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Finland Gives US Control Over 15 Military Bases

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Finland Gives US Control Over 15 Military Bases

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For nearly half a century, Scandinavia’s neutrality (with the obvious exception of Norway) was an important segment of keeping various buffer zones between the Soviet Union and NATO. And interestingly, despite the fact that the USSR was much more powerful than Russia nowadays, while also being virtually unopposed in the Baltic Sea, for some reason, neither Sweden nor Finland felt the need to become part of NATO. What’s more, if there ever was a danger of a mythical Soviet invasion of either country, it was gone in 1991. Up to that point, Moscow’s access to the Baltic Sea stretched from Finland to Denmark (nearly, that is). Nowadays, Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad are Russia’s only access points.

Thus, if the Kremlin hadn’t invaded Sweden and Finland during the (First) Cold War, it surely wouldn’t be doing it now. However, as rabid Russophobia is an extremely damaging degenerative disease, it clouds people’s judgment, leading them to make all sorts of rash and inexplicable decisions. On the other hand, it’s impossible to explain NATO expansionism in Scandinavia without seeing it as part of a wider offensive build-up that aims to surround Russia with hostile states and other entities (including terrorist ones). In one of the latest such moves, Helsinki just gave the United States the legal permission to station troops in the country. The vote in the Finnish Parliament was unanimous.

Thus, starting from July 1, Washington DC has access to at least 15 Finnish military bases, with the possibility of deploying heavy weapons. It wasn’t specified what sort of arms and equipment that refers to, but it’s not that difficult to imagine. The US is already trying to surround both Russia and China with the previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles, which is precisely why it’s setting up new military bases all across Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The latest agreement with Finland, aptly termed the “Defense” Cooperation Agreement (DCA), “will allow the United States to bring defense equipment, supplies, materials, and soldiers to Finland”, according to local sources.

Worse yet, the DCA gives America legal grounds to create military exclusion zones, areas that will be accessible to US personnel only. What this really means is that Finland effectively relinquished its sovereignty so it could become a legitimate target for Russian missiles. Congratulations, Helsinki! You just exposed 5.5 million Finns to virtually immediate thermonuclear annihilation in case of (an increasingly possible) military conflict between NATO and Russia. Considering the fact that the US has similar “exclusive access” facilities all over the world and that the Pentagon usually uses them for illegal programs and experiments, including with deadly biological materials, Russia will respond.

In fact, the Kremlin certainly anticipated such moves, which is why it started deploying new missile brigades in northwestern Russia, including those armed with ballistic and hypersonic weapons. Moscow’s second-to-none missiles such as those used by the “Iskander-M” platform or the MiG-31K strike fighters with 9-A-7660 “Kinzhal” systems (carrying the 9-S-7760 air-launched hypersonic missiles) put the entire Scandinavia in range. In addition, the sheer speed of these unrivaled weapons gives the Kremlin the ability of a virtually instantaneous retaliation in case anyone gets any ideas. Unfortunately, none of this seems to have deterred the (obviously suicidal) ruling elite in Helsinki.

The Finnish Parliament’s rather senseless decision to antagonize its much larger nuclear-armed neighbor cannot possibly be justified by any excuses of “defense” or any similar reasoning. The simple fact that Finland is allowing the presence of American offensive capabilities on the border with Russia will be enough for the latter to deploy weapons that the former simply has no means of defending against. As the DCA creates a legal framework for a permanent American military presence in Finland, this also means that the Kremlin will surely respond in kind, making Helsinki far less safe than was the case before it joined NATO, thus defeating the very purpose of its membership in this racketeering cartel.

However, according to Finnish sources, there might even be some opposition to this in the country, as MP Anna Kontula submitted a proposal calling on other MPs to reject the DCA, although her motion received no backing. Therefore, the Finnish Parliament “did not vote on the agreement, but approved it unanimously”, local sources report. This alone puts the legality of the agreement in serious question, although we’re extremely unlikely to see any major opposition to it. Last month, Helsinki’s Constitutional Law Committee concluded that the “[DCA] would have to be approved by a two-thirds majority in Parliament, as it affects several aspects of the Finnish constitution” (i.e. it’s unconstitutional).

In other words, Finland is going out of its way to please the US and NATO, just like it did with Nazi Germany (their geopolitical predecessor) over 80 years ago. This was in the making for quite some time, even predating the special military operation (SMO), as Helsinki wanted to acquire the troubled F-35 fighter jets back in 2021. Having such aircraft in one’s arsenal also means that a country is relinquishing its sovereignty. Namely, the US has control over the F-35’s systems, as the jet keeps sending data back to Lockheed Martin and the US military, meaning that even if the then “neutral” Finland didn’t join NATO, the Pentagon would effectively control a crucial branch of the country’s armed forces, forcing Russia to respond either way.


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yeah but kekkonen could drink any russian central-cimmittee person under the table in the sauna and thus they were good neighbours and mates. todays finns are weaklings and mummy-boys more interested in a good grade of coke and a steady supply of illicit cash to stash away, like zelensky, in the caymans!

Massa John

in a near time, those liberal witches, who couldn’t stay in their kitchen’s, will start screeming for their dirty lives, but no one will hear them. at their end, they will beg to be in the ground, next to zelenski, but even that is not going to be granted, not anymore…


cowards! scaredbof your iwn friggin shadows


mythical soviet invasion of finland? mythical summer invasion? lol.

Cluster Bombs For Crimea!

the noose is tightening around midget vlad’s neck.


jens holm

jewlenski anoos is tightening with fear of ukrine hemorrhoids, sauna country will get their heat from s-500


crocus, benjamin, moscow, now with another name because he is to chickenshit scared, what a coward nazi flathead :)

Edgar Zetar

hahaha are you very comfortable in your kiev bunker hahaha lol! do you think vlad’s controls all russia? they are fighting for not to be bound and enslaved by the exceptionals and the hegemon empire.

AM Hants

think you have made a typing error. volod, not vlad. remember the ‘stupid green midget’ who loves sending his people to the meat grinder?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa crosses another orc “red line”…poohtin has been humiliated again!



but we americans support the orcrainians!


finland’s nato membership was not a “red line”. president niinistö discussed the matter with putin in advance.


this just like many other developements that make things harder for the brics/ sco countries is another example for the us soft power. the question is, is it just the infinate money they can print to buy everybody or why is their soft power so fare beyond anyone else? why does russia, china or even the eu not have it? to get parts of the world behind your cause no matter what it is is just priceless.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
AM Hants

with brics, plus friends and the sco, they make up for over 50% of the planet’s population, have the majority of natural resources, are dominant in both the industrial and administrative spheres and that is before you get onto their purchasing power parity.

AM Hants

2) do you think they are worried about finland? or even the us, come to that. the us can print $us, but, minus the petro-currency reserve, what have they got to back the paper? brics and friends, plus the sco members, have turned their backs on the $us petro-currency.

Deep State

the globalists put so much fear of russia into finland that they surrendered to the globalists who are much more likely to kill them or at least steal everything of value for themselves.

Moshe Dayan

that is their plan, as usual.

Edgar Zetar

they never give you something for free, they will take everything for themselves and bribe a few politicians to take all over finland, if you open the door to the devil you will end up in hell.

AM Hants

out of curiousity, i wonder how much money the globalists are spending on russia media disinformation ai, bots and trolls? what are they getting for it? even the masses are starting to wake up. compare what each nation, the eu and hato spend on russian media disinformation, then look at how little russia spends on state media. globalists = bolsheviks + nazis, in both the 20th and 21st centuries.


nice to see moron amerikan inferior burger species talibanned pay for finland military while their ugly cesspool decays in crime homeless transgender degeneracy narcotics addiction


nothing like doubling down into oblivion. making deals with the devil or one wonders what the devil has on it’s politicians.

Moshe Dayan

the epstein network has plenty of blackmail on all eu and us and uk politicians. it’s their thing.

Edgar Zetar

you think exactly like me. they will take all over finland and use the population has low class expendable soldiers to die in the front line. but hey! the politicians will enjoy all the western world sins and pleasures you can imagine, just like jewlensky and the piano party

Yuri from Sevastopol

if you don’t do as i tell you i’ll slapyou with my big black dildo

Moshe Dayan

left behind in the dugout of the retreating ukroreich commanders: shared by them all starting with zelensky.

Edgar Zetar

so.. finland will be the first country to disappear in nato-russia conflict. you have to be really nut to achieve this nonsense or your politicians are totally bribed and the population completely brainwashed by western propaganda and social networks controlled by ia. usa strategy of using europe as a shield is working out in nato. i’m telling you war cannot be stopped, the hegemons and exceptionals wanted war at all cost. they will get what they are looking for.

AM Hants

they should be careful what they wish for, as they are not the brightest bulbs in the box and have no idea that they have signed their own death certificates.

Paul Citro

how does it feel to have the military of another nation come into your country and set up shop? it must feel like your country is less yours anymore.


must be nice for finland to become a permanent nuclear target for russia


as long as nuclear weapons stay off from skandinavia, there is no reason to launch a nuclear weapon to skandinavia even in a nuclear war. if you don’t understand the reasoning, it’s not worth discussing the whole thing at all.


i bleed tears for this.in scandinavia, everything has gone against the wall. the media is biased and repeats the same propaganda, the elections are just a show where all the representatives support the same line. the loss of neutrality has taken away investments, foreign companies, and in its place has been inflation, bankruptcies, unemployment and shortages. all because of the supporters of the war policy.


scandinavia and the baltic countries are a perfect example of how small countries can be controlled through the media.

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