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Following U.S. Threats, Syrian Army Shells Militants’ Positions In Southwestern Syria

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Following U.S. Threats, Syrian Army Shells Militants' Positions In Southwestern Syria

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On June 15, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery and rocket launchers shelled several positions of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in the villages and towns of Agrabaa, Kafr Shams, al-Mal and al-Harra in the western Daraa countryside, according to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi.

The SAA shelling is likely a response to the assassination of Doctor Musa Qanbas, a member of the reconciliation committee in southern Syria. Syrian pro-government activists believe that FSA fighters from al-Harra may have been behind the assassination of Dr. Qanbas.

Earlier, the U.S. Department of State warned that the U.S will take “firm and appropriate measures” in response to any attack of the SAA on the “de-escalation zone” in southwestern Syria. However, it appears that U.S. threats are not serious.

A peaceful solution in southern Syria is very unlikely currently, due to U.S. threats and the FSA hostile acts against the reconciliation committee. This may force the SAA and its allies to launch their long-awaited military operation in the southern governorates of Daraa and al-Quneitra very soon.

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leon mc pilibin

F,UK,US and its Isis israhelli terrorist accomplice’s.

Lena Jones

When talking about Syria, journalists should just stop saying ‘America said and America wants’ – they should just say ‘israel said and israel wants…”. Enough bs already – we all know that the US is still in Syria because israel insists on delaying the end of the Syria war, in the hope that they can still turn the tables on Bashar.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont disagree with you but, have it ever occurred to you that for israel to have a saying in what US is doing it means that a very large number of US population it is pro israel and want to be by israel side?


A few Jewish oligarchs with tentacles that control the political and media system in the US drives the US foreign policy in the ME. I think most US citizens are ambivalent towards Israel and their policies.

Promitheas Apollonious

The moment any one understand the definition and the function of a controlled colony then he also understand what the status of US as well the rest of the colonies are. The population within a colony is irrelevant and has absolute no saying. Their function is to feed the colony and provide the expendable bodies for their wars and become the prototype of what is build their in the consciousness of people.

You looking at the tree missing the forest as they say. They are not few they are the majority counting their followers. You are the minority like it or not.


“A few Jewish ….”

always the irrelevant bullshit.

The corrupt system is the problem, not nationalities.

Who cares who won the inequality game, you jealous you didn’t?


Irrelevant to you and your narrative, take a look at Forbe’s list of billionaires and get enlightened. I am not jealous, and I do not have to carry their psychological and mental baggage.


That is mainly because Americans mostly learn their history from Hollywood and are also fed a constant stream of pro Israeli propaganda by the 100% controlled corporate media in the US.


Americans are addicted to their drugs, entertainment, sports, actual drugs, and being on the everyday treadmill of work and family leaves individuals little time to think of Israel; whatever peripheral snapshot they get is from TV and movies.


Why do you think Drugs are such a BIG Problem in the States…? The Government wants to make Passive Junkies out of “Their” Population… makes Governing a lot Easier for everyone is lookin’ for their “Score”

Promitheas Apollonious

unfortunately yes.

The Farney Fontenoy

I watched kindgom of heaven (2005) a few years ago & came away believing the Christians were the evil bad guys, only recently I read the real history-what actually happened at that time, and I realised hollywood completely rewrites history & sells it as truth. Historical epics? Historical fiction!


BOTH sides were the same. After Sallahudin took Jerusalem ( AND KEPT HIS WORD in letting all that want to leave, to have free-pass and go unharmed to the little Christian Kingdoms /to West) , …. a year later came King Richard Lionheart and …MASSACRED ~4,000 Arab prisoners (!!) and could take ALL his troops to a fortress sieged by Sallahudin. Pragmatic pYg. “ISIS on both sides”, so to say..

The Farney Fontenoy

They were NOT the same, Sallahudin didn’t “let them go”, he first intended to kill all prisoners, but instead held them for ransom, when convinced their relatives would pay, but many were raped & murdered anyway. In regard to King Richard, he offered the arab mercenaries back to Sallahudin on certain conditions, Sallahudin refused, knowing that Richard’s supplies were running low (so they would either starve themselves or release an army of 1000s who would immediately try to kill them) and that deaths of the prisoners would inspire great anger among muslims, so he deliberately set them up to be killed.


Everything we Learned is Bullshit and should be Critically Reconsidered… Starting at Zero-Point Position is a good Standpoint….


Yes, it is important to read as many accounts of ‘history’ as possible. The absurd and impossible will be obvious and a logical sifting of other accounts can be made , that will provide a better indication of what did happen.


Most important to evaluate what we think we learn, with logic, and reason and open minded understandings rather than beLIEfs.

The absurd, and the relevant, and the material ?

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. “John Maynard Keynes

Bankers won the capitalism game with their superbly devised ponzi scheme type monetary system, that which we call modern banking. That brought the power to own everything. Which they do.

simplicity of geo politics is the simplicity of money = debt = slavery.


Yes and finance debtors even pay for and lock the chains on themselves.

I have always eschewed personal debt BUT the debt I cannot get away from is the National Debt that I am forced to pay with my taxes :)


sure… history is a great teacher. Too bad most of what they teach is bullshit. They actually teach 911 anti science in US schools now.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in



Quit your copy paste and pretending you are smart…


But, you are a dull witted violent and stupid person. I would find a more engaging conversation from my dog me thinks…

Oh ya, and I am very intelligent. I come from smart parents, and I did not get hit by the dumb me down fluoridation stick…


And of those Billions of Sperm-Cells you were the fastest Swimmer??!! What the Fuck Boy… Your Parents must be very proud of you….a liitle mistake of nature…Shit happens.. Good for you that you found your way to make some $hekels though and stay alive…


Unfortunately for you, the best part of you run down your mamma’s leg….


Chickenshit Coward just show your face in a recent post Fuckface…instead of hidin’ yourself…little cocksucker..


clever come back dimwit….


Like I said any time….


what does that mean dimwit ? Anytime?

Like do you want to beat me up, because I showed you as the hater you are ?

I defend humans..

I do NOT abide by hate. Or stupidity. Or violence.

You fail, on all counts.


Nope… just show your face anytime on a post… I’ll fight you with words and you show me your knowledge and how smart you are…in a post for everyone to see…


wow. drink more fluoride dimwit. That is meaningless drivel.


now that, was funny…

“You cannot argue stupidity, you just have to accept it patiently as one of those things.“ Nevil Shute


And the second best part of you was stuck to the mail mans sack….


That is a good quote :)


Many deny its validity, because there is reference to it from a university speech, written in a book. While it speaks of a truth anyone understanding modern banking knows. Money = debt = slavery. And it has been around a lot longer than most of those who call it false.


That is the only thing he’s good at: Copy/ Paste….


Their “history” fits on a toilet-paper


The New York Times ?

Lena Jones

The majority of American people, of which I am one, DO NOT want their soldiers to be in Syria, regardless of how they feel about israel. And for your information, several polls taken this year show American support for israel is on the decline: https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2018/1/24/israel-mortified-after-poll-shows-dwindling-american-liberal-support

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes I figure you one of them and all minorities especially in a big country, like to believe that represent the majority. There are no american people. Just settlers like in palestine are. I dont want to hurt your feelings but not recognizing and acknowledging reality of your predicament, because you refuse to believe what is happening to you and the rest of the population that for generations been brainwashed to believe what is not truth, as well export it around the world calling it NWO or some similar shit, then is a very bad awakening is coming your way, I am very sorry to say.

And no americans are not against your wars. If they was you would not been at war since your existence and you wouldn’t be so dumped down, from preschool age. By the way I am talking with you not about you so dont take me wrong. When we make a conclusion we dont make it based on a small minority and what they think or believe, but on the general population of a country, based their history and their actions.

What you call a country, is the prototype of NWO. And we seen that practically and some of us, first hand, when we spend few years in US studying. What we seen happening there back in the 80s is what also open our eyes and dissolved any illusions we had, before living in that country. maybe is also time for you to awaken to reality and face it, as is the only way to have a chance changing it. If not for yourself, for the coming generations. Only I dont see how this is possible, with the regime that rules you and shape the future of the country.

Lena Jones

Sir! I gave you statistics NOT “belief” and off you went to another planet….

Rex drabble

What ever,the bottom line is you dont want an end to your murdering enough to make your govt stop.Anything else is just useless words.

Lena Jones

You’re obviously confused: I am anti war and anti establishment: anti American status quo, dear.


meaningless drivel….

Lena Jones

So have YOU yourself managed to stop your gov from the “murdering” thing? Cuz if you have, maybe you can give a hand, smarty pants.


Isn’t your government….belongs to the rich.

Promitheas Apollonious

statistics like the ones who make for politicians and mean absolutely nothing. And no I did not went to another planet kid. I think you are the one who live in an illusionary one you make all by yourself based on well wishing and not reality. You may not agree with what I answer you but you do well to read and understand what I am saying, as it is the reality you live in, like it or not.

Lena Jones

You’re still in orbit and double arrogant and presumptuous to boot. Get off your high horse little man.

Promitheas Apollonious

did I offended you with the truth kid?

Lena Jones

You made me laugh at you, actually, mister little.

Promitheas Apollonious

only weak minds and idiots laugh at their own predicament kid and it seems you are no different than the rest in the miserable country, you live in.

Lena Jones

Sir! You definitely are a pompous, know-it-all asshole. So freaking presumptuous again! I actually self-exiled from the US some six years ago. I live in a zio-free zone country now: Lebanon. So you can stfu already – you know NOTHING about me lol! Clearly, you’re just looking to attack AMERICANS, not the US zionist system! And attack me for just being an American and I will smite you till the end of time motherfucker!

Promitheas Apollonious

you may have changed country but you are infected by the same moronic ways of your kind kid, holyshit mentality. And I never claimed to know it all, but I do know what I am talking about, unlike you who quoting me with statistics, instead of reality.

And as I said only weak moronic minds, use insult as form of making a point, as you start doing. Now forgive me if I dont give attention to your stupid way of contacting a conversation and ignore you.

Lena Jones

Yeah sure “ignore” me you little loser, else I might “infect” you with reason and logic.


more babble . Orwellian versions of logic and reason are not really logic and reason. They are fluoridated stupidity at work.

Lena Jones

“Babble”? LOL just look at how many responses you’re bothered to send me.

Very thin-skinned bombast bum.

Patrick McVeigh

youre 100% correct PA . you can not argue with these catatonic inert fools. i live in USA and the people are lobotomized livestock . they will even fight to defend their satanic beliefs. just like the Matrix movie

Promitheas Apollonious

oh you can argue if they not dimwits. Even to agree, you disagree with them. But this one is a reject of life, that live in a fantasy world, all of her own.

Lena Jones

“Reality”? You gave nothing but your limited opinion, which is NOT reality.

America is a very large populace country with many differing views and apparently, you throw a hissy fit and insist we’re all the same. You are seriously blinded by your prejudice. I would even go as far as to say: you’re the fucking “moron”!

Promitheas Apollonious

hey you can go f*ck your self with the donkeys you do and got their mentalities. A stupid lebanese playing it amerkan, and trying to sell what here? your stupidity? If is so good ther why are you in a shit hole called lebanon? getting paid for it little shit4brains?

Lena Jones

LOL triggered and soooo off the mark. And I’m not surprised you’ve got bestiality on the mind, you depraved flee turd! I’m in Lebanon cuz unlike the slave, fake nation where you live, they actually have freedom of speech in Lebanon, among other ‘unshitty’ stuff you’ve never experienced in your barn. The food is great, the weather is beautiful and even the uneducated here understand geopolitics by far more than you. The proverbial finger is pointing right at you, little man.


And attack me for just being an American and I will smite you till the end of time motherfucker!“

And there it is, the American intellect in action. Tell them truth, or have resources they want, they will murder you.

Lena Jones

Oh I have brains AND brawn, dear. One can have both, you know. Well, obviously you don’t cuz you don’t have either.

You wanna attack me JUST BECAUSE I’M AMERICAN and you expect candyfloss from me? LOL!


No one wants to attack you dumb ass. They want you to stop murdering the planet.

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.

Lena Jones

You don’t have to quote at me for me to FULLY know the evil of America: Republic, Empire and all! I do nothing but rag on US warmongering and it’s devastation of the world – rag on the federal/cultural/economic etc slave system there. It doesn’t however stop my affection towards the ‘ideal’ of my country. I absolutely hate where the US is at and where it’s heading – but that doesn’t mean I ‘hate’ my country. Take it or leave it.

“They want you to stop murdering the planet”. Just listen to your pompous, judgemental, baseless, know-nothing about me mean-bullshit! There is no “they” – there is only you putting on airs and peacock feathers! You speak ONLY for yourself! Not for ‘they’, they world! Your pathological hostility is YOURS and yours only! Own it if you have a drop of integrity and self-honesty! FYI I don’t vote and I don’t pay taxes there – I don’t live in the US anymore – I self-exiled out of there a good six years ago from sheer disgust and remorse. So you can quit with this shit already and go fix YOUR OWN COUNTRY! Guilty of the same, but on a smaller scale.


I dont have a country to fix….It belongs to the rich. I am a slave. Just like you.

Even if I pretend to exile, I am a slave. Because debt transcends nations. It is international.

” It doesn’t however stop my affection towards the ‘ideal’

PATRIOTISM IS A MIND DISEASE…No different than religion…

Funny how you turned a lack of proper understanding about the world power structure, turned into crying about America.

Your contention that you have brains is debunked by the fact you advocate voting, in an oligarch.

Hostility is yours, one only has to look at your threats and anger.

Funny,you are just like “your government”, you get all hostile and abusive, and then blame me as being hostile too,. And invoke that lie as reason to smite me.

Lena Jones

Nationalism is a mind disease – patriotism isn’t. Learn the difference.

I said I DON’T VOTE – you got a serious reading comprehension problem.

It’s you who started the aggression then promptly cried victim – just like the jews do. All I did was share a freaking statistic that sent you off on a bender.

And you’re peeved that I reminded you of your hypocrisy and the blood on your country’s hands – the idea is to go clean your own house before you talk about other houses.

And finally, your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, arrogant, elitist “proper understanding about the world power structure” means shit motherfucker! I doubt that you even own a passport.

But you definitely own membership to a stinking hasbara club.


patriotism is group think, group stupidity.


It has you so angry :P anger makes you look stupid.

Lena Jones

That’s just your bogus opinion. Not everyone is a hasbara sheep like you.

You’re like a silly teenager who rags on everything 24/7 without EVER providing a solution to life’s conundrum. Fat chance you ever will either.


Is it ?

“I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.” A.E

Lena Jones

Still quoting others to back up your wretched anti-communal nihilism. Of course, you have the right to your pathological opinion, but you have NO RIGHT bullying and browbeating others who think otherwise. Your nauseating arrogance keeps giving your jewyness away.


I am not bullying anyone dimwit. You babble horseshit, I challenge it.

I quote experts to debunk your horseshit opinions. Such as the opinion you had above. So if you dont like your horseshit challenged, then just shut up.

Fuck you whine and cry a lot, especially coming from a mass murdering nation like the USA. Calling people names and such, because you dont like getting spanked with logic and reason and fact.

You are a hater, pretending to be normal. I don’t like haters, I don’t like patriots, and I don’t like stupid. 3 strikes for you….

you are way out of your league. SO quit crying, and go find someone easy to pander your drivel too….. block me I say, but you keep coming back for more. Hoping to infect me with stupid. SO sorry. I am immune.

If you talk shit, I shovel it out of the way.

Lena Jones

Go back and re-read from the top: I posted a link to a poll (which was NOT directed at you) and you went batshit crazy. AND you’re doing your jewy thing again: arrogant assault followed by claiming victimhood! If you are so fucking smart and so oh so very superior, then what the fuck are you doing on Southfront with all of us “diwits, idiots, morons, stupids, etc”?! Most of your comments are ATTACKS on others: it’s there in black and white! You are THE fuuuuuking hater! No doubt! I’ve debated plenty and hotly with other folks here on Southfront, but you get the badge for top arrogance, hostile scumbag entity. You’re a controlled opposition hasbara freak – and that’s that, Einstein!


And once again, if you dont like your horseshit challenged, then just shut up.

Yes there are lots of dull stupid, dimwits, idiots and morons here, blaming jews, for the actions of the rich.

Just like you, you are an anti semetic hater.

And I am much more intelligent than you are. Likely because you were a fluoride eater and destroyed your brain with it.

“You’re a controlled opposition hasbara freak ”

You have paranoid delusions, and are a hater., You should see a shrink.

Lena Jones

Oh I was waiting for the ‘antisemite’ slur from the jew mutt lol! What took you so long?! The fluoride?!

“And I am much more intelligent than you are” – lol yeah sure you are buddy, sure you are – and I bet your peepee is bigger than mine too, right?

Like all other intellectually-challenged apes, you are confusing ‘smart’ with ‘smartass’. Truth is, you know NOTHING past your shit-smeared nose. And you haven’t got a clue how to debate and win an argument using brain muscle – all you do is brow-beat using OTHER people’s quotes! Your originality is astounding lol!

You don’t want to engage with me, then it’s YOU who needs to block me and stfu! You post more hostilities at me again and I’ll just keep kicking you in the nuts.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/99049e6bf2d74c9c4efb93f8afb2277e97528a1751866fd9e63b494f7f9fc60c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b2198a3a6e0d67f83e3a85619b99c241d55c79c8b8889523cf5ba78b28bfdada.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0fe5f19bb9e2b41cd686b1368d8aa845d22232a9804e8ae92be678ff109a1016.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f851503d8a95f0911f5e040ac740bee08eec44e904cf3fa232806aa23344e555.jpg

Those kids are ALL Semites… I don’t hate that Kids… I hate that Soldiers… they are ZioNazis…


I have every right, in fact I have a DUTY, to put the stupids, the haters, the racists, murderers, the imperialists, the anti semetics, the islamaphobiacs, and the liars in their place.

It is a duty owed to humankind.

Block me stupid, the pain of truth will no longer bother you. You can go all hater and anti semetic without fearing the truth coming out, from my mouth at least.

But sorry for you, there are too many folks already wise to your hate, and your anti semetic stupidity.

Lena Jones

Fascist cunt on a mission to ‘cleanse’, are we?! I think it’s you who’s having a melt down and it’s you who needs to block me.


You are the Stupid you little Fucktard with your copy- paste


keep babbling dimwit…


Just Fuck Off go bother Folks somewhere Else Fucking Hasbara.. I will Hunt You Down Motherfucker


shaking in my boots dimwit. really….


You got no Duty at ALL… You sound like a Soros paid Fucktard…keep Shouting “Anti Semitic” fuckface….Palestines are Semites!!! Most of us Like the Palestines… they Suffer from these Fucking ZioNazis… the IDF are a Bunch of Anti-Semites because they Kill Palestinian Kids Motherfucker


And you sound like a moron.

IDF are state trained killers. Just like the US marines.

Concrete Mike

NO YOU FUCKING. DONT, know why??? Because you are not a judge, if you were you would not comment here 30 times in a day shooting your mouth off.


Irrelevant and immaterial ignorance .

I chose for me. Unlike the fluoride eaters. And I do not need anyone s permission. Including those from the gulag called the USA, in order to do what is right.



You are a Dumb Ass that is what you are


babble on dimwit…


When you pop up… I’ll be there… I promise you…


babble on dimwit…


Intelligent remarks you got…


You are Chief Retard

Concrete Mike

More labels jeebus …you like identity politics dont ya?

You from ontario by anychance??


More irrelevant babble from the concrete head..Understanding patriotism has nothing to do with where I live dumbass…

You drink fluoride perhaps ?


Where did you copy this from? Mister I Upvote Myself to get some credibility…from yourself


I got You by your Balls… hehehe


So you like to touch men’s balls ….


I Squeeze them like a tube of toothpaste… until you spit seed..


twisted and stupid. Nice combo.


I have this Nod on my Hasbara Checklist… never mind what he is saying it is Bullocks… He doesn’t know anything…Blocking him a good idea

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Jens Holm, Matt, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Joe, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Neil Barron, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Real Anti-Racist Action, Free man, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Raptar Driver, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ…


Lena Jones

Thanks for compiling the list, Merijin. Some of these hasbarados diss on israel a bit here and there for ‘effect’ and to hide behind this smokescreen, like Nod does. I’ve been studying hasbara-behavior since the 12th September, 2011 and not much goes past me by now. The fucker Nod reckons he knows ‘America’ but rejects the FACT that jews are in control – he blames the neocons but rejects the FACT that some 96 per cent of neocon makers and shakers ARE jewish dual-citizens – he claims that that it’s the ‘banks’ that are ruining America without ever making the connection to jewish Wall Street bankers and the jewish-owned Federal Reserve. Let us also here be mindful that it is not only the paid hasbara brigade who are out on the beat, but the volunteer/unpaid jew ‘sayanim’ are also out on the beat. Beware of them too. They’re all stuck in a 1948 time-warp: they think they’re fighting Hitler when in fact it’s them who are the 21s century Hitler…. No I will not block Nod, I will chase his scummy zio tail till kingdom come :-)


Get out Boy…you are nothing


“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.” ― Euripides, The Bacchae

Lena Jones

Pseudo cunt quoting Euripides when his vocab consists of the repeated words: “idiot, moron, stupid” when he doesn’t like what others have to say.

And curiously, he attacks you even if you agree with him lol! In fact, look closely at his comment page and you discover that Nod attacks EVERYONE who dares criticize ISRAEL, even when you’re in agreement with him on other issues. He really does stink of that supremicist, talmudic temper.

He’s a fucking plant. Hello plant :-)


You babbled bullshit as knowledge.

Lena Jones

First of all, a poll gives you INFORMATION, not knowledge.

And you are the self-appointed ‘chosen’ knowledge keeper? Get outta town with your arrogant bs. You just don’t like me cuz I’m an American. Prejudiced, blinkered motherfucker lol!


I dont like or or dislike you. I dont care about you.

I do however, understand patriotism, and BIAS.


““maybe is also time for you to awaken to reality and face it, “

“you refuse to believe what is happening to you and the rest of the population that for generations been brainwashed to believe what is not truth,““

They also beLIEve themselves to be exceptional. .Obama said dont you know. Meaning, the ignorance they hold as truth, is truth to them. With no reason to change.

And as to changing it, even if they wanted to ..

They drink fluoride. An IQ killer, and an apathy creator.


too bad the soldiers do….

Americans are mass murderers. We Canadians did some mass murder on our own. Nice to have friends who will do mass murder with you huh..

“The majority of American people DO NOT want their soldiers to be in Syria”

And I do not beLIEve you. Because I am sure the majority, don’t really give a shit as long as they get the oil for their pickups, and the toys for their castles.

History and evidence, proves that out.

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .

“You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They [the Bush administration] lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq]; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.” ……….. “We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. Obviously, it was a mistake. George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East.”” Trump

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.

We put oil from Iraq, and Libya, in our car. And we will again tomorrow.. And we keep eating lies about WMD used to justify imperialism. And we still keep voting for the faux political system that supports that globalism.

Nope< I call bullshit on your opinions and beLIEfs.

Lena Jones

Earth to Noddy-Nod-Land: One of the MAJOR reasons for Trump’s election victory is that he PROMISED to leave Syria and not start another mideast war. MOST AMERICANS, even ones who didn’t vote for him, AGREED WITH HIM on this particular point. Trump won because of the anti-war vote that went his way instead of the war criminal, Clinton. So stfu with your pompous blah blah – my point has ALREADY been proven thru the election of Trump, let alone subsequent US polls on Syria that keep confirming it. It’s such bullshit when uninformed/illogical foreigners try and tell ya what be going on in your own backyard!


Idiot speak.. You refer and SPECULATE to the thoughts and actions of idiots, to prove a point.

“One of the MAJOR reasons for Trump’s election victory is that he PROMISED to leave Syria ”

prove it that the fluoridated dumass American beLIEved this lie, so they could once again vote for a person who is clearly a globalist puppet. Because your opinionated ignorance certainly is not fact.

While anyone who goes to vote in an Oligarch, is a fucking moron.

Morons, opinionating for more morons

truth hurts huh dimwit.

You babble ignorance, as knowledge.

“. So stfu with your pompous blah blah – my point has ALREADY been proven thru the election of Trump”

All the election of Trump[ proved, is that Americans truly are a fluoridated STUPID populace. And no I wont STFU dimwit, what you gonna do, rendition me, bomb me, murder me ?

I am not afraid of American bullies…

Lena Jones

LOL we got a triggered Canadian here! A pompous plank who hasn’t a clue about American politics, nuances and all. All he gives out is just hate towards American people, instead of abhorrence and rejection of the American system: the status quo itself. Listen dude, Trump won cause he was THE ONLY ONE riding the ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT wave: this means that the majority of Americans DO NOT WANT THE STATUS QUO – regardless of the caliber of the elected president. This means, MOST Americans, including myself, agree with you that the system in DC is evil fuckrot. But you still want to start a fight just so you can delude yourself into being ‘the good Canadian guy’. LOL! Get a life, will ya! And btw, it’s so easy to call anyone a ‘moron’ but in doing so, you prove yourself to be one, and blinkered at that. Your problem is that you do not know how to ‘listen’ to others – else you have a comprehension deficiency. Either way, I don’t care. Enjoy patting yourself on the back!


You babble your ignorance as knowledge dimwit.

I see you…

And .I do know how to listen to people of intelligence. Idiots have nothing to say worth listening to.

You are an idiot voter. Rationalizing why you have purpose, voting for a puppet in an oligarch.,

More science you will ignore, while prattling on about how your ignorance is knowledge.

Have fun dimwit…

“Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.”

Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581. DOI: 10.1017/“


““delude yourself into being ‘the good Canadian guy’.“

Did not say this…

I am nto stupid enough to vote…

I am not stupid enough to think Canada represents my interests…

And you are a liar, since I confessed above how we Canadians are also mass murderers. Because I understand that governments, are puppets to money power. And I understand why, and how.

Which is why I do not vote.

You, on the other hand, are an idiot voter, trying to convince us you made a choice :P

““We Canadians did some mass murder on our own. Nice to have friends who will do mass murder with you huh..““

Shut up stupid, you are way out of your league…

Concrete Mike

Im with you on this one. Im canadian too, but i understand how fucked your politics are…basically you have this parasite called aipac and cfr running the show, regardless of what the people say.

Im humble enough to understand that i dont know everything and I wont judge you for speaking your mind.

This other idiot is just stirring the pot, nothing better to do on a sunday asshole??

Lena Jones

Thank you for coming forward. My experience of Canadians is a very positive one. I find them to be open-minded and very fair-minded too. Nod is probably the worst Canadian that I’ve ever come across. But there’s always that rotten apple in the basket, I suppose. Having said that, I will add that there are by far more rotten apples in America :-)


You should stick to playing with your hoses,. Thinking is not your forte…

Concrete Mike

No im going to call you what you really are, agent provocateur.

In the 2016 election its was pretty simple really, i had cement tanker drivers from maine come to my plant at the time so iquizzed them.

They all said the same thing, fuck hillary she wants to start a war, the donald saod no war( lies).

The american people took the obvious choice…they dont control wich candidate is there, they just pick one, usually the less evil.

So who the fuck are you to judge these people when they dont got a fucking choice because de system is rigged to be pro israel.

Take your arts degree and shive it up your ass will ya.


what an exciting story…


“.they dont control wich candidate is there, they just pick one”

The true level of your intelligence shines right through here. You dont have a clue, what you dont know.

They pick the one, they are told to pick dimwit. The one who represents their mind :P ..dimwit. The one who someone appointed dimwit. The someone was not you or me dimwit.

I am going to post a quote from one of the planets most intelligent men. Betting it is lost on you, but what the hell.

“In short, Really Existing Capitalist Democracy is very remote from the soaring rhetoric about democracy. But there is another version of democracy. Actually it’s the standard doctrine of progressive, contemporary democratic theory. So I’ll give some illustrative quotes from leading figures – incidentally not figures on the right. These are all good Woodrow Wilson-FDR-Kennedy liberals, mainstream ones in fact. So according to this version of democracy, “the public are ignorant and meddlesome outsiders. They have to be put in their place. Decisions must be in the hands of an intelligent minority of responsible men, who have to be protected from the trampling and roar of the bewildered herd”. The herd has a function, as it’s called. They’re supposed to lend their weight every few years, to a choice among the responsible men. But apart from that, their function is to be “spectators, not participants in action” – and it’s for their own good. Because as the founder of liberal political science pointed out, we should not succumb to “democratic dogmatisms about people being the best judges of their own interest”. They’re not. We’re the best judges, so it would be irresponsible to let them make choices just as it would be irresponsible to let a three-year-old run into the street. Attitudes and opinions therefore have to be controlled for the benefit of those you are controlling. It’s necessary to “regiment their minds”. It’s necessary also to discipline the institutions responsible for the “indoctrination of the young.” All quotes, incidentally. And if we can do this, we might be able to get back to the good old days when “Truman had been able to govern the country with the cooperation of a relatively small number of Wall Street lawyers and bankers.” This is all from icons of the liberal establishment, the leading progressive democratic theorists. Some of you may recognize some of the quotes.” Noam Chomsky

You are a slave. Your politicians work for your master, not for the slaves. Stop voting dimwit. Because that is the real evil. Playing pretend when you KNOW it is all bullshit.


Yeah zionists and blind christians.




I wouldnt say a large percent of the population at large but certainly the Israeli lobby has taken control of large number of congressman & senators.

Promitheas Apollonious

Evangelikas – protestands etc, yes it is more than 50% of the population of US and their vote is what make the presidents as well the rest of the politicians there. Check it out. A lobby never becomes powerful unless they have, the support of a large number of followers.

Tommy Jensen


America cant run away and make little Israel scapegoat and pretend official Americans are just underage kids without responsibility for what America are doing and accepting.

“Adelson paid me $400 million to my Trump campaign for removing our USA embassy to Jerusalem, he did it not me”.

Come on Lena.

Lena Jones

Tommy, I don’t mean to be rude or anything like that, but I honestly didn’t get your point because I didn’t understand your English.


its the fluoride you drink….He was quite clear.

Lena Jones

LOL I’m being stalked by a puny ponce from noddy-nod-land. He’s sore cuz he got a bitchslap or two from me on another thread.


you babble ignorance as knowledge. Israel, is on the same level as the USA. A worker bee. Their master, is YOUR master.

“we all know ” You know nothing if you think that. And I am not nearly stupid enough to blame Israel for it all. Because I read, and more importantly I think absent BIAS, or hate, or prejudice.

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)


“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski


“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -James Madison

Wake up.


a (1) : the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways : intelligence (2) : proper exercise of the mind (3) : sanity b : the sum of the intellectual powers

Prince Teutonic

SAA: It’s time to kickass and chew bubble gum and i’m all out of gum…


Good Answer….Shell the Hell out of’m…

Joe Dirt

Well, I guess the SAA will meet the A-10 warthog. Lol


The Pantsirs would have fun with the warthogs.


Yes they would. So would the S-125’s and S-200’s from decades ago. A-10 is easy to take out with an old Soviet missile.

Joe Dirt

You talking about the ones Israel blew up? :D


Israel blew up Pantsir that was not operational, Israelis always seem successful against targets that are not operational or against unarmed civilians.

Concrete Mike

Hey you never answered me when i askes you about you tax payer dollar going to this shit instead of fixing our roads and bridges?

I know because your a fucking idiot that cant think for himself.

Well we hate you.

Roads for america not bombs!!!!!


You think Russia and SyrAF won’t provide direct support??


Yes, Russia will provide the invisible support of EW. Russian EW is highly developed and can debilitate any weapon that relies on electronic transmissions and linkages.

Rafik Chauhan

US doesnt have guts to attack SAA directly , bcuz they know it will be retailateted. either by ressitance force or gorilla fighters group bcuz they are not very far.

Rafik Chauhan

US retarded. the assinatinon of reconcilation members was planeed aby US and FSa so there should be no negotions without US involement. US threat is just propaganda stunt .This is syrian land and UD should not dictate thier criminal agenda they better get out.SAA should give serious response if US attack any SAA members.






Very good shot. Burn these all Israeli terrorists and send them all straight to the hell.


God bless Assad and the Syrian Arab Army! Death to the terrorists and their US zionist backers!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/213b5c76522ab5b892d6f800f0436192ba8cf41dce138f7f55268cfd1652349b.jpg This image draws a wide pictrue of US and Israeli future. The world game of US and Israeli migrants has finished. In this photo Angela Merkel look like a tiger. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Tommy Jensen

A tiger? Pull the string Stephen.

Empire's Frontiers

Quit reposting this.

It’s a picture of a TV star in front of his people’s camera.

It’s art, not reality.


reminds of of the fake photo when boom boom Obama watched the OBL take down on a black screen.



Howmuch Trump look nervous in front of China president Xi. Lol ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

(HL Mencken)

Patrick McVeigh

so true awesome quote


I agree with him up, except for the part where he recommends hereditary monarchy.


Doctor Musa Qanbas was assassinated by Jews working for the Israeli Mossad. Israel does not want a united and healthy Syria, cause that would make it harder for the Jews to conquer them. Jews need to soften up their victims before the real ground invasion begins.

Joe Kerr

Ground invasion? Really? Google “crying IDF troops 2006” to see how they fared last time they took on someone who could shoot back.

matew ivanson

not to attack Golan, Qunietra if you want to stay alive shiite soldiers, this time all of you will be buried, fcuk Hezbollah and IRGC, great Israel Army, USA Air force, Free Syrian Army are ready to fcuk all the shiite armies, mr Netanyahu, Cohen, Lieberman its your duty to burn shiite terrorists

Empire's Frontiers

Your boots are laced, magazines stacked, and rations counted, right?

Concrete Mike

Lol your such a tool. I hope the ayatollah shits on you.


And you are a mass murderer….

Concrete Mike

Lol fuck you euro trash!! Its the west/israel that are the mass murdurers.

If your too stupid to see the evils our goverments and corporations are causing, just look at lybia.

I dont support them one bit. Id rather spend our tax dollars on roads and bridges not on war.

But hey your probably a loser with an arts degree and this is the only job you could find.

I just made 2 hydraulic hoses while chirping you.

Fucken peice of shit


babble on stupid.

you a hose hero now. You gonna be famous.


I google it and found no reference to the “reconciliation committee” outside South Front and SANA. Given that they work inside Rebel held areas and have a habbit of getting murdered I think that the diplomacy part is a cover function for some light espionage. These men are in the perfect spot to bribe guards and officials, secure defectors, make separate peace agreements with sub-factions, and assess the true strengths of Rebel fiefdoms. Then if these men get caught and killed the Syrian government can accuse the Rebels of killing diplomats. That and/or these guys are just easy targets for local gangsters who have their own agendas.

Empire's Frontiers

Perhaps some men are tired of watching their daughters violated to produce a jihadi army, tired of their burying their sons, tired of living in squalor, or simply tired of not having popcorn at a soccer game.

Perhaps some of those men have read better books and are ready to cease the violence.


or not….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I read the US statement and this story is not what I’d call an accurate representation of the warning, quite the opposite in fact. The US hasn’t asked the SAA to stop fighting the FSA at all but, it did issue 2 warnings. The first warning was about civilian casualties, [6 dead 2 children], and it was only a request for the SAA to be more careful when attacking the FSA and not endanger civilians unnecessarily. The second was a little sterner and warned the SAA not to risk hitting Southern Front Alliance members [who have been abiding by the ceasefire agreement for a year], when they’re attacking the FSA. They stated this would most likely threaten the stability of the agreement and possibly widen the conflict again, which would then force them to assist the Southern Front militarily. This story doesn’t present the facts very well and is not worth reading really, you could actually call it fake news if you wanted to be harsh, and I am. I don’t need the extra spin to make me hate the US any more than I do, I hate them enough for what they really do. In actual fact the story confuses the real issues that should have been discussed concerning the US statement, but weren’t even mentioned. Poor effort boys and girls, this story’s as bad as the usual rubbish we get from the LGBTQ MSM trash we have to put up with, lift your game please, don’t allow yourselves to sink to their low level of journalism, we deserve better.


US should get the fuck out. They should stop using chemical weapons. A accurate representation of the situation mandates a hearty fuck you to the INVADERS. Both Israel and America are war criminal gangsters.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US will get out, but only after Putin nukes that US [Isis] base at Al-Tanf.


That would destroy Russia’s support base world wide….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia’s support base has slowly been diminishing since 2006 and is at a point where the whole world seems to be polarizing one side or the other. It has a core support group that have remained loyal, and I don’t think even my proposed scenario would harm those relationships as they’re fundamentally important because of strategic and economic issues. If the US takes over the east of Syria and starts building that Saudi gas pipeline into Europe, the Russians will have no choice other than to nuke that base. We’ll see what happens when and if the time comes.


finally, the Syrian Army begins to clean the USraeli g@rbage there


How the Corporate Media Enslave Us to a World of Illusions by JONATHAN COOK


For several years now, I have been writing regular posts on my blog with one end in mind: to help open a door for readers and encourage them to step through. I select issues, usually those that dominate western media coverage and represent a consensus that we might term the Great Western Narrative, and try to show how this narrative has been constructed not to inform and enlighten but to conceal and deceive.

It is not that I and the many other bloggers doing this are cleverer than everyone else. We have simply had a chance – an earlier one – to step through that door ourselves, because of a jarring life experience that the Great Western Narrative could not explain, or because someone held the door open for us, or more usually because of a combination of the two.

My personal awakening

It is easy for me to identify my own process of awakening. It began with the dislocation of moving to Nazareth and being immersed in someone else’s narrative – that of the Palestinians. Then, I faced for the first time in my career as a journalist an impenetrable wall of opposition, even from my own former newspaper, the Guardian, as I tried to explain that counter-narrative. In fact, I found that the Palestinian narrative was invariably misrepresented as anti-semitism. These were dark years of disillusionment and the loss of a professional and ideological compass.

It is in such a moment of bereavement – deprived of the consolation of the Great Western Narrative – that one searches for a door to enlightenment. It can be a long journey to find it. My door appeared while reading about the Propaganda Model of Ed Herman and Noam Chomsky in their book Manufacturing Consent, as well as stumbling across a website called Media Lens. They helped me understand that the narrative problem was not restricted to Israel-Palestine, but was a much more general one.

In fact, the Great Western Narrative has been developed and refined over centuries to preserve a tiny elite’s privileges and expand its power. The role of journalists like me was to keep feeding these illusions to readers so they would remain fearful, passive and deferential to this elite. It is not that journalists lie – or at least, not most of them – it is that they are as deeply wedded to the Great Western Narrative as everyone else.

Once one is prepared to step through the door, to discard the old script, the new narrative takes its hold because it is so helpful. It actually explains the world, and human behaviour, as it is experienced everywhere. It has genuine predictive power. And most importantly, it reveals a truth understood by all figures of spiritual and intellectual enlightenment throughout human history: that human beings are equally human, whether they are Americans, Europeans, Israelis, Palestinians, Syrians, Russians, Venezuelans, or Iranians, whether they are North or South Koreans.

The term “human” is not meant simply as a description of us as a species, or a biological entity. It also describes who we are, what drives us, what makes us cry, what makes us laugh, what makes us angry, what elicits compassion. And the truth is that we are all essentially the same. The same things upset us, the same things amuse us. The same things inspire us, the same things outrage us. We want dignity, freedom, safety for us and our loved ones, and appreciate beauty and truth. We fear oppression, injustice, insecurity.


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