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Five Seconds Until World War 3

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Five Seconds Until World War 3


On March 13, US President Trump ousted his secretary of state, Rex W. Tillerson, and announced he would replace Mr. Tillerson with Mike Pompeo, the CIA director. At the CIA, Pompeo will be replaced by the current deputy director, Gina Haspel.

Trump said Pompeo “will continue our program of restoring America’s standing in the world, strengthening our alliances, confronting our adversaries, and seeking the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

The new appointment came two days after US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley had threatened that the US will strike Syrian forces if they continue their operation against militants in the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta. Considering that Russia has servicemen involved in helping government forces and providing a humanitarian aid to civilians in the area, this threat was also adressed to Moscow.

Head of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov commented on this threat saying that Russian forces will take retaliatory actions against any “missiles” or “launchers” posing a threat to their service members.

“According to reports, after the false flag attack, the US plans to accuse the Syrian government troops of using chemical weapons, and to provide the world community with the so-called ‘evidence’ of the alleged mass death of civilians at the hands of the Syrian government and “Russia supporting it,” he said. Then, according to Gerasimov, the US “plans to launch a missile strike on the government-held districts of Damascus.”

The chief of the General Staff continued saying that militants are already preparing to falsify a “government” chemical attack.

“We have reliable information about militants preparing to falsify a government chemical attack against civilians. In several districts of Eastern Ghouta, a crowd was assembled with women, children and old people, brought from other regions, who were to represent the victims of the chemical incident.”

A new round of escalation in Syria is developing just few days ahead of Russia’s presidential election scheduled on March 18.

Meanwhile, reports have appeared, that the Ukrainian military is actively preparing for offensive actions against forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) in the eastern part of the country. Local sources also indicate that the Ukrainian government is planning stage provocations on a contact line between its military and forces of the DPR and the LPR. According to reports, a military escalation as well as provocations on the contact line may take place in eastern Ukraine in the coming week.

It’s possible that an escalation scenario in both Syria and Ukraine may be implemented by the US establishment soon after or during the presidential election in Russia. The goal of these actions will be to stage an aggressive war against Russia,

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Marek Gebski

Trzymajcie się bracia! Jesteśmy z wami.

Michał Hunicz

Tak jest!

Nigel Maund

Trump is as bad as Kim Jong Un! The US is now under the command of evil maniacs hell bent on Global Hegemony at any cost. The Russians are not dealing with rational people they’e dealing with absolute evil precisely like they did in June 1941.

jerry hamilton

1941 was not that simple. Germany did not want to fight Russians, they wanted to fight the jewish Bolsheviks who had killed tens of millions of Russians. The media simply turned that into jew hating.

klove and light

correct and dont forget also what the word NAZI means…people still tend to think it means national socialist worker party germany…..nope the word NAZI explains the whole hoax of WW2……NAZI = NA= National Socialist (Hitlers party) ZI= ZIONIST the first deal was made before WW1..as you rightly pointed out..jewish bolsheviks(zionists) controlled russia since 1917…it was the germans who allowed the zionists(trotzky etc..) to travel through germany in a sealed of wagon to russia with 20 million dollars in gold…hoping they would overthrow the zsar and thus stop the war at the eastfront..thats exactly what happened the second deal they made .that simple…the germans wanted the jews out of europe…the zionists wanted the jews out of europe and bring them to palestine..for that measure the zionists bankrolled hitlers party in partnership thus….NAZI

jerry hamilton

I will have to do a bit more reading but Yes. Hitler signed a deal with zionists on 25 August 1933 called The Transfer Agreement. (Haavara Agreement) Hitler was transferring jews along with their wealth to Palestine. A jew called Edwin Black even wrote a book about it along with others. The transfer was going really well until the British stopped it.


Hitler Was Not a Jewish Puppet, you already know it and so do most.

http://www.renegadetribune.com/piper-report-hitler-not-jewish-puppet/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b3f94c3b4749bd8a86ca94dcffe35fc0df67661fab8384e75245c770529c18e.jpg

Tommy Jensen

For sizing Rothchilds bank, Hitler became the most hated man in the history books and on earth…….LOL.

888mladen .

Correct. Zionists could not care the less about how many ordinary Jews were slaughtered by Nazis.


All the Poor is Scum……Jewish Scum… German Scum…..Gipsy Scum….American Scum…..English Scum…..Christian Scum…..Buddhist Scum…..Muslim Scum…….White Scum…..Black Scum…Asian Scum…..Russian Scum… Dutch Scum…. Scum is Scum…..in the Eyes of the Elitist Beholder…..


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888mladen .



You are right Jesuits have done Evil things too…




Yeah, the world of the Jesuits interesting material….

888mladen .

True. I found this very interesting too.



Thanks btw for the book… because my interests always were with Native Americans… I knew something was very very wrong with the Vatican….also the fact that Jews started to get the blame for everything that went wrong…(especially in the U.S.), made me suspicious someone was trying to put all the blame on them….true a lot of Jewish names pop up in History all the time…. but the Puppetmaster stays hidden in the shadows…

888mladen .

It’s pleasure. I agree completely with your findings. Keep up a good work.

888mladen .



Religious Beliefs are infiltrated Everywhere, in some cases even Completely taken over….The Evildoers took over the Highest Echelons….Crypto-Whatevers…We can’t look at Religions to find Evil…. We must Look for Evil…..

Jaroslav Belicka

Elite scum

jerry hamilton

Nazi’s didn’t slaughter jews. It was forbidden. If you have the time, read this, it is not long and it will give you a very accurate account of the German mindset. You should enjoy it. https://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p183_Weckert.html

888mladen .

Untill the set dead line and then it started.

Nigel Maund

Wrong again, Pity for your argument is I have first hand evidence that they did as my mothers best friend’s husband was a sergeant in the British Army as they liberated one of the major concentration camps in 1945 and he told me the massacre of the Jews was definitively real. He and his unit executed by firing squad the SS Camp Guards the same day the Camp was liberated.

John Brown

part 1 Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever with identical race laws. When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805

Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By YIFA YAAKOV 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/

John Brown

part 2 Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish army. . So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this Anja? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

Part 3 In the 1930es Hitler cooperated with his Zionist friends – who had a good time in Berlin! – to drive Germany´s Jews to Palestine with so much success that when although in 1933 there were 505.000 Jews in Germany in the census 1933. By 1941, another 300.000 had emigrated with Hitler´s accept in 1941. And 150.000 Jews were soldiers in Hitler´s army.So the Jews to persecute in Germany were few! But there were many more in Poland, where they were disliked. We have seen how Walther Rothschild was the driving force behind the Balfour Declaration 100 years ago – in 1917, Rothschild promised to draw the US into WWI if the UK would guarantee that the Jews would have a homeland in Rothschild owned Palestine. Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war. Mandell-House wrote the Versailles Peace Treaty without German participation in a way that WWII was inevitable Israel is Rothschild´s land. Already in 1829, the Rothschilds had bought Jerusalem. We have seen how the Rockefellers (Jews) and the Rothschild Federal Reserve of the US as well as their Wall Street (Anthony Sutton) even funded Hitler and via the IG Farben ran death camp Auschwitz by means of forced Jewish labour. We have seen that Hitler was a Jew,probably even a Rothschild. Most of the top Nazis were Jewish We have seen how Jewish Rothschild´s agent, Jewish George Soros, betrayed Jews in Hungary and took their possessions – even calling this “the happiest time of his life”! Another confession! Nothing beats the voluntary confession! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PUDmLCkgNc Therefore, the following is a logical sequel of Theodor Herzl´s diaries. Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann. another confession!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MekIiTzQaaQ

John Brown

part 4 Confession! American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Confessions! Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

part 5 The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/jew… Hitler’s Jewish Army confession! https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. Confession! read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star. Confession! So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this Anja? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/

John Brown

part 6 DID THE JEWS IN HITLER’S ARMY CAUSE THE ‘HOLOCAUST’? Rigg’s research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordnungdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos). So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism? “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.” During World War II thousands of Jews served in the Wehrmacht, many awarded the Cross for Bravery. Jews serving in the SS. Were they also in the Gestapo? As ‘Gestapo’ is an abbreviation of “Geheime Stadt Polizei”, meaning State Secret Police, Sources: William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996. Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

John Brown

part 7 In any fair court that actually listened to real evidence (from sources such as the Israel Times, the Jerusalem Post etc.) it is very easy to prove the Nazi racist supremacist Jewish alliance and that it was mostly the Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews as part of that alliance, under the orders of the Rothschild’s, killed Jews unless said Jews moved to Palestine. The Rothschild banks even seized the financial assets of Jews in Swiss banks which is also well documented, of German Jews etc. killed in the holocaust for refusing to go to Palestine. The Secret relationship between blacks and Jews all volumes and some confederate Jewish money with the Jewish faces on it, to prove racist Jews ran the South, 95 % of the slave trade committed the black holocaust of 400 years of slavery 100 million killed, rape, etc. See the Nazi Jewish Pact of steel the Havarra agreement by which Hitler created Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png

jerry hamilton

“Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews” I knew nothing about that. This is interesting.


The Wehrmacht had more than thousand high rank Officer.

General Bloch was Hitler Aide de Camp, and going time to time to visit his family in Dachau ! When Gobbles complained about it, Hitler answer, “It’s me who decide who is Jew or not” !

jerry hamilton

Yes I knew about all the jews in the army but I didn’t know there was a jewish army that killed jews.

jerry hamilton

I can’t find anything on the Nazi Jewish army that killed jews if they didn’t go to Palestine. Do you have anything?

John Brown

I did send proof to you, the Havara Pact signed agreement, some books, articles Jewish TV video confessions and confessions from Israeli newspapers etc. Israel is even going to make a movie about it. What more is there???? Do some research! What do you want a 5,000 page statement of claim?

jerry hamilton

No mate. I know about the Transfer Agreement, what I am looking for is…. “The Nazi Jewish army that killed jews if they didn’t go to Palestine”. I am good at researching and do a lot of it but can’t find anything on that. I do appreciate your input and anything on that part, I would be very grateful for.

John Brown

https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

jerry hamilton

Please don’t think I am being ungrateful but I am well aware of the 150,000 jews in Hitlers army. What I am looking for specifically is…….. “The Nazi Jewish army that KILLED JEWS IF THEY DID NOT GO TO PALESTINE.

John Brown

What is your definition of evidence? Do you expect a video confession by those who did it?

jerry hamilton

Anything that conclusively proves that jews killed jews if they did not go to Palestine. Due to torture, a video confession would not be good enough. Eye witnesses were the only proof of gas chambers and most of them have been proved to be lying. Infamous Ellie Wiesel the worst of the lot.

If you don’t have anything, it’s not a problem. I was just asking if you did have anything is all. Thanks.

John Brown

Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau…

John Brown

I gave you lots here is some more. How many voluntary confessions does it take?? William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996. Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

John Brown

Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers

Clip of one-hour documentary and Israel TV interview with the director Larry Price. Full video available at Amazon.com


John Brown

Zionism was close to “kaput” in the late 1920, but Hitler saved it from extinction. The Jewish Zionist Transfer Agreement contract with the Nazi’s that began in 1933 and it involved the increase of persecution of German Jews. Both the Zionist and the Nazis wanted the German Jews to emigrate to the land of today’s Israel beginning in 1933. The Zionist wanted to increase the population of German Jews in Palestine and Germany wanted the increased monetary business of supplying, selling, and transporting the new infrastructure materials to the land of Israel as described in The Transfer Agreement, and to transport the willing German Jews from Germany to Israel. The following YouTube video mentions a little about this German Jewish persecution in the first 11 video minutes. There is enough evidence that Hitler, in fact WAS a Zionist lhttp://henrymakow.com/hitler_was_a_godsend_for_israe.html Truth Telling Transfer Agreement Exposes Hitler as Father of Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=dTnHcHsUNM0


“There is enough evidence that Hitler, in fact WAS a Zionist”

The book “Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel” by Hennecke Kardel speaks in favour of this assumption. The absence of Hitler on the trial in Nuremberg speaks volumes also.(In modern Russia, for example, a general was condemned in court as extremist posthumously, after he had been found dead under the train.) But it is not that simple. There is a snag. Such assumption turns all people of Germany into stupid herd unable to tell leader from traitor whereas here is the problem of all humanity.

John Brown

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=29&v=OCX62OpLggA&bpctr=1521348890 Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust Front Cover Shabtai Teveth Harcourt Brace & Co., 1996 – Biography & Autobiography – 310 pages National Jewish Book Award-winner Shabtai Teveth, author of The Burning Ground, offers a sober, authoritative assessment of the argument advanced by Tom Segev in his book The Seventh Million and others that David Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders sacrificed six million European Jews to the Holocaust for the sake of a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine

John Brown

I gave you video confessions etc. Israeli news papers. books etc. If that is not good enough for you then you are a racist, supremacist, psycho, linguistic, reverse speak, mind control, disinfo expert, which fails against such strong evidence.

jerry hamilton

You sad Muppet. Pi$$ off


What this shitstorm ? The sweet Doctor Mengele is loved, successful and imitated in Israel

https://www.sott.net/article/201207-The-Ringworm-Children-Zionist-genocidal-experiments-on-Jews +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The Ringworm Children: Zionist genocidal experiments on Jews

Jill Mann

Redacted News

Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:51 UTC

In a series of articles, Israeli writer Barry Chamish reviews Israeli television’s 2004 expose of the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of 100,000 young Israeli immigrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries (Sephardim) with a screening of the award winning 2003 documentary film, The Ringworm Children.

The story goes like this: With vast evidence from Nazi experiments in the concentration camps and the atomic bombing of Japan, the scientific community was well aware by 1951 of the short and long-term dangers of radiation, especially on children. The American government had banned forced radiation testing based on eugenics on humans prisoners, the mentally feeble, etc., but wanted human lab rats for its nuclear and other programs.

In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba, flew to America and agreed, on behalf of the Israeli government, to supply the humans in exchange for money and nuclear secrets. Dr. Sheba returned to Israel with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.

The x-ray machines were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Dr. Sheba demanded that all North African children be sent to health centers to receive radiation therapy as a preemptive treatment for ringworm, normally treated with vinegar. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through the head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year (billions in today’s dollars).

To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on “school trips” and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given. Many of the rest developed epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, sterility, horrifying scarred bald spots, severe scarring on the body, loss of teeth and hair, chronic headaches, psychosis, and cancers at more than double the rate of the general population.

Many people have testified that the radiation campaign caused the children serious emotional harm. Without any explanation, they were brought to clinics where the hair on their heads was shaven, the hair that remained was pulled out with hot wax, and the roots were eliminated with x-rays.

The majority of the victims were Moroccan because they were the most numerous of the Sephardi immigrants. The generation that was poisoned in Israel became the country’s perpetual poor and criminal class, while the Moroccan Jews who fled to France became prosperous and highly educated. The common explanation was that France got the rich, thus smart ones. The real explanation is that every French Moroccan Jewish child didn’t have the brain cells fried with x-rays.

David Deri, makes the point that only Sephardi children received the x-rays. “I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children [descendants of European Jews] were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus.” A Moroccan woman: “It was a Holocaust, a Sephardi Holocaust. And what I want to know is why no one stood up to stop it.”

The film presents a historian who declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out what Ashkenazi leaders perceived to be the “weak strains of society”. Running Rings Around the Victims, by Aryeh Dayan, says that the ringworm radiation campaign lasted until 1960.

Fifty years after the ringworm radiation, victims are still fighting for compensation from the state for their illnesses. The claims process is prohibitive, riddled with tricky and impossible procedures, and the sparsely granted awards are paltry.

Victims have been stonewalled in their efforts even to get information. David Deri, relates the frustration he encountered when trying to fi nd his childhood medical records. “All I wanted to know was what they did to me. I wanted to know who authorized it. I wanted to trace the chain of command. But the Health Ministry told me my records were missing.” Boaz Lev, the Health Ministry’s spokesman chimes in, “Almost all the records were burned in a fire.”

Chamish contends that the Israeli leaders were aware of, responsible for, and benefited from the program. It is unlikely that a program involving the equivalent of billions of dollars of American government funds for cash-strapped Israel could be unknown to the Israeli leaders.

A hospital was named after Eliezer Kaplan, who handled the profits of the operation. A whole medical complex was named after Chaim Sheba, who ran Ringworm Incorporated.

Chamish says it is a miracle that Ringworm Children was broadcast at all, but it was aired at the same time as the highest-rated show of the year, the final of Israel’s, A Star Is Born. The next day, while there was not a word about Ringworm Children in any paper, the newly-born star’s photo took up half the front pages.

John Brown

part 8 To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation, So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK . Can any please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and are anti Jewish along with 60 minutes etc etc etc. It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they (Anja and her master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the voluntary confession. In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump Read more:http://forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/ It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things (like the Jewish Nazi army of 150 k running the holocaust etc.) that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed “We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce223dc12d9b8a258530fcfb67dbeba80b4d26071cb6501f3df9d2675c9a307.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg

jerry hamilton

Thank you very much for this. I already knew much of this information but there is some good stuff I did not know. Thank you.

Aleksandar Zmejkovski

yeah right back then nazi’s wore hippies … flowers instead of guns… come on now

jerry hamilton

“We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast) http://balder.org/judea/Important-Quotations-For-A-Better-Understanding-Of-WWII.php

John Brown

I did post it, maybe it was blocked by Jews. Here it is again. Havaara Zionist nazi alliance Its common knowledge that Israeli foreign policy going back to the days of Ben Gurion has been exceedingly opportunistic and amoral as exemplified in this infamous statement: ”Were I to know that all German Jewish children could be rescued by transferring them to England and only half by transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the latter, because our concern is not only the personal interest of these children, but the historic interest of the Jewish people.” So I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised at this new development. But still it does momentarily take one’s breath away to contemplate just how brutally cynical Israel’s motives and choices can often be. http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/07/06/reviews/970706.06wyman.html Did Ben-Gurion sacrifice Jewish lives to build a state in Palestine

John Brown

Start her for paste Part 1 How can you say Hitler did anything good?? He was no different then Obama, Bush etc.and other sottgers of racist supramcist Jews and did the opposite of what he said etc. no 2 front war, unite all Europeans he did the opposite, like all politicians bought and paid for by racist supremacist Jews. Hitler was funded and put in power by racist supremacist Jews Rothschild’s Rockefellers etc. (the USSA Federal reserve, the bank of England and the bank of France with hundreds of billions of dollars FACT! as was Lenin. Hitler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement. Making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Jewish immigration to Israel and no Israel and no Jewish world domination today. Hitler hated Europeans. In the Havara agreement pact Hitler and his Zionist allies agreed to kill any Jews who would not go to Israel. He was then ordered by his AshkeNAZI Jewish masters to attack Russia and Poland and exterminated over 30 million white Europeans Christians for any morons who think Hitler liked white people, actions speak louder than words. If Hitler had of come to the aid of brother European countries only overthrowing their racist supremacist Jewish governments and then putting Poles in charge of Poland and Russians in charge of Russia etc. as brother countries, European Christian allies Germany would have won the war. Instead Hitler followed orders to finish what racist supremacist Jews under Yagoda started when they killed over 65 million innocent Soviet citizens. There is one comical attempt at a cover up here “‘The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities.” As if the Nazi dictatorship could not shut this agreement down if they wanted to Ha ha Ha!!! Hitler was the useful tool of Zionists, with the Haavara agreement / pact making Hitler the father of Israel and Hitler was used to savage innocent Russians whom racist supremacist Jews have hated for centuries as Russian and the Tzars held satanic Jews in check for centuries. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/haavara

John Brown

part 2 The Deleted Interview that George Soros Tried to Ban! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUdosc33eSE George Soros MUST SEE ! “Helping the NAZI’s was the happiest time of my life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYbciTTT4yc George Soros: (Helping Nazis) “Was The Happiest Time of my Life” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Qr7TnWG74 George Soros – Admits he is the “Puppet Master” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeIA8HBwO2M George Soros’ Messianic Fantasies says he is a god. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwEkjJVwsIc

Who said the Naziz did not do terrible things, you? Hitler was funded and put in power by racist supremacist Jews rothchilds Rockafellars etc. (the USSA Federal reserve, the bank of England and the bank of France with hundreds of billions of dollars as was Lenin and Hitler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement. making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Israel and no Jewish world domination today. Hitler hated Europeans. In the Havara agreement pact Hitler and his Zionist allies agreed to kill and the Jews who would not go to Israel. He was then ordered by his Jewish masters to attack Russia and Poland and exterminated over 30 million white Europeans for any morons who think Hitler liked white people actions speak louder than words. Hitler was to finish what Jews under Yagoda started when they killed over 66 million innocent Soviet citizens.

John Brown

Part 3 The ensuing disagio, borne by the emigrants, accordingly increased from 6% in 1934 to 50% in 1938. The major part of the transfer proceeds provided the 1,000 Palestine Pounds (then $4,990) necessary for a “capitalist” immigration certificate of the Mandatory administration, but also for other categories of immigration, such as Youth Aliyah, students, and artisans as well as for the transfer of public funds. The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935) which decided by a vast majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the *Jewish Agency . The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine, most especially the affluent German Jewish immigrants and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and Here is the big joke it divided Jews Ha! It created Israel! a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.

John Brown

Part 4 financing. So Constantine are the Jewish sources I quote from far right, anti Jewish etc. whatever that means to you. So the IDF chief the Times of Israel the Jerusalem Post etc. etc. are far right Anti Jewish??? I get you. When one is a racist supremacist slaver oppressor like you anyone like me who is against those things, the racist (you) would say (me) the anti racist, anti slavery, anti oppression is racist,,against oppressors, slavers and racists. Part 4 financing. of German Nazis by racist supremacist Jews Jewish Zionists financed Hitler to power financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers. They only leave out who owns the Bank of England the Federal Jewish Reserve etc. all private corporations owned by the Rothchllds, Warbergs etc Nothing New, ‘http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html It’s just show the US and GB Madness is limitless =================================== http://www.voltairenet.org/… Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II by Valentin Katasonov To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article. Hjalmar Schacht (left), Hitler’s finance minister, with his close friend Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944. According to documents reveled by the Bank of England in 2012, he Czechoslovak gold was held in London in a sub-account in the name of the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based bank for central banks.

John Brown

Part 5 When the Nazis marched into Prague in March 1939 they immediately sent armed soldiers to the offices of the National Bank. The Czech directors were ordered, on pain of death, to send two transfer requests. The first instructed the BIS to transfer 23.1 metric tons of gold from the Czechoslovak BIS account, held at the Bank of England, to the Reichsbank BIS account, also held at Threadneedle Street. The second order instructed the Bank of England to transfer almost 27 metric tons of gold held in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia’s own name to the BIS’s gold account at the Bank of England. The war was not unleashed by frenzied Fuhrer who happened to be ruling Germany at the time. WWII is a project created by world oligarchy or Anglo-American “money owners”. Using such instruments as the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England they started to prepare for the next world conflict of global scale right after WWI. The USSR was the target. The Dawes and Young Plans, the creation of Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the Germany’s suspension of reparations payments it had to pay according to Paris Peace Treaty and the acquiescence of Russia’s former allies in this decision, large-scale foreign investments into the economy of Third Reich, the militarization of German economy and the breaches of Paris Treaty provisions – they all were important milestones on the way of preparing the war. There were key figures behind the plot: the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Lord Montagu Norman (the Governor of the Bank of England), Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the Hitler’s government).The strategic plan of Rockefellers and Morgans was to subjugate Europe economically, saturate Germany with foreign investments and credits and make it deliver a crushing blow against the Soviet Russia so that it would be returned into the world capitalist system as a colony.

John Brown

When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By YIFA YAAKOV https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust.

John Brown

https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

part 1 Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever with identical race laws. When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805

Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By YIFA YAAKOV 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/

John Brown

part 2 Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish army. . So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this Anja? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

Part 3 Part 1 In the 1930es Hitler cooperated with his Zionist friends – who had a good time in Berlin! – to drive Germany´s Jews to Palestine with so much success that when although in 1933 there were 505.000 Jews in Germany in the census 1933. By 1941, another 300.000 had emigrated with Hitler´s accept in 1941. And 150.000 Jews were soldiers in Hitler´s army.So the Jews to persecute in Germany were few! But there were many more in Poland, where they were disliked. We have seen how Walther Rothschild was the driving force behind the Balfour Declaration 100 years ago – in 1917, Rothschild promised to draw the US into WWI if the UK would guarantee that the Jews would have a homeland in Rothschild owned Palestine. Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war. Mandell-House wrote the Versailles Peace Treaty without German participation in a way that WWII was inevitable Israel is Rothschild´s land. Already in 1829, the Rothschilds had bought Jerusalem. We have seen how the Rockefellers (Jews) and the Rothschild Federal Reserve of the US as well as their Wall Street (Anthony Sutton) even funded Hitler and via the IG Farben ran death camp Auschwitz by means of forced Jewish labour. We have seen that Hitler was a Jew,probably even a Rothschild. Most of the top Nazis were Jewish We have seen how Jewish Rothschild´s agent, Jewish George Soros, betrayed Jews in Hungary and took their possessions – even calling this “the happiest time of his life”! Another confession! Nothing beats the voluntary confession Anja! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PUDmLCkgNc Therefore, the following is a logical sequel of Theodor Herzl´s diaries. Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann. another confession!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MekIiTzQaaQ


“Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war.”

More informanion:

Shortly before President Wilson’s re-election, he received a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer.

The Jew Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall.

The Firm had as one of its main clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head. Both Untermeyer and Schiff contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections.

Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a Breach of Promise action against President Wilson. Untermeyer’s client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton University at the same time that Wilson was a professor at Princeton University. Untermeyer informed Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the Breach of Promise action.

Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket written by President Wilson to his colleague’s wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the fact that an illicit relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife of his Princeton colleague. Wilson immediately acknowledged his authorship of the letters. Untermeyer then informed Wilson that his former sweetheart was in dire need of $40,000.

President Wilson informed Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer. Untermeyer then volunteered to give Wilson’s former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket – but on one condition: that President Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court, the Zionist and Talmudic Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis.

Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer’s generous offer. Then on June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, Wilson appointed the Zionist Jew, Louis Brandeis, to the Supreme Court…http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=189

John Brown

part 4 Confession! American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Confessions! Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

John Brown

part 5 The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/jew… Hitler’s Jewish Army confession! https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. Confession! read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star. Confession! So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/


“150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II.”

10 000 of them were captured by Red Army as prisoners of war.

John Brown

part 6 DID THE JEWS IN HITLER’S ARMY CAUSE THE ‘HOLOCAUST’? Rigg’s research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordnungdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos). So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism? “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.” During World War II thousands of Jews served in the Wehrmacht, many awarded the Cross for Bravery. Jews serving in the SS. Were they also in the Gestapo? As ‘Gestapo’ is an abbreviation of “Geheime Stadt Polizei”, meaning State Secret Police, Sources: William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996. Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

John Brown

In any fair court that actually listened to real evidence (from sources such as the Israel Times, the Jerusalem Post etc.) it is very easy to prove the Nazi racist supremacist Jewish alliance and that it was mostly the Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews as part of that alliance, under the orders of the Rothschild’s, killed Jews unless said Jews moved to Palestine. The Rothschild banks even seized the financial assets of Jews in Swiss banks which is also well documented, of German Jews etc. killed in the holocaust for refusing to go to Palestine. Learn some real history and hand get copies of Jews selling blacks, The Secret relationship between blacks and Jews all volumes and some confederate Jewish money with the Jewish faces on it, to prove racist Jews ran the South, 95 % of the slave trade committed the black holocaust of 400 years of slavery 100 million killed, rape, etc. It would be so easy to beat you by doing just that. See the Nazi Jewish Pact of steel the Havarra agreement by which Hitler created Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png

John Brown

part 8 To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation, So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK . Please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and are anti Jewish along with 60 minutes etc etc etc. It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they (Anja and her master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the voluntary confession. In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump Read more:http://forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/ It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things (like the Jewish Nazi army of 150 k running the holocaust etc.) that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed “We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce223dc12d9b8a258530fcfb67dbeba80b4d26071cb6501f3df9d2675c9a307.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg

John Brown

Please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and how they are anti Jewish, along with 60 minutes the New York Times etc etc etc. I am just posting what they have said in their voluntary confessions, they are not my words. Can anyone tell me how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying and anti Jewish?? It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they the superior master Jewish race routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Nothing beats the voluntary confession!!

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

If like that USA should mean Union of Satan Agency.



It is the mating cry of the ignorant.

Samuel Boas

Nazi was invented by a Jew as a curseword.


Nazi is also similar to Ashkenazi (Jewish ethnic group; 80% of all Jews today, 92% of all Jews in 1933).


REMEMBER: Russia won’t do anything in the event US & NATO start obliterating SAA positions in Eastern Ghouta; the Russian military has never been prepared for such fight nor do they care about the fate of their Syrian partners (these good-for-nothing simply represent the interests of Gazprom).


This is what a Gaz-Explosion looks like…


888mladen .

Gazprom exactly. Many people here don’t realize that Rosatom has 22% shares in North American Atom One thenks to Killary. This world is not that straightforward place as many would like to think,

Carlos Fantastic

You can only prod for so long before you get a reaction

jerry hamilton

If that is true then Putin is a confirmed liar and has lost credibility for ever.


Yes, if USA makes this attack, this will be a check movement for Putin and Russia. It will be very interesting to see what will happen.


Ashkenazi aren’t Hebrew but peoples from the Black Sea becoming Jews by proselytism before to migrate to Russia 1’000 years ago, then to the rest of the World… ================================== https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2011/10/25/the-doenmeh-the-middle-easts-most-whispered-secret-part-i.html

The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part I)

There is a historical “eight hundred pound gorilla” lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians, and some other players in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences, and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject. And it is the secretiveness attached to the subject that has been the reason for so much misunderstanding about the current breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, a growing warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and increasing enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran…

Although known to historians and religious experts, the centuries-old political and economic influence of a group known in Turkish as the “Dönmeh” is only beginning to cross the lips of Turks, Arabs, and Israelis who have been reluctant to discuss the presence in Turkey and elsewhere of a sect of Turks descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries. These Jewish refugees from Spain were welcomed to settle in the Ottoman Empire and over the years they converted to a mystical sect of Islam that eventually mixed Jewish Kabbala and Islamic Sufi semi-mystical beliefs into a sect that eventually championed secularism in post-Ottoman Turkey. It is interesting that “Dönmeh” not only refers to the Jewish “untrustworthy converts” to Islam in Turkey but it is also a derogatory Turkish word for a transvestite, or someone who is claiming to be someone they are not.


Yes, from the Caucasus.


Where is the DNA proof of this thesis? Right, there isn’t any!


Troll troll troll didn’t deserve any answer !


And yet you react…..pathetic boy

FSA - Democratic HeadChoppers



“Israel deliberately forgets its history” Alexander, all Israeli history is invention and is used as auxiliary tool. And not the main/principal. The principal is chutzpah. The poll organized in 1996 in Israel proved that favorable position Jews enjoy in modern world they obtained thanks to this ‘pure’ jewish quality. And it is not for nothing that Friedrich Nietzsche exclaimed one day:” It is high time to have done with the nonsense that is called ‘history’. I do not ask you where from have you come, tell me – WHERE ARE YOU GOING?”


But if for us, gentiles, history is meaningful and we want to go our own path, then we have to know it. In volume advised by Helvetsi – as much as needed for posterity.


Amazing, I didn’t know Helvetius, but I am familiar with all his friends and read them. Rousseau and Voltaire are my home town most famous with Calvin… I am from Helvetian/Allobroges/Batave origins, Culture and love them. Geneva and Amsterdam are my model places for Societies, it’s among the 60 Countries where do I live…,


“I didn’t know Helvetius, but I am familiar with all his friends… I am from Helvetian…origins…” I beg your pardon, but it is beyond my understanding (stupido Nikolay). “it’s among the 60 Countries where do I live…,” Awesome… and formidable… Magician???


Helvetia is Switzerland, Allobroges it’s Geneva area before Roman conquest Bataves is Hollande


Nazi is just another name for the same people, Hitler got financed by Khazarian Banksters. The Bright & Psychopathic ones were adopted by the States…….History as we learned it, is crap anyway….

888mladen .

“I still doubt that”. Me too.


IG Farben head Office was built on an Rothschild family property and was the World biggest chemical group… If I didn’t mistake, it’s the Bayer ancestor…


You will like the link I added I suppose…


Yes it’s good many of these facts are quite well known

80% of German engines were Ford or GM, 20% of the German Oil was thanks GM among others.

But I do believe most of what is said about WW1 & WW2 is bogus, as well as the today Meddle East tragedy !


But even Bogus is Good….. I talk a lot of Bogus too….. Bogus makes you think… and it can support the Truth….no tunnelvisions allowed….. everything is possible….even the craziest theories… that’s why we got brains I suppose, in the end the truth will come out….:)

Tony B.

Not thousands, hardly a handful. It was the soviet that got thousands of German scientists.


Maybe only 1’500, but agree, the Russians also got many


888mladen .

It has been planed and executed by Hitler’s pope, Eugenio Pacelli the Pope Pius XII and his cohort. It was then the beginning of the CIA.


It’s what some are saying, apparently Hitler mother was Jew, and Jews are Jew by the mother.

For the Vatican, Stalin was asking “How many Divisions ? ”

What do we are sure it’s Vatican American Cardinal Paul Marcinkus was in charge of Mafia Money Laundering for the CIA to finance Solidarnosc and was involved to the nec in the bank Ambrosiano Scandal !

NB: For me the Vatican is the World Oldest institution factory for Fake News and Gossip !

888mladen .

There are some estimates that Vatican exterminated ~60 mil people during the middle ages and reformation era excluding modern history . For something to be fake or false like “all religions” according to your statement the true or genuine must exist. So it can’t be “all religions”. Even your suggestion to read Hesse’s book illustrates what has been said. I did a lot more than that and only the Bible was able to answer the questions of my origin and destiny. 9And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Luke 11:9,10


The Religions only purpose is to produce Cannon Folders !

What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history? (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)


“The Religions only purpose is to produce Cannon Fodders !” Alexander, Do you know what Friedrich Nietzsche said about Jews? (Theoretical people) It is very important.


Jews perversion is to believe to be “God chosen Peoples”

Aside that, Circoncision and Excision are as Barbaric Dark-Ages sexual mutilations as each other. On the Foetus they are the same cells. Both of them represent more than 80% of the Humans sexual sensibility… To take them away has inassouvissement consequences resulting into an overpopulation, Violences, Rapist(Thief’s) and Cave-Ages attitudes. The Chador’s origins was to protect from kidnaping the young girl who has reached the age of puberty is considered as an ‘easy prey’


“Old habits die hard !” Yes, and dead-born idea is most viable. I meant mental perversion, substitution of notions/ideas. The matter is that religion, faith, belief, worship have different meaning. Religion is the most noble human quality and opposite to worshipping. Religion is the state of mind seeking/striving to understand surrounding world. The word ‘Christ’ means ‘initiated into knowledge’, which was scanty at that time and used by priests to keep people in fear and submission. One man breached priests’ conspiracy, was punished and priests (rabbis) thought hard to avoid trouble in future… Not long ago well known “Russian” politologist Stanislav Belkovsky was asked: – Will the time come some day when Russians rule Russia? – This time shall never come. -Why? -Because Russia is orthodoxal country and it is our invention.


“All humans are the same, races didn’t exist,” Famous Russian traveller and explorer Nikolay Przhevalsky said one day: “I know only one nation – humanity, and one law – justice. Well said, but for very distant future. If it ever comes. “What links one human being to all humans: not blood, or birth, but mind.” (Marcus Aurelius) This seems to be more acceptable.


You babble bullshit. There is no evidence of the existence of a God. Zero evidence.There is only fear of death.

There is also no evidence that a God doesn’t exists, so in the meantime, I keep my eyes open for you,. Dont hold your breath.

I could answer every question you wanted answered, just by babbling the same kind of bullshit the bible babbles. I could also pretend to be one of the many different versions of Jesus that exist throughout history.

Lucky for me, I have a 3 digit IQ, and I dont like to lie to the frightened herd.

888mladen .

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Ps 14:1


more opinionated belief based bull….prove god dimwit, otherwise shut up, and keep your delusions to yourself.

888mladen .



not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. I just said I dont beLIEve either way, therefore, there is nothing to prove or disprove.

And it is not delusional to require some proof before believing in, or refuting the existence of a god.

It is however, delusional to believe in a god, without proof of its existence.

888mladen .

The greatest proof of His existence you have provided to me so far is your uncontrollable bitterness at slightest mentioning of Him. If He doesn’t exist so why are you engaging in discussion about somebody non existent? If seems like you are hell bent to stifle any thought of Him. One thing is whether He exists or not and other is whether you want anything to do with Him. For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. R om 1:20


Even if I were bitter, which clearly isn’t the case, this would not prove the existence of a god dimwit.

I didn’t say god didn’t exist, i said there was no proof either way dimwit.. This makes you afraid, and angry.

I dont care what you think. You can think all you want of god. We all die, on our own terms. Yet from a scientific, and logical perspective, and on a balance of probabilities, we are worm food when we die. That’s it. I am ok with that. You are deathly afraid of that.

I am also ok if it turns out there is a god, as unlikely as it is, while you are desperate to beLIEve so.

I am rational thinker, while you are an irrational beLIEver in that without proof..

Then you babble scripture.


wow, you are truly messed up in the head. You babble that which isnt said, inferred, or implied as fact, then babble more ignorance in the form of hearsay based biblical stories.

Your brain, does not function at all.


you gonna die just like the rest of us , you gonna rot just like the rest of us. And that who you think you are, will be recycled by the planet. You think you are better than the rest of the animals on this rock, but you aint, You are just a glorified chimpanzee a few millennia out of the trees…

And I am quite fine by that.

It are the religious nut bars, who fear the end. You stink of fear. That is why you believe re written and recycled hearsay as fact.

But you are free to beLIEve whatever floats your boat, I really do not care.

But just a word of advice. Whenever I see scripture, I see obedient moron or an idiot. Which are you ?.


“The greatest proof of His existence you have provided to me so far is your uncontrollable bitterness at slightest mentioning of Him. ”

explain the reasoning behind this ludicrous statement and conclusion dimwit. Does it also mean because I do not believe in a man on the moon that he must exist?

Your brain skips logic when you babble religion.

And then explain how not believing either way, makes me bitter.

Do you even look at the babble you type ?



888mladen .

“Should admit the Vatican situation was uncomfortable, and their duty was to protect Christians…” That would be true if Catholicism has been Christian as you presume. However the evidence points the other way. In order to test Vatican’s “Christianity” somebody needs to read the book on which Christianity is based the Bible instead of Hesse’s book. It’s interesting how you have mentioned “a duty to protect” which has been US ruling elite favorite way of justifying almost every crime they have committed against humanity. By the way Hesse’s book is all about religion so it must be fake per your statement.


Read it first, talk later…. It’s nothing about religions. Gullible can get supply in National Book Store with simpleton Maid Religious books.

Bible Paper has one major defaults, it’s too thin to be used for Toilets.

The Only Respectable Bible is the Original Gutenberg Bible Art master work and Historical value.

Europe best and most developed are Atheist,

Religions in RP has nothing Christians, it’s a trip in the Dark Cave-Ages. RP behaviors are disgusting with an Cesspool putrid smell….


Je bent niet goed snik Merijn, lul niet zo stom uit je nek en lees niet zoveel OETLULLEN websites. Ga eens een keer serieus geschiedenis studeren i.p.v. achterlijke websites te geloven


Als je mijn berichten goed leest, zie je dat ik het zie als een samenspel van mensen die zeker niet het beste met de wereld voor hebben….daarin zijn Crypto Joden en Zionisten degene die daar een zeer belangrijke rol in spelen, samen met hun Freemason Broeders natuurlijk…neem de Goelags….het Communisme…Khazaren zijn trouwens Luciferianen…. en hebben enkel het Jodendom als dekmantel…inderdaad de Blanke man probeert angstvallig buiten schot te blijven…Geschiedenis is een vreemd verhaal en voor vele interpetaties vatbaar…..


Ik vind die termen niet alleen kinderachtig, maar ook gevaarlijk, omdat ze kleven aan bepaalde bevolkingsgroepen en/of religies. We weten allebei tot wat voor moordpartijen dat heeft geleid. Ik ben AB-SO-LUUT geen fan van het zionisme en ben er van overtuigd dat ze uiteindelijk zullen verliezen, net zoals apartheid ook is afgeschaft. De wilde theorieeen over de afkomst van de europese joden zijn niet alleen onbewezen (GEEN DNA BEWIJS) maar ook niet relevant. Of de Israelis nou wel of niet semitisch DNA hebben, de oprichting israel was een fout en onrechtvaardig. Feit is wel dat er inmiddels een paar miljoen mensen zijn die israelisch ZIJN. Die kan je ook niet terugsturen naar europa, ook al omdat ongeveer de helft GEEn europese voorouders hebben. Verder zou het een ONGELOFELIJKE KOLEREZOOI worden in de wereld als alle mensen met roots uit een ander deel van de wereld opeens terug moesten naar de plek van hun voorouders. De oplossing ligt dus ergens anders en deze benamingen gaan niks bijdragen aan een oplossing.

De “blanke” man, ben jij niet “blank”? Wist je bijvoorbeeld dat ook de “native americans” heel veel diersoorten hebben uitgeroeid? hier wat voorbeelden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bison_occidentalis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woolly_mammoth

Wist je dat de oorspronkelijke bewoners van zuidoost azie heel donkerbruin met kroeshaar waren? Ook wel “negritos” genoemd. Uitgeroeid door de huidige bewoners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maniq_people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batak_people_(Philippines) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andamanese https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeta_people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semang

Heb je wel eens gehoord van de term democide? Precies wat de han chinezen doen tot op de dag van vandaag NEE, het heeft niks met huidskleur te maken maar veel meer met de erfenis van de patriarchale samenleving die verband houdt met de opkomst van de landbouw. Helaas zitten we vandaag nog steeds met deze gedragspatronen waarbij een kleine groep sociopathische mensen (afstammelingen van krijgers e.d) teveel macht hebben en deze cultuur ook verheerlijken via onze media, verspreiden via onze religies en opleidings systemen en wetenschaps theorieeen. Ik begrijp je afschuw jegens de blanke man en deel die ook, maar tegelijkertijd moet je dat ook met een korrel zout nemen, om wat ik hierboven zeg. Je laatste zin kan ik alleen maar onderschrijven.

Ik had vroeger trouwens een collega die merijn heet, je werkt toch niet bij een architect?


Mensen met hersenen waar ze gebruik van maken weten verdomd goed wie wel en wie niet…..er zijn goede mensen en slechte mensen…. niks meer of minder….. de Mensheid moet eigenlijk op een keiharde manier geconfronteerd worden met hun tekortkomingen…….en hun hebzucht…. beter schudden ze elkaar de hand en proberen iets moois van de Aarde te maken. De kennis is er…..als we met zijn allen besluiten dat we weer toe zijn aan een oorlog…. prima…..ook goed….blanken die deze oorlog zeker zullen gaan beginnen…. zullen misschien wel het grootste slachtoffer worden…. de wereld van vandaag zit niet meer te wachten op Imperialistische Koloniaaltjes….


Alleen die puntjes tussen alle zinnen, SUPER IRRITANT!!!! verder prima dutch

Tom Tom

The Mongols are in the Turkish army and they will take Greece. Trouble is, Russia will light ’em up like a Christmas tree.


Nee ik werk niet bij een architect maar ben ontwerper in de breedste zin van het woord….maar je hebt wel gelijk, iets in de mensheid is niet in de haak…. Jammer want we hadden in de tussentijd best een aardige wereld met zijn allen kunnen bouwen….


Ondanks alle tekortkomingen heeft de mensheid de afgelopen 200 jaar hele grote stappen vooruit gezet. Als je kijkt naar de gemiddelde levensverwachting, gezondheid, onderwijs, geweld tijdens een leven, voedselvoorziening, gezondheidszorg, mogelijkheden tot reizen, toegang tot kennis, etc. tec. dan is het zo slecht nog niet…..


Ik ben de minderheid…. mijn voorouders waren Jagers & Verzamelaars…… dat is weg……planten zijn medicijn….een Wolf in gevangenschap leeft langer dan een Wolf in het Wild…. het is maar wat je prefereert…


ONZE voorouders waren jager verzamelaars, ik drink elke dag moringa/gember/kurkuma thee, i know. Als je leven in NL ziet als gevangenschap, kies ik toch voor langer leven…..


Als Nederlander hebben we in ieder geval nog de keuze om in principe te gaan wonen waar we willen…. dat is een luxe…Het gaat mij vooral om de smerige leugens van “mijn” zogenaamde regering en vele andere regeringen…. ik ga daar toch zeker niet meer naar luisteren?! Het inperken van onze vrijheden onder het mom van Terrorisme-Bestrijding…. ZIJ zijn de Terroristen…en nog stiekem ook! En ik weet dat ze meelezen… TOP! En ik weiger om mijn mond te houden en hoop van ganse harte dat Syrië de NATO hun land uit jaagt…


“hun” land???? stam je nou af van jager verzamelaars, of toch van boeren? Lijkt me sterk dat de AIVD ons compleet risicoloos gesprek zou gaan lezen, lekker belangrijk…. Ik zei al eerder dat je teveel uit je nek lult (of misschien meer uit je onderbuik ;), vind ik dus nu ook weer….


Hahaha…. ik heb ruime ervaring met de AIVD…..ik weet wanneer ze op mijn “lijn” zitten….en neem van mij aan dat ze inmiddels van iedere burger een riante File hebben, die alles vertelt over de persoon in kwestie….De Nederlandse Inlichtingendienst is de Grootste Tapper ter Wereld…ze gaan hun gang maar…


Ok, zou kunnen dat JIJ daar ervaring mee hebt, ik in ieder geval niet. Ben er ook van overtuigd dat jou ervaring NIKS te maken heeft met je blah blah hier, is niet bedreigend nl.


maar verder ga je niet in op mijn opmerking over de discrepantie in jou bewieroking van jager verzamelaars versus nationalisme, zo ongeveer het verschil tussen dag en nacht, BULLSHIT kort samengevat….


Ik had deze ff gemist…..ik mag hieruit veronderstellen dat ik je tot het globalistische kamp mag rekenen…grenzen weg? Op zich prima…. maar de Verenigde Staten of Europa hierin als Politie Agent???!! BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Als ze hadden laten zien dat ze Eerlijk, Rechtschapen en naar Eer ende Geweeten hadden gehandeld…. was dat misschien nog een optie geweest… Nu niet meer… Het Westen heeft zichzelf uitgekotst…Leugenaars..


jagers verzamelaars hadden geen politie, als je dat concept niet alleen idealiseert maar ook echt omarmt is er ook geen bezit, of in ieder geval geen grote verschillen daarin meer. De USA is ook hier weer het TEGENOVERGESTELDE!!!!


Lakota hadden de Akicita (vergelijkbaar met politie)…..orde mag en moet soms bewaard worden….anders word het snel een chaos….


Een deel van de Lakota waren boeren i.p.v. jager verzamelaars. Ook hadden ze vanaf de 17e eeuw al contact met de europeanen, niet echt oorspronkelijke jager verzamelaars dus.


Alsof geschiedenis alleen de afgelopen 300 jaar beslaat…soms raken je opmerkingen kant nog wal… het ene moment kom je intelligent over… het volgende moment boor je dat idee weer genadeloos de grond in….de paarden waarop ze reden waren ook verwilderde Spaanse paarden die ooit ontsnapt zijn… en er leefden talloze volken in Amerika die elk hun eigen cultuur hadden die onderling net zo konden verschillen als Hollanders en Chinezen….. wat gaan we hier vergelijken? Hoe vond je trouwens die artikelen over CO2?


Kennelijk wil je me niet begrijpen, laat maar…. Jammer dat je het wezenlijke verschil tussen jager verzamelaars en boeren niet snapt. Een leestip: Sapiens, van Yuval Noah Harari, daarna begrijp je hoe wezenlijk dat is en ook de impact wanneer natives “besmet”zijn met de westerse leefstijl….


De hele wereld is inmiddels besmet met de Westerse leefstijl…. dat is een deel van het probleem. En het meest wezenlijke verschil tussen een boer en een jager verzamelaar is dat: de boer op een vaste plek zit en de jager verzamelaar achter zijn eten aan reist…en 80% van de volwassenen in de reservaten is alchoholist….als je dat bedoelt met westerse levenstijl…


je vergeet de meest wezenlijke consequentie van landbouw: BEZIT! En daar is het fout gegaan en kreeg je verschillen tussen arm en rijk met de daarmee gepaarde oorlogen en uitbuiting/slavernij, in ALLE culturen die aan landbouw deden/doen


Hebzucht is ook niet te stillen…wat is het nut van 10 ton goud bezitten? En er dan nog 20 ton bij willen hebben…terwijl je buren doodcreperen van de honger.. dat ontgaat mij een beetje aan die levenswijze….ik heb geen moeite met een verschil tussen arm en rijk….maar moet dat zo groot zijn?


gelukkig hebben we muziek om de pijn van het leven te verzachten

Voce gosta um pocou de musica brasileira?



Het is meer de pijn van anderen die me stoort…..vooral omdat het in essentie onnodig is…..en ik van mening ben dat we ook een mooie wereld hadden kunnen bouwen… maar ja, keuzes hè


De B.V. NL, is geen terrorist, maar gewoon een ordinair bedrijf. Maakt niet uit wat we kopen/verkopen, als het maar geld oplevert.


Misschien is het dan een goed idee om al het goud in de wereld te stelen en dan te verkopen? Of de Papaverteelt in Afghanistan te controleren en dan de Wereldhandel Heroïne en Opium over te nemen….? Of we zuigen gewoon al het gas bij de Duitsers weg…hebben zij de aardbevingen in plaats van wij…


HAHAHA, waarom niet? Stelen van andermans gestolen zilver hebben we ruime ervaring mee. Drugshandel is ook een eeuwenlange traditie en gas zuigen doen we ook al weer een tijdje……


het “wild” bestaat ook niet meer, helaas…..




Van Huizen tot Groeisystemen……tot afvalrecycling…en het terugwinnen van de proteïnen uit dat afval….. redelijk Circulair Design….


DUS DEZE SITE IS EEN HOAX? Of konden dino’s misschien beter omgaan met hogere CO2 waardes? https://www.kane.co.uk/knowledge-centre/what-are-safe-levels-of-co-and-co2-in-rooms

Verder benieuwd naar je circulaire ontwerpen!


Zomaar een linkje….



de eerste site beaamt dat de aarde nu snel opwarmt, welke leugen bedoel je? de tweede ook, dusssss


Klopt… de Aarde warmt op en koelt weer af. Dit is een natuurlijk verschijnsel… IJstijden, het Feller gaan branden van de Zon en de Afstand van de Zon tot de aarde varieert ook en dan heb je nog het verschuiven van de Polen enzo…. Legio natuurlijke oorzaken waarom de Aarde afkoelt en Opwarmt…..maar CO2-Uitstoot en Methaangas uit Zee spelen Natuurlijk ook een rol…het is net een grote broeikas…..eigenlijk moet er een thermostaat ontworpen worden…. interessant vraagstuk.. daar ga ik maar eens mee aan de slag


Shamefully I didn’t understand Dutch, even great-uncle was Willem Ruys assassinated by the Gestapo, http://www.ssmaritime.com/willemruys-part-one.htm and great grandfather was Queen Willemina Rietmaster… But I have Germanophile tentations…


Yeah…. my excuses for the Dutch language but had to reply to Matt….was easier in our own language for that moment… NATO is Just the Head-Chopper-Airforce…… Vomit is what it is…a bunch of Cockroaches… The War in Syria Truly exposed them for the Monsters they are!!! All the History I ever learned became a Fairy-Tale…..don’t want to hear anything about the Great Heroes of WWI & WWII anymore…. everything simply a Lie…..I can even create my own History… I don’t need books for that anymore… that’s the positive side to it….


Jewish Bolsheviks didn’t control anything, the oligarchs of the British Empire – who financed and supported them – did. The Bolsheviks, the “Nazis”, the Fascists, Young Turks Party and the likes of ISIS today were/are all proxies – groomed, financed and supported to advance the hegemony of the oligarchs behind the British Empire.

Before reaching Europe, Trotsky was in NYC where he lived comfortably with all the latest amenities. It was there that he was set on a mission to reach Russia and overthrow the Tsar (who had partnered with Lincoln in the USA (another blow to the British Empire)).

Germans didn’t want Jews out. Jews were assimilating with non-Jews in Germany and that was a problem for the British Empire since it would have:

• strengthened competitor Germany

• prevented their plan to move the Jews of Europe to Palestine and fulfil their “Jewish” homeland in the Middle East (idea that started in 1830 after napoleon’s return from the ME).

It was Houston Chamberlain who recruited/groomed Hitler, indoctrinated the “Nazis” to have/kill Jews, who relayed the content of “Mein Kampf” from Hausehofer to Hitler, etc.

Tony B.

“Jewish Bolsheviks didn’t control anything!” They absolutely controlled the terror, murdering Russians by the millions. Some say 60 million, some 80 million. No one really knows exactly how large was the slaughter. Instead we always hear about how many Russians were killed in the war. Which, although true that the count was horrendous, was also used to cover the mass tortures and murders of the Bolsheviks.


Hitler should have gassed your forefathers

Nigel Maund

Jerry, not true. Yes the Nazi’s were extremely anti – Bolshevik but they wanted to annex Russia – see “Mein Kampf” – Adolf Hitler (the need for “Lebensraum” in the East)

jerry hamilton

Which version of Mein Kampf would you recommend I read? The only book of Hitlers I know that has not been altered to incriminate him is his second book.

Nigel Maund

1st version published in Munich in German when I was in Germnay where my brother recovered all the Nazi archives from the town of Kaufbueren, Allgau, when they were going to destroy them in 2003. This was close to where Hitler went to prison in Landsberg with Rudolf Hess after the Beerhall (Hofbrauhaus) Putsch in Munich.


Really? You sure about that? Check your sources:



Youtube Blocks Conservative Videos While Allowing Videos that Teach Children How to Use Dildos:


jerry hamilton

Psst. The Diaries of Adolf Hitler were a series of sixty volumes of journals purportedly written by Adolf Hitler, but forged by Konrad Kujau between 1981 and 1983. David Irving was apparently the first to spot it.

The jews did declare a war of sanctions against Germany in 1933.


“Mein Kampf” was ghost written by Karl Hausehofer and relayed to Hitler (while he was in prison) by Houston Chamberlain.

Ulriuch Schliz

You seem to live on a other planet .

Michał Hunicz

Shut up you crypto-Zionist.

888mladen .

He just needs to zip his schlitz which I believe means in Eng fly.

jerry hamilton

Really? It’s what comes after years of research. You say it is not true because a jew told you it is not true.


Me from other planet also, and where are you from? From cuckoo-land?

888mladen .

Zip your fly herr.

Tony B.

Gee, such knowledgeable retorts! You have all the powerful disproving facts right there, don’t you?

888mladen .

I appreciate your sense of humor.


No, the holodomore, tens of millions of civilians killed by the Soviet governement is a Mainstream Narrative myth. Completely unfeasible at the time, the Soviet state was not that powerfull and focused on industrialization. Stalin’s demands for military bases in Bulgaria, right next to Germany’s remaining souce of oil, is why Hitler deemed Operation Barbarossa necessary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin%27s_Missed_Chance Don’t trust David Glantz and the other willing pimps of the Mainstream Narrative.

jerry hamilton

Please don’t trust wiki. It has a very strong zionist bias. They even go as far as to say that the Bolsheviks were Russians and not jews at all.


True, hovewer wikipedia is usefull in this particular case, showing that this book does exist, allowing people to find it. The holodomore and holocaust are both Atrocity Propaganda to push a narrative. Imperial Germany was the target of it in WW1 s well. http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb59.htm Very cheap, pathetic propaganda too. http://balder.org/judea/The-Most-Fantastic-Holocaust-Survivor-Stories-Jewish-Soap-Lampshades-Fertilizer-Mengele-Miracles.php

jerry hamilton

While I totally agree that the jew’s were never holacausted, they did kill millions of Russians. That happened

888mladen .

They did wipe out all the RU nobility, large land owners and Christians. Very similar to the current developments in South Africa.


All Holodomers happened, including a post-WWII genocide of Germans on both sides of the iron curtain. Communism has killed between 100-150 million. This is a well established fact and certain individuals in Russia and elsewhere who perpetuate lies about it never happening are hypocrites and neglect extensive evidence that proves beyond a doubt that the Holodomer and every other Communist genocide did in fact take place.

Afterwards they turn around and Ironically trash talk so-called “holocaust deniers” and refuse to analyze or even publicize any arguments and evidence on the side of those who disagree with the official narratives of WWII and the holocaust. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is typical of any Marxist apparatchik, regardless of whether they’re open or reserved about it; as for the latter, they’re not hard to figure out.


Tony B.

The saddest nonsense to excuse the mass murdering soviet I have yet read. Get over it all, today’s Russia is not in any sense the soviet that luckily has dissolved. This article is headlined WW3, not 1 or 2.


Please take your medication on time.

jerry hamilton

Gosh yes. I must remember to do that. Here is the proof of what I say. If you don’t want to watch it all, start it just before 1 minute. Oh, remember your meds too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQdDnbXXn20

Johnson Malarkey

@rhetorius:disqus OH MY GOD, YOU’RE ACTUALLY HERE :-) About a month ago I wrote this to another writer that I though was you Rhetorius (His avatar is the same as yours and his texts reminded me of yours :-) )

“Johnson Malarkey John C Carleton • a month ago @John C Carleton Pardon my inquisitiveness, was your previous nickname ‘Rhetorius’ by any chance? If not, nevermind, just asking as that individual shares the same good points you write about as well. Best regards and keep up the good work.”

I just wanted to say hi to you my Serb Wolf friend. Best regards to you and keep your spirit up no matter how hard the “DUSHMANI” from the West try to destroy this World.

P.S. My avatar was that guy who was a Royal army “Sergeant” from World War 1 ;-)

Now I just read from the shadows, but great honest souls such as yourself and DIKI shall always remain in my thoughts for as long as I breathe. God be with you Sir.


The bloody war between Germany and Russia was orchestrated by the oligarchs of the British Empire. It was mean to weaken both.


There you have details from The Bank of England declassified Archives…

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html


I read that article a while ago. It sheds good light on many points but it’s also incomplete. Who are the shareholders of the Bank of England?

The past centuries maleovance is blamed on the Rothschild and “Jews” in general. It’s nothing but a divertion. The Rothschild were only entrusted – by far older and wealthier families – to handle the money and serve as a facade.


I Google about Who were the original owners of the Bank of England?



Are you serious or trolling?

Tony B.

You are ignorant of the truth. Is that intentional? The shareholders of the Bank of England are the very same shareholders of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, which is simply a franchise of the Rothschild cabal. Your country’s bank, whatever your country is, has a 99% chance of being under the very same shareholders. And, yes, the great majority of them are Jews plus their headquarters for the whole world is their City of London, a square mile inside London owned and operated totally by the cabal. This is where EVERY WAR IN THE WORLD IS PLOTTED AND FINANCED. As are the leaders of every real evil in the world today.

jerry hamilton

Yes. You are very close. It was terribly important to weaken Germany who were a productive flourishing nation and they were a serious threat to British trade with other countries. America in particular. Churchill knew he started… Yes. Started a war he could never win. He was paid a lot of money to do it too. Ever wondered why he was rushed to lead Britain so quickly? He was after all a drunk and a gambler. Owing millions. Not the sort of person you make Prime Minister of the British Empire. While he WAS a bad person he was incredibly manipulative and played Hitler like a finely tuned violin. He needed Russia to save his sorry a$$, which they did. In that, American Lend Lease was vitally important. Weakening Russia was not an option. What you say however is spot on. “the oligarchs of the British Empire.” Britain manipulated WW2 to commence the same way they did WW1. The corruptible Churchill prominent in both.


Agreed on the instigation of WW1/WW2. About WW1, aside from collapsing the Ottoman Empire with the Young Turks Party (to liberate Palestine) and reform the entire ME, the oligarchs of the British Empire aimed – and succeeded – at weakening Germany in the Middle East with their railroad to Baghdad. If we rewind a little more, Gottfried Leibniz had envisioned a lucrative trade route – achieved through diplomacy – between a “Jewish” homeland in the Middle East and Europe (with Germany and France in charge). After Napoleon returned from Egypt, he had the same idea (he in fact copied Leibniz). The oligarchs of the British Empire – on the verge of collapse – hijacked the idea and saw in the Jews of Europe, the means to make Leibniz’s “Grand Design” plan happen. It saved the British Empire. The overthrown of the Czar – who had allied himself with Lincoldn in the USA – wasn’t for nothing either.

Churchil was merely an ignorant puppet. As you said, a drunk and a gambler. To contrast, Iraq’s borders weren’t called “Churchill’s hiccup” for any reason as he apparently draw the lines after eating and drinking too much. He also happens to descend from the Marlborough family who helped the Cecil dethrone the English House of Stuart by the Dutch House of Orange (the current royals). Whatever he may have done wasn’t his machination.


My reply to you shows as “spam, were working on it”. Likely due to Disqus’ new, finicky, filter. I contacted SF to fix the issue. It should show when they clear it.


Je n’avait pas vu la vérité a coup de marteau, moi c’est Post Tenebras Lux, une devise Huguenote et “Je Maintiendrai” de Guillaume d’Orange, je suis presque un Français, du moins un francophone(lol)


(Désolé pour la réponse tardive. J’ai manqué ce commentaire).

Enchanté. Je suis Libanais. “Post Tenebrax Lux” une belle devise. Pour “La vérité à coups de marteau”, je me suis inspiré de la métaphore de Nietzsche: “Philosopher à coups de marteau“ où l’on détruit/déconstruit le tout à fin d’atteindre la vérité.

Tony B.

You are absolutely correct. Britain, a decaying little island, started both WWs to destroy Germany because they could not compete against it economically. In both those wars British agents were sent to the U.S. to make deals with the top government people to drag the U.S. into them to save Britain’s sorry ass as it could not fight Germany even when Hitler refused to slaughter its army trapped at Dunkirk. The U.S. had no reason to fight in either of those wars and citizens tried to keep the country out of both of them. That’s what FDR’s phony “sedition trial” was all about, jailing patriotic Americans who thought that Europeans should fight their own wars.


Agreed on the instigation of WW1/WW2. About WW1, aside from collapsing the Ottoman Empire with the Young Turks Party (to liberate Palestine) and reform the entire ME, the oligarchs of the British Empire aimed – and succeeded – at weakening Germany in the Middle East with their railroad to Baghdad. To rewind further, Gottfried Leibniz had envisioned a lucrative trade route – achieved through diplomacy – between a “Jewish” homeland (populated with European Jews) in the Middle East and Europe (with Germany and France in charge). After Napoleon returned from Egypt, he had the same idea (he in fact copied Leibniz). The oligarchs of the British Empire – on the verge of collapse – hijacked the idea and saw in the Jews of Europe, the means to make Leibniz’s “Grand Design” plan happen. It saved the British Empire. The overthrown of the Czar – who had allied himself with Lincoldn in the USA – wasn’t for nothing either.

Churchil was merely an ignorant puppet. As you said, a drunk and a gambler. To contrast, Iraq’s borders weren’t called “Churchill’s hiccup” for any reason as he apparently draw the lines after eating and drinking too much. He also happens to descend from the Marlborough family who helped the Cecil dethrone the English House of Stuart by the Dutch House of Orange (the current royals). Whatever he may have done wasn’t his machination.


Aah, so mein kampf is a hoax? Kristallnacht did not happen? Concentration camps are a hoax? All those documents are false? Alll the anti jewish laws in Das Deutsche Reich are a hoax?

You are a true UNTERMENSCH

jerry hamilton

No. Not a hoax. Your level of understanding the English language is commendable but not quite up to debating on a forum. I wish you all the best in further learning and feel that if you reduce your level of vulgarity, you would be less of a total Ar$ehole.


I rather be an A hole then an imbecil. Debating with an imbecil doesn’t make sense. Don’t wast your time on a comment, we wil never debate

jerry hamilton

Actually you make Grade A for both. It really comes down to your understanding of the English Language. That is Grade B. You are German. Read some Ingrid Weckert. She is an excellent German historian. So good I bought her book.


What makes you think i am german? Speaking and writing 3 germanic languages and two latin languages doesn’t make someone german. As i said you are an imbecil. Go fuck your retarded grandmother instead of posting filth about what happened with part of my family, you piece of crap. Vai morrer, filha da puta!!

Tom Tom

yet it was the bankers who gave them the money to do so.

888mladen .

Vatican bankers to be correct.

Tom Tom

To be partly correct, yes. To be entirely correct, the U.S. and City of London/Vatican bank in the run up to the war, and the Swiss banks in 1943 when Germany was bankrupt. The Swiss loaned them the money to continue another two years. I guess they figured the Germans had all of Europe for collateral. So much for Swiss neutrality. I’ll bet that’s not even their chocolate.

888mladen .

http://humansarefree.com/2013/11/complete-list-of-banks-ownedcontrolled.html https://www.snb.ch/en/iabout/snb https://geopolitics.co/2015/04/08/the-rothschilds-are-jesuits/


Wrong, Hitler wanted to destroy the socialism established in USSR, and the main targets were the Russian population rather than the jews…..¿ 22 million Russian death ? Does this number tell you something. Jews pretend to have killed 6 milllions, WOW I do not really where this big number comes from, maybe they wanted to add a zero to the real number. Why do I say this or what are my basis ? The same USA videos of the nazi prision camps captured by western troops ! Must of the prisoner or killed people there were Russian, but not jews. Jews were the minimum. Just they a look to these documentaries. However, if you say that 6 million is not the right number…..you will be marked for ever and ever as an antisemitic. However, already a jew himself said “look for the true and the true will make you free.”

888mladen .

Well that was the Atlantians plan to destroy both and bring about new brave world super power. By the way the North and East Germany were protestant and RU were orthodox and both have been destined for destruction by Vatican and their Zio lackeys.

888mladen .

Yes Hitler wanted to fight Bolsheviks on Eugenio Pacelli’s orders. Age comes before beauty.

Nigel Maund

This is incorrect. Hitler stated in his first version of Mein Kampf written in 1923 in Landshut prison in Bavaria that Germany needed Lebensraum (living space) which meant that he wanted to invade and conquer Russia not only for its copious acreage but for its natural resources; chiefly the oil fields of the Caucasus (modern Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) for the oil fields of Maikop and Grozny, and the iron, steel and coal in the Donbass. Hitler did understand all too well the importance of warfare for vital economic reasons. Hence, Field Marshall Von Kliest’s 2nd Panzer Army’s drive for the Caucausus in summer 1942. The diversion of Von Klieists Panzer Army was a massive mistake that resulted in the 6th Army’s “Verdun on the Volga” battle of attrition in the bombed out ruins of Stalingrad. Had the city been enveloped with a Panzer pincer movement it would have been starved out and fallen within three to four weeks. Both Hitler and Field Marshall Von Paulus made massive strategic mistakes. This allowed Marshall Zhukov time to build up his own counter attack and totally surround the 6th Army in the “Kessel” and starve it out and ultimately destroy it.

jerry hamilton

Lebensraum applies more to Israel than it ever did to Germany. How it applied to Hitler and Mein Kampf comes very much down to translation. https://justice4germans.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/j4g-notes-on-lebensraum.pdf

Don't read butthurt replies

So Jews don’t have any control of the Communist in Cuba?


Jews idiosyncrasy is Colonialism, Cuba is anti-Colonialist. Jews influences were probably strong when Cuba was the US-Mafia Headquarters before Castro…

888mladen .

Vatican does.


Germany and Russia were set up by the Rockefeller corp and Britain to destroy each other. The US made sure Britain was also devastated in the war so they could take control over the global currency. Whatever the Germans ‘may have wanted’ means nothing when they tried to destroy Russia and genocide its people.

jerry hamilton

Germany did not want to genocide Russians. The Bolsheviks did. I thought Rothschild had more to do with it than Rockefeller. I know his man Basil Zaharoff was very involved.

Ariel Cohen