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MARCH 2025

First Video Of Russian Moskva Cruiser On Fire

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On April 18, the first short video of a good quality showing the damaged Russian Moskva cruiser in the Black Sea was shared online. Clouds of smoke rise above the warship. More Russian warships are seen nearby.

Photos allegedly showing the Moskva cruiser have been previously shared online as well. LINK

The newly published video still does not clarify what was the exact reason of the sinking. This leaves two main versions, either the damage was the result of a submarine attack, or a Neptune anti-ship missiles miraculously and precisely hit the cruiser’s waterline area in the vicinity of the main missile ammunition depot without causing its detonation.


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Edgar Zetar

Well, Russia should rethink all their naval power assets and capabilities and technologies inside every ship in their military districts and train and equip better the navy officials. I think at the begining it was a sabotage from inside. What you think about this? could it be sabotage or a shot from NATO?

jens holm

Somebody has shot You in Your behind close to Your brain.

Russians always deny anything as if the rest of us are dummer then them. They are among the worst hooligans in the world.


Jens, human anatomy may be a bit different in your case, by your description of it, your brain and arse are very close to each other. Is it because your head is up your arse or is your spine very short?

It at least explains something about you.


If bent on a side is a shot of torpedo or sea mine. Anti ship missile hits from above and the ship sinks by raising the opposite side.

Khazar Faggots

Jungle boy is also a scammer boy


Quite possibly, why handled such orders to sail the ship 90km off Odessa unprotected should be investigated.

Peter The Ungrateful

Why do people assume she was “unprotected”? Usually these ships have an escort because everybody knows their shortcomings in terms of air defense. Which makes the accident version all the more plausible. No escort will save you from a snafu.

Just look how the Ukrainian version has morphed over time. 1. No, we don’t know anything about that 2. Oh yes, ‘t was one of our Neptunes 3. Actually, it was two Neptunes

And on top of that SF invents different stories of NATO missiles, NATO subs which are not allowed in the Black Sea by Turkey’s supervision under the Montreux Convention, “frogmen”…

Sure, a NATO sub might have snuck into the Black Sea, I don’t know about the depth of the straits, if they allow for a submerged passage. But in any case, if that were the case and the Russian navy had only the slightest hint of that, they would hunt them until dead. And nobody would be able to do a thing about it, because that would start WW III.

Lance Ripplinger

Good points. I think the Russian version is the most reasonable. The Moskva definitely wasn’t alone. Given how fast the crew was evacuated by nearby ships, clearly illustrates this.

supratim barman

this is an electrical fire which has taken place on the deck tower where the captain and the helmsman sit

jens holm

Fine You see something like that. I know nothing about such things. Can You try to tell the reason or it can ignite own weapons, look as arrived missile or detonation of fx old ammo?

None can believe weapos like the Mosva ones can ignite by cigarets or even cigars from Cuba:)

James Ferguson

It was a NATO attack, Russia should nuke few NATO countries to show the world that USA is a paper tiger.


But it was listing to one side. It was sabatoged or attacked.


Russia is incapable to design and build new capital ships. That’s why most of their large assets were designed and built during Soviet times. But it wasn’t the Russians, because they’re virtually incapable to design anything. Most of the ideas that Russian had were stolen from the west. Russia is a nation of thieves. A nation of criminals. It’s like when the mongoloids retreated they left all their criminal class to populate Siberian settlements. That’s the history of Russia


You honor your name with such ridiculous statements

jens holm

Its well documented the main theft is TO USSR/RUSSIA.

But it does not solve their problems. They has none to produce and distribute,


I think you are a thief and a russian hater..stupid son of whore

Edgar Zetar

Fight fire with fire wont help to resolve anything. He maybe is in the losing side. Show some respect to him probably someday he will rethink this and grown like everybody else did.

jens holm

We have every reason not to like Russians, where I live. Thats why we are in Nato. The the evil big brother is neutralized.


You are in nato cause your Ieaders enjoy the military racket. I wonder how much money is pocketed and how much goes to MIC for weapons against an imaginary foes


Thats a Russian talent; corruption as is war criminalities, drinking and authoritairism .


Very good point and universal between civilised nations and ex occupied Russian states.

Edgar Zetar

Dear friend, you really hate Russia. Are you from Ukraine? Did it hurt what your goverment did to your people and land because the west say to taunt Russia and poke the bear in the eye and nothing will happen to you. a At least you are alive and good luck with your hate issue.

jens holm

You also try to start, where the false coookie makes good propaganda.

Fact are the Neocolonistisc Empire selfdetonated for the second time within 100 years.

Here Ukraine is/was a leftover too all the way to west of Berlin. Here You even has and armed and mined concrite wall added machineguns, so people could not get out. Many was shot. Many more was jailed.

You ignore we just want the Ukras normalized to the rest of the world. UN says so. The people living there even has normal elections by political parties and a public elected president.

You also Ignore all Leaders in Nato as well as EU. We dont want Belarus or Ukraine as memebers. We have got the other leftovers of Yours. Ukras and Belarus seemes even more strange and and behind in anything then them.

Russia is no bear. Its a declining with a desparado making its only people to live in the dark and in lower and lower livingstandards.

It supports no education for all , punish people which could be the future and is just as corrupt as any in Ukraine.


EU is an empire indeed and is collapsing before our eyes due to its own stupidity. It is just too funny , western retards think of themselves as gods but in reality are just a bunch of self deluded genderneutrals

Peter The Ungrateful

Yes, blowing “gender issues” out of proportion has everyone in a bubble and believing there are no REAL problems to solve anymore. Talk about decadence before collapse.


False cookies? Sure Jens.


I just laugh at ridiculous bigoted comments like yours.

jens holm

Thats because You are not allowed to know how the rest of the world really is. That goes for many things.

Fx You still dont understand the base for Kapitalisme is debt and profit.

Here some of You and the arabistanis put kapitalisme into Engels or Muhammed. It like painting horses to zebras or give cars better hay.

Nothing should surprice me. You might even have old amatol in those cruisermissiles.


West got a lot of debt indeed, Europe will be economic backwater soon Eurasia is the new future, suck it genderneutral gayropean

jens holm

Thats too biased. But You åartly is correct. Not much is stolen from Russia to us.


Yes, sam as Ukrainians. Yo agree afcors?

Khazar Faggots

Lol you idiot. Tarantul, Karakut, Grigorovich and Buyan class corvettes/frigates were made in 2000’s. Lada and Borei class subs also 21st century new submarine tech, and improved kilo class. Moskva and Varyag are the only cruisers with original/outdated electronics. Marshal ustinov and Pyotr Veliky cruisers were upgraded with new phased array radars back in 2011.

Last edited 2 years ago by Khazar Faggots
Dick Von D'Astard

The Project 23900 Ivan Rogov is the newest class of Russian amphibious assault ships (LHDs) intended as a replacement for the French Mistral class, two of which were ordered by Russia in 2011, but that France refused to deliver in September 2014 due to Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine.[5] A contract was signed on 22 May 2020 for the construction of two Project 23900 LHDs with a displacement of 40,000 tons.[3] The construction is led by JSC Zelenodolsk Design Bureau, which is a part of JSC Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation, and the first vessel should be launched by 2023 and commissioned by 2025.


Needs phased array radar that can track and engage large number of targets at the same time.

There are sabotage drones that are too small to be detected by CIWS but still able to receive signals from Starlink.


In this video the water cannons aren’t running.

A more remote possibility is attack by a semi-submersible. People have also suggested frogmen,

Last edited 2 years ago by B A
James Ferguson

Could be NATO used biolabs to genetically modify electric eels from Amazon and released them in the Black Sea


According Russian media; for sure I wonder they do not mention aliens. If it suits their narrative they report even that a blowing sailor can have illuminated the moscow or that an Nato submarine is so superior that it stealthy can sink a Moscow. Or that helicopters can fly to a Russian town without being detected. If so we must not be afraid from the Russians and maybe it is the explanation why Russia never shot down an Israeli jet bombing Syria.


O I am afraid that an electric eel lives in sweet water and that the black see is salt water, so it is a pity but that does not work. But why would we bring in eels in the first place we are far beyond it .

Pamfil Military Academy

That was my opinion from the second 1. Turkey or romanian sub carry the ‘frogmen’ up to safe zone, release the commando, wait, take in the commando and go back.


well, I rethinking it I think both these alternatives I mentioned are pretty unlikely (not totally impossible though). Frogmen would have blasted from under or at the waterline. A semi submersible would probably lack the firepower.

Siterep’s analysis is too simplistic in my opinion (https://thesaker.is/sitrep-operation-z-11/). His going assumption would be that the proposed ASM attack would only be of the plain vanilla type, with the missile taking pretty much the shortest path towards the cruiser, and also the absence of ECM.

The cruise missile does not need to take anything near the shortest path if its range is far greater than the distance from launch to target. In this case, it may have taken a route far to the west, and approached the cruiser from the side, a better aspect, as well as quite likely a weaker lobe of reception of its radar. Together with jamming from nato RC at a distance plus drones at a much closer range, it may have entirely slipped past, explaining why the target acquisition radar in the back was in the disengaged position.

So a hit by ASM from a highly planned operation, that luckily did not set off the larger ammo is my best guess

Peter The Ungrateful

What about the third version that the Russians claim it was an accident causing a fire and subsequent explosion? The other two versions have the problem that official Kiev claims a missile hit, and those don’t “miraculously hit at the water line” they hit the deck from above. This, to me, clearly shows that Kiev is just making stuff up to distract from their dismal military situation on the ground.

jens holm

They actuially has sunk one more big boat. They do produce those missiles as coastal defence. Dont they?

My best theory is that the crew had no food and even the captain was fishing.

jens holm

I wonder why the rest is censured away.

jens holm

Russian striptease?

Peppe il Sicario

Enough SF of this constant pro-Western propaganda…OK…we know…the Moskva was sunk…so what!!!! Instead why don’t you show photos of all the dead Ukie military personel and POWs of the last few days not to mention all their destroyed hardware. I have plenty of photos if you want!!


They try to keep it balanced, unlike cnn and others lol

Peter The Ungrateful

But it looks like every once in a while they just boast the western version of “events”, like dismissing the Russian version altogether, as I pointed out. It still remains the most plausible one. I seriously doubt that a ship of this class that was hit by, not one, but two ASMs would stay afloat that long.

ASM means ANTI ship missile, as in “ship be gone”. But somehow and “miraculously” the Russian crew had all the time in the world to deploy the life boats and even fly the helicopter to safety. And on top of that they even tried to tow it ashore for repairs, which suggests that the damage could not have been that bad, at least at first glance.

Instead we are to believe that TWO of these “badass ASMs” did not manage to sink their target?

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Those missiles have a warhead of 150kg if I’m not mistaken, that is not enough explosives to sink a ship this size. And they are not even expected to, they are fired against a ship in the hope that they breach the hull and explode inside destroying something important. Many big ships are not sunk by actual enemy fire, but by an enemy projectile hitting and igniting the ships own ammunition. The US Navy almost lost 2 aircraft carriers in the Vietnam war because of ammunition and fuel fires.

All information taken together at the moment I think the being attacked by a missile version is correct. And I think it’s important to accept the truth – whatever it might be – even if it is tremendously painful because only that way lessons can be learned and implemented so things don’t repeat themselves. That also means that if it was an accident the focus has to be on crew routine and accident prevention. If it was an attack on awareness, countermeasures, improved defence systems. In any case damage control looks like a weak point. And for sure things will change there to the better.


the missiles hit the rockets on the deck

Khazar Faggots

only 1 out of 3 Slava class cruisers (Marshal Ustinov) was upgraded back in 2011 with new phased array early warning, tracking radars, plus new electronic warfare jammer. Varyag needs to be upgraded ASAP. It still has original radar/electronics tech from late 1970’s. If Moskva had upgraded radars like Ustinov has, it would have still been here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Khazar Faggots
Peter The Ungrateful

“If Moskva had upgraded radars like Ustinov has, it would have still been here.”

Only if the missile version holds water. Other sources suggest that the Russian navy is well aware of the shortcomings of the Slava class, which is why they escort these. That also explains why the crew could be evacuated and the attempt to tow the damaged ship ashore – the escort ships were in the vicinity.

I think all this rambling about a missile strike is deeply rooted in the misconception of the Russian military, in general, and their navy, in particular, being totally and utterly incompetent. I seriously doubt that. But shit does happen, like the claimed internal fire accident, especially in times of prolonged stress, as in, you know, a special military operation.

P.S.: I had to do mandatory military service back when this was still a thing in Germany. We had a joke, which we cracked every time we were trained on new equipment: “Is this soldier proof?”. It is only a half joke, because much of military equipment has the purpose of killing, so needs some additional safety measures and training to not kill the operators themself. But things do go very wrong sometimes anyway. Not so fun fact: All the dead German soldiers in operation SFOR in crumbling Yugoslavia were due to accidents, no enemy fire needed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Ze Z

This is a fake video. How is it possible that the tugboat is bigger than the cruiser? There is no proportionality between the vessels.

Peter The Ungrateful

I don’t know exactly what kind of ship that is but it is no tug boat. You won’t see those out at sea. Also, it does not look like it has the ship in tow, looks more like escorting and monitoring the situation.


Can’t get enough from it!

Pamfil Military Academy

From my academy point of view Russia is very underpowered (in quantities) for such vast and rich country. I told that many many times. Russia MUST spend 2x annual budget for it’s defense department. It’s a must. Need more soldiers, more warships, more submarines, more …everything. Because in this case they can’t beat NATO on the ground in offensive NEVER EVER.


The ship is listing, so water is coming in. So there is a hole below the waterline somewhere. Seamine or Torpedo would be my uneducated guess.

Dick Von D'Astard

Another possibility here is a suicide drone boat like the ones the Houthi’s used to effect in 2017 against a Saudi frigate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

Whatever happened, somebody on that ship made a fatal mistake! Either not respecting the fire safety, or not switching on the defense systems.


old news

supratim barman

ship’s electrical battery caught fire like these tesla EVs catch fire and the internal cargo shifted to the left and the ship capsized


Old ship, not in good material condition. Maybe hit a free floating mine.

Lance Ripplinger

Ukraine doesn’t have submarines, so unless NATO has some in the area, an attack like that seems to be a stretch. It also is a stretch for Ukraine to have magically hit the vessel with anti-ship missiles. For all we know, the increased stress and tempo of the war caused sailors onboard the Moskva to neglect their duties or become careless in the handling of the ammunition stores on the ship. What kind of firefighting capacity was on the Moskva? Did any of the equipment even work properly. Moskva was a 40+ year old ship, not in good condition most likely. On the other hand, the U.S. could be responsible for the sinking of the Moskva through covert ops. Anything is possible.

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