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MARCH 2025

First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First photos showing vestiges of 2 Indian aircraft downed by the Pakistani military have appeared online. According to reports, one of the aircraft was the MiG-27MU. Another downed aircraft is yet to be identified. Some soures say that this is Mi-17 helicopter.


First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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First Photos Showing Vestiges Of Downed Indian Aircraft Appear Online

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Zionism = EVIL

The Pakistanis have shot down a Mi-17 helicopter too, Russians weapons again come out second best, Not a good look for India as it now has to back down or face more humiliation.


Pakistani really had a really strong showing today. They downed jets and hit Indian targets in short order without suffering any losses on their own side (at least this is what the Pakistanis are saying). They also captured several Indian pilots.

Wow, all I can say is that this is a HUGE loss for India, like monumental as far as PR goes.

Zionism = EVIL

I have served in Pakistan as a young man, they are tough people and their airforce is top notch. They serve in a lot of regions and have access to top line US and Chinese weaponry and are not afraid to use them. India should just lick its wounds and back down. This Imran Khan is sportsman and will just up the ante.


PAF has always been an exceptional Air force with deep knowledge on how to conduct proper air combat. Today PAF has shown India who is the master of the skies. The thing is I don’t have a dog in this fight and would rather see peace but PAF has put on a truly impressive display of combat experience and strategy.

Reports are saying that PAF using the JF-17 Thunder have shot down a Mig-21 and SU-30MKI. The Chinese made fighter isn’t some cheap knock-off after all…

Zionism = EVIL

Lot of senior IRIAF and IIAF pilots trained with Pakistanis at Risalpur and two years ago Iran and Pakistan renewed joint pilot training. The Pakistanis helped Iran refurbish 23 Mirage F1 that were crazy Saddam’s gift.


Very smart of Iran to train with Pakistanis. It is some of he best knowledge you can get as far as air combat goes apart from the US.

….I don’t think many of the users on SouthFront will fully understand just how humiliating of a defeat this tactical blunder is for India. Like MAN is this bad for Modi. Pakistan must be really proud right now lol.

Zionism = EVIL

You have to admire Pakistani professionalism, no threats or boasts, their FM just came on TV and said it is time for India to stop and talk, but if not then we will turn it into a nightmare. The Indians have very little choice as this was Modi’s domestic PR stunt, but he fucked with the wrong people. It will be very hard for India to spin now. The PTV just showed a battered Indian pilot of a MIG-27 named Flight Lt. Abhi who said that they were conducting a bombing run inside Pakistani territory when they were ambushed by a Pakistan CAP of F-16 and JK-17 Thunders. Felt sorry for the guy as he was bleeding surrounded by Pakistani SSG commandos.


Agreed, India needs to put its money where its mouth is and accept defeat in this latest episode. Although I believe Pakistani military officials have said that no F-16 was used during this altercation? I’m guessing there will be a lot of conflicting reports but it is impressive nonetheless.

Could you imagine a Russian Su30MKI being downed by a JF-17?

Zionism = EVIL

No wonder Russia does not use its S-300 in Syria :)


lol, This whole episode has made be totally rethink what potential future and current Chinese made air-craft have.

Iran REALLY needs to tell the Russians to fuck off and suck it. China seems more than willing to help Iran re-modernize its air force. Damn….this is a watershed moment…

Zionism = EVIL

Iran should get the Chinese J-10, it is far better than a F-16 even. The Russians are under Jew control and did not even sell SU-27 last year when Dehghan was in Moscow and then Hatami tried too. Chinese J-11 or SU-35 is far superior to the original Russian junk.


No kidding…Russia uses foreign military sales as a political bargaining chip against the west. The Iranian S-300PMU2 fiasco was enough for me to see Russia for what it really is. Simply put, the Russians are unreliable for the Iranians full-stop. Iran can have decent relations with Russia but when it comes to defense, Iran can’t put a single drop of trust in them whatsoever.

Zionism = EVIL

Not only that, Iran initially allowed them to use the Hamadan TAB 3 for initial strikes on the Wahhabi headchoppers in Syria, but Russians started boasting of a base in Iran and were kicked out.

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistani-Chinese joint JF-17 THUNDER that shot down Indian MIG and Sukhoi today. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/520d08d6f7f0aad618a89700557428a790d3333b120df120afeb2e328b7a854d.jpg


Iran has not put anywhere as much effort into aircraft as it has missiles. They seem to be taking a very defensive posture.

Marko Ivanišević

You must be very stupid to write this.

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid is as stupid does :)


Forrest Gump.

Marko Ivanišević

I did not write that Su-30MKI was shot down. Please provide photos of Su-30MKI wreck.


India has been improving ties with Iran recently. They may be forced to choose sides.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran will try to remain neutral and has already offered its diplomatic services to deescalate.


I would like to believe that Iran can have meaningful relations with both India and Pakistan.


India has been screwing Iran, demanding large discounts for oil and paying in Rupees which are worthless outside of India.


Pakistan is a fake created Nation..created by the british and ist Zionist Partners…..

Current prime Minister KHAN.. who is he married to???????

GOLDSMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Khasarian Zionist bankers Family of London!!!!!!

so the leader of the Moslem Nation is married to a Zionist????? Where did KHAN go to School?????



Zionism = EVIL

This is not about Imran Khan, but Indian failed aggression and now they look like idiots.


Have you been in a cave? Khan divorced his Jewish wife 15 years ago.

Zionism = EVIL

These kids tend to personalize things and not stick to FACTS :)

Marko Ivanišević

And where are your FACTS? We see MiG-21 wreck and you are saying that Su-30MKI was shott down. Where are pilots from Su-30MKI?

Zionism = EVIL

Kiss kiss and chill pill.

Marko Ivanišević

Go away trol.


I don’t see de-escalation as an option for Modi. He claimed right of self defense after the terrorist attack and the UN backed him up. Looking weak infront of his own people is not on the table.

Zionism = EVIL

I think there will be a lot of international pressure. India really can’t start a nuclear war as it has lot more to lose. The Pakistanis have a Jihadi mentality and will not back down. Modi should not have started this with a weak hand. Indian airforce is short of 500 pilots and in very poor shape. Their army is bogged down in Kashmir and US and EU will urge caution.


Why does it have to be a nuclear war, they have fought each other many times without resorting to nukes.

Zionism = EVIL

I have read the Pakistani defence strategy. They are small in numbers only 197 million to India’s 1.4 BILLION and will be overwhelmed in a conventional war. They will use 5-10 kt tactical nukes to block Indian armor in Punjab plains and Rajistan deserts. They have war gamed this scenario about a dozen times.


About 180 million Indians are Muslim.

The USA is only 350 million, yet it is the most powerful military on earth.

There is a lot more to power projection and war than numbers.

Zionism = EVIL

That is true. But I think that is their worst case scenario to scare India.


The Indians are barking mad, even Alexander the Great met his match with Hindu fanaticism.

Zionism = EVIL

But a few thousand invaders have always ruled them, the Persians, British and even the Portuguese in Goa. Nadir Shah the Persian Napoleon captured India with 50,000 men and brought home the Takth a Tous or Peacock throne which now sits in Tehran museum :)


Agreed this could blow up very quickly.

Marko Ivanišević

Pakis did not shot down Mi-17, it crashed becouse of technical reason. Airplane is Mig-21 not Mig-27, and you are stupid if you think that Chinese JK-17 would shott down Su-30MKI.

Omer Tahir

Ihave seen a video of Jf-17 chasing SU-30 , maybe it shot the sukhoi later. Here Indian media itself admitted , however they were ashamed how JF-17 shot their most avanced jet so they put a blanket over it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2NKrHDCZWQ

Marko Ivanišević

Ahaha where are pics of downed Su-30MKI?

Zionism = EVIL

Just posted it. Go to Pakistan Defence Forum.

Marko Ivanišević

Pakistan defence forum??? Are you kidding me? Go to Indian defence forum please.

Zionism = EVIL

Why, they lost :)

Marko Ivanišević

Where are pilots from Su-30MKI? Dont be stupid.

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t be childish kiddo :)

Marko Ivanišević

Are you stupid or what? Where are pilots from MKI or pics of MKI. I was on pakistand defence forum and i did not see any Su-30MKI wreck. So i asume that you are stupid or trol.

Marko Ivanišević

They lost??? ahaha


Fake news. The pictures of the wreckage were from BAE Hawk 2015 (A3492) crash in Kashmir and a MiG-27 (TU657) from 2018 crash in Jodhpur.

Marko Ivanišević

He is stupid paki lover indeed.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well this looks like it is only going to get hotter. Didn’t see any information in this particular article, as to how the aircraft was downed.

Zionism = EVIL


Dick Von Dast'Ard

What are the attack helicopter numbers on both sides?

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistan has Super Cobra AH-1Z, two dozen Chinese and 30 Turkish Aerospace Industries T129 ATAK helicopter gunships. About 100 in all. India has a couple of dozen MI-24. Pakistan is stronger and more battle tested.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

You say Pakistan is stronger and more battle tested, but I’m trying to recall any war the Pakistani’s have won since 1948? Numbers and resources point to an overwhelmingly stronger neighbor and of course economically, Pakistan is in no position to afford a war. With this very public display (a downed Indian combat jet) on the world stage, the political stakes have now risen.

Zionism = EVIL

They have been fighting in Afghanistan and other regional conflicts. The 1965 war was draw and 1971 was a defeat. But India is now weaker and most of its young go into business and shun the military. The deployment of a million men in Kashmir, like the Zionist occupation of Palestine tends to wear down professionalism. The Indian airforce has crashed more planes than US and NATO combined. Mostly MIGs, Jaguars and Sukhoi’s, even a few Mirages.


India should have left it alone after their first face saving bomb run. Going back for a second shot was asking for trouble. I wonder what Modi is trying to achieve?

Zionism = EVIL

Modi has the extremist Hindu RSS (Wahhabi types) to please and misjudged the Pakistani response. Even the first Indian strike at Balakot failed, then the Pakistanis decided to act, which caught the Indians by total surprise. Now Modi looks like a total fuckwit.

zara ali

Guys in the discussion… thank you very much indeed for discussing the issue like sane people. Honestly this is the first I have seen since yesterday.

Zionism = EVIL

We try to keep it real and the kids in check :)

Harry Smith

Yep, because now most of NATO countries and Israel are calculating their profit from feature selling of weapons to both sides of conflict. Hope regional countries will help Pakistan and India to stop this stupid conflict.

Jimmy Jim

buy mercan, it kicks ass….USA, USA

Harry Smith



bankrupted empire wannabe’s…

Saddam Hussein

Aparently, the Indians used Israeli missles in their strike on Pakistan. I guess we should support the side with the tiolets.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist scum are also advising them in how to rape and torture Kashmiris.

Zionism = EVIL

The two Indian aircraft shot down by PAF were one SU-30 and a MiG-21.

The kills were achieved by S/L Hasan and F/L Buzdar. from No 9 squadron and the Pakistani pilots interviewed on PTV.

Zionism = EVIL

SU-30 downed near Muzzafarabad, 15 kms from Line of Control.



That is actually a picture of the downed MIG-21.

You can see the pointed noise clearly in this expanded picture https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/906aca0d84be1f95d4d91b55ec4b6ee81bf9a0b86b53b33f7cd90af395c96ed8.jpg

Marko Ivanišević

No this is MKI according to most stupid trol here.


He isn’t a troll and he just messed up with the pictures so calm down.

These following pictures are apparently the down SU30MKi https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/935e59f88d2b7be6b8a16076a4897830aa39ce4ca057b1137fa9c3cfe035288e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fdb0e83d38dc3037e159b60f2d9df2693d2ec6174950e474c246bd61eb9fbadc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e075f95ac61c98eb3a7a50f05641da9f45a37612ba19a9037965d03e32436b82.jpg

Marko Ivanišević

That is not SU-30MKI.


We might have to wait until the dust has settled to positively ID the planes. War is total confusion.


Well said. the planes will be a mangled mess regardless so getting a good look at what they are off of initial pictures will be inherently difficult.

Marko Ivanišević

Where are pilots?


One of the pilots are in custody and I believe two others are in the hospital in critical condition.

Marko Ivanišević

And did you chacked another pics of that same plane were you can see that engine nozzle is right below vertical stabiliser. SU-30MKI dont have nozzles on that place.

Marko Ivanišević

Yes, maybe in your stupid had.


No, they have videos and pictures of at least one Indian pilot by the name of Lt. ABHI in custody. But Pakistan has said they have another two in custody as well but they’re in critical condition.

Also you really need to back off with your childish insults. I’m not phased at all so get real.

Marko Ivanišević

Do you think that i am stupid or what?


I really don’t care about you.

Marko Ivanišević

And i dont care about you but stop spaming.


Whatever idiot, fix your English at least lol.

Marko Ivanišević

I dont care about my English, you untedstand me.

Zionism = EVIL

Lighten up moron :) you are acting if your mom was fucked by Pakistanis.

Marko Ivanišević

I am moron you stupid kid. You are stupid and arrogant.

Marko Ivanišević

Where are you FACTS stupid boy.

Jens Holm

Nothing wrong with Pakistanis. They more normal ones are all over the world doing well.


Well you are acting stupidly, calm down, non of us knows what really happened.

Marko Ivanišević

He is acting stupid. He claim that Su-30MKI was shott down on the basis of what? and i am acting stupid?


Maybe an SU30 did get shot down, and maybe it was a Cessna. In war everybody lies about everything.

Marko Ivanišević

Or maybe Islami boys are just spaming.


I’m simply passing on info from other sources, namely posters from Pakistan and Pakistani Defense Forum.

You’re the idiot who is jumping to conclusions. Grow up Marko, you’re not a kid anymore.

Marko Ivanišević

And pakistani defece forum has pictures of downed plane and knows that Su-30MKI was shott down? I am telling you that this picture are not Su-30MKIs and that pakis have 2 more indian pilots they woud take pictures of them. How old are you again?


If you had a keen enough eye you would have seen that I said VERY CLEARLY “apparently” in my post about with the pictures of the SU30MKI.

But go ahead Marko, keep making yourself look like a dumbass, I’m thoroughly enjoying this :)

Marko Ivanišević

I “apperently” see flying soucer on these pics. Do you know what i mean?


No I don’t, you aren’t making any sense.

Marko Ivanišević

For you paki lovers it dont making any sense but for normal human being it does.


Nope, still don’t understand the inhumane diatribe you spew. Try using English, it’s an awesome language :)

Marko Ivanišević

You undeststand very well. :)

Harry Smith

inhumane diatribe you spew

Fluffy smurfs! I needed a dictionary to understand this masterpiece! ROFL

Marko Ivanišević

I am making myslf look like dumbass becouse i am saying that on that picture isnt Su-30MKI??? You are ready for mental institution.


How about you go first and tell me how the mental institution is. I heard you will be a VIP guest :)

To be fair a jet that crashes after being shot down can look like a mangled up mess like the one shown in the pictures. So we have to wait and see if it really is an SU30MKI

Marko Ivanišević

You are very funny my dear. You can clearly see on pics that that is not 2 engine airplane but you go on and on. So if that was 2engine airplane how you can tell that it is Su-30MKI or MiG-29 or Rafale?


Иметь терпение

Harry Smith

d’Artagnan it’s not “иметь терпение”, but “имеЙ терпение”. Russian language cases are disaster for a roman family languages speakers.


I’m going off of what the captions for the pictures are saying they are and I did say “apparently”. For me the pictures do not look like a SU30MKI but a Mig-21 tail section.

The markings would line up better that way.

Marko Ivanišević

So you admit that you act stupid? I was telling you that this is not Su-30MKI and you were telling me that i am stupid??? Good for you.


I haven’t or will not admit to jack-shit Marko. I WILL REITERATE again so that you may understand. You called me stupid based off of pictures where I clearly stated that these COULD BE (hence why I used the word “apparently”) a SU30MKI based of what little information has been released thus far.

IT IS YOU WHO jumped the gun and assumed that I came to the conclusion that the pictures were of a SU30MKI.

There is nothing for me to be sorry for whatsoever. So please do us all a favor and get over yourself.

Marko Ivanišević

Please dont dig youself more and more.


I’m not digging anything Marko, you projected yourself onto me for no good reason and put words in my mouth. I will defend my position from false realities idiots like you peddle.

Marko Ivanišević

I would not post this if i was not 100% sure that this is not Su-30MKI. And now you look like greatest idiots. Again how old are you?


Great, that’s just awesome Marko, you still put words in my mouth and COMPLETELY missed the meaning of the post we’re currently arguing over.

But keep on beating a dead horse that has no merit to it. My post said “apparently” which means means maybe, or seems to be but isn’t definite. Yet go keep on trying to position yourself in the right position when you are wrong, simple as that. Please grow up a little Marko, use that brain of yours.

Idk if my words are making any sense to you, like at all. But keep on replying Marko, I’ll be here all day to prove you wrong :)

Jens Holm

As a western I see so many hardly has apparently in their vocabulary. They/You maybee too also has to admit things, You never has denied even already are written by Yourself.

It could be memorylack, but I think many dont have nuances in their thinking and language,

By that we get lacks both ways. I have told many, that I cant and wont go back to my correct highshool english as well as think in Turkish and Arabic terms and then write in English terms.

And I see it well for many of our emmigrants. They seemes perfect in English, but they dont understand, whats really going on here even they have fine education paper from here.

I probatly write broken english, but if people dont understand, I do as You and try again.

A few of those, You try to communicate with are impossible people hardly knowing much about things. It doesnt matter if You give them one link or 5.

I am like that. I started here, because I was bkamed understanding nothing in ME. I am confirmed most from there unfortunatly understand even less.

Before this I debated on danish sites about the same things often with muslims. So I didnt not arrive as green and new from Mars.

Sorry if I have offended You.

Concrete Mike

Your an odd nut.a good nut though.

In my opinion your are not western, you are eurotrash;)

What im curious about, is if same nuances mean same things in other cultures or something else.

I was always interested innlinguistics

Balázs Jávorszky

Marko, could you please just move on at last? What BlueInGreen said was very obviously NOT what you claim, and he has explained it to you at least a dozen times. Enough.


Thank you for ascertaining the simple point that for some reason Marko couldn’t figure out….It is insane how people will misconstrue ones words to fit their own narrative.

John Whitehot

most definitely mig-21. so the pics are the same wreckage?


Upon further comparison of the wreckage and pictures of Indian Mig-21s currently in service. It would seem that the photos I posted are more inline with a Mig-21 rather than a SU30MKI.

But Marko will come in saying I explicitly stated these are indeed, undoubtedly SU30s (when I didn’t at all)…..

Don’t mean to pester you about it, I just REALLY hate it when people miss the meaning of my posts and project themselves onto me. It infuriating to no end….

John Whitehot

“Don’t mean to pester you about it”

I ‘ve seen this particular comment only now, among the tens that kept coming.

Do you really believe there is “pestering” over the internet?

I mean, I’m confident enough to be not “pestered” by anyone, especially if I don’t have any second mean.

When the pics first were published, I checked them against a number of planes, the SU-30 was not even among them.

Because I’ve enough experience to exclude it a priori, with the amount of information that was available.

In addition, I try to perform my analysis (within the strict limit of public available data) based on relevant information, not on gossip, or wishful thinking.

As I said elsewhere, India does not have SU-30s in this area, it employs them in different units and in very different locations (vs China, not Pakistan). Also, there was enough data to deduce that it was a single engined aircraft. Initially I suspected a Mirage-2000, as the shape of the features on the tail and the vertical stabilizer could be compatible (the stabilizer was “cut” and seemed more sharp than one of the MiG-21, also it was lacking the RWR antennas on the top of it).

Knowledgeable people also would notice the engine remains, that would exclude mostly everything bar a Mig-21.

That said, the Indian side has gone to some extreme lengths to affirm that this MiG-21 shot down an F-16, yet the only things they published are pics of fragments of an AIM-120, something that would prove that an F-16 was there in their view (not in mine, the evidence the indians shown is simply not enough).

And to finish, I find it amateurish and pretextuous how certain Indian writers have mis-analyzed the data to enforce that the Mig shot down an F-16. Even if that happened, pls understand that it’s not something so incredibly singular or glorious, especially if a short range combat ensued and the Mig could take an Archer shot at the F-16.

All this, to say that I don’t analyze combat engagements news based on who or what I root for.


This comment was made well before you and I had gotten into that who can one-up the other with semantics comment thread FYI, just wanted to let that be known. I hope now you can see where it was I was coming from in retrospect, if not then so be it, I don’t care anymore really.

I was personally doubtful that an SU30MKI was shot down but as of now many Pakistanis still believe that one has been shot down and that India is not disclosing any evidence/pictures of it due to face-saving reasons, you know how domestic politics work and whatnot… Idk if one was shot down, and if one was I would want to see some evidence of it to at least resolutely confirm it being a SU30MKI or not.

Genuinely surprised you even decided to respond back to me lol, I’m over here thinking you had blocked me.

John Whitehot

“Idk if one was shot down”

At this point is impossible to believe that there’s even a 1% chance that one was shot down, unless one has disconnected from reality and instead integrated his conscience with the pentagon (or the most vulgar and uninformed pakistani commenters).

Nonetheless, since I know what you are doing with your feeble, pathetically weighted and selected words, I want to reaffirm that my respect for your kind has never been so low.

“blocked me”

I don’t block because I don’t wanna miss the loads of garbage zionists publish on these pages.

Blocking is for sissies anyway.


Still suck at banter old man, work on your diction and semantics a little more than you may be at my level of grammatical comprehension/sentence structure, until then you are hopelessly pathetic at trying to get a rise out of me. Keep it up though 40 year old, times a tickin” gonna croak one of these days. Although I surmise no one gonna really give a shit that a nobody like you died anyways, sad really…John The Dolt Whitehot with his stupid quips. Damn, wish you had a higher IQ. Well more O2 for other more deserving people, not too mention more bandwidth for actual intellectual conversations.

What I said was apt, fitting, unremittingly okay given the context, information and especially how I worded within the thread itself yet you refuse to adhere let alone accept any ounce of reason because of your hollow pride that nobody but yourself gives a shit about.

Keep it up John, I’m here all day and I enjoy fucking over old farts like you lol.


Fucking worthless…


“At this point is impossible to believe that there’s even a 1% chance that one was shot down, unless one has disconnected from reality and instead integrated his conscience with the pentagon (or the most vulgar and uninformed pakistani commenters).”

Yeah, you’re legit a fucking crazy retard. Holy fuck lmao, “integrated his conscience with the Pentagon”, what? Stop it old man and take your pills, becoming senile and celibate must suck ass. Feels bad man…..

It is a jet that can be brought down, it isn’t some magical flying wonder machine you incessantly childish fanboy. What sort of 40 years old sits here and strokes his cock over a SU30MKI anyways?

Regardless the threads of Pakistanis talking cordially and respectfully (unlike your dumbass) about the apparent downing of the SU30MKI go into rather extensive detail on what could have gone down during the altercation with various Twitterpost, videos, schematics of jets and their capabilities plus the fact that the pilot Pakistan captured was a SU30 pilot originally(still, I don’t know the whole story, and neither does your infantile ass). Needless to say you don’t care and I won’t even try to talk about it with you since you suck at basic communication skills. I’ll let that be for the sake of my own sanity, can’t waste it on sub-human trash like yourself you know?

Like before, Apparently was a more than apt word to use for what I wanted to say. Idiots like you will never understand because you willfully choose to be stupid about it.

Keep it coming like always John, can’t wait to break down your next irredeemably dumb rebuttal.

John Whitehot

Rafale almost impossible, idk if India has already received it and they would not use them in combat so soon.

but the second wreckage has some similarity with M2000 although i wouldnt swear by it

Marko Ivanišević

But you know (these forum morons) that it is Su-30MKI. Exactly Su-30MKI becouse on pakistani defence forum members are cuming on Su-30MKI, becouse that is Indian best aircraft.

John Whitehot

nah, it’s because there are scumbags paid by israel and the US MIC which want to put Russian weapon systems in bad light.

Besides, The only identified wreck is an israeli updated Mig-21, while yesterday indian M2000s missed their targets using israeli guided bombs.

John Whitehot

Also from previous news it appears that India deployed Su30s on the border with China and not with Pakistan.

Previous combat missions in the areas were always performed by M2000s, Mig-29s and 27.

Marko Ivanišević

Do you see that on above picture engine nozzle is right below vertical stabilizer?

Jimmy Jim

duh, Ruskies got it in the vertical schnoozle….

Concrete Mike

How.many american fighters from the 50’s still flying around? None

Shows the beauty of this simple rugged russian design.

Zionism = EVIL

Some butt hurt Indian :)

Marko Ivanišević

Where are you FACTS my dear islami boy?

Zionism = EVIL

Kiss kiss sweetie and chill. It is all OK :)

Marko Ivanišević

That is your only FACT my dear, go to you rathole.


It’s “your” rathole Marko, not you rathole.

Marko Ivanišević

Thank you very much but i have “slow keyboard”.

Jimmy Jim

dud Ruskie salami boy?

Jens Holm

He dont like facts.

Sudhir Tirkey

Can you clear my doubt? Pakistan earlier told One pilot captured another in hospital. Now saying only one pilot. Who is the other pilot in hospital. Could it be the Pakistani F-16 pilot? Also the wreckage shown in Fig 5 is of F-16 engine it appears. Why no photo of 2nd pilot?. All this inconsistency points that the Indian Pilot has indeed shot down an F 16 with Mig 21.


To the best of my knowledge what we know is that Pakistan has in custody with them one pilot of a Mig-21 which was shot down during the altercation. The Pakistanis are saying they shot down two IAF jets but India says they lost one of theirs but shot down one PAF jet. Going on PDF (Pakistani Defense Forum) and reading most of the threads regarding this latest incident would yield that, according to most of the users on PDF, there was no Pakistani F-16 used in the fight.

It’s hard to say for sure, but I will be going back over the evidence thus far to get a better conclusion.

Marko Ivanišević


Zionism = EVIL

Gone for a Siesta amigo comprende :)

Marko Ivanišević

You are stupid i know. :)

John Whitehot

this is no su-30 wtf are u talking abt.

Marko Ivanišević

I know, but they know better. :)


I said “apparently” not definitely it is. Why is this such a hard concept to understand?

John Whitehot

because “apparently” means nothing, and putting SU-30 in the phrase only shows prejudice, especially since from the available data (the existing pics) is the least matching aircraft to the pics.

“apparently” could have worked with “mirage 2000”, or “mig-21”, or “mig-27”, but not with SU-30, in this case one can only come out as a SU-30 hater.


Umm….no? I’m sure as hell not a “SU-30 hater”. The, apparently, was meant in relationship to the pictures I was posting. Which is of a mangled up mess from the Pakistani Defense Forum in which members were constantly captioning the picture as a SU30MKI wreckage. I did say this to Marko as well….

I wasn’t complete sure that the picture was of a SU30MKI so that is why I had put the word “apparently” not definitely.

John Whitehot


ummm, yes.

“Which is of a mangled up mess”

a mangled up mess does isn’t more alike to a SU-30 than an F-15, or a Spitfire

“Pakistani Defense Forum in which members were constantly captioning the picture as a SU30MKI wreckage”

I don’t believe it, provide link. In any case, you should have quoted them at the start, instead you chose to claim that “apparently it was a SU-30”, something that anybody with at least some notions about fighter planes would have fiercely disagreed with, like usr Mark did.

Don’t go look for excuses, at the least you put your judgement in the hands of unknown Pakistanis which were talking BS for anyone interested in reality instead of chest beating, notwithstanding that the source of those comments over that forum may well have been the same zionists who comment here, for all i know you yourself wrote them.

I suggest you switch identity for some weeks at least.


“I suggest you switch identity for some weeks at least.”

Yeah, no you can shove it I don’t have to do shit cause nothing I did was wrong and I was commenting on the situation as information was pouring out from Pakistan and India. I’m more than vindicated since nowhere did I explicitly claim that was 100% a su30mki, just that the Pakistani posters, were adamant that it was one. Hence, yet again why I said the word apparently, not certainly or undeniably. Idk why you Marko are on my back like children but I’ll deal with I suppose. Keep it coming John. Idk what is your issue…

Here is the thread (184 pages now) that was exploding with information it somewhere in there after page 62 I believe. It’s a large thread and the information has been changed by now with more confirmations coming in on what really happened. It is still developing.


You can come to whatever conclusion you need to but I will defend my original post all day John. Also if we’re being real the pictures are a mangled mess and not everyone has good knowledge of jets and what they look like pre and post crash.


At least do me one courtesy and answer this one question. Why the in hell are you so fixated on that one comment I posted? There is no deliberate attempt to mislead the readers here whatsoever on my part. I did further on in the thread comment say that the pictures I posted were more inline with a MIG-21 rather than a SU30MKI yet you still claim I am deliberately stating the crash photos are of a SU30MKI without question. When that FACTUALLY wasn’t what I stated at all. Did I personally offend your precious Russia SU30? Are you married to a SU30MKI? I would like to believe that you’re an adult and can adequately discern what it is that I said.

If I didn’t know better It seems you’re trying to find an enemy/boogieman in me where there isn’t one for some reason or another that at this point I’m getting fed up with. It’s completely ridiculous and you know it John. Stop projecting this false narrative of what I tried to say and evidently failed since both you and Marko COMPLETELY took it the wrong way.

One thing I will do from now on is provide WAY more context to what I post so that it doesn’t get warped and twisted in the you and Marko perceived it to be.

What a fucking disgrace SouthFront has become…Some of you guys are just asshats I swear…

I won’t stop commenting though.

John Whitehot

let me tell it again in the simplest way possible:

“apparently” is wrong, because the wreckage does not appear to match a SU-30 by any likeness.

The wreckage is that of a one engine plane, of older make, this is what anyone would have noticed from the pics.

Back when there was no confirmation I’ve said “M2000/Mig-21/Mig-27”.

“Apparently” can’t be the correct word for the situation you described, (So-called pakistanis in their forum). especially since you can speak english and show to have no problems in picking the correct words.

A person that has no idea of what the wreck is, but read something on a pakistani forum would:

1- Say nothing (gold medal) 2- Say he’s got no idea what the wreck is (silver medal) 3- Say “some Pakistanis are telling this is a SU-30. What do you folks think abt it” (bronze medal)

Instead you: 1- Decided that the wreck appeared as a SU-30. Since it’s a Mig-21, there can be no doubt on who is obsessing with SU-30s, and it’s not me, because the leap of fantasy to see it as a SU-30, pakistani users or not, is stellar. 2- Decided not to admit that you read it on a pakistani forum, quoting self-claiming pakistanis unitl much later in the discussion when people already shown you they weren’t falling for that bullshit.

To summarize: you appeared as the usual zionist trying to put Russian systems in a bad light – alongside another usr “Zionism=shit, or evil, or something”, that posted a cut pic of the Mig-21 claiming it was a Su-30 and was ridiculed when the uncut pic was published.


I would argue that word “apparently” is actually appropriate since its synonyms are ‘seemingly’, and ‘evidently’ and used in the context of ever increasing information pouring out from India and Pakistan that word is actually quite apt for what it was I was trying to say. It was an incoherent flow of data coming out of the region in which I was reacting to at a surface level.

It would seem like this is a SU30MKI but we have to wait, it evidently is a SU30MKi but we have to wait for more information, it apparently is an SU30MKI but we have to wait for more information. Enough on this subject though, I’ve defended and more than adequately describe my original position.

To be fair John, we are arguing semantics here and it will get us nowhere, but you do bring up a very good point. This does indeed more than seemingly not be a SU30MKI but that is a point that only those with more than a cursory knowledge of Modern jet would come to.

So at-least you can admit that I’m indeed not some “zionist” agent?

John Whitehot

“I would argue that word “apparently” is actually appropriate since its synonyms are ‘seemingly’, and ‘evidently'”

I argue that is not, because either “seemingly” or “evidently” possibly express even more certainty, while the correctness of the assumption was proved wrong.

So if you wanna to be even more mistaken you can keep argue that.


BS. With the available information at the time it could well be established by any people with aeronautical notions that the wreck could have been certain things, BUT NOT a SU-30.

Calling it a SU-30, “apparently” or not, denotes either intellectual corruption, or ignorance – and in the second case again, it becomes intellectual corruption, because if idk wtf is a certain thing i ‘m not going to say that it “appears” as something i know of.

The only thing you could have stated is that “it appears to be an IAF airplane wreck”, but the leap to decide that it was a SU-30 is intellectually invalid under every aspect one can look at it.

“To be fair John, we are arguing semantics here and it will get us nowhere, but you do bring up a very good point. This does indeed, more than seemingly appear to not be a SU30MKI but that is a point that only those with more than a cursory knowledge of Modern jets would come to”

See above. Those with cursory knowledge would refuse to identify a wreck they can’t identify, if they adhere to standards of correctness

“So at-least you can admit that I’m indeed not some “zionist” agent?”

In fact I can’t, you could be several things and none of them I’d want to have anything to do with, while instead I have to – pretty much every day.


You’re a stubborn ass and I’ve thoroughly wasted my time conversing with you. But I enjoy picking apart your bullshit so let’s keep this going.

What I said was more than ok and made sense. You are undeniably delusional regarding what I said, it was appropriate and fit what was going on at that time. It apparently was a SU30MKI AND IM NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS BACK WHATSOEVER, SO SOD OFF. Those from PAKISTAN posting ON twitters/Pakistan Defense Forum with pictures of various wreckages AS THE SITUATION WAS GOING DOWN CAPTIONED THE PICTURES AS A SU30MKI, GET OVER YOURSELF JOHN!! Literally I was passing off the information I was collecting as the whole thing went down, but stay in your fantasy about me, that’s about all your good for at this point. A fantastical online nobody, there’s a metric ass ton of those…

Gonna remember this interaction I had with you since it does seem to reflect a greater issue with the Disqus section here on SouthFront. And that is there are way too many rude, conceited, heavily biased towards Russia asshats trolling others who “bash” their precious Russian jets and weapons or those who would seem to do so. I like Russian weaponry even, that’s the shitty part.

I haven’t and won’t concede an inch to you becuase your twisting my words and position to fit some nonexistent narrative you have about what I said. Don’t worry John your SU30MKI baby mama is fine and dandy, you’ll get that paycheck from Sukhoi I’m damn sure of it.

“In fact I can’t, you could be several things and none of them I’d want to have anything to do with, while instead I have to – pretty much every day.”

Fair but idk what you meant towards the end. You didn’t make sense.

“BS. With the available information at the time it could well be established by any people with aeronautical notions that the wreck could have been certain things, BUT NOT a SU-30’ll say this again, the pic was apparently of a SU30MKI wreckage,end of story.”

With “any people with aeronautical notions” is wishful thinking on your part fullstop. You are woefully assuming that people will glance at a wreckage and come to the conclusion that it is indeed not a SU30MKI, idk what to say, you’re quite literraly being really hopeful that many people out there would be able to discern what that mangled up mess was. This really is a mute point and holds no real barring to what I originally posted since my wording CLEARLY indicated I wasn’t sure that it, FOR CERTAIN, was a SU30MKI. You’ve shown some serious lack of oversight if you want to believe that SouthFront has people who are well versed in jets and airplanes, this isn’t a Aviation forum for enthusiasts. Astounding, truly astonishing the depth of your skewed and blatantly false reality in relation to my fucking simple post. Hell I later commented that I didn’t myself think it was a SU30, you miss that one John? Dolts…dolts everywhere

Keep it coming John, this is helping me vent at this point. Your bs is grade A.

Concrete Mike

John is telling you post carefully. In this hyperpolarized world infested with zionist wordsmiths, its super easy to spread their dis info, thus benefitting the zionazis.

Some posters here, its clearly easy to see, their job is to spread dis info early on in any “event” to take control of narrative.

Please keep posting! Have a nice day!


Idk what he is trying to tell me other than being really petty and woefully arguing semantics about what I said.

Fair post though, I wont stop posting because John decided to have multiple brain farts in an attempt to form an argument. He is just some internet nobody like the rest of us.

Although I have self-respect for myself and will stand my ground. Nothing against you or anyone just dignity you know?

John Whitehot

“woefully arguing semantics about what I said”

Lol, should I write the wordcount of the combined comments you wrote to excuse having been wrong in first place?


Oh go ahead, doesn’t stop you being anymore wrong than you’ve been thus far. Like I said John, you aren’t winning so I’m going to get as much enjoyment out of this as humanely possible.


John Whitehot

“I’m going to get as much enjoyment out of this as humanely possible”

I suspected it. You must be the kind that finds these things enjoyable, while his wife at home meets several dudes altogether. But he, who am i to judge.


No it wasn’t. Your attempt at making people doubt that it was a SU-30 ended in disgrace, as for all the retarded shit you’re throwing at me, you should know that it doesn’t even touch me, it never did and never will.

I mean, I’m 40, but even if I was 18 that ‘d be the same.


Your insignificant age doesn’t matter one bit. Oh and it is, you know it old turd. Don’t try and sit there acting like you’re the winner. It is getting to you since you’re responding to me and it sucks even more for you since I’m not budging one bit from my original position (and I wont).

The word was more than apt for what I was trying to say but old retards like you can’t concede a simple reality and are doomed to try and support a hollow argument in vain. Keep it coming John.


The word was more than apt John, search that brain of yours, you know it to be true.


“You must be the kind that finds these things enjoyable, while his wife at home meets several dudes altogether. But he, who am i to judge.”

Damn old man, like you REALLY suck at banter. Oh, that really got me, glad I’m not a 40 year old fart that think his quips are actually half-decent. Fucking sad lmao…

Whatever 40 year old, enjoy the rest of your meaningless life, I mean you wouldn’t want to waste it on here with me in a never ending battle now would you?

Apparently was a more than apt word to use and you know it, get over it and yourself old man. See the light…


You know you would hypocritical to even try and levy this against me since you are engaged in this vitriolic conversation with me providing your own “wall of texts”.

Our altercation will undoubtedly go unnoticed by most South Front members but I sure as hell won’t backdown in the face of blatant retardation. So like I said before, keep it coming.

John Whitehot

shlomo, or whatever the fuck you’re called, when you reach this point, the one where you type senseless wall texts that nobody will ever read to justify the misuse of a single word, it becomes crystal clear in which sorry state you verse.

i understand that everybody got bosses (aside me ofc), and you won’t get your 10 cent if your comment has been ripped apart, but typing millions of words and wasting hours just to contradict correct criticism toward the usage of the word “apparently” just shows up that you are either insane or you have a job to do.


The word was used more than correctly little dick nobody. You’re self righteousness indignations have gotten you nowhere and have finally come full circle. Glad to see I’m getting to you like the FECKLESS retard you are.

Keep it coming John, keep it coming. I won’t stop, it’s pure fun now.


Come on bucko, see the light at the end of the tunnel. The word apparently made all the sense but your pride is blinding you. Come on you can do it, just open your eyes.


“intellectual corruption” Jesus Einstein, please link me to your multiple Doctoral dissertations on Jet design Mr. English professor lol, sod off you mong. It is ignorance on my part since different sources were reporting that a MIG-21 and a SU30MKI were downed but later (after my initial post you and Marko had a childish mental breakdown over) things became more clear, but it sure as hell isn’t some sort of “intellectual corruption”. You sound like an insecure jackass saying stupid shit like that. I guess pseudo-intellectuals like you like to get off on sounding “smart”. Can’t blame you if that’s your fix.

It APPARENTLY seemed like it was an SU30MKI (based on the data coming out of the region) at the time when the information was coming out. I’m going to consistently remind you of this every time from here on out. You know what I meant to say and are being a dick about it (to what end doesn’t matter to me anymore). You’re choosing to cling on to BS semantics in order support your rather hollow argument. One word, which was more than apt for the situation based on the fucking context you so willfully are ignoring is causing all this BS you spew trying to sound like you have some sort of coherent point. It is petty at best, and sad in hindsight. Grow up John, you aren’t winning here and I ain’t conceding one inch to pompous pseudo-intellectuals like yourself.

Using you as a punching bag to vent is all your good for as this point. Keep it coming John “The Dolt” Whitehot, keep it coming.


one of photo that posted as downed by Pakistan is Mig-21.

what about other wrecks .are they belongs same Mig-21?


John Whitehot

there aren’t other wrecks, the other aircraft india lost is a mi17 helicopter and i’ve seen no pics of it.


Mi-17,you mean one that crashed near Srinagar air port or …

opet ja

Mig-21. Only MiG-21 has metal cover over exhaust.

Concrete Mike

Also has anyone looked at side by side su30 and mig21?

The sukhoi is double in size!! Two tail sections. Two engines!!

I took a day to digest this event, from what I have seen, there is not enough to say what it is exacly since i know rocks not planes.

If i was a betting man ;) id say it mig21 because its very small.


Он говорит правду



alejandro casalegno

i see the COMPLETE photo of AFP……is a MiG-21!!!!!….. not a Su30.

John Whitehot

india uses an israeli updated version, doesn’t it?

Zionism = EVIL


Marko Ivanišević

And where are pictures of Su-30MKI? Dont be stupid.

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistani pilots who downed IAF SU 30 and MIG 21 today


Marko Ivanišević

Maybe in your stupid head.

Zionism = EVIL

Kiss kiss.

Marko Ivanišević

You may kiss me in my ass.

Zionism = EVIL

You are also a queer :) I knew it .

Saddam Hussein

Yeah the Israelis are enjoying this. They want to weaken Pakistan and the Indians are becoming too close to them because of Modi and his politics. For me, I always support the side Israel is against (in this case its Pakistan).


I am not sure about this since USA support terrorists in Pakistan and takem from here to different places (Syria, Afganistan, Yemen,..). On the other hand, Israel and USA sell a lot of weapons to both countries. I do not know yet, but there something strange her.

Saddam Hussein

The US just wants chaos. Chaotic nations are easier to control and less likely to develop. Israel on the other hand wants to get rid of the Arabs and Muslims.


Which is a good thing.

John Whitehot

Israel wants to destroy contiguous arab countries in order to landgrab pieces of them, call jews from abroad in and then build settlements on them.

Israel should start learning to build skyscrapers perhaps, instead.

Marko Ivanišević

You are one stupid trol. We see one wreck of MiG-21 and you are saying (without any evidence) that Su-30MKI was shott down. Where are pilots or wreck?

John Whitehot

those that ended up deforesting a part of kashmir u must mean.


Kashmir should have gone to Pakistan when the countries split in 1947. Kashmir is mostly Muslim, but the local Indian Maharaja opted to go with India. India is hanging on to land occupied by people it doesn’t like and the people don’t like India. The Indians are being very stupid about Kashmir.


“Stupid” or not it is not up to you to decide. It is legally their land now so they have saying in all that more than everbody else combined. The fact that it is Muslim populated could have been used to make Pakistan and India closer cooperate and invest in that region. Prosperity of that region could have brought those 2 countries closer together and help them re-mediate their differences…..and not to use that territory as subject for even more dispute…

It is similar situation like Kurils. Those islands can bring Russia and Japan closer together to cooperate on developing common prosperity on that territory and not crating disputes only. Everything is question of choice in life!

Nationalism thrives in poverty and backwardness not in prosperity.


If he read the un resolution, he would understand the procedure for resolution in kashmir. It’s simple three step process in the following order. 1. Pakistan should remove its military from the region 2. India should also do the same, but they can retain some force just to retaliate in case of an aggression. 3. Final step is to conduct referendum to decide which country they wanna join.

Pakistan never fulfilled the condition 1.

And finally all the Pakistanis should remember that, 93000 of Pakistan soldiers are captured by the Indian army during Bangladesh liberation war. And Pakistan wouldn’t last a week if war broke out.

Concrete Mike

Armchair general prediction in the end there. In 2019 it will be assymetrical warfare first.


93000 is a cow worshipper,Piss drinker, monkey phucker Hindu wet dream. as Ex Paki Pres Musharraf recently said. NO INDIAN soldier ever stood on Paki soil but Musharraf himself stood in Kargil. India is massively larger than the Paki state yet gets humiliated time and again. The last Pulwama Modi Election false flag and subsequent IAF downing and capture humiliated India once again. Indians lack balls.Modi is a genocidal war criminal whose claim to fame and rise to power is built on the massacre of defenceless Muslims in Gujrat. This cow worshipper just got served up the tailpipe . Thanks to listening to and sucking too much Israeli dick.

Concrete Mike


Thank you for that peice Jako, rarely does one see such wisdom make it on these comment boards…

My step mother would tell me often:”Everything in life is about your choices!” Something like that but with the sweetest Allardville accent.

Its sad cooperation has become so hard today.


I have my moments of clarity. Thank you for being so kind.


Just wondering, when the Kalat’s of Balochistan did not even agree to be part of pakistan, still pakistan forcibely anexed parts of Balochistan and still these very same guys have audacity to say that Kashmir should have been part of pakistan even though the Maharaja of Kashmir clearly signed the accession of J&K with India, a secular democratic country. Oh and then these pakis then gave a good chunk of the very same anexed part of Kashmiri land to China. Why? Opportunism and haterd takes you nowhere…


So the will of the Maharaja is more important than the will of the people? Such a willing slave.


And the will of paki greed of Balochi land is more than will of raja and its people of Balochistan? Such a a radical agressor? No doubt why pakis prtend to suffer from selective amnesia when it comes to Balochistan.


Balochistan is100% Muslim so using the logic of partition, it should go with Pakistan. The only reason why it wants to secede is because cow worshipping piss drinking Hindus grease Balochi terrorist palms.and want to agitate for the disintegration of the Paki state but that is less likely to occur than an independent Punjabi Sikh republic.unfortunately for you monkey phuckers, the ISI is infinitely better at destabilization than RAW will ever be.


If India is a democeacy as you claim, let the PEOPLE speak in a referendum. You of course know what the result will be. 95% Muslim Kashmir will run to Pakistan.


Why did they engage f-16s with with mig-27 is beyond my understandings.




Tass is reporting that India has shot down a Paki F16.


According to various Pakistani sources mo F-16 was used at all during this confrontation.

Zionism = EVIL

Indians will have to do better and show the wreckage.

Lazy Gamer

So was it a dogfight or a SAM? Was there a Pak aircraft downed also? Were airports involved?

John Whitehot

sam it seems

Harry Smith

Some sources say it was Mg-21 from India side. And now they are saying, one Paki F-16 was downed by Indians.

Zionism = EVIL

Indians are embarrassed and can not show any proof.

Harry Smith

They are saying that remains of F-16 are on the Paki territory.


This has been a very bad day for India and they have lost 2 jets and a helicopter. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail and stop this conflict. Russian weaponry also came out looking very poor.

John Whitehot

“Russian weaponry also came out looking very poor.”


nobody has been able to identify the wreckage in the pics, you must have some sort of prevention.


Please be advised that there is fake news circulating on the internet right now regarding downing of a Su-30MKI. I did my research and as of now there is no picture evidence that a Su-30 MKI has been shot down. https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-fake-news-alert-pakistan-media-showing-old-iaf-crashes-as-evidence-of-shot-down-fighter-jets-2724591

Frane Frlan

The two IAF jets shown on Pakistani media had the tail numbers TU657 and A3492.

The first was an IAF Mikoyan MiG-27MU which crashed in a residential area of the city on 12 June, 2016. The aircraft was on a routine training sortie when it crashed and around three people had been injured. Two houses in the area had been damaged.

The second, A3492, was a Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer which crashed on 3 June, 2015 in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj.

Zionism = EVIL

SU-30 confirmed shot down, Pakistan posts video of Sq.leader . Abhinandan is from Su-30 squadron.

Zionism = EVIL


John Whitehot

“Please be advised that there are fake news circulating on the internet right now regarding the downed Su-30MKI”

In fact the fake news is that there is a Su-30MKI downed, so there can’t be any truth to news “in regards” of it.


Ok I edited my post. Thanks.

Jimmy Jim

duh… everyone been downing Ruskie junk, Turks, Israelis and now the Pakistanis.. guess who is gonna be next……

John Whitehot

stop vomiting while you talk, seek care instead.

You can call me Al



The fact that EXTREMELY OLD “Ruskie junk” MIG-21 can shoot down F-16 jet fighter speaks for itself whose jets are true JUNK !!

Zionism = EVIL


Jimmy Jim

duh..y’all not a kosher day for Ruskie flying samovars…..stick with vodka putler…..

Concrete Mike

Well with your logic it be because a towel head was driving it duh!! Jew cock sucker

The Shocker

Probably US pilots in those Pakistani F-16s, LOL.

Preston Venzant

This is Islam. Islam with the bomb. All these nukes in the world. I wonder who’s going to use one on their enemy first? There are currently 9 nations that are known to have or are thought to have nuclear weapons. Of those nations all are either non-Christian or declining in Christian values. Eventually someone will pop these things off and that will be that. Climate change, global warming and all these other hyped up fantasies have nothing on the reality of nuclear war. We’ve been asleep about this horror since the USSR fell but it is still the strongest evidence that we will not make it. The world will not make it. Armies always use their weapons of war to their advantage.

Concrete Mike

What the hell does this have to do with islam.

Chinese have nukes, norks have nukes, jews have nukes, BUT GOD FORBID a muslim nation has nukes as well? I dont get what your saying? You just here stirring sectarian shit up? Get out of here filthy brit agit prop agent!

Preston Venzant

Suicidal killers reignited this. But you go ahead and close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears. But you don’t have a problem opening your mouth without reason.

Concrete Mike

You dumb sack of crap. Your saying all muslims are the suicidal wahabbi sect that the filthy saudis promote with help from the west…you and me shit head!!

You are wrong! Your ignorance is either on purpose or deeper than mariana’s trench.

Your damn right ill open my mouth to confront fascists like you.

Your head is in the sand, and your ass is in the air. You look better that way suprisingly.

Now get the fuck out of here and go play with your fascist friends at the NYT.

Preston Venzant

Triggered mess of a person.

Preston Venzant

these is no limitation on the actions of Kamikaze Islamists

Real Anti-Racist Action

They should not fight each other nor go to war. However it is Pakistan’s fault for doing nothing to curb Pakistani terrorism. Pakistanis blow up Iranians every few months. They blow up Indians every few months. They blow up Afghans every few months. Pakistan needs to stop working with Saudi Arabian terrorist organizers. Of course India had to respond to another 70 solders being killed by terrorist who receive training and funding and supplies from the Pakistani military. #1 Don’t go to war. #2 Pakistan must clean house and arrest their 100,000 terrorist running lose in their country.

Xoli Xoli

Since Osama rumours and USA NATO attempt to steal and control Pakistan nuclear arsenal under Israeli requests. Pakistan never gave in to satanic demands.From Musharraf rule indirect regime changes occur but Pakistan remain steady fast like Hizbollah or Iran un Shaken by USA NATO terrorism and world dominance.


The second and third last pictures are of the PAF F 16 downed by the Indian Mig 21. Very creditable indeed. The IAF Mig 21 pilot made sure that the intruder did not go unpunished. For PAF the loss of a late model F16 (going by the airframe condition) vis a vis a an aircraft gradually being phased out by the IAF is heavy indeed.

Omer Tahir

India lost mig 21 and su 30 mki both by Jf-17 however they were ashamed how they ridiculed JF-17 and the same jet shot their latest jet so they later put a blanket over it. Here is Indian media admitting it themselves later they started blame game for face saving.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2NKrHDCZWQ

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