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Fearing Israeli Strikes, Iranian Forces In Deir Ezzor Are Hiding Their Weapons Underground – Report

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Fearing Israeli Strikes, Iranian Forces In Deir Ezzor Are Hiding Their Weapons Underground – Report

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

Iranian-backed forces in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor have been hiding their heavy weapons in underground tunnels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on February 19.

The UK-based monitoring group said Liwa Fatemiyoun moved large quantities of heavy weapons, including Katyusha [107 mm] rockets, to a network of underground tunnels near the town of al-Mayadin. The tunnels were originally dug by ISIS terrorists.

“The tunnel network where the rockets and heavy weapons have been stored is located in Sheikh Anas area, near the sheep market on the outskirts of al-Mayadin town,” the SOHR said in its report. “This tunnel system is connected to another tunnel system leading to al-Rahbah, al-Mazare’ areas and the center of al-Mayadin town.”

According to the SOHR, Iranian-backed forces are taking precautions because of the repeated Israeli strikes on their positions in Deir Ezzor’s countryside.

On January 13, a series of Israeli airstrikes targeted a network of ammunition depots and military positions of Iranian-backed forces in Deir Ezzor. On February 11, a truck moving supplies for an Iranian-backed unit was targeted near Deir Ezzor’s border with Iraq.

Liwa Fatemiyoun, which is mainly made up of Afghan fighters, is one of many Iranian-backed factions deployed in Deir Ezzor. These forces have been guarding the border with Iraq and operating against ISIS cells for more than three years now.

Israel hopes that its repeated strikes on Syria will force Iranian troops out of the country. This wishful thinking policy has been nothing but a major failure.


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Servet Köseoğlu

The UK-based monitoring group said Liwa Fatemiyoun moved large quantities of heavy weapons, including Katyusha [107 mm] rockets, to a network of underground tunnels near the town of al-Mayadin. The tunnels were originally dug by ISIS terrorists.

And its almost impossible to find these kind of tunnels,caves unless you launch full-scale operation(still it will be extremely hard).İts playbook of all militias in ME against powerful air-forces and has nothing to do with fear,simple logic.Just to give idea.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43f858db924cf207057fc19644d7c1ae4555bd1e05d2247e8da78c25cd8132dc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90f652e731980b0c56bad81c506f52ec400927d4d298b5b6b30bad2a7a01bcf0.png


the weapons the Iranians are storing away will be crucial when the assault on the jews in palestine takes place and until then they need to care for them and not to make it an easy task for the parasite jews in illegally occupied palestine. whenthe assault takes place that means red listing of the palestinian jews and then on to the extinct list – like the dodo-bird, hilarious larf.

chris chuba

That’s always good to do but combine it with ‘hiding a tree in a forest’. Build rows of cheap, metal and plywood shacks and move stuff around. Let the Israelis waste ammunition blowing up empty shacks.

Just Me

The discredited source of this non-news should be looked at first. There are no “Iranian Forces” but local resistance groups who are now building permanent under-ground bases on the entire Mandali-Beirut highway. This is just prudent military practice and also the reality that they now have precision weapons which need to be stored in underground silos.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan ISIS tunnel diggers good for something

Icarus Tanović

Ahahahh, plus they’ve catch millions worth of mining machinery from them Wahhabis.

Jimmy Jim


Shia man

Let me ask you a question do you believe there isn’t a balance of power in the Middle East? And if you believe there isn’t then what are the Zionists waiting for why don’t they just bulldoze their way to Iran and take it out? What are you going to claim because of human rights or because the Zionist are some righteous pious people who care about mankind? Or they are worried the UN will speak out against them and stop their army from committing war crimes? Just like the UN does in Yemen(sarcasm)

There was always a balance of power but that balance has titled in favor of Iran and resistance movement that’s why they are able to hit the US and get away with it because the US understands that it doesn’t have enough firepower or willing manpower to take on iran and the resistance movement in the Middle East that why it’s punishing the people of the region by putting sanctions on their country hoping for the people to overthrow the resistance movement but guess what the result ended up being the total opposite instead of the people turning on the resistance movement they joined them instead. This full scale war that you keep wishing for will spell the end of Israel and US in the Middle East. We are living in a time where the resistance movement is getting stronger and bigger day by day while in the same time the US is getting weaker and weaker.

Shia man

Listen right what do you expect them to say when they go on T.V? (Side note I don’t know about the part of we can’t be harmed sounds like something Israel and the US would say) I don’t know the reality on the ground in Israel but we know and understand on our side that war will cost lives and cause destruction no one here on my side denies this it’s war at the end of the day. You see i don’t see Iran starting a war yet because of the current President in Iran he is not fit for this type of job. They need a hardliner in power. So the ball right now for starting a war is in the US and Israel’s park. But also I can’t deny that Iran will not start a war soon either because they are demanding the sanction be lifted and compensations be paid for the loss they acquired or they will leave the deal for good and reverse the fatwa for acquiring nuclear arms and trust me when that day happens it will be the Persians who pick up their swords and head to battle.

Shia man

Iran is not doing this for regional domination it’s not their goal trust me there is no force stopping hezbollah from taking control of Lebanon and the same is for the pmu in Iraq their is nothing stopping Iran from making a big Islamic republic stretching from Iran to Lebanon and eventually down to Yemen but that’s not the goal of the resistance their goal is to kick the US and Israel out the region and when that goal materializes the next one would be rebuilding the countries focusing on education creating jobs extracting resources and life goes on and returns back to normal. Trust me there will be more stuff they agree on then disagree on when that time comes.


Iran already rules the ME – it rules by proxy in Iraq and via Nasrallah in Lebanon. The new persian empire has arrived


The war has already begun. Israel is bombing Iranian sites in Syria.As Nasrallah says, it’s just a matter of time when Syria responds.but they will respond and that will be the end.Iran smells blood. The enemy is weak.


Wrong. We are living in a time when the 10% (Shia) already rule the 90%. The demise of Israel is a fait accompli. There is no “balance” – Iran and the Hezb rule. period.Thank you Solemani.

Adam ShitBit

Oy vey!! Adam Prisbit will personally fly his F-35 and take out entire Syria and Iraq!

Proud Hindu

Mulah regime starving its people while trying to expand into arab world


Iran is the least of our worries but those Europeans who entered our region claiming to be Israelite are a plague on our region that we must get rid of.

Fog of War

” Europeans ” ? Poor ill informed lady.


What else are they, tell me.

Fog of War

I’ve explained it to you many times and I’m bored of doing it again. You’re either very naive or just logically incapable of grasping basic facts.


https://i.imgur.com/ByRgSs0.png?w=300 This Jew has 0% genetic ties to the Arab region. Is that not true?

Fog of War

Yes it is, but it doesn’t make her a European. You have grate lapses in your logic. That chart is also full of shit. What region of Europe did millions of Ashkenazis originate from ? What religion were they prior to their ” conversion ” ? what racial / ethnic group did they come from Slav, Baltic, or Nordic ? When was this mass ” conversion ” ? If you cant historically answer those question then quit with your misinformation. You’re embarrassing yourself.


http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1U9xBb3IbiwAxQ97HAp01DctMPiwDcwuc This is from ancestry.Com and the exactly location in Europe is highlighted and nowhere else, not in China, not in Palestine, not in Nigeria but in central Europe.



Fog of War

Have you never heard of migration ? These are the places the Khazars migrated to after their “kingdom ” was destroyed.


This woman has 99.9% European of which was 8% “European Jewish”. Explain why is the Ashkenazi DNA always grouped with and added to the total of European DNA? LINK

Fog of War

” Explain why is the Ashkenazi DNA always grouped with and added to the total of European DNA? ”

Are you daft ? Its to hide their Khazar origins. The Biel girl is obviously a result of a genetic mixture, with a very minor splattering of Khazar genes. Most Khazars have Ashkenazi genetics numbering in the 90% range. Open your eyes and mind.


What is southern Russia today was what used to be the Khazarian empire. If they are not European, you have failed to tell me what else are they?

Ashok Varma

There is a Fog of ignorance on these blogs. The Ashkenazi are eastern Europeans.

Fog of War

How’s indoor plumbing coming along in India ?

Fog of War

Southern Russia is not Eastern Europe. Your comments are making me seriously doubt your intelligence.

Secondly, I already told what they are numerous times. They are non-European Khazars

Ashok Varma

The Khazars claiming to be Jews are mostly eastern Europeans, from Hungary, Poland, Ukraine etc. The Arab Jews known as Sephardic or Mizrahi are treated worse than blacks and have never held any position of power.

Fog of War

” The Khazars claiming to be Jews are mostly eastern Europeans, from Hungary, Poland, Ukraine etc. ”

Answer these simple questions then.

What region of Europe did millions of Ashkenazis originate from ? What religion were they prior to their ” conversion ” ? what racial / ethnic group did they come from Slav, Baltic, or Nordic ? When was this mass ” conversion ” ?


Jewish identity can’t depend on violence

by Arun Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson)

Posted on January 20, 2008 at the Washington Post.

Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the Holocaust experience – a German burden that the Jews have not been able to shed. It is a very good example of how a community can overplay a historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends. The Holocaust was the result of the warped mind of an individual who was able to influence his followers into doing something dreadful. But, it seems to me the Jews today not only want the Germans to feel guilty but the whole world must regret what happened to the Jews. The world did feel sorry for the episode but when an individual or a nation refuses to forgive and move on, the regret turns into anger.

The Jewish identity in the future appears bleak. Any nation that remains anchored to the past is unable to move ahead and, especially a nation that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs. In Tel Aviv in 2004 I had the opportunity to speak to some Members of Parliament and Peace activists all of whom argued that the wall and the military build-up was necessary to protect the nation and the people. In other words, I asked, you believe that you can create a snake pit — with many deadly snakes in it — and expect to live in the pit secure and alive? “What do you mean”? they countered. Well, with your superior weapons and armaments and your attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say that you are creating a snake pit? How can anyone live peacefully in such an atmosphere? Would it not be better to befriend those who hate you? Can you not reach out and share your technological advancement with your neighbors and build a relationship?

Apparently, in the modern world, so determined to live by the bomb, this is an alien concept. You don’t befriend anyone, you dominate them. We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity.

Proud Hindu

Gandhi was a traitor.Iran and muslims will fail because the islamic world has collapsed and has no unity.



16,500,000 Jews in the world 16,000,000 = Ashkenazi (97%) 500,000 = total Middle Eastern Jews (3%)

None of the 16,000,000 white Jews had ever set foot anywhere In the Arab region and totally unknown to the Arabs and to the Arab Jews. The Ashkenazi according to his own DNA is 100% European and100% alien to the Arab region but white colonists arrived claiming to be the Israelite returning home – even when they looked alien in the region as the British did in Kenya.

Alekai Mordechai

Sunnis failed, but Shias are resurgent and quite tenacious.

Have backing from Russia and China.

Fog of War

Speaking of Ghandi.

” Gandhi on Hitler: ‘I do not believe him to be as bad as he is portrayed’ ”

” He even takes the step of somewhat complimenting Hilter for his beliefs, saying, “We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents.”


Gandhi to H!tler

December 24, 1940


That I address you as a friend is no formality. I own no foes. My business in life has been for the past 33 years to enlist the friendship of the whole of humanity by befriending mankind, irrespective of race, colour or creed. I hope you will have the time and desire to know how a good portion of humanity who have been living under the influence of that doctrine of universal friendship view your action. We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents. But your own writings and pronouncements and those of your friends and admirers leave no room for doubt that many of your acts are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in universal friendliness. Such are your humiliation of Czechoslovakia, the rape of Poland and the swallowing of Denmark. I am aware that your view of life regards such spoliations as virtuous acts. But we have been taught from childhood to regard them as acts degrading humanity. Hence we cannot possibly wish success to your arms. But ours is a unique position. We resist British Imperialism no less than Nazism. If there is a difference, it is in degree. One-fifth of the human race has been brought under the British heel by means that will not bear scrutiny. Our resistance to it does not mean harm to the British people. We seek to convert them, not to defeat them on the battle-field. Ours is an unarmed revolt against the British rule. But whether we convert them or not, we are determined to make their rule impossible by non-violent non-co-operation. It is a method in its nature indefensible. It is based on the knowledge that no spoliator can compass his end without a certain degree of co-operation, willing or compulsory, of the victim. Our rulers may have our land and bodies but not our souls. They can have the former only by complete destruction of every Indian-man, woman and child. That all may not rise to that degree of heroism and that a fair amount of frightfulness can bend the back of revolt is true but the argument would be beside the point. For, if a fair number of men and women be found in India who would be prepared without any ill will against the spoliators to lay down their lives rather than bend the knee to them, they would have shown the way to freedom from the tyranny of violence. I ask you to believe me when I say that you will find an unexpected number of such men and women in India. They have been having that training for the past 20 years. We have been trying for the past half a century to throw off the British rule. The movement of independence has been never so strong as now. The most powerful political organization, I mean the Indian National Congress, is trying to achieve this end. We have attained a very fair measure of success through nonviolent effort. We were groping for the right means to combat the most organized violence in the world which the British power represents. You have challenged it. It remains to be seen which is the better organized, the German or the British. We know what the British heel means for us and the non-European races of the world. But we would never wish to end the British rule with German aid. We have found in non-violence a force which, if organized, can without doubt match itself against a combination of all the most violent forces in the world. In nonviolent technique, as I have said, there is no such thing as defeat. It is all ‘do or die’ without killing or hurting. It can be used practically without money and obviously without the aid of science of destruction which you have brought to such perfection. It is a marvel to me that you do not see that it is nobody’s monopoly. If not the British, some other power will certainly improve upon your method and beat you with your own weapon. You are leaving no legacy to your people of which they would feel proud. They cannot take pride in a recital of cruel deed, however skilfully planned. I, therefore, appeal to you in the name of humanity to stop the war. You will lose nothing by referring all the matters of dispute between you and Great Britain to an international tribunal of your joint choice. If you attain success in the war, it will not prove that you were in the right. It will only prove that your power of destruction was greater. Whereas an award by an impartial tribunal will show as far as it is humanly possible which party was in the right. You know that not long ago I made an appeal to every Briton to accept my method of non-violent resistance. I did it because the British know me as a friend though a rebel. I am a stranger to you and your people. I have not the courage to make you the appeal I made to every Briton. Not that it would not apply to you with the same force as to the British. But my present proposal is much simple because much more practical and familiar. During this season when the hearts of the peoples of Europe yearn for peace, we have suspended even our own peaceful struggle. Is it too much to ask you to make an effort for peace during a time which may mean nothing to you personally but which must mean much to the millions of Europeans whose dumb cry for peace I hear, for my ears are attuned to hearing the dumb millions? I had intended to address a joint appeal to you and Signor Mussolini, whom I had the privilege of meeting when I was in Rome during my visit to England as a delegate to the Round Table Conference. I hope that he will take this as addressed to him also with the necessary changes.

I am,

Your sincere friend,


Ashok Varma

He is attention seeking Dalit Kangar so trying to educated him is pointless. He just tries to get any attention and is an insult to all Indians and Hindus.


He may not be a Hindu, in all likelihood he is an Ashkenazi. That is how they do it to make it appear as if they have support outside their circles.

Ashok Varma

Indeed, I have never come across a Hindu insulting Gandhi ji. He is certainly not Indian by any standard and spends all his time here, which is quite strange..

Proud Hindu

I am not a dalit a hindu who considers dalits as my brothers unlike you rawafid

Fog of War

One more time folks. Smoke, mirrors, fake adversaries, and illusions. We are all being played.

– Wuhan Institute of Virology Approved for U.S. Taxpayer Funding for Research Through 2024 –


Icarus Tanović

They can’t do much with those standoff bombs whatsoever. Just like 150-200kg of warhead. What is next? Throw some firecrackers.

Proud Hindu

Shia are running low on ammo and manpower.

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod tu phir ay gia ? LOL.

Proud Hindu

Mu band kr apna shia bhadwe

John Wallace

You ran out of brain power years ago. Sorry ,correction , you never had any to begin with..

Fog of War

Problem, reaction, solution. AKA There was never a virus.

IMF Seizes on Pandemic to Pave Way for Privatization in 81 Countries

76 of the 91 loans the IMF has negotiated since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic come attached with demands for deep cuts to public services and policies that benefit corporations over people.


Ashok Varma

Constructing underground bunkers for weapons storage is normal practice if a military is setting up permanent security presence.

Blue In Green

Hmm…..the idea was always to move weapons and heavy ordinances/equipment into well-fortified underground bases.

You kind of have to do that when there is no reliable air-cover or hermetic AD network to defend against incoming munitions.

Blue In Green

Well said Ali!

The Objective

Does anyone know why the Iranians are not fighting Israel? Have you ever wondered why they threaten a lot but never attack? The answer is simple: If they fight Israel overtly, they’ll never be able to take Mecca and Medina.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I suspect the US knew all about these tunnels, legislators were trying to push bunker busters sales to Israel late last year.

“Two bipartisan House legislators will introduce a bill in the US Congress this week that would require the US Department of Defence (DoD) to consider selling Israel bunker-buster bombs capable of penetrating heavily fortified underground facilities, one of the bill’s sponsors announced on Tuesday.

The bill, which is aimed at bolstering Israel’s military advantage and providing it with protection from perceived Iranian hostility, comes after Israel and the US signed a series of agreements aimed at guaranteeing Israel’s qualitative military edge (QME) in the region.”

Assad must stay

they should have done this from day one, and also done something to actually repel the airstrikes!!!


Israel knows that the end is near. Thousands of PMUs + heavy weapons are not for Syrian fight, it’s for taking Jerusalem.Soon the ziodogs will wake up and Tel Aviv will be glass – just like they woke up in 2006 to find 2000 Hezb defeated 60 000 Zioscum

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