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MARCH 2025

Fire From Skies Purges Turkish Proxies In Idlib (Video)

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Fire From Skies Purges Turkish Proxies In Idlib (Video)

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The situation in Greater Idlib, the main source of the terrorist threat in the modern Syria continues to escalate as a result of the inability (or unwillingness) of Turkey to put an end to the regular ceasefire violations by militant groups that it funds and protects there.

This situation led to the increase of the activity of the Russian aviation. Recently, Russian warplanes pounded weapon depots and other targets belonging to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the Maaret Misrin area.

Such strikes expectedly trigger cries and rage of Turkish-funded terrorists that claim that all military targets bombed by the Russians are ‘peaceful hospitals and bakeries’. The increase of MSM propaganda blaming the ‘bloody Assad regime’ and the Kremlin of eliminating peaceful al-Qaeda activists is apparent.

On March 9, the Russian side warned that militants and their sponsors have once again returned to the idea of staging another provocation to blame the Damascus government of using chemical weapons. Such incidents regularly take place when foreign-funded terrorists are on retreat in Syria.


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johnny rotten

NATO, which deploys its two most powerful armies, the Yankee and the Turkish one, in Syria and against Syria, in reality cannot afford to fight directly against the legitimate Syrian government, so it has to rely on mercenaries universally recognized as terrorists, while Russia legally present in Syria at the invitation of the Government can kill those terroists at will, practically Russia is the only one to have their hands free and clean, while the other filthy contenders must hide behind the lies, which would like to turn the terrorists into harmless fighters for peace and democracy, lies no longer sustainable.

Zyklon B

I dont think its a question of capability, its about homefront and public sustainability. They haven`t been able to fabricate a convincing casus belli to mobilize their public for a ground invasion. Soon it might come though, now that the BLM anti-fa goons of the jews are in power! These people love war and to bring misery!

johnny rotten

When was public opinion ever a problem? the invasion of Iraq was rejected by all western public opinion, yet they went there, declared victory and are still bogged down after almost twenty years, they can only bomb and destroy countries but they have never been able to win on the ground against united and resistant nations and peoples, as I wrote above, NATO is unable to fight serious and long-lasting wars, and that is why terrorist delegates use them. PS The antifa are already in Syria from the beginning, they fight together with the Kurdish traitors in the service of the invaders, before taking action in the USA they did their training in the East of Syria, I say this just to connect the points.

Zyklon B

Right but I don’t think you should underestimate US military. I see this often on this site, people saying that the US army is junk and that Iran could wipe the out with one blink. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, lets be realistic. The jews are a serious foe and we will need every bits of careful strategy we can.

“Anti fa” in with the kurds, right. These folks were mostly war tourists dicking around with their overpriced home-bought weapons, thinking they are in Call of Duty or some shit. Literally none of them ever fought ISIS, and I’d go so far as to say the Kurds themselves never truly fought ISIS. It was a front, while the real offensive was against the SAA. The Kurds were just behind to grab the oil fields.

Pave Way IV

Everyone bitches about their military – the U.S. isn’t any different. I have to call out your claim that ‘everyone’ on this site says Iran could wipe the U.S. out militarily. In fact, I don’t recall anyone saying that. Iran is like Vietnam – they just have to survive, take the punches and wait for the U.S. to get tired and leave. The Taliban know that, too. That amount of time is in direct proportion to our losses AND public opinion. There is almost NO relation to how well-equipped, trained or motivated U.S. troops might be, because (like Vietnam) all decisions are and will forever be political ones made by think tanks, inbred politicians and their spawn, not military ones made by military leaders. Nothing is going to change that, but political delusion and the fluoride in our water have powerful effects not yet fully understood by mankind.

A war would be horribly costly for Iran just like Vietnam was for the Vietnamese. Any Persian with a functioning brain doesn’t believe they would ever be able to defeat the U.S., but they’re certainly going to fight if attacked/invaded. And they’ll take out whatever pieces of Israel and the GCC they can, but they have no illusions about ‘winning’ such a war. It’s survival and (eventual) freedom once the U.S. leaves.

Zyklon B

Yes I agree, the advantage of Iran is literally its terrain, and a populace ready to fight to the death in great part due to their philosophy. If the jews were to invade, they would probably do so with an overkill coalition like we have seen in the past, which would probably include US, Israel, France, England, Germany, Canada, Sweden, and perhaps even Turkey all pitching in their goyim cannon fodder ready to suck dik and die for jews at the snap of a finger.

With that said, Iran`s standing army and assets would quickly be obliterated, but like you said, a prolonged war of guerilla-style hit and run, logistics sabotage added on top of the already colossal costs of keeping together such a massive coalition, would eventually oblige the jews to pack their shit and leave. They know that too, so chances are they will attempt to install a liberal-style LGTBQ regime and try to win hearts with the now impoverishing Iranian public (due to sanctions) by selling them cheap hotdogs and bigmacs or something.

All of this is only if the worst scenario was to come true and an invasion really happened. My hope is that the US will leave Iraq and Syria after the insurgency wears them out over there. They are close to collapsing already.

viktor ziv

As Ho Chi Minh said: We don’t want to win the war, today, tomorrow, next month. We want the war to last, to make enemy bleed, sufer and never to recover.

Hind Abyad

Mars 6 https://twitter.com/KevorkAlmassian/status/1368323468878618630

Mars 8 – White Helmets old stories again


Icarus Tanović

Almost 18 years. Almost 20 years they are in Afganistan.

Hind Abyad

1-US in Syria to protect Israeli proxies ISIS 2-To loot Syrian oil

Servet-i Funun Literature

Fool your-self..Hts ammunition depots are mostly underground.Ps:Yesterday after the meeting of Pkk and Hashd al-Shaabi,Hashd will supply pkk Zu-23-2 ammunition,Atgm and Uav(reconnaissance,kamikaze).


turkey did develop many less concepts of subterrain warfare than we have so we can pretty much burn the entire tunnels to dust of your little terrorists but just wait and see it will be the russians who will give you the war you crave for in syria and in iraq you will have to see also another whole southern front forming which will put immense costs on you turks directly


buddy, don’t hold back…….the time has come for us to burn alive the moghal guppu race…….I think there is enough reason now for Iran to genocide these modr jende on da spot. No questions asked……..you see torke-khar……you kill him right there. Don’t show mercy at all……harumzade need to die.


the whole nonsense of pkk is useless hashd will directly hit your infrastructure if their red lines are crossed


hashd will supply the pkk how delusional are you fool do you think lies will help you?


you will lose everything so dont believe that lies will help you because you are less secure than the saudis we can cut up your belly from the south bleed you to death watch russia come down from you on the north you are so clueless you dogs

Why would they supply them with such valuable weapons when they can use them themselves? Sinjar is the red line, it will be Turkey’s Vietnam if they try to enter, but by the PMF

Servet-i Funun Literature

Why wouldnt they use until now?Pkk has lots of incarnations,radical wings,tolerated ones and what makes you think that they will use exactly against us?

Your air force can be downed with the Iranian disclosed Sam 358 missile, Iraq will be your graveyard, because unlike in Syria, there is no Russia to protect you from the resistance, here you will see their full power

Servet-i Funun Literature

Kenny,your emotions which is at fanatic degree prevents you to make realistic comments.Iraq can not be our grave yard.Here we are in north ıraq already.Where are your mighty Sam -358 missiles?Lets assume F-16 downed,answer will be the leveling of north Aleppo.The problem with you is you are quiet delusional which you have to concede.You are writing your wishes of your own imagination that is completely out of field and on a wild tangent.

Emad Irani

Hezbollah already seized Syrian cities on the Lebanon before Russia entered the war in 2015. Hezbollah focused in the border only before 2015, how can this create a security gap? They didn’t lose 90 men in a single fight like Turkey did in al Bab

Emad Irani

animal? thats what your Mom told me about your father last night

Servet-i Funun Literature

oh F.ck off already..it was adresssed to farbat and ahson, ı blocked only them because of their bullshit.Why do ı have a discussion with you/Ali nicely then?.You have reading problems and if you ever say something about mother/family issues again,you will be in deep regret.ı thought you are clever.

Emad Irani

calling Iranian animals do I have to be nice with you? We don’t have wolves and dogs as father or mother sorry man, you went too far by saying this. I will delete my comment in respect of your family but only this one time

Servet-i Funun Literature

Read my comment ..once again ı emphasized them by quoting this user is blocked.When you block a user and they are replying to your comments you see a slight ”This user is blocked’ sentence.No, ı am not maniac racist like farbat/ahson to generalise a whole nation with racist attitudes especially when ı am making business with İranians in Antalya and have a chance to meet all sort of extremely intelligent iranians(Pilots,professors) living İn europe coming to my city etc.But that guys are literally animals wihout respect and yes iranian animals.(if they were Turkish ı would block and call them Turkish animals as well without single hesitation)

The Objective

The PMU could not defeat Syrian rebels and Russia had to save them in 2015. What makes you think they are any more different now. The fact that the PMU supplied PKK with weapons indicates their desire not to clash with Turkey. If Erdogan really got serious about cleaning Sinjar, the PMU will be swept away like dust. You mouthy Shiite fanatics won’t stop talking even in your graves.

Kenny Jones ™

You will not be able to set foot before you eat missiles, the PMF has thousands in Iraq, we will level your bases and you will need hundreds of coffins

The Objective

What’s stopping you using those missiles on U.S bases even after they killed your top leaders? Mouthy cowards. Threaten Turkey’s security from Sinjar and see if your missiles can stop the Turkish military. Like I said earlier, Turkey could simply train and arm a Sunni resistance in Iraq with as many badass weapons as they need to contain the PMU. Where were your missiles when Syrian rebels were kicking your asses in Syria? Do you how many thousands your resistance lost to rebels who didn’t even have an air-force? If you launch attacks on Turkish soil, the PMU will be struck across the whole of Iraq, and you’ll still be pushed out of Sinjar. Turkey may occupy a larger territory than Sinjar and train a Sunni force as a bullwork against any remnants of your PMU. Plus, there’s NATO forces stationed in Iraq who really hate the PMU too. If Iran makes a mistake over Sinjar, the consequences can be the elimination of Iran’s influence in Iraq. The U.S would welcome such outcome. They are mad at you for the persistent IED attacks, and will certainly take their share of bombing you back to Iran. And don’t think the Iraqi military will interfere. Because Baghdad hates you too. You are difficult for Kadhimi to control, even threatening him many times. You think he’ll clash with Turkey to protect your terrorists? Even the U.S won’t allow that. So, my dear, you can be as mouthy as you want to, but the PMU itself is no fool. They know the consequences of a war with Turkey, and if they side with the PKK to threaten Turkey, you can be sure of a military clash somewhere down the road. You put so much faith in missiles. Are missiles enough to guarantee you victory? How many anti aircraft systems does the PMU field? How effective are they even against drones? You may lob some missiles at Turkey, but this will come at the expense of your very existence in Iraq.

Emad Irani

dear Idiot, First of all Hashd is iraqi not Syrian to fight in Syria, they don’t have fighters in Syria, only on the border for Iraqi security. Beside that they were created in 2014 not in 2011 when Syrian war began. Secondly, Kadhimi was Iran’s choice if you follow some former US intel officers like Michael Pregent, you would know that Iraqi key positions are filled with pro Iranian parties and loyals. Turkey has not any deep influence in the iraqi political and security apparatus, nevertheless it would be another headache after Syrian, Libya, Armenia and now Iraq and Yemen. Turkey will only fight some groups in the Kurdish area, this is all. If Turkey could create strong ally groups they would do it back in 2011 in Syria. For your information, missiles are called strategic or tactical weapons, they are indeed very effective especially hypersonic ones… unlike fighter jets which are going to be replaced by drones and something like loyal wingman

The Objective

What’s the difference between Hashd and Hezbollah, you fool. They were both trained by the same terror sponsor. They use weapons from the same terror source. And they BOTH fought in Syria. Are you telling me Hashd didn’t get involved in Syria even when Hezbollah and other Shiite militias died in thousands? Even when 75% of Syria was lost to rebels? That’s a poor lie to tell. I can prove it to you that thousands of your forces (including Hashd) died in Syria, and I’ll use only Shiite/Iranian sources as proof. Kadhim handed the most influential military post in Iraq to an anti-Iranian counter terrorism lieutenant general called, Abdul Wahab al-Saadi, who the former Iran puppet prime minister dismissed on Iran’s behest. What’s more, the U.S and Iraq are careful to recruit only people not loyal to Iran in the Iraqi military. With the coming of Kadhimi, Iran’s influence in Iraq was rolled back significantly. Political alliances are no longer in favor of Iran like before, and Iran-backed groups are having their network of illegal trade busted every year. Turkey can train Sunni militias in Iraq to balance the PMU. It’s definitely within Ankara’s capability to do that. Turkey border’s Iraq, and the KRG is in tacit approval of Turkey’s actions in Iraq. The Syrian rebels who thrashed your forces in Syria were trained by Turkey’s SADAT. And the same training can be given to Iraq’s Sunnis. I think the only reason Turkey won’t do this is because it wants to maintain good relations with Baghdad and would want to prevent any bloodshed in Iraq. Building a Sunni force will likely lead to civil war. And again, the PMU and America are fighting in Iraq, so why should Turkey interfere. The PMU already has enough problems on its hands trying to survive America’s war.

Emad Irani

dear piece of shit, first of all read history before talking shit, secondly do not talk about issues you don’t have any clue about it. You can’t even prove your own ancestors… nevermind

Hezbollah and Hashd are two different groups, with different backgrounds and group structure. Their strategy and tactics are different.

FSA had 75% control of Syria but only deserts, not big cities like Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, Latakia and Tartus. ISIS smashed them in deir ez zour and raqqa in an afternoon. Take a look at the Syrian map. Hashd was created in 2014 how could they fight in 2011 in Syria Idiot??

coming to Iraq: Abdul Wahab al-Saadi, Abdul Ghani al-Asadi, Qasim al Araji, Falih Fayadh all these people are in favor of Hashd al Shaabi. Kadhimi won battle against Adnan al Zurfi because Quds forces commanded all Shia parties to vote for Kadhimi. He did show with arresting 10 low ranked Hashd officers, but all released 2 days later. Follow the former US intel trainer Michael Pregent to know that no one can take power in Iraq without green light from Quds forces and Binaa and the Iraqi NSC and the Badr Brigade. US will be kicked out very soon, they know it. Turkey could not finish Syria, they have zero chances in Iraq. You can have fun with kurds from North.

Keep calm drink your Raki, I know Middle East policy is hard for you

Kenny Jones ™

Believe me, Iran’s allies of the resistance have stockpiled thousands of missiles in their respective countries, and they have done it especially for purposes like these, your planes will be shot down and your bases will be leveled, what else can you throw?

The Objective

You write like a kid. Aircrafts are shot down by AA systems, not the kind of missiles Iran gives its resistance forces. Iran itself is in need of an air-defense blanket. the shooting down of civilian plane also revealed gaps in Iran’s air defense network. You have missiles that can target airbases. But are those missiles enough for a winning strategy? Why didn’t you use them in Syria when the rebels were killing your forces in thousands. Remember you lost 75% of Syria before the Russians saved you. Syria was the opportunity you had to display your weapons to the world. But you could not defeat the rebels, but think you can defeat the Turkish military. You will impose some cost on Turkey. But that’s all. However, your existence in Iraq will become history. I don’t think your leaders are foolish enough to get into an all out war with Turkey to save the Kurds. History shows that your resistance tries to avoid conflict at all cost. After the experience in Syria, I can’t blame you though.

Kenny Jones ™

2013 =/= 2021, the resistance grew a lot and gained a low of war experience

Emad Irani

control of 75% desert is not a big issue. You should look at cities not % in which you failed even in the percentage of soil.

Irans Air defense systems are well working, the one shooting down a plane was a Russian made Tor M1 systems which is an analog Systems not connected with the whole radar system.

Ballistic Missiles are called strategic or tactical weapon, they are made for targeting high value targets and suppress air power of the enemy. Beside that strategic missiles can also be used as a psycho weapon (too long to to explain).

Iran don’t care about Kurds, but if Turkey tries to play in the area of Iran no matter where in Lebanon Iraq Yemen they will be targeted just like Saudi Arabia. In Syria the one who didn’t lose something was Iran, after your dreams of praying in Aleppo and support from 80 countries to train, supply and help bunch of FSA terrorists. Iran has many long term strategies, proven in Syria and Lebanon, soon in Yemen and Iraq

The Objective

Iran didn’t lose is Syria, are you kidding me? Just a few years ago, 100% of Syria was in the hands of Assad. Just before Russia beat back the rebels, Assad controlled on 25%. After Russia’s intervention, Assad controls some 72% (note that some areas are still held by armed rebels who have a temporary understanding with Assad). Thousands of Shiite forces, including top IRGC commanders and Hezbollah have died in Syria. Just a few years ago, America had no presence in Syria. But now, the are sitting on the Syria-Iraq border and watching Iran.

You guys have some relief in Syria because of Turkey’s disagreement with the U.S over the Kurds. You must pray that this disagreement continues, because if they decide to cooperate again even temporarily, the consequences for Assad would be existential.

Hind Abyad

”Rebels” are treated in Israeli hospitals..

Servet-i Funun Literature

Pkk part is pure fecal matter.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Pkk:simple te..ro..st organisation not resistance,lapdog of all secret services,dealing with all sorts of drugs,distribution of drugs.ı am not criticizing here İran,they are playing their games. Just go to north ıraq(if you can),if you see a light in that endless mountains of Haftanin,Zaho,Duhok in pitch black at night,be sure that they are all Turkish bases forever.

The Objective

You conveniently ignore the fact that the Kurds want a part of Iran too. Perhaps they can trade that off for your protection (that’s if you can actually protect them). You are not the only ones who can create and arm militias. Turkey can do the same in Iraq. There are many Sunnis that’ll be all too willing to join such a new resistance force. The likely result could be civil war. And guess who the U.S and NATO will be bombing in that situation. Iran would be wise not to make an enemy of Turkey. The Mullahs might be goaded by Biden’s claim to normalize relations. Maybe it’ll happen, or maybe it’ll not.

Emad Irani

if they could they would to a strong one in Syria back in 2012 and 2013, but failed. Turkey has not any influence in Iraqi political or security apparatus

Hind Abyad

That’s not the Middle-East!!

Iran is not an Arab country, don’t mess around or dream of Syria! Better

You & family stay in Far East, or move to USrael Mossad sponsors 🤓👿😅 https://twitter.com/ShehabiFares/status/1368959905902833666

The Objective

Yes of course, you can solve your family fight with the PKK. This would have been very simple if America wasn’t going to interfere. But of course, you and I know the U.S.A will magnify every small problem between Iran and its Kurdish population just to make trouble for Iran. If I remember correctly, the PKK killed over 40 Iranian soldiers during a parade in Iran – I think in 2017. Iran responded with a barrage of missiles on a Kurdish meeting in Iraq that killed nearly 100 Kurds. Well, maybe you should first solve the family problem between you and the kurds in Syria first. Because right now, they are allied with a country that killed several of your military leaders and all but destroyed your economy. And here you are talking about allying with the Kurds against Turkey, a country which is facing sanctions due to one of its banks helping Iran evade sanctions to relief burden on its people. Looks like Iranians are ungrateful, and they can turn against the same people who helped them. That’s why Iran never has any reliable allies like other countries do. Hence, the over-dependence on militias. Iran and the PKK can never be allies. Given time, they’ll clash even with the PMU as soon as they get stronger. Part of their Rojava is in Iranian territory.

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad


The Objective

Yeah, and they are gonna try to carve out some parts of Iran too. Why don’t your leaders support the PKK in Syria to have a Kurdish state too? You know it’ll be Israel’s satellite state right at the Iraqi border. The PKK is a U.S/Israeli project. And while some delusional individuals think they are currently allied with Iran, the Syrian situation tells a different story. If threats to Turkey emanates from Sinjar, it will indeed be invaded and cleared. And neither Iran nor the PMU will stop it. Turkey deployed forces into Syria in 2017 and America had to give way. If Turkey could do that against the U.S, what the hell is Iran or PMU? Just make sure to tame the PKK in Sinjar not to threaten Turkey. Or even better, takeover Sinjar from them. Otherwise, you risk creating a big enemy right at your border. And enemy that has defeated you many times in history. An enemy that is not like the weak Arabs you’re used to bullying. Anyway, I think Iran will work to defuse this situation by making sure to scale back PKK influence in Sinjar. But if this fails, then expect a sudden and unexpected Turkish strike on the PKK in Sinjar. And if the PMU kills or hurts Turkish forces, then they should be ready to die in thousands. A situation that will extremely weaken them in Iraq.

Hind Abyad

Old ‘resistance’.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a064cc579947bbf841753e80025a92adbcbd0337ee903d72b04378eb55980dc3.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/308c76db991de0253f5c718ec25ba902c965d1d4af4e5818526ee99050df1bde.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45f62bb69c1fa03b75a729f63665eecf190d40181fb4a277a2d425799656e4fb.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1a0c9bc784c7bef681e5caf046c7a4c5e221b80fa4e20e2b5ce3d18949ba989.png

King Cliff

The Syrian government should be equipped with lot of drones to take care of its airforce lack of equipments. Damascus should look east towards Iran and China for some drones, we saw what thr Turkish drones did to the Syrian equipments a few months ago.

Porc Halal

Man, this kind of news makes my day!

Proud Hindu

Russian junk doesn’t work lol.Russia can’t even take on Turkey let alone USA

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad



Turkish-funded terrorists cannot behead Syrian civilians in peace anymore, because of these airstrikes. inHumanitarian crisis developing.

Rodney Loder

Problem is Assad could grab an opportunity now being presented by the Arab League who want Syria back in good company, except for KSA and a few others siding with Biden particularly the UAE.

If this development were to happen Turkey would be left high and dry and so would Yemen in the long term.

Its a touchy situation because Turkey is the foremost capable opposition to Haftar in Libya, and now Israel for the first time ever.

Sure Iran is doing the heavy lifting and the worst thing that could happen is for Iran and Turkey to now become enemies, which could only happen if Syria buckles to UAE and Egyptian demands concerning the Arab League. Because the would also mean that Biden will patch up.his differences with Iran, which would also include a deal to end the invasion of Yemen by MbS.

Turkey would see this coming and sign up to the Globalist/ Biden strategy leaving the Israeli Jew Maggots dominating the world as China would be first on board to salute Biden.

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