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MARCH 2025

First Person Video (18+): Ordinary Russian Soldier Eliminates Elite NATO-Trained Servicemen In Hand-To-Hand Combat

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First Person Video (18+): Ordinary Russian Soldier Eliminates Elite NATO-Trained Servicemen In Hand-To-Hand Combat

A screenshot from the video

The video below recently circulated online in Russian Telegram channels. It shows a combat standoff between an ordinary Russian soldier and an ‘elite NATO-trained serviceman’ of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF), loaded up with fancy weapons and equipment.

The following first person video was filmed in fall 2024 by a member of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during an attempt to recapture Trudovoe village from troops of the 39th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Vostok (East) Group of Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

The video shows how the NATO-trained elite soldier controls the entrance to the courtyard. He then retreats before an FPV drone of the UAF strikes the supposed position of the Russian soldier.

After the strike, the UAF service member returns and enters the courtyard. At this very moment, a fire contact starts at a super-close range. Later, it turns into hand-to-hand combat in which the Russian soldier eliminates the UAF service member.

In the end of the combat, when the result was clear, the service member of the Ukrainian Armed Forces asked the Russian to leave him and give an opportunity to die from wounds.

“Leave me. That’s all. Give me [an opportunity] to die… Leave me. Let me die. Go away, please. I want to die alone. Thank you,” the Ukrainian service member said. “You were the best fighter in the world. Bye. You were better.”

The Russian soldier demonstrated a noble spirit and left the defeated Ukrainian service member on the site.

The Russian soldier filmed in the video is from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the Far Eastern federal district of the Russian Federation.

First Person Video (18+): Ordinary Russian Soldier Eliminates Elite NATO-Trained Servicemen In Hand-To-Hand Combat

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155th Mechanized Brigade

those poor ukrainian teens soon to be mobilized are all deadmeat. russians are getting more battle hardened an their army is now 1.6 million strong ukraine is caput.

Catcher in the Rye

i doubt they’ll catch any but the very slowest, physically and mentally… and what good will they be?

el correcaminos

yeah and after watching this video they gonna run faster than forrest gump. pee pee


the poor people who own the property! who is going to take away the ukrainian elite shit now?

🇺🇦 =☠️🤡 😆😆😆

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the ukro messes up the whole video with his miserable scream…heheheh

Ukrainian Cope

was he crying for mommy? i couldn’t make out his words.


about as good as the vote machine here .


you must be “highly educated” on gender studies in one of american colleges.

Günter Röckle

the tragedy of the story, a ukrainian and a yakute, both speak russian, are trying to kill each other!

their fathers still lived door to door, played music together, drank coffee and went to play football together!

i can hear the laughter from washington as far as stuttgart


washington didn’t start it they weren’t the source but constituent in your abti american agenda for wef is obvious .imo allegedly.


of course fahclst amerika ‘started it’, dlpshlt.

wasn’t the russians that instigated the 2014 coup.

shlomo's missing ballsack

jewbot alert ! f’cken idiot, incomprehensible word salad garbage, appears in the commentary. proceed with caution 💩💩🇮🇱💩

Lunar Eclipse

nah, of course they didn’t…. and i’m a keebler elf.


it is shocking that there are still many people who do not know the reasons for the war. brics threatened the power of the euro and dollar to impose sanctions and their economy. russia had to be dragged into the war to weaken it. it succeeded by discriminating against the ukrainan russian minority, which makes up 1/3 of the ukrainian people, by killing and murdering them in 2014, to which the us congress gave weapons – a public document.


its the joos laughing not americans not russians, joos. they are the winners of all the wars, and they are the ones igniting them on purpose !

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Lunar Eclipse

all that comes out of lindsay’s mouth is ching a ching ching.

Ukrainian Cope

well, he lost his lithium deposits but it’s no big deal. the moron had trouble pronouncing lithium anyway.


spot on! and all of that is done by americans to destroy germany and its economy. no cheap russian gas, green agenda and closure of nuclear plants, cuck sholz rulling the country, foreign minister dumber than my shoe, germany still playing “retarded” on the matter of ns2 explosion. germany slowly kills itself at the will of us elites and it so fun to watch, you 100% deserve it!


you’re kidding yourself


siddown, petro !


wake up that’s nothing you’re obviously an ignorant troll with fake votes by fake moderation imo indonesia alone has over 20 million in its military and its trumps friend now and or definitely obamas since his step dad ran it really which iz what made him the 11 th richest man on earth according to judge joe. the only honest judge .imo .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

why was the russian using an american made rifle?????

Malcolm Z

a fight more typical of the iii century

Malcolm Z

lll-v century

Dr Zhivago

who’s yelling ‘graza’ and what’s it mean?


i think that it is the oukraine soldiar who crys for gration = stop i surrender. but the russian did not understand him and finaly shot the pukraine in the head.


well graza with the accent on za means thunder. maybe it’s the ukrop speaking surzhyk and invoking some ss thunderbolts from his nazi god to save his ass.

Ramses ll

…yes, it seems that he wants to request drone amplification via radio (if still available)!

but damn, the asians can fight! first the drone, then the hand grenade and then the duel! – respect respect respect…

Lunar Eclipse

kubla khan’s descendants. he was a horny sob.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse

who knows if it’s even real .i doubt it because for one thing nothing can bypass censorship on the net nothing .and any story they allege about not knowing what’s happening on their net is fallacious imo allegedly .


the who re you laughingly refer to as ‘mom’ thought my deek was real when i shoved it down her throat.


ok, got a trans version off of bitchute. the ukrainian was yelling ‘baza’, (base) calling for backup over and over. (as if anyone could arrive in time).


can you post link?


it’s a battle name : blackbird he was calling to a partner who surely was running away. i guess.


30 years war, 17th century


the whole of ukraine is typical for the lll century 🇺🇦 = 🏘 🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 2 months ago by DrunkenDimitri
shlomo's missing ballsack

🫵 = c-o-c-k-s-u-c-k-e -aaah 💩💩💩


” we are all disposable to them ” qe2 they can stage anything even when kennedy owned fox studios the rumours were rife they were making snuff movies using run aways young girls with stars in their eyes and distributing then to the elite who had home cinemas even a century ago .


jesus. gruesome war. both sides dying for no good reason.


but russians have to defend themselves against ethnic cleansing!

The Kurd

defend themselves on ukraine land? i respect that he met his last wish and left him alone and die in dignity but russian side straight up the aggressor.


except it’s not ‘ukraine land’ —- the 4 former regions of ukrapistan lawfully declared their independence many years ago.

The Kurd

u guys have been bashing kurds for years on southfront for wanting to be independent. “traitors to the legitimate syrian government bla bla bla” yet u guys somehow can unilaterally declare independence?


yes that’s how russians are twisting reality as they wish. chechnya was granted independence, but then putin invaded and forced the oilrich land back into rf. so where is the chechen independence ?? putin and his followers are hypocrates !!

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Lunar Eclipse

bull cookies. lebed agreed to a review of independence if they dealt with the wahabi jihadi invasion so as not to pose a threat to their neighbors. then along came basaev and friends.


no that’s not true, like other former parts of soviet union (see khasachstan) chechyna was granted independence – not just talks, it was done – but later on russia invaded because dudajaev didnt want to give the oil for free to russian. that’s when russia attacked and lost. what you mean (basaev invading dagestan etc. is 2nd chechen war.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Ukrainian Cope

you’re an idiot and a half assed story teller.


grow up silly sausage gorbachev, probably literally on ecstasy tabs , caused all of this following like a drugged sheep into fragmenting the ussr into splinters ,dividing it from within to facilitate the globalists conquering from without

Lunar Eclipse

who’s bashing the kurds? they should have had their own nation eons ago.

blame the empire builders.


no one even knows who they are except their neighbours and the media who just use them up as decoys .


kurds have been licking the imperial boot for too long


strictly speaking, any land that was russian at the time when germany first attacked russia on 1st august 1914 can be considered russian. because international law prohibits use of war to move borders. nato and eu prolong the german war aigainst russia. ukraine is their place d armes.


yes, exactly that’s my point too. otherwise kurds could now claim to own germany or part of belgium or half of turkey with the very same argument putin uses to justify his smo. living somewhere as a foreigner and being discriminated does not give right to steal or invade the country and kill its citizens. land can be bought like ru sold alaska to usa. that’s the way to solve such issues.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Lunar Eclipse

guess you never heard of kosovo.

what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


no the way tsar alexander and president mckinley worked is how to solve the current problems that’s precisely what they’re afraid of with trumps friendship wirh putin .that’s their worst nightmare. thats what’s accelerating their push to grab russia first .imo allegedly

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon
The Kurd

we dont want germany or belgium, that is not our native land. we dont even have our own land to begin with. if those people are native russians and want to be part of russia because they were forced within ukrainian borders, then till some degree i can understand their situation (not sure if that is even the case). but lavrov, southfront and commentators here are straight up hypocrites when it comes to my people. that i can’t understand.


the point is ukraine shot at its own territory, not at russia. so regardless if ru minority in ukraine was living there, that is not attack on russia, but attack on ukrainian territory – inner-ukrainian affair. never gives that the right to russia to invaded that foreign country and start giant war. but ru did, so now, by law, they are the aggressor like hitler when going into poland.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
The Kurd

i understand the legal part, but as a kurd im no fan of this argument. dont get me wrong tho, i can see clearly through the russian propaganda. they themselves force their borders on other minorities so i have zero sympathy for them. they only use that argument when it is in their favor.

good grief

go drink some kurdled milk and stop crying on my sleeve.

Ukrainian Cope

sorry you feel that way. the world is full of hypoccrites in high places. you should be used to it by now.

just a little taste: remember the bushtard’s papa?

Ukrainian Cope

the albanians will declare a chunk of england their property and turn it into a drug and pimp paradise.


in ukraine ? if you as an ethnic minority face discrimination in another country, you have to solve the problems by courts, internaional if the local ones are biased. and if that doesnt work, then you have to evacuate back to your home-country. invading that foreign country or claiming it to be “yours” now is satanic criminal sh*t and leads to big war always !

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Lunar Eclipse

it’s called realpolitik. never heard of it? buy an american history book.

heard arguments such as yours for decades now, from one secessionist group or backer after another.

they still hold water like a sieve. most especially after this rules-based international order thigamajig displaced the un charter and international law.. oops, there i go again regurgitating kremlin talking points. bad american, bad bad. no dinner for you..

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse

here’s another one of my favorite kremlin talking points.

no nation shall increase their own security at the expense of another’s.

could have almost been one of the ten commandments, don’t you think… like maybe: thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s naval base. another golden oldy.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse

wake up .russia and america were allies in ww1 but america is our barracks as churchill told you .so they feigned, under useless democrar wilson, to be too busy with the women’s league to be able to fulfill their promises ,that led the tsar into war ,of being right by your side all the way, hey hey hey .never fear wilson’s near .all that

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

so they let the families ,all who didn’t manage to escape, who were the aristocracy upper class ,get butchered .that’s the owners of the lands. then they suddenly were magic chums with good old joseph stalingrad for ww2 to finish off lutheran kaiser willie’s empire good and proper too . who’s left standing ? use deduction. then china japan austria already fell after assassination of the archduke ferdinand. no more empires to challenge them now .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

it’s all the sane source changing hats so as to not get caught just like trollope’s change their names as regularly as most people blink


no not realpolitik but simply repeating the mistake a. hitler did when going in poland for real good reasons, to save the german minority from jooish initiated (moses schorr & polish-jooish president ignacy moscicki) polish-pogroms against the german minority there. but it was invasion and as such illegal, same as putins invasion of ukraine is a crime too…

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

..you invade aforeign country -y you started a war, your the aggressor, you are guilty. putin even more as he had the bad example of how such things go. that usa is evil too, doesnt make the thing ok. or do you thing someone raping just 4 kids instead of 3 is therefore somewhat “justified” and “just doing realpolitik” ? no. criminal actions stays criminal action.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

wakey wakey the world is a criminal cult .they worship mammon at best ,at worst unspeakable. they’ve been running the world for centuries in disguise

BoJo the Bozo

of course there’s a reason… to maintain western hegemony.


he said no good reason .and western hegemony means roman .really imo .all roads ….


and roman means jooish – as jooish brought down rome using the very same methods they now use against germany. which is: forced open border policy, destruction of moral and eduction via forced degeneration education, pornography, gay&gender support, deindustrialization, fakenews & placing joos in all high positions in politics, juristics, economy, education and military commands.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

oukraine men and wimmen dying for the blood dollar.


yes but tgey won’t see the money they’re not hundreds of millions of petrol dollars worth of yachts and underground bunkers and mansions galore ,villages, towns , private jets, office blocks etc etc .theyre getting a new tv to pay for internet to be smart and buy propaganda .

Lunar Eclipse

dying for zelensky’s inner circle’s blood dollar, you mean.


no zekenskys not even one of them really imo he’s a tool they put into the shop front.

good grief

he does put on quite a show in tights and high heels.


victoria nuland and anne applebaum would beg to differ.


not to mention jake sullivan and antony blinken.


good valets and messenger’s

Catcher in the Rye

i’d pay big money to see them both in a fight cage to the death, with their hubbies in a cage next to them.


you need help. imo

Lunar Eclipse

why, what’s wrong with that thought? are not the ukrainian steppes the new thunderdome?


no they’re not actually they’re like a dress rehearsal. warm up exercises and some loose change petty cash. imo .


two ladies in waiting.

Lunar Eclipse

for the guillotine? now you’re talking my kind of court. throw merkel and her subterfuges in there for good measure. her rivers run red with ukraine’s blood.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse

it’s all so deep. i saw her and putin and that ukrainian plaited person, remember her in thd pretty costumes? , that they jailed , i saw the 3 of them coming out of meeting in europe and i saw the tall young ones watching them pointedly i saw the fear in their eyes .


there’s no good reason to die .it’s brainwashing of centuries for justifying human sacrifice from pagans making it noble .

Biller Clintoner

this one doesn’t look quite happy.


and war, he killed his enemy and in the end thanked him for the fight. he emerged victorious but with trauma but he eliminated his nato puppet enemy


fearful ukraine gov didn t kill all wagner in bakhmut with poison gas. wagners were not under geneva convention, and were terrorists recruited directly from prisons – so no need to waste ukr soldeiers – eradicating them with poison gas would have been fully legal – same as executing partisans and guerilla is completely within international law. but ukraine was to nice to do the right thing.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Lunar Eclipse

it’s the buddhist way. we could learn a thing or two from asian folk.

Yuri Mulatov

as soon as we get rid of war criminal zelensky, everything will be okay.


i am sorry to say that after shekelensky is gone, nato will always find another puppet. some people do everything for💲💲💲


the globalists are running the show nato’s just a means to an end .a tool.they created.

BoJo the Bozo

that’ll only leave the brits to purge me and my ilk. not sure if anyone’ll be left though.

celtic warrior

time to bring back drawing and quartering for you, bo jangles.

make it pay per view, it’ll help balance the budget.

Last edited 2 months ago by celtic warrior

they have to be hung first silly tbey have to be naked ,then after auto erotic strangulation induced erection ,them while still stiff they’re drawn from the head if the member up ,sliced in half horizontally into the bowels and up to the sternum ,then quartered get it right


i need help. imo


you need to understand that its the city that the royals call ” the firm ‘ that they work for .and the city is romes londinium .imo .


joos took down rome, took it and then founded vatican, jesuits and all that dirt. they then spread their fake judeo-christianity by force through the whole globus. so if you think it is “the vatican” that rules the world i say njet because vatican was itself founded by joos. jesus never ordered his followers to establish vatican, or inquisition or hunt down women as witches etc.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Just me

as long as there are governments and no real rule of the people, everything will never be ok.


we need governments of the people for the people by the people not thieves and liars and fraudsters .

The Crunge

not just him, it looks like his cousin or brother is the new head of syria

Lunar Eclipse

who’s the ukrainian mp whose sister was fighting for the dnr? his name escapes me.


nepotism is pandemic .it’s often the wife’s families though very often .


wrong he’s totally disposable and easily replaced no probs .


and war, he killed his enemy and in the end thanked him for the fight. he emerged victorious, but with trauma, but he eliminated his nato puppet enemy


you’re really incredibly naive gullible and trusting. very sad actually.


wow. that’s why you should still learn close combat, even in the drone era. it makes the difference between soldiers and warriors. respect for the russian and rip for the ukrainian.


and be in shape👍

Zionists Are Nazes

even though i support russia this is a sad watch. spit on the faces of those egging this on.

Lunar Eclipse

a perverted sense of humor sometimes is the best copium in a greek tragedy.

it helps though to follow with a brief penance to set the mind straight again.


you don’t even know whose who do you ? and nor does the voter

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

i prefer surrender to taliban in gay bar




“[………..] elite nato-trained servicemen in hand-to-hand combat” 🇺🇦 =☠️🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 2 months ago by DrunkenDimitri

“[………..] elite nato-trained servicemen in hand-to-hand combat” 😆😆😆

🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 2 months ago by DrunkenDimitri

all the equipment you were is hinder to fight. the clothes for the winter. close combat go best in the summer.

Dr Zhivago

never mess with a yakut.

Mariusz Misa

or he’s gonna steal your toilet seat!

Found another one

are you as stupid in real life as you are in your comments?

Lunar Eclipse

in school, instead of a dunce cap, he was made to wear a toilet seat on his shoulders. that may explain his fixation.


ukrozz don’t know any toilets, so they don’t have toilet seats either 🚽🚽🚽 🇺🇦 = 🤡 😆😆😆

shlomo's missing ballsack

some dick gave him a black eye, and he sorted it out.


stupid putin should also bomb usa/nato cargo planes as their land in ukraine. just as their sabotage nd bomb russian weapons and artillery and vehicle cargo ship.


any ceasefire of unpredictable trump who will anyway work in usa interest.should be handle with allies of russia.demarcation zones should be control by wagner,chechens,north korea and iran in ukraine.

V for victory

war is just a massive, legalized crime. horrible as always was. but atleast, once the kings and generals were in first line to fight, not in washington to order such massacres. really such poor guys sent to this carnage for no real reasons! i feel very bad for both, the winner and the loser.


it’s the most profitable business on earth crime is second. and its all legalised by the morality for rule of law .


putin’s weak reinforcement of hezbollah and syria and iran forces cause overtake of syria within three days with rebels.while he sit and welcome assad and worship erdogan and hoping to see macron


this is so sad brother fighting brother, all because the ukrainian nationalists have been beguiled by the promises of the empire of a life of milk and honey if they will only attack russians, it’s the second time in less than a hundred years they have fallen for that crap, they must be the most stupid people on earth.


solution is easy. russians go back to russia – all ru leave ukraine, and ukraine retreats from russian area (kursk). ukraine goes into nato and putin gets crimea for facesaving reasons. end of war and no problems anymore. but no, russia wants to oppress and steal foreign land, and bomb the country – till the point when west wakes up and real big war starts. started by the joo putin on 666 (24.f.2022) on behalf of his chabad lubavitch masters.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Moshe Dayan

obviously you have no understanding of history whatsoever. television news believer huh…


that’s not what even happened at all .and the idiot giving out the votes is thick as a brick imo .


why do they have no gloves resistend to knif cut? now there fingers are terible hurt.


this putin propaganda of calling france , britain,usa ,soldiers nato train is a lie. their are france,britain and usa soldiers.russia train soldier are russian soldier.this is war


russia has only one way to possibly win and its not by a prolonged lengthy war .

Christopher Chekosky

i’m not sure the russian solider was being noble. i think it was pure training and instinct driving his actions. ukrainian guy was neutralized and no longer a threat. that’s why you can see the russian solider at the end focused on his surroundings…ignoring the dying man in front of him.there are no winners here. brutal fight. the russian solider will live with that for life. i’ve been there and know it to know. some things you can’t ever erase from your mind, especially stuff like this.


the russian soldier runs the risk of being counter attacked if he allowed the ukrainian to surrender.


to surrensdee you have to be disarmed first of your own volition .

Lunar Eclipse

has there ever been a knife fight in recorded history that wasn’t brutal?


then you know you’re not allowed to put them out of their misery .


supposed ‘elite’ western soldiers’ worst enemies since vietnam have been peasants and little girls. beneath the flab of an american soldier there is no spine and that’s why they use the ukrainians instead


war is war. but this was just sad.


it’s very very mild .my gran lived through the ww1 and the russuan revolution, given sanctuary by the tsarist as both germany, escaped in the nick of time before the winter palace was stormed ,lived through thd latvian russuan war of independence, then ww2 .it’s very mild .

The Kurd

russian soldier looks very asian or even north korean. seems like russia is letting do the minorities do the fighting.

Niccolo Machiavelli

he is a yakut, numbnuts. go back to school and learn something. the best fighters the brits ever had were the gurkhas from nepal. you don’t want to mess with either of them.

Lunar Eclipse

in short, russia is a warrior nation, always has been. the idiots from washington fiddling around in ukraine should have thought about that before playing their fiddles.


not actually russia like china learned centuries ago that to maintain an empire requires limiting its size .they fought wars yes usually because their territories were being attacked or by reactionaries .tiny places, little pithy islands divided into splinters always need more living room and like to have great expectations .imo allegedly .

Ay nonny nonny

why don’t you self publish a book with your deep thoughts and hand it out at burning man festivals?


the brits out sources everything and really became great simply because they stole gun powder from china and then invaded countries where the natives had boomerangs and clubs and bows and arrows with machine guns and cannons .


that’s the joos modus operandi. malaysia prime ministery mahatir mohammed once said it in a perfect way: he said quote: “jews rule the world by proxy. they get others to fight and die for them” (end of quote)

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

he s moslem and so educated by that school of thought from you wouldn’t believe where.

Lunar Eclipse

or just maybe, they enlist to earn a salary that can support their family in yakutia for a decade.

yes, unlike ukraine, russia actually does pay them… and pay them well.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse
The Kurd

so basically he is a mercenary fighting for money?

Ay nonny nonny

more kurdled milk for you. you need some chelation therapy to clean out the shit in your brains.


wake up russia border asia. you people are so deceived it’s unbelievable actually how utterly naive you are .


groza means horror, fright, terror. the ukrainian are crying out horror, horror as he is fighting for his life/to kill the russian. makes it even more sad.

from the video it seems like he was disarmed?

deine maa

why leave someone die from wounds, just kill him and bring it over men. i would hate to die slowly

Lunar Eclipse

everyone dies slowly. for the lucky ones, like carter or a chechen or sardinian goat herder, it can take a 100 years or more.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lunar Eclipse

carter took a 100 years .how much longer did you want him to continue to wither up and die? die young ,stay pretty blondie hilters shepherds name btw .blondie. think.about that with your blue eyes wide open.

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

never trust anyone .queen mum nothing is what it seems propagandas a powerful weapon .

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