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MARCH 2025

First Group Of Refugees Returns From Al-Rukban Camp To Government-Held Area

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First Group Of Refugees Returns From Al-Rukban Camp To Government-Held Area

Jordanian troops near the al-Rukban camp, By: aljazeera.com

A group of internally displaced persons (IDPs) left the al-Rukban refugee camp and returned to the government-held town of Mahin in southern Homs, the Sham FM radio station reported on January 3 citing Syrian officials.

“The local reconciliation committees cooperated with the authorities to facilitate the return of the families and locals to Mahin and they are now working to facilitate the return of more displaced people to all their areas in rural Homs and other regions,” Sham FM quoted one of the officials as saying.

According to the Syrian radio station, the first group of IDPs consisted of 209 civilians, mainly women, children and elders. More groups are expected to return in the upcoming few weeks.

The al-Rukban refugee camp is located within the 55km de-escalation zone around the US-led coalition base in the border area of al-Tanaf. The coalition will be withdrawing from the area soon as a part of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out all American troops from Syria.

The U.S. decision led to a panic among US-backed groups in the de-escalation zone, which began talks with Damascus in order to avoid being smashed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) after the withdrawal of American troops. The return of the first group of IDPs is likely the first result of these talks.

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How exactly do these displaced people prove they are not pro isis enemy combatant. These are scary difficult times.

Feudalism Victory

In olden times defeated tribes would have all men and women too old to have babies killed. The remainders would be integrated into the winning tribe and the old one would simply disappear and be forgotten.

Unfortunately the syrian government needs credibility so will simply have to rely on police powers and economic opportunity to integrate all people.


Well, that would be a feudal victory, but we aren’t no more in feudal times.

Feudalism Victory

From before the corrosive effects of civilization.

Also since there is by definition no historical records of defeated tribes That the purpose of the strategy. Permanent victory.


And not even the canibals of the Pacific, that still were canibals in the end of the 19th century. So, Feudalism, give me the historical example, or say that you have none, only a revelation in dreams or something like that.


Papua New Guinea had cannibals into the 1970s. Defeated tribes were selectively exterminated, starting from their ‘elders’.


There’s something in line about, jm74?


Borneo had cannibals also. It was common practice to eliminate any opposition from royalty down to serfs when a waring party invaded and took control of new territory. Alexander the Great was guilty of that and then have a look at the UK royals; crappy history. Invaders who took over a village, town etc. killed off all undesirables.

Jens Holm

You might limit that. Im am sure only few had that in their faith traditions and most Borneos wasnt not like that at all.

We have discussion here in Denmark, because some extra tent females wont shake hands even to reach citicenship.

They do exist in 100s, but the rest dont think men and danes are so unclean and infected so contact by hand make them ill, even its not their tradition.

Feudalism Victory

Why? Does the idea need to be refuted? Is it too far?


Not for Sila (or Sula), that has exterminated the most part of the Samnium, neither for Gengis or Tamerlan.

P.S. – I´m always curious about things of history, and we are always learning (till die).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In tribal times they did exactly that, even in the Troy saga only a few thousand years ago they were throwing the babies off the walls to eradicate the genes of the men they just killed, even the Vikings in recent times [700 years ago], were known to do the same thing occasionally, the Mongols I think did it on the odd occasion too. I can’t site any specific examples but I know that many times in Human history everywhere, victorious armies have sometimes killed all but the fertile females from the losing side, there are many tribes in New Guinea that have become extinct through this process, even during more modern times. England is a good example, the genetics of the male population shows us the early migrations/invasions of Germans resulted in a diminishing of the celtic male genes in the gene pool but a huge surge from the German males, [killed off the men and left the women]. In caveman days it would have actually made a lot of sense do be that barbaric.


Okay, Willing, killing all people, or killing the men, or all the warriors, keeping the women, or the women and the children, was frequent in old times, but what I was asking to Feudalism was about a case of only killing all the old people, old women and old men, guarding the others, or a part of the others. And I don’t know any case like that.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I must admit I’ve never came across a case exclusively like that, but in this weird and wonderful world it wouldn’t shock me if it had happened, we seemed to have done just about everything else. Cheers.


Yes, “we”, the humans, also have many times killed the olds and took all the rest that survived, but to be slaves, not to integrate on an remaining tribe.

What I know, for example on the ancient Klondike indians, it’s cases of old people left behind, to die, by their own tribe, in critical situations (nothing to eat). And I think in Australia there was something not very far amoung the natives, even with the children.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes in hard times some very remote Aboriginal tribes did eat their own babies instead of perishing, the alternative would be to also die of starvation along with any other older children too, that would possibly mean and end to the whole tribe, not a choice I’d ever want to make. But we don’t live like our ancestors had to thank God, or have to make the same tough choices they had to.

Jens Holm

There are many. Those are well described incl. muslim Muhammeds.

Jens Holm

Those never will integrate. Rely on that. If so, they have walked or has transported to Assads long time ago – or at least from ISIS only had the Vulcano.

Ray Douglas

I think we can safely assume the old and the young are innocent of ISIS supporting?

Feudalism Victory

Definitely not the old. Children will change.

Jens Holm

You know nothing, which part of mars are You.

Jens Holm

200%. They fleed from ISIS and could not reach Turkey as most others did.

Jens Holm

Non of those are ISIS at all. After Years You not even know that. Even so, You declare thios and that about it.

The FLED FROM ISIS from the Eufrat valley. THEY FLED FROM THEM.

If anything some few are FSA. FSA FSA FSA.

It has been written again and again. The non civilians has been few, but those for years has been supported by USA(and GB) in 2 groups, where one now are neutralized in the SDF zone(SDFs dont like Jihadists). The other one is in the Al Tanf area against Assads and the few ISIS leftovers.

Its also written many times, that those civilians would never go to Assads as refugees, because they dont like Assads at all – better starve.


In time of war, everyone including civilians are the enemy, theory does not apply on the ground. Many of the enemy will place themselves in positions for reintegration as sleeper cells. ISIS are young Moslem men fanatically in their faith not allow casual contact with women hence masturbation corrodes their brain cells of fantasy virgins in the afterlife. Many consider Assad a good man who created harmony consider Christians and Moslems living hand ibn hand together in Syria. Fact is refugee are returning …


SDF waisting time. Today on 03-01-2019 large demonstration held in Al-Hasakah against upcoming Turkish invasion



There will be no turkish invasion

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sort of good news, only 209 of the supposed 50,000 so far, I suppose it’s a start but there’s a long way to go. The 7,000 refugees at Rukban last year turned into 50,000 year, something’s very fishy in those numbers, I hope Assad vetts the refugees properly, we don’t want any sneaky terrorists being sent to any safe havens along with the refugees. If the refugees are actually going, it means so is the US base, good riddance to bad rubbish, it also means Isis won’t be able to hide out in the US exclusion zone any more, which means they’ll be gone too soon, what a beautiful clean sweep.

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