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MARCH 2025

Fist Fight In Turkish Parliament Ahead Of Putin-Erdogan Meeting

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Fist Fight In Turkish Parliament Ahead Of Putin-Erdogan Meeting

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Ahead of the meeting between Turkish President Recept Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 5th, there appears to be division in Turkey.

The meeting was initially supposed to take place in Ankara, as per Erdogan’s words, but it turned out that it would be in Moscow.

Erdogan is accompanied by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusolglu and Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, among other high-profile government representatives.

The two leaders are set to discuss the recent developments in Syria, including cease-fire violations in the Idlib de-escalation zone, “a stronghold of opposition forces” in Syria since 2011.

“This is a tension that harbors the risk of coming to a faceoff. The previous meetings between the two leaders always played a role that facilitated situations, yet now everyone is trying to gain territory as the meeting draws near and both sides know that their performance on the field will affect the negotiating table,” said Oytun Orhan, of the Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM), in an interview with Daily Sabah.

In addition, according to other pro-Turkish experts, the two sides are testing each other, but it is primarily Ankara testing how far it can go in denying that terrorists even exist in Idlib and supporting them, in addition to continuously accusing Russia of various misconduct on the ground in Syria.

“The two sides are testing each other’s limits on the Idlib ground,” Hüseyin Alptekin, a researcher at the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), told Daily Sabah. “The meeting will not be similar to previous meetings as Sochi or Astana.”

Turkey aims to reach a peaceful political solution in Idlib at a meeting with Russia on Thursday, said the Turkish defense minister on March 4th.

“Turkey’s military activities in Syria continue as planned, and our soldiers are fulfilling their duties with heroism,” Hulusi Akar said.

Akar added that Turkey’s expectation from Russia as a guarantor country is to influence the regime to fulfill its commitments, stop its attacks and comply with the Sochi agreement.

Moscow expects that negotiations between the heads of state will minimize the risk of confrontation.

“The solution to the problem is the full implementation of the agreements of the presidents of Russia and Turkey reached in September 2018 on the de-escalation zone in Idlib. Unfortunately, they are not yet being implemented. I hope the upcoming meeting will allow this situation to change and begin to move towards implementation what we are striving for,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out.

Anticipating a personal meeting, in late February, leaders discussed the situation by telephone.

“The conversation took place in detail and was dedicated to the need to do everything to fulfill the initial agreement on the Idlib de-escalation zone,” explained Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said the following:

“The meeting will be to discuss the problems of the Syrian government, taking into account the current aggravation of the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone,” Peskov said, the day before. Moscow’s position in the negotiations remains consistent and unchanged: to assist the Syrian Arab Republic in the fight against terrorists and maintain its territorial integrity.

The main reason for the aggravation, according to Moscow is that Turkey has failed to carry out any of its responsibilities under the Sochi Agreements.


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Save your fists for your pimps in Tel aviv


The Turks are divided is the best time for Russia to bring up the pressure on the terrorist in iblib. A few Turkey troops casually will raise up the tensions in Turkey even more amongst themselves.


I think Russians are informed about situation in Turkey and will act accordingly.


erdogan is possibly fighting to remain president of the country- obviously all turks are not in agreement with erdogan’s capricious dealings in syria’s idlib or northeast or in libya although I suspect most turks would welcome the full annexation of cyprus and thus reducing the gas issue to a non-issue. the Eu will continue to pay turkey to take care of the refugees from syria so that really is a non-issue as well.

Porc Halal

“Moscow’s position in the negotiations remains consistent and unchanged: to assist the Syrian Arab Republic in the fight against terrorists and maintain its territorial integrity”…I hope that will be the case!!…


I have said it all the time. Russia will not stop till they exterminate terrorists to the last one!

While “skeptics” here never stop badmouthing Russia for no reason.

Russia will not bend over (when it comes to the terrorists) to anybody! Terrorist must go and Assad must stay ! West and Turks can cry.

End of story.

Porc Halal

Like Lone Ranger said: turkroaches will cry and rage…



Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are are crying and raging ;)




and they’re still crying after that post ,AQ shower bitch ??




Dude,I’m atheist ,so keep your religious biggotry to yourself????


Terrorist . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8c66d720a149978b82f6c14c027fd036d1b69724e3573ae47f66550e413478f.png

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)



Luke Hemmming

What the hell is a burning wreck got to do with Turkish parliamentarians having a fist fight??? Stay on topic dickhead.


Terrorist . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e7afb2577b82d0385378c57e2de80a0740818e13808738416aa5411e0a9b3f42.png

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will cry and rage ;)

Porc Halal

That’s for sure man…




You lost, you stupid Israeli animal, and you are still a child molesting fagot iron zion.


You took Tel-Aviv? Lol



it seems ‘adi’ below is another one from the leper colony polluting the threads of southfront – a lot of noting and pro-squatters whereas the majority on these threads are all about shútting down the illegal settlement called israel or a one state solution and that is palestine and the jews shunted sideways into the periferi. .

Hanny Benny

With “heroism”…



I think there actually two recent melees in the Turkish government. One was said to do with removing immunity from legislators on the 3rd. I saw another video that was from the 4th of this month.


There is no Sochi agreement any more!

Since now the situation on the ground is totally different and there is invasion of Turk army in open aggression against SAA on top of everything. So what Sochi agreement are you talking about? NOBODY will ask Turkey if they are willing to accept terrorist extermination or not ! The only thing they can talk about with Russia now is HOW the terrorists will be eliminated! Nothing else.

Porc Halal

Hold on a sec, turkey and russia have completely different visions about the situation in Idlib…for Turkey islamist regime, what they and their islamist puppets are doing is something ‘right’ in their very narrow minds so they will not talk with russians about ‘exterminating terrorists’ or their relocation somewhere else … this meeting will be more like a ‘talk to the hand’ think, from both sides…

Porc Halal

I think if turkey insists to support terrorists in Idlib throughout military agression, they will interfere with syrian and russian efforts to eradicate the sunni religious extremists in sysria’s north-west provinces and that will cause at a certain point a direct confruntation between russia and islamist turkey and believe me, there will be nothing good fo the turks!!!…


100% agree they already “interfere” but full war can spark from that very quickly


They have to “talk” because that is exactly what Putin will tell Erdogan!

There is no other alternative about ‘exterminating terrorists’ ! The only questions for Russia how exactly are they going to be exterminated ! And if Erdogan tries to stop Putin than they will kill all those Turks embedded soldiers as well And if Russian airplane is shot down or something similar than Russia will be in war with Turkey!

So it is very simple and I can’t understand why you people can’t understand that?! It doesn’t matter what Erdogan wants any longer! Russia is there to exterminate terrorist and if Turks try to stop them they are in trouble. Turkey only can negotiate a buffer zone in Syria (to be seen how to be controlled and by whom) Nothing else in my opinion. They can separate without agreement yes ! but than Russia will continue bombing with much more intensity and Turks will LOSE either way !

Porc Halal

I know what you meant man…i wanted to highlight that these meetings with the current islamist regime in turkey are useless and just a wasting of time for russia…


They are NECESSARY waist of time. If not – how else can Russians tell the Turks : Look I have offered you to resolve this peacefully and you have refused. Russia has obligation towards their own population that never gets in war situations light-heartedly And if war starts it will not be because Russians didn’t try to stop it but because Turks continue with the same bullshit and tricks till war situation appears and starts the war between Russia and Turkey! Since Iran have STEP ASIDE and doesn’t support Assad actively any more, Russia must push alone this situation to the end.

Porc Halal

Well, for the sake of respecting the rules (like always!), russians will do all the ‘necessary’ wasting time meetings, but they know very well whom they are dealing with and one way or another, with or without turkey’s will, they will end the reign of islamist terror in syrian Idlib and Afrin provinces…


I know that it looks like waste of the time.

If you have any other system I would like to hear it ? This is usual international politics approach. And they do that not do that because of Erdogan but because of rest of the world who is watching the development of the situation in Syria. If ever war starts between Turks and Russians. Than Russians will have aliby that they tried everything before that.

I personally have no doubt that Russia will help Assad what they have promised. Terrorist will be exterminated (or removed by Turks to Libya or by USA to Afghanistan ) Syria will be free country again.

Porc Halal

The turks will listen only after they will be crushed…;)


So be it!

Horace Lacondeta

Ozkoc said that Turkish sons are dying in Syria while Erdogan sons were exempted from military. He called Erdogan “ignominious, dishonouring, traitor”. Shit from Idlib hit the fan so hard that they are all covered with it in Ankara. Thats the unity they show in time of war. Shake them a little more and the country will fall appart.

Porc Halal

Look like another bad day for the tukish trolls today, isn’t it?…I mean this silent…

Porc Halal

The unity and confidence among them starting to shake ‘a little bit’, right?…

Porc Halal

I mean they know their Fuhrer is going to Moscow in his knees like a beggar….


Stop talking to yourself People will get impression that you are senile :-))) Erdofart is already in Moscow

Porc Halal

Whatever, you get the point, I hope…;)

Fair treatment

Here you go… Animals in jungle..

Jim Bim

The orcs are debating. https://twitter.com/ynms79797979/status/1235324214196002822


Give them Ak47 so they can shot each other !


Not too bad, just a bit of pushing and shoving. Still, it was military action supporters who started it, if I understood correctly… can’t be bothered to reread, yawn…


Just another bad day for the AKP/AQ fanclub in fancy suits. Today they added domestic humiliation to the mix though. Kudos on the CHP whose displayed political courage contrasts with its former self,while DoG-An’s party is just a mere joke of its former self at every level, both internal and external. Both seem at the crossroads to a solid,sovereign and dignified party, with one going ever farther away from anything consistent or noble, and the other seemingly coming to terms with its once obedient and docile servitude towards all-round American influence on its every step that ironically led to the rise of “nationalist” and “independent” DOG-an.

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