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MARCH 2025

For First Time In History, Iran Unfurls Red Flag Of Revenge Over Holy Dome Of Jamkaran Mosque

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For First Time In History, Iran Unfurls Red Flag Of Revenge Over Holy Dome Of Jamkaran Mosque

A screenshot from the video

For the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkaran Mosque symbolizing both blood spilled unjustly and serving as a call to avenge people who are killed.

“Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein,” the war flag reads the words.

The red flag was raised on top of one of the biggest and most important mosques in the holy city of Qom. This was done in honor of Qassem Suleimani and other officers who were assassinated by the US.

Therefore, Iran pledged that it will avenge their martyrdom.


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An small unguided missile has hit the Iraqi Green Zone where the US embassy is located.

In my opinion this small attack is most likely a False Flag Attack by the US and executed by a US friendly terror gank, such as Nusra or ISIS. It makes no sense for Iran to have ordered this attack.

IF the US uses this as a Cassus Belli for War, a large Iranian GUIDED missile hitting the US Embassy would make the point that ‘This is what Iran can do ‘ to Israel if necessary.

The Flag of Revenge is a powerful statement to make.

Bravo Iran.

Azriel Herskowitz

How long does it take your brain to come up with these imaginations?


when it comes to picture a gruesome end for the jews, no time whatsoever – it’s planted and the worse it is the quicker it gets to the forefront of the thought-process.

but you poor fucking jew, please go drown yourself in the Med or the nearest body of water (your bathtub maybe).

Jack Urso

So much brave talk, so few without the courage of the convictions to put their names to it.


How long will it take for your brain to realise Zionism is a wicked unjust theiving murderous and deceptive regime.

Kilgore Trout

wow! Look a POS!


Really, are false flags beyond your imagination?


Shut up, troll!

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Iran will sink an ameriscum boat to the bottom of the sea at the same time they will save some marines just to humiliate them further and then show them on TV while they cry like babies

Tony B.

That’s western thinking. Not all nations treat the cannon fodder, low level, troops as non people.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian response will be total different to anything the Americunt arseholes have ever seen. This is a long drawn out conflict and really has not begun yet.

Jack Urso

So, they’re not going to fight with guns or cyber warfare? That really limits their options doesn’t it?


As the US did with the captured Germans in WW2, I guess. Naming them Disarmed Enemy Forces instead of POW not to allow them protection and treatment under Geneva convention. Don’t come here and tell that US ever played following the rules.

Tony B.

Are you too thick to understand the difference between those who give orders and those forced to take them? Just what do you think is “the US” when you use that term? How about your own country? None are much different. There are the rulers and the ruled in every one. If you refuse to make that distinction, your rants are just non thought rants loved by the divide and conquer Rothschild cabal which is behind all of this.


or by israeli deceitful slime hiding in and around the enemy.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, true, Verner, and I’m glad you said Israeli instead of Jewish. Not all Jews are Zionists.

Tony B.

It’s the talmud that makes the difference. Satan’s book, which makes men believe only they are human. Although most Jews are somewhat influenced by it most would also disown it if they understood what it says. Few modern Jews have ever read any of it.

Gary Sellars

“Few modern Jews have ever read any of it.”

If that is so, why do so many modern Jews live their life according to it?

If the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is indeed a fake written by Tsarist-era secret police, why do do so many modern Jews live their life according to it?

See the pattern?

Tony B.

My reply was deleted before I even had a chance to post it. What the hell goes on here? Which side is this site on?

I began: There is no such pattern, don’t be an ass.

But I’m not going to go to the trouble of the explanation again.


Yes, very likely. A few years ago an Iraqi patrol captured an ISIS patrol and embedded with the ISIS gang was an Israeli Colonel of the Golani Brigade.

Lest we forget :)


Prince Teutonic

I think Iran will sink US aircraft carrier in Persian gulf…

Damien C

While Iran has missile capable of sinking an AC the U.S moved them out of the range of this weaponary many months ago




Truman, is up for a battering if it all goes to hell!

Damien C

The Soumar cruise missile can only reach distances of 2000 KM max if they wish to carry a warhead big enough to obliterate an Aircraft Carrier in the midst of a Strike group. The biggest downfall is its relative slow speed 600mph this is too slow over an extended distance to be a threat. I stand convinced that the ACSG is too far out to sea to be threatened by Iranian land based missiles

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you forget their massive numbers of speedboats, besides, i think the carrier would need to get closer to iran so that the planes and helicopters it launches have enough fuel to get back, if any manage to make it back lmao

Jack Urso

Speedboats don’t have the gas or range to hit a carrier group. Aircraft have the range to hit Iran and land at their ACs out of range. Big new invention called in-flight refueling. Maybe you’ve read about it. I am opposed to the war, Trump was wrong, but it is a fool who underestimates their enemy.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol maybe u didnt hear how many speedboats swarmed the abraham lincoln recently? and those aircraft if any launched will encounter some nasty SAMs :))))


The US would then be in full retarded bully mode if that happened. It would be a just response from Iran though, but the wisest response.

Not just yet anyway. For some reason the deep state in the US wants a war now.


Could it be that ‘Paedogate ‘ threatens many from all sides of US politics and US corporations?


The rocket attacks were suspiciously weak…also there have been no claims as yet. It will be used to undermine Iran rep. This is plausible.

Luke Hemmming

Yes. Could be a distraction too not only for Trump but Bibi too


I agree, and its a distinct possibility than Bibi organised the murder and that an Israeli ‘controlled’ drone murdered general Qassem Soleimani.

That would explain why the US did not notify its allies of a pending strike, as per all convention. It also suggests that Pompous Pompeo was in cahoots with Bibi, who is fighting for his political life and freedom from prosecution in Israel for fraud.

It’s quite possible that Trump was given the choice of saying how smart and clever he was to murder the general. The alternative being to admit that Trump had lost control of his administration.


US would keep their ships well out of range if something kicks off


Remember US-UK-Tanker-3zum and claims of failed Iranian attempt of seizing an UK tanker only to being shoe off by UK Naive. That was ended by Iran broadcasting the real action. Time will tell but history can be of help …


I think that the missiles are probably real. If the Iranians are clever they will keep a slow drip of missiles, provoking USA to cause collateral damage in Iraq, making US presence there ever more untenable. It does not even have to be one a day. Just a constant low level attack at US presence in Iraq. When US sends out patrols and drones, they can attack them in the same low intensity manner as well.

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me and save this post for future reference. A major war lasting generations is coming. Iranians and the resistance force in the region have had enough of the Americunt arseholes and Zionist scum. Even the devious Brits who planted the Zionist cancer in the region know better.

A Royal Navy admiral has warned a US invasion of Iran would need millions of men comparable to the occupation of Germany at the end of World War 2 .

British Admiral Lord West – formerly the most senior ranking member of the Royal Navy – warned the unfolding situation in the Middle East is “highly dangerous” after the US assassinated one of Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani .

Jack Urso

We’re already in a war that has lasted two generations in the ME, thank you Captain Obvious. Maybe back date your post to 1991.


Dumb post. Pay closer attention.


that red flag means : A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.


If iran fights extremely hard and gets massive revenge, i will respect that! However, i think they need to keep doing what they are doing in Syria! Because what good is it to go into a tit for tat war against the USA?

The General who was killed had something he shouldnt have had! And he was going to use them and blame it on ISIS and the USA!

5 Davey Crocket tactical nuclear mortars that came from the USA via the obama administration! There were actually 6 of them! One has already been used by ISIS and it was kept secret by both the USA and Russia!

Firstly, the tactical nukes which can only fire from about 4km and have a blast range of about 600feet! between 0.01 to1 kiloton! In this case, the radiation is the biggest killer! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/786905ca3eebedcd27ac2e48ab9d0f0a2e17466ed5c4312cc5c8f7779f8ae039.jpg

The reason behind the Benghazi incident and the death of the US ambassador and WHY the USA did not come to the rescue of its own people (Hillary and obama ordered to stand forces to stand down) is because Hillary and Obama were illegally transferring weapons in a pay for play sceam to libya! Obama sending Stinger missiles in order to create a “no fly zone” inLibya via a false flag and Hillary sending 6 tactical nukes to the highest bidder (the muslim brotherhood in Saudi arabia)! These along with the server that gave the blue prints for reverse engineering these weapons were stolen and shipped to Syria! They came into the hands of Al-Quieda but ended up in the hands of isis (if u remember the early battles both had near allepo)

Isis got the Davey Crockets!

one was used on Russian mercs on the other side of the Euphrates near isis’s oil area! Killing between 200 and 300 Russians! The US defence Secretary at the time was forced to LIE to the media and say that “i gave the order to kill those russian troops”! Did u hear what i said? ON TV General mattis said he gave the order for American to kill 300 Russian mercs! Does that make sense to u? i can show u the video of him saying it! Since when can a US defence Secretary give and order that could start world war 3?

Thankfully Russia knows what happened!

Soon after, Iran captured these tactical nuclear mortars from isis near the Euphrates between Al-qaim and Deir Ezzor!

The General (with Iran’s economy collapsing) along with many who do not wish the USA to exit the middle east (because it is the one thing that can drain their empire of its wealth and kill it was making plans to use one or some of these nukes on the embassy or other targets and blame it on isis! It could also be blamed on the USA itself because one would question how these weapons got there in the first place!

What could escalate is nuclear war but most certainly and all in US engagement in the middle east which would unify Iran and its economic problems but also pull the USA into a massive middle east never ending war!

That plan was nullified!

This is what happened! WW3 was avoided! Knowing what u know now (or lets say u found out what i am telling u now is true) Would u be ok with killing this General?

u are Shiia, u are biased! But this is the truth!


If iran fights extremely hard and gets massive revenge, i will respect that! However, i think they need to keep doing what they are doing in Syria! Because what good is it to go into a tit for tat war against the USA?

The General who was killed had something he shouldnt have had! And he was going to use them and blame it on ISIS and the USA!

5 Davey Crocket tactical nuclear mortars that came from the USA via the obama administration! There were actually 6 of them! One has already been used by ISIS and it was kept secret by both the USA and Russia!

Firstly, the tactical nukes which can only fire from about 4km and have a blast range of about 600feet! between 0.01 to1 kiloton! In this case, the radiation is the biggest killer! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/786905ca3eebedcd27ac2e48ab9d0f0a2e17466ed5c4312cc5c8f7779f8ae039.jpg

The reason behind the Benghazi incident and the death of the US ambassador and WHY the USA did not come to the rescue of its own people (Hillary and obama ordered US forces to stand down) is because Hillary and Obama were illegally transferring weapons in a pay for play sceam to libya! Obama sending Stinger missiles in order to create a “no fly zone” inLibya via a false flag and Hillary sending 6 tactical nukes to the highest bidder (the muslim brotherhood in Saudi arabia)! These along with the server that gave the blue prints for reverse engineering these weapons were stolen and shipped to Syria! They came into the hands of Al-Quieda but ended up in the hands of isis (if u remember the early battles both had near allepo)

Isis got the Davey Crockets!

one was used on Russian mercs on the other side of the Euphrates near isis’s oil area! Killing between 200 and 300 Russians! The US defence Secretary at the time was forced to LIE to the media and say that “i gave the order to kill those russian troops”! Did u hear what i said? ON TV General mattis said he gave the order for American to kill 300 Russian mercs! Does that make sense to u? i can show u the video of him saying it! Since when can a US defence Secretary give and order that could start world war 3?


Thankfully Russia knows what happened!

Soon after, Iran captured these tactical nuclear mortars from isis near the Euphrates between Al-qaim and Deir Ezzor!

The General (with Iran’s economy collapsing) along with many who do not wish the USA to exit the middle east (because it is the one thing that can drain their empire of its wealth and kill it was making plans to use one or some of these nukes on the embassy or other targets and blame it on isis! It could also be blamed on the USA itself because one would question how these weapons got there in the first place!

What could escalate is nuclear war but most certainly and all in US engagement in the middle east which would unify Iran and its economic problems but also pull the USA into a massive middle east never ending war!

That plan was nullified!

This is what happened! WW3 was avoided! Knowing what u know now (or lets say u found out what i am telling u now is true) Would u be ok with killing this General?

u are Shiia, u are biased! But this is the truth!


If iran fights extremely hard and gets massive revenge, i will respect that! However, i think they need to keep doing what they are doing in Syria! Because what good is it to go into a tit for tat war against the USA?

The General who was killed had something he shouldnt have had! And he was going to use them and blame it on ISIS and the USA!

5 Davey Crocket tactical nuclear mortars that came from the USA via the obama administration! There were actually 6 of them! One has already been used by ISIS and it was kept secret by both the USA and Russia!

Firstly, the tactical nukes which can only fire from about 4km and have a blast range of about 600feet! between 0.01 to1 kiloton! In this case, the radiation is the biggest killer! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/786905ca3eebedcd27ac2e48ab9d0f0a2e17466ed5c4312cc5c8f7779f8ae039.jpg

The reason behind the Benghazi incident and the death of the US ambassador and WHY the USA did not come to the rescue of its own people (Hillary and obama ordered US forces to stand down) is because Hillary and Obama were illegally transferring weapons in a pay for play sceam to libya! Obama sending Stinger missiles in order to create a “no fly zone” inLibya via a false flag and Hillary sending 6 tactical nukes to the highest bidder (the muslim brotherhood in Saudi arabia)! These along with the server that gave the blue prints for reverse engineering of these weapons were stolen and shipped to Syria! They came into the hands of Al-Quieda but ended up in the hands of isis (if u remember the early battles both had near allepo. Christopher Stevens had this server with him in Libya but the Server was thought to be destroyed by the Libyans once the destruction of the diplomatic compound occurred! No, the server got back into the hands of the NSA and a copy was made of it on site by the US staff who backed up its contents to a cloud Defence server! PROOF!! Thats why she wanted it destroyed and why she needed to become President! TREASON… pay for play!

Isis got the Davey Crockets!

one was used on Russian mercs on the other side of the Euphrates near isis’s oil area! Killing between 200 and 300 Russians! The US defence Secretary at the time was forced to LIE to the media and say that “i gave the order to kill those russian troops”! Did u hear what i said? ON TV General mattis said he gave the order for American to kill 300 Russian mercs! Does that make sense to u? i can show u the video of him saying it! Since when can a US defence Secretary give and order that could start world war 3? Eventually Russia played ball and stated they werent Russian troops! Everyone knows it was! Russia knew about the Davey Crockets and how ISIS got them! Now Iran has them!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhNmrAG-RUc https://youtu.be/p5rgqSEVVIU?t=94

Thankfully Russia knows what happened!

Soon after, Iran captured these tactical nuclear mortars from isis near the Euphrates between Al-qaim and Deir Ezzor!

The General (with Iran’s economy collapsing) along with many who do not wish the USA to exit the middle east (because it is the one thing that can drain their empire of its wealth and kill it was making plans to use one or some of these nukes on the embassy or other targets and blame it on isis! It could also be blamed on the USA itself because one would question how these weapons got there in the first place!

What could escalate is nuclear war but almost certainly an all in US engagement in the middle east which would unify Irans population and its economic hardship but also pull the USA into a massive middle east never ending war!

That plan was nullified!

This is what happened! WW3 was avoided! Knowing what u know now (or lets say u found out what i am telling u now is true) Would u be ok with killing this General?

u are Shiia, u are biased! But this is the truth!

David Parker

There is no such thing as the “secret use of a nuclear weapon”. Nukes have a characteristic of being exceptionally public, release of subatomic particles and radiation from nuclear explosions cannot be hidden from public detection any more than Chernobyl or Fukushima can be hidden – and those core meltdowns were not even detonations.


Because it was released and proven on 8chan with a snap shot of the server that was in the hands of Christopher Stevens (the US ambassador who died in Libya)! Plus this evidence is going to be exposed from the server! When u think of Clintons “pay for play”, what do u think she was selling? How to make candy? Why did she smash all of her phones and tablets with hammers and use bleach bit to destroy hard drives? Why do u think she let the Ambassador and the staff at the outpost in libya to die? What was she trying to hide? If u believe (and there is STRONG) evidence to prove it, that she sold 25% of US uranium to Rosatom which is AN EXTREME NATIOANL SECURITY ISSUE that is used for 2 things, to make nuclear power or nuclear weapons! What if (and there is proof not yet released) that it was sold to Iran!

But think for a moment about the order to kill 300 Russian mercs! Then the back peddle by both the USA and Russia to say there were no Russians killed yet in Russia, all of these wives and families come forward showing the pictures of their husbands and sons who are PROVEN to work for Wagner!

All shoved under the rug to stop war escalation!

i took screen shots of it, its somewhere on my 8 TB of got here! Somewhere! im sure i can find it just for u :)


By the way, i am from Australia and i can assure u, secret nuclear detonations have occurred here and it wasnt even Aussies that did it! in fact is was a private entity from Japan who did it!

They bought land in the middle of the country where Uranium could be mined, had their own scientists working on developing and enriching the uranium they mined and then exploding the nuke in the middle of our nation where nobody is around for 7000km! only very small single house desert dwellers were witnesses to the far off flash and tremors! It was in fact picked up by some satellites and other sensors at sea by the US govt which was proof that it occurred!

it was kept under wraps for about 30 years until the story was released! The people involved were the same Japanese group that set of Sarin gas attacks in Japan in the 1980’s!

As for secret nuclear detonations, i dont think u know what u are talking about here! France, North Korea are 2 of the most recent nations who have done SECRET nuclear detonations! maybe u should google your statement before declaring it to be “a myth”!


Something else for you to think about! “Things that make u go ‘hmmmmmmmm'”!

How deep is the Deep state?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png


.Would u like to see the New York Times (CIA, DeepState) Warning Iran and the General of an attack? (clear your cookies to get free access to the site)

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/02/opinion/hypersonic-missiles.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png


Im telling u this right now! THIS IS A TRAP FOR IRAN! All of the chess pieces are in place! DO U KNOW WHO IS BEGGING IRAN NOT TO DO ANYTHING??? CHINA!!! Oil prices are going through the roof! USA, Canada and Russia are the only nations able to export oil in large quantities! Who gets fucked by high oil prices? CHINA!!!!

What does the USA do to Iran if Iran makes a revengeful attack? Hits Iran’s oil and gas refineries! Iran’s economy is down the tubes! poverty and starvation will over throw Iran’s leadership!

Venezuela is cut off from exporting to China via an embargo!

Lets hope Iran isnt too stupid to make any moves! Iran should just keep what its doing in Syria likes its just another day!

Remember its not just the USA, its NATO! Remember what NATO did in Iraq? This Iran war will not be about Iran, it will be about China! But many of you will be happy, because Iran will certainly hit Israel and will most likely succeed! For that i am very happy!

There will be a war in Iraq! A civil war against Shiia! Mark my words! Many iraqi’s celebrated this generals death!

Now watch everyone down vote me for saying this! Its only on video!!! Speaking truth doesnt make u bad! REALITY Bitches! Reality!


That may be true, but it may be hard for Iran to keep its cool in the face of continuous attacks. Would you say “don’t retaliate” if your country were being attacked several times? I am not saying they should go into an all-out war, but there are many ways for Iran to hit back hard. After all, there are several proxies throughout what they call the Shiite crescent.


yes they certainly can cause trouble! But with Trump around, u are looking at x 1000 damage in return! If iran gets US hostages, Trump sanctions them, bombs refineries, sends in special forces with whatever stealth that actually works! Perhaps Spec Ops to kidnap some leader in return! Who knows, but it will be seen as something in return! but as usual, x 1000 worse! Iran’s problem right now is its own population! They could be as rich as Saudi! But noooo, they have their pride!

Dude, when u cant feed your own wife and kids and keep them safe from what might later come, (human trafficking) because Police arnt getting paid!

Iran is in trouble! Their leaders will need to make a deal (which destroys them by their own people) Get Revenge (which the US destroys their economy even more maybe for good) Or do nothing and keep moving forward in Syria and stick to the plan!

This is a trap! Revenge will be expected and all the USA wants to put the final nail in the coffin!

People who support iran dont like hearing this! but logical people will understand the reality of it! Smart decision need to be made!

Luke Hemmming

Iran was put into this difficult position by the US and ISRAEL. They, the people, are aware of this. Look, like most countries including mine (australia), we hate our politicians Too, very much. They are not held in very high regards by the general population and certainly are not considered honest, scoring lower than used car salesmen on the honesty factor. In fact our PM got called a ‘dog’ the other day to his face by an angry person who said he wasn’t doing enough to help our fire ravaged communities. We are currently in a bush fire crisis at the moment and lives have been lost thousands of homes destroyed. So yes Iranians hate their politicians as much as any other countries. It doesnt mean thou at the end of the day if Iran was attacked by the US that immediately the Iranian people will turn against their own government. No way, I think the opposite will happen and they will rally around their government and show support especially if Iran gets a few good punches into the enemies Israel and the US, and I believe they have the capabilities to fight the good fight for a while.


Hey im an aussie too! From melbourne! Yeah we hate our ministers but its not that bad! We have a good economy, fairly rich and are very high on the “happiness scale”!

Iran for all intended purposes could be and perhaps should be as rich and wealthy as Saudi, UAE and Qatar!

Where did they go wrong? Well it was going well for them when they were kissing the hand of the Anglo-American Empire! Most likely all would still be gojng well too! There would be a very healthy upper middle class, cheap energy and fuel! Imports and exports would be very healthy! From those profits a better society, education, health care ect etc etc

Now the fact they kicked out the US and UK is something to admire! BUT IS IT?? There are only a few nations in this world that can say “NO”!

Under Mohamad, did Muslims not conquer vast lands? Did the Ottomans not conquer vast lands? Its the same shit!

In this present day, the advanced civilisations call the shots! Who created the industrial revolution that demanded the need for oil? Who created electricity? locomotion, automotive and aerospace? One cannot choose where oil comes from! But they can make deals! Now im one for fair trade! Truly i am! But tell me, is it fair that if Islam came to power, that i must join or die? Is that a choice i get? So let me tell u something! Iran, Saudi and all those muslims had a choice! Iran chose to join, then to kick out! Now where besides self pride has that got them? Its got them to the point of revolution! Desperate times cause for desperate measures! START A WAR! The story u dont know (i will send it after this comment) is that the General WAS planning a horiffic attack that would start WW3! THATS WHY HE WAS KILLED! If u KNEW FOR A FACT! That this General was planning to start an escalation to WW3, would u think differently about the incident? Remember, u dont know the whole story! Iran has chosen its path!

“i have been a rich man and a poor man and i tell u when comes down to a choice, i choose to be rich every single time”!

Iran also answers to higher powers! I will leave that for another discussion! hint: Who was Vallerie Jarrett! Where was Iran enriching Weapons grade materials? (Syria?) There is a lot to explain but now i cant be bothered!


…The peak of the triangle or should we say “the apex” of the Globalist (Jewish Zionist) goals is to FORCE the USA into war, keep China out of war! STOP Russia and America allying and create a NEW global power equal to or greater than the Soviet union! Thats the end goal and if u understand that, then everything falls into place! i know u are a smart guy and that u know the Soviet union was truly a Jewish Zionist setup! To counter (not profit even though there is value in that) America! The end goal is world power and domination! No competition and to rule all! China was their new setup (directly after the fall of the Soviet union) China was invited into the WTO, NAFTA was made in the USA and war begun in the middle east! That was the end of the ball game! They KNEW Afghanistan was a no win situation! Even though some “experts” will claim otherwise! So the Zionist give China our industries, steal, hack, cheat, copy all of our tech (Russian too, right in Russia’s face they copy but nothing russia could do but take it up the ass)! If u think Russia truly loves China u are wrong! A thief on their border that they must bow to economically who also share a border with 1.4 billion people! Russia full of land and gas and oil! Russia isnt stupid! They KNOW china and the Zionists want their hands on that EASY to get oil thats just a land drive away! So what does Iran have to do with all of this?
 Many things!
 Iran got their hands on 5 of the 6 Davey Crocket nuclear mortars that found their way into Syria by the obama administration (u need to look this up to get the whole story)! Yes, Iran has 5 TACTICAL (not strategic) nukes that are from the USA!
 1 of those nukes were used by ISIS against Russian Mercs near the oil fields on the other side of the Euphrates! Putin knows it was a nuke too! Thats when he did the MASSIVE evacuation drill in Moscow with 40 million people going underground to send a message to Obama and Hillary “We know and we are ready”! The US defence secretary (General Mattis) was forced to lie to the media and say that he gave the order to kill 200 to 300 Russian mercs! Did u hear what i just said? YES u know it to be true! Since when can a US defence secretary give an order to kill 300 russian mercs like it was just an order to kill isis? This is an EXTREME WW3 escalation yet nobody questions it! NO! The truth had to be hidden and accepted by Putin (hence cooperation between Russia and the USA) that the use of the nuclear mortar by isis was not to leaked under any circumstances! I think u understand why! This included in Russia otherwise demand for retaliation might reach a fever pitch! So Iran has 5 tactical mortar launched nukes they got from ISIS near Al Qaim!
The General was planning to use these and blame ISIS! The plan was thwarted! This would spiral into all out war (much bigger than 9/11 all out war!
This would be the economic nail in the coffin for the USA whilst china keeps chugging along! Trump would likely be ousted as the President and there goes the ball game! China becomes number 1, the USA stuck in endless costly bigger wars! Iran’s leadership doesnt give a fuck about Iran! They care about their own skin! They do have a goal and the respect they would get for using a nuke on the USA or Israel would be huge! perhaps even unite the arab world or worse, start WW3! The latter is more likely! All muslims have a belief taught from their book! It goes something like “be soft and friendly when u are weak but show no mercy when u are strong”! This means they have been planning total destruction for their ultimate holy war! This is what they live for! As they say in the Godfather 3 “just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in”! The USA is trying to get out of the middle east under trump! But as u should realise, they (elites) are trying to sabotage these efforts because it will hurt their ultimate goal (China be number 1) US military intel knows exactly whats going on! So does Russia!
At every move, the Elites are trying anything they can to stop the US moving forward and GETTING OUT OF WARS! Stop Trump! Trump will get out of Iraq eventually! For sure!
 But at the moment it is still chess! Tactical destruction of globalist plans are occurring! Now if Iran tries anything, they pay a price in its economy! Revolution will finish off iran! Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! Iran like North Korea is being USED as a puppet attack dog! At all costs they will use every tactic and asset to stop 2 things: 1. Keeping USA at number 1 2. Stopping Russia and USA from becoming allies! After that, its game over for elites!
Literally game over! Including China and the UN


Would u like to see the New York Times (CIA, DeepState) Warning Iran and the General of an attack? (clear your cookies to get free access to the site)

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/02/opinion/hypersonic-missiles.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png


You make a good argument, though it seems to be a bit angry as usual. :0 Other countries affected by oil price spike will be S Korea, Japan, EU. Sometimes we like to down vote you just to screw with your head. :)


Yes u right! but remember these words? “America FIRST”! Do u understand that from this, Russia and America end up back on top (Where i am sure both are happy to be) whilst China will go back to the dark ages! China is a RISK to Russia too! How long will it be until china overtakes Russian Military tech? A decade? Less? Russia filled with oil and gas! Trust me, Russia is keeping its friends close and its enemies even closer! Russia and China’s alliance it merely mutual and temporary! Same as with Iran! Iran was Russia’s mortal enemy only 45 years a go!

i believe Trump is going to set up cheap labour in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc etc! Build up THEIR militaries (including India) to offset China and place US companies there that will be pulled out of China!

He already announced Fixing the migrant problem by sending American companies that use Chinese cheap labour (Slaves) to those latin American nations who flood the US for Economic reasons!

That problem is sorted if Chinese Jobs go there!

Chinese Slave labour is being exposed! Western world will be forced By the USA, the UN to condemn China’s slave labour and another reason to kick China from the WTO along with IP theft!

(pretty smart to be honest)!

China going down! mark my words! Russia is quietly happy about this! China will BEG Russia for oil (USA can ban China from its oil)! Russia will make EXTREME profits from China and build up its military while the USA pulls China down!

And as i predicted, Russia and the USA will become allies! Official after the 2020 elections so around 2021!

Japan and South Korea have plenty of money! they will be fine especially if they can move into North Korea under some new treaty to develop it! SK and Japan’s dependence on China’s Rare earth minerals for the tech industries will now go through Taiwan and Australia! Australia has much more than china in regards to rare earth minerals! Yet only 20% of Australia has been researched!

China has its eye on Australia (as did the japanese in WW2) Whilst Australia is economically allied with China, Australia’s military is allied with the USA! Since China’s is buying up all of the South Pacific islands by corrupting and buying its leaders to form a wedge between the USA and Australia! America is now moving into Australia!

Secretly, and i mean super secretly, Australia has nukes! We could not defend ourselves from China! Thats a hard fact! But what does australia have? 2 things!

1. The largest quantities of Uranium in the world! more than triple the second largest holder! 2. The nuclear non proliferation treaty is hear in my city Melbourne Australia (we decide who gets nuclear power) 3. We used to test nukes here! UK and Australia We also have a nuclear power plant (for research only) 4. the worlds biggest rocket base was in Woomera South Australia! It was bigger than what NASA had in the 1960’s! Australia and UK were testing ICBM’s in Australia in the 1960’s!

Anyway, i have digressed but its all linked! Geopolitical! And if u really did ur homework! You would know that China is a Zionazi nation! Globalists (who are 90% jews) set up china. Let them into the WTO and stole Western jobs! No regulations in China and no lobbying required! Keep USA in wars and China out of wars! Steal Russian and US military Tech! Steal intellectual property from Germany France etc etc etc!

its all a zionazi puppet nation just as the Soviet union was! The Bolsheviks were JEWS too!

So dont go loving china too much! its not like they treat people well!

Anyway, time will tell!


Some very good observations – namely the industrialization of China by the financial oligarchy of the City of London under Kissinger and their American puppets (Bush Sr., Clinton, Obama et al.) while the USA was de-industrialized.

According to Thierry Meyssan at Voltairenet, the Rouhani clan in Iran hoped/wanted Clinton to come to power. Considering Trump’s trade armwrestling with China and now what I think you justifiably called the Iran-trap, I can only deduce that Trump is backed by oligarchs opposing those who industrialized China. Why else are some so hell bent on removing Trump from power otherwise.


And more accurately Trump is backed by the military industrial complex even though there are some bad players within it! Yes its billionaires vs Trillionaires! Thats the more accurate way of putting it!

u know who the Trillionaires are! Those Zionist jews who created the state of Israel! The billionaires are the nationalist who lost their companies and sold out to trillionaire conglomerates who set up shop in China where there are no regulations and slave labour (monopoly)!

Jack Urso

Trump won’t be in office long enough. The combined military of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos will not offset China’s military – and all three nations have a vested interest in not becoming the next Nepal. The markets in those three countries cannot compare to China. If they did, those companies would already be there.


China lover i see! Well u and i are enemies thats for sure! hey i back Russia and Syria, but i dont back China at all! If u are a chinese main lander, fair enough! But if u are not chinese, then u are literally too dumb to understand what u are really saying! Enough said to the nuff nuff!

i got no respect for people who support Zionist setup shop China! lol

Luke Hemmming

You forgot 1 thing in relation to your opinion that Iraqi’s are celebrating his death. The Yanks also killed an Iraqi commanding officer and other Iraqi nationals and the attack was done by the US in Iraqi sovereign territory. Also most Iraqis want the US out of their country. So no i dont think many iraqis are celebrating Suleimani’s death at all. But they would definitely celebrate the US leaving Iraq.


the Iraqi officers are Shiia! Remember iraq has: 60% Shiia population 40% sunni Those at the top of leadership are Shiia since Shiia leaders took over Iraq ever since Sadam was ousted! That Shiia leadeship is controlled by Iran!

Im going to send u another post to explain whats going on! When u read it, u will need to research what i have told u! But the basics of it is this: Iran has 5 US made Davey Crocket Tactical nuclear mortars and were planning to use them to KEEP the USA from pulling out of the middle east (not to kick them out but to keep them there)! Doing this would escalate a massive war and ultimately drain the US economy!

ill send


.The peak of the triangle or should we say “the apex” of the Globalist (Jewish Zionist) goals is to FORCE the USA into war, keep China out of war! STOP Russia and America allying and create a NEW global power equal to or greater than the Soviet union! Thats the end goal and if u understand that, then everything falls into place! i know u are a smart guy and that u know the Soviet union was truly a Jewish Zionist setup! To counter (not profit even though there is value in that) America! The end goal is world power and domination! No competition and to rule all! China was their new setup (directly after the fall of the Soviet union) China was invited into the WTO, NAFTA was made in the USA and war begun in the middle east! That was the end of the ball game! They KNEW Afghanistan was a no win situation! Even though some “experts” will claim otherwise! So the Zionist give China our industries, steal, hack, cheat, copy all of our tech (Russian too, right in Russia’s face they copy but nothing russia could do but take it up the ass)! If u think Russia truly loves China u are wrong! A thief on their border that they must bow to economically who also share a border with 1.4 billion people! Russia full of land and gas and oil! Russia isnt stupid! They KNOW china and the Zionist want their hands on that EASY to get oil thats just a land drive away! So what does Iran have to do with all of this?
Many things!
Iran got their hands on 5of the 6 Davey Crocket nuclear mortars that found their way into Syria by the obama administration (u need to look this up to get the whole story)! Yes, Iran has 5 TACTICAL (not strategic) nukes that are from the USA!
1 of those nukes were used by ISIS against Russian Mercs! Putin knows it was a nuke too! Thats when he did the MASSIVE evacuation drill in Moscow with 40 million people going underground to send a message to Obama and Hillary “We know and we are ready”! The US defence secretary (General Mattis) was forced to lie to the media and say that he gave the order to kill of 200 to 300 Russian mercs! Did u hear what i just said? YES u know it to be true! Since when can a US defence secretary give an order to kill 300 russian mercs like it was just an order to kill isis? This is a possible WW3 escalation yet nobody questions it! NO! The truth had to be hidden and accepted by Putin (hence cooperation between Russia and the USA) that the use of the nuclear mortar by isis were not to leaked under any circumstances! I think u understand why! This included in Russia otherwise demand for retaliation might reach a fever pitch! So Iran has 5 tactical mortar launched nukes they got from ISIS near Al Qaim!
The General was planning to use these and blame ISIS! The plan was thwarted! This would spiral into all out war (much bigger than 9/11 all out war!
This would be the economic nail in the coffin for the USA whilst china keeps chugging along! Trump would likely be ousted as the President and there goes the ball game! China becomes number 1, the USA stuck in endless costly bigger wars! Iran’s leadership doesnt give a fuck about Iran! They care about their own skin! They do have a goal and the respect they would get for using a nuke on the USA or Israel would be huge! perhaps even unite the arab world or worse, start WW3! The latter is more likely! All muslims have a belief taught from their book! It goes something like “be soft and friendly when u are weak but show no mercy when u are strong”! This means they have been planning total destruction for their ultimate holy war! This is what they live for! As they say in the Godfather 3 “just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in”! The USA is trying to get out of the middle east under trump! But as u should realise, they (elites) are trying to sabotage these efforts because it will hurt their ultimate goal (China be number 1) US mililtary intel knows exactly whats going on! So does Russia!
At every move, the Elites are trying anything they can to stop the US moving forward and GETTING OUT OF WARS! Stop Trump! Trump will get out of Iraq eventually! For sure!
But at them moment it is still chess! Tactical destruction of globalist plans are occurring! Now if Iran tries anything, they pay a price in its economy! Revolution will finish off iran! Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! Iran like North Korea is being USED as a puppet attack dog! At all costs they will use every tactic and asset to stop 2 things: Keeping USA at number 1
Stopping Russia and USA from becoming allies! After that, its game over for elites!
Literally game over! Including China and the UN


Astute assessment – it is more about China than anything else. I can’t however help but wonder if it’s a trap or part of a long-time plan? The mullahs in Iran were after all enthroned by the Anglo-Americans.


Yes! u right! BP (British) is in control of Iran! But that doesnt always mean Britain! its a corporation owned by u know who! Globalist zionists! Back then Globalists operated purely from the powerful nations by taking over their banking and political systems (pedo honey traps were one way of doing this) Then those entrapped would be made to vote for “foreign aid” which is really a kick back to those same Globalists which is laundered through the banks they owned! Money made in other ways too such as human trafficking, honey trapped billionaires forces to invest in hedge funds which were really just cash accounts to be used to keep funding their mafia style system!

Iran found an ally in obama and his iranian advisor vallerie jarrett who’s family name goes to iranian leadership and even royalty!

obama’s secret service name that he himself chose was “Renegade”!

“a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. “an agent who later turns out to be a renegade”

“having treacherously changed allegiance. “a renegade bodyguard”

Why would a US POTUS choose such a name!

if u knew the real reason why the US killed this Iranian Quds General, then u may have a better perspective on the matter! let me explain in the next post


Why they killed the General!

.The peak of the triangle or should we say “the apex” of the Globalist (Jewish Zionist) goals is to FORCE the USA into war, keep China out of war! STOP Russia and America allying and create a NEW global power equal to or greater than the Soviet union! Thats the end goal and if u understand that, then everything falls into place! i know u are a smart guy and that u know the Soviet union was truly a Jewish Zionist setup! To counter (not profit even though there is value in that) America! The end goal is world power and domination! No competition and to rule all! China was their new setup (directly after the fall of the Soviet union) China was invited into the WTO, NAFTA was made in the USA and war begun in the middle east! That was the end of the ball game! They KNEW Afghanistan was a no win situation! Even though some “experts” will claim otherwise! So the Zionist give China our industries, steal, hack, cheat, copy all of our tech (Russian too, right in Russia’s face they copy but nothing russia could do but take it up the ass)! If u think Russia truly loves China u are wrong! A thief on their border that they must bow to economically who also share a border with 1.4 billion people! Russia full of land and gas and oil! Russia isnt stupid! They KNOW china and the Zionists want their hands on that EASY to get oil thats just a land drive away! So what does Iran have to do with all of this?
 Many things!
 Iran got their hands on 5 of the 6 Davey Crocket nuclear mortars that found their way into Syria by the obama administration (u need to look this up to get the whole story)! Yes, Iran has 5 TACTICAL (not strategic) nukes that are from the USA!
 1 of those nukes were used by ISIS against Russian Mercs near the oil fields on the other side of the Euphrates! Putin knows it was a nuke too! Thats when he did the MASSIVE evacuation drill in Moscow with 40 million people going underground to send a message to Obama and Hillary “We know and we are ready”! The US defence secretary (General Mattis) was forced to lie to the media and say that he gave the order to kill 200 to 300 Russian mercs! Did u hear what i just said? YES u know it to be true! Since when can a US defence secretary give an order to kill 300 russian mercs like it was just an order to kill isis? This is an EXTREME WW3 escalation yet nobody questions it! NO! The truth had to be hidden and accepted by Putin (hence cooperation between Russia and the USA) that the use of the nuclear mortar by isis was not to leaked under any circumstances! I think u understand why! This included in Russia otherwise demand for retaliation might reach a fever pitch! So Iran has 5 tactical mortar launched nukes they got from ISIS near Al Qaim!
The General was planning to use these and blame ISIS! The plan was thwarted! This would spiral into all out war (much bigger than 9/11 all out war!
This would be the economic nail in the coffin for the USA whilst china keeps chugging along! Trump would likely be ousted as the President and there goes the ball game! China becomes number 1, the USA stuck in endless costly bigger wars! Iran’s leadership doesnt give a fuck about Iran! They care about their own skin! They do have a goal and the respect they would get for using a nuke on the USA or Israel would be huge! perhaps even unite the arab world or worse, start WW3! The latter is more likely! All muslims have a belief taught from their book! It goes something like “be soft and friendly when u are weak but show no mercy when u are strong”! This means they have been planning total destruction for their ultimate holy war! This is what they live for! As they say in the Godfather 3 “just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in”! The USA is trying to get out of the middle east under trump! But as u should realise, they (elites) are trying to sabotage these efforts because it will hurt their ultimate goal (China be number 1) US military intel knows exactly whats going on! So does Russia!
At every move, the Elites are trying anything they can to stop the US moving forward and GETTING OUT OF WARS! Stop Trump! Trump will get out of Iraq eventually! For sure!
 But at the moment it is still chess! Tactical destruction of globalist plans are occurring! Now if Iran tries anything, they pay a price in its economy! Revolution will finish off iran! Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! Iran like North Korea is being USED as a puppet attack dog! At all costs they will use every tactic and asset to stop 2 things: 1. Keeping USA at number 1 2. Stopping Russia and USA from becoming allies! After that, its game over for elites!
Literally game over! Including China and the UN


Thank you for your comments which I’ll address collectively here. If I may digress before moving forward with the many great points you brought up (and please do chime your thoughts): I don’t know if we can call the Globalists in question “Jewish” and/or mostly Jewish. Can’t really blame anyone for thinking so when Jews are always everywhere all the time – from the likes of the Rothschild to Hollywood to the media to governments, etc. This is not to be in disagreement with you but to get to the bottom of things in order to avoid falling for one of the Globalists’ controlled opposition narratives. The “Jewish” argument seems used as facade to keep them (as a whole) behind thick multi layers of confusion. Zionists? Sure but what is it exactly? Most Jews before WW2 rejected Modern Zionism as Godless and only embraced it after WW2. Modern Zionism is safe to say an Anglo-Saxon imperial tool. Some will argue that they are Kabbalist (yes), and thus Jewish (yes and no), but there again the Kabbalah (a name that came to be in the 13th century AD onward that later gave rise to various cults (Freemasonry, Golden Dawn, etc)) is not Jewish in origin. It’s a gnostic that originated in India and moved (and further developed) to/in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, Canaan (the 22 letters of the Kabbalah are originally the considered-sacred Phoenicians letters) to later land in the hands of the Greeks (Delphism), Romans (Bacchism), Venetians and finally other ruling classes of Europe. It was always in the hands of those who ruled. This is not to say – in any shape or form – that there are no Jews among them (on quite the contrary) but are they really Jewish and does religion as most of us know of it even matters to them? The way I see it: it’s pagan ruling class vs monotheistic plebeian. The ending part of your comment “Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! ” resonates with “You can never understand Venice by studying what posi­tions the Venetians took on an issue. The Venetians did not care what position they took. They always took all positions. Their method was one of looking for the weak point and corrupting the person. At this form of evil, they were the masters. Their diplomatic corps was the best in the world at the time, and the British diplomatic corps was trained by the Venetians.” – from an article I read a while back on the Venetian takeover of England. It can be argued that Jews controlled Venice and thus the Venetian oligarchy was Jewish. I don’t know how that could have been when the Jews of Venice (identified with a yellow star (like in WW2)) were seclude to ghettos on the outskirt of the mainland. Jews mostly became prominent after Venice moved north where they convinced the Anglo-Saxon were the real descendants of the “Lost Tribes” and established the banks of Amsterdam and England (both of which, like today’s central banks, are based on Venice’s Banco di Rialto). If the likes of the Rothschild were the real masters, sure they would have been able to forge an alliance with Bismark when he approached them. Instead, the masters in the City of London unleashed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, pinned all the malevolence of the world on “Jews”, destroyed Germany to prevent it from becoming the center of banking. Whoever the Globalists are, they operated through Masonic lodges and they are at war (which you inferred to with “its all about draining one empire and propping up another”). Anyway, this is off-topic matter that can go in length and I don’t wish to digress further. I wanted to make a note for the sake of reason.

Back to topic. When we consider that the IMF (according to none other than Lagarde) could move its HQ from Washington to Beijing and how, according to Thierry Meyssan at Voltairenet, the City of London “… obtained the necessary privileges by signing an agreement in April with the Central Bank of China … and will be able to use the sovereignty to develop the yuan market.”, the points you’ve made connect in a serious way: China is to be made number one. And while this may seem like a good thing (after all, most people are rejoicing at the downfall of the USA and the US dollar), it is nothing but the continuation of Globalists’ modus operandi to fully control the world. It should be noted how the People’s Bank of China is part of the Bank of England’s banking consortium committee involved in the Climate Change scam – something Trump existed and something Putin has heavily and publicly criticized. We have yet to hear a whisper from China on this.

On a note related note in regards to the rise of China, it’s interesting to see how during the Cold War, the Globalists transferred (through hundreds of US companies) technology (mainly ballistic) to the Soviet Union (something uncovered by Anthony Sutton) and now they have transferred the same and beyond more to China. Which begs the question (if you know the answer, please chime in), how is the case of Russia today different? After all, and like China, Russia was destroyed with a revolution by the Globalists, Western tech was transferred to it and there are, within Russia, many Zionist elements still.

The argument where you state that Russia and China are, in reality, enemies is interesting. On the surface, the two seem allies – trade, military, etc. They did after all participate, with Iran, in a navy exercise recently. The intricacies, I agree, may be very different. Back in the 1990s, Kenneth de Courcy (editor of the British subscription newsletter Intelligence Digest) had “prophesied” (read: stated the Globalists’ plan) of a war in the Middle East that would lead to WW3. De Courcy claimed that Russia was helping Syria and Iran prepare for the war in transferring nuclear technology to them. Britain, to save Israel, would then rely on the USA to strike the Russian-Syrian-Iranian alliance. China, again according to de Courcy, would have manipulated Russia into an alliance with Iran – to weaken Russia and take the Eastern part of it (apparently a long-time objective). While a lot has changed since the 1990s, de Courcy’s “prophecy” echoes your argument in many regards. If your assessment of the overall geopolitics is accurate (most points to it), taming China (and the UN) would indeed be required. According to Thierry Meyssan, when Obama was still in power, Putin had the chanced to end the UN once and for all but didn’t since Russia wasn’t ready to take over the relay with an equivalent organization.

On the topic of Iran and if we look at it since 1979, all the mullahs has been successful at it to keep Iran socially backwards and strengthen Israel through endless threats. That is not to say that the Shah was any better but at least in the end, he turned his back on them and wanted to modernize Iran. Your explanation of the motives behind the killing of Soleimani makes a lot of sense – especially in consideration of the nuclear tactical mortars (never knew about it and/or how it connected to the Benghazi fiasco; thanks for that). A regional war in the Middle East to potentially lead to a Third World War becomes obvious by the day. They (the Globalists) didn’t call Israel “an interesting experiment” or “the end of the world” for any reason.

There is also the matter of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the agitation in Hong Kong (supposedly aimed at removing Xi Jinping from power). What are your thoughts?


Thank you for your comments which I’ll address collectively here. If I may digress before moving forward with the many great points you brought up (and please do chime your thoughts): I don’t know if we can call the Globalists in question “Jewish” and/or mostly Jewish. Can’t really blame anyone for thinking so when Jews are always everywhere all the time – from the likes of the Rothschild to Hollywood to the media to governments, etc. This is not to be in disagreement with you but to get to the bottom of things in order to avoid falling for one of the Globalists’ controlled opposition narratives. The “Jewish” argument seems used as facade to keep them (as a whole) behind thick multi layers of confusion. Zionists? Sure but what is it exactly? Most Jews before WW2 rejected Modern Zionism as Godless and only embraced it after WW2. Modern Zionism is safe to say an Anglo-Saxon imperial tool. Some will argue that they are Kabbalist (yes), and thus Jewish (yes and no), but there again the Kabbalah (a name that came to be in the 13th century AD onward that later gave rise to various cults (Freemasonry, Golden Dawn, etc)) is not Jewish in origin. It’s a gnostic that originated in India and moved (and further developed) to/in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, Canaan (the 22 letters of the Kabbalah are originally the considered-sacred Phoenicians letters) to later land in the hands of the Greeks (Delphism), Romans (Bacchism), Venetians and finally other ruling classes of Europe. It was always in the hands of those who ruled. This is not to say – in any shape or form – that there are no Jews among them (on quite the contrary) but are they really Jewish and does religion as most of us know of it even matters to them? The way I see it: it’s pagan ruling class vs monotheistic plebeian. The ending part of your comment “Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! ” resonates with “You can never understand Venice by studying what posi­tions the Venetians took on an issue. The Venetians did not care what position they took. They always took all positions. Their method was one of looking for the weak point and corrupting the person. At this form of evil, they were the masters. Their diplomatic corps was the best in the world at the time, and the British diplomatic corps was trained by the Venetians.” – from an article I read a while back on the Venetian takeover of England. It can be argued that Jews controlled Venice and thus the Venetian oligarchy was Jewish. I don’t know how that could have been when the Jews of Venice (identified with a yellow star (like in WW2)) were seclude to ghettos on the outskirt of the mainland. Jews mostly became prominent after Venice moved north where they convinced the Anglo-Saxon were the real descendants of the “Lost Tribes” and established the banks of Amsterdam and England (both of which, like today’s central banks, are based on Venice’s Banco di Rialto). If the likes of the Rothschild were the real masters, sure they would have been able to forge an alliance with Bismark when he approached them. Instead, the masters in the City of London unleashed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, pinned all the malevolence of the world on “Jews”, destroyed Germany to prevent it from becoming the center of banking. Whoever the Globalists are, they operated through Masonic lodges and they are at war (which you inferred to with “its all about draining one empire and propping up another”). Anyway, this is off-topic matter that can go in length and I don’t wish to digress further. I wanted to make a note for the sake of reason.

Back to topic. When we consider that the IMF (according to none other than Lagarde) could move its HQ from Washington to Beijing and how, according to Thierry Meyssan at Voltairenet, the City of London “… obtained the necessary privileges by signing an agreement in April with the Central Bank of China … and will be able to use the sovereignty to develop the yuan market.”, the points you’ve made connect in a serious way: China is to be made number one. And while this may seem like a good thing (after all, most people are rejoicing at the downfall of the USA and the US dollar), it is nothing but the continuation of Globalists’ modus operandi to fully control the world. It should be noted how the People’s Bank of China is part of the Bank of England’s banking consortium committee involved in the Climate Change scam – something Trump existed and something Putin has heavily and publicly criticized. We have yet to hear a whisper from China on this.

On a note related note in regards to the rise of China, it’s interesting to see how during the Cold War, the Globalists transferred (through hundreds of US companies) technology (mainly ballistic) to the Soviet Union (something uncovered by Anthony Sutton) and now they have transferred the same and beyond more to China. Which begs the question (if you know the answer, please chime in), how is the case of Russia today different? After all, and like China, Russia was destroyed with a revolution by the Globalists, Western tech was transferred to it and there are, within Russia, many Zionist elements still.

The argument where you state that Russia and China are, in reality, enemies is interesting. On the surface, the two seem allies – trade, military, etc. They did after all participate, with Iran, in a navy exercise recently. The intricacies, I agree, may be very different. Back in the 1990s, Kenneth de Courcy (editor of the British subscription newsletter Intelligence Digest) had “prophesied” (read: stated the Globalists’ plan) of a war in the Middle East that would lead to WW3. De Courcy claimed that Russia was helping Syria and Iran prepare for the war in transferring nuclear technology to them. Britain, to save Israel, would then rely on the USA to strike the Russian-Syrian-Iranian alliance. China, again according to de Courcy, would have manipulated Russia into an alliance with Iran – to weaken Russia and take the Eastern part of it (apparently a long-time objective). While a lot has changed since the 1990s, de Courcy’s “prophecy” echoes your argument in many regards. If your assessment of the overall geopolitics is accurate (most points to it), taming China (and the UN) would indeed be required. According to Thierry Meyssan, when Obama was still in power, Putin had the chanced to end the UN once and for all but didn’t since Russia wasn’t ready to take over the relay with an equivalent organization.

On the topic of Iran and if we look at it since 1979, all the mullahs has been successful at it to keep Iran socially backwards and strengthen Israel through endless threats. That is not to say that the Shah was any better but at least in the end, he turned his back on them and wanted to modernize Iran. Your explanation of the motives behind the killing of Soleimani makes a lot of sense – especially in consideration of the nuclear tactical mortars (never knew about it and/or how it connected to the Benghazi fiasco; thanks for that). A regional war in the Middle East to potentially lead to a Third World War becomes obvious by the day. They (the Globalists) didn’t call Israel “an interesting experiment” or “the end of the world” for any reason.

There is also the matter of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the agitation in Hong Kong (supposedly aimed at removing Xi Jinping from power). What are your thoughts?


To answer your first comment on Jews! Most Orthodox Jews, especially the ultra orthodox (i know that u know the ones i mean) do not / will not go back to Israel! They are mostly against Zionism! WHY? Because they believe that only the Messiah in which they are waiting can give back their “Holy Land”! Therefore going back to Israel is against their belief! They are largely against the state of Israel!

The Jew factor: Its based on the roots of evil! Banking, Media, Finance etc etc! Their Talmud also regards Gentiles to be used as animals while they sit and drink! Well those Jews at the top of this Cabal always fall behind these beliefs when questioned by even their own people! That they are doing God’s work because God said for them to do this! So why are they hated and blamed? Because they are free of morals! They have been rescued time after time and yet when given an opportunity to be free and thrive again, they stab us in the back! The muslims allowed them to live in their lands! So did the Christians! Yet look at China, invited into the ATO 30 years a go and all they do is copy, steal, lie, cheat, buy, hack and corrupt to receive transfers! Some nations ideologies and beliefs allow them to act with impunity even against those who harbour and protect them! This is why they are hated!

Do u believe that the Rothschilds were ordained by God himself to create the state of Israel via their Balfour Declaration? I dont think so! However these are the people doing the dirty work and most Jews will see them as “doing Gods work”! Therefore named Zionists! Including Christian Zionists! Its a “one size fits all”! Yes they are seperate! The Jews who wont return to israel and the ones who do and the ones who support it! But in the end, in business, they all are in the same boat! Money money money, use use use! Its in their holy book to use us even as WE save them! To them, God saved them, not us! So to still use us is to be Jewish!

YES, China is a continuation of Globalist Elites rule! In fact its an advancement of it! President for life, One party, no building regulations, no global warming issues regulating its industries when they will BUY all carbon credits! China can pollute all it wants and the West must produce almost zero emissions. Also no ned for lobbyist or to corrupt a new politician every 4 to 6 years! A digital spy grid and a social credit system! No guns, no rights! Total control!

Russia did send US Uranium (Clinton organised Uranium one scandal) to Iran! So that when a nuke was set off, the uranium signature (much like chemicals can be traced to nations) would show the signature that the Uranium came from the USA! Therefore the USA would be blamed for a Nuclear bomb! Either as a false flag against them or as a nation who should be blamed for supplying it!

However the rabbit hole is much deeper! A setup! Russia (Putin) had something over Clinton and Obama! Leverage! Putin knew long before (through General Michael Flynn) the plans for the US military intel to take over the USA (for good reasons) much like the the Russian military Intel agencies took over Russia and putting in Putin! What u dont know is that Trump is and has always been working for the NSA! A spy if u will! Doesnt drink, doesnt smoke! invited to all parties, keeping an eye on the honey traps! A commonly used tactic to control US politicians!

Look up John G Trump! Now there is something interesting! He took over Tesla’s work on the Ultra Secret stuff! im talking Majestic 12 stuff! Trump’s uncle! Trump knows all!

On Hong Kong and China, better explained in very interesting video!


The Jewish question requires a more thorough analysis than a simple “it’s the Jews”. Going with the latter is, I think, falling for a controlled opposition narrative. This is not to justify anything but to explain matters within perspective and reason. For instance, Aristotle wasn’t Jewish, yet in his Politics, he claimed (and this is something the ancient and modern oligarchies have all adopted and practiced) that some men are born slaves. Similarities with Judaism can clearly be observed (since Aristotle did have a major influence on it):

• For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule…

• And indeed the use made of slaves and of tame animals is not very different; for both with their bodies minister to the needs of life.

Either way, this isn’t the more pressing matter at the moment.


Total control in China seems to be a blueprint for the rest of the world. The social credit system, biometrics analysis to know who is where/when, cyber control, etc is alarming.


Where did Russia get US Uraniun and why did they send it to Iran? Should your time permit, I’d like to hear more on this. The same goes for the leverage Putin had and Trump’s uncle.


there is no “Jewish question” and your Aristotle quote has nothing to do with “the Jews”


The “Jewish question” was colloquial and in reference to this particular discussion I had with Justin.

Never said Aristotle’s quote had anything to do with Jews. If you read my comment again, more carefully this time, I spoke of influence to highlight similarities.


Yes I know your reference to a “Jewish question” was in addressing the bigotry from Justin who raised the canards about evil Jews in banking etc and hating Gentiles blah blah blah.

You treated his bigotry with some respect, as if it was worthy of “analysis” when the fact is that there is no rational question about Jews being involved in any industry nor any rational question about Jews having any sort of “evil” ideas or motives different from any other peoples.

That’s what I meant by “there is no Jewish question”.

Aristotle’s quote about people being born slaves has zero “similarity with Judaism”. That was my point that his quote had zero to do with Jews.


I do my best to address everyone with respect, regardless of their difference of opinion and always encourage critical thinking. If your issue is with Justin, please take it to him.

You once again missed the point of my comment with Aristotle where I meant to highlight that caste systems have outside Judaism.


my issue was with your use of the bigoted idea of a Jewish question as being a serious inquiry. There is no such question as I explained.

and — Judaism doesn’t have a “cast-like system”. It’s not Hinduism, nor a European feudal system.

Unless you mean that by having the Cohens be Priests is “cast-like” — but that would certainly not be remotely akin to Aristotle’s ideas of a “slave” class.


At this point, I don’t know if you’re trolling or serious (but plain thick).

• The usage of “Jewish” and “Question” was colloquial. I clarified this.

• In bringing out Aristotle, I actually “sided” with Judaism to explain that demented mentalities have existed outside Judaism.

• My “caste-like” reference was, too, colloquial. Regardless, the Jewish Talmud is one of the most vile text ever written. Not only does it clearly establish a difference between Jews and non-Jews, it also advocates respective laws and treatment.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc10f1a31eda2761bfd42d348b1e6519243f6b56a7cfe3a5ef9444ce41932495.png 1. Continued Teslas work 2. Classified, Classified, Classified 3. Work for the National Research Committee!

Royal Families and Wealthy keep their blood lines pure and marry back into wealth to congregate their wealth! CEO’s and high level people marry the Elites! Intel agencies work for these elites yet funded by nations! Intel agents marry lawyers and Lawyers and Media people! Media people and Lawyers also marry politicians!

This is how the leaks of information work!

Epstein worked for Mossad! Trump worked for the NSA Snowden worked for the CIA (planted into the NSA to kill / release its powerful weapons)

Trump has almost the same kind of lifestyle as Epstein minus the child trafficking! But he was a billionaire who was not allowed to go broke :) His ability to be in the middle of all political parties (by donations) and being friendly with the highest of them enabled him to gather intel!

He was also the ACE up the sleeve! the perfect Anti politics politician! So it was either Trump OR a military coup (as what occurred in Russia)

Trump was put in!

i have a lot more interesting facts to give! but its a very deep rabbit hole! In the end, no matter what u see or hear, Russia and the USA will become allies! officially!



When you say that Putin and Trump were emergency measures, do you mean that they are the Globalists’ tool to continue the same modus operandi or that they are the opposing elites’ “in case of fire, break glass”? I am not understanding that part correctly. Otherwise, and while I agree that Trump wants to stir the US economy in a different way, I don’t know if he changed it. Trying, yes. Change, not yet. Again, if your time permits, I’d like to hear more on the depth of the rabbit hole.


On Hong Kong and China! HERE is all you need to know! VERY VERY GOOD VIDEO!!



Thanks for the video, I watched couple months ago. I think that Guo Wengui isn’t any less corrupt than the ones he points the finger at. He made his money in corrupt China with corrupt Chinese businessmen/officials. When things went south of him, he scooped his wealth and left. I am sure you heard of his, among others, story with Ma Jian.

I haven’t looked into the allegations Wengui makes about China (the creation of a fake economy through overprinting money, HK’s agitation, Jack Ma’s “retirement”, etc) but I think there is a serious elements of discussion.

That said, we must keep in mind that there is a war within the Communist Party of China – Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign ( i.e. the new crew is cleaning the old crew). This is a speculation on my part but perhaps Guo Wengui was associated with the old crew and now cries wolf. Also, his relationship with the two-faced Steve Bannon is a major red flag.


(1) “Can’t really blame anyone for thinking so when Jews are always everywhere all the time” — this just shows strong competence within the Jewish community. But to be fair, you can also find Christians everywhere. And Athiests everywhere.

(2) “Most Jews before WW2 rejected Modern Zionism as Godless and only embraced it after WW2. Modern Zionism is safe to say an Anglo-Saxon imperial tool.” The first part of your statement is completely true but that last part is completely false.

The reason Zionism wasn’t widely accepted before the Holocaust was that the Jewish community had faith that the progressive Gentile nations would eventually stop scapegoating them, and absent the scapegoating that the cyclical oppression would also stop. The Holocaust convinced most Jews that this hope was more wishful thinking than real, and that is why they overwhelmingly became Zionists.

This is why “modern Zionism” is primarily and at core a liberation and self-defense movement. It is not about “imperialism” and has zero to do with helping Anglo-Saxons. To the contrary, it is a rejection of supremacy concepts in the European and Arabian communities.

Modern Zionism also has zero to do with Kaballah.


Agreed, Christians and Atheists are also found everywhere but they are not blamed for the maleovance of the world. Jews are.


Suggesting that Jews rejected Modern Zionism on the basis that they had faith that non-Jews would stop scapegoating them is nothing but a ludicrous and mostly speculative opinion on your part. Jews rejected Modern Zionism for the sole reason that it was a Godless ideology. Jews knew they were put on the (so-called) Exile by Divine Decree and that only a Divine Redemption could end it. The Anglo-Saxon (a.k.a. British) ruling class played the role of God. They pitted Britain’s competitors (namely Germany and Russia) against Jews and Jews against those competitors. Britain then presented itself as the Savior of Jews. The following should not be a secret to anyone anymore but should you not be aware, the recruitment/financing/rise of Hitler/Nazism was the work of the British ruling class. I hope you can do the rest of the math.

The motive is multi-faceted but can be resumed to Germany rising further more economically and becoming the center of banking (needless to say, the City of London became that center after WW2) and the need to break German-Russian alliance.


I did think to have made a direct relation to Modern Zionism and the Kabbalah.


Agreed that — although there is nothing remarkable about Jews being “everywhere” — they are nevertheless scapegoated and blamed by bigots for the malevolence of the world.

This is of course a horrible and serious problem within the Gentile communities, and has historically been the reason for so much death and oppression of the innocent and tiny Jewish community.

You suggested that the scapegoating should be expected because some Jews had been successful in most all areas — but of course this is not at all logical — unless you are suggesting that Gentile bigotry is rooted in jealousy.

Perhaps there is an element of that, but I haven’t actually seen evidence of that explanation. We have very many horrific anti-Jewish bigots who have been very wealthy and successful themselves.

As for your ideas on the history of Zionism – all I can say is that they are very false. While true that a tiny number of the most extremely religious Jews even today reject the idea of Jewish national self-defense because they say only the Messiah should establish it – that was not the principal reason for the pre Holocaust rejection of Zionism among the Jewish community.

Indeed, it was secular Jews who were the most vocal in opposition to Zionism at that time, so the Messiah had zero to do with their objection. The majority objection was rooted in the idea that we did not need Zionism, because the oppression was going to be overcome by way of progressive politics and enlightenment.

Those Jews foolishly believed that education would stamp out racism and bigotry. And that as the world was becoming more educated the bigotry would decrease.

Then came the Holocaust, and the vast majority of Jews became “woke” to the fact that they couldn’t count on political evolution either to work at all, or to work in sufficiently prompt time to avoid the horrors of genocide and lesser oppression.

those are the historical facts. The argument that it was primarily about waiting for the Messiah instead makes no sense, because the Holocaust did not cause the Jewish community to become secular.

The defining fact that changed the minds of the Jewish community to embrace Zionism was the Holocaust And modern Zionism is based principally on self-defense needs, to be met by an army based in our actual historical homeland.


Anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe and their scapegoating for centuries was not the point of my comment. My point is that a certain elite has pushed the “It’s the Jews” argument to keep themselves in the shadow.

I never said Jews were successful in most all areas nor did I suggest that bigotry against Jews, should therefore, be expected. I meant to explain and not justify the reason why people blame Jews.


My argument about Modern Zionism (not to be confused with Religious Zionism) are not personal and/or opinionated ideas.

Jews did not care about Palestine and/or Modern Zionism before WW2. The Jews of Germany for instance were assimilating with non-Jews; meaning that they were emancipating. The Jews of Russia (Odessa primarily) only started moving to Palestine en masse in the late 1800s following the progroms (paradoxically backed by prominent Jewish families – namely the Recanati of Venice (who founded the Israel Discount Bank) and Dwecks of Aleppo and justified by the British ruling class)). Colonialism is a big business and Jews served as colonists. WW1 liberated Palestine from the Ottoman rule. WW2 unleashed Nazism (and Fascism) – without which Jews would have never migrated to Palestine – hence why they embraced Modern Zionism. Both were imposed upon them.

“Historical homeland” you say. The Jews did not found Jerusalem, the pagan Canaanites known as Jebusites did. Jerusalem is name after their God of Dusk, Shalem – Uru Shalem. We know today, thanks for modern forensic archeology, that Canaan was never invaded (see below). We know, again thanks for archeology, that no Exodus ever happened, that no Saul/David/Solomon, Kingdoms and what not every existed. So how can it be your “historical homeland”? Besides, it takes a special kind of person (one who lacks intelligence) to think/believe that today’s Jews (from the Levant, the Middle East, from Africa, from Indian, Russia, Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, etc) were once one people to decide to make a U-Turn two thousand years later. Each and every single Jew today descent from converts. Jews either don’t know this or do know it but chose, willingly, to ignore it. Your own Jewish source attest of it.


a) interesting idea that you believe there are secretive Gentile elites that created anti-Jew bigotry to deflect attention away from themselves. That’s not a theory I have heard before.

who were/are these Gentile groups?

I think that the Gentile hatred of the Jew in Europe comes mostly from the New Testament portrait of them as killing Gd Himself and not being spiritual etc etc.; coupled with their adherence to their faith, which by definition suggests that Christianity is not the “new” replacement faith; and most importantly by their very small number so they were subject to mob override.

b) Modern Zionism — you are repeating what I said. THe Holocaust is what pushed the vast majority of Jews to become Zionist – waking them up from the false view that progressive politics and assimilation would end the bigotry. THis proves my point that modern zionism is a liberation and community self-protection movement against the cycle of anti-Jewish oppression. The founders of modern Israel were the Malcolm X’s of the Jewish community.

c)Historical homeland does not mean or require that there were zero humans living in the area prior to Abe. In fact we know that is not the case, as you point out.

it is nevertheless the historical homeland of the Jewish people. It is the place in which they were united as a people and had their first community government. It contains their historical archaeology dating back to biblical times.

c) converts in our chain doesn’t mean anything. it’s not some sort of racial purity issue. Isaac’s grand kids were all products of converts. only Isaac was “purely” from Abe and Sarah.


What I believe is irrelevant. You have shown to be ignorant of most matters/topics discussed and I don’t expect you to be aware of the elite in question. If you wish to educate yourself, I invite you to read Webster Tarpley’s Against Oligarchy for starters and progress with Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment. Manual Sarkiyanz From Fascism to Imperialism, Guido Preparatta’s Conjuring with Hitler and Anthony Sutton’s Hitler and the rise of HItler are also excellent references to understand the role played by that elite in the rise of Nazism.

You said it yourself: Jews have been scapegoated. This has been true for centuries. What makes you think that it changed? The very same ruling class has pushed anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe for hegemonic purposes. In pitting competitor nations against Jews and Jews against nations, Britain came out victorious and was able to expand its empire. The so-called “Jewish” The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for instance came out of Masonic circles to undermine Jewish influence in Germany.


It is safe to say that the New Testament played a role in anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe but I don’t think it was the primary reason. Economics/finance/money was. Nations with Jewish communities tended to rise economically. Non-Jews knew that and made sure they were not overtaken. It should be noted here that the Jews of Europe and the Mediterranean were all converts to Judaism.

Large numbers of Phoenicians and Carthaginians became Jewish, bringing with them “their commercial skills”.

Baron, Salo, Arcadius Kahan, et al (eds), 1975, Economic History of the Jews (Keter).

Jewish prosperity and political influence at this time impacted on the empire of the Khazars. Its elite actually converted to Judaism late in the 9th century as a way of maintaining its political independence and integrating itself into the Jewish trading network.

Abramsky, Chimen, et al (eds), 1986, The Jews in Poland (Blackwell).


I understand you’re not a person of reason but you shouldn’t make stuff up; there is no “historical archaeology dating back to biblical times”. Modern forensic archeology actually contradicts the Biblical stories: Jews were never enslaved in Egypt, there was no Exodus, there was no invasion of Canaan and/or the mass-killing of Canaanites, no Abraham/Saul/David/Solomon, no Kingdoms, and what not. But don’t take my word for it:

Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs’ acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.

Ze’ev Herzog. Israeli archeologist, professor of archaeology at The Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University.

Whoever the authors of the (vile) Old Testament were, they wrote fairytales (based/distorted on older Mesopotamian/Canaanite/Egyptian stories/beliefs/concepts) to make up for their insignificance and garner followers to collect a tax at the temple. Above all, Judaism is Pharisaism:

”Among the innumerable misfortunes which have befallen… the most fatal in its consequences is the name Judaism… neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard…”

Rabbi Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow, “Yahvism and Other Discourses”

”Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement.”

Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, “The Pharisees, The Sociological Background of Their Faith

Hence why there is nothing “Jewish” on the ground in terms of archeology prior to the Pharisaic period of the 2th century BCE. Today’s Jews are in dire need of their own “history”.


not quite getting your references to the Iron age – but that started some 1000 years before Jesus, not 1000 years after as you appear to be saying. Exactly when the Canaanites were defeated is not a relevant issue. It’s not a disputable fact that the ancient kingdom of Israel was in the area we now know is Israel and the West Bank etc.


As I previously stated, you’re not a person of reason. You believe the Biblical stories when today’s archeology and sciences show that they never happened. There was no “Canaanite defeat”, “ancient Kingdom of Israel”, and what not. Present-day Israel is a colonial enterprise.


..Would u like to see the New York Times (CIA, DeepState) Warning Iran and the General of an attack? WHY?? There is much more to this than u realise! (clear your cookies to get free access to the site)

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/02/opinion/hypersonic-missiles.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png


Soleimani’s killing “announced” a day before it happened in boggling but how do we know that Iran was readying to use the nuclear mortars against US interests as you suggest?

Wasn’t Soleimani’s killing simply another Deep State false flag to make sure it leads to further escalation and thus keep the US in its perpetual state of warfare?


nothing “false flag” about it – it was a transparent killing of the field general behind attacks on US soldiers. Subsequent actions have not shown any desire to increase war with Iran. Only time will tell if Iran continues to back down as it appears to be doing, or whether it again attacks our troops.


Ignoring the fact(s) that the killing of a foreign high-raking military official on another foreign soil is anything but a “transparent killing”, I did not state that it was a false-flag but asked if it was.

Regardless, you claim that Suleimani was responsible for attacks on US troops. Here again, ignoring the fact that the US should not be in the Middle East and other parts of the world, could you share the evidence you have that he was responsible such attacks? I ask because he offered assistance to the US in 2001 to hunt down Al-Qaeda in Afganistan (something Bush rejected), took part of military operations against the likes of ISIS in Syria who were readying to attack US troops, etc. Besides, I would expect the US troops to take him out when he walked pass them in Iraq not that long ago:



And I answered your question – no false flag and no basis to suggest otherwise. It was fully transparent.

Yes, he was responsible for attacks on US forces. That people disagree over whether our kids should be over there is not the point. Once we send our troops we have to support them while they are there — and if people are trying to kill them we have to kill those people. It is our obligation to the kids we have ordered to go there.

The militias he was controlling themselves acknowledged his involvement – it was no secret.

He is not the beloved figure even in Iran, other than by those who support the Revolutionary Guard, which very many Iranians do not.


I never asked you a question for you to answer it. Besides, you missed the rhetoric.

Trump claimed Suleimani was reading to attack US embassies with the US Defense Secretary said otherwise. Thus and therefore, how could the kill be “transparent” as you insist? Be serious. Besides, If you send your troops on uninvited foreign soil, expect them to come back either injured or dead.

General Suleimani was admitted by military academics worldwide. He fought the vile likes of ISIS your Israel has supported from day one.


a) “Above all, when you send your troops on uninvited foreign soil, expect them to come back either injured or dead.” Yes, but that only makes my point.

If you are an American citizen, and send our sons and daughters into harms way, we have to be standing by them and defending them etc. We may expect that others will try to hurt them — but our obligation to our kids is to take action against those who do that.

b) “General Suleimani was an admired military man” — true, but only by some.

He was admired by those who support the theocratic regime in control of Iran.

But for many freedom seeking Iranians, he was not admired at all, due to his roll as leader of the hated Iranian Revolutionary Guard — which for example just got finished killing some 1,500 Iranians who dared to protest the regime. For Iranians under the boot of the regime, he was a hated butcher.

And – in addition to fighting ISIS – he was also engaged in killing Syrian civilians trying to get out from under the boot of Assad.


Your generalized conjectures are laughable at best and only digress from the main point: you claimed General Suleimani attacked US troops but failed to provide the slightest evidence when asked.

Suleimani killing Syrian civilians is another one of your ludicrous claim. Should I be wrong, you should have no trouble backing your claim up. I am not holding my breath.

Little do your “sons and daughters” realize, they serve the private interests of the military-industrial complex (all of which is masqueraded as “Freedom and Democracy”). They destroyed entire nations and shattered the lives of millions in the region. Injury and death is the only thing they deserve.


and your assertion about Israel wanting ISIS is absurd. That’s a common internet lie built on bigoted anti-Jew conspiracy theories. A primary goal of ISIS is to destroy Israel.


It’s neither absurd nor a lie based on anti-Jewish conspiracies found online.

• ISIS, since its inception, has not lifted a finger against Israel.

• Former Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Ya’alon admitted that ISIS apologized to Israel for a clash in the Golan Height in Summer of 2016. See here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/

• Israel (finally) admitted arming and supporting various anti-Assad. See here: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israel-just-admitted-arming-anti-assad-syrian-rebels-big-mistake-1.6894850

Hide Behind

China is getting oil from Venezuela, and Russian tankers are delivering some of it to China and other markets. In fact there is quite a flow of Russian and Chinese trade goods, automotive (trucks), mining equipment, processed foods, agricultural equipment, construction along with electrical generator and oil drilling and refining parts being shipped through the Panama canal. Cuba is also recieving Venezuelan oil and gas condensates. Lots made out of numbers of Chinese military in Venezuela but what is left out is while they do have military trainers the vast majority are equivalent to US Corp of Engineers. There are no nations that can come close to Chinas capabilities, quality and speed, when it comes to building rail, dams, roads or buildings; none. One reason Venezuela is defeating, although still a long way from total victory, of its US backed traitors is partially due to Russia and China, but the main reason is the Venezuelan peoples resolve to forge own destiny.


Do you know what an Embargo is? Its not a blockade! It means check points! Think tactically!! If the middle east is cut off from Shipping oil (including both the persian Gulf and the red sea) Then who has the ability to export?

In the case of war, how does Venezuela (currently in revolution) ship through the panama canal which is dominated in close proximity to the USA!

There are only 3 major nations who can export! Russia, Canada and the USA!

Russia getting oil from Venez stops dead in its tracks in such a war time scenario! Hence an embargo means CONTROL of the flow and export of Venez oil!

Norway would likely be halted due to “russian threat” except for shipping to Europe!

“There are no nations that can come close to Chinas capabilities, quality and speed, when it comes to building rail, dams, roads or buildings; none.”

i agree with what u said! Because China does not need permission to demolition homes and factORies to make way for plans! They also use slaves because they literally have millions of them! (AND U DAMN WELL KNOW THIS)

But given a chance, slaves become enemies very fast if an opportune chance is given! so those fast built damns and railways are destroyed even without the US sending one bomb! Revolutions can be created by stealth if u know what i mean!

Morale is EVERYTHING! Pride comes from building with ur own 2 hands, not when u see old people and kids being kicked out of their homes and slaves working in 16 hour per day conditions without pay! So whilst u brag about China’s abilities to build fast, i ask u do u feel proud saying this knowing what u know about their slaves (their own people)!

U are wrong on Russia and China! What u dont know (and why u think my next statement is crazy) is that Russia and America are secret allies! They will be offical allies after the 2020 US election which means it should be announced around 2021!

i know u want to laugh at my comment! but i sit here with extreme confidence and a serious face telling u this! all i know is that “you dont know what i know”! u are one of those cheer leaders beating their chest who has the world view of what u are supposed to know not what u are NOT supposed to know!

But thats ok, ull get there soon when the rest of the world finds out! But that would make u a sheep! Just one of the heard! but thats ur choice!

As for China! if u truly know your history only dating back as far as 35 years, u will know that China is the enemy of the world! Its literally a zionist puppet! The new soviet union!

China is an enemy to Russia more so than the USA! and if u stop laughing and scoughing for one second and think hard about this, u will know this to be true! u dont need a guy like me explaining this to u logically making u feel more emboldened to rejected my opinion and stand ur ground against total logic!

but if u wish me to explain it,,,, go ahead and ask! it will be my pleasure to educate u! but if u wanna keep ur head in the sand, go right ahead! i know what i am talking about! and u dont! and i sit here grounded and confident knowing i know exactly what is going on!

China is not your friend! Russia is your friend! USA pre – 2017 was not ur friend USA post Jan 2017 is your friend!

I KNOW! you obviously dont!

Just remember when Russia and the USA are announced official allies in 2021, remember… I TOLD YOU SO!


Certainly, not everybody in Iraq was a friend of Soleimani. I don’t think many are evil or rather stupid enough to actually “celebrate” his death. The policies won’t change. There is a chance, however, to unite a large number of Iraqis. Even if you’re against Iranian influence etc. The thing you might not understand is that this is another very bad humilation. You don’t kill somebody’s guest. Whatever you think about the guest, you just don’t. This is shame and must be rectified. The further ramifications aren’t yet clear. In the region, politically in the US. Everybody watches very closely. This will exstrange Europeans further from the US, it will also harden the resolve of those opposing the US in South America etc. As I said before, the American establishment might have a war on their hands which they will never comprehend.


“Certainly, not everybody in Iraq was a friend of Soleimani. I don’t think many are evil or rather stupid enough to actually “celebrate” his death” its naive for u to say this! Iraq: 60% Shiaa 40% Sunni Who do u think celebrated?? Have a guess? Kurds are sunni too but they have even more reason to hate Iran, because Iran is stealing their oil! Not protecting. We on Southfront can easily say Iran is helping the Kurds, but logic tells u not to think foolish! black gold my friend! Also their are videos of the celebration! But southfront wont show u… i could if u cant find it! Also, have u seen Iran’s riots? Citizens are unemployed, food and energy prices are sky high! But Iran’s leaders goals surpass the cries of their own people which can easily be blamed on the USA!

The Iraqi Generals killed in the same attack were Shiia! Iran allied!

Also, maybe u dont know the true reason for the attack! ill post it to u in my next post! Put simply, iran has 5 US made nuclear weapons!


The peak of the triangle or should we say “the apex” of the Globalist (Jewish Zionist) goals is to FORCE the USA into war, keep China out of war! STOP Russia and America allying and create a NEW global power equal to or greater than the Soviet union! Thats the end goal and if u understand that, then everything falls into place! i know u are a smart guy and that u know the Soviet union was truly a Jewish Zionist setup! To counter (not profit even though there is value in that) America! The end goal is world power and domination! No competition and to rule all! China was their new setup (directly after the fall of the Soviet union) China was invited into the WTO, NAFTA was made in the USA and war begun in the middle east! That was the end of the ball game! They KNEW Afghanistan was a no win situation! Even though some “experts” will claim otherwise! So the Zionist give China our industries, steal, hack, cheat, copy all of our tech (Russian too, right in Russia’s face they copy but nothing russia could do but take it up the ass)! If u think Russia truly loves China u are wrong! A thief on their border that they must bow to economically who also share a border with 1.4 billion people! Russia full of land and gas and oil! Russia isnt stupid! They KNOW china and the Zionist want their hands on that EASY to get oil thats just a land drive away! So what does Iran have to do with all of this?
Many things!
Iran got their hands on 5of the 6 Davey Crocket nuclear mortars that found their way into Syria by the obama administration (u need to look this up to get the whole story)! Yes, Iran has 5 TACTICAL (not strategic) nukes that are from the USA!
1 of those nukes were used by ISIS against Russian Mercs! Putin knows it was a nuke too! Thats when he did the MASSIVE evacuation drill in Moscow with 40 million people going underground to send a message to Obama and Hillary “We know and we are ready”! The US defence secretary (General Mattis) was forced to lie to the media and say that he gave the order to kill of 200 to 300 Russian mercs! Did u hear what i just said? YES u know it to be true! Since when can a US defence secretary give an order to kill 300 russian mercs like it was just an order to kill isis? This is a possible WW3 escalation yet nobody questions it! NO! The truth had to be hidden and accepted by Putin (hence cooperation between Russia and the USA) that the use of the nuclear mortar by isis were not to leaked under any circumstances! I think u understand why! This included in Russia otherwise demand for retaliation might reach a fever pitch! So Iran has 5 tactical mortar launched nukes they got from ISIS near Al Qaim!
The General was planning to use these and blame ISIS! The plan was thwarted! This would spiral into all out war (much bigger than 9/11 all out war!
This would be the economic nail in the coffin for the USA whilst china keeps chugging along! Trump would likely be ousted as the President and there goes the ball game! China becomes number 1, the USA stuck in endless costly bigger wars! Iran’s leadership doesnt give a fuck about Iran! They care about their own skin! They do have a goal and the respect they would get for using a nuke on the USA or Israel would be huge! perhaps even unite the arab world or worse, start WW3! The latter is more likely! All muslims have a belief taught from their book! It goes something like “be soft and friendly when u are weak but show no mercy when u are strong”! This means they have been planning total destruction for their ultimate holy war! This is what they live for! As they say in the Godfather 3 “just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in”! The USA is trying to get out of the middle east under trump! But as u should realise, they (elites) are trying to sabotage these efforts because it will hurt their ultimate goal (China be number 1) US mililtary intel knows exactly whats going on! So does Russia!
At every move, the Elites are trying anything they can to stop the US moving forward and GETTING OUT OF WARS! Stop Trump! Trump will get out of Iraq eventually! For sure!
But at them moment it is still chess! Tactical destruction of globalist plans are occurring! Now if Iran tries anything, they pay a price in its economy! Revolution will finish off iran! Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! Iran like North Korea is being USED as a puppet attack dog! At all costs they will use every tactic and asset to stop 2 things: Keeping USA at number 1
Stopping Russia and USA from becoming allies! After that, its game over for elites!
Literally game over! Including China and the UN

Hide Behind

Who is contractor for Panama Canal? Knowledge of the Canal zone shipping comes from one step- relative now retired that worked there in Administration and is Panama native. As to situation in Venezuela all I know is what old aquaintences, some professionals, others craftsmen engineer types two families that returned under Chavez after US led elites failsed coup and others families that returned later. How communicated is NOYB. I call no government Formal or employee friend although I do have long long lineage as military family with still quite interaction with ex military and veterans of both Gulf wars and some ex- contractors from Afghanistan, Iraq, Latin America and S. America and elsewhere, almost all contractors no better than low life hired killers, even the high tech ones, amoral sociopaths and psychopaths. One can follow all shipping routings as well air routing of commercial and most diplomatic flights through Internet, although there are many many ships who change registry once in international waters by international tracking through internet. Care not much about forced labor, most of China’s skilled labor is not forced but highly trained and skilled as are their technical engineers, with far higher qualifications needed than in most European and US to first be hired and retained. China is way more advanced in non military applications, engineering, cyber, telecommunications,chemical engineering than any of Europes and US but on an equal footing in cyber with Israel, and South Korea. In case one wonders there are Chinese, and even a few Russians working on joint scientific research projects, not as many as Israelis, within both China and upon US. University and college campus. The average student in China are far more advanced in science and math than in Europe and US and a step above MIT and India’s highest tech schoolings. Do US, Russia, China and Israel have mutual goals in certain geopolitical and economic endeavors, of course they do, money makes for mutual bedfellows. Why would anyone in other nations even get the ideas that US/Israel, Europe, China and Russia is their friend,? Butt kissers are not friends but leaches living off off of others, their host, trying to please them for self profit and survival. The only truly independent thinking nations are Russia, China, US/ Israel,( one and same ), China, India, N.Korea, Cuba and for a short while longer, Iran and Venezuela. There are no International laws except what the major power leaders tell others to follow, and we all bend our knees each in own way to survive under their lawlessnessSome whose mental faculties are lacking think they as individuals matter, but in truth our and their lives matter not at all in large scheme, and are but dust in winds of world events.

Tony B.

The U.S. won’t be exporting oil for very long. Fracking is already not able to get more out of the ground in many places.


i dont know much about fracking! But of the oil they do have thats been capped, its extremely large! from what i remember the US capped its oil for many many decades! With that they were the 3rd largest holder of oil in the world! Since fracking begun they became the largest oil holder and the second biggest gas holder!

But what matters is now yes? in this time of turmoil where China needs it, USA needs it (with Canada next door and Venezuela not far)! They are now able to keep self sufficient so that an incident in the middle east does not hurt them!

Some say oil prices going up hurts the USA! But also it creates profits, dont u agree? Plus its more about who can survive such high oil prices! Especially if Saudi and iran are taken out of the picture! Also Qatar and UAE! Venezuela is under an embargo which could easily become a blockade in the US back yard!

This is just current realities!

In this current geopolitical crisis, they have the upper hand! This is a hard fact! Do u know who else has the upper hand? RUSSIA!

But does Iran? Does China? Absolutely not!

Tony B.

The American people in general NEVER see the profits from anything. Only the 1% or less who keep getting richer and richer while the general public gets poorer and poorer; the biggest income gap in recorded history. So, yes, that 1% loves the profit, the ordinary worker wonders if he can buy the gas to go to work. The capped wells are never mentioned in any normal media. It’s as though they don’t exist. Looks very much as though the plan is to have a collapse for the final stage of emplacement of the police state before opening any of those wells for the favored ones. Don’t forget that Putin is doing all in his power to diversify Russia’s economy far beyond oil products. But Russian military in the Mideast is not cheap. “Russia”, I don’t know how happy, Putin, I don’t think so. Every word out of his mouth and every action he has taken of which I am aware has followed the Christian ideal, not talmudic “gimmie.”


U are right until Trump came to office! But look at China! They are much worse! As for russia, yes they are doing a little for their people but military is still number 1 by far!

But unless u are one of those people who dont believe in Economic reports, then u will know that the US economy is growing and the largest growth (which also include largest wage growth) is in the black community!

Probably because many of the illegals are getting sent home! they drove down wages with illegal cheap labour! Plus manufacturing coming back to the US!

So u are right, but only as of PRE Jan 20 2017

Thats the shit!

Tony B.

You are correct, I don’t trust the economic reports. As Americans (especially white Americans) are more and more unable even to afford rent or house payments and live on the street or in their cars (huge numbers of blacks have been subsidized with government housing for three or four generations – but not the whites whose taxes were used to do that), the “economists” keep bellowing about the great improvement in the economy. The “great improvement” means the less than 1% criminal who gouged the public for $200 or 300 million last year is gouging them for 500 or 600 million this year, under NY Jew crooked businessman Trump, while the worker’s choices of food diminishes due to the inflation caused by these excess dollar figures. True some manufacturing is coming back to the U.S. but not as any help to the regular citizen as the new factories are all robotic. A replaced factory, which before being driven out of the country for peon labor, had, say, 500 employees – all making a fair living – is replaced by a new factory which can make twice as much of the same product with maybe 30 employees. But that product retails for the current arbitrarily inflated price (double or triple what it was) so mostly this “new industry” is for export and enriches only the banking financiers and their cronies owning the factories. False economy, all the way. Families don’t matter. Especially white families.

Mira Sandra Ismael


David Parker

Stay out of a shooting war. Israel continuously arranges wars of attrition among goyim – atheists and Muslims in this case. The Zi*nists hope to normalize the use of nuclear weapons in this intended proxy way of US military against Iran The Zi*nists long range plan is to arrange the goyim to kill each other and leave the world to the Zi*nists. They consider themselves to be the master race and all others as less than animals, with no souls, property to be used or slaughtered at will. Bombing Palestinian families means nothing at all to an Israeli Air Force pilot, nothing at all to an IDF soldier. Islam is their broom to sweep away Christianity. Ignorance of the Zi*nists is deadly to the victims, most especially to the idiotic American tax payers who are tolerate the Zi*nist Federal Reserve System and are funding the Zi*nist wars.


Yes, I agree with you.

Ricky Miller

Iran may be holding fire to give the Iraqi government time to terminate the host of forces agreement with the United States. This would probably be because Iran needs to show that it is heeding, at least for a time, the concerns of the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani about Iraq becoming a battleground between the U.S. and Iran. But while waiting Iran could possibly look North for immediate revenge. The U.S. embassy in Armenia is not an embassy at all, it is a huge facility in Yerevan, staffed with nearly a thousand Americans including some of the BioLab people conducting genetic and pest research among the countries of the former Soviet Union. It’s vulnerable. The killing of a uniformed military officer is an act of war, while the U.S. pleads for “de-escalation.” The targeting of an Imperial outpost could be a level response, while stating that Iran too would like de-escalation other than all out war. While an attack on the embassy broadly might anger Russia, an attack on the lab surely wouldn’t. And the abduction or attack on military attache’s moving around Yerevan after hours would seem, at least to me, proportionate to the killing of a uniformed officer and his escorts.

Karen Bartlett

Ricky, no mere “military attache” is equal to General Soleimani. Therefore it would hardly be proportionate. And, attacking an “imperial outpost” in Armenia is hardly what Iran would consider-what did Armenians do to Iran? There would be civilians there as well. It would be a terrorist act, and Iran isn’t a terrorist republic.

Ricky Miller

I’m not saying that Armenians should be the target. I’m saying that there has to be a reason for not responding to an act of war for more than a day and a half. Iran may be looking for ways to try and avoid turning Iraq into a battlefield. Iran has options for that, in Afghanistan or Armenia. It might be that Iran has already decided on a counter strike and are simply waiting for the timing to be right.

Anthony Enos Wicher

Iran will respond in its own time. Don’t get mad, get even. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


The best revenge is to force USA to leave Iraq. By a combination of Iraqi parliamentary decisions and declarations. And possibly guerilla tactics. Iran can never stand up to USA in a shooting war unless USA invades Iran which it will not do. But USA has a thousand ways to humiliate and damage and weaken Iran by military action.


I agree. The destruction of a US controlled biological and chemical warfare lab in Armenia or elsewhere would create a furore in the West, especially if some locals were affected by the US bio and chemical agents.

Western nations would have the impossible task of justifying the US bio/chemical warfare operations :)

I can imagine the verbal gymnastics of the Western corporate media as they attempt to support the USA like a flock parrots with identical talking points :)


Explosions Reported Near US Embassy & Balad Airbase In Baghdad, Several Wounded “…the missile landed in the Green Zone in Baghdad and closed the entrance to the road leading to the American embassy.” — Hezbollah warns Iraqi Security Forces to stay away from US bases.

Multiple ‘Katyusha’ unguided missiles/mortars fired into two regions near Baghdad.

Green Zone neighborhood in Baghdad, comes under mortar shell attack: 5 ppl wounded.

Balad airbase (hosts US troops) near Baghdad: 3 Iraqi soldiers wounded. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/explosions-reported-near-us-embassy-baghdad


anything not right in the middle east is due the thieving and murdering jews, whose genome is overloaded with the nefarious parts of the human mind. they need to be taken off the field for good.

Jack Urso

All war is wrong, but where did this Nazi crawl out from?


Look close at the photos. This is Not Qasem Suleimani, Assassinated in US Airstrike. The color of the hair is different, the fingers are different size, the ring is different. If these photos are not of Qasem Suleimani, Why are they saying he’s dead? and where is he?


You are accusing Iran for conspiracy to start the war and on top declare their top commander dead?!?!

Why the hell would they do that?


I said Look at the photos! something is wrong. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/285e1cb30b9bf60307a889225ae08bd4dc82d1291d12b39a01fbee65b8c7b19d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c85514a5218954197cea22dbe66032602778cd547c52a8984617d5ee24aae5f.png


The only thing “wrong” is that you up-voted yourself. It is not forbidden of course but it is wrong ( We all support our opinions so no need to underline that. We are here above all to share them and exchange them )

Free man

“and where is he?” – With Elvis Presley in Las Vegas.


Suleimani behaved like an idiot and got burned. Iran needs to be smarter. Take what your given and make plans for a better future. Live to fight another day. Turn the other cheek. You will live or die with your choice. There are infinite options.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you can fuck right off with that bullshit

Tony B.

Trump is the idiot who behaved like an idiot.




Nice symbolic flag, but I am a bit disappointed. I mean c’mon, we Israelis don’t deserve a red flag too? afterall we need to be destroyed. Not cool mullahs, not cool.

Bruno Gama

Israel will cease to exist, as a Jewish State… but not by external military attack, after all the mighty IDF has Nukes, perhaps 200. But by demographics. If you are a Israeli really, you know that… And sometimes, the best ally is an enemy… Islamic Republic of Iran needs Israel and the Reverse is true…


Bruno, I’ve been hearing from the Arab countries around us and iran how we are going to disappear since I was a kid. I just don’t take it seriously anymore, I mean, I do think they can hurt us – alot. But to destroy us for good? won’t happen. Also, you talk about demographics, as of 2019 Jews are 76% of Israel, and we intend to keep it like that. I don’t want to rule over the Palis, they need their own state and we need to end this conflict. Extremists on both sides feed on each other, majority of Israelis don’t give a damn about some hill in the West Bank.


Its the red flag of BS


Anthony Enos Wicher

If you are a Zionist you are not a Jew. You have abandoned your religion for a secular blood-and-soil ethnic state. Christian Zionists aren’t Christians either. Zionism is British Restorationism.

Bruno Gama

That´s exactly the problem… The West Bank… I don´t buy any alarmist warnings… but with the planned annexation, the percentage of Jews will decline, obviously. And the other problem is the Orthodox Population x Secular Jews that carry the most of the burden of IDF for instance… Secular Jews and Arab Israelis grows much less than Orthodox Jews that refuse to enlist in the IDF… Israel would better have to solve problems inside the country instead of buying military adventurism…Iran brag a lot but A War against Iran will have no winners, just like War in Iraq, and Afghanistan… And relating to Israel Military “destruction”, like a said, who will attack a nuclear country?

Chris P

Shame on Israel for bringing Canada into this. Israel is not a free country. A gun state, that got greedy. You act just like the Egyptians before you and the Romans. Your methods of trying to achieve peace and fake, you seek Lebensraum just like the Germans. Amazing liars. Attacking a country before it attacks you is your policy. Unfortunately, that is exactly how imperial countries act. You attacked first and told the world they attacked you. So many lies. Police State Israel.

Joe Kerr

Better move to Mossad’s new tent city in Patagonia before 400,000 Iranian missiles turn Israel into red dust. Or is it only for the chosen few?

Joe Kerr

More like a white flag, after the way the IDF dogged it against Hezbollah in 2006 and disappointed your U.S. cheer squad.

Free man

The cowardly mullahs will continue to threaten, speak, raise flags and blow hot air. But they won’t do anything significant because they are a pathetic paper tiger.


You must be a top notch military advisor, “free man, I just know it! LOL!

Free man

Actually, I served in the military but it’s not hard to recognize cowardice.


“served in the military…” yeah, coffee for the most part, to those other military advisors who were shoveling shit in Louisiana, just like you.

Bruno Gama

The West, misguided by a Lunatic Empire doesn´t understand the logic behind the Shiite faith… And doesn´t understand that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a Schatological entity. They won´t bend. They wait. Don´t act on recklessness. Now US and Western partners are trying a Civil War in Iraq. Maybe this would be the desire all along. Dismember Iraq To protect an nuclear power, i.e. Israel. Apparently, having nukes isn´t sufficient to Israel. But the results won´t appear now. Trump in his discourse says already, No War against Iran, No Regime Change. Are POTUS fearing something now? Because the Narrative before was of a REGIME CHANGE! Many questions that will be answered in the right time.


Well, the democracy that the US used as an excuse to wage its illegal war of aggression against Iraq also guarantees that Iraq will eventually turn against USA. So the idea might be to make a civil war in Iraq and install some regime with poor popular support so it will be dependent on US support. Imperialism 101. I mean, the problem US has wrestled with is that its Iraq war removed a Sunni secular regime and opened Iraq up to joining the Shia alliance, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon. First it tried to remove Assad, thinking that the Sunni majority would break up this Shia block. And maybe balance out what they did in Iraq. This failed. And now USA is doing brutal and crazy things in Iraq. Coincidence?

Bruno Gama

Stop believing a “Mighty” Attack from Iran on Any Country or an Regional Large Scale War or Even an World War… Specially an attack United States and Israel. We are talking about two nuclear powers, US has more than 1500 Active Nukes, and Israel probably 200. Who is fool enough to attack a nuclear power? And in fact extremism in Iran helps extremists in Israel and US, and vice-versa…sometimes the best Ally is an “Enemy”…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

that would start a global nuclear war and there would be no winners, US included


I am a bit sorry for the lenght SF, pardone moi.

Yeah, hows the weather in Tel-aviv this days, any uh…. snow, to much uh…. snow screws your brain out, Bruno G. Nobody belives in Iran is going to attack anyone, apart from shitheads like the western brainwashed morons, and then the even dumber ones, aka the Yankikes, but retaliate, is something else, this days of fancy highly sophisticated equimpents, but attack, nope, since and here is the deal dumbf….. is when you have the moral high ground, I am not shure you idiots even know what I talk about but then again I am not writing anything for Moronikans, but for others, is to loose this, high ground is to loose face, not to have an coward attack on an man on its way to an funeral, that is whats done by ISISrael regulary and Saudi-barbarians frequently, incl schools for disabeled children, so low its only beaten by the most moral army of this world, the IDF, and Casl lead, the last war on Gaza, started because of first shooting the officer in charge of the peacetalks with ISISrael, and when Hamas didnt responded, they shoot missiles on the funeral, yeah, rings any bells. This is how the scums of this earth works, and will work into the future. Evil and insane people.

But, since Iran have pledged revenge, I guess it will come, but to me, I have an bad feeling since I popped into an site called MoAlabama, where the present Article about Iran and Lockerbie, well,, my hart dropped out of my ass, and I was afraid of sites that have an shooting star, and like many others, I have seen them all, almost, they use time to build up an credibility, and some do it really well, but, then comes the time when things gets serious, heated, and iminet war is on the horizon, they suddenly change, sniplets and some few lines cut into articles witch would otherwise be really enlightening, but when the lies/fake storys are induced, unintetionaly or not, it dont matter, to me, its to late, the damage is done, I always feels sadden, and this “mistakes” makes my blood boil, f…. shithead, it was done by the CIA, period, and the entire cort case was as credible as the equally bonkers drivel Putin is serving this days about why and whom started ww2, this man is an bloody liar, period, and to use, Nurenberg trial as an “serious source” just crashes the entire bullshit story He cocked up, because and now He removed all my doubts, like the assasination of QS, the cards are smack in the open, they are liars, period, I will be much more spesific one day but there are others whom is and have done that, the UR, in their serie about the American Pravda, and so on. I could give you more evidences, but again, I leave it there, my main point is clear enough. Never ever use Wikipedia, its an epic shithole run by the scums of this earth, never ever use them for anything, and here we have the problem, again, cencure, it is getting harder and harder to get news or storys that the west dont like us to know, and then be so f….. sloppy to use them, is to me what I define as harakiri of your own credibility, I automaticly ignores what I have or is reading, maybe its me, but I have thru the years developed an bullshit detectore that I always trust, the slitest inconsistency and I dump the article/site imidiatly, I may go back to see, just to watch if I was wrong, or at least, read what this sites tells us, and if you are an dimplomatic aspirant, its an must do, to ignore the oposition is an intelectually fallacy, and I read both if the case requires that, the moment I dont, I dropp em.

If anything, witch would be an victory, to an much greater extent, is to end the Yankike ocupation, to wipe out their Merc army, the so called ISlamic state, IS, or whatever, I know whom made them, CIA/Mi6/Mossad, and Iran have been their target even before ISISrael was invented, and the same goes for Libya, never again isult our intellegence with stupiditys, but the main problem is again, the western propaganda machine the MSM. I am certain, that if anything, there is targets, but I also know, Iranians dont rush, let things evolve, and things may change to better and then Iran have their revenge, and the ball is on the Iraqis, whom is now been played against each others, and corruption rules the Gov, elite and the Military, since they and they only benefits from an continuing ocupation of Iraq, and nobody else. And Allah never aproves killing of inocents, no matter how justifyable we may think it is, it should be avoided by any cost, never forget this, kill the scums, and you have done our world and our creatore justice, not civilians, like the west and ISISrael do all the time. Happy hunting.



Wow. That’s a lot of typing to NOT get your inarticulate point (whatever that is) across. Does your computer not have a spell checker? Does your computer not have a grammar checker?


Hundreds of American soldiers trapped at their bases in Iraq and Syria await their hour to give their lives for Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ee8e8f7cfbbe38a0a673a102eb26e873ad82e57ab2eeca69e4db267623ac8c7.jpg


Posted the below comment a couple of hours ago, as often is the case with posts of mine it is “pending”, so here goes again: The Flag of Revenge has not been hoisted lightly. It strikes me that Iran is going to make an Exceptional Response to this Heinous Murder by Unexceptional Yanki Buffoons. Only the squatters in HellAviv are dancing on the roof-tops as they were in NY on 9/11. All Nations of the world including the perpetrators are fully aware who committed this odious Crime even “their partners” have shied away from offering support. Is this the Murder that has smashed the Empire? Where can the Yanki cowards hide now? A War Crime has been committed. There is NO spinning out of this. The Hague Beckons or Else. To paraphrase Putin, there will be No World without Iran…………

Jack Urso

“Only the squatters in HellAviv are dancing on the roof-tops as they were in NY on 9/11. ” No one was doing that in NYC on 9/11, only Trump believes that. I guess that puts you in good company. Whose side are you on anyway?

Hide Behind

Stop, listen , and look back to what has been an ongoing process of long standing, you kill one of us, we kill one of you, you sabotage US we sabotage you, you car bomb us we car bomb you, and then things changed, modern technology. Is there any place, man, woman or child, that is safe from todays modern warfare weaponry? Is there any place on earth where man can hide himself or his devices from being known to ones enemies? Is there any means of Insuring loyalty between man and his fellow man? Todays top most surveillance technology remains almost entirely in the hands of US and it’s allies, and just as importantly the US can afford to pay handsomely those who are willing to be bought. There are but two world powers not under control of US/Israel and Europe that are capable of massive retaliation directly upon their attackers be they individuals or homelands, Russia and China, and neither one of them is about to give their enemies cause to be attacked. No matter what Iran is but a flea bite that is a nuisance and easily swatted, and unless it gets enough nuclear weaponry and with it the capability to reach Europe and US allies homelands it dares not to declare war in its conventional sense against its enemies. It’s greatest military achievements were achieved in Syria and they were only possible due to Russia, Turkey and Syria needing their aid as cannon fodder, knowing full well US would continue to look at Iran as a bad guy and help take some anger away from Russia and Turkey. Russia never once came to defend Iranian forces within Syria from Israeli/US and NATO attacks because it was in their interest to not get US/Israel and NATO PO’d at them. A weak nation trying to protect itself uses todays modern guerilla tactics, cyber and pot shots by proxies to try and keep its enemies at bay hoping for a day to come when it can effectively defend itself. Calling upon old religious and ancient tribalistic emotions to aid its ability to retain power within its homeland is but grasping at broken straws and shows true inability of projecting power of any note. Iran has hundreds of thousands of martyrs dating back from Revolution and yet it remains no more than at a survival mode for last 50 years. Better to have martyrs dying in foreign lands than getting homeland bloody and blown to heck and back. Whatever response by Iran’s call for vengeance will remain no more than a nuisance of a fleas bite, and take a look at what forms blood justice is allowed under Islamic traditions, and what differences between it and Jihad calls for.

Hasbara Hunter

Kill every AngloZioNazi in the vicinity of Iran…

S Melanson

I posted this for an article yesterday and would like your thoughts. I see Trump Assassinating major Iranian and Iraqi figures as an act that may seem very deep state, escalates with low loss of infrastructure and life, albeit important figures, resulting in an all United front to push out the US occupation forces – Trump having trouble getting the troops back home, well he is now going to get a lot of help. Crazy but plausible.


Reflecting on what has taken place, the question of who benefits and in what way leads to several possibilities.

1) The movie Sum of all Fears opens with the Russian President taking full responsibility for ordering a military action in Chechnya when in fact it was rogue elements within the Russian military that carried out the operation – the President claimed to give the order to give the appearance of being in control. Is Trump doing the same? Possible but I have many doubts this scenario is what happened.

2) Trump ordered the attack to escalate the situation with Iran to please AIPAC and appear tough given the looming election 11 months from now. This does not fit with history as Trump has barked a lot but actual actions have been muted or symbolic – the Missile strikes on Syria gave the appearance of retaliation but caused minimal damage and loss of life.

Trump also called off an attack on Iran he had ordered with only minutes to spare – this retreat is very significant given the MSM spinned the Aramco strikes and downing of a US drone as Iranian aggression challenging the US in the ME that cannot go unanswered.

But the assassination of an Iranian senior commander is a major and highly provocative action that makes it stand out in stark contrast to Trumps handling of ME affairs. Also, I would think Trump getting into a major war with an enemy capable of fighting back in an election year would be a huge risk for re-election – mostly downside risk. Trump is projected to win the 2020 vote to secure a second term, Trump would not want to put that in jeopardy. Like the first scenario this scenario is also problematic.

The third scenario is sort of the 3D chess version but has enough merit to consider, particularly given a senior PMU commander was also assassinated, ensuring Iraqi outrage.

3) Trump wants US troops out of the ME. Do something really provocative but surgical like an assassination to unite the region against the US presence. If Trump is hitting a wall against the Deep State in trying to get out of the ME, do an over the top deep state move that will get the enemy to unite and push the US out. Trump has a history of giving the appearance of acting under orders of the deep state but does so in two ways, both extreme – either underwhelming results but lots of bluster, or overbearing and high handed – force nations to seek alternatives to US controlled global institutions and US dollar.

The assassination will have consequences that US planners would certainly anticipate such as return to the days of open insurrection against the US occupation in Iraq, although it will be much worse this time around. US troops returning home in body bags will give Trump the leverage to pull out just as Reagan pulled out of Lebanon in 1982 when 180 US service members were killed in a single attack. The troops would be returning home in time for the fall election campaign and Trump can tell his base he did as he promised and brought the troops back home.

Let us see how this pandora box like escapade plays out…

Hasbara Hunter

It surely sounds as a logical Possible scenario…Iraq & Iran will shake hands over this matter…the rest of the Muslimworld too…Even Wahhabistan wants to get rid of the Americans…America is not popular these days…also in Europe…

Mister Suleimani died for his Country…he is a Martyr

S Melanson

Perhaps he was aware he was to be sacrificed and did so willingly. This would explain his travel itinerary being public knowledge and he acknowledged in the past this would happen. A true martyr.

Trump is either an absolute genius (or his handlers) or totally unpredictability crazy. I say the former, they would not let him win the GOP nomination if he was a truly raving idiot. I noticed the pattern over a year ago and it is playing out still.

Now if so, we can predict how this plays out. Assymetric insurgency that is much more intense and widespread to drive the US out – this is what the Houthis are wanting as US presence prevents any concrete peace with a KSA in views of Ansarallah.

Who needs fiction when you have this.

Hasbara Hunter

Reality is weirder than any fiction…

S Melanson

Yes it seems. FYI, I edited to add a blurb on Trump’s relationship with Israel – important part of the puzzle.


Is he really dead? Look very close at the ring and fingers and the hair of the dead man. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec9e6167200f55329b740afcc4c3ef173286fff3bb493a6e1d3b38c36cd31317.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/285e1cb30b9bf60307a889225ae08bd4dc82d1291d12b39a01fbee65b8c7b19d.png

S Melanson

Great catch. The ring is not the same – the gem setting is totally different.


Are you even serious? And you up vote this Jack Ass who shows morbid pictures! A new low for you. :(


The truth is offensive!


You are offensive Jack Ass. BTW, up voting yourself is extremely pathetic. :)

S Melanson

Yes I was.

First, I thought the picture of the mangled corpse was vehicle wreckage and I looked again when I read your reply given the morbid pictures were already posted by SF , I really had no idea what you were talking about. Now I see what you speak of. But to say I have sunk to a new low!

First, do not be so quick to judge and particularly judge so harshly in a personal way, particularly given my track record is generally a good one – as is yours and so with that in mind, I would respectfully discuss with you before passing judgement and even then I would not make it personal. You also imply, by stating new low, I have transgressed in the past but I do not recollect you pointing this out to me. I will admit error but I need to be made aware, that is for me a good thing since it is how we become better citizens of planet Earth.

Regarding the picture, it may upset some but a warning of graphic content could be suggested for future posts. For me, I have seen with my own eyes some pretty nasty things and so the picture was not so bothersome and considering the idea was to point out inconsistencies that suggest his killing was staged – this was my focus.

And so I do feel jacktripper deserved my upvote given I had missed what he saw.


I will stick by my guns, nothing personal. So you are claiming all of his pix are from the murder scene?

S Melanson

No I do not but the pictures SF. Provide of the hand and ring does not match the pic jacktripper provided. So it raises questions I think


yep thats him!


Another scenario ?

It could be as simple as Bibi fighting for his political live and that he controlled the attack on Soleimani along with Pompous Pompeo. Trump then being given the choice of ‘owning the attack’ or being shown to be unable to control the State Dept etc.

S Melanson

That would be a variant of scenario one I think. The thing though is how such a move by Netanyahu could damage his relationship with Trump, particularly given Trump likely to be handed a second term. I think more likely Netanyahoo would convince Trump and Trump plays along to please AIPAC and Deep State Pompeo as in scenario 3 – I.e. Trump continues to play the deep state at their own game. What do you think?


Nutty is fighting to stay out of jail THIS year unless he can stay in power. If he is re-elected he will be a ‘winner’ in Trumps eyes and with that and a few compromising photos etc of Trump and his shady business empire financial affairs courtesy of Mossad, the mutual love would be re-kindled, I think.

S Melanson


Jack Urso

And leave the region to haters like you? No way. How about you both just fight it out and let the meek inherit the Earth.

Hasbara Hunter

You must either be a Parasitic ZioNazi HasbaRat or a Genocidal Kidkilling Trigger-Happy Bankrobbing Coyboy…what will it be? Coyboys & HasbaRats are done in the Middle East…It is over…take your loss go home & start cryin’

jim crowland

the iranians think they can freely attack the US. No. They are not like the european faggots, they will hunt you endlessly, they will nuke you if necessary, dont be stupid misogynyc ayatollas, avoid the US and israel or you will be wipe out from the face of the earth

Jun Folledo

Iran has only dumb bombs and dumber leaders

David Parker

The real issue is that North Korea and Iran exist outside the control of the Zi*nist “international bankers”. To win the Iranian people do not have to do anything but continue to exist. The existence of a people that the Zi*nist-controlled IMF and US military have not been able to destroy since 1948 infuriates the Zi*nists. Just continue to exist in spite of “sanctions”, sell oil to China and North Korea for gold and silver, stay out of the reach of the Zi*nists, and you cannot lose. Side note – no mosque or any other building is “holy”. Only people are precious to God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Islam was invented for one thing – to raise up a rabble of cutthroats to murder, rape, and pillage productive people. The sooner the Iranian people can shake off the demonic yoke of Islam, the better.

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