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MARCH 2025

Footage Shows Australian Special Forces Shoot And Kill Unarmed Man In Afghanistan

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Footage Shows Australian Special Forces Shoot And Kill Unarmed Man In Afghanistan

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A video released on March 16th, showed an Australian Special Air Service (SAS) shoot an unarmed Afghan man three times in the head and chest while he cowers on the ground.

The video was released by Four Corners.

His death took place within three minutes of the soldiers arriving in the village.

An Australian Defence Force (ADF) investigation later ruled the killing was justified because it was in self-defence. However, the available footage shows that the situation was a straight killing of an unarmed man rather than a self-defense case.

The killing was one of a series of cases uncovered by Four Corners that are apparent war crimes.

A former member of the same SAS squadron, who was on the 2012 deployment to Afghanistan and has been shown the vision, described the killing to Four Corners as a “straight-up execution”.

The video, taken by the helmet camera of the patrol’s dog handler, shows the SAS patrol disembarking from one of two Black Hawk helicopters before fanning out near the village of Deh Jawz-e Hasanzai.

The situation in the video takes place in May 2012, and 3 Squadron SAS is looking for an insurgent bombmaker.

The handler, with his dog, follows the patrol scout, who Four Corners has called Soldier C, through a field towards a mud compound.

The helicopters are guiding them to a person who has been spotted in a wheat field ahead.

The soldiers and the dog stumble upon a bearded man in his 20s, with red prayer beads in his hand, who the dog assaulted. The dog is called Quake.

Then a conversation takes place, after the soldier keeps the man at gunpoint for about 20 seconds, asking if he should “drop this c***.”

He asks the commander if he should kill the man, and an inaudible response follows.

The soldier then shoots the man three times.

The SAS soldier who shot Dad Mohammad claimed the Afghan had been shot because he had been seen with a radio. The soldier also claimed he fired from 15 to 20 meters away in self-defense.

The dead man’s name was Dad Mohammad, and he was thought to be 25 or 26 years old.

Braden Chapman was a signals intelligence officer with 3 Squadron SAS on that 2012 deployment, but was not a witness to the killing.

Four Corners showed him the footage.

“It’s just a straight-up execution really,” he said.

“He’s asked someone of a superior rank what he should do, but it comes down to the soldier pulling the trigger. It’s a straight-up execution.”

Four Corners tracked down Dad Mohammad’s father, Abdul Malik.

He said his son was married, with two daughters.

Footage Shows Australian Special Forces Shoot And Kill Unarmed Man In Afghanistan

Dad Mohammad’s father. Click to see full-size image

Abdul Malik was away when Dad Mohammad was killed, and said he returned immediately to bury his son.

“His face had wounds. I covered his face and told them to take him to the graveyard,” Abdul Malik said.

“After his burial, I came back to see the place. I saw the wheat field where he was killed, the wheat was flattened all around.”

There is also a video showing the entire investigative report.

According to Four Corners, the soldier is still serving in the SAS. The Ministry of Defense refused to answer questions about Dad Mohammad’s killing and other allegations of war crimes.

In a statement, it said the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force was investigating “whether there is any substance to rumour and allegations” about possible war crimes committed by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.


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They are part of the five eyes, so the New York based UN will act as their mouthpiece once again and against all logic. In this world some are more bad than others. That is the way it goes. Someday maybe, those who deserve punishment will get it. the biggest they can ever imagine.

Kris Kent

what a load of crap the sas dont go to places on a whim this was a suicide bomber ready to strike. I feel sorry for the sas guys who are sent to do a job and then hung out to dry for the sake of a story!!!! The SAS are the best around and keep us safe from these suicide bombers!!!

Zionism = EVIL

SAS is cowardly trailer trash.


West was paing and training all islamists extremists since at least 1980s. And You are trying to make us believe that they are fighting against terorism? That only hapens in Call of Duty and Holywood movies.

General Hummus

he knows….. he just has to pretend otherwise in spitting BRITON-YANKEE propaganda SH!T

klove and light

your spirit and Soul is LOST. You WILL burn in hell, together with your satanic Zionist masters.

murderer rapist liar thief—— you are in the satanic club dude!”!!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Australians are ignorant uneducated racist idiots who fight over toilet paper, so what do you expect?




That ain’t australian but rather the globalist parasitic fake,if anything they are trained to tend to enemts after they hit as they move forward,this is a soros manipulation,possibly actor not the real deal,because 99% of australians are way more eductared and disciplined than liars,get it? Those toilet paper actors were arrested and charged by the way 100% soros actors too,its hoped there will be severe actions taken against this type of cowardness that gave anzacs the bad name,particularly with that soros installed kiwi pm who stopped the cops from getting that nazi scumbag sooner,cop shop only 400 meters away see!

That nazi is not aussie,someone gave it an easy pass his accent was german!


God bless Russia,woe unto the pro soros/cia/lgbtq accusers of faith!


You blind fool. We shouldn’t even be there, but our country is to gutless to stand up against Amercian foreign policy. Shooting an unarmed man in the head without any knowledge of who the man is, is murder. What if that was you? Feel like a whole lot more of a story then hey. Think stupid!

General Hummus

he’s not a FOOL…. he’s a troll.

Kris Kent

listen to the guy, he id him as there target thats the reason they were there so stupid watch the story next time! instead of embarrassing yourself


An ID doesn’t make him guilty, just a suspect. Doesn’t deserve to get shot in cold blood, especially considering it’s his country and those Aussies are nothing but Amercian lapdogs that shouldn’t be there. It’s murder you idiot.


There are better than that!

General Hummus



Who knows what the real story is here the ABC in Australia are the worst propagandists in the country and there could be a campaign to discredit the military in the eyes of the public because our military personnel pose a real threat to our currupted government why doesn’t the fearless ABC do a documentary on the role of our intelligence agencies in providing support to groups like Isis or how about doing a piece on the drug trade and our governments involvement in that

Bobby Twoshoes

“worst propagandists in the country”? Really? Don’t get me wrong, everything except Media Watch is weak as piss reporting but we are the birthplace of Rupert Murdoch ffs.


Murdoch’s media targets different audiences than the ABC they both are successful in getting people to think in the wrong way but the ABC for some bizzare reason seems to have more credibility in the eyes of a lot of people which makes its propaganda more effective and i haven’t watched media watch since they did that hit piece on Tim Anderson who was the only voice in the media speaking the truth about the Syrian gas attacks and i can still hear that little bitch paul.barry i think saying even the CIA says Assad was responsible for those gas attacks. Don’t kid yourselves the ABC is as an extremely effective propaganda tool for the people that control our governments


That soldier who murdered an unarmed man discredits the military. Don’t blame the ABC for that.


I can blame the ABC for not telling us whole story about the afganistan war or any war for that matter also soldiers shoot unarmed people all the time in war do have any idea how many war crimes have happened in Afghanistan perpetrated by all sides why does the ABC choose to make a story about this when they could go after the real war criminals and actually make a difference to the lives of afganis they won’t do this because the ABC is under the control of the same war Criminals who have kept our troops there for so long


As far as I’m concerned, if you invade a country and you get killed by a local, it’s not a war crime. He is defending his home land and rightly so. The ABC is no different to other media channel in Australia. They all lie, deceive and keep the population ignorant.


While you’re correct, the real warmongers are not exposed, but exposure needs to start at some point. This blatant execution or assassination is that starting point. The ‘Code of Honor’, of military personnel is to wage battle with an armed opponent. Only mercenaries engage in assassination.


You think this is a starting point to expose something bigger well i can assure you that won’t happen the soldier and the adf will be demonised in the eyes of the public and the real criminals will get a free pass the and i can see why the government needs to discredit the military as our soldiers are awake and aware of how rotten our government is add to the fact they have a lot of credibility in the eyes of the public and yea that makes them a major threat to the war criminals that run our government so the ABC comes to the governments rescue and demonizes them so that any challenge they pose to the government won’t be as affective


roland; You may remember Wiki Leaks dramatic exposure of an American helicopter shooting 8 or 10 journalists in cold blood, because their cameras “looked like guns”. That was the beginning of the whole exposure of the BS cover story that the US fed and still tries to feed their population and the world in general. It has taken 5 years of chipping away at the lies to arrive at this point where at least the informed realize our governments are the war mongers. That soldier should be charged, and held responsible. Other soldiers following must learn a war crime, is still a crime, and must be answered to. Bush, Blair, Obama, Hillary, yes they are presently protected, but the Universe has an interesting roll that protection can disappear in a flash.


I don’t think those Wikileaks videos have done anything much that could be called positive i mean anyone who had half a brain would have already known soldiers kill civilians in war and has the release of those videos stopped a single war crime from occurring no it hasn’t and it never will with organisations like the ABC deliberately keeping everyone in the dark . there are a lot of big crimes that have gone on in the last 20 years in Afghanistan and that guy getting killed by the Aussie soldier isn’t one of them and yet the ABC ignores all massive crimes and then decides to run a massive story on one guy getting shot why? its because the Aussie soldiers are a threat to the criminals that run this country and the ABC is controlled by these same criminals

In Exile

The bosses shit their pants when they saw a Nazi Flag on a SAS vehicle bonnet. Goldberg rang old chum Scott Morrison and screamed “shut down this folly or next they’ll be reading Mein Kampf.” Old Scomo replied ” yes sir I am working on it as we speak.” Now the Aussie SAS are regarded as Doctor Mengele types running around killing people, all innocent people of course going about their daily chores, ministering to the poor, attending the Mosque, ploughing the fields, those Aussie nazis don’t care.


I saw that Nazi flag stuff as a big fuck you to isreal because they are sick of fighting wars for them and good on them if that was the case. Us Aussies really have to step up and do something about this government situation time is running out


Its a disgrace, Paul.

Zionism = EVIL

The little arselicking midget John Howard sent this Americunt poodle trash to Afghanistan. Seriously, Australia is nothing in any terms just US bootlickers and as cowardly. When the masters leave Afghanistan, so will the little lapdogs. Disgusting cowardice.

Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazis have been doing this to Indigenous Folks for 500 years…

Ashok Varma

Well said brother. Look what they did to India looted over $45 trillion in todays money and killed millions. Australian Anglos are the lowest of the lot as convicts. Now killing each other or toilet paper. Absolute gutter snipe.

Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazi Elites should pay financial compensation…Drag’m to an independent Nuremberg 2.0 if found guilty on Warcrimes… Crimes against humanity, Theft, Fraud, Childabuse, Torture etcetera…Seize their Assets & throw them in jail for life…Everyone owing more than a Billion Dollars is at least a suspect…Times are changing rapidly…interesting days my Brother


Yep, and the gutless politicians won’t do anything about this.

Bobby Twoshoes

In all fairness, Rudd wanted to distance from the Yanks and align with China before the seppos overthrew him and installed Gillard.


Rudd wanted to distance from the Yanks and align with China before the seppos overthrew him and installed Gillard.

100% correct.


Fuck China! China is Asshole! Ask what Hong Kong thinks of China!

Furkan Sahin

China is Legend and King


i hope you are joking! India hates China! so if u are indian, youre an idiot!

Furkan Sahin

i am turk i support China :D

Kenny Jones ™

but what about uyghur turks ?

Furkan Sahin

I don’t care about them I do not mind

Furkan Sahin

Only Houthis Assad Iran Gaddafi Malema


Its probably a p00f,got a free pass to be something it never were capable dealing as we seen!

klove and light

klove and light • a few seconds ago Breaking news….. zionists got their way in iraq new man on the top is USA slave Adnan al-Zurufi!!!!!!!!! he is a BIG enemy of PMU and mady army…… Breaking News syria jihadis big attack on SAA with heavy weapons!!!!

James R

They left years ago.


2012!!! John Howard hasnt been PM since the early 2000’s! Seriously u make some really dumb, uneducated statements sometimes! WHY? Seriously why?? u can google this in seconds! So why not just look it up?? You make a fool out of yourself!


“Should i drop this Cunt”! Perfect words! S.A. mother fucking S! And dont u fucking forget it! i still remember your dumb comment on Turkey’s European Genetics! i screen shot that mother fucker! Remember how dumb u are? do u remember? I do! i OWN you! CUNT!!


He was probably a Taliban bastard, deserved to die. Goodjob SAS.


This is how the west creates taliban members. They kill peple all over Afganistan and then the angry afgans join Taliban in order to revenge their dead family memebrs killed by NATO war criminals.


Islam creates those Talibans and Jihadists, not the West. Same thing in Gaza, the religion of death must be dealt with like in the video. I will personally hunt down and kill any Hamas member I find just like I’ve done before, waiting for a greenlight from our future PM Gantz.

Zionism = EVIL

JEWS spread coronavirus :)

good american

It’s true…… https://www.timesofisrael.com/another-person-present-at-aipac-conference-diagnosed-with-coronavirus/

Daniel Miller

if thats trew then why are their so few cases in israel compared with Iran?


You are full of shit. If US army came and killed my father and the only organized and armed force around that would enable me to revenge the death of my father was Taliban, i would join Taliban too. This is how it works as simple as that. You guys from Sion have managed to make all your neighbors angry at you. What does it mean? Enjoy your last few months, maybe years, becuase as soon as your only protector the USA shares the fate of USSR, you will be eliminated rather quickly.


Do you see us scared from your terroristic friends? we are just waiting for an order to wipe them all out for good. Anyone wanna face us is welcomed, these world needs a cleansing from the Islamic filth.


You are surounded and outnumbered.


Then come and try us, you might be surprised.


Nothing a simple tap in the throat cant fix,and that’s being most polite,septic! Our policy have changed since then,we to defend our nation not the kweer zogs!

Daniel Miller

Its strange how these morons forget how stupid and incompetant arabs are at war…you guys kicked the shit out of them in the 6 day war…littearly the whole arab world was against you and you made all of them look like fools and humiliated them.


That’s right, and even today we could do it all over again. Most of the guys here are proud of the 2006 war, like Israel somehow lost. I suggest they all check again how Israel looked like after the war and compare it to Lebanon, they might be disappointed. We IDF troops are ready to deal with them anytime, we just wait for an order.

Daniel Miller

2006 might have been a strategic defeat but it was a tactical win since for every IDF soldier killed Hezzbolah lost 4 of their own to do it.

Swift Laggard II

how is six day war fifty years ago relevant? i marvel at people who live in the past and think they have an intellectual contribution to make

Daniel Miller

it is very relevant since it highlights the incompetance witch the arab militarys never got rid of i mean let me give you a more recent example the Syrian civil war itself is proof of how in a regular war they wont stand a chance vs a actual military force they wheir not able to defeat a bunch of militants…they needed Iran and Russia to help them survive…egrypt cant defeat a bunch of ISIS sand monekys in the desert etc.

Daniel Miller

You do realise they have been that way for a long time……yet they kicked the shit out of the arabs more then once.


Yes, but they were always protected and supplied by the US. If theat is gone, so is Israel. It was actualy H. Kisinger that said that existence of Israel was planned for about 70 years…..

Daniel Miller

m8 dont kid yourself in 1967 the did not recive any help form the US……and they still wooped their asses


In 1947 they received a lot of help from Czechoslovakia and USSR, that is why they survived. In 1967 the arabs were poor tactcally thats i correct, but then Israel lost in 2006 to Hezbollah. Syrian and Iranian army as well as Hezbollah are now strong and experienced. And Israel has been making them very angry…..

Daniel Miller

they lost at a strategic level but not at a tactical level for evry IDF soldier killed they killed they lost 3 of their own…those are not very good odds. The IDF was not ready for a war like that in 2006 but saying that the arabs stand a chance is wishfulthinking.

Zionism = EVIL





You’re a gutless murderer too, just like that soldier.


Maybe I am, but I’m proud of it.


While your alive, there is still time for repentance.


I will fight and die for my country and my people.

Alberto Garza

you remind me of nazis ..


It’s not your country though, you stole from those who have lived there for generations. You know real Jews, not fake arse Zionists like yourself.


I needed you Paul to tell me what I am, now my life won’t be the same anymore.


Well, you clearly need all the help you can get.

Furkan Sahin

if you killer jihadist i happy

Lazy Gamer

Now we understand why the Coalition is losing the Afghan war. Way to go winning the hearts and minds of the people. lol The commanding officer could have said No. He should also be charged.

klove and light

what´s the fucking surprise????

ALL Zionist Slaves behave as their master…………Satan Arihman……. the first man to Point this out , was Jesus of Nazareth……… “you have satan as your Father” he told them jews in the Synagoge…..”no wonder you lie, because your Father is the master of all lies” etc…..

Putin you treacherous Zionist bibi cock sucking pig


You really are sounding like a broken record dude we get your point

Gary Sellars

No we don’t. He’s just another dumb fuck Pootie-hater. I hate the Zio Nazi criminal trash as much as the next goyim but Putin is playing a bigger role than small people understand. Sometimes that means you have to hold your nose and work with dirty scumbags.


He got his orders – and they are clear: antiPutin bashing whenever possible.. His execution of those orders is rather retarded tough :))


Im starting to question who this guy is I’ve asked him questions before and he never replies he just keeps repeating the same shit


He is a paid troll – clear as day :) They are in any discuss forum worth of mentioning.. You may have not met them yet but im engaging in comments on internet for some 15 years and i have met more than hundred of them.. signs are all there and this one is troll for sure..


Lol, I’m thinking surely this nut job won’t mention Putin in his post. The relationship to Putin is non existent, but he managed to connect the two.


Mental dyslexic bi polar likes it upde ass wishfull thinker,thats a soros asswipe for sure!


Stop using christ name in vain fool,you are only making out to be no better than that gutless wonder whoever whatever could be even an actor who knows,but to date you are the liar bot! Indeed cia homosexual rants putin the evil,when his family were victims to your vile nazi invasion in ww2 frgn up ye cakeholed cia/mason muppet

Veritas Vincit

The far greater Australian war crimes are the allied wars of aggression against successive nations (in violation of a defensive posture and International Law). Note: Nazi German figures were executed for the same crime of war of aggression as being committed by various Western bloc ‘coalition of the willing’ powers.

– “The charges in the Indictment that the defendants planned and waged aggressive wars are charges of the utmost gravity. War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”

Western bloc mainstream media facilitate this criminality by acting as the propaganda arm of their nations (having long deviated from practices of journalism in preference to practices conforming to propaganda). There are various (non-MSM) reports regarding the actual events preceding the September 11, 2001 attacks with participants in negotiations between the US and the Taliban confirming US threats of regime change through military means for non-compliance to US demands relating to the TAPI pipeline:

– “In June 2001, an announcement was made by US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, that the US would give the Taliban government of Afghanistan a gift of $43 million, “which made the United States the main sponsor of the Taliban.” In 1997, Halliburton, with Dick Cheney as its CEO, secured a contract in Turkmenistan for exploration and drilling in the Caspian Sea basin…. In the summer of 2001, the Taliban were leaked information from top secret meetings that the Bush regime was planning to launch a military operation against the Taliban in July to replace the government. A US military contingency plan existed on paper to attack Afghanistan from the north by the end of the summer…….

……..A former Pakistani diplomat told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban before the 9/11 attacks. Niaz Naik, former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, “was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.” Conclusion: The war on Afghanistan was launched on October 7, 2001. An operation of this size could not be planned and executed within three weeks, as we are led to believe. The plans and preparations were in place in the year leading up to the invasion….. The result of this war on Afghanistan is that Afghanistan’s new President is Hamid Karzai, a former Unocal adviser, opium production reaches record level every single year, and as of April 2008, a US-sponsored pipeline agreement was signed with Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, and may have Canadian forces in Afghanistan guarding the pipeline route. Mission Accomplished. (Origins of Afghan War, Andrew G. Marshall, Geopoliticalmonitor, September 14, 2008) http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/origins-of-the-afghan-war

– “It was at the July meeting…. [Ambassador] Tom Simons suggested that Afghanistan could face an open-ended military operation….. if it didn’t accede to U.S. demands. “Ambassador Simons stated that if the Taliban wouldn’t agree with the plan [relating to the proposed strategic Trans-Afghanistan pipeline], and if Pakistan was unable to persuade them, the United States might use an overt action against Afghanistan….. The words used by Simons were “a military operation”…. Another participant reportedly said the Taliban’s choice was clear: either accept a “carpet of gold” riches from the pipeline or “a carpet of bombs,” meaning a military strike…. [Ambassador Tom Simons] confirms that only a few weeks before Sept. 11, American diplomats warned of military action against Afghanistan if its leaders did not meet U.S. economic and political demands.” (Al-Qaida monitored U.S. negotiations with Taliban over oil pipeline, A memo by military chief Mohammed Atef raises new questions about whether failed U.S. efforts to reform Afghanistan’s radical regime — and build the pipeline — set the stage for Sept. 11., 05/06/2002) https://www.salon.com/2002/06/05/memo_11/

– “The NSPD [National Security Presidential Directive] called on the Secretary of Defense to plan for military options against Taliban targets in Afghanistan, including leadership, command-control, air and air defense, ground forces, and logistics. [It was presented for decision by principals on September 4, 2001, 7 days before September 11th.] (NSPD-9: Combating Terrorism, October 25, 2001) https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-9.htm

What is absent from Western bloc mainstream media reports is the accurate context of events preceding the September 11, 2001 attacks. Those who chose to believe the absurd proposed narrative of “they hate our freedoms” did not bother to investigate key developments preceding the attacks. The invasion and subsequent occupation of Afghanistan relates to resources/resource distribution routes/subsequently rare earth deposits [refer part 2]/etc. (commercial objectives), establishing a permanent strategic military presence (strategic objectives) and efforts to install a client regime (political engineering).

The Australians have and will continue to support the wars of aggression of the US and their allies (while continuing to hypocritically claim to champion a ‘rules-based order’). The criminality of the Australians should come as no surprise as Australian foreign policy is developed closely with their allies (particularly the US, Israel, Canada, New Zealand and the UK).

Veritas Vincit

(p2) The origins of another world war.

– “Just as the Bosnian conflict was part of an effort to secure the Balkan states for an oil and gas pipeline to the European energy market, so the US is seeking secure passage for a pipeline through Afghanistan to feed the Asian energy markets and the US itself.” (The Bush Administration’s Afghan Carpet, Players on a rigged grand chessboard: Bridas, Unocal and the Afghanistan pipeline, Online Journal, 10 March 2002) https://archives.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI203B.html

1999 – NATO begins to engage in a more significant phase of regime change and partition operations (employing falsified intelligence and atrocity propaganda as is a standard modus operandi) to facilitate a ‘European Union’- NATO bloc expansion project (replicating the former ‘Soviet Union’ economic/military bloc model but in opposition to Russia).

– “The bombing of Yugoslavia was not a ‘one-off’ but merely the first stage in a war against independently-minded, strategically important countries that defied the imperial writ of the hawks in Washington….. The illegal and utterly catastrophic assault on Iraq was launched two years after that, on the fraudulent grounds that the country possessed WMDs which could be assembled and launched within 45 minutes. The NATO bombardment of Libya came in 2011, transforming a country with the Highest Human Development in Africa into a jihadists’ playground. In Syria, ‘rebels’ were backed in order to try and topple a secular government…. Today, its Venezuela and Iran which are in the line of fire and of course there’s the ongoing baiting of Russia and the ratcheting up of Cold War 2.0 tensions.” (NATO Bombed Serbia for 78 Days in 1999 Because It Was Resisting Globalism and Capitalism, Neil Clark, 27/03/2019)

– “The NATO attack on Yugoslavia has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting anyone since the claims made by NATO against the government of Yugoslavia were false and were just a pretext for their aggression,” says Christopher C. Black, a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer with 20 years of experience in war crimes and international relations….. “NATO countries had no legal right to bomb anyone for any reason as that is a violation of international law, the UN Charter, Nuremberg Principles etc.,” the scholar underscored. “Their attack was aggression and therefore a war crime and they committed war crimes during the attack.” (“Good” Bombing: NATO Op Against Yugoslavia Was a War Crime – Lawyer, Ekaterina Blinova, SputnikNews, 10/10/2018)

– “Kosovo is home to one of America’s largest military bases, Camp Bondsteel. Bondsteel was built on contract to the Pentagon by Halliburton, through its engineering subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR)…. The US and NATO had advanced plans to bomb Yugoslavia before 1999, and many European political leaders now believe that the US deliberately used the bombing of Yugoslavia to establish camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. According to Colonel Robert L. McCure, “Engineering planning for operations in Kosovo began months before the first bomb was dropped.”

“One of the objectives underlying Camp Bondsteel was to protect the Albanian-Macedonian-Bulgarian Oil pipeline project (AMBO), which was to channel Caspian sea oil from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas to the Adriatic. Coincidentally, two years prior to the invasion, in 1997, a senior executive of `Brown & Root Energy, a subsidiary of Halliburton, Edward L. (Ted) Ferguson had been appointed to head AMBO. The feasibility plans for the AMBO pipeline were also undertaken by Halliburton’s engineering company, Kellog, Brown & Root Ltd.” (The Criminalization of the State: “Independent Kosovo”, a Territory under US-NATO Military Rule, February 4, 2008)

It is also unlikely the US will abandon its objectives within Afghanistan:

– “Afghanistan has “world-class mineral resources” including rare-earth elements, gold, iron and copper, the U.S. Geological Survey said today…. Clinton made her comments at a meeting with 30 of her international counterparts on a “New Silk Road” initiative during the United Nations General Assembly last week. The initiative aims to encourage investment and create new economic and transit connections within the region.” (Afghanistan Has ‘World-Class’ Mineral Resources, U.S. Says, Bloomberg Businessweek, By Nicole Gaouette, September 29, 2011) http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-09-29/afghanistan-has-world-class-mineral-resources-u-s-says.html

– “the South Asian country’s $3 trillion wealth of natural resources has taken the center of attention. While the US Department of Defense’s estimates have put Afghanistan’s untapped wealth of gold, copper, uranium and other rare-earth minerals at well around $1 trillion, Afghan officials’ latest geological studies hint at figures three times larger. The number can probably explain Washington’s willingness to continue the war in Afghanistan….. Interestingly, Trump has been receiving informal advice on Afghanistan from his billionaire friend Andy Feinberg, who owns major US military contractor DynCorp. The company has been operating in Afghanistan since 2003 and is believed to play a role in securing the country’s mines, according to the New York Times. (Trump eying stake in Afghanistan’s $3tn natural resources, PressTV, Aug 21, 2017) http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2017/08/21/532424/US-Trump-Afghanistan-wealth-natural-resources

The criminality of US actions in Afghanistan are being replicated in Syria where the US is illegally securing Syrian oil resources.

It is common knowledge the US also seeks to secure Venezuelan and Iranian oil through proxies involving similar regime change operations (as also applied against Iraq, Libya, Yemen, etc., with the concurrent objective of targeting successive strategic opponents of Israel). A full-scale war against Iran (hybrid forms of warfare being active) however will have profound implications (recognising developing alliances and military architecture).

While the US and its involved allies masquerade as policemen and fire fighters, they are in fact arsonists (the criminality of Western bloc governments is well documented and evident in their successive wars of aggression conducted under false pretexts). While justice for now shall not come through judicial processes (Western bloc judicial institutions being employed as tools of the state/facilitating state crimes), it shall almost certainly in time come but in a form of blowback (when their many wars become recognised as one).


Well said but this form of blowback is already hitting us they’ve turned on us already look at 911, that shooting in America where 800 people were shot supposedly by one guy and the Christchurch attack all crimes perpetrated by the same gangs that start all these wars we in the west are in an extremely vulnerable state our governments have been completely defeated by these hidden gangs that rule over us we (unless we all wake up)are at their mercy as our population is unarmed and everything we say and do is being watched but try tell the average Joe this they either don’t believe you don’t care or react violently and call you insane having said that i do think that on some level people can feel there is something up but people have no understanding of who the real culprits are

James R

911 was a false flag you ignoramus.


You dumb fuck 3000 Americans died killed by the same people that started these wars in Afghanistan Iraq etc my point was westerners are already being killed by these gangs that run our governments i never said it wasn’t a false flag and just out of curiosity which group or groups do you think are responsible for the 911 terrorist attacks


You have no understanding of what i wrote in that post do you and then you start throwing the word ignoramus around

Hasbara Hunter

By 2001 Stocks of opium in America & Great Britain had dwindled because the Taliban had burned almost all poppy-fields…The AngloZioNazis needed a plan to invade Afghanistan & start producing opium again…They needed the American Cannonfodder to cheer for Yet another War for ISraHell & Washingthon…

911 was the Controlled Demolition of’m Asbestos-Twin-Towers (Larry Silverstein made a Fortune with insurance-Fraud)…911 was a “Deep State” Neo-Con inside job with the help of Dancing Israelis…

Lone Ranger

Nazi tactics…

Lone Ranger


Hasbara Hunter

Business as usual for AngloZioNazi KidKilling & Childraping Warcriminals…

Forget the Geneva Conventions AngloZioNazi-Faggots You will get a taste of your own medicine…


Good to see revelations about the gutless standards the nwo/soros/cia/deep state Howard/rudd/abbott/shorten/turnbull/tyrant ran era me invaders treated they whom threatened cia/us drug cartels buisness rigs,it is very much anticipated that these vile wankers/servants of the unelect corprations be put to justice and remind in line of duty to take prisoners instead of deal like disgracefull nazi/isis punks!

good american

Is it any wonder why these sickos shoot themselves once their deployment is over and they are not surrounded by other sick fks telling them they are doing a good job? Iron Prion, if anything you said is true about killing civilians and kids is true, it will probably happen to you too, one day.


I will kill anyone that poses a threat to Israelis, that is why I joined a special unit – to protect my fellow countrymen from your Islamist scumbags. If I die while being on duty so be it, I’m a man with faith. Israel will prevail, always.


Say what is right to defend,that spineless cia kweer shot unarmed men from point blank, He murdered peacefull civilians,for this he shall never ever find it,not even after death! Breached the Commonwealth military ethic code,that is major time,the sooner the better!


The special unit of bigmac eating keyboard warriors. The only death you`ll get is an heart attack at 30. Truly heroic


If you say so, you know me very well don’t you? some Hamas guys thought the same, till we came for them.

Swift Laggard II

even you will die one day. when you are young and strong you think you are immortal. you will age the eyes will dim, the hands will tremble, and your conscience will give you unbearable nightmares as you count out your days on earth in your old age. such is the fate of all who revel in evil. it is not wrong to serve your country, even to bear the sword to protect your nation and family. the problem arises when you begin to relish violence, and to imagine that you are god


They could have prevented our operations, but they chose time and time again to keep shooting rockets onto Israeli population centers for years. Everytime we started an operation, it somehow stopped with a ceasefire that was forced upon us by the U.N and it never lasted long because those are dirty terrorists. Soon a new man will call the shots here, and he despises Hamas and all the other Islamists. The IDF won’t be stopped anymore, surrender or die.

Swift Laggard II

that is in the movies. i read open source material on your conflict, and if it was as easy as keyboard warriors like to make it look, it would already have been done. i like debating mature balanced objective knowledgeable people, not ideological commissars spewing forth their doctrines. for instance you say in another post that 2006 was a win. in fact i have read some of your generals and they openly say at best it was a draw. the aftermath was that there was established a state of mutual deterrence, and that is what has kept the peace to this day. those are your own experienced generals who have no need to embellish facts, mature seasoned officers. so when people come and start spewing ideology, i ignore them. israel is strong no doubt, but israel is not as strong as it was in 1967 relative to her enemies – your society has prospered and gone soft, no one is willing to die and leave the luxury behind. and that explains why the politicians shy away from conflict, they know the casualties would rend your nation in two. your enemies have also learnt and adapted, and they seem to have the patience will and time to meld into a respectable adversary. but your greatest challenge will come from the demographics of the occupation and the effect over the next three decades. that will be a self inflicted wound on your nation.


Some Generals thought we lost that’s true, but that was because we didn’t use full force against Hezbollah and the state of Lebanon. After one month, we were ready to cross over the Litani river and we took out most of their fortifications in Southern Lebanon. Their rocket shooting went down from 500-600 a day to 100-150 in the last few days of the war, because we found and destroyed most of their hideouts. Now, you can say the objective was not reached because they still managed to survive the assault, but it’s only because we needed more time to advance since they were well dugged in. I don’t make up stuff to just sound cool, I’m not that kind of guy. I only say that if we do start an operation and we don’t stop under any ceasefire, they will lose big time. About the demographics, Israel will always have a Jewish majority even if we have to deport some Arabs away from here, or exchange populations.

General Hummus


>> The Zio-State DID use full force. It was not enough to achieve ANYTHING.

>> Not ” Some Generals “. Mossad and ShinBet admitted the Zio-State LOST.

>> You did cross over the Litani. Refresh your AshkeNAZI brain.. your commandos were dropped by helicopters…. and were CAPTURED by Hizbollah on the ground.

>> You did enter towns YES but could NOT keep ANY of them. Not ONE!

>> 500-600 per day to 150-100 per day means NOTHING….. only your interpretation. WHY? Because Mossad and ShinBet admitted Hizbollah could fight MONTHS MORE!!

>> The Zio-State emptied all its ammo. Called Daddy Yanky for more and still achieved NOTHING!

IDF is best soldiers to attack and terrorize unarmed civilians. THAT IS IT.

Against real trained men…. they are SOFT like MATZO BALLS in PORK BROTH.


Swift Laggard II

Part of the war was the battle of narratives, and for them it was a win. As per Clausewitz-ian logic, they achieved their political goals, and their losses in men and material was the price that had to be paid for those goals to be achieved. Today from their experience in Syria they are much stronger, and a serious opponent. From looking at Israel over many years, i think Israel has stagnated terribly at the political-strategic level. your nations seems to just coast along, unable to make tough but necessary decisions, and you just seem to react to issues instead of being pro-active.i guess in a sense that there is a paralysis at the level of strategic analysis and a blindness that is couched in wishful thinking from many successful years of resisting your enemies. I know it’s easy to say when one is not living in that kind of situation, but looking in from the outside, you guys are no longer the generation of 48 to 1980. i think things began going south when the occupation begun after ’67, and then the first foray into lebanon in the 80s. those were unnecessary ventures that i feel sapped the moral fiber of your nation to this day. you guys need to be bold, and make the very weighty but inevitable decisions on the political front. the world is changing so rapidly – the west is sapped of energy after years of war, no one will take on for you Iran believe you me, China is rising, the demographics in the world are changing and the power patterns will change as well, bds is catching on in the west including murica. if you are not bold and separate from the Palestinians and end the occupation, you will most likely end up like apartheid South Africa did, alone and unwanted, and insecure.


I do agree with you we need to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians, not for them but for us. I for one, support a two state soultion with the secular PLO, but then again you have Hamas that rules over Gaza and won’t give it up unless they are forced to do it. Bibi has stuck the political process for over a decade, he also should have hit Iran when he had a chance back in 2012. IF you ask me? we are going to a big regional war, we may have gone a bit soft over the years but in an all out war we stand united – that is our true strengh.

Swift Laggard II

i wish you guys the best. I grew up reading about Israel, and admiring many good things from the leadership in science and technology, to the pioneering spirit of the kibbutz, to prowess on the battlefield. i still relish the speeches of Ben Gurion to this day, he was a real visionary. But with time the conflict wears out the sheen, and you begin to see and realize a different angle, and from an ethical perspective you realize your values as an ethical individual simply cannot allow you to accept the fact and practice of the occupation, that in as much as Israel needs security, the Palestinians are also human and must have their dignity respected as well. This really causes one to reevaluate the whole dynamic of the conflict and to realize that one will not accept the occupation as a normal venture, and the constant violence, it’s not normal. i still hope the best for Israel, but Israel needs to be bold, separate, build a wall around your borders if necessary and just clean up this blot on your moral fabric. Coz if you don’t I see this heading to be a similar situation to apartheid South Africa. It took many years, and much effort, but it was inevitable that apartheid was going to be defeated. I see subtle changes in the West where you draw your greatest support, especially amongst the young generation, and the signs are not good, the shine has worn off. Even South Africa had strategic arms like it is said you have, but they were of no use in the end, because such weapons cannot solve what are essentially political problems

Ashok Varma

Zionists are gutter trash too.

Furkan Sahin

i hate only Zionists but not jews

General Hummus

He’s keyboard COMMANDER…. big fat fvcking pussy who pretends to have stepped foot on REAL battle ground…. when all he did IF ANYTHING….. was to attack and terrorize UNARMED PALESTINIANS…..

John Wallace

Didn’t you say you were a Reservist many times. What does a reservist do . man roadblock checkpoints. Yes that is a specialist job.


He aint shit, just some basement obesoid with big dreams of violence.

John Wallace

I know that by the way he talks of being a hero killing people. Only fuckwits and bullshit artists talk like that and I don’t care which as it matters not.


He probably looks at himself in the mirror imagining himself in all sorts of heroic and violent scenarios. If only his massive gut belly didnt hide his cheese stinking dik, he`d probably come back to earth.

Silviu Costea

They are so brave against unarmed peasants! Make them dance against a professional army, and they will piss their pants…

General Hummus

how FCKING easy to shoot unarmed people……..




There is ia Justice its PTSD followed by suicide, the real Australian government is so corrupt they will protect Military criminals and police criminals. Even in the face of undisputable evidence.

St. Augustine

Four Corners is a standard propaganda program, very pro-American, pro-Neocon etc. so I’m interested to know what their goal is in revealing this specific incident.

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