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MARCH 2025

First Azov Fighters Sentenced To Death In Donetsk People’s Republic

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First Azov Fighters Sentenced To Death In Donetsk People's Republic

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First two members of the Ukrainian Azov National regiment were sentenced to death in the Donetsk People’s Republic on July 9th.

The first detainee is Konstantin Nikitenko who has codename Fox. He drove an armored personnel carrier and shot at people on the streets in Mariupol. He murdered civilians for fun as he considered them pro-Russians and shared videos online.

The second Nazi is Nikolay with codename Frost. He is the author of the “Танцуй-Убивай” (Dance-Kill) channel. He shot Russian prisoners, mocked their bodies and shared videos online.

First Azov Fighters Sentenced To Death In Donetsk People's Republic

‘Finally, the faggots bring newer trophies, we are already tired of the Soviet paddles’

On July 8th, People’s Council (Parliament) of the Donetsk People’s Republic lifted the moratorium on the execution of death sentences, the moratorium on the execution of death sentences. According to the chairman of the Committee, capital punishment can be imposed exclusively for particularly serious crimes that encroach on life, as well as for crimes committed during wartime.


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Then their heads should be sent to their families

jens holm

Thats how its possible. Those Russians will use the rest as supply.

pens holm

Yanks use your mouth as an urinal and also as a shitter.


Not really what should happen is a full public process of the executions, coupled with a documentary of the evidence that was against them. Yes its important that these Ukrainian NAZI piss are liquidated, however the process should be transparent including the evidence and executions.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Nahhh give them to the Bearrrr Jew.


Well said, I agree with you we shouldn’t go to their level of madness. These Nazi criminals should pay for what they’ve done but Things should be done in a public process for people to see and watch why those criminals have been sentenced to death just like the Nuremberg trials.

Stephan Williams

The Nuremberg trials were as phoney as a three dollar bill. The Germans weren’t tried in an open and honest court. They were accused of things they didn’t do and were found guilty by panels made up of jews who HATED Germany and Germans.

Did you know that out of the 3000 +/- staff involved in the Nuremberg trials 2500 +/- were jews? Doesn’t that strike you as extraordinary? Do you think the outcome of the trials could have been “fixed”?

The Nuremberg trials were a Crime Against Humanity designed and carried out by the victors who were the real war criminals.

Michigan Man


Michigan Man

@Stephan Williams

What you say is true. I can verify. As I just yesterday letter from a friend in Germany, and he told me:

It is the same in Germany courts today. The whole so-called justice system. resp the JEWdical system is infested with jews. Prices soaring for everything there. Cooking-oil soared the most and is now 4-5 eur per litre, which is about 4,20 USD to 5,20 USD per liter while in other neighboring countries prices are much lower. And in german cities foreign criminals are stealing, beating and raping the civilians, put ofter, when people stop the criminals by force, then in the end, they get arrested and the criminals set free. 18 or 19 year old asyluum seekers driving around in the most expensive cars, worth 120.000 USD, because their criminal enterprises do not get touched by the state authorities, will germans are mercyless hunted down and brought into prison for wrong-parking their cars or for 2 times driving by bus without ticket.

Just recently authorities release 3 foreigner (asylum seekers) which were in prison for raping and deadly assault against german civilians. The problem was not that there is no evidence of their guilt, no. There is tons of evidence. But the reason they were released:

Court said that it “has no time to put them on trial, because there are so many cases”, and these particular guys were already more than 1 year in temporary prison (prison until trial).

And after 1 year in temporary-prison in Germany there must be trial or release. But the truth is: For putting before trial germans for not-wearing masks offences, or hunting down doctors who do not agree with the governments orders, or putting before trial germans who speak out openely about the jews, or germans who in self-defence stopped foreign thieves or knive-stabbing arabs, or helped little kids against being asylum seekers which molested the kids etc. For putting those german people before trial and then into prison for years – for this, there is always enough time and always space for quick trials and all that.

And that’s no coincidence, but the result of totally anti-white completely jewish controlled politics and justice system there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Pamfil Military Academy

Agree. But this is not only in Germany. Whole EU is now an americunt imported JEU junta.


Divide and conquer. Seems like those in the judicial system are keen to create a new enemy, that’s not them, in the mind of the German people.


As somebody who is in Germany often, this is complete BS. Prices in the whole EU go up, except in states like Hungary where the government froze prices for essential goods. Criminal immigrants are a problem, yes, but it’s far from what you describe. Wrong parking your car in germany is cheap compared to other countries. Hell a friends car was towed in Berlin and when he called police they told him they moved it to a free spot the next street as there is no need to make this extra complicated. And yes, don’t take public transport without a ticket, it’ll cost you, depending on the city between 70-150€ Although some cities in Europa allowed free public transport for Ukrainian refugees. You have no idea about the live in Germany or Europe, you read the internet sources that fit your believe and refuse to inform yourself from multiple sources. Come to Europe, visit the countries here and see how life actually is. You’ll see we struggle with many difficulties but close to none of what you wrote above.


As somebody whose ancestors fought in the German army in both world wars, who seen shit, some died, some survived. I grew up talking with people who experienced both WW2 at the front as well as at home. So don’t run around spreading that made up BS from some invented source. Most of those who were sentenced in Nürnburg had it coming, they did all of that shit and there is no doubt about it. Also it wasn’t jews in that panel because everybody, including the allied back then hated jews and secretly were happy about what the germans did, they just had no idea about the barbarism hat was involved and it shocked them so much that they’d never admit what they originally thought. But during the war soldiers noticed that the train tracks to the camps were not bombed, nobody welcomed jewish refugees, many were even sent back to Germany. The only thing that’s tue about Nürnberg in your post is that the war crimes of the allied nations were not handled as they should have been because there were a lot and really horrible ones too. Still nowhere close to the level the Nazis pulled of, people today can’t imagine what they did, not only to jews but to their very on people. You don’t like Ukrainian Nazis and what they do? Well the German ones were not a bit better. Anyway as usual the winner takes it all. However people luckily learned from history that time and din’t go into full revenge mode as they did after World War 1. Don’t believe everything you read in the internet, not even this post, without verifying the sources to get the big picture.


You don’t know shit either bro. The Germans of 1935 were bullied and provoked to no end just like the Russian people today. Agendas have a way of making any country appear god-forsaken. The Gew is to blame….


Oh I know that, all of it and better than you do because I’m living close to a border where people lost a lot because of that, people were even killed out of hate between the wars, and nobody did defend the German and Austrian citizens which were now on the other side of the border, they were completely exposed to all that hate. Ironically the SA – which was a core organisation of the Nazi party – was founded to protect those people because Germany was not allowed to. And yes there are similarities to the Russian Population in Ukraine, remember Odessa 2014, the burning of pro Russian protesters?. It is no secret that the Nazi Party could only raise to power because of the bullying that happened after WW1 and therefore the Allied nations have a responsibility for WW2, that was exactly my point: this lesson was learned after WW2 and not repeated. And you are absolutely right that Russia today is in a similar situation, and that the West should know better, because that lesson was learned and understood once already. But obviously forgotten unfortunately.

But that’s a different topic, one which doesn’t excuse the crimes of the Nazis, especially their leaders. And if you think the jews are to blame for all of that then my friend you are a living Nazi and shouldn’t have a problem with your Ukrainian Nazi friends. And again: that doesn’t mean that the state of Israel or crazy rich Jewish individuals are not very bad people with big influence. Hell Israel is doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to them, say that in Germany and people call you a Nazi because of the eternal guilt that is programmed into them. But saying all people of one believe or ethnic group are to blame for something is a core part of fascism, which was the base of Nazi ideology. It is not “the Jews” it is some of them! Like it’s some Western people, or some Christians, or some Muslims. But never the whole of them.

Rules based bullshit

At this point, no one cares about your ‘due process’ because it’s already been exposed as applied in the west as bullshit. That’s ‘rules based bullshit’, for those who must know.

Muhammad your Prophet

It’ll be a terrorist spectacle like the ones the ISIS caliphate used to make. Remember those? Tetrorist human cockroaches doing terrorist what human cockroaches normally do. It is what it is.

jens holm

I just looked at old Abba playing dancing queens. The Russian new version will be men.


Holmo gibberish. Go watch Danish dancing queers or whatever bs with your husband instead of farting here.

Joe Biden

Jens is sad, confused and butthurt (even more than usual) because these Azov freaks were his pen-pal buddies….

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden
Thomas Turk

Jens is paid to ‘dirty’ the site, so newcomers get put off and leave. Right Jens, from Manchester?


Of course he is!


Retarded fallacy as usual by retarded cockroach troll. I remember Kurds and Iraqis killing ISIS terrorists. Same shit as these cockroaches, same shit as you. Except you are just a dumb shitty coward barking from your basement.

Muhammad your Prophet

I’m guessing you’d love to kill me too like the terrorist human cockroach that you are, am I wrong? If I visited your terrorist caliphate?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
The Muhammad Slayer


Last edited 2 years ago by The Muhammad Slayer
The Muhammad Slayer


Last edited 2 years ago by The Muhammad Slayer

Dude stop sucking so much nazi cock faggot camel humper!

Muhammad your Prophet

You need to be denazified, you genocidal Nazi piece of shit. Go suck Hitler’s cock.

Stephan Williams

He’s a jew, fool.

Muhammad your Prophet

The deranged horse fucking Russian president is no different than Adolf Hitler. Maybe that’s why he hates Nazis so much. Because he probably dreams about putting a gun to his mouth too. He hates his own miserable existence just like Hitler.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Death is too good for them – slow torture a day at a time then used as lab rats to test new drugs to see if they are any side-effects -no worry if they die from them.

jens holm

We just take Your hands and you will reach nothing below Your belt.

te qifsha nanen

you little shit can only take your dildo and fucck yourself to death


Many patients are waiting for organ transplant.. Make a good use of their body parts to extend the lives of deserving recipients.. Death for these ukrobastards and giving new lives to the needy. win win


Good idea !

Max Schmidt

That’s a very good point. I didnt think about it. They definitively should remove the organs, if these are in good state.

Stephan Williams

You have to be alive for them to harvest your organs. A dead body is a dead body. Nothing works anymore.


We’re talking about these two captive AFU soldiers who were given death sentence and certainly being alive.

NATO Organ Seal of Approval

So, butcher the captives then, like Thaqi the Snake did in Kosovo in ’99 and Tyahnybok the Butcher did in the Donbass in 2014.

Dark Asian Male

Nah, they used drugs and lots of dopes, their body is intoxicated with poisons.


Organ donors are subjected to a series of laboratory test screening particularly for any presence of blood-borne diseases like HIV, hepatitis, and various transmissible infections to ensure a successful transplant. Moreover, harvesting of human organs are only done in hospital’s sterile operating theatres by highly experienced surgeons who in this case would be legally authorised to execute the death sentence by surgically removing the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and retina of the eyes, a clear positive impact on many patients in a long queue awaiting organ transplant. A meaningless death transformed into a beneficial one is a win situation.

Assad Defeated Zionists

That would sort of like platoon leader Eddie Gallagher’s style.


Noone should be tortured. Do as you would be done by…….these guys will spend most of the rest of their lives in prison how long are these two horrors expected to survive anyway in russian jail

Dark Asian Male

Feed them to bear.


Why bother with courts? shoot these pigs (in stomach) and throw them in a cesspool.


At first they must prove to the world that they are a democracy. They will shoot them right away later

Titanium Dart

Russia is not a Democracy.

Max Schmidt

Did you even bother to read the article you idiot? It’s not Russia, it’s the sovereign Donetsk People’s Republic.


Governments that claim to be democracies are all deceivers. I am American and America is not a democracy, it was originally a Constitutional Republic when free men lived in the U.S. long ago. Today America is an absolute despotic dictatorship and the little freedoms that we have left are close to being taken away. The very word democracy when used to describe any government is a fictitious term that fools the ignorant masses into believing they actually have any political power when in fact they have less than zero influence. Let’s not forget the very true words of a legend from China who once told it like it is without sugar coating the truth from his people and I quote “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”‘. That’s how a true leader speaks to his people which is why I respect Putin as a leader. He looks into the camera and speaks the truth, that is rare and almost an impossibility in America for a politician to tell us the truth about anything.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Pamfil Military Academy

Agree. The next FIRST move is to get ride of your constitutional right to have GUNS. I bet all my 50 cents on that. The growing almost every day of the gun assaults in Jewmerica is not an accident anymore, but a very CIA PsyOps agenda.


Isis is much worse are you sad?

jens holm

the Donetsk People’s Republic has no jurisdiction for that.


Hold nu kæft, tøs!




It is funny how a Dane says Nazis are the good guys.

ISIL members were sentenced to death, and Neo-Nazis got sentenced to death as well. Both were also armed and trained by NATO and worshiped g0ys.

CIA bot

Jens was one of several hundred Danish orphans used in secret experiments supported by the CIA


“Monkeypox was first identified as a distinct illness in 1958 among laboratory monkeys in Copenhagen, Denmark”

Jens Holm was patient zero!


Let’s top responding to Jens holm and Muhammad your Prophet. It only encourages them and most of their comment is removed anyway and all that is left are the responses to bullshit. C’mon, man!

Muhammad your Prophet

Jens Holm is my husband and I’m his husband. I’ve grown tired of his tiny coc k. I want to suck on bigger ones.


The is only one law: the strongest rules. And right know those Nazi are powerless. They will face the consequences of their actions

Max Schmidt

The execution should be carried without delay. The supreme court of the Donetsk People’s Republic has spoken. Now it’s time to set a precedent. It should serve as example for many young Ukrainians who will joint the AFU to think twice, if you really want end your life like this, while the Comedian in Kiev is literally ‘laughing at you’.

Titanium Dart

This is fine, but if Western mercs are not given the same treatment then we should all agree this is just a show.


Western mercs are already sentenced to death in Donetsk, 2 UK mercs and a Moroccan.


aiden aslin is living in ukraine and is Ukraine citizen and even was in Ukranian military before the russian invasion so he is not “merc”


Breaking News..The Red Babushka better known as “Babushka Z” has just arrived in Donetsk and she will be carrying out the first honorary execution of one of these mass murderers using a double barrel shotgun that was actually used by Putin when he was ambushed by 4 full grown brown bears while on horseback in Siberia this past summer. Putin managed to neutralize 3 of them with the shotgun but was then forced to break the remaining bear’s neck using one of his favorite Judo grappling techniques. The bear actually survived although paralyzed from the neck down and even though he’s ridiculed in the Russian bear community for being extremely overweight and for being rolled around in a 2 ton wheel barrel, he has learned to cope with his situation and is thankful to be alive.

Florian Geyer



Wow! Some impressive feat killing 3 bears with only two barrel shotgun. Way to go, Putin! ;-) He can be forgiven somewhat for botching the takedown of the 4th bear the old fashioned way…

Last edited 2 years ago by Snagger



On a serious note these two mass murdering degenerate scum deserve to be executed so justice will be served.


there is no evidence he was shooting civs only russians claim it so that mean russians lied again.


Good, keep ’em coming. I expect much more of these soulless terrorists to be punished!


There is no doubt that Donetsk and Lugansk will soon be part of the Russian Federation but it is good that for now they are independent nations that can make their own laws. Once every criminal that deserves the death penalty is executed and all of Ukraine is liberated then finally the people of Lugansk and Donetsk can be rewarded with what they’ve yearned for since 2014 which is to be part of the Russian Federation once again.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Yes, they will be admitted as a republic with some autonomy, and probably they will largely administer whatever of Ukraine that is not left for the vultures and Ukraine purists will have to fight over. They deserve it; they have given many lives for their autonomy. They will be 95% integrated into the Russian economy. Many non-Russian identified Ukrainians will want to join them in hopes of less corrupt and more responsive government. What the west will inherit will be the Hunter Biden of the west…


Agreed that they totally deserve it. These were the brave men who resisted and took up arms while the rest of Ukraine succumbed to their new illegitimate government in 2014 and they’ve been fighting ever since.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

they will never be recognised so…


Criminals are hung not shot. Im thinking of the recent missile attacks by Ukraine in the LDPR resulting in the deaths of many civilian victims including young children. I have No sympathy for the two individuals in the photo above. They got a fair and legal court hearing more than their victims ever got.let the law take its course.


“Hanged” is the proper english “hung” in the vernacular means having a big one.


So, they will be “well hanged” then. A nice epitaph.

Hang 'em High

There are no proper English any more, if ever there were which is doubtful.

Hung is just fine. Hang ’em high.


Actually the sentence is DEATH BY FIRING SQUAD the law in the two Donbass countries say death by FIRING SQUAD. I personally think they should be EXECUTED without a chance of APPEAL after all their victims NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO APPEAL. = Z =

Hang 'em High

They’re pieces of shit. Draw and quarter them in the public square.


russian just got also charged for war crimes he will be executed very nice to see that.

sawyer tranny in akron ghetto

lgbt krusty clown in omaha ghetto traumatized by Russian dominance—my social worker spank me w dildo –I only pay 1500 ruble…do you want referral?


Some people think that execution is a just punishment for these bloodthirsty murderers, but I firmly believe that once they are dead and have gone to hell, their punishment will continue for a long time. For they still have to experience the full consequences of their evil actions here on Earth, the execution itself will in no way be sufficient. It is only the beginning of their punishment. The real punishment will start once they are dead and may last for hundreds of years. Nobody knows for sure. And they will then realize that karma truly is a bitch if you are evil.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Says Hjalmar who worships distant mythological gods.

Florian Geyer

In my opinion these satanic AZOV creatures deserve execution for their crimes.

However, there should be no callous cruelty when these justified executions are carried out. Preferably in public.

A bullet in the head would do the job with a cremation and their ashes scattered in a cesspit.


Hmmm, that would be a very fitting monument to them and their kind; a pit toilet for each one in a national park dedicated to their memory with photo on enamel plaque inside the structure and description of their “accomplishments”. Imagine the satisfaction of each visitor over the years to contribute to the scum’s remains.


I totally agree otherwise they would be no different than the savage Ukrainian scum who shot and tortured the Russian prisoners.


better than fascist russia right.

sawyer tranny in akron ghetto

me like sodomy—for 15 ruble I let you swallow my sperm…which Akron trailer park u live in?


Enough of this crap already! You have nothing better to do than copy and paste?! Shit…


Weren’t they promised “life” before they surrendered?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Eternal life in mythological realms of the dead.


Bravo DPR..I’m waiting to enjoy their execution…can’t wait to hear the gnashing of the zio Jew teeth in occupied Palestine


Vadim Shishimarin – russian tank commander got charged with war crimes and he pleaded guilty glad and hope he will rot.


try to get a job study something be a decent woman otherwise you might end in a whorehouse


GLORY TO THE DONBASS, lol not so tough when Russia and Donbass came HUNTING FOR YOU AZOV NAZIS are you , i bet your crying for your mum now you fucking nazis, wish i could be there to see the firing squad carry out their righteous duty or even better be part of the firing squad. =Z=


hope all russian war criminals will die.


this is a mistake—morally and otherwise—-hyenas like these should be sent to labour camps where they can produce food clothing etc that benefit s the narodni


I think that those “hereos” should get another chance to kill and make funny videos. They should kill each other in an arena with livestream. The last one living gets a special “reward” ;)


I never EVER sucked 💰💰 bags of dicks 💰💰 online a month ago just by the utilization of the fuckwhole in my face and ass. best for 5 to 6 hours on my back and this was perfect to the point that I as I would like to suck dirty dicks as a true gay tranny sooner than cumming on this site. Here’s what I





same same…i would call his mother and sister now and play them video ….like ISIS ..he should be fucked by russian gay in big steel cage…let his mother see trhat …chop of his heands -both of them and right foot and let him go back to his home sweet home to dream and figure out how to continue to establish Great Ukraina- slava Ukraini let them burn in hwell

ukraina will be “Mariupulised” …the whole fucking country




so evidence so putin can be charged with war crime so they can finally kill him good.


Justice at last


terrible mistake—immoral….incarcerate them in collective farm to produce kasha for 20 years

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