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Forced Mobilisation: Greed And Cowardice In Ukraine

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Forced Mobilisation: Greed And Cowardice In Ukraine

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Written by Anna Zimmerman for SouthFront

The scenes have become familiar ones. A desperate woman, shrieking in her anguish, grapples the burly man with the impassive face, whilst her husband or son or brother cowers behind her. Sometimes a crowd of women try to protect one man, pushing and pummelling the well-fed, well-paid officers whose job protects them from the death or mutilation they decree for others. 

Yet although keen observers of the brutal forced mobilisation of soldiers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now immured to its harsh realities, fresh videos still have the capacity to shock us. They bring the tragedy of the war home to us like nothing else can, as each episode is a microcosm of the disaster that has befallen an entire nation.

Specifically, they show what can happen when a relatively small minority of radicalised fanatics can condemn to death a much larger group, by hijacking the concentrated bureaucratic and material resources of a modern state. However chaotic and dysfunctional modern Ukraine has become over the last decades, it has still retained enough functionality to coerce its population into fighting a war that, judging by the extreme reluctance to fight, most clearly have no faith in. As the saying goes, there is a lot of ruin in a nation, and unfortunately it is the facility to terrorise people that tends to be the last element to disappear in a failing state. Although the Ukrainian government lacks the ability to completely hide its tracks – videos of forced mobilisation still appear online despite threats to their authors – the population is still sufficiently cowed to keep resistance sporadic and piecemeal, rather than in the large public groups that are needed to seriously challenge the narrative of a united, consenting nation.  The depressing realisation is that there is little indication of any likely change in the near future, and so these videos will keep appearing.

If change ever comes, it will not result from the Ukrainian government or their psychopathic henchmen discovering a conscience. We are used to hearing about the importance of Western funds flooding in to the country – to pay pensions and salaries, to buy the paraphernalia of war, to keep the lights on to any degree – but few people make the connection between forced mobilisation and Western money. Yet ultimately this ability to coerce the people is a function of subsidies coming from the West. The West is not only paying for the arms that maintain the pretence of a viable army, but also the salaries of the armed goons who snatch men from their grieving families. Any coercive state, and the Ukrainian state is by any measure entirely coercive, relies on paid thugs to enforce its will. Those familiar with the history of the Battle for Berlin will remember how, even as the Red Army was storming the streets, Nazi enforcers were still hunting down recalcitrant citizens to string them up from lampposts – and no doubt, to loot their homes. It is only when there is no more state money, and nothing more to loot, that the thugs drift away.

Every now and then hints emerge about the financial corruption that fuels the mobilisation process. The most reliable and revealing come from the mouths of the enforcers themselves – those who stress their own ideological ‘purity’ by complaining about the venality of their colleagues. A recent example was an interview given by the Deputy Brigade Commander of the 68th Brigade, a man with the call sign ‘Yavir’. Yavir is one of a number of Ukrainian soldiers who have been making public threats of the likelihood that every Ukrainian adult male will ultimately be called up. In the interview, he complained how TCC enforcers were indiscriminately rounding up men purely to fulfil their quotas, whilst at the same time reassuring the men that the chances were that they would not be deemed fit enough to fight. “The men say that in the TCC they are told: “Keep quiet, you will be released there, we need to fulfill the plan.””

What the enforcers ultimately share is not just moral bankruptcy and greed, but also cowardice. How does one man become an enforcer, and another enter the trenches? The distinguishing factor is clearly the “ideological purity” referred to above. Only the true believers can be trusted to staff the blocking battalions that shoot panicking soldiers as they try to flee the front, or to be impassive in the face of the distress of the women losing their loved ones. On the few occasions when the most famous fanatics have ended up on the front lines, their behaviour has been less than heroic, such as the Azovs of Azovstal, who spent a lot of time bragging online, but surrendered en masse, or the reconstituted Azovs of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, who proved a damp squib at Avdeevka.

So the paradox is that it is the soldiers who claim to want to fight the war who rarely fight the war, but spend much of their time feathering their own nests and hobnobbing with Western elites.  We can only hope that when the history of this shameful war is finally written, due attention will be paid to the political economy of forced mobilisation, which no doubt now constitutes a thriving subsection of the collapsing overall economy.


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ukrainians are quite low on the food chain of awakened peoples


agree, and anyone should give a fuck about this. can’t fix stupids.

Malcolm Z

wait when thesee nazi maidan gangster begin to force young men 18-24 years..


no wonder ukraine is winning the war with all these guys eager to join the fight! they are so eager to fight to the last ukrainian… all for uncle sam.

5 dancing israelis

uncle schmuel.

The End is Nigh

uncle bungle


genocide joe must have his quota for the meat grinder, these people who call themselves ukrainians are vermin working for foreign powers just like they did for hitler, people should start shooting the filth.

Voice of the people

people, just throw vodka on police cars and light them up so they wont be able to drive anyone away.


the ukronazis are even too coward to stage an uprising against their leadership which is sending them off to war to be maimed or die whilst the leaders sit well protected and comfy far from tbe real action. the nation is trjly made up of psychos, knucledraggers and thieves but guess this is what the g7 eu and uk and us govts now aspire to now that they even accept to approve terrorists for govt and support genocide and maiming and killing of children.

Last edited 1 month ago by peacenik

and the ukrainians are posing as cannon fodder


despite of that russians put themselfs in line to be cannon fooder

slight correction

they sign up to put themselves in line to be the cannon for ukraine’s fodder.

Just me

it is a war of the rich man against the poor….. putin and the western politicians are all working together. a real man does not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths but fights his own battles. a mentally healthy man cannot send hundreds of thousands to their deaths because he has a soul. monsters without a soul send people to their deaths.


the forced conscripts know who are their really enemy. after finishing training, and having weapons on hands, they will surely have targets of retaliation


ukraine are a replay of nazi germany, including the finance from “us”. first they finance the rabies, when it have pay off, they occupy. throw them out ! summarily hang every cia agent in ukraine for mass murder of ukrainians. its strange that people not understand the effect of be ruled by a entity which have extinct 200 peoples in north america. follow orders, and you get slaughtered as a sacrifice lamb.

Zionist Proxy Killers

a government that will do this to ukrainians will certainly do this to their own people when the time comes and it may be soon.


these ukranian men are poor, this is the reason why they select them. the rich ukranian men are run. men.


scenes like this proof that the end of ukropistan is near, if you dont want to fight by heart, its useless. from 1991 we helped to form the defense in croatia against the jna and serb rebells in krajina, the recruitment office daily sended hundrets of croat volunteers back home because they didnt got enough arms and ammo on time because of the un arms embrargo on whole yu. not s single croat was catched on the streets or pushed with force in the armed forces, thats why they finaly won.


už dávno sa mali aktívne brániť. už dávno mali chodiť ozbrojení!!! v prípade, že ich napadnú tak sa nebáť útočníka aj zabiť!!! veď ten bastard čo ich lapá, aby ich de facto poslal na istú smrť. tak, že to majú za jedno!!! aspoň by zobrali so sebou jednu fašistickú sviňu. mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!


from the above videos it even appears that old men in their 60s are being abducted on the streets of ukraine by kiev regime goons i’m wondering if the ukrainian police and military are paid a fee for each person they abduct and sent to their deaths on the front lines


no doubt about it, they are so treasonous they would sell their own mothers.


our friend zimmerman speaks of the “nazi enforcers” stringing up “recalcitrant citizens” in berlin at the end of ww2 and also “no doubt looting their homes,” so the jew has finally even managed to penetrate south front to spread its lies.


little does she care to mention the mouthpiece for the soviet state at the time, the jew ehrenberg, whose call to these subhuman beasts to rape any german woman they could find undoubtedly caused every man woman and child left alive to resist their violent and sadistic fates to the very end.

“the poison of asps is under their tongues.”

Boris Orlov

all these ukrainian assholes go to hell you pieces of shit!


as we can see, more and more dont want to fight for the ziotransatlantic marionettes in kiew. so not all ukros are banderas or nationalists, but poor souls.

Boris Orlov

of course they don’t want to fight. for what? i speak about these ukrainian nationalist assholes that destroy lives and families on purpose. if the situation worsens and such press gangs appear here too, i’ll shoot them right away. i won’t lie in a trench fight a senseless war for you and think of a foregone chance. no no, i’d shoot.

Boris Orlov

to correct myself and be more precise: the enemy is the khokhol, not the ukrainian.

V for victory

it seems absurd that this kidnapping are not provocking mass protests all along ukraine. it seems that ukros are basically just cows that sees others being sent to the slaughterhouse.


ukr has turned into a body snatcher hell hole, ukr people need to turn the tables on these demons.

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