0 $
2,500 $
5,000 $
1,200 $

First Member Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Group Killed In Libya

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Turkish proxies deployed from Syria to Libya to defend the Government of National Accord (GNA) have reportedly suffered their first causality.

Several Syrian opposition sources said on January 5 that Ahmad al-Malla, a fighter of the Turkish-backed Sultan Murad Division, was killed near the Libyan capital, Tripoli, by the Libyan National Army (LNA).

First Member Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Group Killed In Libya

Ahmad al-Malla

Al-Malla is reportedly from the district of Zamalka, east of the Syrian Capital of Damascus. In 2018, he opted to leave his hometown to Turkish-occupied areas in the northern Aleppo countryside following a large attack by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The Sultan Murad Division, a member of the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA), has not commented on the death of al-Malla, so far.

Last December, Turkey began deploying Syrian mercenaries in Libya to help the GNA fend off the ongoing LNA attack on the capital. So far, hundreds of militants have been deployed there, according to several reports.

According to opposition activists, Syrian militants are being promised a monthly salary of $2,000-2,500 for deployment in Libya.

Turkey is now preparing to take more steps to support the GNA, including the deployment of Turkish troops in Tripoli. A recent report also claimed that Ankara will be selling heavy weapons to the Libyan government.

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Hasbara Hunter

Well…it definitely won’t be the last…


I hope not,HH :)


Gave his misserable life for 2 grand in a foreign country fighting for no cause for another foreign country. How stupid man can be.

Mustafa Mehmet


J Ramirez

Yes, rest in piss, I agree 100%



hahahahahahahahaha he is in hell now boiling in lava with little devils poking his gay ass with their massive d1cks ! Lets have some more dirty turks go the same way !

Mustafa Mehmet

Re souflaki boy dirty filthy Greek boy


How is that shit-kebap up your ass doing ! You having fun ?

ahahhahaah you should go to Libya too ! Its easy money Erdogan will make you rich !

hahahaha dirty filthy turks !

Mustafa Mehmet

RE mavro I don’t need money got plenty. I lend you some you don’t have to go to Germany for loan. Souvlaki lady boy


Mavro is the agoouri u got in your dirty ass shitkebap boy. What you gona lend me ? The Turkgay toilet paper u call lira ? hahahah

U can keep your toilet paper I got euros mothafaka!


You got other worries now anyway, them Kurdistan women fighters that are coming to dig you out of your rathole… get ready to find your 72 black d!cks in heaven ! hahahahah Bet you cant wait !

Mustafa Mehmet

RE shillo bello


RE Karagiozo English or Greek or go get faked by a donkey ! Malaka mogole !

Mustafa Mehmet

Gamodi banaiosu. re ottoman left over


Gamo ton mohameti sou ton gkei malaka gyfto-mogole!

The Man

Absolutely… but he’s a Syrian, not a Turd, er, I mean, Turk. But yeah, let’s have some Turds go the same way. They’re scum and as devious as the dirty Yids!


2 grand he now cannot spend :)



Damien C

A very effeminate photo from the killers of the gay community


Can’t feel anything good, reasonable or ration able about this guy, his intentions or the reason he was there, so it is a good thing he is eliminated, one down many more to go. But the world would b a far better and safer place if some body took out Erdogan instead. Of course this is today in this sort of media something like cursing, mothers and rational thinking people will applaude.

Hasbara Hunter

Middle East for Middle Easterners….that is one thing for sure….Kick The AngloZioNazis out wherever they are….In the end Muslims will turn out to be a lot smarter than this Evil Terrorist-Creating American Empire…that only brought Death & Destruction since 1776


I fully with you, back to the middle ages with hem or is it already 1450 for them? Back to the sand. Close the borders and let them invent them self the ratio, individualise, free speech, give them some hundreds of years to invents the be reborn and experience the renaissance, let them experience that women are equal or maybe better then a lot of men, that unbelievers are not cursed but in most issues far in front of the believers. Let them understand muslims have not such thing as ummah but hate each other muslim as unbeliever. I realy would like wethe west would build al wall around you people so the stupity can survive inside and the crual intolerance can not out anymore.

Hasbara Hunter

Science, Math, Writing, Architecture, Farming & a whole lot more came from the Middle East…while we in Europe were still living in wooden huts, dressed in bearskins & hunting with stone spearheads…don’t underestimate the Middle East…Ever read the Koran? Should do that…you will definitely gain some insights…True Muslims respect other cultures & Religions…unlike the Filthy Wahhabi Raping & Headchopping Parasites…But Wahhabism is a Filthy Devilworshipping Ideology…MI6 used mister Wahhab the Clown & 007 Hempher for that


Claiming this are muslim inventions is not only a lue but a ridicul claim, most of those sciences are Developed by non muslims and after islam invaded the countries they are now claimed by Islam. Islam started as an nomadic tribe who conquerd the surrounding tribes, no science was involved, let along farming. The muslim believer lived in tenys in aride countries they surpressed great nations with a lot of high ranked science. Claiming know that they invented those sciences is stealing the wisdom of conquered cultures twice. If islam had conquered Germany they would claim they invented the relativity theory. Muslims lived in tents, in the west and the Asia people lived in stone and woden buildings. The only ones hunting with stone spearheads where by 630 A.C. in Nord Afric, and bearskins are warm in winter, far beter as pyjamas and sandals you still wear. As a matter of fact I did studybthe Koran and read partialy the Hadid and Sharia, what you clearly did not.Therefor I know that Islam is a totalitarian ideology build on discriminating and oppressing; surpressing women, childern ( child mariages) non believers, etc One of the main discusions among islam autorities is ; how do you punish a muslim who commited a capital sin? As a muslim or as anon muslim because of his sin? The punishments for non believers are far more harsh as for believers. +A real muslim thinks he is the only treu believer, the centre of the univers and the all the rest are non believers, and as+ such they can+ be raped, killed and+ enslaved because they are not realy human in islamic. True muslims oppress and taxs non muslims, tray to conquer them as they proved in thelast 1400 years, and believe they are told so by Allah and if they are true gelievers they always will win, but they do not. They certainly do not respect other cultures and even do not respect other muslims, luckily they hate other muslims and kill each other despite that their mohammed insisted they lived by the ummah ( the muslim family band) . The only real thing you are sure about in the islamic world is that nobody trust an other muslim and that there is only one god muslim you and the others are nonbelievers, so they can be killed. So please go gack and reflect your own kind, what ever cult you are from. As I mentioned lets lock the borders between us and you and give it some more centuries maybe you people get enlighted also.

Hasbara Hunter

I did not claim that they invented it…I said that we were living in wooden shacks…dresscode Bearskins & Hunting with Stone Spearheads…At the same time the Middle East was an Empire… that’s it…Empires Rise & Fall…Behold the Fall of the Great American ZioNazi Empire…

Peoples are free to believe whatever they want…


Treu but do not claim things that you can not prove and do not claim to know the holy books if you did not studybthem yourself and only have it from hear say.

Hasbara Hunter

What the Fuck are you talking about…what is your point? Just Jibberish..? Muslimfriends of mine see things very similar the way I see things…I come from the Woods & the Mountains boy…I believe in the Creation itself & at least I have respect for that creation…unlike 75% of People who say they are religious…but simply Piss on the Creation…and I am not waiting to get into a useless endless discussion with you about this subject..


Agreed Hasbara, I always love reading your comments, very insightful. You the man!

Hasbara Hunter

Thanks my Brother


Mein Kampf “beholds many details as a common thread to live a good Life..” amd look what happened. It is treu the bible is ussed to commit a lot of attrocities like inquisition, you refer to, but this Iquisition is yet regardet as a hugh mistake by that curch and repended. To put it in perspective it lasted 200 years and killed aproximatly ( according most relaible sources) 36.000 people. In the same time this Koran was the real source of millions of deads, crualties and enslavements. I can give you the numbers of wars they started. Two more constatations:- christianity learned from it and regred it and evolved – islam still does the same, did not evolve, do not regret it and continuos to do the same.-Do not blame the colonialisation to the west allone, it was a mistake, but what muslims regret is that we where there first and they where not. The islam convertions during the time of its excistence are far worse and crual as most western colonialisations. Look islam started by a nomad in atribe, a tent traveling around later after his heritage living in a town. And since then it conquered tribe after tribe and because of the loot and zakat ( 20% of the slaves and war booty for Allah) they where by 1100 on the gates of Europe and Asia killing and do where they where good in. Good that you and your friends are starting to respect creation, after so many centuries it is a dream come true.

Hasbara Hunter

You are telling me Western Lies & Bullshit…just send me the links you have got to prove your statements Jens….

Concrete Mike



And what do you want be proved? Make your choice. Because all I said is controllable with a little bit effort from you. But do you really want to know the truth, can you handle the truth? I wonder what is more important for you an totalitaire ideology and ditto brainwashing or scientific truth? Decide now because this is the fundamental question : ratio or religion ?

Hasbara Hunter

Well I bet you can start with a comparison of the Death Toll the Roman AngloZioNazi Empire Created & The Death Toll of Muslim-Aggression (Without the Devilworshipping Headchopping Wahhabis Ofcourse) Over the Last 500 years….thanks in advance…You can give me the numbers in Millions or Billions…


Ok but on one condition and one definition is needed: – on condition you decide what your in for ratio or religion? – define the “Roman AngloZioNazi empire” because it does not exist, is nowhere to find not historical nor geographical or it is a figment of your scrutable mind. There was only one temporary British empire and a would be nazi, very temporary, empire, but yours is lost in history I think. You must understand that, contrary to you I can not give scientific figures about a would be organisation in a would be regio.

Hasbara Hunter

You know very well who I mean with AngloZioNazis….Americans, Brits & Jews combined…& then we’ve got the Filthy Devilworshipping Vatican…I think I have given you enough information for your research…good luck…


Umbrassing I advise you to read carefully what I wrote and where I stand for, and what material and scientific provable . Although not unconditional, at least I may expect and the deal whit a reasonable and rational thinking subject. It is known your kind off people have the tendency to flee the reality and trying to divert from the issue and divert it to illusional subjects and all kind off unprovable conspiracies with the most unlikely and inconsitent names. Such thing as “Roman AngloZioNazi empire” or “Filthy Devilworshipping Roman Catholic Church” are not definable or you must mean all of the not Islam world but also subject to discussions . For instance where do you put yourself ( do not see this as a new discussion or an attempt to distract it is only an example) as a part of this “ ……..empire” / “ Filthy……….Church” or as a muslim? Do not forget you live by the grace of the first two mentioned? Also your demand to give numbers of dead people caused by “…” I never claimed to be able to give exact numbers, I can give the ( big) wars started by islam, not the number off ambushes, raids, slaves huntings, piracy, exterminations, etc…. or retardet dead’s by this terrorism, but I will not sink to your level of incompetence, religious manipulation or unfounded subjective suggestions (Death Toll with at least 10 Digits) in a world 1500 AD of aprox. 450 miljion to 1910 , starting and controlling, counting world population, 1,75 billion. Compare it with the equal idiotic question how many times did Mohammed f*ck in his live time? You would say maybe a lot and at least a number of xxx digits. Historicaly he lived from 571 AD untill 632 AD = 61 said is 63 years. From witch he normally is sexual active maximum 50 years on a average of 2 times a week = 52 x 50 = 2600 x 3/week = 7800 times . After his wive and supporter of the family died he had 15wives ( mentioned) and 4 concubines, sex slaves not mentioned and was rejected by 5 women he proposed to. Religion and scribers told us that: he was monogamy as long has Khadijah his wife lived : 19 years before Mohammed himself died. According his followers and the books he had a great sex live and did it up to 30 times a day ( everybody will have hallucinations after such daily task, no to mention the influence on other duties). Scientific is know the he was voluminous person to say at least, so most probable it is very exaggerated to give him in that time sene more importance, but never the less it would mean, supposed he did it while dying ; 52-19 = 33×52 weeks x 3 /week married to a sophisticate and not divine wife = 5148 . And then we ad the 19 years ad 30time a day= .208.050 times + 5148= 213.498 times. This is off course a ridicule and provocative mix but so are your demands and reactions. So now I showed you the borders of rationality can you fulfil the stipulation of the precondition ? I am always staunched about the hypocrisy of a lot of migrant and nationalised muslims; they hate the unbeliever world and civilisation and speak about “Roman AngloZioNazi empire” and “Filthy Devilworshipping Roman Catholic Church”. But their avatar is most time partly a western name. The moment they start crawling they tray to be in the west, I know no western who is that fast to get in islamic countries if not for his job and then still. They think their religion is the only true but they can only convert people by force and violence, except some rather strange individuals, no reasonable thinking person is willingly and consciously converting to islam. They are promised to rule the world but they stand for nothing good and are nowhere the rulers of the world. Au contraire they come over here to be some thing. They are promised al wealth but they only posses petrol and that is one of the most important reasons to kill each other. And everything that goes wrong, and everything goes wrong all the time because “ Insallah” is due to others. The lack on self-reflection, look Erdogan, is proverbial, a historical returning fact that only is contested by their greet and hate for each other. So why don’t you fast yelling believers take your responsibility and; study – educate, go back take your responsibility and develop your motherland, free your women of the patriarchal-religious clusters, bring free speech, rationality, humanity, skip discrimination, etc…. Is it fear you from women, from failure, work, education, responsibility, to be an individual and not a religious manipulable slaughter sheep, the truth? So decide where you stand in this world, on the side yelling stupid names and demanding provocative unfulfillable useless questions, killing the ones who brotherly received and supported to proof the irrelevance of your own stance? Or take your responsibility and build something positive for your people in a tolerant, non discriminative , non hate world with the needed selfrefection, a lot off humour and irony also about your own person?

Hasbara Hunter

You don’t have to give me exact numbers…just raw estimates of How many Deaths were caused Worldwide by the Europeans (which includes the Genocides in the Americas, Africa & Asia)….and on the other hand you can give me a raw estimate of the Deaths Muslims have created over the Last 500 Years that’s it…should be pretty simple…good luck with the research…I’m very interested in the outcome

Liberal guy

Looks like a Mossad agent with such yellowish looks and skin.scum insane wahhabi coward of Zamalka dies in libya.niceeeeeeeeeee


Perhaps Turkey is dumping militants in Libya as a way of getting rid of them because they’re a liability to Turkey

Hasbara Hunter

Turkey has got a Sea Border Treaty with Libya…Strategically very important for Turkish/ Libyan Control over that part of the Mediterranean…The Turks are there to protect that Treaty…Masonic Muslimbrother Sisi Sucks big Time…Who is Sisi backin’?



Thid id the same like Austria having a sea border treaty with UK. Istn’t there Zyprus and the other Greek islands in between with their water territory, or am I wrong?

Peter Jennings

He looks like a fuckwit. Just the type of gullible twat so loved by nato and the US. Let’s hope his 72 virgins teach him about sex, because it looks as if he never got any in this life.

The Man

What 72 virgins??? Please give us a cited/reputable reference to these virgins we hear so much about. Looked everywhere in the Koran and other books,,,, nowt, zilch, nada… So it would be illuminating to back up your words please. All we seem to hear about is ‘these mysterious 72 virgins’…

J Ramirez

Ha,Ha,Ha ;} Rest In Piss bitch!

Xoli Xoli

Turkey is the big obstacle in Middle East the more it rob and claim territories the more NATO seek reason to annex territories of oil rich.




Concrete Mike

2 grand a month is pretty.good.monthly wage, its essentially the same as.mine, in canada.

The Man

What an absolute dickhead! His shitty life for a shitty country like Turkey for a shitty 2k. Deserves death and more, the greedy f*cking dopey retard tit!

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