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MARCH 2025

Five Killed In Gaza Aid Airdrop After Parachutes Failed To Open (Videos)

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Five Killed In Gaza Aid Airdrop After Parachutes Failed To Open (Videos)

Click to see full-size image. (The U.S. Central Command)

Five people were reportedly killed in the Gaza Strip on March 8 after being hit by aid packages dropped over the Palestinian enclave by countries including the United States.

Video footage circulating on social media purports to show the packages falling on people who were gathered to receive aid in Gaza City. The parachutes on some of the packages didn’t open, and on the rest the parachutes failed to deploy properly.

Palestinian media said that at least five people were killed when hit directly by the packages, while many more were wounded.

The U.S., in coordination with Jordan, Egypt and France, airdropped more than 70,000 meals into northern Gaza over the past week in an attempt to mitigate the effects of the siege imposed by Israel since the outbreak of the war in the Strip on October 7.

The siege led to widespread hunger in Gaza. Children, who make roughly half of the Strip’s population, are the most affected. More than a dozen have so far died of malnutrition or dehydration, according to the enclave’s health ministry which is run by the Hamas Movement.

In its latest situation report, dated March 1, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, UNRWA, said that an average of about 97 trucks a day had been entering Gaza in February, down from about 150 in January and well short of the 500-a-day target.

The U.S. decision to airdrop aid into Gaza was meant to cover up for its refusal to pressure Israel over the siege and the humanitarian crisis it is causing.

United Nations agencies and humanitarian groups blame the humanitarian crisis on Israel’s actions, including the closure of land crossings into northern Gaza, ongoing military operations and a complex system of Israeli checks of items bound for Gaza at the Kerem Shalom and Rafah crossings.

The deadly aid airdrop incident came just a day after the U.S. President Joe Biden announced his plan to establish a maritime corridor for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza directly from the Mediterranean Sea.

“Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters,” Biden said in his State of the Union address, stressing that there will be no “U.S. boots” on the ground in the Strip.

“This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day,” he added

Biden went on to say that “Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the crossfire.”

It’s worth noting that the U.S. has been providing Israel with unconditional military support since the outbreak of the war, which has so far claimed the lives of at least 30,878 Palestinians -mostly women and children- and left more than 72,402 others wounded, according to the latest update by the ministry of health in the Strip.




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Satanic Anglo Scum!

makes no damn sense fully and conditionally assisting zio isreal then doing this, yeah okay i’m not falling for it.

CEO of Yapping

it does make sense, election coming… it is just for pr.

also the us want to construct a port in gaza…and going to deploy its navy.

like a child can tell you they want hamas or any other group to attack them so they can freely bomb palestinians with “israel”. you know what these rtd can do? stop sending bombs to “israel” lmfao, clearly they have a different plan.


perhaps they are going to trial run conditional aid through digital ids, digital social credit system. getting people desperate through starving them and blowing up their homes and then offering ‘humanitarian aid’ to trial-run a mark of the beast system sounds like something they would do.

CEO of Yapping

they don’t need american cunts aids, if “israel” allow the aid entry gaza. the us don’t need to make a port to sent aid if they stop sending bombs and money to “israel”.

there are reports now saying that construct a port in gaza can’t be done… yeah like do you how long it would take? yanquis aren’t chinese, and that if we ignore what “israel” going to do.

it is all bs pr as many yanquis “leftist” are against “israel” and we know biden is a zionist.

Last edited 11 months ago by CEO of Yapping

the problem is manufactured and then they offer the pre-arranged solution. this is how these clowns operate, and they call it enlightened. they are almost everything that is drastically wrong with the planet, and the solution they offer in response to their manufactured problems is more >>control<< and money to themselves. then they go have orgies and abuse children and call that enlightened too. literally. they are self aggrandizing evil maniacs on a power trip.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers
joe biden

nobody can say we are competent—amerikunt immoral moron failure

jens holm

american are superior species; i worship coke bottle and use as anuss dildo

CEO of Yapping

americans think these zionists are superior species because they call themselves “god chosen people”. lmfao.

you know the jews (+ jewish religious authorities) that sold jesus and anything else for money… in reality both zionists and yanquis are greedy fuking pigs and they know it.


perhaps, but at leat they aren’t ugly as fuck like the palistinians.

constant begging parasite pieces of shit cant even feed themselves.

if my bitch was as physically repulsive as those sweaty fat whore palistinian women..i’d probably fuck goats too..just like the pali men!


jews are historicaly well recognized for their proclivity of having sex with 4-legged animals. that is the reason why their god had to issue specific ban on intercourses with animals. whatever you say of others, you just project yourself onto them.

CEO of Yapping

they aren’t ugly? stop watching zionist propaganda on tiktok buddy. jews are known as one of the ugliest group in history. also, what you see are those fake jews that have 20% jewish dna… white ass donkeys (they aren’t jew-middle eastern, they are europeans).

CEO of Yapping

oh god who feed these people 1,000s years ago? oh right your fat mother wasn’t born and people had something to eat. what land do you think they have? have you not read reports how zionist settlers attack their farms?

you fuk about anything stfu, and you are as ugly as zionist so go kill yourself thanks.


over our dead bodies !!! bibi , idf

_Tom Sawyer_

jesus christ we invent more sophisticated methods to kill palestinians with plausible deniability.

bibi sure is proud of us american goyims.


they do crash planes and helicopters in training incidents frequently.


good! i would’ve put rocks in those food deliveries..problem being is that those fat fucking muslim scum would’ve actually eaten them.

greasy ass, stank whore, muslim beggar pigs, you just know they smell like a sweaty ass pakistani gas station worker.

_Tom Sawyer_

rommel died a petty death.


70,000 meals for 2,000,000 people! i see.


for 10,000 years, that’s just how we roll here on earth. clearly, the end result is going to be wonderful.


doing more damage then good… and shame on egypt and jordan, they are in position to help for real but instead they do these idiotic pr stunts with their western masters.


úžasné niečo, čo poviete? zrejme ich málo pozabíjali pri bombardovaní, tak teraz ich ešte zabíjajú popri tom ako im zhadzujú pomoc?

Vote NAZI vote Biden

biden is bypassing congress to send more bombs. must be a way to get votes while assisting genocide.


btw, biden is a fucking child stroking, pedophile, corrupt piece of shit..not a nazi.

we would’ve flayed his bitch ass alive.

_Tom Sawyer_

biden is a nazi, just look what he does. same as netanyahoo and his zionist cabinet of naziloving pedophiles. i wonder how many hasbarats enjoyed epstein island.

we americans spit on all of you desert dwelling scum. that also counts for those israelis that gobble up my american taxpayer money like a cheap hooker.

Peter Jennings

big words from sleepy uncle joe. he will have a nap and soon forget. meanwhile the us mic will just ignore him and carry on as usual. this aid is way too late and is merely putting a plaster on a severed limb. the usadmin needed to reign in its attack dog well before now. is the dog wagging the tail or is the tail wagging the dog?


who cares? should’ve dropped their sorry muslim fat asses some slurpees, it’s all they know how to make.


us amerikunts the most obese on earth minus a few insignificant us colonies like samoa


i am pretty amused when seeing jews taking nicknames of nazi generals to present themselves at this forum. what’s the difference between zionists and nazis? only in uniforms they wear. however, german nazis had more of honor and courage than idf.

Peter Jennings

the world cares dummy. keep pissing off the world the way you are and your little piss-ant of a country is done. don’t go thinking that the usadmin will save you. they cannot even save themselves. when american’s wake up and find out the apartheid regime in isreal did their 9/11, life in isreal won’t be worth living.


that’s hilarious! a bunch of begging, parasite, worthless muslim scum that cant even feed themselves getting squashed by their welfare food.

i guess their allah ain’t so akhbar. even god hates begging welfare degenerates.

Last edited 11 months ago by Rommel

interesting. arabs beg as you say, even thou i’v never noticed that. but i’ve certainly noticed jews blackmailing entire nations to give them what they don’t deserve by any measure. americans gave away hundreds of billions to israel. jewish emissaries try to blackmail nations and organisations all over the world playing on compassion cards of what jews suffered during wwii. but they forget to admit that these sufferings were caused by zionist ideologists intentionaly.

Peter Jennings

these people you speak of aren’t jews. they are fake jews. their warmongering, their thievery, and their atrocities against their fellow man define what they are.

CEO of Yapping

i don’t want to be that guy but… judas iscariot was jewish… the jewish religious authorities give jesus to roman soldiers…

people who claims they are “god chosen people” should be blocked up for good.


if any country in a world live on welfare, it’s israel. say, another epstein island will be created soon with the support of israeli hellstate? why would anybody in israel should work for a living when they can blackmail, racketeer or bankster others who really work. say again, who are the parasites of the world?


not only did their god make them morbidly obese and ugly as hell, he made them stupid too!

CEO of Yapping

again uneducated cunt, they worship the same god. can you fuking rtds make one good fuking propaganda?

yes, “their god made them morbidly obese and ugly as hell” like your mother and you. like fuker have you heard the saying, the pot calling the kettle black?

“he made them stupid too” the irony… make sure to not look at mirrors cow shit eater.

_Tom Sawyer_

rommel the dead nazi has infiltrated the chat!

CEO of Yapping

the worst part of them is the fact none of them dare to argue anything… they just cry none stop.

i did read his comments and most of it was just childish bad mouthing.

“begging”… like motherfuker ignored the whole history of “israel” begging… like braindead fuking rats man. which country made “israel” after zionists begging? the uk. who is stealing and begging for money none stop? jews… holy.


us amerikan hillbilly talibanned and governed by lgbt mulattos hate life

joe biden

this how we lose to taliban


some combination of people being incapable through poisons and mind programming that makes them just not care anymore. people who were jabbed can’t go through life anymore w/o fucking things up everywhere. driving sucks, everything turned to idiotic mush from cashiers to mechanics. spike proteins on/in your neurons weren’t antennas to god apparently.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers
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