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MARCH 2025

First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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On April 8, first footage from the port of Mariupol confirmed that the Armed Forces of the DPR and the Russian Federation partially took control over several facilities and reached the port moving from the west along the sea coast.

The port of Mariupol is one of the three main strongholds of the AFU, including militants of the nationalist Azov regiment, in the city.

According to some reports, most of the seaport is already under the control of the Russian military. Currently, clashes continue in the area and joint forces are likely pushing Ukrainian fighters towards the large industrial plant of Azovstal located in the Left Benk district of Mariupol.

First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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DPR, Russian forces took control of a coast guard post located on a hill next to the port, which served as a military base of the AFU, and where the AFU radar stations guarding the coast of the city and the nearest districts were located.

Now the facility, which was severely damaged during the clashes, serves as an important observation post of the DPR forces, from where they monitor the port and prevent attempts by Ukrainian aircraft to approach the city for the evacuation of Ukrainian commanders, Azov fighters, as well as NATO military personnel who may be reportedly blocked in the city.

The video shows that the territory was fortified with equipped trenches. During the retreat, the Ukrainian nationalists fled to the nearby civilian sector and fired from civilian houses.

First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

Evacuation of some crews was secured

The military confirms that crews remain on the vessels that were blocked in the city, among them citizens of various states, including Russians, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis. Their evacuation is not possible at the moment, since this territory is under fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to approximate data, more than 100 sailors remain on the ships.

First Footage From Seaport Of Mariupol: Russian Forces Gained Strategic Position, Secure Evacuation Of International Crews

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The sailors were held captive for more than a month. There are reportedly women among the team members. 7 civilian vessels could not leave the city port after Azov militants mined sea routs in the area.


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So what happens when we have proof that NATO is actually participating in the Ukrainian War and command officers are captured? What happens next?


It’s a game of chicken. Who will admit first that NATO troops are actively participating in combat against Russian forces? This went on in numerous conflicts during the Cold War.

jens holm

If Nato troops were there, there would be no Russians.


The guys who just ran from Afghanistan after a failed twenty year mission? Scary!


Afghanistan…………15 mi DEAD russians . 1989 begnning of de fall of the eMPIRE USSR, with the escape shameful of russian forces of CABUL and all Afghanistan, after 10 years losses. You forgot..

Last edited 2 years ago by Sniper

The Russians drove back to Russia with all their stuff……..NATO ran out like rats and the Talibán now have stuff to sell and arm their forces…… Big Difference.


weapons for 80 bln USD.. 1.5x of russian army budget per year…


There’s plenty of stuff left behind by them too. https://odysee.com/@historyreviewed:7/Loving-Life-Putin-and-the-War-in-Ukraine-1:9 https://i.imgur.com/hHxYqjz.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Lol, no one can forget the shameful American escape from Kabul with people falling off airplanes, after that Afghan government lasted about two days! Compared to that the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan was in good order, and the government they installed lasted for two years. In the end it only fell because Soviet Union itself was dissolved and aid to Afghanistan stopped.

jens holm

I agree. More should learn from that.

Right now Russia pretend they are Armenia. Here many generals lodst their jobs, because they had no more tanks.


13,500 k soviets lost,mission accomplished commy leader reinstated cia was defeated so cccp retreated,you dont even know history sodomised flogg!


You have mixed up Russia with the crumbling americant empire.

Michel LeBlanc

Shameful escape in 1989? There was nothing shameful there.

2021 usa leaving in the middle of the night, that was shameful.

Your just an anti russian neo nazi scum.

You can kiss my hairy white ass!


I do not forget the last American running from Cabul, he was unarmed entering the airplane.

Pamfil Military Academy

Against 50.000 dead GI’s in Vietnam War that was at least 3 times fewer. US and NATO soldiers are way more ‘soft’ boys because of theirs society values to be praised. I saw it exactly after the commie collapse. Till then everybody was raised in patriotic spirit and were always prepared to do self sacrifice without the smallest resentment for the love of motherland and peoples. And after, the new society introduced and highly promoted the egoism, greed, decadence, imposture and all the characteristics of the contrary spirit of solidarity. One clear daily example; on so-called commie era all neighbors on the same street were close knit one another and now barely same peoples knows who are living the next door. The west society introduced a satanic new order. For this reason no one can fight with a culture of Russia, where heroism is celebrated and good biblic attitude towards own kind. In NATO countries the only thing that is celebrated is money making, sexual perversions, and self-esteem. All of them being very condemned by Bible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

filthy little turd


The CIA was supplying the Islamic terrorist with weapons to fight USSR. Russia did not supply Taliban with weapons . so what’s your excuse?


Ouch! :D :D :D

jens holm

Before that the Russians run away well assisted by the Russian soldier mothers. We should have left just after that. It goes for Iraq as well.

The difference to here is, that Ukraine had wishes for a modern defendce. Thats made by USA and GB. Those are not Nato.

You must be blind telling Nato is not scary.


Remenber Viêtnam Saïgon, remenber Irak too.remenber China, remenber India. People always win against Imperialism and Donbass will win and be free

jens holm

I actually do. I was against and used the USA music against it very much.

In Donbas the Russians are the collapased empire all the way to west of Berlin.

So when was it Russia only had Rostov. Who was Katherine the second. Was she narried with Potemkin.

Who defeated the Casaca and took their land and where was it. Where did the Krimera Tatars live for many centuries. And who took there land by heavy forces.

Who expelled the Tatar leftover twice form their land.

And the rest all the way to Alaska. Was Grosny a town for happiness and understanding.


The pentagon is whining about how the Russians wont pick up the phone.


This is a possible reason for a weird airspace incursion from what might be a NATO eurofighter or typhoon that went into Russian airspace while faking transponder signal of a civilian airbus. Shortly before the fighter merged with the airbus on radar, by flying (with transponder off) 1000 m below it.


this was reported by asbmil, https://t.me/asbmil/993


hahaha, what the Pentagon wants. Peaceful treatment. I can’t get it


They probably just play a recording instead to save time: Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies

jens holm

Our spyes has told the real reaons is Darwin gave Russian no ears.

Jens Assholm

Darwin didn’t give you Danish monkeys no brain – only your filthy shemaIe shithole mouth to suck Yankee dicks.


And the indians and saudis too. But let’s face it, who would like that have a relationship with an empire of pathological liars and thugs? Countries have their secret services, satellites and whatnot. They know, for example, who did the Bucha massacre and the Kramatorsk bombing. They understand very well that they could be the next target, just because uncle Sam’s menopause is kicking in.

Hungar Guy

Good. Shouldn’ t let them have keep guessing if Russia is ready to go ALL- IN.

Captain Hohol

Imma b real I know a Canadian soldier from a signals regiment that absolutely fucking LOATHED having to deal with americans when he was in Afghanistan, he said the american main force military guys were all stupid as fuck and would walk right up to things like abandoned vehicles without a thought in their head as to whether or not it was mined or had a remote explosive placed within it.

Americans are only good at fighting when they are kicking around untrained and poorly equipped sand people presuming they have aerial fire support of some kind. Otherwise there’s a limited amount of anything a small squad of people can do against a large military force of a developed nation bearing down upon them.

jens holm

You fight as britts and danes. We are better educated but also has less hard weapons.

So Your version is correct. They have a lot of weapons, are better protected often has exelent logistics for it – But many are low class recruits and by that not so bright.



jens holm

Hitler forgot keep. It was a hard to take Krimera as well as east of Dnejpr.

Later on Mainstein defended the retreat welll evacuating troops back to Crimera.

Nato is not even there. If they were, the Russians was not.

Jens Assholm

Hitler conquered Denmark in 5 minutes, you pathetic cowardly bitches sucked nazi dicks for 5 years. You still suck dicks, the only thing you shemaIe slave whores know.

Now on your knees and suck it bitch! The only purpose you filthy thralls have. Worms from Joe Bidens ass, that’s you and your entire bitch ‘nation’.

jens holm

We are all blamed for that. Facts are we followed the Chamberlin line and by that hardly had a defence.

We also had seen how the Germans took Poland.

By that it was a not nice but clever decission to make an arrrangment with them. Number one was to stay alive.

jens holm

USA followed it too. In 1938 they had 400.000 bad armed soldiers. Those all was for parades and olympics and like that.

They didnt have own tranportation even in USA and took public trains and busses.

They could never cross any ocean. They not even had private ships for that.

Henry Arboleda

Y tampoco de Occidente …

jens holm

Thats right. We avoided WW1 with Norway and Sweden being neutral and hoped for WW2 as well.

Some forget the danish communist was friends with the nazis, because they took half of Poland and much more.

Barbarossa changed that.


Is this why the russians kick american asses in Syria everyday?

jens holm

They didnt and dont.

Turks invaded and Assad gave away Afrin.

I cant see no american ass in this. I see the smoke and smell by Putin. I thought the Russians should solve things.

Michel LeBlanc

Liar, nato troops are there, just like they were in Aleppo.

Did that stop russia and allies?

Hell no!

jens holm

Your problems is, that Putin might have tricked You in this too.


It’s amazing to see how you are taking you desires for reality, scumbag…

jens holm

Actually Im a member of Nato and we know this is not a Nato mission unless Putin is Leader for it.

Peter Jennings

There would be no free Ukraine either. It would be a puppet show, a bit like Punch & Judy.


drug addled keyboard loon from Slumville, USSA or Squidville, Pirate Rock


Of course, not for if NATO troops were there, Russia would have had them for lunch and moved on..


They are there disguised as Ukrainians! When will they realize they are being sacrificed?


Nobody said anything about NATO “troops” – but rather, NATO officers, tactical and technical advisers, and special forces, embedded with AUF and Asov Battalions. Now, these select NATO personnel are in Ukraine, and have been since at least 2015.


If is NATO envolve conflic . So kill them all

jens holm

Its tempting to give the ukras attcking weapons too. Russian has no borders and limitations iúnless we show them.

Its like that in my mind right now. That railroad station was the spillover.



Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Where is my general?

Peppe il Sicario

Russians were killing Americans in Vietnam too, training and supplying the NVA to kick them out of SouthEast Asia and lo and behold, they succeeded.

Cannon Fodder

The question is, will Azov let them be captured if they are there or will they dispose of them before LDPR forces can finally find out ? I can see them being killed by the very forces they trained and commanded in order to prevent them from being captured.


You mean Azov take them out and blame Russia again? They are well worth holding in solitary in max security harsh prisons being questioned and held as leverage. All of the Geneva conventions do NOT apply. The pentagon is whining about how Russia wont pick up the phone.

jens holm

Its because Russians has no ears.

Pawel Pawel

Wie alt bist du ,10 Jahre? geistig behindert? Schwul?

jens holm

There we go again. Where are the rest of the Ukrainians in this??

Only one of 20 big military units are Azovs. They are not even in the parlament. They are 2,15%.

17,8% Russians should not run more then 80% Ukras more then assisted by the morons in Moskva.

Ukraine has been a UN recognized country for 30 years. It has a well elected parlamant as wel as a well elected President. It even has its own quaqmire and Oligarcs and curruption just as good as the Russians.

jens holm

Sorry for the overestimation. 19 is three feet and 4 fingers.


Good question. In both cases the russians can show the corpses and identify them.

jens holm

Russians are real regulars. If needed they will kill someone of their own for it.


Good question, then I think, Russia is officially in war with NATO

jens holm

That might happen. So far the mighty infantile Russian forces only has met the Ukras with Our leftovers.


NATO cannot fight Russia. Besides the PR, they are panicking. Somebody said even a million-strong well equipped NATO soldiers would still be beat by the Russian military, that’s how confident they are.

jens holm

I see no panicking.

So far the Ukras are giving Your Russians a hard time with Our leftovers.

We all are adapting and try to take well care of the many refugees. Half of them are children. Most of them already go to school even parts of that is improviced.

So we dont panick. We act. Thats a part of what we are raised for. We produce and makes good logistics for it too.


The nato war criminals was bombing serbia for 3 months and nothing happened, serbiain army was 90% intact after


For some one from a country that the Germans took 6 hours to occupy! I honestly believe you’re a bit “full of it”! Jeez! Get real! There’s propaganda and then there’s propaganda! Quite obviously you swallow to much of it… Meanwhile get some real information! ;-) BTW European here, surely not a Russian bot. ;-)

Jan Hölmö

“our leftovers?” can you elaborate? To whom you refer as we? and what kind of leftovers?

jens holm

Leftovers are weapons and all kind of supply for the militaries.

We are each country and not only in Nato. Its very much the many NGO donating down to a toothbruch each.


The Russians and Donbas heroes are fighting in lands that had been fortified even for ww2. And this is not like the USRAEL that kills everyone and destroys everything in their way when they bring “democracy”. This is war, it’s about not dying.. come on

jens holm

I know the area in details. Better then You apart from the newer navy facilities.

You cant tell me anything unless in small details.

I know when Russia finally took Rostov as the only harbour. I know how the Russians crushed the Kosacs and in those days the tatars still has coastline land to the border of Roumania of today.

jens holm

I also know the Jews was invited by the Polish Ukraine Goverment. They were refugees from Western Europe. I know where the Khazars lived long time before that.

I also know where the Ottomans was and when and why.

I also know Odessa was not made by Russia but was a greek much older trade town and station. In those days they could go all the way by the Caspian Sea and by Aral lake almost into Afghanistan.

People like me do know something.

You should wonder why Russia defeated by Poles made a fortress line from Murmansk by Kiev to Odessa.

jens holm

Polish-Lituanian Goverment/Kingdom


You know a s h i t.

jens holm

My own oppinion.

Well most of those are contest areas should have been voted back to Russia. They were made so the russians could invade Ukraine for a protection reason.

I would never keep You kind of crap like that.

Danes made the border to germany like that after WW1. Since then we have very good borderreations having people crossing everyday. They share hospitals, firebrigade and the police has the right to croos the border, so criminals cant escape by crossing the border.

Many germans use the danish school system in Germany. It might not be better but its very different. The rekative few germans here also use the danish schools.

And Krimera I would have given to Russia or the Tatars. The Ukras by that could rent navy facilirties there for free.

BUT the Ukras by that shiuld be kompensated. It was a trade. None give land like that for no kompensation and not only some gas.


Jens, what wins wars is logistics, oil, food, and people. Russia has all of that. The Western part of Europe has none of that. The US which as that, is separated by a large ocean. Chinese factories will pump out weapons 24-7 for Russia and ship it by rail to the front lines. NATO airfields will all be destroyed within 2 weeks by Russian cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles. Trust me, you don’t want to be arrogant this time.

That’s stupid

The Chinese are not and will not support Russia militarily in this Ukraine fight. They are beginning to distance themselves according to some accounts.. Sure they’ll talk and say things that they are close to Russia, but militarily, they believe they are stronger than Russia after watching Russia in action against Ukros.

Deplorable Commissar

The Chinese are duplicitous, opportunistic, scam artists. They talk alot but never actually do anything to ” hurt ” uncle Samstein.


Chinas developing,but they lack the balls to defend the world,usa maybe used to but if really ever did,in the end they are the great pretenders where as russians are truly the fist of god,like it or lump it china needs to grow a set,instead of trading them in us$$$

Last edited 2 years ago by ANTI LIBERAL BIO WEAPON LABS
jens holm

I see none of that. Chania has its own world, which for many still is a bad leftover from Mao and others.

So they also are very internal and are doing pretty well for their own in their own way.

China is not made to defend the world just because You dont like the western economics is doing well and You do nothig to improve Your own part.

They will propose You should makes changes and are not Unicef or Santa Claus too. If You dont they will care even less then I do,

Why should I give something to people living in the old days insisting. Many seemes to be lazy bums too.

jens holm

China is highly independent. It makes no sense to produce a lot and none can effort to pay.

Sometimes the tail is barking or whatever.

By that they never will let USA collapse. We also as Denamrk will help to avoid that. If a country is doing pretty bad, we will help it to decline to find a lower level and stability. We also aski or demand to be helped form countries doing almost too well.


Russia would wipe the floor with the coward backstabber (period) But it aint gonna happen,fighting comes with the blurd know what i mean not tech savvy gadgets and whims,keep that in mind dumb gutless flog!

jens holm

Russians only wipe floors because they have tails.

jens holm

Europe is independend in food. We made a never starve anymore program. It worked and do. We actualy export a lot. We import because its cheeper. We also upgrade it for export.

The buyers are USA, Japan and the rich one in the ME.

You are dummies of the worst kind in almost any kind of logistics. Danish companies, which I am shareholder in tranport more in Europe as well as the world then the tiny primitive Russian logistics.

We fx has Maersk line and DSV transalpina. You have no idea in how low you are.

Oil/gas is partly correct.

You dont win in people. We are not only many mpore then You. We are much better educated and produce much more.

Danish wone pr unit produce more the Saudi men but has no oil under theur behind. Danish women produce mere the Russian men and women pr unit.

Danish men and women makes about 60.000 in GDP activity. Russia is about 25.000. Very mich is not advanced at all. Thats oil and food.

And if You were true its very strangewhere Your money is. Well one thing for sure. Denmark is number one in low corruption. 50% of the Russian income by the Oligarcs are not taxed. Thats why Your state need money.

I will say You should look up facts about us and yourself.

I am ready for some declining to make russia into its correct seize.


You dumbfkd know not,the best and most capable fighters are the ones natos using right now imbecel,asides to the fact military gears better than any globohomo hyped up piece of westy garbage thats only good for sales volumes and glossy brochures,truth is nato otherwise does not have the capacity to deal with russia (period) this is their best version today,also helps to have a stash of orthodoxy as human shields.

swap it over and assume there are no orthodoxy peoples there,russia would obliterate your pathedic sorry asses where you shant come up with the answer for anything,no fkn wonder russia refuses to pick up the phone,lgbtq are not deemed as true worthy fighters you dumb kunt,fkn drr cia sodomised fake news junkie thinks it fooled hardcore Engineers too?pfft!

Last edited 2 years ago by ANTI LIBERAL BIO WEAPON LABS
jens holm

Potatoes are easy to grow – one seed potato will produce many potatoes to harvest. Prepare the soil by digging and removing weeds, and then dig straight trenches 12cm deep and 60cm apart. In spring, plant seed potatoes 30cm apart and cover them with soil to fill the trench.

Hungar Guy

Don’t worry 300.000 Russians+ 50.000 Belarusians are on standby. Not to mention 6.500 Nukes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hungar Guy
jens holm

If its Ukraine quality i am not impressed.

Your tanks seemes to be a kind of selfdetonaters. Your soldiers dont dare to be infantery support.

jens holm

An Putin will pretend he is Charlie Chaplin.

jens holm

Its Russioan manipulation, which continue. USA and UK are not there as Nato.

You still belive this crap. If we were there danes were in Ukraine as well. IDDI.

The foreigner there are Russians.


I will bet a month’s supply of whatever opioid you are dependent upon that there are NATO advisors in Mariupol. There were NATO advisors whom the DPR forces permitted to leave from a cauldron in 2015.

jens holm

Some wine might do it. I will buy one for security matters.

Florian Geyer

Yes, I recall that and there was a US sniper, he was as black as a chimney sweep. His kit US was all left behind.

Jan Hölmö

Jens knows the absolute truth! That’s how I like him!

But why? What information do you have, that the rest of us don’t?

jens holm

You seemes to be in a very restricted place or dont look for the information at all.

We fx also has in Our budget as extras and in details. Sure smaller parts are secrets. But I am so sorry our danish budget is made in Danish.

But we also has it on TV, Radio and Internet. Its also commented by Nato.

The sytem is very easy to understand. If we give troops, we dont give money. If we give no troops, we give money. Thats how the things are open.

One year we fx gave Iraqis helping hands for training and logistics. Bam in Our budget it was 55 million dollars but the Iraqi also guarded us against the Iranian ballistics.


Get out nazis whilst your alive decieved ones,the only invaders do not belong to christian east,fake christians wont cut it,just you wait n see,muslims belong more than degenerate protestys n kikes.

Better stay the far fuck away,unless one requires complete facial reconstructions,cia,isis,nato,and a host of others along with traitors and illegal migrants are not russian,certainly not east,south to west up north maybe otherwise you will be ejected dead or alive this i swear it wont be over untill the mission from is done,completely,take if for a grain o salt for truth cares,but it wont be pretty,either way have no heart then you have no right (period)Truth be known,time will tell!

Though i know the result even before incursion started yet the ones who claim to be rightfull owners aka askewnazi jews are in fact the ones whom god forebade because of their endless amounts of unrepented sins,2014 was staged by the unworthy and ungodly mob of cia/mi6, their loss is the others more worthy gains,because they earn’t it in ww2 unlike usa + gb(period)

Do their lands exists? Chances are they backed the victors,thats about fkn it,not because they were invaded,pathedic lame staged efforts by the jap nazi kunts don’t cut it as the real threat,the more wisened simply aint that ignorant to pretend usa or uk were in any near levels of dangers as the more courageous soviets were then,how is it then the case the traitors got it in for russians?

Thats how it was,thats how it is and by god thats how its gonna be forever more to be,try you go to crimea and try to proclaim russians are invaders,watch what would happen,you would have egg on your face,and thats being polite for starters,dont get the hint? Watch your back sodomites and run!

Russia is blameless like it or lump it,those mi6 bio weapon labs are not any part of their making:

Last edited 2 years ago by ANTI LIBERAL BIO WEAPON LABS
jens holm



You know that russians are going to destroy first your computer and then you all life in distance, stealing your real identity, money and accounts, and then spread all those informations you would never want to be spread with all your contact lits, just because you don’t understand where you are and what are the consequences of what you are doing, right ?

jens holm

But I am a computer sniff sniff

Are You sure


I don’t think anything will happen because several US officers are already confirmed to be eliminated. Presumably instructors who stayed behind. NATOs participation in this isn’t exactly subtle.

America’s participation in the Libya campaign was more subtle, where US soldiers were present under the NATO banner. In Ukraine on the other hand, people openly represent their countries so it’s not really a secret at this point.


Both sides will keep it down. Neither one of them will public admit NATO is in Ukraine

jens holm

Its hard to admit something they never has denied because its not true.

Is it the too many potatoes and not enough vodka version ha ha ha.

Arzt Injektion

“I don’t think anything will happen because several US officers are already confirmed to be eliminated.”


jens holm

Sunny is dead. He speak from hell:)

He has 72 american male virgins officers for himself. It very humaliating. None wantd his wife.

jens holm

I take it again IDDI. Nato is not there. How infected can You be and still alive?


LOCK them up and question them and keep them locked up in a maximum security prison in solitary. They are leverage. Also state who they have and their rank and from which nations. Geneva conventions do not apply.

jens holm

Haha Putin has gas.

Arzt Injektion

Good question. So far Russia has been liquidating all foreign mercenaries. They have been going out of there way to do it.

Captain Hohol

Threats, and permanent imprisonment for the NATO personnel who are captured by Russian Forces.

I don’t think there will be nukes exchanged over it, but Putin will find some way to cruelly punish those whom he told explicitly to stay out of the conflict.

Deplorable Commissar

” Putin will find some way to cruelly punish those whom he told explicitly to stay out of the conflict. ”

And you know this how ?

jens holm

Putin has told that on TV.

He looked like someone already has landed on his moon.

jens holm

There is none IDDI.

jens holm

You too must be very censured.

My TV is still dirty after his many TV transmissions.

Deplorable Commissar

Nothing, Russia will do absolutely nothing because that might mean war. Although, Russia should get it through its thick head that its at war already.


Big Media Show with the captured Lt General wearing orange jumpsuit answering questions and later footage of hip cleaning streets of unexploded ordnance…


This could create war with some NATO countries. Let’s what is going to happen.


just kill them :)


The liars in the EU and USA will say it is all propaganda or they will not say it at all. The first thing they did at the start of the war was censoring every russian media outlet and now they are banning from every platform everyone who dares to contradict their fake narrative.

This is what they will do and say. And the sheeple will believe them.

jens holm

Thats not correct. Youtube has taken the many Youtube propagandas from Russia away.

But Putin has closed all sober medias in Russia as well as Facebook and partly twitter. Dont blame us.

Putin also has told that the plan is to replace google. By that You dont get information from here in.


I would not stand next to a nazi..

jens holm

Thats very difficult. There are so few of them. You might be told, there are many. In Ukraine they are 2,15% in the lections and not in the Parlement.

In the miliatry forces they are 1 big brigade of 20. So about 6 or 7 soldiers You might meet of 100 are those nazis.


Its not a question of numbers, they allow armed groups of thugs to “police” the towns, they attack opposition politicians, they also do a lot of organized crime and been in shootouts with the police over smuggling. You queue up to get aid from Russian military and they take photos to post on social media that you are a traitor. Its not about numbers.


At least the whole world knew that they fought by backstabbing.

jens holm

Then You has written a science fiction


Nothing. Russia has just warned that any convoy of any power carrying weapons or logistics to the Ukrainian forces in Ukrainian territory is legitimate target and that, if NATO, wants to escalate, they don’t fucking give a damn.

jens holm

So far I have have heard Russia is sending in reinforcements, but that of course is no escalation.


You may be talking re. land troops, what I said seems rather to refer to air power. In other words: Russia may and will probably bomb any Western arms or logistic convoy in Ukraine. They seem to have concluded that, at least for the time being, other than in the Russian-speaking Eastern and Southern half of Ukraine, they are better off just bombing the hell out of it, always trying to avoid civilian casualties.


Nothing.You got Russian’s in Vietnam.What happed?Nothing.You got NATO officers in Syria.Again,nothing.

Peter Jennings

The ICC? Not that prosecution of western political/business shysters is likely to happen as they are busy chasing US/nato ghosts and patsy’s. The US and nato have sent them down the wrong rabbit hole.


They have been desperately trying to airlift the western commandos and special ops out of the Mariupol area the last few days. They are even leaving behind their US highly advanced equipment that was never given to Ukraine.


I think that the NATO were alread captured or release why you see French president and others are not talking tha much yet.


If they are not talking, that’s because they are holding their breath, and the ones there would end the war if captured alive…

jens holm

Makron is in election campaign. Thats his focus.

Arzt Injektion

If Russia can capture some high value NATO targets alive, that is a big if, why not put them in front of the television cameras for the whole world to see? If the DNR/LPR/CHECHENS get a hold of them you can bet that will happen.

Deplorable Commissar

Remember the original cauldrons in the DNR/ LNR where Putin forced the DNR forces to release all trapped NATO / US fighters. Please explain why he did that and why things would be different now.


Because Putin is too kind and naive. His one flaw is that he is too weak on those who wants to harm Russia.

Den Lille Abe

Lets just stick to the Geneva Conventions shall we ? It is against the conventions to use prisoners of war as propaganda, to interview them on live TV, and generally be media exploited. Prisoners of war should be treated as one’s own soldiers regarding shelter, food and medical care, albeit behind barbed wire. Their identity must be hidden IF on TV or serviceman radio broadcast. That is the rules you must obey, know this as a former officer, every serviceman or former knows this. The horrendous executions we have seen on Youtube are appalling and disgusting and a disgrace to the honor of any fighting force.


Ah but Nato is not actually in the conflict therefore Nato personnel captured are not civilians, soldiers nor POW’s, yet they are taking part in the conflict so are classed as illegal combatants, the Geneva convention provides illegal combatants no protection whatsoever they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals who can impose any sentence they see fit including execution.


They are not actual PoWs…. besides, we should respect Kiev’s views and stick on TV ;-)


Isn’t it wonderful how Russia has to abide by the Geneva Convention, but ukrops are given complete freedom to ignore it at every opportunity, and nobody ever says anything about that in the western msm… Just wonderful

Timmy Temperance

When it is all said and done politics is about money and military might. I posted ‘fight terrorism. support Israel’ on a Southfront article about a TERRORIST ATTACK BY A PALESTINIAN IN TEL AVIV and it has 38 dislikes followed by a torrent of anti-Jewish hate. Reason, international law, dialogue, diplomacy – it all seems pointless when people are driven by hatred and greed.

Deplorable Commissar

” Reason, international law, dialogue, diplomacy – it all seems pointless when people are driven by hatred and greed. ”

Strangely, all those virtuous things have been defiled by a certain Khazarian tribe.

jens holm

That was why those rules were made. Thats why Red Cross was made as well.

jens holm

Next time You should try free beer for all🛀🏼

Bitongo Rutamira

The British could not beat Zimbabwean force which they fought for over ten years they ended up being defeated, they could not beat the Irish on their border in the north, the Portugues run like rats in Angola and Mozamique, Spain struggled agaist separatist on a common territory, Turkey cannot get enough foothold in Syria. Precisely which Nato army will fight Russia. Correct me if I am wrong haven’t these countries fought Russia before, how did it end?


Yes, afghans falling from American military aircraft and dead bodies stuck in the landing gear. Smashing against the exterior of the US 🇺🇸 military aircraft, recorded on camera 30,000 in the air. This is the moral authority and rules based order.


New hohol escape tactic: paint your ride with some Z’s, then try to leave the battlefield. These pics from Maripol: https://t.me/anna_news/27675

jens holm

If You eat too much and nothing comes out, this is a very good one. Its pure mecical care free of any corruption.

If things is better after that You can donate a bottle of vodka for the Armata museum in Syria. Its upgraded. It now can make caputino.

There also is a Nanny goat just outside as local support in Assad quality. It only has one tit.


Mariupol once belonged to pro Rus rebels. Wtf did Russia wait so long for assistance in any form? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27829773


They needed to gear up and develop deterrence weapons for a prolonged war. Aka more weapons from everything plus hypersonic tech.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

That the eurorodents would wake up. Sadly it hasn’t happened.

Henry Arboleda

Occidente debe de estar muy preocupado , pues sus informes dan la ventaja a los Ukros

jens holm

If its the link, the article is 8 years old. Kurdo might have a very slow internet connection or the mailman has died. .

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

Please cum on me with your big manhood anyone Please

Don Scrotus

the cream of sugar lies maximum conviction of possibilities. no tell for corrupt mechanics of sky rumors. yes and where roaming is is not.


https://twitter.com/noclador/status/1512473523943620621?t=PVbb7citYR11s1YAsjBBBg&s=19 More “good russians”. No more rapes by them.


https://twitter.com/olex_scherba/status/1512650311885856772?t=lwfISPIa2p_fWpqQIjbSfg&s=19 Civilians of Bucha felt the love of RuZZia.


as the uncivilized nazis in arkansas trailer parks sodomized by Taliban humilited by Russia—thei desperate comments become more contemptuous and hilarious—amerikan have always been fascist stupid uncivilized

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Cock sucker Putin

Fu.ck Russia

Fuck Putin

Today another Russian high ranking colonel eliminated. O you stupid Russians you have no idea what is coming soon for you in Donabas. It will be butcher of Russian solider just for Putin.. 19100 dead Russian soldiers and counting…. Russia will never win this war… and I can say that at the end of the war around 160000-1000000 dead Russian soldiers will be. On Ukraine side probably the same but Ukraine is fighting for their land while Russians don’t know for what are dying apart from the lies wich Kremlin says to them. And Ukraine had millions of men ready to fight while Russia in order to win must mobilise the entire men population wich Kremlin will never do. This is the end of 22 years of Putin. The fall of Russian Government is getting closer and closer. This time will be more catastrophic than fall of Soviet Union after this democracy will prevail in Russia for 1000 years and all duma members and propagandists will be executed by Russian population. Death to Putin Death to Russian government

Hungar Guy

It’s been for long time for Russia to stop playing games: – bring in Iranian operators, to down ALL US Reconassaince drones operating over the Black Sea, Baltics, Polakland, Romania – take out/ jam US geostationary satellites over Ukraine – teach Polaks a lesson by shutting off all Oil & Gas forever as a starter – shut off all Oil & Gas to EU – arrest the Ukie “Peace Talks Delegation” and take out ZIONsky


Make them pay in Rubles, and to buy Rubles they must sell Russia something on the sanctioned list. Hence the futility of sanctions.

Then Russia can develop even bigger and badder nuclear weapons so the West learns not to mess with them :)

Last edited 2 years ago by James
jens holm

What is rubels. I heard it was the smalles coin in the Yuan system made of zink, . Is that true.


It’s something the West is now desperate to buy.

Cock sucker Putin

Did your mother born you with fuc k up brains

jens holm

It might do it if you prayed with your behinds towards Mecca. I dont think You should.


Yes, Yank / Nazi supporters should bear in mind that America was forced out of Afghanistan by old men wearing sandals, riding donkeys.

Really it does not get much more embarrassing and desirable than that.


No rush to capture the militants. Watch them starve, then they will kill each other instead. Sends a good message to the rest holed-up in other areas of Ukraine.


Looking forward to seeing a few familiar NATO faces when Russian forces close-in!


https://twitter.com/AlexKokcharov/status/1512729679836422144?t=Z8cZmol0ww5HOoGKwJRZoA&s=19 Russian raping children, videos available.


Better to watch Netflix for Fiction.


Get these Nato advisors, send them as non combatant enemies to Siberia for the next 20 years waiting for a trial. Do not let these guys escape, they are military advisors and training instructors for US and UE system Weapons.


Authenticate the crew ID first before releasing them, suspect NATO agents disguise as ship crew to escape encirclement.

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