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Five Liwa Al-Quds Fighters, NDF Commander Killed In New Deir Ezzor Attacks

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Five Liwa Al-Quds Fighters, NDF Commander Killed In New Deir Ezzor Attacks

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On September 19, five fighters of Liwa al-Quds, a Palestinian-Syrian pro-government group, were killed in a landmine explosion in Deir Ezzor.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the attack took place in the town of al-Shumaytiyah in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside. ISIS terrorists, who are known to be active in the region, were likely behind the attack.

The SOHR reported the death of three fighters on September 19. Nevertheless, the death toll rose to five a day later.

ISIS’s news agency, Amaq, announced on September 20 a second attack in Deir Ezzor. The group’s terrorists targeted a truck of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the outskirt of al-Mayadin city in the governorate’s southern countryside. Casualties were also reported.

Meanwhile, the National Defense Forces said that one of its field commanders, “Fayez Ghadban al-Qisum”, was killed while taking part in a combing operation in the western Deir Ezzor countryside.

ISIS terrorists are sneaking into northwestern, western and southern Deir Ezzor from their strongholds in the nearby Homs desert.

The fierce battles between the SAA and ISIS terrorists are now taking place in the vicinity of the desert on a regular battle, mainly in the Aleppo-Raqqa-Hama triangle. 16 Syrian soldiers and 20 terrorists have been killed, thus far.


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Assad must stay

Prob more bullshit from sohr


Dirty terroristic Palis, got what they deserve.


Go back to Persia, before Israel and the Sunnis make you pay for it.


Assad invites whomever he wants. Get out of Palestine GO BACK wherever you came from!


He is Iraqi,at least thats not as bad as a New yorker.


Seriously?! What do you mean “Iraqi”?!! Iraqi like Sunni terrorist pretending to be Jew from IsraHell?

The Objective

This has always been their goal since over 1000 years ago. They’ve fought countless battles with the Sunnis over this same issue. The world never realized the evil of Shiism until they grew in number. Now they are so many I know war is certainly by the corner. Whenever Shiites start a war, it’s always very bloody.

Everyone should just prepare for the war. Because with the increase in Shiite armed militias, this war is 100% certain to come – sooner than later. My prayer is that this time, the Shiites don’t draw such calamity on their people that may lead to an official end of Iran as Trump threatened. A nuclear war!


Sadly I agree with you Objective, a big war is coming to the ME and many countries will be involved.

The Objective

“Non-Palestinian Sunnis killing Palestinian Sunnis” Wrong! These are Shiite Palestinians. With the kind of tension between Shiites and Sunnis in the region, it’s illogical to think a group of Sunnis will fight for Assad unless they are brainwashed an Islamically uneducated.

This war has several dimensions. Sectarianism is one of them. As a pointer, Iran mainly supports Shiites groups only. Iran is also repopulating Sunni villages in Syria to alter the demographics. Shiite militias always try to control whichever country the find themselves in.

The Objective

SAA majority Sunni? So what? These must be hypocrites because the Sunni creed condemns Shiism to the core. Ask any Sunni scholar whether he’s an extremist or not regarding his views on Shiism. In fact, consult Sunni books since the eighth century and see what traditional Sunni scholars have to say about Shiism.

More than 95% of Scholars consider Shiism a disbelieve. the rest exempt some groups and say they are misled but still considered Muslims, but only a few. I’m saying this so that those who think there is no sectarian angle to this war should make further research and realize that Shiites and Sunnis have NEVER reconciled and will never do because they have completely opposite believes about Muhammad’s message.

When under pressure, Iranians always try to sell the fake notion of unity between Sunnis and Shiites. But this has never been and will never be.

So your SAA Sunni soldiers are not a representative of the Sunni community of Syria. They are bought hypocrites or brainwashed illiterates. How many are they anyway? less than 200 thousand – that is, if all of them are Sunnis. And how many Sunnis are in Syria? More than 12 million representing about 80%. How can less than 200 thousand represent 12+ million?

The Objective

Hypocrisy is clearly defined in the Quran and Sunnah. I don’t call people hypocrites because I disagree with them only. I observe their actions. If it amounts to hypocrisy, like opposing the Sharia or upholding it partially, I know they are hypocrites.

Icarus Tanović

And apostate. “Their blood is hallal”. Such a morbid sentence.

The Objective

Africa. I won’t tell you my country.

The Objective

If you check my profile and read my comments since two years back, you’ll realize I’ve supported Iran until march of this year when I realized what they did to Afghanistan and Iraqi Sunnis during the U.S invasions. Then I started studying Iran more critically.

You’ll also notice that I hate the gulf monarchies and consider them betrayers of the Muslim world up to this moment.

Not every Sunni supports Saudi Arabia – not even Sunni governments. How many governments are supporting the Saudi war on Yemen despite the kingdoms intensive efforts to rally support from larger Muslim community? Almost no Muslim country aside from Egypt and the GCC supports them in Yemen. In fact, a growing number of the World’s influential Muslim scholars are calling for Muslims to boycott hajj and not support the Saudis in Yemen. They are calling Muslims to boycott hajj to deprive Saudi Arabia of part of its revenue which is diverted to war in Yemen. I belong to this group of Muslims, and we are a majority in Saudi Arabia, the GCC, Egypt, Libya, and most other Muslim countries. Just that the oppressive rule leaves no room for domestic revolt. but will time, these Muslims will overthrow those monarchies.

The Objective

There is no Saudi-funded madrassa in my hometown. In fact, I studied in a Sufi school, which is the dominant Madhab (Maliki school of thought) in West Africa and strongest in Egypt.

The Objective

You should know from my previous answer that I did not study in a Saudi Madrassa. Do you Iranians think every Sunni Muslims is in support of Saudi Arabia? I’m beginning to wonder if they feed you propaganda from childhood in Iran that all Sunnis support Saudi Arabia so that you can hate us enough to keep supporting the Shiite Mullahs ruling your country.

Does it matter where I study anyway? What matters is my current position. Plenty of Iranians and even Assad studied in the west, but do they agree with the west? Your question and assumption is illogical to me.

The Objective

That depends on whether you are Shiite or Sunni. If the force is Shiite that conquers Mecca, Median, and Jerusalem in the event that the regimes ruling these places don’t stop aggression or desecrating holy places and interfering with our worship, then you can bet you last buck the Sunnis won’t accept a Shiite rule of these holy places. I will personally take my weapon and fight them until victory or death. Because I know Shiism will spread across the Muslim world and mislead millions. For a majority of Sunnis, death is better than that eventuality.

My conclusion regarding Sunni Shiite fight is that when the Mahdi comes, he’ll unite us under the true Islamic teachings. For now, we’ll keep fighting I guess. Neither will listen to the other.

The Objective

Why do you keep aligning me with the Saudi rulers? How many times must I say that I’m opposed to the way they run the Hejaz? I hear that the Nigerian government has problems with Shiites and it’s like they are even holding their leader without trial. But in most of these countries you mention, demographic reports show the Shiites are a very small minority. This will not be the first time the Shiite community wages war against Sunnis. We leave them alone, but as soon as they grow in population, they wanna takeover everything. That’s what is happening in the Middle East today.

Icarus Tanović

He never heard of Mevlana, Geylani, labeling all that doesn’t share their views as dissidents, ‘Shia’. Or whatever, just don’t listen to that crap.

Icarus Tanović

What is wrong with Taqiya? Don’t listen to idiots. Many trolls are pretending to be Muslim nowadays. Many educated in psychological warfare right there in Langley, Virginia, CIA. Period.

Damien C

“With the kind of tension between Shiites and Sunnis in the region, it’s illogical to think a group of Sunnis will fight for Assad unless they are brainwashed an Islamically uneducated”

Hey Objective … you were anything but there

FACT …. The SAA is 80% Sunni

The Objective

I’m not off at all because of this part which you didn’t seem to understand: “unless they are brainwashed an Islamically uneducated”

The Objective

Good eye opener to the Sunnis reading this thread. The ultimate aim of Iran: To take the Hejaz – Macca and Madina!

Unfortunately, that will not happen. We Sunnis want to take the Hejaz back from the Saudi hypocrites ruling it, but that doesn’t mean we’ll let Shiites take it.

Icarus Tanović

You close your mouth, Zionistic bum.

The Objective

It is the Mahdi and his Army that will liberate all these places you mention – not Iran. America is non hair trigger right now. The Iranian regime is walking a thin line at the moment. One wrong move, and the U.S pulls the trigger. What makes you think Iran is gonna win? From history, Shiites have always lost to us in the end. Do some research!

Iran is powerful, no doubt. Their large arsenal of highly deadly missiles can wreck havoc across the entire Middle East and cripple America’s air power in the region and beyond, except for naval forces, who’ll be out can fight from beyond reach of Iran’s anti-ship missiles.

Also, the bombers in Diego Garcia and U.S submarines in combination with the navy will devastate Iran probably even with nukes should Iran rain missiles on Israel. I don’t know if Iran has missiles that can reach Diego Garcia or if those missiles have guidance systems, but it’s unlikely that even if such missiles exist, it might lack guidance, making it less effective against air force logistics hobs.

I have no doubt that a war with Iran will be bloody, with millions of casualties on both sides. But unfortunately, this war will happen. The disputes are too intense and too many to resolve permanently through diplomacy. For example, Iran wants to overthrow the corrupt gulf monarchies, end America’s presence in the Middle East, Arm and train anti-American and anti-Israeli forces across the entire region, Spread Shiism across the Muslim world, takeover the Hejaz and Jerusalem, be able to block the Hormuz strait, Acquire nukes, and prevent any kind of peaceful resolution between Israel and Palestine. How can all these issues be reconciled diplomatically? That’ll be a miracle. This is why I see a war coming.

The Objective

I did a thorough research on the net about the possibility of Iran having long-range missiles that can hit Diego Garcia with some precision. In 2014, an Iranian official threatened that such a missile exist, but he didn’t mention any guidance. Carrier-based U.S bombers like the F-35 and F-22 out-range Iran’s anti-ship missiles which I think isn’t beyond 500 km currently. Unless Iran develops missiles in excess of 1000 miles range, the U.S will still be able to neutralize Iran’s force along the Persian gulf and gradually edge closer to be able to strike deeper into the country. They probably also have secret airbases spread out in the Middle East, hardened aircraft shelters, and facilities to rapidly repair damages to runways. Well, you are right that the Americans will bleed too, but don’t forget they have the power to level your country but you can’t level theirs. The only way to get even in the event of a nuclear strike on Iran is to use chemical weapons – that’s if Iran has them. I wish it never comes to this, but the world is so fucked up, anything can happen. And there is a greater chance of such things happening as tensions mount.

The Objective

Russia and China won’t risk a nuclear war with the U.S under whatever condition short of a direct attack.

Diego Garcia is about 6000 km away. What’ll a 210 km missile do? For now, I think Diego Garcia is beyond Iran’s reach. Maybe some unguided Missiles will make it to that place, but to my knowledge, there is currently no guided missile in the world with a 6000 km range. If there is, I’ve never heard of. Iran’s power is still very limited against the U.S.

The Objective

Okay, great source. I’ll look it up and dig deeper. I’m always curious about defense news. Good night pal, we’ll chat tomorrow.

The Objective

I think you’ll get nuked by the U.S if you keep pursuing this goal. The only people who can safely take back the Hejaz from Saudi rulers are the true Sunnis.

Icarus Tanović

Well said, friend. But Wahhabis and followers of Satanic religion are not Sunni or Muslims at all. Al Azhar, Grozny Ullemas summit, no one normal think of the as being Muslims at all.

Icarus Tanović

Definitely. They are occupied by these Satanic creatures Wahhabis.

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