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Finally! EU Blames ‘Kremlin Disinformation’ For Coronavirus Crisis

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Finally! EU Blames 'Kremlin Disinformation' For Coronavirus Crisis


Finally, EU bureaucrats and affilated propaganda bodies are doing something that all has expected a long time ago – blaming Russia for the crisis over the outbreak of coronavirus.

Financial Times learned from a confidential EU report that the Kremlin is allegedly conducting a ‘difinformation campaign’ spreading fake news about how the bloc is fighting the coronavirus outbreak. The article citing the report claims that the goal of the evil Russians is to spread panic and fear among EU citizens and undermine the EU unity and solidarity (like it has ever existed). As always, the report names ‘Russian trolls’ in social media (Facebook, Twitter and Reddit) and state media outlets as main participants in the campaign. The media outlet provides no facts or evidence confirming these claims. However, in the modern world of the post-truth this is not really needed.

No surprise, no mainstream media outlet is reporting a massive ‘coronavirus’ fake news campaign, which targeted Russia itself. Apparently, this does not fit the narrative. This campaign comes jointly with an increase of activity of various Western-funded anti-government organizations inside Russia.

At the same time, Western-funded ‘non-governmental organizations’ appealed the Council of Europe saying that protect prisnoers from ‘coronavirus’ by releasing them. The appeal especially emphasizes the supposedly ‘dare’ situation with this threat in post-Soviet states, meaning Russia. So, under the pretext of fighting coronavirus, they want to push Moscow to release criminals in order to increase social tensions and the criminal activity in large Russian cities.


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Jan Lavicka

nazi EU trusts no one today, don’t worry :-)

St. Augustine

These NGOs, and liberals in general, love the idea of releasing criminals, provided that they aren’t personally at risk.


Next they blame north korea for stingent border security too,as for russia eu virus is russian$ oil (period)


finally.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60190e44d4b4511fb10de006bcb9570719c434a7f05480fdf71fe10a1a42c283.jpg ?


Western countries are in full panic mode now :)

Rather the set criminals free, it would be a benefit to the world, if ALL of the Western Fifth Column in Russia were put into Corona Isolation Camps in Siberia. For their own safety of course :)



This is the time for new Poirot series in which the murderer in each case turns out to be VVP and agents.. in case of Death on the Nile for example, Linet Ridgeway isn’t killed by Simon Doyle but actually an FSB colonel who arrives on board with scuba gear because Linet was once heard at a party to insult Putin….


” where the murder victim turns out to be an anti-Soviet eliminated by the NKVD….”

Lol and very possible in US Hollywood Land as well :)


Its happening in Cornwall all the time.


Lol. Not Porthtowan I hope. I have friends there :)

AM Hants

Remember #blameputin? 2020 update.

Zionism = EVIL

China, Russia and Iran have called for an investigation into Americunt biowarfare facilities.

AM Hants

Wouldn’t wish that on Siberia.

I was reading an interesting comment, over on Zero Hedge, not sure if it was cut and paste, from an article or original. If cut and paste, would love to know the origins.

It started with the CEOs who have stepped down recently, including Bill Gates and Disney. Then went onto Pedo round up and so many celebrities and politicians, who are declaring themselves in corona virus, self isolation. Including Tom Hanks and his wife, in an Australian hotel, not hospital, with no desire to return to US. Also mentioned was Trudeau and wife, who have allegedly been charged with some financial crime and are also self isolating.

It was an interesting comment, but, sadly lacking links.

Venice now has clean water, thanks to corona virus.

China, the smog has lifted, thanks to Corona virus.

Me, still seriously confused. Will it prove a positive factor, resetting the planet or a negative factor, heralding in, something politically sinister?


I am sure that some regimes will use the Virus to reduce freedoms to associate with others in all its forms. Particularly such associations as global forums like this.

Despotic regimes desperately need to control the narrative in order to keep reaping the financial rewards.

In my opinion, there is a high chance of rioting in the large and ‘diverse’ cities of the UK , especially if food rationing is decreed. Circa 40% of UK food comes from the EU and the EU countries are individually isolating themselves in a ‘beggar my neighbour ‘ approach. Or a ‘bugger my neighbour’ approach in LGBTQ loving cesspits.

Ergo food will likely be in short supply and with limited choices. During WW2 the restaurants were open without restriction , I think. The ‘restaurants’ for the masses were more akin to canteens though.

The mess that the world is currently in, is less confusing for ‘people like us’, I think ,AM. :)

I somewhat doubt that the bulk of populace in Britain today would accept such restrictions and that many of our latest additions would riot and loot instead.


AM Hants

Must admit, for some strange reason I am singing hallelujah. If it proves a blessing, then thank god the reset button has been switched on. If worse case scenario, then been waiting since 2014 and just want it over and done with.

Just read, Trump has decided to implement 50s Defence Act. For manufacturers to prioritise defence contracts or something like that.

So will Disney Productions be making bio-weapons, to sell in Disney Stores? Or Kentucky Fried Mercenaries?

Considering how US Defence has been heavily privatised, I wonder what is in the smallprint?


The US Military Industrial Complex has just been gifted by Trumpy, the ability to make trillions of dollars by making ‘stuff ‘ that will moulder in storage for decades.

AM Hants

Never ones to look a gift horse in the mouth. Mic, the gift that keeps expanding.

Just read an article on Gateway Pundit, and one of the VIP tiket holders to AIPEC and was it CPEC, knew he had the C virus, but, just wanted to share the love. Must admit to laughing at the home goal hitting the Senators of Washington DC. Not the brightest bulbs in the box.


Disney stepped down lol

Pave Way IV

Post-Soviet Russia was supposed to be led by an equally-corrupt (but western-friendly) replacement government. Russians were supposed to beg on their hand and knees for an endless string of World Bank, IMF and EU loans – while the Khazars stripped Russian assets an fled. All the Khazars were asking for was for Russia to be another obedient debt slave, like the U.S.

That was the plan, anyway. Then this guy came along and punched the Khazars in the face:

“Keep your filthy Euro-Shekel loans, NATO whore. I work fo the Russian people, not the Khazar Mafia. You’re probably not familiar with that concept. Keep an eye on your boy, Macron, here. When you see pictures on the news of him and his cronies hanging upside down from a gas station by the hand of his own citizens, you might finally understand (but I kind of doubt it).”


The Khazars are pissed off at Russia, and their MSM will never let anyone forget it.

Al Balog

100% true. Same applies for Hungary in the 90s. We were to become the Sweden of Eastern Europe, a liberal hell-hole of poverty, but then Orbán and Szijjártó said “No”. We agree with Putin regarding the situation in Ukraine and Syria, although the damn EU and NATO prevents us from joining the “anti-West” coalition with Russia, Syria, and Iran. Hungary and Greece would fit great with them. Really wish that Hungary didn’t join the EU and NATO in 2004 because it puts us in a “deadlock” when making foreign policy decisions, putting a boot on our neck and taking away our independence. Imagine if that happened to Russia under Yeltsin ?

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts dumbasses and Zionist parasites used the biowafare that has backfired and they are blaming their intended victims China, Iran and Russia. In the meantime in real world China has shown its decency and friendship to the Iranian people which will never be forgotten.

China will continue to provide “as much assistance as it can” to Iran to curb the coronavirus outbreak, the country’s president said Saturday. Xi Jinping said China offered Iran a batch of anti-epidemic supplies and sent a team of voluntary health experts to Iran,the Chinese assistance was crucial in stopping the spread of the US introduced virus.

Now Iran has backed both Russia and China into calling for a UN investigation into the US biological warfare origins of this latest virus planted by a Pentagon team visiting Wuhan.

AM Hants

Good luck Iran.

AM Hants

So true, then the Khazarians ran the same script in Ukraine. Pillaging the nation, whilst trying to blame Russia for their actions.

johnny rotten

We missed you, perfidious Albion, better late than never.

Raptar Driver

Western countries need to pull their fingers out of their assholes and smell that rot growing inside.


And then you can lick their fibers for your favorite snack.


if you recall what’s been on the agenda in the western world over the last say 3 or 4 or 5 years, it is the threatening pandemic and here we are, the pandemic is on us full tilt and people contracting the decease nilly willy, in all of europe and all of friggin dysfunctional states of A and so on and so forth and where is the preparedness, where is the carefully thought out plans how to contain the pandemic once it’s here -nowhere. truly frightening that the western world leaders are so friggin behind the curve that they all actually ought to find themselves at the end of a rope swinging from the lampposts.


Damn, the Russians by way of the Chinese are the first to get a Pandemic going. You should be so proud to be ahead of the West.

Xoli Xoli

EU Washington puppets start again blame game as usual for their Masters shit virus.Why dont their tell the truth to their citizens and the whole world that USA releases this coronavirus from the lab and infected people in Wuhan province.


But if you missed it, dodo, that bio-weapons lab in Wuhan is Chinese military. And they have worked with Russian bio-weapons scientists who developed the Coronavirus. And you also know that Russians are legend for technological accidents. Just par for the course for them. This Pandemic is obviously of Russian origins.

Xoli Xoli

Israel and master USA


The best thing so far, is that everybody finaly, if they had any doubts before, see that the EU is rotten to its core, this blame game, when they ignored the neighboring nations etc pledges for help, keept the borders wide open and then they come out with this, its like I wounder are the mascocistic, likes to self molest them selfs in the eyes of the world, and comes up with this, jesus, they have derailed, instead of focusing on the problem, they, do as every “good” byroCraut do, blames someone else for everything, and whines about disinfo, the EU, this will shoot up on my idiot list to the top of it, along with the OrangoTrump whom is even more detached from reality. Thanks, this idiocy makes me day much brighter and the stupidyt impressive.

Khazars, Slavs, well, when this bastards are intermingled, we get the Orcs, the even dumber Polaks, to the real shitheads the fake Norse/Sweds, etc, and since I am intrested in history, and right now, about the Basque people, I havent read so much total bollocks for an long time, and there is so much of it that it hurts. Then we have the Genetics, witch some claim shows that R1b is european, it is, otherwise its slavic and khazars, the so called white people, witch they are not, they, are what the fake history teaches is the Caucasians, not white people, white people are european/incl mediterain sea to north Africa, and Khazars, are the “indo-europeans”, again, the history they tell you is just bullshit. I come from an people, witch have the closest blood relatives in the Basque people, incl Berbers witch some dont talk about since they dont know jack shit, and other smal regions, like the original Sicilians, Korsicans, Merovigians, and even smaler ones, but the truth is, I am pure blooded european along with the Basque, and I am dark, a dark Finn where if I look at Basque, we look the same, and then we have the light Finns, witch is what are the largest people of our tribe, the Finns. The Slavs have also been lied about, they to are europeans, but had the central plains, down to North africa, etc, and have not come from anywhere, like us, original europeans since the dawn of man. Never forget this, people, they lie about everything, out of africa etc, and this is due to the war on the white race, we are the elder ones, the first born.

Some dont even recognise that the origin of the Lord of the rings is taken from Kalevala, incl the Ring, the language of the elvs, are infact Old Finnish, from Karelian, and so on, if you read the Silmarilion and the LOTR. I could go on for much longer, incl links, but I end it here, the Vikings are 100% bullshit storys, and the reason, have other sides, mainly the Catholic C, crusades and the crushing of the Khazarian empire and the name Norsmen, comes not from been Norwegians, since that word is also taken from the same source, the Youngest Prince of an Finnish king, Norri, whom was given a place in whats to day known in southern Norway as Tunsberg, etc, incl the marrige to the ancient Russian empire, the king of Yaroslav. And Odin is an Turko-mongol shithead aka an war lord. The viking era is the time we lost the north of europa, and our tribes had everything from the Atlantic to the Urals, the faking of the present Norwegian history is by large done in the 1800s, but this goes to much else incl Russian history and the “norse” even moved the Land of the Gigants, Jotunheimen to southern Norway, from my land, in Finmark, etc, etc. and we have rock carvings of boats, sea faring sail boats, 5000 to – older and stone circles/labyrints, vilage castles/defence systems 3000 years old, the list is long. 2000 years ago, the world temp plunged, and the world changed, from much warmer to this ice age we are in right now and we where sea faring, incl the Basque, etc, etc.

I will give this shitheads just two links this time, to the bullshiting about Celts/Basque/Catalans/etc. and so on. And Russian lang. is based upon the old Finnish witch stil are in use in Estland. But ours is much older, and I am a Skolt Sami. http://www.paabo.ca/uirala/veneti/veneti.html And ancient Sumerian, is also based upon old Finnish. https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_V_mtDNA.shtml This is just parts of what I know, but the truth is, we are been hidden in plain sight, ignored and hated by the so called “norse/vikings”. The same history forgerys are what have perverted Russian history. Everybody else have history, we have just myths. Have an nice day.


AM Hants

Charlemagne Empire and King of the Frank’s, so comes to mind.

colin adese

Things have been far too quiet on the Western Media Russo propaganda blowfest. As you were comrades!


Soviet Union of Europe is blaming its old adversary who reformed! LMAO!


So much reformed that EU citizens hide the Rubles from politic police

James Adams

Its Chinas fault because of communist policy. Why are people so stupid

AM Hants

When you look at the EU media budget and compare it against the Kremlin media budget, how comes Russia has so much success, including economic, with regards everything they achieve?


Sooo much success that EU and US citizens want to emigrate to Russia and North Korea

AM Hants

Many do wish to emigrate to Russia, just the nation, fortunately are choosy who they let in. No doubt the reason they have held onto their traditions and culture.


So you tried and they rejected you?

AM Hants

No, I have not tried, owing to knowing I do not fit the criteria. Starting with being fluent in Russian.


I remember there was a French actor who moved in Russia without knowing Russian, it’s a well known case


He is talking about “propaganda success” – the one EU are keep talking about.. Is that too much for you to process?


No, it’s too hard for you, read again and again, maybe one day you’ll get it


So it is too much for you to process sunshine :)) Reading again and again wont help you – you simply lack capability :)


Gtfo buggy ruskey bot, you are poorly programmed


From regular troll like ur self sunshine – that sounds funny :)


joke321 is from the leper colony, i.e. tel aviv, and that is almost as bad as the corona virus so he better be fully ignored!


The Kremlin, with the conspiracy theorists and the Covid-19. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28763dce0f6d649c2d9c8c1d0f0d3bfb411442c12a751a9bfbc084ae21a9b8a7.jpg

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