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MARCH 2025

First-Person View From Russia’s Tiger Vehicle: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Joint Russian-Turkish Patrol

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This video provides an inside look at the situation with the joint Russian-Turkish patrols in northeastern Syria. The video filmed from inside of the Russian armoured vehicle “Tiger” allows to see how supporters of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are throwing stones at the patrol.

Some moments of the video demonstrate that ‘sporadic protests’ against the patrol are not so sporadic. A camera has already been prepared:

First-Person View From Russia's Tiger Vehicle: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Joint Russian-Turkish Patrol

Click to see the full-size image

It remains unclear what SDF supporters want to achieve with this actions. Do they really prefer a Turkish military offensive rather and oppose the Syrian Army army deployment and joint Russian-Turkish patrols?

Most likely, these staged pro-SDF protests are an attempt to create a media picture justifying actions of the SDF leadership, which is involved in the US-led oil smuggling on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.


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Sasan Jamshidi

They deserve Fire Stones! (Turkish ones i mean, Russians simple stones are enough)


Soon the stones will turn into Molotovs

Jens Holm

I dont think we know stones might turn into molotovcocktails.

So far Assads have the same enemy and its a military matter.

But next might be Assads tryes to take over the much better and mpre advanced SDF civilie administration. Many for good reasons might not accept that.

Black Waters

Peace in the middle east is a threat for the Pentagon. Without war the U.S Zio-gestapo would be bankrupt.

Toronto Tonto

When has there ever been peace there . They were fighting each other before the Americas we founded .


When has the US ever not been at war?

Jens Holm

Thats 100% lie. There was no peacce in the late Ottomans but a lot of the opposite incl. genosides and deportations.

But thats totally deleted in Your contect not even able to handle a calender.


Really? Show me centuries of war and instability in the middle east during the Ottoman empire prior to it’s dissolution with quotes and links.

“The middle east was relatively stable for centuries prior to WWI during the Ottoman Empire with little internal conflict.”


The people standing on the other side of the road from the rock throwing crowd are not very bright, are they. How many injuries have occurred that way, I believe one woman was killed by a rock the other day ?


the psychological impact is greater with stones. it is like stoning someone to death a common practice in the middle east. its 2-3 people killed by now because of live fire from Turkish troops

Jens Holm

I agree. Stones are heard inside the armored vehicles and the soldiers are not hit.


Try this in the US or even in the UK and see what happens.. We can already see what peaceful protests does in france.. all freedom loving democracies.

Lazy Gamer

They are lucky, the Russians are there to protect them. But they are idiots for throwing stones at people who have guns. SAA should do something about the violence but with cautionary documentation

Barnabas Csorbics

They know very well the Ruskies will not shoot back! But I fear that stones will convert to petrol bottles soon!

Jens Holm

I dont think so. The real change could be if Assads cant cover that part of Syria and the vakku then again becomes SDF versus Turks.

Jens Holm

SDFs are not even asked and its a kind of dirty negosiation between Turks and Russians.

The one of having guns makes me sick. The Russians are not there to protect them at all.

Russians cant effort to be there and Assads already has sold most of the oil to them for the next 24 years. The Russian agenda is to keep the Syrians in line apart froim the ones Turks do and keep their improved base rights. Thats it.

Telling those people are ifiots is far out. SDFs did not uprise, they saw Assads hardly giving any reforms to the whole country for decades and close to collapse and leave Syria.

Then they got a chance to at least liberate their own parts from ISIS and did. That also helped Assads and Russians well.

So of course they and their 13.000 dead – non soldiers of the Assad forces – are angry seeing Assads carried back for free and en on Russian shoulders. Afrin ???


Its Russian oil the kurds are stealing.. Sooner or later poutin is going to put down his foot hard.


I haven’t had my 1/4 ton high ground clearance 4×4 attacked during ET/ED/non conventional lifeform contact ops in the mountains. But with 1,600 non conventional missing person cases in these areas, many of which turn out to be unexplained fatalities, it’s a concern. Which is why I’m upgrading lighting, coms and weapons capability for all weather 24/7 operations.


This was taken Monday during an op on a relatively steep snow covered grade. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/109a315b4ccb43eba9b689eed2a35ef1c333a306d9f45c59ec6425b09edd4f95.jpg


“A tip from a national park ranger led to this 4+ years and a 9000 hour investigative effort into understanding the stories behind people who have vanished. The book chronicles children, adults and the elderly who disappeared, sometimes in the presence of friends and relatives. As Search and Rescue personnel exhaust leads and places to search, relatives start to believe kidnappings and abductions have occurred. The belief by the relatives is not an isolated occurrence; it replicates itself time after time, case after case across North America.”

– Missing 411-Western U.S. –



Are you even serious? “But with 1,600 non conventional missing person cases in these areas” I told you I would catch up. This is the latest map of Orion spur. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b68082935f7f24cc4f273109bfbef3be1d5020f3a1fbd1b1ed26207d5248686d.jpg


Yinon plan forever war shills like you are an impediment to this planet’s humanity getting there anytime soon.


Get to where? You talk BS about alien abduction, Yet you have have no understanding of science and the cosmos. I have yet to hear you make an intelligent statement about the solar system and out beyond into the many star systems, and the potential for alien life.


You’re the one shilling for Jew endless war. Advanced civilizations aren’t interested in normalizing relations with the primates that you shill for. They know a problem that needs to be quarantined when they see one.

Harry Smith

Oh come on Richard! Insulting everyone disagree with you is not the most efficient way to communicate. PZIVJ has logic: nothing is true until you have clear indisputable evidence. Once you have not – your opinion is just an hypothesis.


I have clear indisputable evidence. I don’t need problems from the media or authorities. So disclosure is limited. At least until I have more money to deal with contingent liabilities more effectively.

If you’re concerned about people being insulted. You might want to criticize his posts rather than mine.


“PZIVJ RichardD • a day ago • edited RicardD, have you turned into a Turk SNA (shithead) supporter to take over Syrian territory? Your use of the term terrorist is bullshit. Or perhaps you do not comprehend beyond the title of the article :/”


Harry Smith

Richard, my friend, you’re experienced men. Don’t you have to be a little bit wiser?


What is unwise about pointing out that the security situation here needs to be corrected to normalize relations with advanced civilizations avoiding us because of it? And pointing out who is causing the problems here.

Concrete Mike

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, come on now.

Harry Smith

Of course you’re right, but scientific approach says that every hypothesis must be supported by fact or formal logic. PZIVJ and RichardD just have different approaches to the same problem. It’s quite normal. Not normal when they insult each other because of theoretical disagreements. :)


PZIVJ has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde complex if you haven’t noticed. When Mr. Hyde shows up, how would you suggest handling it?

Harry Smith

PZIVJ, considering space curvature near the Black Holes it is possible to travel trough space faster then light.


But only if you can handle a little bit of heat. 1 in 10 chance that you become just another gamma ray burst. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dfef6cb1a11e067029e1fa068b34131ae20db406f2c3186bd2e235917718cdfb.jpg

Harry Smith

In normal space-time continuum – yes I will. But if there is a wormhole between to parts of the curved continuum – who knows?


Out to the areas shown on the map.

I haven’t seen you write an intelligent explanation for all of the ufos seen in our skies. Do you think that any of them are ET ships, and if you do, where do you think that they come from and how do you think that they got here?


I have never delved into UFOs, because they are “Unidentified”. The hunt for habitable planets is increasing. James Web space telescope is due be launched in Mar 2021. It will be searching in the infrared, easier to spot earth like planets that way. Which makes me think ET would have much more advanced systems to spot the Earth as a place to come to visit. May be best to look for sun like stars first. How would they get here in a timely matter? Current understanding is that mass can not even come close to the speed of light.


UFOS may be unidentified. But for someone claiming a preference for the scientific method. Which for what it’s worth is related to the judicial process. Ignoring UFOS because science hasn’t solved the question of what they are. Is ignoring a major and perhaps primary component of space travel that you claim an interest in.

To repeat the answer that I’ve previously given you, the ETs use advanced technology. Which may include mass cancellation. So if you have reduced or zero mass and the ability to generate thrust. Then propulsion up to and beyond the speed of light becomes possible.


Faster than the speed of light? Are you a photon on steroids? What about shielding, hitting a grain of sand would be like hitting a ton of bricks.


What about it? Even our comparatively primitive spacecraft travel at high velocities sufficient to be damaged. But rarely are. Any technology sufficient for interstellar travel can be utilized for debris mitigation.


Traveling at speeds of over 35,000 miles per hour, it will take the Voyagers nearly 40,000 years, and they will have traveled a distance of about two light years to reach this rather indistinct boundary.


What does that have to do with debris mitigation?


“Military inventors filed plans for a highly unusual flying machine which uses an ‘inertial mass reduction device’ to travel at ‘extreme speeds’.

What that means is that the aircraft uses complex technology to reduce its mass and thereby lessen inertia (an object’s resistance to motion) so it can zoom along at high velocities.”



Your link mentions LIGO, they detected the waves and then was confirmed by different type of telescopes in different wave bands. Outstanding news. “including the generation of gravity waves, which were first detected in 2016 after being produced when two black holes collided.” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9e960699fb4db0dea3a7397d80082d870392273ceca1c7082ca4f6c03e16b66.jpg


Ya, it’s all interstellar Model T stuff that we’re reinventing. The bigger problem is the Jew forever war that you shill for. That makes our planet anathema to advanced civilizations avoiding us because of it.


You have absolutely no clue as to what you claim to understand about ET. So you revert to insults.( Traveling at speeds of over 35,000 miles per hour, it will take the Voyagers nearly 40,000 years, and they will have traveled a distance of about two light years to reach this rather indistinct boundary.


I thought that you where proud to shill for the Zionist Kurds and the Yinon plan.

As far as my ET knowledge. You’re self admittedly in no position to judge it because unlike someone like myself whose studied it in depth and has more experience than 99% of the population. You claim to be ignorant and uneducated on the topic.


I’ve had a close encounter with a silent super sonic delta volante ufo. Whether it was ET or not I don’t know.


“in 2011, Paulides launched the CanAm Missing Project, which catalogs cases of people who disappear—or are found—on wildlands across North America under what he calls mysterious circumstances. He has self-published six volumes in his popular Missing 411 series, most recently Missing 411 Hunters: Unexplained Disappearances.”

– How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace –


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Another spontaneous protest paid for by U.S. State Dept ‘democracy’ dollars assistance.

King Cliff

If I wa the leader of Syria and those kurds leaders are stealing from the nation,I would punish them for such crime by death. It would be drone assassination season,i would’ve provide the Turks with Intel to do so.

Jens Holm

The ones blaming them for stealing are the criminals. Thse are the ones which should be removed as permanenent infections.

Kurds dont steal from themseleves, but Damaskus and Bagdad does from the rest living there.

Go for areas, where the fat ones lives like swimmingpool owners in Aleppo or or like that.

A Nation? I seee no Nation. Syria is private property owned by the Baathists in the same way as Cremlin does.


if the Kurds were smart none of these would hae happened. Russia was there all along ,but they prefered the US dollars, which opened the gates of, what was to be Kurdistan, to Turkey. a major miscalculation there that cannot be undone with stones.

Jens Holm

Its stricltly forbidden på be even close to smart in areas Kurds live in. That goes for the rest apart from the upperclass.

The Kurdistan mythe is there. Remember the oil grabbing next time as well as many arabs actually has supported locals in Iraq and Syria.

Deep Space

Run ’em over!

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