – , BUT the Barbarians were LEFT LARGELY UNTOUCHED, because they ate a MEAT+FAT dominated diet, thus a large amount of FAT eaten helped to PRESERVE THEIR CELLS. ——- ———– ———- ——— You must have noticed Satanic Bill Hates and his Pals attacking the healthy diet = paleo+keto of the ancient Barbarians and at the same time they are promoting the GRAIN BASED DEADLY DIET. Now you will SEE the results and bear dreadful consequences of the Bilderberger LIE. They want the masses to die. They want population reduction. They want Mass Death. Look at their presentations. Look how they were applauding the pals of Arch-Nazi Klaus Schwab presenting Population Reduction Ideas in Secret Meetings.

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