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MARCH 2025

First Part Of S-400 System Hardware Delivered To Turkey (Video)

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A first part of the S-400 defense system hardware has been delivered to Turkey, the country’s defense ministry said on July 12.

“First batch of equipment of S-400 missile defense system, which is procured to meet Turkey’s air and missile defense need, has started to arrive at Murted Air Base in Ankara as of July 12, 2019,” the defense ministry said on Twitter.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said that the S-400 hardware was delivered to the Mürted Air Base near Ankara. Turkish media also released a video showing a Russian aircraft there.

According to the defense ministry, the delivery of the S-400 missile system will continue in the coming days.

First Part Of S-400 System Hardware Delivered To Turkey (Video)

Turkish media named supposed areas where the S-400 is set to be deployed

The United States is in a strong opposition to Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400. Washington has repeatedly threatened Ankara with sanctions and claimed that it will break the F-35 deal with Turkey if the S-400 is acquired.

US officials argued that the S-400 is incompatible with NATO equipment, and that having Turkey operating both the Russian weapons and the F-35 could give Russia access to the US jets’ secret stealth technology. Nonetheless, the main issue behind this is that Washington is against any further rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, the key NATO member states

First Part Of S-400 System Hardware Delivered To Turkey (Video)

Click to see the full-size image

Since the start of the Russian military operation in Syria in 2015, the Russian-Turkish relations have passed several stages, including the large-scale crisis over the Su-24 shootdown by the Turkish Air Force. Nonetheless, in the current situation, the town countries act like a kind of partners dealing with a wide range of topics related to the security in the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions.


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News update: Turkish S400 has just shot down an F-35 flying out of Incirik airbase. Erdogan stated that it was a training mistake, as crew is not yet fully trained on system. :D

El Mashi

Fake news. The S-400 has yet to be unloaded.


Common, no sense of humor?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Even funnier joke. Turkey becomes a threat to Israel. Israeli F-35s pop up in Turkish airspace, lob some Delilahs, and disappear unharmed from S-400! HA!

klove and light

and hillary clinton just got twins

Ashok Varma

F-35 are not air worthy and proven to be expensive failures.

Rhodium 10

So Turkey have military bases inside Syria and now S-400 to cover all Syria territory….it is like Russia supply S-400 to Kurdish SDF….

Xoli Xoli

Israel no fly zone expanded.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you really think that Israel is scared of the S-400? If Turkey becomes a threat, Israeli Airforce will pop up in Turkish airspace, lob a salvo of Delilahs, and disappear from view unharmed :) S-300PM2 is only 1 step down from S-400 and has tried to stop Israeli jets many times, and failed each and every time :-]

Wolfgang Wolf

oh yes, you yourself were in the plane and know everything from first hand)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

He plays DCS World. therefore he’s a certified pilot and knows everything about flying combat planes XD

Jason Tribolini

If he knows everything about flying combat planes why doesn’t he know the S-300 has yet to be activated in Syria. Not once has an S-300 been used to try to stop Israeli jets….the reasons for this are obvious, so I won’t elaborate. Does he know his nose is running amok and making comments behind his back?

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Few things here Rocket Nose. 1)Syrian S-300PM2 are under control of the Russian Military 2)Syrian S-300PM2 have not been given advanced radars and long range missiles 3) When S-300s are given to Syrian control, lots of kike scrap metal will fall from the sky. And you will have Kosher tears streaming down ur giant nose :===)


There is no evidence S300s have ever been used in Syria let alone the SAA has operational control of them.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

it was used in Aleppo March 27 2019. S-300 radars could not locate the F-35s and attempted to launch missiles at one, but missile lost radar lock and failed. FACTS


Don’t cry F-35 has been hit by S-200 and then Netanyahu said that our one F-35 hit by bird. How much big that bird was and that was without rocket engine? Very scary question for Netanyahu. Turkey wants to take Palestine back from European migrants because Palestine is part of Turkey.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

it wasn’t hit. a direct hit from an S-200 would have completely demolished the plane. Instead the plane got damaged and had to land, which it did safely. Meaning probably shrapnel from a blast within 100-200 feet. Meaning the S-200 could NOT get a clear lock on the F-35 :-]


They never direct hit, they always explode at about 100-200 feet and shower the target with shrapnel. If your going to BS about weapons, educate yourself first.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

ok so maybe it exploded 300-400 ft away instead. Not a nearby hit since its radar couldn’t pick it up. besides, birds fly very high in the sky. so whose to say its not a bird? some antisemitic australian like yourself?


Israel is just a cripple with bombs, without America Israel would be gone in the blink of an eye.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

really? They were without America in 1967, and 1973 and won DECISIVELY each time, inflicting 40,000 KIA against the arab invading armies and only taking 2000 casualties. imagine that, IDF took literally 1/20th the amount of casualties of the arabs while they were outnumbered 10 to 1 from all sides. IDF are the best fighters on the planet, enough said


BS works right up until the guy with the gun pulls the trigger. Israel has always suckled on Americas tit, it will die without it.

klove and light

idiot s-300 System first operated in 1979…new models 1983(s-300PS) 1989(s-300PM) 1992(s-300PM-1) 1997 (s-300 PM2)

S-400 first operated 2007

so your bs Argument s-300PM2 is only 1 step down S-400????????

idiot…. so between 1997 and 2007 no technological advances were made in your thinking!!!

imbecile idiot moron


S-400 fucked Trump and Netanyahu both.


A threesome?

Ashok Varma

Turkey is a historic ally of Israel, just like Russia.


dream on, erdogan hates netanyahu and he most certainly is looking forward when the last of the squatters are seen swimming in the med towards distant shores.

Ashok Varma

Not very prudent Russian policy to arm a terrorist state like Turkey. Hopefully, these S-400 will have kill switches to disable them.

good on you Turkey… take your sovereignty back!


Very bad idea from V.P. to supply this S400 to TK…

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Bad idea for Turkey. they will be kicked out of NATO asap

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Rocket Honker being a Rocket Honker. Nothing out of the ordinary


“they will be kicked out of NATO asap”

NATO can’t lose Turkey. Turkey is the second largest military force in NATO. They hold NATO’s southern flank and having Turkey in NATO is vital to Israels security as well as Centcom’s security in Qatar. Turkey is a “too big to fail” NATO country. All you have to do is look at a map to see how important Turkey is to NATO.

klove and light

tytytyt spot on..

Jacob lives on either the south or North pole..he has no idea of geography..typical no School american imbecile


I wonder if Russia can use sensor data from the Turkish system to augment their own systems in Syria once it’s operational. I’m not talking about firing Turkish missiles but just the radar data. This will make the eastern Mediterranean a no fly zone for IAF F-35’s as the USA won’t allow their planes to be flown within range of the S-400’s radars.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

in your dreams. Turkey wont share a single thing since they are still a NATO ally. And if they do share data with russkies, they will be KICKED OUT OF NATO. Simple

Jacob Wohl's Nose

ur nose needs to be KICKED OUT OF EARTH. simple. Or just smashed by 100 plastic surgeons simultaneously


Believe me Turkish air defences are never in my dreams. Just like the F-35 and your smart phone there will be a data stream going back to Russia for maintenance, product analysis and technical support. The only question is what exactly is included in the data stream. The devil is in the details.


You’ll be surprised what people share if the price is right – you think bribery doesnt apply to Turks!

klove and light

man u sure are stupid…u have no idea of Technology….

so if u have a iPhone .. u dont wanna share info. with NSA??? yeah sure it is up to u Jacob lololol

and your secong Point….Turkey kicked out of NATO????? where the fuck do you live???North or south pole..idiot..

Turkey is nato´s southern flank..moron…without Turkey all NATO offensive and defensive plans of the past decades can be written off!!!!

imbecile idiot moron

klove and light

Turkey has assured the US that its acquisition of the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system does not in any way mean a change of the country’s “strategic orientation”. The remarks were made by Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar in a Friday phone conversation with acting US Defense Secretary Mark Esper. The phone call came a few hours after Turkey received the first delivery of Russia’s S-400 missile defense system despite US pressure and threat of sanctions. Akar told his US counterpart that the acquisition of the Russian system was “a necessity, not a preference”. He also noted that Ankara was still assessing the bid to acquire US Patriot air defense systems. “Evaluations on the proposal of Patriot [defense system] are still going on.” Akar stressed that a deterioration of bilateral relations between Ankara and Washington would not serve the interests of either country or the NATO.

PressTV-Turkey receives first parts of Russian S-400 system Turkey says it has received the first delivery of Russia’s S-400 missile defense system despite US pressure and threat of sanctions. Russia confirms the delivery. The acquisition is set to escalate tensions between Turkey and the United States, which has warned of sanctions over the deal. Washington says the S-400s could compromise its Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter jets, an aircraft Turkey is helping to build and planning to buy. The Trump administration had threatened to expel Turkey and Turkish firms from the advanced F-35 fighter jet project over concerns that the Russian system could be used by Russia to gain sensitive data used on the jet. Read more: Pentagon warns Turkey about devastating consequences of buying S-400 In the Friday phone call, Akar stressed that Turkey’s stance on F-35 fighter jets did not change and the country fulfilled all of its obligations so far. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey will seek compensation if it is omitted from the F-35 program. He has said excluding Turkey from the F-35 program would be “robbery” since Ankara has already invested money in it.

Jason Tribolini

They want to be kicked out of NATO. It was NATO who sponsored the coup against Erdogan in 2016.


I think so, that’s why the US always withdraws its stealth aircraft the moment the Russians show up.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Time to kick Turkey out of NATO once and for all! America CANNOT allow them to find out the secrets to the F-35 and stealth technology! Once our stealth tech is compromised, air superiority is compromised and US DOD needs to spend billions more dollars to come up with a new tech!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

time to kick your nose out of Earth. It’s depleting our oxygen supply


The “secret” isn’t stealth technology. The EW part of stealth technology was the information on Russian radars sold to the USA by Adolph Tolkachev in 1985 that allowed US aircraft to jam and spoof Russian radars in the 80’s and 90’s. Russia no longer uses any of those radars which are a couple of generations old now.

The secret is the data link that the F-35 uses to download sensor and targetting data. The Russians can learn to jam or hack the link if it’s exposed to them.

US air superiority hasn’t been a given for some time now.


F-35 is a joke plane that nobody really want, the real advance and scary plane is the F-22.

Charlie rad

YUP ! the F-22 easily beat out the F-35. Then the lobbyists pushed congress to buy the F-35 as a cheap replacement for the F-16. Such BS. The $40 million F-35 is now 4 times that. The biggest fleecing of America. for junk. F-22 is still a superior plane.


Good news then.

klove and light

stupid degenerate imbecile

Turkey is nato´s southern flank….without Turkey alll defensive and offensive plans of NATO in the past decades can be written off. imbecile stupid moron

cechas vodobenikov

nobody believes your CIA dissimulations–after 1.5 trillion wasted, the F-35 is inferior to 3 generations of Russian Sukois….LOL…indeed any idiot recognizes that NATO has no mechanism for dis membership….better the US should withdraw—oops, it funds 40% of NATO

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looks like Obama’s Syria strategy outcome was the slackening of Turkish ties to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. (NATO)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not good news for Greece and Greek Cypriots.

cechas vodobenikov

NATO and the US permitted the Turkish occupation of 1/3 of Cyprus—this is neither good or bad news for Greece—their main enemy is now Germany

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I would have thought the S-400 system delivery would suggest the main enemy for Ankara is the Western backed SDF in Eastern Syria.

The S-400 system delivery allows the Turkish military to mount an operation against Kurdish regions, with the knowledge the U.S. can’t do a lot about it. (the IFF of the S-400 will certainly set for American as foe)

As for Greece, they are in an extremely weak position on all fronts.


Russia providing advanced weapons to NATO, good.


How long to train them lol, and will South Front write a patronising piece about raising the fourth tube hours before they’re attacked


Another country that the US cannot bomb at will. I have a dream, one day all countries will be protected from American imperialism.


I have a better idea. Let’s get rid of Jews and the Jew world order hegemony insanity that is causing most of the US foreign policy crime.

klove and light

Putin un Zionist pig……

this S-400 is syrias coffin….. as i have pointed out weeks ago by explaining the enormous range of this System……now the BIGGEST enemy of assad Government, can use this System out of Turkey to Control 95% of syrias flight Zone….

Putin u fucking Zionist pig….


Syria has the same capability.

klove and light

again….this System ..even set up in Turkey will Control 95% of syrias flight Zone…the biggest enemy of assad Government.. and the biggest friend of the jihadi pricks….so after Putin gave the green light for Turkey to invade and occupy afrin…then the bs “deescalation Agreement” with Turkey and the green light for Turkey to build 12 Military bases in Idlib……and now the coffin for syria…S-400 for Turkey


klove and light

almasda news

Home Syria Turkey using proxy forces to take complete control over Hama and Idlib:…

Turkey is attempting to turn Hama and Idlib into a neverending war zone as the latest militant offensives have tried to change the front–lines in these governorates, Syrian military expert Haytham Hassoun told the Arabic–language version of ​​​​​​​Sputnik News on Friday. “During the past weeks, armed groups have been carrying out successive attacks in order to change the lines of contact and control over its geography.”

“But after these groups were able to achieve several gains, the Syrian Arab Army contained these attacks and turned them into a battle of attrition against these terrorist groups. The Syrian Army managed to inflict heavy losses among these terrorists,” he told Radio Sputnik . Hassoun said that “overthe past few hours, the Syrian Air Force has begun targeting the headquarters of the leadership and the launching sites of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation forces.” “The balance of power is now in the interest of the Syrian Arab Army, but it is about the political goal and what Turkey wants by turning this region into a continuous arena of operations. They seek to control new sites through repeated attacks, especially ones that occurred in the past days in the eastern Latakia countryside.” Previously, the Fars News Agency of Iran made a similar claim about Turkey’s intentions and with their upcoming operations east of the Euphrates, it appears that this alleged plan might come to fruition.


Nato equipment comes with embedded software that can prevent it from working if the CIA wants i.e. another coup. Turkey knows this. This is one reason they need this system

Ashok Varma

Russian systems have the same kill switches and chips.


Russia was not behind the coup…USA was


This is the security equipment load out for tonight’s ET/ED contact op in the same forest.



cheap things. old, cheap, dusty monitors :)))


The quality isn’t cheap and the capabilities are high. I’m guessing that you don’t have these securities capabilities and that the computer that you’re on doesn’t come close to the capabilities of mine.




Three summers ago 2 or 3 days after the caldera entrance bigfoot encounter. I went back up there during the day for a follow up investigation. It was night by the time that I got back to the truck. And there was a light about 1 mile down the ridge line where I’m not sure the there should have been one.


Guys Guys calm down…. Russia is being very clever selling this weapon. Its a masterstroke. Dont be fooled and rant about Putin being the Zionist, thats pure BS. He is the modern day Julius Ceaser, making contacts and establishing relationships always always with a build up of capacity. Surely you know the S400 and similiar weapons are what is allowed to be seen. Russia has mind boggling weapons at the next level of physics. The S400 S500 Jets we can see, Armata project and a lot of impressive missiles plus new types of revealed tech are all very very good. You have to say the Genius of the Russians is awesome. The USA is cumberson in comparision, bloated, expensive and over rated. In a word utterly corrupted…I give you the F35 say no more. But more to the point Russia has weapons that are not shown. USA too. When things go bad say to an passenger aircraft, sub, launch of a rockets with a satelite, building 7 in 9/11 thats most likely the secret war going on using new tech. We are already in WW3 its just different…..but if it becomes open, then the new tech will be open too.


The S400 S500 Jets we can see, Armata project….

a) what are S500 Jets?

b) the Armata project is interrupted due to lack of money.

Free man

This deal is very strange to me. Turkey is a NATO member, it is very likely that the Turkish soldiers who will man these systems are in good relations with their collegues in Nato. So very quickly an American experts will closely examine the S-400. A very strange deal .


Lebanon is covered

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