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Final Confession: Azerbaijan Said Nearly 2,800 Soldiers Killed In Nagorno-Karabakh War

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On December 3, Azerbaijan said that nearly 2,800 of its soldiers were killed in the recent battle with Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

“2,783 servicemen of the Azerbaijani armed forces were killed in the patriotic war,” the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan said in an official statement.

According to the statement, over 100 Azerbaijani soldiers are still missing. At least 1,245 soldiers were wounded in the heated battle.

Final Confession: Azerbaijan Said Nearly 2,800 Soldiers Killed In Nagorno-Karabakh War

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The Azerbaijani MoD had until now not disclosed any of its losses in the battle, which started on September 27. The battle ended on November 10 with a Russian-brokered peace deal that saw Armenia agreeing to a gradual withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Armenian Karabakh records documented the names of more than 1,100 Azerbaijani officers and soldiers killed before October 28.

The Ministry of Defense of Armenia has not disclosed the final death toll for its forces, thus far. However, the country’s Health Ministry revealed on November 14 that 2,317 Armenian service members were killed in the battle for Nagorno-Karabakh.

The heated battle also claimed the lives of dozens of civilians. 54 Armenians and 91 Azerbaijani were reportedly killed in the battle.

Both Armenia and Azerbaijan worked hard to hide their losses. Russia claimed in late October that around 5,000 people were killed in Nagorno-Karabakh battle. The Russian estimate appears to be on point.


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Significant losses considering they had air superiority throughout the war. Without the air superiority it would have been a war of attrition.

Kenny Jones ™

Considering this is even the true number and now multiple times larger in reality


Generally C.I.S heterosexuals say it as it is,unlike drama queen advocates of incests:

John Wallace

In Vietnam when McNamara took over Sec Def it became a numbers game. He believed that numbers of dead showed if they were winning or losing. Field Commanders were abused for not killing enough so they killed one civilian and reported 10 NVA / VC dead. They killed 1 NVA/ VC and reported 20 dead. That is how they won the war until all those dead rose up like Jesus and took over their country. The US hierarchy blamed the media so the CIA took over control of the media and today only those that will report what they are told to report are allowed to go with the military , ( imbedded ) . Anyone else is on their own and open to getting killed by either side.


You are mistaken, my friend. Azeris were on the offensive and Armenians were targeting them from their luxurious fortified positions. Technically, the offensive party should take more casualties than the defensive one. Still, I guess Armenian casualties are higher as they have been hesitant to confess so far.


Yes, the Azeris were on the offensive, their drones could have taken out some fortifications, during the later stages of the war the Armenian resistance was weak. Had Armenia supported the NK properly, it would have been a different story.


Yes but keep in mind that Azerbaijan probably counted in the losses of the Syrian Jihadis/Mercenaries they used which were the core front force in this war and they took most of the beating. More than 1k of the Syrian jihadis were killed and many more injured according to Almasdarnews.


Over twice as many killed as injured. I find that hard to believe.


Thats official just like the official docs in usa recently revealed 7 million (not 25) Soviets died in ww2 compared to over 8 million germans,histroy proves whom loses less were generally the victors,in this case stalemate,Dunno about soros cry babies who complain about peace:


Soviets don’t miss their targets,ask the nazis if in doubt!

John Wallace

Yes that was interesting. Normally 1 for two or three wounded. Wonder what that signifies. No prisoners , more effective weapons killing all in target zone. ????


Drone strikes carrying 2/22kg missiles and a couple of smaller missiles were aimed primarily at tanks, motorized vehicles, artillery, radar….etc, not personnel. The overall killing range of such small weapons was limited.

Random Dude

injured are not expected to remain hospitalized indefinitely.


Perhaps the Azeris did not have very good battlefield medicine? Or didn’t have the ability to effectively evacuate wounded soldiers close to the frontline.

Also many of the casualties would have been caused by heavy artillery, which seldom leaves anyone alive.


They had very, very bad doctors…so only lightly wounded survived :)

Free man

This only shows the great importance of the peace agreement mediated by the Russians. The lives of thousands of people were spared from both sides.


so the azeris with all the drone attacks managed to loose more soldiers than the armenians?? wow just wow

Rhodium 10

Accord these numbers…Armenian artillery and ballistic missile worked well!…most of the NK soldiers have been killed by drones…it means that NK with relative air support and modern AD defense deployed there( not old Soviet OSA and Strela) would have stopped AZ offensive!…this is a clear example of incompetence or even worst is to think that Pashinyan is nothing but a CIA agent who has betrayed Armenians in the detriment of Turkey( NATO).

Pave Way IV

Armenia’s economy is mostly farming and mining. 42% poverty rate among it’s 3 million citizens. The government of Armenia is not there to protect its little people citizens – it’s there to protect itself and its oligarchs. They can’t even afford modern AD for Armenia proper, much less all of NK. Yes, it would have made all the difference, but when you sponge off of Russian military welfare for decades and then essentially boot them out, you’ve screwed yourself. Expecting NATO back-stabbers to help was delusional – they don’t ‘need’ Armenia anymore.

If you don’t want to be the regional punching bag, then you need powerful friends. NATO isn’t anyone’s friend. They’re an organized crime protection mafia, and they don’t work for free. Armenia couldn’t afford them.

Random Dude

What did the non CIA previous government do? Regular witch hunt by people who blinded themselves with stories on invincible Armenian soldier that was not supposed to lose to anyone:))) Don’t believe everything you hear dude.

Rhodium 10

They fight well accord numbers…Armenians NK have been able to kill 2783 AZ soldiers ( 100 more are missing) and accord Syrian oposition at least 240 Syrian terrorist have been killed in NK….so just armed with rifles, tanks and artillery have killed 3000 enemies…while most of 2300 Armenians soldiers killed have been as consecuence of drones attacks.

Random Dude

not sure on your military knowledge, so gotta ask. do you know the ratio of defending and attacking force casualties?

Servet Köseoğlu

İn last years only Mosul battle was more devastating than this one..once again war is disgusting…

Servet Köseoğlu

well-said..long awaited victory which compensates the losses..

Servet Köseoğlu

a suffix used to form adjectives from nouns, with the sense of “belonging to” (British; Danish; English; Spanish); “after the manner of,” “having the characteristics of,” “like” (babyish; girlish; mulish); “addicted to,” “inclined or tending to” (bookish; freakish); “near or about” (fiftyish; sevenish). https://www.dictionary.com/browse/-ish

Servet Köseoğlu

imo its not wrong to define by origin…kurdish woman..woman by kurd origin..etc..


Very funny that SF said this is “final confession”. Confession of what??

Armenia suffered probably close to 4,000 deaths. Of course, they will never declare the real casualty figures.


Correct, the Azeris never will declare the real casualty figures ! :)


It’s a “final confession” because Aliyev had refused to admit any casualties during the war. Armenia had admitted its loses throughout the war.

Azerbaijan took more loses and only won due to the poor air defence and recon capabilities of Armenia.


I came across a few days ago about an article on the Eurasiatimes website about 9 Turkish drones being shot down aver Armenia close to the Russian base around October 24; the question that begs to be answered what happened afterwards since the Russians were using the Krasukha platform with the range of 300kms.


Random Dude

Now its Armenians’ turn to confess: https://media0.giphy.com/media/QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9/giphy.gif

Servet Köseoğlu

Armenians when it comes to confession.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39b79c644ba0a87ec7501d78437932a1b7840d2b4f8c1a074f51d8fc07363971.gif

Random Dude



So finally they admit it. It was obvious they had to have suffered at least as many casualties as the Armenians, given the heavy vehicle and troop loses observed in the media; plus the generally poor(ish) training of the average Azeri grunt.

A lot of families grieving because Aliyev just couldn’t let the issue of NK go.


The Nakorno-Karabakh War was fueled by Turkey to upgrade its image of military failure in northern Syria and Libya. Its political failure with the EU-NATO-U.S.A and its greatest failure to rule the Muslims. Israel is also complicit with the United States, hoping that the Middle East conflict will shift to the Caucasus. Those killed in the war by both sides thought they were fighting like patriots but were fighting for foreign interests.

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