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MARCH 2025

First Video From Another US Base In Syria Captured By Russians

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First Video From Another US Base In Syria Captured By Russians

A screenshot for the video

Russian state media released a video showing Russian forces in the Sarrin base in eastern Aleppo. Rusian personnel, equipment and helicopters deployed there on November 14 after the base had been abandoned by US forces. MORE HERE

The Syrian Democratic Forces’ posture in northeastern Syria:


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Time for Russia to deploy S-400 in Qamishli Airbase to add on to the air defense bubble.


lol captured, Ruskis can only capture a base after U.S forces withdraw. BTW, once again we saw how weak Bibi is after he canceled the ground offensive, the IDF was already in full deployment to enter Gaza. Like I told all of you clowns here, when Gantz enters the PM office their time is over we will enter and turn Gaza into ruins. Hamas or Islamic Jihad, both will be bombed like the Ruskis are doing in Syria.

Derek Johnson

Time to “mow the lawn” eh, been a few years has it?


Yes it has been, since 2014 actually which means 5 years Bibi kept canceling military ground operations. Israelis have opened their eyes in 2019, 2 elections and he still couldn’t form a government becuase we are fed up with this corrupted and treacherous man. Problem is, he is not letting go, but eventually he must resign or go to jail. Israel will be free from that dictator and we can finally have a brave honest man that served in the IDF for 40 years to lead us forward to victory.

Black Waters

Because Russia is the only adult in the room, the U.S can’t confront Russia because their military is based on air superiority, also they aren’t warriors, they have no chance with boots on the ground against any kind of russian forces. You’re are distorting facts. It’s more of geopolitical decline for the U.S zio-gestapo around the globe.


Yes Yes, Russia is good, Russia is great, Russia is our God. Maybe you should talk to Israeli-Russians and they can tell you exactly how life was there, and how they are happy they came over here in the 90’s. As for the U.S, they are not going anywhere even if China and Russia try to hurt their geo-political interests all around the world. People still prefer the U.S over them, anytime.

Black Waters

The things is… Nor Russia or China gives two fucks about the U.S, it’s more like the “U.S” can’t stand when they can’t control other nations resources, they want it aaall, just like a junkie with drugs. About the last part, it’s declining because the U.S has become tooooo lazy for anything.


The day this world becomes under Russian/Chinese hegemony, is the day we should all just disappear. No one wants to live under the dictators you love so much, but you can go and live there if they are such a great countries.

Black Waters

Mahhh duuuude, hahaha. I have been living in a world where already have a dictatorship style country created by the U.S (after a coup), it’s not a paradise i can tell you that, shitty corporations exploiting the land taking away all the goods and contaminating the soil with chemicals. BULLSHIT, they even intoxicate their own citizens, but some of them are too damn stupid to even know what their corporate government it’s doing.


Ok, I can accept your POV. But also ask yourself, would other pro-Russian government let those corporations act differently? I guess not. You would just not hear about it becuase you won’t have access to information.

Black Waters

To answer your question i would need to “live” under such hegemony to tell you. As of right now russians are building things while USA is “destroying” things.


Fair enough.


Aw, look who we got here, a little Jewish Zionist playing video games. Nobody cares who your damn Prime Minister is, bibyahoo, bobo or gogo, you are all the same, you are the biggest disease that has ever existed in the world, you are a parasite that must be removed. Ground attack? just do it, your time is almost up zionis bastard. Don’t just attack gaza women and children, attack Lebanon, Syria too. This isn’t the 1970s anymore. Let’s see how long your little dirty hole can last … Oh no, I’m not from the Middle East. We are only there to teach you a things or two..


We will attack whoever we want in Gaza, and you can only watch and cry while we are burning your terrorists friends with our bombs. You wanna remove us? seems to me you’re barking too much, but hey if it makes you feel good you can come here too. I promise it will be fun for you.


We don’t need to go to your dirty little hole … We can turn your stolen land into a parking glass from a distance if we want, we are just waiting for you to act stupid… U little Zion!


Who is we? why are you afraid to tell where you’re from? and you can try anyday to turn Israel into a “parking glass” lol, if you dare ofcourse.

Black Waters

Probably from the EU, or USA or SA… or whatever country you name it. Your kind isn’t liked anywhere.


Well if he means by doing it with nuclear weapons I guess he could only be a Russian or Chinese, but it’s funny he thinks like he is their president to order such a thing lol. He should go to sleep it’s late and he has school to go.


Don’t take this soap bar too serious or it will block you.

Sasan Jamshidi

SF why you dont post the news of islamic regime of IRAN that raised the petrol price TRIPLE and caused much more misfortune of the people of iran when sanctions and ill management of regime made true difficulty for the people, this is while they are in total luxury and comfort and wealth?!?!?!

Toronto Tonto

CAPTURED ha ha like fuck .


So you said that the Yankees did not escape that base and that they were still at that base, right? You know, best way to capture some place is when your enemy shows that they are just a bunch of pussies that escapes as soon as it becomes rough which we can see all over Syria – they are running so fast that they don’t get time pick up all their gear. It seems important to them to bring with them only – diapers! The base is CAPTURED, and how it is done goes to the pride of the Americans, they are the ones who escaped.

Toronto Tonto

They waltzed in the tenants had left loser .


Only an army of pussies leave behind military equipment. A real army carries with it ALL its equipment… It must be very difficult for you to justify their cowardice. Do not cry, everything will be all right for you… Go sleep now…

Dave Froman

Americans don’t care about there gear. They leave everything behind to make sure that the war machine is making money replacing it all. Their entire economy would tank if peace broke out.


Tonto, Did you not see the video of the heliborne assault? The video not shown is the last American vehicles fleeing out the front gate at that time. Trump asked Putin to not show the video, because it’s just to dam embarrassing for the ZioNazis. :D


Or, abandoned by retreating US forces – phrase it however your ego can best cope, doesn’t alter reality of US cast out and Russia moved in.

Black Waters

It looks like hasbaras are starting to throw foam from their mouth seeing how things are evolving for them. Good.


US military like their air conditioners – lots of them. These ones will keep the new owners in comfort too.

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