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Filtration In Kharkiv Region. AFU Starts Army Lawlessness

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Filtration In Kharkiv Region. AFU Starts Army Lawlessness

AFU at the Kupyansk territory

In recent days there have been serious offensive actions taken by the AFU in the Kharkiv direction. Literally, the Ukrainian army has thrown all its forces to repel Russian positions. Massive offensives in the vicinity of Kupyansk and Balakleya have already led to the actual capture of these cities. At the same time, such a situation cannot be called the full success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It looks more like a failure of the Russian army.

What about the local population of the towns repulsed by the Ukrainians. The situation with Bucha and Irpen is closer than ever to being repeated. Local Ukrainian Telegram channels are reporting that a “hunt” for collaborators has begun. The worst thing in this situation is that these “filtering” activities among the local population are carried out not by representatives of law enforcement agencies (SSU and police), but by the military and representatives of nationalist formations. This has already led to a large number of people being convicted without trial. It is mostly the people who organized life in the settlements who suffer. The local population reports that a large number of victims are among doctors and employees of public utilities. They are all accused of collaborating with the enemy.

The Russian military should concentrate on preserving its positions, since it is most likely that those civilians who remain in the territories that Ukraine has recaptured will be subjected to violence by a military whose moral principles are at the lowest level.


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jens holm

I’ve never tasted a black cöck before.


I got full just from swallowing one cüm shot from a black dong.


Did southfront just admit that Russi committed atrocities in Bucha? Better watch out FSB collaborators a Putin may lace you up against the wall for spreading false information!

Quit Drugs

Only in your deranged, crazy monkey head. Learn to read and stop hallucinating.


Atrocities in Bucha were solely commited by Ukra Nazis. Stupid liar!!


Children are not allowed here. Go some place more your level of intelligence. I hear the DNC web site has a lot of people like you.

Buford T. Justice

People like you made me change my mind about abortion. I’ll bet your mother would like to have overs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T. Justice
Muhammad your Prophet

We can all go to a ghetto in Detroit and have some black cum. I want to taste some too.


then why go to detroit? somalia is closer to israel, and they are more jewish than you are!!.


Michel LeBlanc

6th column crap.

Of course the russians can retreat, but the civilians must be evacuated first. No one wants another “BuchA”.

Its often better to retreat and let the ennemy come out of the hiding holes.

Let the orcs commit their reserves, their asking to be cut off and encircled.


It won’t take long for the Einzatsgruppen to come into those areas,as you say civilians should have been evacuated,the whole area will be recaptured in time but a lot of people are going to die.

Vlad from Romania

NATO thugs want Bucha after Bucha. SUA is the mass murderous state which rival China, North Korea and their little puppet ISIS.


There are not cul de sac. Russian troops is leaving whole Kharkov region! Do you know the meaning of the word withdrawn?


Russians simply don’t have enough troops for this major war. Everyone can see this. Mobilization is necessary yet Kremlin stubbornly refuse it.

From February to September, they tried to solve this issue by strengthening recruitment for contract service, mobilization in the DPR and LPR, recruitment into PMCs, the formation of BARS, the 3rd Corps, etc. However, six months later, the problem still exists and has the most serious impact on the course of operations. They are trying to “relocate” large contingents of troops by curtailing entire axes, moving them from Kherson to Kharkov, which is a desperate measure not a real solution. It will only weaken Kherson front as well.

Aunt Polly

It’s not like they denied them to leave, like the Ukrops did in Mariupol.


They had NO TIME to leave, the Russians retreated too fast and the Ukrainians arrived too fast on their heel!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by helen

A nuclear war is looming . Russia is fighting not just Ukraine, but armies from the western world masquerading as mercenaries !


Nato is at least 3000000 time ahead even in a nuclear war

RS-28 incoming

Dream on.All of European NATO, USA would be targeted simultaneously by Russian nuclear triad. Nuclear submarines, nuclear tipped Iskander/Khinzal, nuclear armed air launched cruise missiles from strategic aviation, road mobile ICBM, silo based ICBM, and Status-6 200 megaton torpedo would annihilate coastlines. Mutually assured destruction but Russia has more nuclear warheads in active service than all of NATO combined. Fact. Europe and USA are much smaller land mass wise compared to Russia, easier to destroy.


Yes sure! However, the Russian government yesterday sent condolences to the British royals and praised the queen … forget it, get your feet back on the ground!

RS-28 incoming

So whats your solution man without car? Power transition? 6 generals arrested already who wanted a new president. The chicken version of stalin is in control and is humiliating Russia and wasting their soldiers blood. J00s are destroying Russian military. Surovikin general of airforce is a jew! haha ok carlos or should i say, Car Loss.

Last edited 2 years ago by RS-28 incoming

Yes, they did, it is common practice within diplomatic circles. They also sent congratilations to Biden at his “winning” the elections even they did know very well elections were con game. And after that they “got their feet back on the ground” and carry out fighting in Ukraine. Nothing to be worried about. For NATO and Ukies it won’t mean much.


Hahahahhahah you fool :-D


In nuclear war that would only count if it was nuclear primacy and one side was actually able to prevent effective use of the other side’s nukes on them. In a nuclear scenario between large nuclear weapons states both sides will go all out ensuring the total destruction of the enemy and with that the world. Look at the study done by Princeton recently about the effect of only the use of 3% of the weapons. It would wipe out a large percentage of the world population in a few years. Not even being ahead ensures total destruction of most live on earth already. So being 3000000 times ahead is no advantage if it was so.


Very wishfull thinking on your side. There is no “NATO” . There is just a bunch of unwilling vassalls who will turn the sides on a first sign of their patron (US) is loosing it. In essence, “NATO” is US, UK and maybe, just maybe Canada and installed puppet regimes in all other “NATO” countries.

Vlad from Romania

I quess all civilians should do is to fight to the death with the mercenaries of NATO. THERE IS NO UKRAINIAN ARMY BUT NATO MURDEROUS THUGS. Take advantage of not being under a NATO state tyranny and fight the. USA to the end. There is nothing left after you become a little people in NATO ruled Slavelandia.


Intel Slava: “Russian army is leaving Kharkov region” Difficulties also in Kherson, the Chechens sent. From Ugledar the UAF is marching to reach Mariupol, maybe next weak will begin the siege!


Uh!?! In what fantasy world?


Oh yeah, 82nd airborne landed in Kherson. Street fights reported between US paratroopers and Donbass militia and Chechens. Two more NATO armies (3rd assault LGBT division and 11th ANTIFA motorised division led by Klaus Raus Schwab penetrated through Russian lines in Moldova. Special sabotage/pillage/plundering/racketeering group Little Odessa from New York disembarked at Krimea’s beaches destroying Russian lines using only pure malice and an ugly stare.


Izyum is under UAF control and Lyman will follow soon


No, the proper claim would be: “Izyum WAS under UAF control up to March 2022. but no longer and not ever again”. Are you on some tough drugs, like those given to Zelensky? That’s not the way to wage a war. Not regarding drugs but hiring really stupid trolls like you to support Ukro efforts. You only harm their efforts by inventing such fairy tales. Why evil types are always so stupid?


Balakleya is under Russian control. Where the hell do you get your intel?


Open source intelligence. There is plenty of telegram channels

From my heart

Kind request: use the name of God with respect


MI6: morale of Russian troops to a minimum. Risk of defections US and GB special forces are fighting together with UAF in Kharkov Big deployment of highly technological NATO systems.


MI6 is soooo reliable source. Remember, James Bond works for them. But, on the other hand, Johnny English as well.

Miki Miric

Opet pišem,o kakvoj vi SPECIJALNOJ OPERACIJI pričate,shvatate li vi Rusi da ste vi u totalnom ratu,vi i dalje snivate snove da će vas zapad prihvatiti kao sebi ravne,hoće,prihvatiće vas kada izgubite rat i kada vam rasture zemlju i podijeli,kada počnete ratovati jedni protiv drugih,e tada će vas prihvatiti.Treba biti totalno GLUP i otići u Ukrajinu sa 200 000 vojnika pa i 300 000 je premalo.Ukrajinci su vam smrtni susjedi u službi zapada,kada porazite Ukrajinu porazili ste i zapad,a do tada vi samo izvodite SPECIJALNE OPERACIJE i igrajte se rata iscrpljenosti i igrajte na kartu da će se zapad i NATO raspasti,od toga nema ništa,oni su spremni na veće žrtve da podnesu od vas i zato ste u problemu.


England is heavily hacking this website — my posts removed when trying to repost a lot of problems -NOW they even changed who I directed my response to .

Shows England/USA/Israel is worried by SF.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dunnchadh

Intel Slava: “after Izyum Lyman is under UAF control too. Russian army left without a fight”


Not only that, Donetsk is under AFU control. Only in video games, but still, it is a victory, isn’t it?


Victory coming soon for Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 👍

RS-28 incoming

Nazi Germany captured all Poland Ukraine Belarus Latvia Estonia Lithuania and all western Russia and Caucuses up to Moscow in under 4 months. Meanwhile Soviet Army drove them all the way back to Berlin. Same thing will happen here buddy. Kiev will be the second Berlin and it will be very bloody. Russian revenge awaits Kiev.


It does, but not the “victory” they have been hoping for. Let’s give it some time before you declare victory.


From Intel Slava channel

“We are leaving most of the Kharkiv region. This is a military disaster. We are severely underpowered. The only thing that will improve the situation is the declaration of WAR to Ukraine, the introduction of martial law and mobilization. In the near future, and better – TOMORROW.”

RS-28 incoming

Partial mobilization is better, no need to declare complete general mobilization and martial law. 2 million reserves in total, only 300,000 or maybe 500,000 are needed to change tide in this war.

RS-28 incoming

Russian troops abandoned Izyum and Kupyansk to avoid getting encircled, have withdrawn to eastern bank of Oskil river.

Dual israeli citizen russian generals responsible for Kharkiv failures: Top General of Russian Airforce – Surovikin (joo)

6th arms army – Vladislav Yershov (joo)

1st guards tank army – Sergie Kisel (joo)

Having Joos at top military positions has cost Russian military dearly They are all traitors and double agents working for NATO/Israel No wonder they dont do anything about Israel in Syria. And let them bomb everytime. Because they ARE israeli Joos themselves!

If Russia wants to end this war quick, it needs to declare partial mobilization. Full general mobilization is not necessary. An extra 300K or 600K troops will do the trick.

Last edited 2 years ago by RS-28 incoming
RS-28 incoming

Russia still has 13,000 main battle tanks in storage. 25,000 BMP/BTRs. Hundreds of thousands of heavy artillery and thousands of Grad launchers. 2 million men in reserve. If Mobilization or even partial mobilization is called, all hell will break loose. There will be a massacre against Ukraine all because NATO and Americunts couldn’t keep their Jew noses out of others business. Berlin 2.0 incoming. USA.NATO is ready to fight Russia till the very last Ukrainian all for some rich oligarch jews in kiev

Last edited 2 years ago by RS-28 incoming

Time must be coming where that needs to happen,i can’t wait.


Plenty of the same “Jew noses” in Moscow inside and around Kremlin.

The Saint

This is a monumental failure of the Russian command and a betrayal of the local population who put their trust in Russia to protect them.

The people of the Kharkov region are now facing terror and reprisals at the hands of the Nazis and the command is fully to blame.

RS-28 incoming

Blame these people. Dual israeli citizen russian generals responsible for Kharkiv failures:

Top General of Russian Airforce – Surovikin (joo)

6th arms army – Vladislav Yershov (joo)

1st guards tank army – Sergie Kisel (joo)

Having Joos at top military positions has cost Russian military dearly They are all traitors and double agents working for NATO/Israel No wonder they dont do anything about Israel in Syria. And let them bomb everytime. Because they ARE israeli Joos themselves!


Russian army left Kharkov region. All military equipment were abandoned! T-90, BMP, Tos-1!

US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam

Looks like there are some traitors at the high command of the Russian Armed Forces, who are working for the US. This whole situation could have been prevented by taking out some important bridges. But in this whole campaign it never happens, all the bridges are intact, AFU simply rolled over the Seversk-Donetsk river and attacked Lyman. Good news is that we prevented a military disaster by avoiding the encirclement of the Izyium group. Ukraine’s casualties are extremely high. It’s doubtful that they will be able to keep this area for long. But changes have to happen. This was treason. Expect court marshal for some and more radical measures.

RS-28 incoming

Well said. I have been saying this and lots of Team Z have been deleting my comments and down vote spamming me. All I’m saying is that many generals in command of SMO are Jewish and some are even dual israeli citizens. These people are not loyal and are a security hazard to Russia due to their possible dual loyalties to Israel and foreign countries. No doubt they are taking huge bribes $millions from CIA/MI6 to sell out their own soldiers and sabotage the operation completely. Dual israeli citizen russian generals responsible for Kharkiv failures: Top General of Russian Airforce – Surovikin (joo)

6th arms army – Vladislav Yershov (joo)

1st guards tank army – Sergie Kisel (joo)

Mizintsev – J00

what could go wrong having this many j00s in charge of SMO when Ukraine govt is 100% JOOWISH? Hmmm i wonder … facepalm*

Last edited 2 years ago by RS-28 incoming

Do you have any links for all that?


If Ukraine’s casualties are extremely high how does UAF advance 25Km/day?

The Saint

Fast advances are possible if you are willing to accept heavy losses. The Ukrainian losses have been absolutely colossal.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint
US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam

Mobilization, foreign fighters, they have lot of blood to sacrifice.


SF commits the total failure of the Russian army in East Ucraine. It seems to be terrible if we at that stage.

The Saint


Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint

I want to see North Korea army to join the battle in Ukraine .Is it possible?

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Much as it pains me to say it really is beginning to look like the Russians have “shit the bed” and effed it up good and proper. #WTF

Player Unknown

Shoigu´s another triumph


Putin has proven that he is a worthy successor to Yeltsin. – In other words, HE IS A 100% PURE TRAITOR!

The hatred that nazis have for Russians pales in comparison to the massive hatred zionists and yeltsinist servants of Putin have, Putin and Greensky are both Jews and together they are doing everything in their power to destroy the poor countries they rule into the ground.


You are over the top. And I am most definitely not from pro-Putin club. Putin is just old guy with the huge burden and with too many enemies around him… Not only outside of the Russia but inside as well. Russia is riddled with her own problems and is much more heterogeneous and complex society than many foreigners can imagine. Drunkard Yeltsin was not true traitor, Gorbachev was traitor and all the recent problems today come from Gorbachev.


Russians need a revolution. They must march into Kremlin and take out all the crooks who thought that using only 10% of the military instead of how much is actually needed is a good idea. Then these traitors need to be beaten to death publicly and if in all of fucking Russia they can’t find a normal patriot to lead them, then they should just hand over all of their power to a real man like Kim Jong Un, that’s a guy who doesn’t fuck around with “we only need 5% of our military to win” idiocy and a guy who doesn’t refer to NATO terrorists as “our partners”!

Putin thinks he’s fucking Ramsey Bolton from GoT when he says “I don’t need an army, just 10 good %” ffs… Who pays for the treason of Putin and his regime? – Russian soldiers, civilians and their families!


No one cares for the War in Ukraine, that’s old news, tell us how the exercises in the far east went!! THAT’s WHAT MATTERS, right!?? I mean that’s where Putin and Shoigu went so that’s way more important then some war against the nazis at Russia’s own border lol. Maybe while they’re over there in the far east Putin can hop over to the DPRK and ask Kim Jong Un to be president of Russia since Putin fucking sucks at it, then the war in Ukraine could actually be won if handled by a competent statesman.

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