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Immediately after the US military planes left the Kabul airport, the Taliban forces entered the runway. Badri 313-special forces of the Taliban were also deployed at the Kabul airport, after the withdrawal of American forces. Here is the first footage from the spot :

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The equipment that the Taliban got at the Kandahar airport:
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Well done America.. They disabled everything in airport. It needs hundreds of billions to fix everything..
Gaddafi and Assad is 100 X better than America
There you go … cut out the middle man … just blow your shit up as soon as it’s delivered from Lockmart and don’t bother going to other countries and fucking their shit up. Mission accomplished! USA USA USA.
Actually the sabotage of equipment seems quite minimal. Those aircraft were already in bad shape, or else the Afghan pilots would have flown them out to Tajikistan. Smashing some instrument glass on inoperable aircraft was half arsed effort. If look at what military personnel have done past after defeats – they start by wrecking their own personal equipment, smash rifle stocks, destroy artillery barrels, and crash or burn vehicles to not be prizes. By contrast, this was very disorderly and unorganized effort.
Random fact: The US never delivered the one final outstanding airframe of the Shah’s F-14 fleet order, as it wasn’t ready before events of the 1979 revolution transpired.
Jeezus… all that equipment and they still ran like fuq.
Thumbs up to Afghan goat herders..
they put sand in turbine engines, wonderful. fuck taliban
When will they hold a garage sail ? I am intrested in some stuf.