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Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Russian Large Landing Ship In Crimea

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Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Russian Large Landing Ship In Crimea

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On December 26, the Ukrainian military supported by NATO launched attack on the Russian sea port in Feodosia, Crimea. LINK Russian military officials confirmed that the target of the strikes was the large landing ship Novocherkassk.

Footage from the port confirmed that the ship was completely destroyed:

Footage Confirmed Destruction Of Russian Large Landing Ship In Crimea

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The Ukrainian military claimed that the strike was carried out by SCALP-EG (Storm Shadow) cruise missiles. According to open sources, indeed two Ukrainian Su-24 carriers with cruise missiles were shot down by Russian air defense forces 125 km northeast of Nikolaev.

Cruise missile strikes were launched from a distance of 370 km. Ukrainian reserves of Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles with a range of 300 km have reportedly been exhausted, and now the Ukrainian military is forced to switch to missiles with a range of 550 km.


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what, but the ruzzian ministry of defence said “damaged” – muahahaha hahaha haha, ruzzian propaganda is so fking hilarious 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

Dick Von D'Astard

nearly 24 months of the u.s.led nato losing a proxy war in ukraine… now that is hilarious.

Where is commie Clyde?

russkiy dimwits bros are sore 😂🤣 whish you all a wonderfull year 😘

Obsolete Stars and Stripes!

what’s hilarious is it was only a landing ship that was already damaged. you clown 🤡 🤣 😂

jens holm

i didnt know your name are clown.

Jens Holm

der clown bin doch ich!!!

jens holm

i never wrote that


jens not write–jens jibber like lizard monkey


don’t worry, you can join the ukrainians or the genocidal army of israel that kills people from morning till night and the more people you kill, the better jew you are.

jens holm

as seen here try to support, what i see.

i you have a solution for parts of me, you send it to them.

you seermes to support a system, which has nothing to offer to some 90% of its popution, election is funny. only one choise.


there is no solution to jens glue addiction and senility


jens holm didn’t know it was transgender until gynecologist observed no testes


i would wait before you start dancing as i look at this picture and based on the size of the explosion, why is it that the building which is no more than 25′ away, has no damage?

jens holm

thats no related. its not russsian artillery – sorry.


yeah, the bottom photo looks more like a junk pile. how deep is the berth there? the whole thing would have to have sunk upright as the supposed cannon at the back of the ship is still upright. if the ship did get damaged or destroyed, this time russia is going to destroy two nato underground bunkers that the west thinks they don’t know about.


stromshadow is penetrating ammunition


markina is propaganda? you are stupid. no terror attack can change the russian victory, nato loser.

Rüdiger Fritsch // Düsseldorf

oooops, now the ukros will win the war 🇺🇦=🤡 🤡 🤡 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Cuckoo 40

it’s a small scalp but a scalp it is and there will be more. the problem is that sooner or later the ukrainian head will be severed from its body but like the rest you’ll have run away by then.

And The World Remains Silent!

according to one russian source, novocherkask was hauling 4,400 artillery shells and 280 ground-launched rockets when the cruise missiles struck. the explosive cargo helps to explain why, shortly after the missiles hit, novocherkassk blew up like a firecracker! the cargo presumably were bound for the russian regiments and brigades fighting in southern kherson oblast, just north of crimea. this is a huge blow for all russian forces taking part in the offensives around donbass!

And The World Remains Silent!

don’t be mistaken, this is a huge victory on part of n.a.t.o. right when russia was conquering all the fortified strongholds around donbass, this happens! it is things like this why i criticize the russians so heavily! now their entire offensive on the frontlines will stall, while moscow is forced to send more ammunition, needlessly! this will give the embattered ukrainian forces a chance to rest and regroup!

And The World Remains Silent!

i just can’t believe the russians can be so incompetent to allow something like this to happen, and just when i finally thought they were getting serious about this war and were learning from their mistakes, this happens! it’s obvious because of poor security, that n.a.t.o. found out the precious cargo the russians were carrying aboard that ship and deliberately targeted it, it was not a lucky accident, but intentionally selected as a high priority target and destroyed!

Last edited 1 year ago by And The World Remains Silent!
And The World Remains Silent!

i am just so angry, how could the russians be so stupid, now the ammunition shortage that the ukrainian armed forces are facing, russian troops will also be facing the same thing, even if it is temporary, it still gives the ukrainians a short advantage, where to regroup and rest, while the russian armed forces, have to wait for another re-supply and hope this time that their incompetent leaders, don’t get their resupply blown up again, because of poor security!


yes you are right it went really fast. cnn just aired azov, aidar and tornado regiments marching in donetsk and luhansk and starting razzias. russian troops are also evacuating sevastopol. keep dreaming lmao.

Satan is Allah

russia got tricked by ukranian techies.

jens holm

ha ha a relative. they should have moved the vessel far a way.

Satan is Allah

they drank too much vodka prior to the missile strike.


me like taliban media—amerikan lgbt army sodomized by goat herder no air force or navy….can your obese queers compete with pygmy —-no only eskimo


in my hillbilly village brain damage celebrated and any distraction from humiliation by russia cause for glue sniffing and visit to homo hooker


to my eye, that looks damaged – it’s not intact.

in the second world war, several sunken ships were raised and made battle-ready. especially submarines.

it is not possible to say from that picture whether the ship is completely lost.


if that picture is real and the ship was destroyed, ukraine will pay dearly for it in the days to come. furthermore, i wonder who supplied them missiles with a range of 550 km.

jens holm

you dont get it. they dont care.

they dont 550 km for several things. they use fast small missil and droneboats to reduce the range in hide and see.

as we see they loose and has succes. war is like l

its the same for opporsit.

Dick Von D'Astard

hmm, german supplied taurus?

jens holm

ha ha, they use what they can.


why they target the ship ,that was badly damaged in 2022 and was already out of action ?

Dick Von D'Astard

divert attention away from the military situation in donbass, economic collapse and a population that doesn’t want to become drafted into the war.

James Hodgkiss

because ship’s re critics to russias success. if uikraine takes out all the ships, russia wont be able to get over the minefields.


a nice gift for putin, he should thank the air defense.

Satan is Allah

russia drank vodka and went awol from their stations. kaboon

me again

idiots. in stead of pushing forward deeper to west ukraine russians play defensive. parts of ship finished all around sevastopol

jens holm

seemes you aren ot born in brighton your self.

your are told the rest of the world are sitting ducks and not clever. you trick yourself only.

you live in a strange world. why election with only one candiate – election ?

the same for ukra governess, nazis har taken a jew as their president. how can you eat that?

jens holm

the world support some 35 mio non nazis in ukriane. we also support the 2,15% nazis a long there are defending their country.

its their country too and not yours.

and usa, brits removed nazis and changed germans and japanse to the better.


tak je to teda. zase západ dodal rakety s dlhším doletom. to zrejme rusov opätovne zaskočilo. mali by sa na takéto prekvapenia pripraviť. zrejme teraz budú častejšie. západu dochádza munícia atak dodávajú na ukrajinu banderovským fašistickým sviniam všetko čo ešte majú.


this ship was already badly damaged in 2022 ,what the purpose of this attack?

jens holm

you are out of repair.

2 year warranty dept

yeah but ukraine’s warranty has expired.

jens holm

poeple like you dont decide that.

some 141 country in eu advice to clean and renew poor own underdevolled state.

you hardly has real school and education. your healthcare is many years back in time and super corrupt. the living age for men is some 55 years.

the 36 mio. ukras has every right to decide themselves. it can be be or not to be for the krustov addition for control.

maidan were enough were enough from 1991 to 2014.

jens holm

i dont get why they dont make better protection of them far away until use..


for every terror attack to suceed damaging one single ship or killing some civilians, 9 are a total failure spending thousands of millions of dollars with every atemp and wasting hunddruds of tons of hardware of their nato masters for nothing. it is one of the evidences that kiev lost this cpnflict time ago, as expected. no terror attsck can change the reality on the battlefield. meanwhile russia continues the cleaning up, last released city was markina yesterday 👍


investigative reporting??? 1. who released this photoshopped image??? 2.why is the surrounding area perfectly clean, no explosion debris, marks 3. blue skys are reflected in the port water. when forecast was cloudy throughout crimea. 4. no autograph of the shitty artwork??

Malcolm Z

a ship has exploded and compley destroyed and no sign of damage in the buildings next?


you’d think there would be more debris all over too… like with ‘airplanes’ on 9/11.


this photo shows propably the site where a ship was dismantled with some parts left they had no use for. no signs of a recent explosion in the surroundings, buildings and not even slight damage on the cranes that are directly above the supposed position of the ship.

Last edited 1 year ago by Paco23
James Hodgkiss

its just damp and mold from being in the water, all ships get like that after 70 to 90 years.

Last edited 1 year ago by James Hodgkiss

thisnwas a nato attack period, and should be treated as such.

jens holm

if were there you were not.

James Hodgkiss

its just a scratch, they’ll have back in operation in no time. i’ve seen worse.


putin is going to kill pregozin and fire general amagedon long war is a killer war.russia bridges bomb,warship get destroy.why not bomb usa weapon war crafts


just get another one the same model and swap the license plates, job done!

Charlie Darwin

remember when the us killed delivery of the two french litoral ships already built and paid for? way before 2014 even.

first it was georgia, then ukraine. washington neocon nuts have been planning the nato takeover of 100% of the black sea for a long time. it’s all so out in the open now that no one can deny it.

jens holm

china did it.

Mr. Henkel He

so build a new one and stop parking sh** within range of the stormshadows. all the docks in russia, you park sh** in an active war zone?

Joseph Day

2 x su-34’s for an old clunker landing ship, not a bad result


another ship that’s was undergoing repair. those ship doesn’t move/relocate from day to day and isn’t manned to protect it self, that’s why ukraine target them.


tom the pedo will sure be whining when russia pays back this one and besides the russians can easily build a new ship and ammo.


oh ya, the ukronazis lost the two aircraft.


jens is doing this, as a second job, he grooms kids rest of the time.

jens holm

everything is fine. when i not write, i make soldiers for the ukrain army.

we expect the women will run the drone and missil system. we eat vitamins too and´the men get strongs has for trench digging.

its a fiction. when they grow up there hardly are no enemies.

Satan is Allah

happy new year ! explosions! explooosiooons! loud noises!


it is time to “remove” the natostan “facilities” that carried out this destruction, the kiev koke kike is simply a sideshow. natostanners must be “liquidated” before the reptilian slime in washing town understands the consequences of these attacks. russia must take the initiative against the psychopaths.


the longer russia waits to defang the reptile the more likely the snake will blow the bridge and burn the kremlin. russia must take this to the next level already and show the vermin who decides the final outcome.


get involved with nato and you will disappear from the map in mongoloid hours, in 2 hours there will be no more cities in russia, what do you think of that mentally retarded thing?

Satan is Allah

face it. russians drank whole night amid xmas celebrations and didn’t man their stations until they got tricked by ukrainian techies. update: over 10 dead. ship is now unserviceable .

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