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Fireworks Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan Used Banned Phosphorus Munitions (Videos)

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Azerbaijani forces have used munitions containing internationally prohibited white phosphor in a number of attacks on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announced on October 31.

“This is a gross violation of the international humanitarian law, norms and the principles of customary law, the Geneva Conventions, aiming not only to harm the Defense Army but also create an environmental disaster,” the ministry said in a brief statement.

The Armenian MoD and several media sources shared videos confirming the use of incendiary munitions, which may have contained white phosphor, by Azerbaijani forces.

The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the deliberate use of incendiary weapons against civilian or against military targets in civilian areas.

This type of munition is highly flammable and provokes the spread of forest fires.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan called the Armenian claims “groundless.” In a statement the ministry stressed that the Azerbaijani military does not possess weapons which are prohibited by international laws.

Azerbaijan launched a large attack to capture Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27 with support from Turkey. Since then, a fierce battle has been ongoing in the region.

The use of incendiary weapons, and possibly white phosphor munitions, by Azerbaijani forces indicates that Baku is determined to do whatever it takes to push Armenian forces out of the disputed region.


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Zionism = EVIL

Cowardly Zionist scum childkillers have been using these banned weapons on the Palestinians for decades in the most densely populated Gaza gulag and the Saudicunts have extensively used them in Yemen. The Americunt loser savages have used them on civilians in all their genocidal wars for Zionism.


for the last fkn time there inst any thing such Palestine it was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistines what the hell Arabs from the Arabic peninsula has to do with philistines of ancient Rome, anyway the fnk Jews are helping the Turans to kill the Christians in Armenia their days are coming also

Vox Populi

This is not a religious war, the Armenians illegally annexed NK after USSR collapsed and expelled and ethnically cleansed a million Azerbaijanis, unlike the people of Palestine, the Azerbaijanis have strong backers in Turkey, Israel and Pakistan, so the comparison is moot.


“unlike the people of Palestine” !!! the whole Islamic and the Arab world was their backers and they lost Mr. Iberian leftist European this IS a religious war ok why there isnt any problem with the Armenians and the Georgians in akhelkalak

Vox Populi

Palestinians were used by many Arab regimes for their own ends. It was the Jordanians who sold them out first in 1948. Turkey is a NATO partner and to the best of my knowledge NATO is a mostly “Christian” alliance. So this is a very complex situation. Israel does not breathe without US collaboration. Turkey also invaded Cyprus in 1974 with full NATO blessings and zero repercussions.


let my explain and “teach” you briefly modern history of turkey, in 1960s Turkish population was 30m most of them secular 75%-25% turkey was in danger by the soviet union and the wast needed strong army to encounter them mutual benefit, the Anadolu Turks which are practicing Islams began to multiply , the secular mixed Turks had 2-3 children the Anadolu pure Turk 8-12 children , now shifted 75%-25% more Islamist, they elected Ordugan, and this guy inherited strong army which was in the hand of the secular generals, ordugan it hitting right and left, let us see what would happen

Vox Populi

Sorry, I have little time for religious rubbish. These are geo-strategic conflicts and Armenia’s annexation of Azeri lands created this one. This occupation will be reversed. Adios to you sire.


goodbye my friend goodbye


you can ignore that until your head is chopped somewhere in Iberia

Simplekindof Man

Erddie didn’t inherit anything. He got rid of the older batch of generals with the sinister means we all know he endulges in and replaced them with his puppets. Just like the staged coup. It was an opportunity to get rid of the leftovers. Cunning sob I’ll give him that.


stalin illegally gave artsakh away


Why don’t you report to UN .. lol


why? its better to give gifts


Jimmy Jim



No country in the world, including Armenia, has recognized the legitimacy of this entity in Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan as a sovereign state.

United Nations, has repeatedly condemned the Armenian military occupation of Azerbaijan’s territory and demanded immediate and complete “withdrawal of all occupying forces” (UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884),


artsakh was independent before stalin gave it to his muslim rats


Go to report to the UN.


the un is your synagogue


Then go make a complaint to Putin.


putina is a yid its better armenia pull back and develop weapons of mass destruction


The Armenians are moron, they don’t have the technological know-how to make their own WMD.


strap dirty turk to smerch rocket and spread biological weapon


………………..who cares, the ethic majority voted democratically ( 97 % ) too secede from Azerbaijan……………..Now the Azerbaijanis have tanken on the role of the Turks, and will use all forms of genocide the wipe out the Christian enclave of NK.

Jens Holm

You probatly look like by bugs bunny by Monsanto Yourself.


Jens Holm

Thats a relative. Much to me Stalin in the very hard way gave Armenians land back, they were expelled from by muslims.


I never liked Stalin being a teacher for Hitler.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative too. Just across the border 1,5 mio Armenians was killed by the Semi-ottomans being Turkey by Lausanne in 1923.

Thats no defence but an explanation. Many parts of the world was chaotic like that. Stalin tryed to regain Tzar control …

Jens Holm

Well as a minimum its both ways fx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_of_Armenians and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Azerbaijan

Hamidian massacres 1894–1896 Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire Ottoman government under Sultan Abdul Hamid II 88,243–300,000[1] Armenian–Tatar massacres 1905–1907 Russian Empire Baku, Elisabethpol, Nakhichevan, Shusha Caucasian Muslim and Armenian civilians, militants 500 Adana massacre April 1909 Ottoman Empire city of Adana, Adana Vilayet Ottoman Empire Young Turk government 30,000 Armenian Genocide 1915–1923 Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire Young Turk government 1,500,000 September Days September 1918 Azerbaijan Baku, Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (under Turkish control at the time) Ottoman Empire Army of Islam 30,000[2] Khaibalikend massacre June 1919 Nagorno-Karabakh (disputed; under control of Azerbaijan at the time)

Azerbaijan Azeri army 700[3] Shusha massacre March 1920 Shusha, Nagorno-Karabakh (disputed; under control of Azerbaijan at the time)

Azerbaijan Azeri army 20,000[4] Turkish–Armenian War September–December 1920 Democratic Republic of Armenia Turkey Turkish Armed Forces 60,000 to 98,000 Armenian civilians[5] Sumgait pogrom February 1988 Soviet Union Sumgayit, Soviet Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijani mobs 26 (official) to 200[6](nonofficial sources) Kirovabad pogrom November 1988 Soviet Union Kirovabad, Soviet Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijani mobs 10–12 (official)[7] to 130[8](nonofficial sources) Baku pogrom January 1990 Soviet Union Baku, Soviet Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijani mobs 90[9] Dushanbe riots February 12–14, 1990 Soviet Union Dushanbe, Soviet Tajikistan Tajik nationalist & Islamist activists 26 Shelling of Stepanakert November 1991-May 1992 Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh (disputed) Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Armed Forces 169 Maraga massacre 10 April, 1992 Maraga, Nagorno-Karabakh (disputed; under control of Azerbaijan at the time) Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Armed Forces 50-100[10][11][12]

Jens Holm

You are a filthy liar about etnic cleansing too.

How do the fu… is wrong with all You in that region. In numbers its the same and as if Saudis has taken all fingers and toes too.



You not even know what has went on the last 100 years and has filled each other with lies making even more quamire, then there ever was.

How can someone like me several 1000 kilomter away know more about it day for day then You. It must be because You are barking mad.

Its even free by internet and if You dont like wikipedia, You can find it several other places at the internet too.


……………you have a very twisted and incorrect way at looking at history. This IS a religious war, and the Azeri war crimes which they parade for all the world too see, show it for what it is.


there was never such a thing as israel

Zionism = EVIL

That is the only sensible post.

Jens Holm

But there was Jewish states there and their faith was wide spread before Christianiaty and Islam took over – all the way to Meccca, Medina and Etiopis too.

Many here forget, that Islam didnt start in some religious vakuum and started with one person only.

Jimmy Jim


Jens Holm

According history books the name is Roman because the Romans met the philistines at the coastline first.

Its a normal thing, You can find many many places in the world as well as anything else named like that.

Jews has no patent for that area. Most of the time they were no rulers and sometimes they were in Bagdad and Cairo.


That’s what I wanted to say, probably some leftovers from Israeli army.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionistcunts are in their element arming all sides and watching in glee. I have read that they have asked their hasbara to post for both sides and cause regional hatred. I am sure they supplied the phosphorus.


During the cold war both NATO and USSR were arming African and Arab countries and stirred conflicts between them so they could sell them more weapons so I don’t see this as an Israeli inovation.


You would have been less psychotic and vulgar about it.


I’m a good pacient, always take my pills :)


………………can’t wait to see you being one of the first to be vaccinated using Bills RNA-based covid vaccine. You’ll enjoy the experience.


As you wish :)


so you are a filthy yid that hates zionism? rofl

Servet Köseoğlu

Dear Shushan Stepanyan, tetraphosphorus munitions can be used on battlefields to make smoke screens, generate illumination, mark targets..:)))


She is not smart enough.




It looks beautiful Better than fireworks We must use more


U.S.-led forces appear to be using white phosphorus in populated areas in Iraq and Syria




its a jew thing

Jihadi Colin

WP isn’t “banned”. Only its use against civilians, directly or indirectly, is banned.

Vox Populi

US and Israel regularly use phosphorus and other “banned” weapons on civilians. Armenia has been shelling Azerbaijani civilians with cluster bomblets in Smerch rockets as evidence has been provided. This is turning into a very nasty conflict and the only solution is for Armenia to withdraw from NK as the stakes are too high for Azerbaijan and Turkey. They have invested a lot of blood, money and national prestige.

Jihadi Colin

Yes, no way they’re going to back down at this time. And Armenia’s left the surrender option open by still recognising Nagorno Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan.


its banned unless you are a jew

Random Dude

The first video is phosphorus, while 2nd and 3rd are just incendiary with thermite mix.


yes sure, you are the expert

Random Dude

glad i helped

Jimmy Jim



Azerbaijan will win the war, why would they want to use prohibited PHOSPHORUS MUNITIONS.

Zionism = EVIL

It is sometimes used for sector illumination. Even aircraft flares have a phosphorus targeting cannister. Those photos look like slow descend night illumination flares, the only drawback is that they can cause fires and burn skin if it lands on a human. That is the reason they are prohibited in civilian areas. So are shotgun pellets which the Jewcunts and their Hindu filthy rats have been firing at Palestinian and Kashmiri kids and women for decades.

Rhodium 10

They are unable to fight face to face vs Armenian army…therefore beside drones are using white Phosforous…it is similar when USA was unable to defeat in Jungle Vietcong guerrilla…then they used Orange agent and Napalm!…

Jimmy Jim



Azerbaijan has fought head-to-head with Armenian military forces in modern warfare. The stupid Armenians used old tactics and war strategies.

Rhodium 10

We have seen a piles of AZ corpses along NK mountains….they were scout groups that have been killed in many ambush using snipers and Metis-M Saclos wire-guide with Thermal sights


What you see is a pile of Armenian corpses along the NK trenches

Rhodium 10

But the diference is that NK transport the corpses to be buried…while AZ corpses of the north part and East have been eaten by wild pigs!…if you know wild pigs…despite you buried corpses…these animals found it and pick them up to eat!


You’re talking rubbish that old video showing Armenian corpses being eaten by wild boars.

Potato Man

I was talking with someone here that said Azer used white phosphor (before SF read this)…but why? What was the goal to use that?

Undated video that appears to show Azerbaijani forces using white phosphorus munitions over a wooded area in Karabakh

The Armenian MoD and several media sources shared videos confirming the use of incendiary munitions, which may have contained white phosphor, by Azerbaijani forces.

Which may have contained WP….

Azerbaijani forces have used munitions containing internationally prohibited white phosphor in a number of attacks on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announced on October 31.

number of attacks… Said MoD of Armenia….

I gonna wait for more info…

Jens Holm



Sorry Nagorno but Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wants NATO and rejects Russia. DEAL with it, when you are on stolen land. If you didn’t seek NATO maybe you would had some help but NOPE you are one fucking nasty Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan FUCK YOU! You are doing this on purpose. You coup your place in Armenia deal with it. I don’t want Christian people to die, no not at all, you are sending the nagorno youngest kids in front lines to defend, why don’t you send your Armenian Army there, why this war is been fought with only damn drones who are making havoc on the Artskan young soldiers, why there is not air-defense to shot them down, Pantsir S-1 is enough to but them all down, but somehow in middle of all fighting ground there is Dead S-300 offline just saying to be blown away. You can litterally shot all the drones from Armenia with S-300 behind the war line. To much nasty smoke comes from this conflict.


stolen land – ask the jews in palestine what stolen land is. not theirs by any means. in nk I believe the majority is armenian and they’ve been there for eon or so – the jews in palestine have been there for something like 100 years and they’ve een engaged in thievery and wanton murder and genocidal acts against the palestinians and at the same time operated a concentration camp called Gaza and are, in keeping with the jewish character, attempting to steal the gas under the seabed and sell it to europe – where is the outrage, not in any european capital that’s for sure,

Icarus Tanović

It isn’t if used against parasites and pathogens, such are Wahhabis. Fuck them.


Looks like the Azeri’s have been learning from the Israelis i.e war-crimes are ok unless you’re an enemy of America.


surprised – no not really and most likely provided by the eternal war criminals, the jews in palestine.

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