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First Photos Of Russian Troops In Manbij

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On October 15, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Syrian Army had establshed a full control of the town of Manbij and nearby settlements. Russian Military Police units are also deployed there. MORE HERE


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Happy to see Russia involved in this as they want to see a true end to this mess which is not what the US/israel war combo wants for the middle east, Bravo to Russia working to solve this huge mess that US/israel created


Agree 100%, but want to add Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UK, and France to the list of perps.

Toronto Tonto

And assad the killer had nothing to do with the start of this war right fuckface.


Awe, sour grapes there Tonto?

Jay Lindberg

right fuckface.


The CIA backed Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood were the source of the armed uprising in Syria in 2011-2. These were minority of rural based Sunni fundamentalists, who have been an anti-secular problem for Syrian state for many decades – most of the Muslim Brotherhood based instigators of armed uprising had previously served in prison for terror and anti-state related activities.

Gary Sellars

Poor little dumb cunt… not having a good week, are ya?


Buster Romero

They gave you the perfect name Tonto. Google it in Spanish


The Russians always seem to have an answer to Yanki subterfuge. This should allow Erdogon to be put back into his snake jar


Erdo will also need some Snake Oil in his jar :)

Harry Smith

Erdogan just secures the south border of his country. Of course he wants some pro-Turkish population in this region, but it’s not his primary objective, at my point. As it was said before: independent Kurdistan with the access to the oil fields is a nightmare for Turks. BTW how do you think, what was the influence of the S-400 to Erdogan’s decision to fight Kurds in Syria? I think S-400 is a game changer, because now Erdogan, and not NATO, has control over the sky.


And how do you explain, that Erdogan does not now end the operation, after the SDF made their agrrement with Russia and Assad? And why does Erdogan not follow Putins request to revive the Adana agreement now, after the Kurdish plans are defated?

Dont believe the Turk propaganda.

Harry Smith

Can you guarantee that Kurds will keep the agreement? :)


I dont need to. Russia is the garantueer, and has the trust of the kurds. I would worry much more about the turks. They are now openly defying the agreed zone which the turks told Trump and Putin, aiming to move much deeper and further, plus aiming on Manjib, despite this was never agreed before, informally or officially. The turks are the ones who have not been loyal to ANY promise they made to Putin: idlib, Syrias integrity, ending support for Jihadis. The Kurds have chosen. And their deal is sealed. Erdogan on the other hand played both the US and Russia.

Harry Smith

Well, looks like Kremlin does not share your point of view.

Tudor Miron

What is happening now was developing for a couple of years. You’re judging by “current states” but I suggest that you observe the process in development. Start from 2015.


Yes, you are most probably correct, and another reason that the US was pissed.

Albert Pike

It is all theatre, nothing is real, Erdogan is a descendant from Armenian Crypto Jews, and his S-400 will not do anything without Moscows and therefore Crown Heights yes or no. Also there is a long Turkish, Israel relationship. So Dönmeh Erdogan is in their pockets: https://www.trtworld.com/in-depth/14-things-about-turkish-israeli-relations-you-didnt-know-93510

Putin is also in their pockets – they say so (“Putin may not be good for Russians but most certainly good for Rusian Jews”) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoQhXh_Q0AU

Trump anyway: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007 https://crownheights.info/picture-of-the-day/682678/picture-of-the-day-131/

Therefore: https://www.rferl.org/a/turkey-talks-syria-putin-rohani/30166558.html

Trump is Chabad, Putin is Chabad, Erdogan is Dönmeh (that’s also Chabad), Rouhani is Hojjatieh (Thats freemason therefore sort of Chabad). The last three made a deal on the 16of September in Ankara, toreuite Syria under a new federal Syrian constitution. This constitution was written by Russians mostlikely Russian jews, because it obligates Syria to hold friendly relations with all it’s neighbours, including Israel -therefore making it impossible to ever get the Golan Heights back. So you see Chabad is control – one more war with large regional destruction, and one step more in the direction of the Yinon Plan (same same since wourld war one and two).

Sorry no English, Chabad fan and freemason Meyssan made it that way, so the Joe Averages could not read it, and theater could be played: https://www.voltairenet.org/article207820.html

So there is no game changer – because there is no game…

Harry Smith

You are too obsessed with Jews. At my point, you’re digging in the wrong way. https://youtu.be/bZzPTnxtnbo

Albert Pike

The messianic movement which started in 1666 is a satanic movement, which is also seen that way by some jews.

https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/05/rabbi-marvin-antelman-to-eliminate-the-opiate-vol-1/rabbi-marvin-antelman-to-eliminate-the-opiate-vol-1.pdf https://rmstock.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/antelman_to_eliminate_the_opiate_vol2.pdf

The well organised movement in 1666 was the strongest ever, the majority of the Jews believed Sabbatai Zevi, and that the messiah had come, and that now all rules where the other way around. The base of that view where the kabbalistic interpretations of Issac Luria, aka The Breaking of the Vessels: Broken Shards and Holy Sparks. Out of that came the redemption through sin, and that became the motivation for satanism. Satanism as a way to force the messiah to come down to earth. Both chasidic movements the frankist movement of Jakob Frank and the movement of Lubavich have the Lurianic Kabbalah as the starting point. Without Amschel Bauer, Adam Weisshaupt and Jakob Frank there would be no movement of the all seeing eye. Gradually over time the Frankist and the related Chabad movement took over mainstream Judism. There is a strong lead that the 1000Year Reich of A Hitler was a Frankist movement, installed to purge the religious Jews and to swing Judaism into two polar movements a Frankist and a Lubavitch direction, both controlled by Lubavitch. The indications are the financing of the Nazi movement, the saving of the Lubavitcher Rebbe by the Nazis, or the leaderchip of the Frankists in Croatia, by the Party of Rights of Josip Frank, whose grandfather was Jakob Frank, which became the facist Ustashe, which where all crypto Jews. Also read the book from Yalie Bryan Mark Rigg ‘Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers’, and see the high percentage of Nazis who where of Jewish Frankist decend.

Also it wasn’t a coincidence that since Kennedy American politics where influenced by characters like Zbigniew Brzezinski, a further decendant of Hannah Frank, the second wife of Jakob Frank. Same with Louis Brandeis, also a decendant from a leading Frankist family.

You see the reasons behind all this in Satanism, I see the reason for Satanism in the lurianic kabbalistic theme of redemption through sin. Now sin does’nt just happen, it is planed and instigated by the power that is, and that’s Chabad Lubavitch…


This is important, but AFAIK the Russians were already there in the imediate area. Much more important will be, if Putin will let this military do this too in the other parts of north Syria, and if SAA will get air support like the Jihadis get from Erdogan..

Friend of Russia

Russia should have helped the SAA to throw the Turkish terrorists out of Syria. But Russians are too frightened to fight.


You really should change your name to ‘Friend of America’ , as that is what you obviously are.


He has a point. Erdogan has not kept any of his promises. But where is the red line? I cant see it. Respect to Erdog: He played both sides, and still does. But when does it stop? Good that Russian forced protect the SAA in manjib, but it would be badly needed in all of the northern front line. Putin has already declared not to invervene against the Turkish advance. And no air support for SAA too. This leaves the Turkish Jihadis with a massive advantage..


I doubt that Erdos Wahabi thugs are on the Russian ‘ No kill list’.


They are not “frigthend”. It is just that Putin has declared not to intervene against the Turks and no airpower for SAA in this fight from Russia. Seems Turkey is too important for both US and Putin to take action against. One possible upside: The Kurds were promised by Russia, that Russia would protect them from the Turks. But how, if Putin has already ruled out air support? The only option left for Russia would be to let its military police block the turks on the whole frontline in northen Syria. But there a no reports that would say so beside Manjib. We will know for sure soon i guess.

Friend of Russia


Friend of Russia

Why is he afraid to kick the ass of an invader


anglos think in binary terms; for the amerikan, life is black or white; Russians think dialectically…Berdaev observed that this was why Russian intelligentsia found Hegel so appealing…”take paradox away from a thinker and u have a professor”. kierkegaard

Friend of Russia

He has decided not to intervene against the aggressors means he is afraid of the Turkish terrorists

Toronto Tonto

Russia does not have the means or hardware to compete with a real army .


When you deny reality, it is called self-delusion.

Gary Sellars

Be silent dumb cunt. No-one cares for the dog shit that oozes from your idiot pie-hole.

Harry Smith

Ha-ha. First pictures! We had videos from USA military base at the Telegram channel Oleg_Blokin at 10:40 this morning. There are also some stupid pictures painted by Americans for Russians. If I would be able, I will post it here.

Harry Smith

Well, I can’t post pictures at sf site but I can post it in disqus. If anybody will answer me in next 15 mins I would try to post some.

Harry Smith


Harry Smith


Uncle Meat

What the hell? These could be from anywhere, taking up comment space, imo.

Harry Smith


Tudor Miron

I love this. Lol.

Sasan Jamshidi

They should have done this for Afrin when kurds asked Russia to remain in afrin but didnt and now for taking afrin war should solve problem

Tudor Miron

Kurds had their chance to allow SAA in Afrin. They almost did but their greed and stupidity (steeling Syrian land on behalf of US) blinded them and they had to be taught a lesson. After that they kept believing in US (stupidity) and thought they can still occupy other Syrian lands (greed) and invite enemy (US) there. Kurds are extremely slow to learn and that is why they are not allowed any choices now.But Syria and Russia is generous and Kurds will have good conditions within Syrian state if they learn to behave.

You can call me Al

Russian flag raised high; the Russians are home.

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