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First Video of Launches of S-300PMU-2’s Missiles in Iran Published Online

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A video, showing missiles’ launches from the S-300PMU-2 air defense system in Iran, has been for the first time published online.

First Video of Launches of S-300PMU-2's Missiles in Iran Published Online

Photo: YouTube / prtrtur

The first video, showing a process of missiles’ launches from the S-300PMU-2 air defense missile weapon system in Iran has been published online.

Initially, information about signing a contract for supply of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Iran appeared in November 2015. At that date, CEO of the Rostec state corporation, Sergei Chemezov, said that Iranian military were going to receive four divisions of the S-300PMU-2. Previously, they were meant for Syria, but had not been handed over to the Arab country at a request of Israel. According to the Kommersant newspaper, the deal value was approximately $1 billion.

The newspaper noted that the customer could get the weapon systems about 18 months after the contract’s conclusion that meant that the first S-300PMU-2s would be transferred to Tehran not earlier than in the middle of 2017.

However, in June 2016, social networks’ activists reported that Iran received a new batch of ordered divisions of the S-300PMU-2 air defense missile weapon systems. Several photos, showing a process of transportation of the air defense missile systems on the territory of Iran, were published as a confirmation of this fact.

In late August 2016, Commander of the Iranian Air Defense Forces Farzad Esmaili announced that the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, supplied to Iran, had been deployed near the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP). The statement was made on state television of the Islamic Republic.

The television showed missile weapon systems, deployed near the Fordow. At that time, Esmaili noted that since now, the nuclear facility would always be under the cover, adding that the Iranian sky “is one of the safest in the region.”

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Good news and very necessary to keep the US,Israeli and Saudi thieves and bandits out of Iran.

History has always shown that greedy and indebted states always seek to plunder other nations to keep their corrupt elite’s in power.

“Previously, they were meant for Syria, but had not been handed over to the Arab country at a request of Israel” Just look at this, Russia is Israelis bi*ch. Israel tells Russia not to deliver it to Syria. But did Russia ever tell the UK-Empire and USSA not to deliver Nuclear warheads to Israel? S-300 is a defensive weapon. Israels nukes are offensive weapons. Big Difference! Russia needs to stop being owned by Zionist-surpremisist-bigots, and turn into a man. And then sell to Syria, Lebanon and Iran S-400 systems before the end of 2017.

The Tudorescu

Israel is just the torch bearer, it is a red line used by other powers to negotiate their advantage. You claim the existence of a shadow interest, also present in Russia’s decision making. I doubt it’s existence in both cases.

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