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MARCH 2025

Group Of Ukrainian Special Forces Destroyed. Commander Captured (Video)

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Group Of Ukrainian Special Forces Destroyed. Commander Captured (Video)

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Russian special forces destroyed a group of the UAF Special Operations Forces. The commander of the 73rd special operations unit was captured. 


Special Operations Forces are the elite units of any army in the world. Millions of US dollars are spent on training each fighter.

The total number of the SFO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not exceed 600 servicemen, of which no more than 200 military personnel take part in special operations. The use of these specialists as ordinary sabotage-reconnaissance group is either incompetence or a result of an extreme necessity or betrayal of the Ukrainian command.

Almost all military personnel of the SOF have officer ranks, regardless of their position, but depending on their personal qualifications. The death of SOF fighters during special operations happens on a regular basis, but capture is an isolated case in world military history.

It is difficult to remember when a captured SOF officer was filmed testifying on his service history, evaluating the action of the command and calling for the cessation of resistance.

In recent years, many countries have deliberately blurred the term of Special Operations Forces in order to hide the real number of highly qualified saboteurs on the one hand, and to rally combat-ready motivated units designed to perform complex tasks at the army level under this brand on the other hand. That is why, for example, the Military Balance 2021 and 2020 provided an estimate of the composition of the special forces of the Russian Federation at 1,000 military personnel, and the United States at 63,000 military personnel. At the same time, other sources indicate the number of the SOF of the Russian Federation around 12500-14000, including the army special forces under the jurisdiction of the GRU. Obviously, the both are wrong. Talking specifically about the SOF of the two most belligerent countries in the world, then the estimate of the total number of the Russian SOF of about 1,000 military personnel and the US SOF of about 2,500 military personnel seems objective. In the case of Ukraine, even the total number of 600 actual military personnel, including support personnel, seems to be an optimistic assumption.

The military personnel of the SOF are specialists of sabotage and counter-sabotage operations, who have deep knowledge not only in warcraft, but also in intelligence, regional studies, engineering specialties, psychology and much more.

The behavior of the AFU officer on the provided video is a vivid example. A native of Western Ukraine holds conversation in Russian without an accent or a characteristic dialect, demonstrates a quick and conscious reaction to the questions asked by a specialist who interrogated him on camera, while observing the “rules of the game”. It can be seen that his level is quite high.


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More Ukronazis getting destroyed, no wonder the USA and NATO are asking for foreign volunteers… their pawns in Ukraine are getting smashed to bits!


Pedo Andy from Windsor

The simple FACT is that the hoholassholes NAZIS have had a very bad few days as Russia and its allies have gained total supremacy on the battlefield. Russian units are operating with a few kms of Kiev maidan and the Uki sh*theads are getting whacked and lost the propaganda war too, they need to surrender or lose everything, the gaymonkey Zelensky must hang. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Windsor

Zelensky’s a jew. This is your problem: https://i.imgur.com/LTthzO4.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FnAUDGn.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

Could it be that they’re talking about the Nazi batallions that are integrated into the military such as Azov? Could it be? Naaaaaahhh they’re obviously talking about Zelensky heh. How is every single one of your posts a 25 IQ take on everything?


Could it be you not realizing that it is just bullshit what both governments are telling you ? Can you see the facts: Jew Putin and his zionists (read: jews) battling jew Selensky and his national-zionists (read: jews). And both using christian men and women to fight and die for them !!!! Putins special operations specialists the private russian mercenary corp called Wagner, is run by Dmitry Utkin, a good friend of Putin. This guy is said to be a known neo-nazi and has even SS and more nazi-symbols tatooed to his skin. So wake up folks !

It is all jewish made ! It is fakers ! It is just to make you think, that bad thinks come from “NAZIS” , when in fact the bad the real evil things ALWAYS come from JEWS posing as russians, posing as germans, posing as americans, posing as liberals, posing as christian priests, posing as medical experts, posing as independent reporters, posing as humanitarian supporters, posing as poles, posing as victims, posing as ukrainians, posing as .. you name it !

And these satanic people, called JEWS, always try to hijack your attention and brain, and make you believe in their shows ! Currently all of them now hold high signs and posters with “NAZI”, accusing the other side of being “NAZIS”. But the truth is, it is jews on both sides, maybe different kinds of jews but still jews. And they try to put the blame and consequences of their crimes on you ! Hoping you will accept and take the guilt for them, and pay for it, eighter with money or with your life. That’s why they hope you are a fool, and believe in their shows, so that you accuse (instead of them) the USA, or EU and its people to be guilty and being “NAZIS” or the European people and its in fact JEWISH leadership to be “NAZIS”, or that you accuse “the russian” to be evil, when in fact they are Jews , controlled and lead by jews wearing SS symbolistica to put their crimes on “NAZIS” if caught.

Watch the foto of Dmitry Utkin below. He is the well known Putin right-hand man, chief and founder of RUSSIAN WAGNER GROUP:

https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/client/q_glossy,ret_img,w_642,h_386/https://informnapalm.org/sv/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2021/03/Dmitrij-Utkin-med-Waffen-SS-symboler.jpg https://t.me/Der_Volkslehrer/3736

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

moronic garbage and debunked crap spawned by a madman


That’s not even him. Western propagandists copy pasting some american idiot but in reality that’s different person. There are actually very few of his phots, and you think he is going to pose naked with his nazi tattoos? Compare his mouth, nose and his ears. Totally different person. The only ‘similarity’ he is bald.


Last edited 2 years ago by Facts

Lazy. We’ve all seen those shitty, infantile memes. Surely you can make better use of your time.


Why they allow this crazy idiot to usurp every thread here with his dumb cartoons and/or morbid and perverted nonsense?


This is so true. What these wailing idiots here fail to realize is the people they call Nazi are also calling THEM Nazi; Putin is literally Hitler in the West. I just saw a video showing the Z as half a swastika. They are whipping up the goyim to go fight evil all white (it’s how Russia is being portrayed) Christian (again, how it’s portrayed) Russia. And do it for muh democracy. For LGBT. So think about that a moment

It’s pathetic that these posters think hurling the same epithets the west is drowning in, now passed in their direction, is somehow some sort of argument to get a pat on the back for.

What we REALLY have is two Slavs fighting each other, calling each other Nazi, both funded directly or indirectly by Jew money interests and one side, even being told by their Jew President, that they have to stand ground and die for these Jew oligarchs and cannot run. Oh: and a peace might be brokered in Israel. And to think there were people who thought Bronaslav Kaminsky, Lokot Autonomy, Andrey Vlasov and роа were hard to wrap their head around. that’s child’s play compared to this shit.


No we have a russian with an initial rightful and lawful security issue and a Out of the world teasing US. But the Russian started an illegal cruel invasion, a war of aggression “liberating” people from which the majority does not want to be liberated and fight until dead and the majority of the industrial mattering world being opposing him and helping Ukraine. Or how a leader did shoot in his own foot big time. So Putin indeed became the new Hitler because he acted as Hitler. There will be no win, each next day is a day closer to the finale end of Putin and the happy Russia. This war is wearing out the Russian. The proof Putin is losing big time soldiers and material: he has opened 14 recruitment centers for mercenaries in Syria in the territories controlled by the regime of Bashar al-Assad (Damascus, Aleppo, Hama, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor). Poor gay:180 battalions he had dispersed all over Russia, 120 to 140 are fighting in Ukraine, the rest to defend the borders. He lost 30 valuable battalions: dead, wounded, prisoned, deserted, de-moralised . How much more in 3 weaks, a month? And invading/ occupying a country is not driving through with unsecured flanks. Planes can protect you against soldiers hiding until you pass. Each distroyed houses, killed dream killed persons makes you a family to enemy, they will take you out the moment you turn your back. And partizans will appear when you are far enough in the country. In Grozny you had 150 soldiers per thousand people of the population, so occupying Ukraine you will need 1.400.000 soldier / 2 per square km. what do yo think is going to happen to this two and where Putin is gone get them and feed them. There is no way he can win, it is going to be the next afghanistan. Putins problem is there is no way back.


I basically agree with what you say. Often even more than just basically. But I think we need to point out clearly, very clearly that both sides are one.

They play the ball directly to each other, helping each other in order to make the populations angry and willing to fight. It is so obvious. Let me give you an example actually from today, that shows it very clearly.

The main state news channel of Germany, ZDF, today announced that they have a new chief war-reporter, and ZDF Director-General especially for the coverage of the Ukraine-conflict now, who will be sending frontline news from Ukraine and will report every day directly from there. His name: Mr. HIMMLER ! See: https://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/panorama/neuer-intendant-verteidigt-zdf-kriegsberichterstattung-art-799743

And I tell you, that is no coincidence. On both sides are jews. They know very wel how the russian soul works. They know that names like “Hitler, Himmler, Göring, SS, Wehrmacht” will cause automatic aversive, highly emotional reactions within most russians.

So it is perfect for Putin and his propaganda-apparatus if the western propaganda media are led or represented by someone with the name Himmler ! This way he (Putin) can easily say to the russian: ” See here, I told you, it is the Nazis again against we have to fight, look at their propaganda-medias. They are even led by Mr. Himmler. And the rest is not better even worse. So we need to fight now, bla blah …”.

This is what I mean. They US+EU+RU+China are working together to destroy us. Us, the kind and normal thinking small people, who do not want war, who do not want hate, but want to live in freedom and peace. But jews will never tolerate that. They need us to fight each other, need us to be angry and hateful, greedy and stupid, in order to make lots of money from it, and destroy our countries, societies, religion, faith and souls.

Therefore they are always warmongering, and telling lies and lies, hoping to find enough idiots who buy into their crap and start fighting each other on their behalf.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Tom Bombastadillo

Over the real target. BINGO!

“Oy vey ….”


So what if Zelenskiy’s a jew dumbass? Even in one of his standup routines he made a joke about how many Nazis there are in Ukraine and then did the Nazi salute. He himself is aware of this. There ARE Nazi brigades and politicians and lots and lots of people with ultra nationalist sentiment all over Ukraine, and from what I hear it is against the law to openly go against Stepan Bandera the perpetrator of Babi Yar and collaborator with Hitler, commonly referred to as THE hero of Ukraine …. so just because Zellerbum is a Jew that doesn’t automatically mean all the Nazis in Ukraine will just cease to exist and go poof, vanishing into thin air. They still exist MORON

Now imagine someobody who is supposedly a jew and had family and distant relatives who lived through such a horror as the holocaust just openly joking on tv about nazis and doing the salute? Hmmm …. almost seems like either Zelenskiy aint a jew or …. the Holohaux never really happened at all maybe??

Ashok Varma

Russia has complete control over Ukraine now and the Uki Nazis are being isolated and chopped up. Russia has liberated an area larger than Britain in mere two weeks. Russian military has really excelled.


If you lose site of the final goal you might think he wins the war, but actually he is the proof that by winning a battle you actually can lose the war. Think hard as if you where a chess player

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Pamela from Saker

The Russian God them are doing the world a favor. I truly feel sorry for the Ukrainians that are stuck in this US occupied country. I wonder if they finally realize the West wants them dead. The same thing is happening here in the US. The cabal is done with us. They are tired of us breathing their air. God Bless Russia.


Many of them are actually Russians, I remember a video where Maxim “Tesak” Martsinkevich’s comrades announced they were joining the Azov units after Russia had started their invasion. Tesak was jailed for putting up videos where himself and his friends were luring out gay pedophiles where they bullied and ridiculed them on camera. He was found murdered in prison and the authorities had claimed that he committed ”suicide”.

The body of Maxim “Теса́к” Martsinkevich, a Russian neo-Nazi who at the time of his death, was awaiting trial. https://imgur.com/a/CPqzUg2#HqMCy99

https://t.me/SurvivingWeimerikachat/90408 https://i.imgur.com/DGGwCYP.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dbvXVKv.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Pedo Andy from Windsor

Either way they are dead ducks, RUSSIA RULZ!


Are you really some Anglo faggot shilling for Russia?

Vlad the Impaler

Says the German tranny subhuman.


Fake Fritz is not German he is just some East European faggot shilling for Nato-Nazis

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Nice try a Azovisis…


Both sides are gay. There are too many rim jobs, say no to getting shafted. Everyone else is getting screwed over, say no to getting raped further.


I have absolutely no doubt whatseover that you are a closet-case homosexual, or you wouldn’t harp about the subject.

Vlad the Impaler

Fritz here is a neonazi German tranny. His kind are subhuman abominations. What else did you expect?

Horse Cock Putin

Horse dung! Azovs are Uniates from the west of Ukraine financed by NATO and run by the CIA, they hate ethnic Russians. Grabbing for twigs are you?


Is that why American Antifa are joining the Russian separatists?

Hitler Kaput

Only in your mentally diseased psychopathic and imbecilic head full of donkey shit


In Germany Antifa are also being targeted for recruit to join the “Ukonazis”.

It’s actually the right-wingers who are getting flagged by the govt and told they can’t go, which is interesting on multiple levels. Above all, because it is sparring them. This might make sense to some people on here because “muh West Nazis blah blah” but to anyone who has watched the government destroy the lives of right-wingers, find a zillion programs to turn them Antifa and even fund Antifa, this makes zero sense. Of course, they just don’t want right wingers to become armed and skilled in combat, I get it. But the stronger likelihood is that they would not survive this, because Ukraine is terribly outmanned and outgunned and Russia does not take too kindly to these “mercenaries”


how exactly is Ukraine “terribly outmanned and outgunned”, they have more soldiers in the theatre of war right now than Russia.


Ask your Jewish boyfriend Yamil Perez who supports Ukro-maidan scum.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Antifa couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paperbag. Skip the lame SBU propaganda ukrobot.


Azovs are an international-flavoured kook unit. It’s important to remember that the foreign policy of the US always reflects internal problems. They have been trying to gin up an internal white supremacy threat to national security for three decades. Socialism has been completely eliminated as an antithesis for the vile, gas-lighting insanity of rule by degenerate billionaires in the US. The only opposition to the status quo is nationalist populism, or populist nationalism. If nationalism can be tied in the propaganda story to white supremacy, then the idenitarian progressives can be kept in a constant battle with the alleged white supremacists. The CIA and special forces are training units like Azov to be turned loose in the Ukraine. It’s a typical schizoid CIA insurgency that will be used in the propaganda war against Russia in the Anglosphere, and on the ground it will be used like ISIS or the other products of Pakistani radicalization academies as destabilizing cannon fodder, fighting anybody, anywhere, at any time. The role of Galician loonies in the far-right Russophobic Ukraine cannot be understated, but there is a separate CIA focus on white supremacy as opposed to Ukrainian fascism.


nazi polo molo wet diapers in arkansas trailer park



Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz


Last edited 2 years ago by diagnosis
Hitler Kaput

OnTheFreak you are not just retarded, you are seriously mentally diseased degenerate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hitler Kaput

Dead in custoy, and you want to pretend he represents an entity fostered by the state like Azov is literally part of the Ukrainian military. Imbecile.


Sure , this never happens in U.S. prisons. When they send you to the Rikers Island soon you’ll be very popular among Blacks.

kamala harris penis

haha fritz probably has hitlers tattoo on his buttcheeks he’s gonna enjoy dropping the soap in prison so much! but at least he’ll finally lose his virginity 🤣🤣


https://www.newsweek.com/neo-nazi-who-tortured-gay-people-viral-videos-dies-prison-suicide-1533402 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8771657/Notorious-Neo-Nazi-leader-tortured-murdered-cell-death-fake-suicide-family-says.html

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz


Last edited 2 years ago by diagnosis

Yeah yeah. Because a slavic russian could forget what the nazis made to the slavs. Seriously, worst piece of propaganda ever seen.

They are anti-NATO? Really? Why are they sucking Nuland’s d**k then?


From occidental observer:

Back on the warfront, rumors are circulating that Dniepopetrovsk might surrender by the time that the Russian forces reach it. Apparently, the Jewish oligarch Igor Kholomoisky, the kingpin of the city, may have sued for a separate peace with the Russians. I don’t want to make any hard predictions about the course that this war will take, but this isn’t really as absurd a proposition as it may seem at first glance. Rumor or not, mentioning it does cross us over neatly into the main topic of today’s post: the political power factions that control the Ukraine.

It is worth getting into the details here just so that we can come to an understanding of just what exactly Ukrainian politics was since independence. Ukrainian politics has been almost entirely dominated by the Eastern Mafias since the days of Presidents Kravchuk and Kuchma. There are two factions within the mafia that are worthy of particular mention: the Donbass and the Dniepropetrovsk groups. Both gained power when they took over the factories and the energy resources and the gas pipelines in their respective regions. Analysts who endlessly draw maps detailing ethnic compositions and language differences among the regions of Ukraine show themselves to be woefully uninformed and completely lost when it comes to understanding just what was happening in Ukraine over the last three decades. Dniepopetrovsk—–a Russian-speaking region (which shows how much that matters) has been the senior political power in the country since 2014. And the only shake-up that Ukrainian politics experienced over the last three decades, however minor, was the election and short-lived reign of Orange Revolution firebrand and then President (2005–2010), Victor Yushenko. Yushenko rose in on a wave of support from Western Ukraine, and crucially, he got many centrists in central regions to vote for him who were simply fed up with the corruption and criminal domination of Ukrainian politics. Nonetheless, Yushenko had to make a deal with Yulia Timoshenko (a Jewish gas baroness turned politician from Donbass) to form a powerful opposition block that became the ruling coalition once twice president (2002–2005 and 2010–2014) Victor Yanukovitch was ousted for the first time. Almost immediately, Yushenko ended up getting backstabbed by Yulia and her people. Or, to be fair, perhaps one could make the case that he betrayed her first and worse and got what he had coming. It doesn’t really matter in the grander scheme of things because the political elite of Ukraine always kept themselves busy tricking, arresting and stealing from one another. Yushenko’s ineffectual stint in power led to Yanukovitch’s (also a Donbass Mafia member) return to power and the events leading up to Euromaidan 2014.

That being said, the events that led to the current situation in Ukraine can be traced back to any point in history, really. One event leads to another so long as we are bound by the chain of cause and effect. It all depends on the skill of the writer to connect the dots and construct a narrative, really. So, my decision to pin the start of the sequence of events that led to this conflict on the events that occurred during the Yushenko era is arbitrary— we could just as easily go back to Kuchma and Kravchuk or to the events all the way back to the Khmelnitsky uprising in the seventeenth century if we wanted to. My goal is not to lay the blame on one corrupt politician or gangster to whitewash the others— only to shed light on a part of the story that Western readers might not be aware of and to push back against simplistic explanations offered for the conflict by ideologists with their own personal agendas informing their framing of events in a certain way.

As a direct result of Yushenko’s ascent to the presidency, a new faction began to rise in Ukraine that had hitherto not exercised power on the national level. We will pick up the story with the Orange Revolution president making the historic decision to start legitimizing and integrating the Galician right-wing radicals (often labeled “neo-Nazis”) into his government, but the lore behind the Galician faction stretches back to the bedlam of the Russian Revolution and is certainly worth delving into another time.

Once Yushenko began injecting die-hard Galician faction members into the security apparatus of Ukraine, they quickly carved out a niche for themselves in the secret police (SBU) and began taking up key positions in the military and defense offices. Assassinations, intimidations and power-grabs became the order of the day (not that they ever really stopped). Yanukovitch, who retook office soon after, did nothing to undo what was initiated by his predecessor and continued funding this operation up to the day that he was chased out of the country by many of these very same people working against him in the security services and in the mob that had gathered in the Maidan Square beneath his presidential residence. Why did he do this? Well, after the controlled demolition of the USSR, the political class of literally every single FSU country adopted something that has been derisively dubbed in Russia as the “sitting on two stools” approach to foreign policy. Put simply: they try to play the West and Russia off each other to extract more concessions from Russia. This was indeed a lucrative grift while it lasted, but eventually the stools toppled over and the whole thing came crashing down. Relative to Yanukovich, Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, got quite lucky. But that’s another story for another time.

Suffice it to say, in the FSU, the anti-Russian separatists/nationalists/Westernists have always enjoyed the secret support of even “pro-Russian” politicians and “pro-Russian” governments. This is because their job was to scare and intimidate the majority of voters, and shore up the power of the “moderate” government, which would prop up the radicals as scarecrows come election time. Now, I’m not a moral purist when it comes to politics by any means, and I can even appreciate a dastardly political stratagem pulled off by my enemies so long as it demonstrates acumen in the same way that a military man can appreciate and study a foreign army’s tactics while on campaign. But Yanukovitch was no Sun Tzu, and he ended up outfoxing himself. To be fair, perhaps he was too busy looting the country and settling old scores with his mafia rivals to notice the new pack of hyenas circling in on him. Regardless, after he was gone, the Galician faction got to finish their takeover of the entire security apparatus of Ukraine, helped along by the rebellion in Donbass and the annexation of Crimea, which gave them carte blanche to purge the ranks of unsympathetic officers, spooks and bureaucrats.

The bloggers who have been bellowing about UkroFascists!!! and the “nazification” of Ukraine on the internet for the last 10 years are probably talking about these people and their takeover of the security structures. But because of their use of the same hysterical buzzwords used by the beloved and trustworthy Western media and their thinly veiled USSR nostalgia, they have turned many sympathetic Westerners with conservative, nationalistic leanings away from them and their writings. The tone-deafness and poor persuasion skills of pro-Russian internet boomers aside, they are quite correct in stating that the Galicians or the Banderanazis(!!!) if you prefer, run Kiev now. However, this is only half the picture. The other half is the Eastern Mafia, which is very much still in the picture and hasn’t been sitting idly by. Kholomoisky of Dniepopetrovsk has successfully raised his own private army (the infamous Azov battalion) and he has defeated the Donbass mafia with targeted assassinations and because of his strategic alliance with the Galician faction, which runs the government. This is the power coalition running Ukraine now. The Galician faction runs the security apparatus/military with their gang and Kholomoisky controls the economy and media of the country with his gang. Needless to say, both groups have the support of Western spook agencies. And both groups believe that Ukraine is their turf and are willing to kill a lot of people to keep it that way.

But the largest feather in Kholomoisky’s cap is no doubt President Zelensky himself. Kholomoisky’s channel created and ran the “Servant of the People” show that featured Zelensky as an honest and intrepid President of Ukraine dedicated to fighting corruption and defending the Ukrainian people. When the elections came around, Kholomoisky’s people and his media resources went all out in campaigning for their man. My personal favorite play was when they bribed Facebook fortune-tellers to spin prophecies about the coming of the president-that-was-promised and thereby secured the superstitious peasant granny vote. If any Western politicians are reading this, put down Sun Tzu and try some of this Kholomoisky fellow’s stratagems during the next election cycle instead.

Now, Russia has declared that they are planning to do a thorough “denazification” campaign, which almost certainly means a thorough purge of the Galician faction from the positions that they have taken since Yushenko let them into the government. As for what will happen to the oligarchs who bankrolled this whole operation, well, that’s still somewhat up in the air. It’s worth point out that Russia used to have dealings with them right up until the events of Euromaidan. The arrangement was simple: Russia paid them to behave and not ally against Russia with the West. As we can see looking back, this was clearly a catastrophic strategy, and what’s worse, I can only shake my head at how uncreative and uninspired it was—a cardinal sin in my book. The worst possible outcome for Ukraine at this point is if Russia comes to a compromise with some element of the existing power structure in Ukraine once they wrap up the military operation. We now know that no negotiations with the Galician faction are possible, so we can cross them off the list. That leaves the Eastern Mafia. Rumors of Kholomoisky’s imminent surrender aside, I can’t help but hope that his chutzpah has finally crossed the line and that he will be forced to spend the rest of his days exiled in Israel along with his puppet Zelensky. As for the rest of the oligarchs, well, both Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Timoshenko held photo-ops in Kiev with Kalashnikovs in their hands, so we can cross them off the list as well. Further than that and we enter the realm of pure speculation.


Is Kholomoisky even in Ukraine at the moment? I doubt he is eager to make peace with Russians, or vice versa, after everything he done.

Arzt Injektion

Israel or Switzerland? I think Ukraine is probably the last place he would be right now.


Dude you need to keep spreading this

Pedo Andy from Windsor

Russia has surrounded the Azov NAZIS and they are begging for a surrender, but the best is to kill all the roaches. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Great insight!

I don’t see how any Mafia whatsoever will be allowed a foothold as long as they have the same corrupt values, as the situation will only repeat itself again and again. The only real way forward is for a fresh start that rebuilds Ukraine as a sovereign nation with a large ability to sustain itself without relying too much on gas transit fees. If the rich have no respect and only oppression of the population, then it will only descend into madness.


Well spoken, but with knowing all this, how it comes that people still ignore the deeper point of it ? Kolomoisky, Selensky, Merkel, Putin, Roosevelt, Nuland, Barroso, Trotzky, Lenin, Borrel, Baruch, Morgenthau, Hooton, Kaufman, Friedman, Nitzer, Silversteen (9/11), Morrison, Harriman, Teichtal, Kahane, Berel Lazar, Schorr, Albert Bourla, Stephan Bancel, Kushner, Marx etc. etc. They are all of jewish origin.

And Jewry itself, it is an arc-old satanic mafia organisation, wandering earth since at least 2000 years, but likely much longer. They did and do satanic rituals, cheat, rob, and kill by poisoning people in large masses (see nowadays again with the Corona deadly so-called mRNA vaccines). In history lots of countries all around the world but mostly in Europe kicked these satanists out. But already back in 2000 years ago, these wandering demons (long ago praying to Molech) decided it would be clever to disguise their criminal diabloic mafiasect as being a “religion” so that nobody would touch them anymore, and so that they could do their dirty business without getting jailed or killed easily. They started marrying only among themselves, brother with mother, sister with uncle and so on – pure inbred over 2000 years. Which created an even more wicked brute, which therefore is often, not without good reason – as you just learned – called “a race” of its own sometimes, because they are really – now after more then 2000 years of inbred and satanism something like that. A diabolic parasitic morph between mafia, religion, race. The true pest of mankind !

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Putin is not jewish. ‘His mother’ No, she is NOT Jewish, stop repeating stupid lies.

Putin’s mother’s maiden name is Shelomova, which is an old Russian surname. It is definitely not from Hebrew “shalom” as some ukronazi propaganda rumors have it. The surname is attested in several archival registries dating back to the 14th, 15, 16th centuries. The Russian root word shelom(m) or sheloma(f) means “helmet.” VVP’s maternal grandmother, Yelizaveta Shelomova, is buried in the village’s old cemetery. And, it is an ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN cemetery, not a Jewish one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Facts
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

I’m having a crisis of conscience, I went to church yesterday and realized that bearing false witness Is a mortal sin for my soul. I don’t Want to go to hell. My confession: i have been employed to promote a false narrative by the Russian government. I know these were false, devised to support the Putin regime And oppress the Russian people. The terrible words I have posted in here I apologize for. I apologize for this fake news I have defended saying other media is fake news I apologize fo supporting the narrative that Russia can do no wrong. We are human, of course we can do wrong. I apologize for supporting g false flag attacks that have harmed innocent people. I apologize if my work has made it easier for this unjust attack on my brothers. I am truly sorry and repent for the harm that is victimizing Ukrainians and the Reputation of average Russians around the world. I apologize to the Russian mothers who sons will not come home I apologize for not being brave enough to stand up to my supervisors and the government of my county

I here by resign my position, And will be leaving the country. good bye I will not be back to this despicable site.

slava nezavisimoy rossii slava nezavisimoy ukraine Net bol’she voyny

sod off

sod off yamil you dumb cocksucker


I hope this guy has no family, Azovite degenerates will torture them because he surrendered.

Vlad the Impaler

Azovite degenerates are too busy dying to be able to do anything else.


Well done Russia


i hope the checens finish the job. best gore lol

Hell yeah!

Looks like the Canadian dude stumbled into a “best case scenario” where he has a better chance of surviving to return to his home country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hell yeah!
Ghost of Kurac

Which Canadian? The wannabe “comedian” that left his wife and 3 kids so he could pretend to be a combat medic? This guy: https://twitter.com/anthonycwalker?t=lEw2jgvP31K8b90m-AdKSA&s=09

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Kurac

A good and intelligent man. I hope more will follow his example and stop this war for Zelensky’s vanity without further bloodshed.

Pedo Andy from Windsor

Zelensky corrupt pervert thefag must hang for all the misery the has brought for his Anglo-Zionist masters.


Today no good for azovists. Long May it continue. I need to visit Russia after this war.

Robert Bruce

I did a study abroad there in 1997. It was in St. Petersburg. Very, very nice city with lots of history. The Hermitage was great. It was in the spring and the sun was setting at 10-11pm. I would love to go back someday, but it looks like that won’t happen unfortunately.😕

Yamil Perez

So you mean there’s still one more Russian special forces team left that wasn’t wiped out during the first two days of the war? How the hell did that happen, Scooby? They were all part of the barbecue cookout.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

They were waiting to get invited to your barbecue spic, with carne asada, Corona beer and your mother blowing all the guys



CIA bot

There is nothing in your head left but manure and cancer so keep hallucinating

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Babe 😘

Yamil Perez

Yossi Cohen? Wasn’t that the guy who won the Six Day War and has every antisemite cockroach crying to this day? Scooby, am I right?

Yamil Perez

Not Yossi Cohen. It’s Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen is the one who has every antisemite cockroach crying 50 years later.


What a detestable little man you are, Yamil – especially when your knickers are in a knot.

CIA bot

Yamil is not a man at all. He’s a cockroach, particularly stupid one.

Devine qui c'est.

It is a dishonest and Machiavellic personage who caused more trouble than anything else.

Last edited 2 years ago by Devine qui c'est.
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Time to lay off the brazje fluid ukrobot. You are getting delusional… A side effect delirium…


Would appreciate it if SF could translate and transcribe their conversation for the benefit of the non Russian speaking readership. Thanks


This poor slob is extremely fortunate that he was only captured and not obliterated by artillery, a guided bomb or air-to-surface missile. His very civilized captors probably gave him Starbucks coffee to calm him. Fuer du die Krieg und Film ist ende! Now the whores in the western European and North America propaganda/opinion/entertainment companies will say that he was threatened with torture, rape, murder, deportation to Siberia, deprived of computer games, humiliated by being filmed and wasn’t allowed to phone his parents. There may also be a problem with his last paycheck.


WTF! man 😂😂😂. You made me lol’d real hard.


ps Caedite eos. novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius


I find this very sad, nulands, bidens, obamas, clintons and other trash mus pay a heavy price for this


Fake news. Ukraine has no casualties and the Ghost of Kiev is raising the Ukrainian flag in Moscow as we speak.

Ashok Varma

Ukrainians were stupid to resort to total nonsensical lies and third rate propaganda and lost all credibility after the racism they showed against Indian and foreign students. Russia is now totally winning on all fronts. JAI RUS!


I guess it doesn’t matter. 75% of the world’s population are like bots and will believe absolutely anything. The people coming up with this propaganda are no doubt laughing their asses off while they’re inventing all these narratives. Which brings us back to the original argument of the banking elite, that if people are this stupid, they deserve to be depopulated. And quite frankly, in a way they are right. However, the people running the show are decrepit filth themselves and as such, are in no position to be making decisions on behalf of the entire planet.


Good comment. And if now you are brave enough to name, who is these banking elite, what is their origin most often. Speak it out. 99 % of them are …. ??? Yes, you know the word, but are to frightend or coward to speak it out loudly, because your afraid of being called ‘Nazi’ or ‘racist’ or whatever fake names media-brainwashed honks will give you, in order to hinder you from speaking out the truth any further.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


The Ukies were taught to use infantile propaganda by the world’s experts from MI6 and the BBC.

ALL of the MSM TV and press is unwatchable now. It’s all Woke propaganda.


Parading captured POWs like that is in violation of the 3rd Geneva convention, and so is distributing such media, just a reminder.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukrops are doing it since day one.


Tell the Western mainstream media that……


They are not parading him and there is no violation of Geneva conventions whatsoever you clueless moron. But Ukros constantly molest and abuse Russian POWs, just a reminder how you are full of sh…..

Tom Bombastadillo

And we all know as well that turnabout is fair play, Geneva or no.

200 Roasted LGBTQX Foreign Faggots

Excellen behaviour comrades! Now destroy every last URKOP BUK and then you can triple airstrike intensity on them :) Put those il-22pp to work while disposable AN-2 and old drones can trick them decoy style. KH-31P to the rescue.


I don’t know what he’s saying.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Does it matter? What importance does it have what a cockroach says?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Azovisis look all like lil kidds caught with their hands in the cookie jar. No match for Mother Russia.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Next stop Kievistan 🤗


There are 2 tiers of special forces in the US officially, not counting super soldier and space force specops.

“Tier 2 Special Missions Units* are open to any male in the U.S. Military of adequate physical health. Most wash out (like 80-90%). These teams are, but possibly not limited to:

Navy SEALs – U.S. Navy Marine Raiders – U.S. Marine Corps Marine Force Recon – U.S. Marine Corps Combat Controllers – U.S. Air Force Rangers – U.S. Army Special Forces – U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group – U.S. Army

Tier 2 units are still highly elite. However, there is no question whether joining Tier 2 units is more straightforward or not. To use an example, the regular Navy SEALs (Tier 2) have a dropout/washout rate of 80–85% during training, whereas the British Special Air Service (SAS) has a dropout rate of 90–95%. More importantly, only people with three years of military service prior are allowed to apply. Thus the caliber of applicants is already more elite.”

– Tier 2: Second echelon of elite special forces –


“The term Tier 1 (Tier One) in the United States military is often referred to as the Special Mission Unit or Special Missions Unit (SMU). It is particularly used to describe some military Special Operations Forces. Special mission units have been involved in high-profile military operations such as Operation Neptune Spear (the killing of Osama Bin Laden).

1 Tier 1 units in US military 2 Delta Force 3 DEVGRU 4 24th Special Tactics Squadron 5 Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) …

The operators who are assigned to the Tier 1 units are the creme de la creme of special operations forces, usually, admittance into Tier 1 units is only possible after service in a Tier 2 unit. For example, as for DEVGRU, one must also be ex-spec ops, unlike regular SEAL Teams which admittance does not require prior military service.”

– Tier 1: Special Mission Unit (SMU) –


The unacknowledged specops units that deal primarily with ET issues on planet and off are an issue of open debate. From what I know and from my experience with them and my own direct ET experience. They’re frequently enhanced with abilities that non enhanced humans don’t have.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

international war games—usa special forces always last place all competitions–toys cannot help a coward


It depends on the mission and the unit. Overall they’re not at the bottom or even close to it. Most of the people who make it through training aren’t cowards.


Lithium. Ask your doctor.


“Ostriches build their nests in the ground, which requires them to stick their head in the sand”


This is an early generation exosuit. The ones used for ET operations are far more advanced, self contained and designed for varying atmospheric and combat operations. I’m not trained on them, but it’s my understanding that they come in light, medium and heavy versions.

I’m in super soldier training now to improve my ability to interact with ETs in areas of communications, enhanced perception and counter mind control capabilities in recon and combat environments.


– USSOCOM one year from putting someone into powered exoskeleton –


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD
Chairman Meow

just one year away. Google was supposed to have a cybernetic common sense module (implantable) ready in 2 – 3 years. That was ~2012. Still no sign of it.

Commercially viable fusion was supposed to be only one or two decades away in the 80s. Still no sign of it though we’re getting really close I think.


His link is from 2018. 😃


There are two worlds, the conventional one where 99.9% of humanity lives, and the breakaway civilization/s where the 1/10th of 1% live.

Karl Wolfe

Interesting information. Well they are definitely here, and they’re just as interested in exterminating humans as the clowns 🤡 in Davos, but they prefer to eat some and they do like the blood itself also I understand. They’re not trustworthy. Be cautious.


I think that most are benign, but I agree that there’s negative elements. And that they’re involved with negative humans in positions of power at Davos. There are laws against intervention with developing planets. So the bad ones breaking the laws almost certainly represent a disproportionate share of the encounters that people have with ETs. Including initially positive encounters that turn negative as they progress.

I have an NRA outlook when it comes to dealing with negative ETs. The best way to deal with a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.


May 24, 2018

“But USSOCOM is making progress and Smith added, “right around this time next year, we will put an operator into a powered exoskeleton ”


You realize this is from 2018…. and of course they lied and failed. Worthless garbage good only for shitty Hollywood movies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Duniga

“This time next year we’ll be millionaires!” – Del Boy Trotter


I worked in a machine shop when I was young. I appreciate the effort put into the prototype R&D. But agree that what’s released open source is essentially useless for tactical applications. The stuff that actually works is withheld from those that could benefit from it in the conventional military. And is used in covert programs controlled by behind the scenes actors, some of whom are ETs.


I’m humbled to see how the Russians have taken special care of POWs, unlike the fanatics of the Ukraine military. I wish for a quick end and a peaceful resolution to this terrible war and all wars in the Middle East, Africa & Asia between brothers. We humans must realize our differences are insignificant. The resources of the Earth are but crumbs to the amount distributed across our galaxy. Lots of room for humans to play if we learn to cooperate and see each other eye to eye. Long Live Humanity!


I agree with your sentiment. I haven’t seen any credible evidence that the Donbass militias were engaged in offensive aggression against the Ukrainian military or adjacent territory to their succession area after the initial hostilities.

The Minsk accords could of solved the problem non violently, and with Donbass staying in Ukraine. The failure to implement them, from the information that I’m aware of, lies almost exclusively with the Ukrainian Government, and it’s backers. They, and that includes NATO specops, engaged in a continuous campaign of violence, death, destruction, provocations and accord violations. That were escalating up until the Russian invasion.

It looks to me like the Ukrainian Government and it’s backers were engaged in a systemic ethnic cleansing campaign against ethnic Russians in Ukraine that resulted in over 14,000 deaths, more than that injured, and over 1 million Russian speaking Ukrainians immigrating to Russia after the start of the Donbass conflict. Which doesn’t include those who fled to other nations.

Russia’s justification, or lack there of, for invading Ukraine will be debated for many years. But to characterize it is unprovoked is ignoring the mountain of evidence to the contrary. The blatant provocations by the Ukrainian Government, the current one in particular, are especially egregious in light of the obvious fact that there was a simple solution to the problem of just implementing the Minsk accords. Which the Ukrainian Government could have easily done, but refused to. So yes, the Ukrainian Government shares a lot of blame for the current disaster due to it’s obstinance, deliberate aggression and mismanagement.


War would have begun anyway but in Poland and the Baltic states, as there is also a militarisation of these countries by the Nazi (= the EU).


Please translate some of the clips you post into English, thanks.

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