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MARCH 2025

Fear and Loathing in the DNC: US Democrats Don’t Want To Hire “Cisgender Straight White Males”

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Fear and Loathing in the DNC: US Democrats Don’t Want To Hire “Cisgender Straight White Males”

The US Democratic National Committee is looking for new employees in the Technology Department. However, according to The Daily Wire, the email sent to DNC insiders on October 30 had a peculiar recommendation in it.

Data Services manager Madeleine Leader announced that the Technology Department is looking to fill several positions and asked interested parties to forward the openings to their colleagues, however she did state: “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, since they’re already in the majority.”

The anonymous insider, who leaked the email, had the following to say:

“Clearly the DNC is doubling down on a failed strategy that has alienated staffers and voters alike. We want to be judged based on the quality of our work, not on identity politics. How can we trust the leadership of the DNC if they don’t even trust us?”

Fear and Loathing in the DNC: US Democrats Don’t Want To Hire “Cisgender Straight White Males”

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This is pure racist and sexist discrimination by the very political party who accuse other people of racist and sexist discrimination…. Is discrimination OK for them as long as the victims are white or male? Would their so-called fight against racism and sexism actually mean racist discrimination against whites and sexist discrimination against males?


If you want to see something is fair, just swap the roles, genders and so on (this test has a name which I can’t remember. I’d appreciate if someone reminds me). Just imagine if it was:

We don’t want Transgender Homosexual Coloured Females.

Saying it for each one ‘separately’ would spill your blood, if you say them combined, it will be the end of the world.

Gary Sellars

White straight (ie normal) Christian male gentiles have been designated as the ENEMY by this corrupt fagtard NWO globalist regime that seems to be intent on choking the life out of anything that resembles traditional society and values.


Too bad all trans-black-gender-neutral-people-of-color-women that might actually apply choose gender studies or lesbian poetry instead of STEM. And the fact that no university offers queer-electronics studies clearly shows US education system is, like, racist and sexist and it’s all Trump’s fault…LOL. America, please outsource your nukes to North Korea, while there’s still time – they strike me as more mentally stable or at least as somebody that takes it’s pills regularly…




The problem is that nature is unequal but people wants to make it equal.

That’s exactly why there is no God. The only god that can exist is a bad one.

Simone de Antonio

Just because your god is evil, it doesn’t mean the true GOD is


The fact is that god doesn’t exist. And if it existed, he will be bad because the world is full of inequality and humans themselfs are unequal.

So, abrahamic religions are meant to make equal what is not. That’s why it doesn’t work.


How do you know the true God? How do you descern the fake God from the real thing? Doesn’t the devil lie all the time? Maybe the biggest lie he managed to pull off was to present himself as the true God, and paint the actual God as the devil.

Personally, if judeo/christian/muslim god were to actually exist that theory would make the most sense. It would explain so much of the evil perpetrated in the name of religion and why religion makes next to no sense whatsoever. You guys are all following the devil and not God. And that is why there is evil in this world. If god were to exist that is.

You can call me Al

“cisgender straight white males” ???

WTF is a cisgender ?.

WTF does straight mean ? – does that mean normal and thus just a bloke (or women).

white males – well surely in the US SH, that is deemed racist.

I am sick and tired of all this PC BS nonsense – just because a few freaks dictate it, the West takes the cause up.

Next we will categorised whether we likes a birds ars3 or t1its, or legs….please tick the appropriate box below…

Nonsense – all nonsense.


Cis-gender is anyone that doesn’t express a wish to have his/hers private parts chopped off by the age of 7. Why would anyone hire such a person is beyond me – sarc…

You can call me Al

Well, I may have to take some time to comprehend that, as that is some serious lateral thinking there…..LOL

Cheers, have a nice weekend,


It doesn’t mean anything. It’s a pseudo-science word, like “aura” or “orgones”. The description they were looking for is a healthy white man. This is what happens when you let darwinism flourish and suppress religion – and end to rational and moral thought, which is the death of critical thinking. Without the foundation of hundreds of years of (mostly white, male and Christian) philosophy, you basically get ignorant fools trying to re-invent the wheel – genders and sexuality have already been established conclusively for centuries now, and all deviations are actually fatal to the survival of any nation or culture. Meanwhile, the Russians, Iranians and Chinese continue to thrive by accepting the two genders as final, and recognizing that homosexuality and other sexual perversions are not healthy for society as a whole – though not criminal, and not needing to be persecuted, they should not be encouraged either.

You can call me Al

Thanks, remember these freaks are a minority – a very small minority as well, but as usual they seem to have the power to manipulate things in government downwards – we also have the power to ignore it and fight back when required.

I already see and feel the backlash starting.

Anyway, thanks for the informative comment, have a good weekend.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The world is always bigoted against the global minority. Browns are the global majority followed by Blacks being the next majority. Whites are the only minority. Women outnumber men, men are the minority while women are the majority. Global Populations numbers are as follows. Brown’s = 6.1 billion Black’s = 1.2 billion White’s = 750 million

You can call me Al

I am a 1 in 750 million. Cool I am a minority, where do I sign up for special benefits ?.


(Sorry for the language in advance)

If in addition to that, you committed the mistake of being a male and sin of being straight and the cardinal sin of being content with that, hoo boy! You’ll get your special benefit alright!

Your special benefit is to be called a privileged misogynistic bigot pig for now, until you lose your job and therefore your mortgage, house, family, social status and sleep in the gutter until the day you learn how to cease to be a normal human being. I won’t even begin if you’re a Christian!

You can call me Al

Oh, count me in on all of those – proud of it as well.

Solomon Krupacek

who are browns? asians are yellows. blacks over 2 billion, in several decades over 4 billiopn. africa will have more population than asia.

Carol Davidek-Waller

The DNC have sold out on every populist value the Democratic Party ever held; the values that used to win them elections. All they have left are gender politics.

Gary Sellars

identity politics…. yeah, cuz that can never be considered a divisive issue?

Obviously this is a ploy by those sneaky Russians to make Muricans fight each other :-)


RIP American Empire. Too many degrees in “gender studies” and other such pseudo-sciences, and not enough in real subjects like history, philosophy and political science. Is it any wonder Russia and China are kicking US ass every day of the week?


If “they” from the DNC think that this is a winning strategy, I’m afraid they are already dead in the water. Political correctness and tribal identification based on predetermined biological traits are toxic for a healthy society. One should be able to call a woman “she” and a man “he” and a homosexual “gay”, because there is nothing insulting or prejudiced about doing so. There are some ridiculous pseudo-scientific theories going around at the moment trying to imply that genders are not, contrary to the evidence of thousands of years of human history, fixed as male and female (with the extremely rare case of hermaphrodites). If someone wishes, as a grown adult, to remove their genitalia and call themselves by a different pronoun, it is only polite to address them as they wish to be addressed, but to suggest that this is normal, healthy behaviour is extremely dangerous, and I worry about the mental health of everyone in Western societies if this pattern of re-writing history and science continues. People who want to have their bodies surgically altered have serious problems, and they need help, not indulgence in their delusional thinking. I believe in liberty to a certain point, and we allow people to have nose-jobs and other such cosmetic alterations, but people should be counselled for some time by a shrink before gaining approval for genital alteration.


US more and more becomes like the days of the Soviet Union. Now science is under the influence of politics too, in addition to money. Everyday new “scientific theories” pop in front of our eyes and immediately become mainstream in Biology, Genetics, history, Social science, Archeology and so on, and we must pretend they are proven facts, or else. It’s brings Lysenko to one’s mind, Soviets called it “Bourgeois Pseudoscience”, American mainstream calls it bigotry or racist or whatever comes to their minds at the moment of labeling. One of most amusing theories is this: If you are repulsed by homosexuality, you must be a closet homosexual yourself.

Kristy Rain

Yowwch! Dats gotta hurt! The jokes write themselves ladies n’ gents! The jokes write themselves! LOL!

Kristy Rain

Most of the social history of western world, over the last 30 years, has been a history of replacing what worked with what ‘sounded good’ -Thomas Sowell

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