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Fighting In Eastern Ukraine On April 4, 2022 (Videos)

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Fighting In Eastern Ukraine On April 4, 2022 (Videos)

On 3 April, a tank battle reportedly took place in the village of Brazhkovka (south-west of Kamianka).

Tankers from the 13th regiment of the Russian First Tank Army faced an AFU tank column and destroyed six AFU tanks in a rapid battle, losing one of their own tanks. At the moment the village itself is in the grey zone. A fierce fighting is under way for control for the village.

LPR and Russian Federation units continue to advance into Popasnoye. A locomotive depot was occupied.

On 4 April, the biggest success was achieved by DPR units, which managed to capture the important transport hub – the village of Novobakhmutovka.

The capture of Novobakhmutovka by the DPR army, supported by the Russian Armed Forces, made it possible to reach the road leading from Kostyantynivka to Avdeevka. Fighting for this village lasted for three days. The DPR defence ministry reported that up to a company of the Ukrainian 25th Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was destroyed in the fighting. DPR units also suffered losses.


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Glory to Russia. Death to Ukraine.


Gee, how very “thoughtful” of you… Now you show your true colours…






Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
General Curtis Lemay

These people were not killed by the retreating Russian army but by the advancing Azovnazis. We both know that, so skip the BS.


If that were true they wouldn’t be supported by their nation.

You are only making blanket assertions without proof. Your statement is a belief, not a fact. They would not kill their own people, you look at too many comic books.

Reservists and irregulars in Ukraine – A people at war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3fZQmMZ4kY

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
Pamfil Military Academy

Sorry Ze fagboy, this ukrop propaganda is sewn with white thread, very bad managed and even more mad executed. The imbeciles were so stoned on heroin and cocaine that they forgot to take the WHITE RIBBON’s from peoples. Same with the russian food rations next to a lot of executed peoples….. https://t.me/boris_rozhin/39654


True, but it will not help. Western media machine already decided who it is to blame, and any investigation will be delayed enough for all possible evidences against the common narrative to disappear. If not, they will just bully investigators, like they did in Syria staged chemical attacks, where report was written by those who’ve never been there, and those who had seen with their own eyes and found things different that original story were simply told to shut up. Only hope is if fact finding mission is international. Should be indians, chinese etc there aswell.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Terri

I think it is safe to say that since the start of the conflict, the entire world has been utterly shocked by what we’ve witnessed in Ukraine. On the first day into the conflict, ukrop soldiers started killing fighting age males who tried to evacuate to other countries. This seemed pretty crazy but that was only the beginning.

A month into the conflict and we’re flooded with reports of how Ukrainian soldiers have been killing their own civilians left right and center. Whether it’s to prevent them from evacuating, or to take possession of their belongings/apartment or for no reason at all. We’ve even heard reports of AZOV killing regular AFU soldiers whenever they were not willing to follow a certain command. We’ve heard countless testimonies of civilians who reported that the AFU decimated their villages upon retreat, just because they thought it would spite the Russians. We’ve seen Ukranian military officers order the launch of several dozen Tochka U’s at civilian targets just because those areas have historically had Russian majority populations. And all the things I just mentioned are the tip of the iceberg.

I mean honestly, how can an utter hellhole like Ukraine even exist? It’s shocking even to those who study history. Ukrainians are showing more barbarism than anything we’ve seen before. Worse than Iraq, worse than Syria, worse than Afghanistan. Hell, we’ve actually seen Ukrop military praise ISIS for that matter, but not even ISIS was this barbaric. Even the non combat units are insane. The trolls who work at these ukrainian troll farms come across as completely insane without even realizing it. They call for the murder of Russian women and children worldwide(among other things) and they somehow think that they sound normal and relatable LMAO. Seriously I want to know what the actual fuck is wrong with Ukranians. This seems like more than just brainwashing. Is it something in the food? Or does it have something to do with the biolabs? No really how did a single country manage to completely redefine insanity?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky
John wood

They are trained like the idf when they took over Palestine terrorize everyone and shock them into submission with barbarity Like others have said they have gone there and anyone who has a white ribbon seen as collaborators and killed They don’t want anyone with a different point of view to theirs Zelensky used the azovs to control the masses


You have no idea how right you are!! Here, read a rabbi from Ukraine. https://justice4poland.com/2016/05/17/chabad-leader-messiah-menachem-mendel-schneerson-on-his-plans-for-destroying-ukraine-and-russia-reprint/


If you really want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes, read this! This is a rabbi from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine!!! These fools Ukrainians deceived idiots!!



You have non proof tooop. Stop liing, Shut up your mouth and stay away fromage western Propaganda.

Gunth3r lies Dead in his Bunker

Hapless Nazi troll spewing his bullshit. Nobody cares or reads what you post and we all know your lying and that Ukrop Uniates did these killings. Gonzalo Lira has proven without a doubt the false narrative you spew. You’re desperate and failing. Now go and fuck off!


nazi desperate for attention—can’t find another senile lgbt in trailer park

John wood

They have killed 15000 of their own people in donbass because they had the audacity to reject the violent overthrow of the elected government

General Curtis Lemay

Russian troops left on March 28. Confirmed by local mayor on the 29th. Nothing till April 2, when Azovisis arrive. April 3 comes and dead bodies everywhere. Can you spot the pattern? Azovtrash was shooting everyone who had no blue arm bands. Better luck next time Trollstoy


What makes you believe it’s even possible to retreat that quickly?

Von Tzu

You get into a vehicle start the engine and then you drive, most vehicles can go quite fast, some even 100 km per hour. True story.

Gorgeous George

I have to excuse for Gunter. He’s a functional idiot and usually is not allowed to use the internet.


only military conflict coward senile nazi hillbilly has known is lgbt sodomy in alabama trailer park—moron cretin mudak smert z smert krov z krov

Russia is a paper tiger

So yesterday they were all actors and staged now they were civillians but the Ukrainians did it, tomorrow what, aliens? ONLY retards would believe this shit which i give you the Benefit of the doubt. Full of morons here


nazi loser cry like all senile hillbillies in alabama


So WHY NATO doesn’t invade Ukraine ???? What is holding the “Heroic” NATO of the Imbeciles who tell the tale of the Paper Tiger ???


Klaus has some brain chips for these nazis..

Last edited 2 years ago by Erik

senile nazi hillbilly in alabama trailer park discarded, desperate lonely obese ugly cretin smert z smert


No one believes your BS false-flags dude. Try again.


Anyone who takes this propaganda on its face value is being most unwise. There is evidence that many of these scenes are fake and setup. Nothing coming from the western media nor Ukraine can be trusted at all.


Historically “denazification” was codeword for genocide and psychological warfare, de-Europeanization is a euphemism for White genocide, population replacement.






Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

denazification will last until scum like you eradicated from all Russian territory—you lose again—the trauma is painful for psychologically impoverished senile bitter nazi


OKIROKI but you will be De-Nazified just the same….. With Piano Wire a la SS in your case….

Joao M...



All Russians belong in a zoo.


And you Jews in the cemetery!! The world will be much cleaner without you!!

Nuke Lvov

All subhumans west of Zhytomyr should be tortured and disposed of


Death to Russia 🇷🇺 Freedom for Ukraine 🇺🇦


nazi hillbilly from alabama alert


“The Rutskoi don’t abandon their own.” Well, unless it’s a Tefal pan. – Muskal wife

Edgar Zetar

In the video 0:58 you can see Russian Artillery of DPR failing too many times. They should learn quickly and improve their aiming. Also in the airplanes, fearing airdefenses they are covering with flares everywhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

and still they are winning..


To destroy the Ukro Airfoce and more 3000 vehicles (like Tanks, Trucks etc.) it was good enough.



General Curtis Lemay

Russian forces usually hit with precision. DPR artillery is a bit less precise.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How the fuck we haven t won yet?


By running away.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Kalibr a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Miki Miric

Osvetite svoje masakrirane drugove,osvetite ih ,naplatite im svako mrcvarenje i zvjersko ratno ponašanje, naplatiti da se milionima godina sjećaju.SLAVA MOJOJ RUSIJI


Nice work, but much more bombs are needed. Why not carpet-bomb the fortifications of the Ucrap terrorist? one barrage and the resistance is broken in an instant (see footage of US B52 bombing serbians).


B-52 wouldn’t last 10 minutes over Ukrainian skies. That stuff is impressive in Serbia and Afghanistan but not where active S-300s are hiding in forests

F### Brits

All Brits are CUCKOLDS, they all suck BBC, their ugly women are F by Africans and Pakis, only good Brit is a dead Brit

Alan Peartree

You daft racist. Don’t let Derek Lewis hear you talking that way.

Peppe il Sicario

Kate Middleton came to Italy for a one year “sabbatical” after college to get her fill of Italian flesh-tone zucchini. 🥒🥒🥒 while Prince Willie stayed home and played with his willy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

pls more bombers for banderastan

Timmy Temperance

Some stimulating war footage. Congratulations on taking control of all those towns in Donbass, you guys deserve a drink to celebrate.


Good work Russian military, keep kicking those fascists asses.


the nazi alabama astrologer morons claimed Russia needs Europe…LOL Europe begs Russia for gas, wheat, oil, etc. Russia refuses to buy any products from sanctioning nations and threatens to withhold all sales—pay more and in roubles losers—while you all suffer inflation—none in Russia except for imported trash that only the bourgeoise liberals want….the optimism and unity increasing daily while anglos and colonies impoverishing themselves more—USA hillbillies must pay Moldova 80 million $ to compensate for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians there…the morons send 300 million more to Zelensky while the domestic cesspool economy is becoming 4th world—except for their oligarchy

John Tosh

Ukraine needs to hire Steven Spielberg to make fake “horrific” death movies. The quality coming out of Ukraine is substandard. For example no blood around gunshots, Dead bodies moving after vehicle with camera drives past!!

Azov soldiers are bad movie actors. Why only men? No women or children murdered in Buca?? Come on I am sure you can find some children who will create the scenes needed.

For such a bad fake video production Azov soldiers should be hanged. When you want to lie, lie quickly with good fake videos. At least it is entertaining.

For example the Azov soldier calling a Russian soldiers mother on her sons cellphone to ridicule what happened to him is real. It shows what primitive creatures Ukrainians are. No wonder Stalin almost eliminated those cockroaches decades ago. Stalin was not too crazy now I realize that.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

ukropistan dead, ameriknazistan near death….the desperate hillbilly comments from nazis in alabama trailer parks motivate me too find popcorn

Pamfil Military Academy


This video is a must-see that neatly presents the currently known evidence being passed around in the resistance sphere into one convenient presentation which appears to prove that the Ukrainian army in fact executed Russian sympathizers with white armbands in Bucha and tried to pass them off as Russian genocide. Of course this is only part of the picture, as there are many other bodies discovered beyond the ones shown in the video, particularly in the ‘mass grave’ currently being shown all over twitter that shows civilians covered in dirt, dug up from the ground. But the above video very strongly points the finger in the Ukrainian direction.

And after all, hasn’t it been Russia that has repeatedly been proven right in every single such high profile atrocity/accusation so far? For instance when the Russian POW torture video came out, it was Ukraine that cried “fake” until days later all western ‘authorities’ were forced to admit it was real. When the ‘maternity hospital’ falseflag in Mariupol occurred, Kiev supporters blamed Russia and once again Russia was the one proven right and vindicated when the pregnant girl at the center of it herself released an interview completely refuting Ukr lies, and stating that not only did Ukr soldiers turn the hospital into a barracks but stole the precious food from pregnant women and then shelled the hospital themselves. And much earlier, when Ukr claimed Russia bombed an ‘innocent’ civilian mall, yet the very next moment the Russian MOD released detailed videos showing precisely how Ukrop forces positioned mobile artillery in the parking garage of the said ‘mall’. When Ukrops claimed Russia tried to blow up the Zaporizhzhia plant, yet security footage showed that as a Russian security force arrived, it was fired upon by an RPG from Ukrop positions in one of the administrative buildings of the plant. Or when the famed American journalist was killed in Irpin right outside Kiev a month ago, and all Ukr supporters shouted Russia, but the entire incident was quickly swept under the rug when the journalist’s own friend/companion in an interview stated they were fired upon by Ukrop troops at a Ukrop checkpoint miles away from the nearest Russian forces. So the track record shows over and over that these incidents are invariably revealed as Ukrainian lies and this new provocation is clearly another in a long line.

Now let’s look at a few updates from the economic front while we’re at it. Europe is suffering badly.

Pamfil Military Academy

Also, another big point many have discussed and questioned why Russia has not allowed volunteers from RF to go to Ukraine to fill the much needed ranks. Well now it appears Russia has finally opened up enlistment to volunteers according to this report from Telegram.

“⚡Russian volunteers go to Ukraine – sending every three days

Russian military registration and enlistment offices began recruiting volunteers with their subsequent dispatch to Ukraine to participate in a special operation. This was announced by the war correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Alexander Sladkov.

According to the military correspondent, only sergeants are recruited to participate in the special operation (the rest of those who wish, I think, can be clarified there)

The service will be formalized by a contract, the allowance will be 205 thousand rubles a month.

Three million rubles will be paid to the injured for the injury.

The family of the deceased volunteer will receive 8 million rubles from the federal government and five million rubles from the governor of the region. In addition, the children of the deceased soldier will receive an apartment (this provision still applies to residents of the Moscow region).

Volunteers go to Ukraine every three days, the military commander said.

Recall that Oleg Tsarev, who was on the territory of Ukraine from its first days, was the first to speak about the need to attract volunteers to participate in the special operation. On March 24, he said that the military department of the Russian Federation brought the corresponding order to the military registration and enlistment offices.”

Russian armor reinforcements continues to pour into Belarus and areas of Ukraine in preparation for Phase 2 that will likely begin after the fall of Mariupol. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1509931991537491986

Ukraine attempts to desperately bribe Russian servicemen into defecting with their equipment by offering up to $1 million dollars for helicopters, tanks, planes turned over to Ukr authorities, which would presumably be paid for by the U.S. taxpayer I’m sure.


Good to see my favorite jets Su-30 and Su-35 load up air to air missiles. Did one of these jets actually do a fire-and-forget? That’s like the best thing to see. Hope it wasn’t against some TB-2s, I’d rather they took down some Mig-29s.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

UKROPS still have remaining S-300PS and S-300V1 which are a huge threat up to 100-150km plus BUK-m1 up to 45km. So until those are destroyed in another 1 or 2 months no major usage of RuAF like in Syria

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

RU assault on Barvinkove south of Izyum soon. Major Ukrop tears incoming Hopefully we see a cauldron forming, troops advancing from the south linking up with Izyum from the south at Velyka Novosilka. All remaining UKROPS will be trapped in Donbass.

NATO is lauughing at you

Here it this the crazy couch Steiner clown. How did that great encirclement and crush of chernihiv go? You are a meme already using your prints for many plataforma and good laughs. Everybody loves your teaers and hallucinating squeaking. Keep it up

Peppe il Sicario

Word is coming out now that French Foreign Legion mercenaries were involved in the fighting in Mariupol. It is probably they who the helicopters that got shot down were trying to rescue.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Still haven’t seen Russian AF do massive SEAD sorties using combination of SU-34 armed with SAP-14 SU-24MP, and Il-22pp for ELINT. Only limited usage of single SU-34 with SAP 518 ecm pod and KH-31P. No KH-58 usage seen, which is much faster and more longer range than shorter range KH-31P. Even KH-31D has longer range than P variant.

Not many more UKROP S300/BUK air defenses left, so they are probably doing they best to hide the remaining ones. So it will be harder to find them and destroy. But RuAF will get the job done :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot
Peppe il Sicario

Again, all that hi-tech is for the NATO lemmings. Russia is going to unleash hell on them, their troops, their cities when they concoct their false flag, no fly zone or whatever asinine excuse they invent to attack Russia in Ukraine. The Russians have EMP bombs that will send the US and Europe back to the 1700s.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

https://twitter.com/Ipster_FI/status/1511043698347462663?t=1OFOxsJLz2h4xuvE4wR82Q&s=19 More crimes.


arkansas nazi hillbilly cannot think–only post fascist CIA propaganda


Смуглянка <3


The NATO states terror commandos use chemical and biological weapons against Russian forces which have made them sick and stopped their advance and start retreat from already advanced positions that is why Zelensky did not flee from Kiev.


https://twitter.com/JimmySecUK/status/1511001899184627712?t=poHVwoNLq0rbzZfYjIRg1A&s=19 Nazis get their medals.

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